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Jordan said we have serious questions about this individual's political bias in Parson motivations this is he continues to call for the whistleblowers identity to be revealed the American people have a right to know who the individual is who started this whole thing Zaid tweeted that Jordan misunderstands whistleblower laws in protections Dave Rachel it is day 2 of the manhunt in California for 2 suspected murderers who made a jailbreak early yesterday 21 year old Santos fun 2nd 20 year old Jonathan Salazar had been in custody since 2018 the Monterey County Sheriff's Office says the 2 men were awaiting trial on unrelated murder counts and also numerous other felony charges so residents should use extreme caution if they see them foxes Robert Gray u.s. Army Private or prosecutor's costs $8.00 newest is 2 in federal court this hour in Kansas to face charges of making threats to burn down an empty for members house and distribute information about bomb building online Smith's lawyers say he was just an internet troll spouting off America's listening to Fox News guys waking up . 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Characters a day returning to the seventy's for the 1st time while high of around 72 degrees for the start of your what fell rise to 74 for tomorrow are one mystery that we will be one seems here on a 10 percent chance of showers medicine moisture begins to return our next friend arrives Thursday dropping us back in temperatures into the low seventy's by the end we can bring storm chances Well a high of 665 next Saturday get your weather anytime anywhere download the w.s.j. 80 weather after day I'm meteorologist Gratian Jarvis for your local weather authority your shot at 1000 dollars to explanation might sure slip $2200.00 confirmation text content standard mistreats applied consistently try contest to x. Lead 220200 I'm Rush Limbaugh join me every weekday at 11 here on Fox News Radio 945 w.f.l.a. . In. The form. Of entertainment. While addressing a group of Democratic activist last week Kentucky's attorney general and nominee for Governor Bush here playing to his Republican opponent Governor Matt Bevan for his record working for his record to argue why voters should oust the incumbent in the audience here who is a lawyer that wore an oversized impeach button well. Against Donald Trump speaking to a group of activists and the Democrat running against the guy who was like hey we should. We should stop with the expansion of Medicaid. They say they set their Of all those activists and they said yeah we should stop that guy. Who would have seen that coming while the The New York Times didn't neither did the Washington Post and wow I take their word for it we have Matt Bevin on with us next. I think he's afraid I think he's very afraid to face the music because we are loaded for bear with what the New York Times and Washington Post. We believe them wholeheartedly American financing thanks to the lower mortgage rates buying a home is by the way did you hear that. The economy in Kentucky is doing really really well. I did hear that yeah you did hear that yeah him but he wants to cut Medicaid expansion short. And he's for the president why doesn't he love socialism I don't want didn't understand it that's equality for all people words a hell all right anyway right now American financing can help you with a great mortgage rate it only takes you 10 minutes to get started if you're looking for a house I talk about mortgage rates often that's because I want you to understand evening even a very small decline in interest rates can have a huge pat impact on your mortgage it means a lower monthly payment you pay less interest to borrow the money so it's a smaller payment every month you spend tens of thousands of dollars or more over the years with rates so low right now you have to call American financing and take advantage of their free mortgage review you can you can talk to them about additional ways to help you save current customers are saving up to a 1000 dollars a month sometimes more definitely worth a 10 minute phone call call American financing now at 809062440 that's 809062440 or American financing dot net American financing corporation and m.l.s. 182334 if you go to w dot and then ls consumer access dot org. The man who the New York Times has deemed the most by Governor in the country. Matt Bevin is with us with his hordes of hell Hello Matt how are you sure you know with that kind of a teaser I feel like I should be creating you from that deep. Feeling to your eyes glow red yet have you taken the mask off well I mean day and night for 7 hours. Or Small children are scorched well out of me that is a legacy Oh yeah I know forgot to mention I got this manifesto it's this. Crazy document that I espouse at every turn is called the Us constitution they company one was exploded what a kook phrase. Radical what a radical whoa you've got this constitution thing that you you are trying to follow . Say I've found that dusted it off and tried to apply it in the 21st century and it makes people's hair stand up on their yes so seriously they say that your your really despised although you are at least neck and neck with the other guy so is the other guy just as despised as you are for here's let's get in the rears with the habit it's a good question you know that more than 2000 years ago Aristotle said if you want to avoid controversy you want to avoid criticism you say now saying it to nothing and yet be nothing and if there's anything that has the idea mint of American politics in recent years it's the say nothing do nothing be nothing crowd I refuse to be a party to that this is you guys know that you've known me for years now this is the 1st political job I've ever had I'm