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And now working as a coach at santa clara university, chastain decide to donate her brain to science. In her decades long professional career, chastain was known for heading the ball on key plays. She believed she suffered at least two concussions but has no lasting symptoms. Examining former athletes brains could help diagnose and treat cte. There is not enough information out there. That we can look to to say if heading causes damage. She hopes it leads to stricter guidelines for kids including raising the age kids can head the ball from 11 to 14. Concussions affect women all. Think everybody is talking concussions. And yet we were only talking, kind of in the male specific category. Sports Concussion Institute says soccer is the number one cause of conditions concussions among women who play sports. Of 307 brains, Boston University researchers have examined only seven were from women. We dont understand the long term effects of repetitive brain trauma. After reaching the pinnacle of the soccer world, her goals are now focused on the medical field. I feel like my contribution to soccer could be much more and then much longer lasting and this is one way for me to do that. Been tracy, santa clara. The best Long Distance runners in the world will be lacing up their sneakers for next months boston marathon. This years race will include one new runner who was nearly killed in the terror attack. Three years ago. Norah odonnell has her story. Reporter the milestones you yeah. What has that meant . Adrian davis is making good on a promise. It wasnt very fast for so long. Reporter to complete the boston marathon. I can run. Im so fast. Reporter you are going to run the boston marathon. Are you a runner . I am now. Running for me was like torture. I would run a block, be winded. Feel like i was going to die. Reporter now you are missing part of your leg and running a marathon. Think about that. Yeah, yeah, bizarre. Reporter we are here on the street. We are. We are. Reporter where the finish line is. Bird are chirping. Beautiful day. Very similar to the day. Reporter she stood ton this very street nearly three years ago watching runners as they crossed the finish line. Adrian would not be able to walk reporter can i ask you about the day, april 15. Where were you when the blast occurred . I had taken a right on to boylston street. Finish line behind me. I heard a loud blast behind me. And i buried my head and put my fingers in my ears. And knew, and i still to this day dont know how i knew. But i knew it was a terrorist attack. Knew another one was going to hit. And the next thing i knew i the was on the ground. And i thought well, i dont have any experience in this, but there is no way you can live through Something Like this. Reporter after her lower leg was amputated adrian began a long, difficult recovery. I feel like i could stay as positive as possible. But it doesnt mean that that the outside world isnt going to hurt me. Reporter painful as the it is it scary looking . Not at all. I was thankful it was as raw as it was. That i captured those raw moments. Ow. I wanted to be as emotionally honest as possible. Here is your foot. What was it look to stand on your own for the first time . Gosh. That moment was amazing. So stand up for me. I remember standing up. And then, just, as, as any one, you adjust your shirt at the bottom i had both hand free. You can see the emotion build up. I put my hands in front of my face and lost it. Reporter adrians difficult days, mixed with milestones. Ring my bell reporter the professional dancer made her way back on stage. I want my life to be defined by how i live it. I am not just an amputee. I am not just a marathon survivor. and i think it is important to always remember how far you have come as well. Crazy to say. You get in these mind sets. It is important to see, you know . To see how far you have come. Yep, geicos mobile app works like a charm. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. Jill and kate use the same dishwasher. But only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. Kate adds finish jetdry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all thats left is the shine. For better results, use finish jetdry. R is that ice cream . T no, its, uh, breyers gelato indulgences. P you really wouldnt like it. Its got caramel and crunchy stuff. I like caramel and crunchy stuff. Breyers gelato indulgences. P janet . Cough if you can hear me. Dont even think about it. I took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. Yeah. But what about mike . It works on his cough too. Cough it works on his cough too. Mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. Lets end this. sounds of birds whistling music introducing new ky touch gel cr me. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Auto Safety Experts are demanding federal action against a serious safety defect. Newly obtained crash test video shows when some cars are hit from behind their seat backs collapse. That could be deadly for people sitting in the rear seat, especially, children. Kris van cleave reports. Move comes days after a texas jury awarded more than 120 million verdict against one automaker for a problem car come pans admit would cost a couple of dollars to fix. Price. Some of the images you are about to see may be disturbing. It happens in an instant. 