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It takes a minute but he finally gets out of there as well to kind of squeeze through that window. Again, a special needs student there. And abc action News Reporter ryan raiche joins us with live on what tipped off police to this whole case here, ryan. Reporter i just left a press conference with sheriff judd a few moments ago. This leaves even the sheriff dumbfounded. How do you leave a child on a bus, not once but twice. Its the end of the morning shift for bus attendant simmons and her driver gayle brown. They grab their belongings are and out the door. No one bothers to take a close look at the seats. I have a question for them. What were you thinking . Reporter 15 minutes goes by and look who wakes up from a nap on this empty locked bus, a 13yearold boy with special needs. Watch as he takes matters into his own hands, opening the investigators say he then hitch hikes 30 miles home to davenport. They never did it. Okay. Now my kid will never, ever ride a bus. Never. Reporter as infuriating as this video is, here is the kicker. The same thing happened to this boy just 7 days later. Twice in one week. The same kid. And hes darn tired of having to hitch hike home. Reporter the first time around, the boy only told the bus attendant the next day but she blew him off. The next time the School Called home because he never showed up and thats when deputies got involved. The bus driver and attendant face charges of child neglect. Even more shocking in this case, investigators say this bus is equipped with an alarm that goes off when the driver turns off the ignition, requiring someone to walk to the back to silence it. Judd says they had a kid deactivate it before the final stop. The brains of the driver and the attendant. Reporter at the bus attendants home, her son came to her defense. An honest mistake. Thats all i can say. Reporter the school where the child attends is called r Childrens Academy of lake wales. Its a Charter School but the School District provides transportation for them. Live in lake wales tonight, ryan raiche, abc action news. A focus on florida. The republicans debate in miami. And today Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders bringing their message to tampa bay. Adam weiner joins us live from the florida fairgrounds where Bernie Sanders will be speaking later. Reporter thats right. And Hillary Clinton spoke before a packed house in ebor city today but the fairgrounds is packed as well. Thousands of people are in line Bernie Sanders later this evening. This is an important state that even though both crowds are showing a lot of enthusiasm, both candidates are going after undecided democrats. Hillary. Reporter many people in familiar pa. Hillary. Hillary. Reporter are very ready for hillary. Hillary is the most capable candidate out there right now. Reporter about 1300 people packed the ritz today. I am undecided right now. I love sanders and i also love hillary. Im hoping that seeing both of them today will help me make a decision. Reporter the issue foremost on her mind is education. Im a retired teacher. And i think its really sad that we have students who are not being able to attend college. If they do, theyre getting in debt. Reporter also deciding is home care worker patricia walker. Take care of the elderly in the home. We feed them and do their baths. Says her shirt explains her number one issue. Raise the minimum wages. She can have my vote. Reporter clinton says investing in infrastructure and expanding port tampa bay will help the local economy and boost wages. As bigger and bigger ships go through, were going to have to make sure that this port is ready to receive them. Infrastructure. Reporter now, clinton also talked about several other issues, including how important Climate Change and getting florida. Now, we also have a reporter sanders rally. That is scheduled he is scheduled to begin speaking at 7 00 this evening. Youre going to see a live report from inside the rally coming up at 6 00 p. M. As well. Going on through the weekend here in Hillsborough County. Florida primary day is tuesday. Adam weiner, abc action news. Thank you, adam. Tonight its the republicans turn to debate in miami. Right now rival donald trump is beating rubio in the polls. Carson chambers is live outside of the university of miami tonight with a new endorsement for another candidate. Tell us about it, carson. Reporter hey there. Yeah. Ted cruz getting his first endorsement from a u. S. Senator today. Mike lee of utah showing his support here on the university of miami campus in person today. That is a big blow to marco rubio who is actually friends with him, who is also struggling to gain ground before floridas tuesday prime re primary. We know that jeb bush is meeting with rubio, cruz and kasich while they are in town. He is not expected to meet with donald trump. Tonight is a final push to reach florida voters ahead of tuesday. Its an opportunity for them to talk about the economy. How are we going to get jobs growing again . We know the Labor Participation rate in this country has been lower since the 1970s. That needs to change. Economic growth is important. Reporter other big issues tonight on stage will be national security. We also know education, trade with latin america. We will see how it plays out in just a few hours. Were live in miami. Im carson chambers, abc action news. Carson, thank you. Were holding the candidates responsible for what tonight. Tune in for the Fact Checking tonight on the news at 11 00. Now the most accurate action weather. Talk about another warm day. Take a look at the temperatures across Hillsborough County right now. We are still in the upper 70s. Brandon right now at 84 degrees. Tampa at 79. 