not somebody who has kissed rings and backsides in order to get here I've come here by saying we're going to make hard decisions adult decisions we're not going to kick can down the road we're going to rip Band-Aids off these are the kind of sayings that make. You think people even more uneasy and so if this makes me a popular so be it but here's what I know the strongest economy we have ever had in the history of Kentucky is right now in it's not just simply saying that or matching pace with the national trends like lowest ever unemployment we have had in the last 4 years. The greatest rise in per capita income that we have ever seen in history and in fact in the last 4 years we have the highest a higher increase in per capita income than any state that borders us including states like Indiana in Tennessee and Ohio that have been doing well in so Kentucky we're making hard decisions people are bent But that's Ok the people who are going to vote are going to prove the fact that there's far more than happy hour which gets back to your question you know we're going to beat the pants off of the guy who supposedly is running against the most unpopular guy in America Allan Gerson will that be for him. You do you. Have. People do people are trying to. Say that you're trying to make this a national election by tying yourself to Donald Trump. Because Trump is popular in Kentucky I take it. I mean he's popular in much of America may not they especially the heart of America but I remind people and you will know this you know this better than most I was elected 4 years ago when President Trump was not present the truck you know when Vice President Pence was still then the governor of another state and the reality is this everyone said the same same's about me that they hate the fact that I'm pro-life they hate the fact that I'm pro constitution that I'm strongly supportive of this Tekken amendment that I think red flag laws are a slippery slope and I have no part of them they hate the fact that I respect this country and our flag and our military and our law enforcement they hate the fact that the my Judeo Christian faith informs my thought process and that I'm willing to say as much from a publicly elected seat and so the reason that they hate me have things to do that they transcend the state or even the national level issues at play these things have a terminal impact in that bothers people to that end they have hated. He says before this president came around now they say I want to ride his coattails I'm honored to stand with this guy I really I'm grateful that he's our president but I won by 9 percent when every poll 4 years ago said I was going to lose by 5 percent or more and we're winning because we stand for truth and at the end of the day the truth sets people free Matt you know that the reason why health care isn't done on a state level is because it doesn't work because states can't print money and because Akron you can't print money you're doing something that I think all governors should be doing right now and that is going back and telling the truth to people before the money all runs out and say look you were lied to then or maybe it was just all you know ponies and unicorns that everybody was living on wishes and hopes but you can't get these pensions because the state can't print money and so before it goes completely bankrupt we have to cut back you've actually tried to do this. We actually have done and I'll be honest glad we are doing things I think my 1st year as governor we cut our state budget by 9 percent 9 percent I mean that's a rare that anybody comes in the government ever let alone right out of the gate and does that the next year the next 2 years later we do it by a budget we did the same thing not 9 percent but we cut another about 6 and a half percent we've cut most of the fat out there's still some but here's what I'm telling you in addition to that we cut income taxes personal and corporate income taxes by 17 percent and guess what in light of all those things last year Kentucky had the highest level of revenue we have ever had we had a $200.00 some $1000000.00 surplus and most revenue we've ever had it can be done by good fiscal prudent conservatives these are the types of things that make a difference it's something we need more of in. Government and I'm willing to try to take point you mentioned health care I'm trying to lead the charge for Medicaid reform we have not seen a title not reform in America since the mid 1990 s. And we are leading the charge to say that able bodied working aged men and women with no dependents should do something in exchange for free health care because the men and women who bust their tails every day to give them free health care often don't even have health care themselves and they're certainly not of the same quality and so I'm being challenged by my attorney general and being challenged by a d.c. Circuit court judge I don't even cross burger Bo's burger or something and so one guy in d.c. Is holding this up but I've had over 14 states now the Democrat and Republican alike who have come to our state and spent days with us saying hey when this gets approved we're going to need to do the same thing because you're right we can't print money we can't pretend that these things come at no cost Matt I know you've got an election to win tomorrow but what are you doing in say 2024. Well gracious let's. Look forward to being back in the private sector at some point I love the private sector I love Here's the thing I love America you guys know this I'm a former military guy I love it respect this nation but I'm grateful to the men and women who even now lay their lives out there you look at this mission they get al Baghdadi look at the people that are scattered around the world they do this