11yearold, Jesse Riviera junior is living with consequences. In 2012 sitting behind his father in the audi sedan. It was rearended. You are constantly told put the children in the back seat. Youve dont know danger is there. Jesse seniors seat broke, launching him head first into his son. Both were taken to the hospital. His wife kathy broke the news. She said it is bad. He has a real bad head injury. And we, and we he may not make it through the night. And so so i started praying again i said, god, please dont take my boy. Jesse was left with permanent after watching crash test videos like this, the jury ruled young jesses injuries resulted from audis gross negligence. In a deposition for the case, a company engineer said the car was designed so someone in the back seat would support the front seat with his neetz. Here its the audi attorney talking to the emt who responded to the accident scene. So, youre saying that the seat is supposed to do that . Absolutely. Proudly so. It is absorbing energy. Reporter audi seats met or exseeded the federal standard for strength. So low the banquet chair could pass. That passes. Every american, japanese, automaker has seen similar cases. Internal documents show car makers and National Traffic safety administration, have known about the potential for seat back collapse for decade. Shame on them. My boy wouldnt be hurt if they did their job. Ntsa looked into the issue but it is challenge to upgrade because the accidents are so rare. Has so far identified more than 1200 people nationally who were severely injured or killed in apparent seat back failures since 1989. Most were children. 17 have died tin the past 15 years alone. Like 7yearold crystal butler. My child got turned into a human safety device. An airbag. She saved my life. It wasnt supposed to be that way. Reporter improving the seats wouldnt be expensive. Near said strengthening them would cost 1 or so. This morning the center for auto safety is filing petition with ntsa, urging the industry to to warn parents and create a new seat back standard. There is no excuse for ntsas inaction on a serious safety defect. Im kris van cleave from cbs news. We tried to get ntsa director to speak to us. He said the agencys seat back standard is decade old but working to improve our ability committed to saving lives through every tool available. Efforts that come too late for the riviera family. Your children ash at risk. If you dont write your legislator and tell him to do something about this thing, nothing is going to be done. More children are going to get hurt. It could be your child. The jury found jesses father partially responsible because the he wasnt wearing a seatbelt his son wasnt in a booster seat. With the verdict and will and the cbs overnight news will be right back. Ng pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. 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Paul mccartney said George Martin was like a second father intelligent and musical person i ever had the pleasure to know. An ringo star tweeted. Thank you for all of your love and kindness, george. Peace and love. Charlie rose reports. Reporter when a little known band named the beatles was struggling to sell british rock n roll. Love, love me do you know i love you reporter it was George Martin, a jazz and comedy producer who signed the group their first recording contract in 1962. Baby reporter and helped launch a revolution. Were able to perform. I said lets record every song youve got. Come done to the studios. We just whistle through them in a day. Eleanor rigby picks up the rice in a church where a wedding has been martin was behind 30 of the yesterday all my troubles that school was for String Quartet. Well when we did it, paul, scribbled on it, by paul mccartney, john lennon, and mozart. Reporter from the beatles to james bond. Goldfinger your candle burned out elton johns 1997 rework of candle in the wind honoring princess diana. He had the beatles on his resume pretty much could have hung up his hat after that. He continued to work with everyone from kate bush, dire straits, meat loaf, celine dion. George martin produced more than 700 record. But his work with the beatles that propelled him here, there, deep trouble in the south. Floodwaters swallowing everything in their path. It is a disaster. I feel sorry for these people. Also tonight. There is only one person that donald trump. Two, actually. Bernie sanders pulled off a decorated veteran accused of attempting to murder a pastor has been arrested at the white house. And, the man behind the mania. Remembering the fifth beatle. Those guys, i fell in love with them, really. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders squared off last night in miami on the heels of sanders upset victory in michigan. Clinton still has more than twice as many delegates and more than half of what she needs. Here its some of what the candidates had to say. Senator sanders supported indefinite detention for people facing deportation and stood with the minutemen vigilantes in their ridiculous, absurd efforts so, look i think the goal here is to elect a democratic senate, elect a democratic president , and get to work immediately to get comprehensive immigration reform. Senator. Did you support the minutemen . Of course not. There was a piece of legislation supported by dozens and dozens of members of the house which codified existing legislation. What the secretary is doing tonight, and has done very often, is take large pieces of legislation and take pieces out of it. No, i did not owe pose ose the bailout or support of the automobile industry. No i do not support vigilantes. That is an horrific, unfair statement to make. I will stand my career, political career, fighting for workers, fighting for the poorest people, in this country. Record against yours any day of the week. Lets do that. Lets talk about that. Lets talk about that. Lets talk about the auto bailout. I think it imz important s important for people to understand what happened. In december of 2008, we were both in the