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right now, a developing story about an officer who has resigned from the force. turns out the sarasota police officer is in hot water for sharing confidential information. >> and now he is facing criminal charges. he gave information to a relative. >> reporter: good afternoon. soon after the investigation began, the lew at the innocent resigned. investigators -- the lieutenant resigned. according to court document, back in october, he used law enforcement resource for perm use. he looked up a woman's driver license's information and gave it to his brother. that data is only supposed to be used by law enforcement during events like traffic stops and investigations. he has been charged with misuse of confidential records. >> hopefully other law enforcement members in the community will understand that the significance of maintaining their responsibility to maintain our privacy. >> reporter: the investigation comment at this time. reporting in sarasota, john roger, news channel 8. people living in the vm ybor neighborhood are upset because they sexual predators community. they want city leaders to enforce a county ordinance preventing sexual predators from living close together. neighbors said there's more than a dozen boarding houses along nebraska avenue and they are housing sex offenders. >> why is it that ybor has almost 15% of all of the city's predatory people living within a mile of the center of our neighborhood? why do you want them concentrated in one area? wouldn't it be safer if they were spread out? >> county leaders met yesterday to discuss a proposal that would make it illegal for sexual predators to be within 2500 feet of a school, day care or playground. the county staff is now looking into that. a pasco county man is now facing very serious charge, to a deputy's home. the 30-year-old daniel thomas hall is in custody. and deputies tell us that hall targeted the home because of the county sheriff's vehicle in the front yard. according to v hi admitted to trying to set a fire on the porch because he wanted to get arrested. the fire did not catch however. dozens of people are in jail following a four-month undercover sting. the bust called operation gun box was carried out in the north hillsborough county area. the sheriff's office launched it after a string of violent crimes hit the area. deputies claim they found 20 stolen gun, illegal drugs and arrested 64 people. president barack obama announced today that he will be traveling to cuba in march. the president is the first president to visit cuba since 1928. he tweeted out his plans earlier today. and according to the white house, the president plans to castro and meet with cuban entrepreneurs. and we plan to send news channel 8's own keith cate to cover the president's visit in march. now let's check the forecast. our storm team 8 julie phillips has the latest. >> another gorgeous afternoon for the tampa bay area. here is the view from clearwater beach. beautiful blue skies sitting in the mid-60s. so it's cooler along the coast with temperatures hanging on to the 60s. but much of the area has made it into the 70s. winds fairly light at this location. out of the northeast at 5 to 10 miles per hour. but it's been breezy at times today. temperatures as you move inland, notice reaching into the low to mid-70s. 74 at macdill. 741 in odessa. and as you head farther into the inland county, we reach into the mid-70s. bartow coming in at 75. frost proof at 37 this afternoon. around. comfortable temperatures around. and beautiful sunshine. and notice across the tampa bay area, again not a cloud in the sky. a few clouds along the east coast of florida but really not seeing much in the way of cloud cover here. and really across the eastern half of the u.s., it's looking quiet this afternoon. high pressure is built in. and that's left with us the tranquil conditions and they're going to continue for us for a few more days. through the evening, temperatures slowly drop back into the 60s. expect clear skies to continue into the overnight hours and temperatures tonight will be similar to what we saw last night. and pretty mild and typical for february. temperatures dropping back into the mid-50s by the time we wake up tomorrow morning. and beginning your friday with sunshine, what about the weekend though? well, we will look at that coming up in the full forecast. guys -- we have music, movies and a little bit of history in >> here's the details. >> a thief, two thugs and a an assassin and a main january. i guess we're -- and a man yankee. i guess we're -- maniac and i guess we're stuck together. >> reporter: marvel says the crew's latest adventure will unravel the mystery of the true parentage of peter that could be connected to one of the new additions kurt russell who is rumored to be playing the father. two award-winning actresses are bringing a little known piece of history to the big screen. the hollywood reporter says the oscar winner and golden globe winner are set to star in hidden figures. the period drama is based on the true story of a group of black women who faced racial discrimination, even as their brilliant math skills aided in it's due out next january on martin luther king day weekend. wizards and witches, get ready for the harry potter film concert series. according to variety, each tour will present one of the harry potter movies on a giant screen with the original dialogue and sound effects but the music will be performed live by a symphony orchestra. it will premier with the stone in june. with the hollywood minute, i'm david daniel. toyota is recalling a million suvs because of a possible problem with the seat belt. we will have details coming up. and did you know, it is illegal to shack up in florida? but an old law outlawing living together without marriage may be changing. that story next on news channel 8. not getting your best sleep? r could be you've got the wrong bed. enter sleep number... r she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. p you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. only at a sleep number store. know better sleep r i don't know what i'm doing. i can't find anything p just when i think it's just not going to work. p this woman that works there comes over and asks can i help you? and he was so happy, to