for us because this land of the Free and Home of the Brave was purchased at an extraordinary price and I love that I served with guys who are dead who gave everything gave their lives whose kids are grown up without a father and it breaks my heart we don't even bother to vote but I love it that we're shoulder blast in this country but the danger we have is that our blessings are potentially our biggest curse because we have it so good we really have it show good that we can afford to not care and think that it doesn't matter we can afford to be apathetic we can afford to not vote and I'm doing that in airports which you can't see over the radio but but this this being apathetic is our greatest threat and if we don't vote if we don't recognize that of and by and for the people means we better get our butts out there in vote tomorrow in Kentucky and in Mississippi in the wheezy and but everywhere in America when you have an opportunity to go to the ballot box if we don't vote will get the government we deserve it's not going to be pretty so tell me how the the the lurch or the the sprint to radicals socialism is being taken by good Democrats in Kentucky because there's a lot of there's a lot of good Democrats in Kentucky and Iowa and I lived in Kentucky I can't imagine that state going towards socialism you know it's people are offended and I'll tell you it's not just think that talking but I'll speak for Kentucky as we're . Tended by the idea that the question about it it's one of these things where does it show radical get support let me back up just real quickly and I'll come back to your question I have appointed people who are both Republican and Democrat to top positions in my administration because I don't look at the party I look at the character of people I want people of good character people that are competent and people that are committed to serving the people of that sort they fit into both parties but historically that has been the case the National Democratic Party is leaving people like that behind and they're offended at the idea of socialism they're defending the fact obviousness they're defended at this idea that everything is free but they're still nonetheless expected to pay for it while someone else gets it for free and while we're still heavily registered Democrat while there are still far more D.'s than R.'s in our state they are voting more and more on the Republican ticket because they recognize that the values they hold dear are no longer espoused by the party that they've been a part of Governor Matt Bevan The election is tomorrow you're on record saying you'll be I think 6 to 10 points ahead I think we will look at the years that the polls show that we're even or slightly ahead or slightly behind we're somewhere plus or minus 2 percent maybe even but I'm telling you I think they're wrong just like they were wrong 4 years ago I think will win by $6.00 to $10.00 I'd like to win by 10 to 12 I'd like to elect in the entire slate of Republicans for the 1st time in history and Kentucky. Best of luck to you Governor. Keep up the good work keep fighting for the Constitution yes sir will do it thank you both for continuing to hold the torch and not allowing it to go out on our watch you guys are tremendous thanks a lot of exploration and Gov Matt Bevin from Kentucky tomorrow's big deal tomorrow elections Yeah I mean the entire state of Virginia is up for grabs every state job is up for grabs in every cell in their legislator legislature really high seat if you match now you have no idea what Wednesday is going to look like everybody is up all right to save wear and tear on his car Paul rides a bike 6 days a week. Is Aaron's fill is day post office grocery store laundromat library yes some people still go to the library all of those things he would do riding his bike keep him happy and healthy and active and Paul loves it he didn't really love the need pain when it started it was just a little at 1st then it started to shoot and it was nearly constant pretty soon Paul was looking to have used his car all the time instead of just one day a week but then he heard about relief factor and within a few weeks Paul was back to his old self and back on his bike today you'll find him riding around town today doing is Aaron's and graduations ball when taken properly really factor attacks the inflammation that causes much of our pain and it works for 70 percent of the people who take it and it only cost 995 to start with their 3 week quick start so if you want to drug free natural way to ease your pain and get your life back I want you to go to relief factor dot com That's relief factor dot com we break for 10 2nd station id Hi it's the Rush Limbaugh show and it's me you know heard weekdays at 11 here on Fox News Radio 945 w.f.l.a. Dependable. All this week on Blaze t.v. We're going to be going over the special that we did last week because you need to really kind of understand that special to get to the 3rd one which is a week from this coming Wednesday. And this is where we lay out what's what's really happening in our State Department I mean I think you're going to start to see this this thing is starting to come undone now because there are more journalists on this story about what happened in Ukraine and I think the Democrats are have a big surprise coming in form the question is will we stop too soon. And what I mean by that is the Democrats have to be exposed for what they were doing in Ukraine and what they've set up in the State Department and I'm going to show that to you next week but what they set up in the State Department with the State Department and National Intelligence you know people think when you hear the words deep state you think of Alex Jones and you think of a star chamber it's not that smelled like me that 