senate, there was a vote on a freestanding bill to rescue the Auto Industry. We both voted for it. It was the right vote. Unfortunately, it did not succeed. The republicans marshalled the votes against it. A month later in january, a new piece of legislation was offered that contained the money that would be used for the auto rescue. Then president elect obama before he had been sworn in, sent word to all of us that he really hoped he would support it. He was still in the senate. I was still in the senate. It was a hard vote. I will tell you. It was a hard vote. A lot of the votes you make are hard votes. But the fact is, the money that rescued the Auto Industry was in that bill. Now, senator sanders voted against it. That is his perfect right to vote against it. But if everyone had voted as he voted, we would not have rescued the automobile industry. [ applause ] let me let, so that Everybody Knows the bill that secretary clinton is talking about. That is, that was the bailout of the recklessness, irresponsibility, and illegal behavior of wall street. It was the wall street bailout. Donald trump is looking like the inevitable republican nominee after winning three of four states last night. Polls show him leading marco in rubios home state of florida. And trump is in a tight battle with john kasich in ohio where kasich is the governor. Heres major garrett. There tis one person did well tonight, donald trump. Flushed with landslide victories in mississippi and michigan. Donald trump urged his republican detractors to get on board. I think it is time to unify. We have Something Special going on, the Republican Party. Trump spoke flanked by trump brand merchandise, answer to critics claims that some businesses flopped. We have trump steaks, the wine. Trump magazine its out. Trump predicted massive delegate haul when ohio and florida hold primaries. Think we are going to do very well in florida. And very well in ohio. In ohio . I think so. There are other people in our party who actually kind of horrified by donald trump. Im one of them. Carly fiorina, once a candidate endorsed ted cruz in miami today. I dont have any wine. Reporter cruz said florida senator marco rubio shut out of delegates tuesday and struggling in his home state should pray over his political future. Your presence here divide the antitrump vote. Why is giving trump a victory here, 99 delegates good for you the Republican Party for you in general. Major, lets be clear. Our object it not to give trump a victory anywhere. We are competing nationallien all 50 states. Reporter rubio is angling for endorsement of jeb bush who met with one time prodigy. Scott, bush will meet with cruz and john kasich tomorrow. Last night rubio finished either third or fourth in all contests. Hard to see the path to the white house from here. Major garrett. Thank you. Fugitive wanted for shooting a pastor in idaho was arrested yesterday outside of the white house. And jeff pegues is on the case. Reporter kyle odom made his first appearance held without the 30yearold decorated form marry reason arrested by secret service last night after tossing a flash drive and several documents over a white house fence. President obama was in the residence at the time. Odom traveled to washington from idaho after allegedly attacking a prominent pastor sunday. Investigators say odom shot pastor Tim Remington six times outside his church. Remington who just a day earlier had given in vocation at a rally for president ial candidate ted cruz is expected to survive. Police say odom has a history of mental illness. Before his arrest he sent a manifesto to local media in which he wrote that he grew up in a loving family and is 100 sane. But he also said he attempted suicide twice and his life was ruined by intelligent species of amphibian humanoid from mars included a section addressed to the president and, members of labeled noteworthy martians. The manifesto mentions encounters with remmington led idaho police to believe he might be head to d. C. Despite awarrant for his arrest on attempted murder charges, odom kidded armed, dangerous, flew from boysy to washington monday. Tsa was not alerted to the warrant until after odom took his flight. Tsa routinely screens passengers against the no fly list for suspected terrorists. Scott, had odom been pulled over in a car for example, police would have likely seen the arrest warrant immediately. The cbs overnight the governor declared an emergency. And the Louisiana National guard is on the move. More than 14 inches of rain and counting has fallen nearby shreveport. Water is rising to the rooftops. In oklahoma and texas, two people have drowned. Tonight, warnings and watches stretch from the gulf to illinois. And David Begnaud is in haughton, louisiana. Reporter one of the heaviest hit areas, heavy rains, flooded homes. Over 100 have water to the roofline. Cars are submerged leading to water rescues. A disaster. We first spotted carol chavis two grandchildren. Are you all okay . As they waited the water rose. Before sheriffs deputies could rescue them their neighbor, todd eaton did do you regret not leaving earlier when it first started coming up the water . Flood. Reporter Young Jackson is her grandson. Then it came under the door. Reporter were you scared . Uhhuh. Reporter sheriffs deputies went door to door helping people yall need a ride out . Reporter harvey kempers friend waited in the home to save family heirlooms. How fast did the water come up . Quick. I tell you. Less than an hour it was right here. Right up to here. Reporter Paul Pickering and his family grabbed whatever they could as the floodwater rose. Five minutes it was knee deep. Reporter five minutes. Its from a few inches to knee deep. Look