84 in ludz. Apollo beach at 79. In polk county, we are also looking at temperatures still on the warm side. Low 80s across lakeland and winter haven and polk city. Pinellas county, the temperatures are a little more mild but still really warm for this time of year. Clearwater holding at 75 degrees. And east lake is still in the low to mid 80s. So we have certainly experienced plenty of warmth again today with the southeasterly flow that was gusting to the 25 Miles Per Hour range again today. Wind speeds, sustained winds are between 10 to 15 Miles Per Hour. Still a bit breezy this evening. But we are going to see that changing overnight and into tomorrow. Were going to see a lot less wind. That doesnt keep our temperatures down though. I will show you more on that in a little bit. At least for tonight, though, out there and temperatures will continue falling through the 70s. Around midnight, about being down to 70 degrees. And the overnight lows will be in the mid 60s for the most part. More on that coming up. Thank you, shay. A man accused of having at least 100 pornographic images of children on his computer is being held on more than 700,000 bond. Mowgli was arrested and charged with 104 counts of child pornography. The judge says this is the most serious case he has ever seen. The case between hulk hogan and gawker continues today. Mike foley was on the stand today. The Defense Attorneys cross examining foley about how the reporting industry has changed over the years. Hogan is suing gawker after publishing a sex tape that was sponges now exwife. You can see the reptile not too happy about having to leave the road there. An air boat captain spotted the gator. The gator is about 10 feet long and eventually was moved back into the saw grass. Money tonight. Coming up, the Company Giving employee, including more than area. Plus this theyre getting. How playing jazz music is changing teenagers lives and the one thing that you can do to help them win a music competition next week. And drivers wanted. Ahead tonight at 5 30, one very indemand job in the bay area and the three things that you need to apply. Download the new abc action and tablet. Just search abc action news in one school in south st. Pete has a thriving jazz band. They havent raised the money this trip is a whole lot more than just another trophy. [music] theres a term in jazz we say are they swinging. And basically swings means that theyre playing the music the way it was written. Reporter the way this group plays, you would never know theyre still students. The jazz band in south st. Pete has gotten superior marks from the School District. Two members are up for valedictorian for the year. And now these allstars plan to compete in new orleans next week. But theyre just 5,000 shy of the funding goal. To experience jazz where it came from, because new orleans is the birth place of jazz, i cant wait to experience that. Reporter he has gotten into it teaches you to be diligent. It teaches to you work on yourself. Reporter in this room, the entire band learns perceiverrence perseverance. There is nothing that you cant do. Reporter just what the teens need to remember as they turn to the community for extra help and the band director that believes in each and every one of them. The band plays for st. Pete city council today and is set to leave for new orleans next week. Im ashley yore, abc action news. Good news for 23,000 wal mart workers in the bay area. They will see a boost in their paycheck. A million employees will see a bump in their pay today. All associated hired before january will earn at least 10. Investment to raise wages and increase employee training. Right now salmonella recall. 11 people reported getting sick after eating the nuts. Cases have occurred in nine different states. Florida is not one of them. And a bit of sunshine in the forecast today for floridas citrus crop. Agriculture officials expect Orange Growers to sell 3 more product this month than last. Theyre expecting growers to sell about 71 million boxes of oranges and more than 10 and a half million boxes of grapefruit. By the way, this is the first time in a while that the states citrus forecast is up. The industry has been decimated in the past decade by the citrus screening disease. There are 58 cases of the zika virus in florida. Officials confirmed six new they include three in miami dade, two in oceolla county. A vaccine could be in safety trials by the fall. Now the most Accurate Weather Team in florida, abc action weather. I hope those temperatures go up a little bit today and the humidity. But the breeze was there to help us out. I felt the warm breeze pushed me over the edge. I would have preferred not to have it. I still thought it was nice out. Its gorgeous. We cant complain. We cant complain. It could be worse. Lets take a look at what is going on outside. We have the apollo beach camera. Gorgeous sky as the sun is setting tonight. A Beautiful Day to be out on the waters as well. Gorgeous