2. Generally speaking though it is it is as simple as this one of the guys who testified last week testified that. He didn't he would not answer to the president if the president was going to change our relationship with Ukraine Well now wait a minute. You work for the State Department the State Department's boss is the president so when you say the president was violating foreign policy he can't violate foreign policy he's the guy who sets foreign policy but the deep state the people who are there who are like I don't care who the president is we're just going to keep doing what we do because we know best that's not our system of government that's a totalitarian system of government it doesn't matter what the elections say and I thought we were done with all of that elections have consequences so. When you see what they set up it's so far beyond what you think it is so far beyond it and the usual characters are involved and it's not just about Ukraine. It's about your state as well I'm going to show you how what they're doing overseas is being done in our own country and we are being dismantled from the inside out and. I have a feeling the investigations will be launched in these states. Should be all 50 of them but in the States against what we're going to expose next Wednesday you don't want to miss it. All right. If you missed earlier on today's show we talked about Kanye West and the 3rd great awakening I think it is happening now they need to call a witness to a Florida murder police in Florida are investigating. A murder Sylvia Crespo she was 32 she was killed by a spear to the chest at a home in Florida north of Miami in July now her husband is per trade is portraying this as a mysterious accident I I'm not I'm not sure how an accident happens where your wife is in paled on a spear. But those. Tricksy spear impaling accidents haven't they all happen to all of a dog all of us well here's the problem. They haven't been able to solve this but it it occurred in the main bedroom and. Apparently the Amazon Echo was recording. They may have recorded something relevant during the. The argument. That happened right before the accident somebody call on the Amazon ago in the way that we're supposed to the sun set off or did it just record everything we're really surely sure but now we now they're going after police are saying we need to the audio recording from Amazon to prove this murder. And people are going to be for that person they are parallels appear accidents don't usually happen but what is Amazon doing in all of our homes exactly are. Some I talked fair deal about is the danger of cyber crime through various means criminals can hack into your bank account drain your money. But I will tell you this your entire life savings going away in a heartbeat doesn't necessarily take cyber crime it can take financial crimes you know you have to have a safe hedge against inflation the government is stealing your money stealing your money the more they print the more they steal from your bank account that's that's a cyber crime isn't it they're digitizing money and making your money worth less and less This is why gold prices are on a bull run this year especially with the market fluctuations lower interest rates the easing of the monetary policy of made gold and silver prone to a rally and for $100.00 a month you can invest in physical gold or silver you can get a free half in silver coin added to your 1st delivery just by calling in asking about their accumulations special do it now 1866 Gold Line call them they're waiting for it 1866 gold line you can get Glen Dave Reuben Stephen Crowder Greg all in one location use a promo code Glenn to. 10 dollars off at Blaze dot com slash do you need backup power as part of your emergency plan during an outage a backup power source can keep the lights on medication say refrigerated or power life saving medical devices learn more at Safety Action Center dot p.g.a. Dot com. Tuesday night is date for following mil Robin's Kong for. I want a new doctor a doctor wants to talk to me get to know me but my job is like my kids are like I want to Dr Who isn't watching the clock I used to have a doctor who kind of felt like family do they still have doctors like yes but you have to look around and Tolan physicians is a community of independent doctors who work for their patients and no one else is a Browning Toland dot com because independent doctors know you like family. And technology credit union our mobile app is available everywhere your family needs us John did you tell taxi you will be traveling I just notified a magazine. Did you make your car payment on Monday right now mom Casey. Did you find an a.t.m. There is one of luck away from the hotel in Rolodex e.u. Savings reward promotion and earn up to $1000.00 go to Texas dot com slash save more. 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News room and Paris Janos new details have been released regarding an apparent homicide in Bay County Sunday according to the Bay County Sheriff's Office the victim was a 33 year old male found outside a trailer at AIG. 136 north east Ave after law enforcement received a call around 8 15 in the morning no suspects have been arrested in the case and the victim's identity has not yet been released sheriff's officials believe it is an isolated incident 2 people are dead after a murder suicide in Panama City Beach Panama City Beach police say they responded to the summit condominium Saturday around 6 pm in reference to a disturbance as officers arrived they heard gunshots and later found a man in a woman who police say were an estranged husband and wife dead on the 11th floor their names have not been released while authorities notify next of kin law enforcement is still investigating for more information go to w j h