out the back door. We have french doors. The water was up to the door knobs. Who rescued you . Sheriffs department. Had to kick it in. Of course, kick it in. Tidal wave in the house. We are standing in mr. Pickerings neighborhood. His home and the ones behind me that have water in them the water has not started to recede. Eight neighborhood in the area are under a mandatory Evacuation Order now. Thats because though the rain has stopped finally, it is expected to continue for the it. Thank you. U. S. Forces in iraq have captured an isis chemical engineer who was producing mustard gas. First used by germany in world war i. Mustard is not lethal in most cases but does cause severe burns to the eyes, skin and lungs. So it is banned by the civilized world. David martin has more on this. Reporter this video appears to show the aftermath of an isis chemical weapons attack using a mustard agent in syria last year. But a recent operation mounted by Delta Force Commandos inside iraq may have disrupted future Chemical Attacks by isis. In a raid last month. Delta captured an isis chemical weapons expert. An iraqi who once worked for the regime of saddam hussein. After interrogating him, u. S. Intelligence was able to identify a building in mosul where mustard agent was manufactured and loaded into this video released by the British Defense ministry shows a building described as an isis weapons factory being destroyed by an air strike this past weekend. By pentagon count, isis mounted a dozen chemical weapons attacks in iraq and syria. Fact confirmed by cia director john brennan in a 60 minutes interview. We have a number of incidences, where isil used chemical munitions. Artillery shells . Sure. Yeah. Isis has access to chemical artillery shells . Uhhuh. There are reports that isis has access to chemical precursors, ammunitions, that they can use. Reporter the day before the strike on the chemical weapons building, u. S. Aircraft targeted the top isis commander, known by an alias, who the pentagon kidded equivalent of the secretary tough defense of the group. U. S. Intelligence trying to this evening, scott, news of what a apeers to be an intelligence gold mine. Names, addresses, phone numbers of 20,000 isis fighters from countries across the middle east, africa, europe, north america. Reportedly given off to londons sky news by a disgruntled member of isis. Cbs news consultant, richard walton, head of terrorism for Scotland Yard says if documents are awe thntic one of the most significant intelligence finds since isis was created. We will be following up on that. David martin at the pentagon tonight. Thank you. A jury awarded a texas family 124 million after the failure of the seat in their audi sedan. The case has exposed a weakness in government standard. And kris van cleave looked into it. Reporter crash tests like these show what happened to when his fathers audi was rearended. Jesse seniors seat broke launching him head first into his son. Both were taken to the hospital where his wife kathy broke the news. She said it is bad. Hes hes got a real bad head injury. And we, we he may not make it through the night. And so so i started praying again. I said god please dont take my boy. Jesse is permanently brain damaged. The jury ruled young jesses injuries resulted from gross negligence in the companys seat design. Here is the emt who responded to the accident scene. Talking to audis attorney. So, you are saying that the seat is supposed to do that . Absolutely. Proudly so. It is absorbing energy. Reporter the federal government sets the standard for car seat strength. The audi seat met or exceeded that federal standard. Which is so low even a banquet that passes . Passes the standard. Reporter internal documents show car makers and National Traffic Highway Administration have known about potential for seat back collapses for decade. The cost to fix the problem could be on the order of a dollar or so. Shame on them. My boy wouldnt be hurt if they would have done their job. Of the 107 people we found injured or killed by apparent seat back fail years, majority are children. 17 have died in the past 15 years alone. Ntsa insists it looked into the issue but says it is challenge to upgrade the standard because the accidents are so rare. If you dont write your legislator and tell him to do something abut this thing, nothing is going to be done. And more children are going to get hurt. It could be your child. Almost all car makers have had recent cases. In this one the jury found jesses father partially responsible because the he wasnt wearing a seatbelt and his son wasnt in a booster scott in a statement, audi told us they will evaluate their next steps in the case. Chris, thank you very much. Scientists are fighting zika virus with killer mosquitoes. And a set back after that historic uterus jill and kate use the same dishwasher. Same detergent. But only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. Kate adds finish jetdry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all thats left is the shine. For better results, use finish jetdry. sounds of birds whistling music introducing new ky touch gel cr for massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. Check this out, bro. Whats that, broheim . I switched to geico and got more. More savings on Car Insurance . Yeah brofessor, and more. Like renters insurance. More ways to save. Nice, brotato chip. Thats not all, brotein shake. Geico has motorcycle and rv insurance, too. Oh, thats a lot more. Oh yeah, im all about more, teddy brosevelt. Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. Man sternly where do mr. Mucus to work, with you. Its taco tuesday. Man youre not coming. Get rid of my mucusy congestion. Im go od all day. [announcer ] mucinex keeps working. Not 4, not 6, but 12 hours. Theres moving. And theres moving with move free ultra. It has tripleaction support for your joints, cartilage and bones. Osteobi flex pills, its all in one tiny pill. Move free ultra. Get your move on. Public Health Officials the u. S. Sees mosquitoes carrying zika virus which has been linked to birth defects. Dr. Jon lapook tells us how brazil its fighting back. Reporter the brazilian town is taking a very different approach in its battle against zika. It is fighting mosquitoes with more mosquitoes. Millions more. Released 00,000 mosquitoes per week in this neighborhood. The mosquitoes biologist cecelia releases are genetically modified by a British Company to contain a lethal gene. To survive they need an bucket which they receive as theyre raised in the lab. Then theyre released so they will mate in the wild. Outside the lab, without the antibiotic, they die. As do their offspring who carry the same lethal gene. Every disease the mosquito can transmit. The mosquitoes can breed in almost any standing water, drainage ditches, trash bag, puddle. Breeding sites are monitored. A second gene alteration makes the larvae fluorescent and easy to count. The larvae population in the area dropped by 82 in less than a year. We know we can eradicate the mosquito. Reporter this doctor is one of the leading tropical disease experts in the word. He says an Aggressive International campaign led to near eradication of the mosquito in the 1970s. But the species has rebounded. I think we can evaluate the new technologies, its worth evaluating them to scale. That should not stop efforts methods. Key west, florida applied to the fda to conduct a test using the same mosquitoes. Some residents are fighting it understand the environmental impact. Fascinating. Jon, thank you. Surgeons forced to remove the transplanted uterus that was hailed this week as a new hope for infertile women. We met the recipient identified only as lindsay at the Cleveland Clinic monday. But the next day there were unspecified complications. We are told that lindsay is in no danger. Today the public began paying final respects to nancy reagan. Ben tracy is in simi valley, california. Ben. Reporter bus loads of people are being dropped off here at Reagan Library to say goodbye to the former first lady. Earlier today speaker of the house, paul ryan came to pay his respects as did reagans daughter patti davis. This morning the first ladys final motorcade brought her to the library in simi valley. About 1,000 people invited to attend the private funeral friday, former president george w. Bush. Hillary clinton, and michelle obama. The guest list includes mr. T and scott that may seem strange. Mr. T was one of the voices of the first ladys iconic just say no to Drugs Campaign in the 1980s. Ben, thank you very much. In a moment well remember the man behind the astronomical rise of the beatles. Here comes the sun here comes the sun first there goes the sun, the George Martin died yesterday at the age of 90. Here is beatle fan mark phillips. Remember i will always be true i was looking for a group. I was looking for a new rock n roll act. All you need is love reporter and boy did he find one. George martin didnt look or sound like beatles number one through four, but without George Martin, the socalled fifth beatle, one through four may never have happened. Reporter it was martin who took the raw energy of the liverpool lads and made the beatles sound like the beatles. Even though he admitted when he first met the not yet fab four he wasnt impressed. They werent hip material, i but they had tremendous charisma. Those guys, i fell in love with them, really. Reporter they learned to love each other. Jrj had done george had no rock n roll when we met him. We had never been in the studio. We did a lot of learning together. Reporter martin behind 30 he didnt just record them. He recorded them in ways they hadnt thought of. A place to hideaway reporter the String Quartet behind paul mccartney, martins idea. Yesterday. Classic example. Reporter paul gambocini, historian, author was a friend of martins. He helped them do things they could not have done themselves. Reporter sir george, knighted 20 years ago, kept going after the beatles had stopped. Gold finger reporter the bond tune, his too. Like a candle in the wind candle never would have flickered without George Martin. I love you more reporter the unsung hero behind the songs that George Martins praises are now being sung. It is the end of my career and end of my life in a way. I am going out with a bang not a whimper. Reporter mark phillips, cbs news, london. Reporter thats the cbs overnight news for this thursday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im scott pelley. Captioning funded by cbs captioning funded by cbs its thursday, march 10th, this is the cbs morning news. Faceoff in florida. Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders duel over immigration in their last debate before next weeks primary. While the republicans make their Closing Argument to the Sunshine State voters tonight. Breaking overnight. At least five people are dead when gunmen shoot their way into a backyard party. And boom box brawl. A passengers blaring music touches off a fight on board a crosscountry flight. Good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. Good to be with you. Im annemarie green. Both republican and democratic prsidential campaigns have their sights set on next tuesdays primaries. Voters in five delegate rich states, ohio, illinois, missouri, north carolina, and florida, they all vote at the polls. Last night, democrats hillary

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