On snap chat. Neither defendant addressed court instead, there are attorneys apologized for them. He did ask me to apologize on his behalf. And on behalf of apologize to his family. Apologize to the victim in this case. I like to start by addressing my deeply remorse and eye pol for my acts. I have seen felt the way this affected every one involved. Prosecutor though claim not sorry for what happened. Her aunts gist dont think she realizes how she got here either. Now the victim was in courtroom today she did not give victim nim ykt gave written statement to the judge coming up all new 5 00 we ler more her hunt she blames for her nieces troubles we live salem. Fox 25. Man facing long list of charges today after stands off outside of local gas station. Team took him into custody. Police say claimed he bobble and was threatening blow Cumberland Farm store and also threat eened kill police. He may have been suffering from Mental Health issue hearing the call for help that likely saved three people whose boat ran aground on north shore we were on scene rescue happened new berry port i obtained 9911 river. Early this morning around 7 00 off the coast of new berry port. Their boater run aground. Here on the radio call to coast guard you hear woman in background who sounds like she in pain. We are down to toothpick. Down poot particular coast guard responded quickly. Here you see boat being towed 33 footer from the mer mac river once to docks local rescuers pull three people out. Bob roy saw being towed not surprised to hear where it happened. Because i see people go on wrong side of the marker quite often. Boat sits here investigator figure out why this happened. But coast guard says, it is likely it simply hit sand bar we were not sure where they were going and they were outside of the channel. It was really nice out. It was low tide. Thats why he ran aground. Close call that could have been so much worse. On wha these three people, an enjoy able late summer day on water. And coast guft one person hurt their arm possibly broken another person cut their face. Both of of them ended up in hospital. Tens for wanted man in sue gas area he recall turned emteam. Police fudge five unit air wing and canine patrols were look for this man. Put in lockdown briefly. Police cleared that area without finding the man new at 4 00 sky street initial reports said the fire was centered in 50 foot high rock crushing machine. No word on any injuries there or how. That fire started. All right this is it weekend just about here. Or as i like to call it, friday. And at least part going to have some good weather. Fox 25 chief meterologist forecasting some rain. And he is here tell us what to expect. Well you know i am thinking rain not going to be here until second part of weekend repretty good shape to end our work week. Lot of sunshine gorgeous afternoon for sure. And by look to west as front back here that has some rain along even some down pours and thunderstorms and it is pushing our way. The question we are trying to resolve, is whether or not this front just come on through a front or as going pick up some of this fromme moisture. And then also tropical moisture gathered gulf of mexico. Can front come by and scoup some of up and push it towards us. And this there come tloinging information we are dealing what happened with storm came up this hermine kind of spun around where few days. And never real brought us much rain. So thats work okay. Then evening. Coming right now. Mean mile overnight tonight through day tomorrow. Yes there more clouds moving on in during the day going to dry day for us. Temperatured 40s some 6 00. And for your gulf game through eight will am 55 to 65. By 10 00 in morning. Just not expecting much of problem here your future tonight mostlicly skies cool conditions. Do. Back just a few minutes with that. Foot four announce tagged another great white shark on cost cape here take look at the white shark tagged shark in eastham it is 19th great white tagged this season. Also new 4 00 wild life teams rescued 16 dolphins strand in Herring River largest mass strand crews have seen. They are not yet sure what caused the dolphins to show up there but officials are investigating. Well change of heart for atrump who republican dan indicator the first time, that president abham bam was born in the united as we reports it is a dramatic reversal from what he said in the past. Barack obama has been president for nearly eight years. But friday his birth place once again dominating president ial campaign trail. This time, with one of countries most prominent socalled birthers, republican nominee donald trump, finally acknowledging that president obama was in fact born here. It is four car from conspiracy has been pedalling for years. Why dont he show his birth certificate . I thought i was probably born in town ceo now i really have much bigger doubt. He gave birth certificate. Whether or not that was ream certificate, because lot of people question it, i certainly question it. Earlier today Hillary Clinton blasted her opponents. His campaign was found on this outrageous lie. There is no erasing trump meanwhile trying to place the birther blame on her. Hillary clinton and her campaign of if 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it fact determined that is not true. Saying is that back then clinton may have stoked questions about obamas identity but never herself questioned his birth i was pretty confident of where i was born. I think most people with as well. In washington. And we from first president ial debate go for live coverage. Man charged tonight lewd conduct at t. Station track him down. Then arrest hi blame for fire in weymouth that destroyed part of house take look at the flames and the smoke thats pouring from two family home on east street. Three people were at that home when fire broke out around dinner homeowner tells us that she with a cooking dinner when tenant told her about the emergency. She came over running to me. Tenant she couldnt it was is man is now facing charges. Fox 25 ted ban yell only reporter in court as suspect faced a judge. Our first look 59 year old dennis