g dot com or download free w j h t app today. News I'm Chris Voss tr White House and tourney in a presidential aide refused to appear this morning for House committees looking into President Trump's impeachment the president tweets about the whistleblower who started all this he must be brought forward to testify the president spoke to reporters on Sunday it was stillborn cable for free. Because of that report people who had bad things were much of the whistleblowers claims have been corroborated by National Security Council officials who listened in on the president's July call with the Ukraine President Fox John Decker Iran announces more violations of a nuclear deal Iran saying it's doubling the number of advanced centrifuges it operates machines banned under its 2050 nuclear deal with the u.s. And other countries the Iranian nuclear agency saying a mavis a direct result of president trumps decision last year to take seek us out of the coalition decided Oh and I mean listen to. Your shot and $1000.00 a $1000.00 is nothing to sneeze at Listen for the key word satisfied after w.f.l.a. . Mr Jason Wright New York Times Wall Street Journal USA Today best selling author some of my favorite books one of them is the Wednesday Letters What was the other one Jason that you wrote that I love so much we're covering Charles and I recall every town in New Orleans I love that one Recovering Charles thank you and also he wrote Christmas Jars which you wrote that I don't know how many years ago became an instant bestseller that was 2005. Times like a 1000000 years ago doesn't it and it's this great story about the Christmas Jars and we used to all have jars where we would put our change into those jars and tell the story here Jason. Well we used to put our change in those jars now and would use it's her ice cream money or movie night or you know a trip to Disney if I got big enough and now now because of this little book I'm a kind of your support plan you know you mentioned it came in and cellar Well it's sort of really because you had me on the air and you read the 1st chapter I'll never forget tuning in and you're halfway through the 1st chapter of the book and it just thank you I just I I didn't want to end this called a day without saying you're the reason that we're here you're the reason we're having this discussion tonight I think you're the reason that that we have a movie so thank you but this is about not just a jar on the counter that you put your spare change you know it's about thinking about the needs of other people what this beautiful holiday really means Christmas is not a 24 hour vent it is how we live it's how we remember the sacred the world every day and then during the holidays find someone in your circle of influence work church your community or your neighbor to give that jar of money away and it's not just the money in the jar that will change their life as I've heard from thousands of people sent So 5 but it is the message that they were not alone. So you have Christmas Jars the movie it's a Fathom event if I'm not mistaken isn't it you're correct the 1000 event and. Tonight tonight only as you know because I know you've had some events of fat in the past so one night only experience they're so good at creating it is not just a movie it's really an experience for the community to come together and to experience us with friends and family and loved ones and there's some bonus content the end of the movie stick around the spot 20 minutes really really fun stuff and I promise you in fact gosh I've said this before in a couple of local interviews but it's maybe blasphemy for me to say that the movie is maybe fatter than the book it is so it's beautiful going on really well and if you if you don't cry all night it's not a do this the plays that's He cries a Kleenex from Rachel's. You think medical attention I'm serious it is it is so beautiful and I just I can't say enough about mused the studio that made this saying their phenomenal b.y.u. T.v. Came in as a partner to help get us over the finish line after 5100 I did that maps during the break 5144 days since I took my 1st meeting on the movie that gets us to tonight and thank you and to so many of your listeners by the way so many of these jar stories that have come into Christmas are so calm so many of those stories reference I heard you on back when I saw you on The Blaze and I just I'm grateful to your audience for helping us just make that thing a hit but making it a movement so weeks we try to do a family thing on Monday so I think are going to go out to a fathom and find the fab theater tonight and watch Christmas Jars as a family so I'll let you know tomorrow where it is tell me what how the Christmas Jars has changed because I don't have a change jar anymore because I don't I don't usually have change because I don't carry money I carry my my my debit card. Yeah that's a that's a great point actually I hear that quite a bit from people one option is to well when you do particularly during the holidays when you hit the when he hit the convenience store the laundromat wherever you are making some smaller dollar purchases where you might pull a 5 dollar bill out to capture that change I had a lady come up to me a few weeks ago and kind of say the same thing chooses our pay tell Karna actually almost exclusively all year long and then she goes to the a.t.m. And she takes $100.00 in cash she goes that bank she gets coins she puts in a jar and she like apologized as if she were doing it wrong and I say fuck sister there's no right way or wrong way to give the jar away there's just kind of your way you know however the back and back Glenn you told some of your stories about giving jars away particularly when you had little ones. It's beautiful it's your way as however your family