here at 5 17. Not bad with temperatures still in the upper 70s to low 80s. Im probably one of the few people that dont like that wind. Per hour today, that has been pumping in more of the heat and moisture from the south to southeast. You can see we have wind speeds between 10 to 15 Miles Per Hour. Lots of sunshine as we get closer to sunset and plenty of warmth. Titan Doppler Radar not picking up a thing. We will remain that way from top to bottom tonight. This is a threehour loop. Absolutely nothing going on across the area. We dont have any rain even near us. But as we look at our next chance for rain, its going to come from this slowmoving system. Its still parked in about the same place it was yesterday at this time. Now, we do have breaks in the rain in parts of louisiana. Good news for them. But, again, the flooding concerns continue because this will move so slowly as it tracks off to the east. And this stationary front, keeping the rain going all the way into portions of the great lakes and even into the northeast now, into pennsylvania. So, again, extending from texas on up into the northeast. The state. Since it will take until sunday to happen, were going to continue on the warm, dry and humid side. That southeasterly flow continues to kick in. Although the wind speeds wont be as high tomorrow, they will be more around 5 to 15 Miles Per Hour, we will get light breezes out of it but the the moisture. Were talking about the dew point again because it will be a factor in our comfort. When it gets up to the 60s, thats where it gets sticky and uncomfortable. 70 is when it gets oppressive. We are in the upper 50s to even mid 60s. The dew point in tampa is at 64. This will continue through sunday. We dont get a push of cooler, drier air behind the front this time. The sticky side for a while. Overnight tonight, it will be 58. Actually we will be seeing temperatures this one didnt update for some reason. Temperatures in the mid to upper 60s in tampa. Were talking 67 as the overnight low. Tomorrow afternoon, were looking at highs in the mid 80s again. About 10 degrees above average. Plenty of sunshine. Warm and dry. On average we should top out at 76 degrees. Over the next 7 days, check this out. We stay in the mid80s today and tomorrow. On sunday, were looking at about a 50 chance for some showers. 80 degrees is the high. So the temperature is still above average, even with that chance for rain moving in. And then into next week, the rain chances gradually taper off. None of these days will be a washout. But i will show you where we are going to see our best chances for rain on sunday coming up in my next forecast. A break through in the fight against isis. The leaked isis application. Interesting questions that recruits are asked before they are asked to join the jihad. This brawl breaks out on an airplane. The obnoxious behavior that sparked the fight between five tens of thousands of documents that appear to be application forms for isis fighters leaked by someone claiming to be an isis defector. It has contacts of 22,000 isis fighters from 51 different countries. It reveals the names of several previously known jihad fighters from the u. S. , u. K. , and the middle east. The application includes 23 questions including are you willing to be a suicide a fighter. It asks their level of experience. Dramatic video as five women get into a knockout, dragout fight on an airplane. Another passenger was rolling to instagram. Excuse me. Tonight, police say that fight started because two of the women were playing it says boom box. I cant believe someone carries one of those still. They were playing too loud eand refused to turn that music down. Unbelievable there. Next at 5 30, deputies in the bay area bust a dozen drug operations posing as normal homes. Clues that could point to a marijuana grow house in your neighborhood. I will explain the districts that are looking for people to fill indemand positions and the job training live from the station taking action for you. This is abc action news now at 5 30, police in st. Petersburg are searching for the person or people who shot a 3yearold and a 23yearold in a driveby this afternoon. Witnesses say a white car drove by and fired several shots at the home. Both victims are expected to survive. Also tonight, a polk county bus driver and bus attendant are charged with child neglect all over this disturbing video. Take a look there. Here you see a 13yearold with special needs crawling through a window after being left on the bus. The two left the sleeping 13 and the countdown to the florida primary is on. Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders both in the bay area. Clinton promised to defend planned parenthood while she was in tampa and also talked about jobs. In less than two hours, sanders will address a crowd at the fairgrounds. Air action 1 captured the long lines in the parking lot. Deputies say they took down ten marijuana grow houses. Good evening. Im jamison uhler. And im laura harris. Jake peterson is live at one of the grow houses right now. How are the dealers blending in . Reporter investigators say the dealers set up shop in normal neighborhoods like this one in citrus park. If you look closely, you may see signs of a grow house operation like the installation of this privacy fence, security

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