pav o teas him cane hand lawyer at his side outside fall river justice says center. Fox 25 only station inside when he was called before a old phillip. More than dozen of imfresh shegs Family Friends in attendance. Most important thing are his four kids. You know is four of us, and we are february, police say he was driving 195 summer set transporting filing cabinets. From the das office to the attleboro courthouse. Coming out. Unsecured. And, tumbling like, like cpl nling christine says one drawers nearly hit her car. It fixed on licence plate. Because, it is felt and one phillip tried to swerve around the debris moment later his s. U. V. Rolled several time. And he was thrown onto the highway. According to the court paperwork he was aware that he had caused fatal collision. But failed to stop. And when questioned about the same thing. Reporting from fall i have are. Now facing number of charges including potter vehicle homicide by neglect operation. Leaving scene and misleading the police. He due back if court in november police tell us tonight the report of assault near campus of Bridgewater State university was hoax. Police were searching you are wearing ski mask put bag over head tried remove her clothes. Budget she was able runway. That Bridgewater State student has now recanned story police have called off their search. One person rushed to hospital after this crash in headway overnight. Car slammed into utility pole on milford street just after 1 00. Condition of that driver not known. The crew was called into repair the poll but no outages were reported four more court case have been throne out as result of that tampered Evidence Room department. The total ten cases have now been dismissed earlier week reported that 400,000 in cash drugs and guns were all missing from the Evidence Room. 200 letter were sent attorney to notify them of the investigation. Into that room. New 14z f. B. I. Being sued over agency refusal release information on the iphone hacking of the San Bernardino shooting. F. B. I. Paid third party to get into that phone after the deadly terror shootings last year. Now Associated Press other news organizati find out hot agency paid and how much it spent on that phone hacking. Complain was filed months after the f. B. I. Rejected public request. Trig mill be drones will eventually crowd nations skies after flood of new drone registrations. 550,000 drones reg stefred with faa in last nine months alone. Right new registration coming at rate of 2,000 day they say. In comparison there are only 260,000 manned airplane two nor victims of the last months he recall quite in central i willy the have died. Those deaths now raise the total number of People Killed in massive kwablg to 297. Latest victim from some seriously hurt by that quake. On august 24th. The magnitude six quake flat tend several towns north of rome. New your local forecast from your chief meterologist and fox 25 storm track weather team. All right. We looking lot of thing going on in our atmosphere. That akoo red sock game. Temperature about 646 first pitch going to be coolish bring sweat shirt jacket you will going to comfortable. Certainly low humidity with 60 degrees temperature and no hints of any rain showers around the park at least right now. So, satellite clear skies mostly clear skies over us. And then this front we are talking about to west. One i lewding that may try scoop up some tropical moip sure after you have julia check. Larl if day shot much rain giving here by 2 00 lets look a little more widespread and winds coming from south bringing that more humid air mass from south this is front pushing towards us with heavy showers even early morning. And then trying to get them in here during afternoon. So question that remains and closely. Is this tropical moisture coming right in line with this front getting scoop asked up and pushed towards us. Thats something we will have to watch closely. We are dealing tropical system this thing fizzle out in and not have much left to it. By sunday. Or it can maintain itself and allow to enter act with this front thats interaction would bring heavier rain into southern new england en thats what are hoping for because it could use some rain even though it would mess up your sunday afternoon no doubt. We know there going some showers along the front the question we will remain wheth sure makes it more than just few smoirs. Thats are dealing this weekend on sunday that linger into first part of monday. And i will tell you if get showers come sunday among we need that rain you know that. After that, not really shot for rain the refresh weekend tuesday through friday virtually 0 percent chance of any showers. As new information come in evening we will put together a little bit more keep you updated on about that rain coming this weekend. Thank you. Is kicking off weekend activities aimed getting kids from all of abilities involved. First autism weekend started today. It runs through sunday. In south carver this will have for children Different Levels on autism peck strum runs from 10 00 am to 5 00 pm each day i went there is other day. It is great place. Great spot. Yes. Shocking attack on Police New York next learning about the criminal history the suspect who cops. Now here our report on what are working on for fox 25 news as we have been following scandal brain Tree Police Department coming up all new at 5 00 we talk with former state police mayor who perform the audit of their Evidence Room he talks about his frustration about cases being tossed out because of what he uncovered. And travelling with incense extreme challenge. Office with meet cleaver this mug shot 32 year old was released today. He has been arrested 15 times on everything from larceny criminal possession stolen property. We have report on the take. Three cops hurt including one seriously injured with a slash to his face. After man goes on attack with meet cleaver. Police taser the suspect to no affect. Cell phone video from seen shows Police Chasing him you can hear 18 gun shots fired in pursuit. Officer fired sufficient rounds to stop the attack. On the officers. I will commend them brar