feels like that the best way to do it you know we we love it we absolutely love it we take the Christmas Jars special when the kids were younger and you know they would be filled with coins and dollars and everything else and you just you know knock and run. And it is it's so fantastic you know you find this family that you know is struggling and you just leave the Christmas jar up on their porch you don't you don't necessarily go buy something for them because you don't know that you know what they really need might be just a turkey might be something to eat might be something special you don't know of so we really like to do the the knock and run with the with the Christmas jar it's a great great family tradition and you can watch the Fathom event movie tonight and tonight only would you just go to Christmas Jars dot com and find out where the Fathom theater would be around you yes Christmas arson comma give you a ticket information Fathom Events dot com He just punch in your zip code it'll play the closest dinner tonight. 800 Surtees some odd so hopefully it's closed or close enough for most of you if it's sold out make some noise at the box office yes sir in a way to get on court tomorrow night or something and then stay tuned because I suspect that there might be other opportunities to see a close friend Christmas another way as I suspect a so again to everyone listening who has his turn this into something that has been one of the greatest blessings of my life is to see this turn into a grassroots movement that can't be stopped Jason writes the name of the book is Christmas Jars and the movie the same name happening tonight only at a Fathom theater near you just go to Fathom Events dot com or go to Christmas Jars dot com and they'll give you all the ticket information Jason best of luck thank you so much if you're a friend you have. Heard what what are called the jackpot ing attacks this war criminals use malware or even hardware to get an a.t.m. To dispense cash so apparently in regions including the u.s. And Latin America this is this practice is on the Rai's according to a recent investigation a cyber games again stole $45000000.01 gang from A.T.M.'s around the world large scale a.t.m. Cash out hacking had mostly been an overseas criminal enterprise but now the u.s. Is a popular target as well it's important to understand how cyber crime is affecting our lives identity threats is a serious issue someone's Tony has got a notification just this weekend we were out in Utah at a charity and she gets a a dollar charge at a Sam's Club. 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It's no secret everyone wants the best doctors and nurses and Kaiser Permanente employ some of the best around but there are a few other best folks we'd like to recognize the pharmacists the scheduling clerks the social workers the messengers the psychologists the vision assistants the childbirth educators drivers the home health care aides the list goes on without you Kaiser Permanente would be the same Kaiser Permanente thrive. This is the message from p.j. Any power outages can happen any time of the year stay safe by staying in the no sign up for outage alerts at p.g.a. Dot com slash outage alerts so p.g. And e. Can keep you up to date as we work quickly to restore power. Tuesday night is election and for Newsnight for you complete coverage with the latest technology up to the minute results the race for same Francisco district attorney the fleet in affordable housing. Local analysis from political experts and the problem for news team stay with long for news starting your day and delivering results all morning long calling for news your local election headquarters. She met 2 international men on why both me proposed to her and she said yes to both female I yes to marry him but then I fell in love with Dinesh. Of course there is another issue Ali has never met either of her fiance he she kept ish bait for both There's more to this story liar liar pants on fire and Dr Phil to date for following mil Robin's Kong for. I want a new doctor a doctor wants to talk to me get to know me but my job is like my kids are like I want to Dr Who isn't watching the clock I used to have a doctor who kind of felt like family do they still have doctors like yes but you have to look around and Tolan physicians is a community of independent doctors who work for their patients and no one else is a Browning Toland dot com because independent doctors know you like family. 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No not before climate she probably lived there after climate change kicked in know they were and so saying that we still had several years before well here's what here's what he had to say that was pretty compelling to me right Ok a baby at a family being rescued while you were assessing the damage can you give us an update on the flooding situation and what you saw. You know anyone who questions extreme weather and climate change is just delusional at this point because we have seen in the state of New York what everyone is saying we see these weather patterns that we never had before we didn't have our occasions we didn't have to persist orms we didn't have tornadoes this is a storm that did come up just overnight dropped about 5 inches of rain oh my gosh I thought Oh and I can remember it never came hurricanes in Connecticut. And tornadoes well 900 Connecticut there was just the one Ok there was one there was one yes before 800 there was one so I guess you would say before 8 hundreds probably pretty climate change when you know well what do you even climate change didn't happen until you know in the 19 forty's fifty's sixty's in there somewhere so in the between 12781438 there was a major There were several major hurricanes to hit the New York New