reand performance confronted old suspect named who was arate finding car locked with a parking boot. When police confronted him the man pulled 11 inch meet cleaver from his vehicle, and started waving wildly. [inaudible]. Not connected to terrorism. Suspect in Critical Condition to nyp did one officer in serious condition. With a slash to his face. New york, Bryan Yannis Fox news atlanta judge holding bob dechristine in for herea brown everybody day daughter it and bob bow brown, died last january. Judge rules her partner nick first five days after week of moon always harvest. Dont you think. Exactly. Here we are on this gorgeous sunny friday we cant get through today there is a chance of rain on way but everybody we need it. We certainly do. Our chief meterologist join us with whats on tap we can plan our weekend. Can get away weekend without problem and those colleagues probably disagree me. 74 metro. So it is a pleasant evening one more time low humidity going fenway or in around the boston area got representation on what you will dealing with. Tonight at fenway 56. Dropping down about 6206. It will cool night in around the city after i aboves. Already is kind of. Lot of sunshine out there today no doubt about but look to our west there front even some has heavy rain question remains it going through showers for us. We take get but that wont do much for us or, can we get some of this Tropical Storm julia throw some moisture in some tropical rain to get pushed up front and towards us. That would be best Case Scenario for is. Thre is tonight. Clear skies. Here comes tomorrow morning some clouds start drift on in here lunch time tomorrow. And into afternoon tuesday too we are keeping dry. Tomorrow as well. However, those rain threat lurking this weekend. Looks to be more of sunday to monday threat. Where we working on undoubted time line can expect that. Can plan your weekend back few minutes with that. Kevin thank you. We want show you some pictures of a fire i understand this is in franklin along beaver street. Happening on right on beaver street sky fox getting there we are being told by our producer some kind of brush fire you can see smoke from this in what independent state is that right ne but impact traffic but you can see firefighter on the scene right now. This is the Franklin Recycling Center but lot of smoke from this brush fire we now being told this right near 495 so may impact people driving by. Continue stay on top of this as this vest and up date also on our web site there is unto record many veteran war stories as possible. Program that just lunch offed which is hers are was judge man when joined navy saw combat in world war ii. National Transportation Safety board ship columbia any which came runless attack by japanese. Still, he says he grateful for the experience and for the navy. It gave me the opportunity go and to help other people. To survive. For hurricane yoim awarded combat action ribbon scan navy unit accomodations i are boib the reish sued ceremony that also awarded the citation from house representatives. With his wife by his size congressman Joseph Kennedy praised both of them for their service. He with a us because of men and women like him that we enjoy treat comes that we take for and we make our country, and our communities, what they are. This decision part of program ken key efforting neither massachutes to record as many veterans stories as possible. To try teach future generations, about war what soldiers and sailors and men and women in uniform go through and what their families go law. Other states are doing same. In is vine kennedy mar us convey how privleged feels to h served his country. In the navy. Asking public reach out to his office if at the like non night someone. Those stories will compiled and kept at the Library Congress man pleaded guilty he recording unindependent a beginnings as change in target dressing room. Summer. Boy has some features getting mixed reviews. Like ehim nation of head phone jack. And whole wait all any outside an apple tore store new iphone deal might are lost is luster just ask the people who waited all any in back bay as temperatures dipped into 40s. I am not really i mean, just new u offender like what can be. Ask this man, was in the even buying one for himself. For a friend. You are good print. Yes. And we might no have held phone jack but i am pretty confident that i wont die in fire. Nobody died but there is the rub apple big day comes as one of its biggest come petores samsung deals with an explose flooding phone. Gag enote seven with large em tech recallses ever. 1 million uin u the consumer are duct Safety Commission says same suhning received 92 reports in the u. S. Of the battery overheating. Including 26 reports bufrns. 50 reports of the property damage. Any one who owns samsung gag enote seven can replacements free of charge if you are look for iphone seven you may have to wait some of those models are already sold out. Reporting in back bay. Fox 25 news. Thats look how hong kong. So excited there. Not so much in u. S. China customer lined outside apple stores and hong kong also beijing but according to some retail experts eye offender seven wont sell as well as iphone six die hard fines still pumped. For latest model will be worth the wait. I guess we will all see you will wait. We wait very long time. And well for first time, since vietnam war bringing back its rotc program. Brown other iive view officer training on campus to protest the war. Air force and snaif rer to c will attend program as worcester schools. Brown has allowed army trainee to go near by program there in rhode island. Family mothing me location next week in advance volunteers helped move thousands of pounds of food from the old location. The food pantry served residents along sea coast more this 200 handle all of Food Supplies center gets. It expected to get nearly 1 million worth of them year. Alone. Now, with help local volunteers the food will be ready served come just next week. Think it is important to help community and it is good force you will volunteer our team and help everybody else out. Food square foot opens next wednesday west road. After nearly sdren cent law newspaper is ending the citizen will stop push black on september 30th. Paper covering lake region for near 90 years. Owner just werent able to find new buyer. New at 4 00 iconic Old Man Mountain landmark in New Hampshire nearly finished series of granite ledges resembled face on side of mountain but crumble bed ground in 2003. Memorial should open in 2018. It will include piece of that being there and then not being there. It make even easier selling only fan buys. Just one way cop specifics understand. On tuesday started allowingin offender buy tickets without leaving text conversation. And any one using new ios ten can tap on app inside message and then created design for snap chat for users to buy particular threats as well. You now feel about snap chat you love it just a bit. Still ahead health scare prince someone suffers medical emergency. And he had ware snowden known leaking sensitive government documents next at four why after 13 killed by police during armed robbery. He king wents day after police were called out to that robbery. According to officer 911 called king can others robbed caller of ten at gun points. Investiga out gun fire justified both who knew teen details til have not sunken in. I wish it was never that situation. But i wish it would have been different result. Health for teen where his tell low Football Players family hope grow asking president obama for pardon of Edward Snowden but white house isser and wont budge on this. Contractor says this week from home plans vote in 2016 president ial election. He also said this week stands by his decision to uncover the nsa malls Surveillance Program when the pub wlik last its feet taken way it at the table of government, we all bear an individual responsibility to look at that. He still espionage charges and Obama Administration maintenance not whistle blower m. Agree. White house. Head nypd and former Boston Police commissioner w 68 to take opprivate security executive. Was earlier championer is deter by crabbing down on minor offenses. Dorchester chative led apolice in 9230s about moving on new york and los angeles. And cup person was still there for any wedding. Coming decided move their wedding vent to o hospital room. Keeping an eye on rain threat some showers to our west. We need it. Time line on when we could get it. Break am attacks woman on her morning run. All you have sudden he turned around. And made a direct run towards of our way come up the front. Often im nts towards east coast. But there some question whether or not julia cooperate with hour boy hour boston dropping down upper mid 50s by time get morning will towns suburb again that will 40s in copy towns actually dropping into some tomorrow. At least start it. So future cast shows where clear tonight. Some clouds start drift in during the day tomorrow. Expect some clouds around during lunch time and then afternoon we will keep threat of showers out of your saturday. As far as High Temperature tomorrow just bit warmer than today going boston quincy. 76 and 77 degrees. 78 badge here newton n northward mer mac valley getting closer 80 degrees. But it will close. Some towns. Generally, out there. So by sunday here comes the showers we will moving into area some showers however. Future cast showing just not much happening through middle of day we have wait until night best chance for some rain come on in. And then there as far interaction with that storm off the coast. That tropical system. Bring some extra rain fall our way we certainly could use it because beyond monday rest of the of the week rest of seven day forecast looking dry and mild. Casinos pushed again today open third kay ka. Tribe run fog woods and sun he reopening request for proposal for the third casino. New casino push meant come bath new mgm prink field resort thats currently unconstruction. The tribes said they will also seek input there public in figure out final video. Attention twitter letting fall fulfill. The answer yes but people in New Hampshire where i am go to about has been hour i hope they are going to understands. Okay. Okay he was good sport about it. Watch his face. Here would go here moment. Smiles through whole ordeal. I mean he really went for it i love it i love it claw what good sport did appear saw appears back. Lot of hair there. Let going on. And more than million cars recalled most of them were sold in the usa. Up neglects air bag issue from one mayor car cap. Now here mark with ma are working on for fox 25 news at 5 00. We digging scandal. Coming of new we talked to former state police major who conducted audit. His frustration with this case. And Breast Feeding mom could flying friendly skies. Proposed exception that could reports that question may be selling her company. Wurnl reports unilever talks to air paings bags deploy and it seems like there is a recall in every car. We found recalls hit an all time high in 2015 automakers recalled nearly 50 million vehicles. In 2013 manufacturers recalled 22 million vehicles in just over the airbag defect. Spokes man says automakers are being extra cautious. People are walking away from crashes that would have killed them years ago. There have been a lot of issues. I havent gotten i wouldnt be surprised. In washington fox 25 news anchor right now a woman walking her dog attacked and who ever did this is still out there. Now at 5 00 a man and woman are going to prison for a disturbing anchor the two people convicted in the snapchat rape case have been convicted. Fox 25 is live outside the Supreme Court in salem where we did hear apologies today but not from the defendant. Reporter the judge sentenced prison. Both sat with no expression. Following the sentencing, the father had little to say. Minutes earlier the judge sentenced his 21 year old son. I believe a state prison sentence is appropriate in this case. Sharing it on snapchat. That you be punished by confinement for a term no more than five years. The judge read a victim impact statement in her chambers. He did ask me to apologize on his be half and to his family

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