Jersey area really well just but just that well and then the one in 60 and 35 that you know we had measuring stations well and then we did we really we did all the Native American I guess they kept very close tabs on it wow whereas they were you know they they didn't let anything go to waste they cared about the environment exactly then it happened again in 80 in 1667609378851788180415 twice 18161821182518271830414649 and so on for hundreds of years of hurricanes New York those are actual stat those are actually yes actual years actual year closer to her definitely but for more flame that change would you know I guess well yeah saying that it's c o 2 Yeah yeah this stupidity of the comment is mind boggling you know you're delusional and I know you well I'm not I have thought about why you see it with your own eyes these these floods that we've never had but never at 5 inches of rain before in New York never never happened. Or Affan Well a couple of times. That 984-9585 again 87888091 but of course but I'm a change just kick in and yeah so the pattern never never app and before that. Never happened before that so hundreds of times and you know if you're talking about. So it seemed like he might be talking about New York which was bogus but if you're talking nationally we did never came just natural disaster in the history of this country was in 1900 in Galveston Texas where maybe 10000 people have it at a very good climate change it already started and had it in yeah because they knew or oil was going to come out of the Don't just the not just the knowledge of toil doesn't know it triggered her yes just the knowledge wow we have to forget all that we know wow yeah that's power yeah and poignant it really is otherwise this is going to continue to happen you know I never said it will not be around to stop it no that's right you won't be around no he dropped out if you missed it over the weekend Friday he dropped right on I don't think there's a person in our audience that missed that you know I don't know whether I think everybody got the alert the same time if you're in a crowd a huge herd ever to go look at this. Alter it just rippled through the crowd can you believe he didn't outlast Wayne Messam who left last quarter raised $5.00 in his campaign Wayne Messam still in a still and still in bed O'Rourke not out so what do you think they're going to do with him what is his Besides no I can let me just put that in the shaker at the Sherwin Williams What do you think he's going to be doing with his life. Well they were asked him to run for Senate against corn and. Buddies said no multiple times he's going to the house he claims he's done with elected politics. That's what he claims really maybe he'll just enjoy his billions of dollars from his wife and hang out at home and rest awhile because he deserves it and yeah well here is donated so much of his time man the guy is practically Mother Teresa with his donation of service to his friend you know he doesn't have to give money no that's how he serves that's his gift to God which he's actually said yeah well yeah yeah well you know it's true and it's obviously. I mean bad you know this is this is how I serve I run for president to be able to get power. Sounds it sounds so humble and doesn't it so good yeah really and so altruistic is yes he's just a great man but the words right out of his mouth he's a great man which now you're saying that like it's not really. No divide not sounds and I did not oh I'm so no hurry I'm so sorry when we come back we're going to talk about authenticity in in candidates because everybody apparently is looking for somebody authentically cool in the Democratic Party and now look and. Now that Beddoes gone the authentically cool guy is is gone yeah so and he was so authentic he really was in his coolness nobody more authentic than yeah you know we also talk about your contribution to the climate change problem may we talk about that I think we're talking about those the Salon article pretty powerful Yeah salon came out with a hit piece on me yesterday and what your defense against that and how well I you have none you don't have any defense against it. Until the people are reminded of the heinous crimes against the environment you've committed here's the here's the headline we'll post truth politics be capitalism's undoing and the answer is yes wait thanks to Glenn wait until you hear the post truth politics that salon has exposed we have that coming up next. Couple folks it's me Rush Limbaugh harmless lovable little fuzzball reminding you to spend your mid days with me here on Fox News Radio 945 w.f.l.a. Did you know that one out of 10 websites could be malicious and compromise your computer or your phone and that's not all using Why 5 is extra. Remotely risky as well hackers can watch your activity and steal the information that your sending and receiving like your password social security number or financial account information so having just anti-virus protection is no longer good enough that's why Norton exists Norton 360 it gives you layers and layers of protection that you need including v.p.n. 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For Newsnight for you complete coverage with the latest technology up to the minute or so the race for San Francisco district attorney the fleet and the . Local analysis from political experts and a column for news stay with long for news starting your day and delivering results all morning long long for news your local election him. To international man on why both me propose to her and she said yes to both. Yes Mary but then. Of course there is another issue Ali has never met either of her fiance she kept fish bait for both There's more to this story. Dr Phil today and for following mil Robins Kong for. I want to.