do it amazing right? r i never would have expected would have thought that anyone would find that do that. make that go out of their way for me. right then, right there i couldn't believe it he was so helpful i know it's such a small thing little thing. simple thing but it made me smile share your story. r publix. where shopping is a pleasure. lowe's presents: how to plan for the future. happy valentine's day. happy birthday. sorry i forgot our anniversary. happy mother's day. p now get 3 shrubs for only $10 t welcome back. no need to put a ring on it before shacking up. a florida law is close to being axed. the senate is discussioning legislation that would repeal that law. florida and michigan and mississippi are the only states where cohabitation is illegal. and the state is trying to put together insurance framework for ride sharing companies like uber. >> however, lawmakers on both sides have different ideas for how to put it in place. >> reporter: law makers in the house and senate haven't been able to come to a consensus on a ride sharing regulation bill. the house and senate both have different bills that would require minimum insurance policies for ride sharing companies like uber. uber is backing the house's version which also pre-empts local regulation. >> my favorite place to have dinner is about 45 minutes from the house and to go there, i have to go through seven different subdivision, different city, different the one system that applies statewide, you functionally kill companies like uber and lyft because they can cross a municipal boundary and be noncomplaint with the law. >> reporter: both sides hope a compromise can be met before the end of the year's session. but if not, the incoming senate president is supporting the house's version as well. i'm matt galka. well, another cool down on the way. but first, what's in your cheese? would you even think to ask? but the answer is wood pulp. >> what? >> new findings from an fda investigation coming up next. and the rays are warming up for spring training. we're going to let the manager tell you how the team is shaping up this year. this is first at 4:00 on news for many of us, pasta or pizza wouldn't be the same without it, a sprinkle of cheese. but when the fda recently investigated, it found some fillers in the cheese that may surprise you. today we see what you're really buying and eating. >> reporter: it's no secret that americans love their cheese. just ask seinfeld's george. >> i want to bite into a big bite of cheese. >> reporter: but an fda investigation raising the question what's in the cheese you're eating? in 2013, the agency said that what the company labeled as 100% was actually a blend of cheaper cheeses and an organic filler which can be derived from wood pulp. in a letter, quote, your cheese products do not contain any cheese. the company took corrective action but ended up filing for the fda allows up to 4% filler product but experts say it's what's in the other 96% that might not be exactly what you think. experts say some companies go too far. >> they're trying to do things that we don't notice but to cut corners so they can make money. >> reporter: the food fraud initiative tracks cases of mislabeling, citing certain brands of cheese, extra virgin olive oil and seafood. top chefs say most people don't have the palate to tell the difference. >> what we are being marketed, it suspect at all. >> reporter: a possible contributing factor, the former fda commissioner says the fda focusing on ensuring food safety, not investigating truth in advertising. >> we can't forget that there are people, there are companies >> reporter: that may be grating news to fans of 100% real cheese. nbc news, new york. and you are completely grossed out by this. >> well, it's unnerving, isn't it? you think back, wow, did i buy that cheese and you're wondering? >> yeah. >> but either way, they're bankrupt now so it didn't work. >> that problem was fixed. hey julie. >> on another note. >> the weather is pretty fantastic. >> boy, i have been outside it's gorgeous. >> and what a nice long stretch. enjoy it. the good news is, it's continuing into the weekend because i know we're look ago head to that. and as we head into saturday, lots of sunshine, a mild morning start to the day. and then temperatures will make it into the mid-70s by the afternoon hours. and not a bad beach weekend. warmer. mid- to upper 70s. the day. notice rain chances out of the and this morning, a nice drive, thomas captured this photo of the sun rising. you can see beautiful clear skies here. and we are expecting a very similar night tonight the. the clear skies staying with us. and you can see across the tampa bay area right now, not a cloud in the sky and clouds along the east coast of florida with the northeasterly breeze we have been dealing with today but none of that made it into the tampa bay area. we have been left with nothing but sunshine and we have dry air that's moved in as well. you can see the red color. that's really dry air in the upper-levels of the atmosphere. and that's going stow stay with us for a few more days -- going to stay with us for a few more days. so clear sky, comfortable temperatures for this evening. a great evening for the after dinner stroll outside. be a nice sunset tonight. and into tomorrow morning, mostly sunny again, temperatures near average. what's average, mid-50s to start the day. and then by the afternoon hour, we will probably see a few coast of florida but still plenty of sunshine to enjoy. we will have that northeasterly breeze still with us. and it will be warm into the low to mid-70s. by saturday morning, beginning your weekend in the mid-50s. clear skies and we're going to see mostly sunny skies all day long on saturday. and we will warm up quickly. pretty much all of us in the mid- to upper 0s and warmer on sunday. i think -- upper 70s and warmer on sunday. many inland spots topping 80 degrees and closer to the coast in the low to mid-70s. winds still out of the southeast so it will help bring in the warmer air but still no rain. moisture staying low. and notice the nice stretch of weather continuing into the start of next week. and then we see those temperatures drop back behind the next front. so some cooler air moving in by the end of next week. but until then, you can enjoy the nicer weather with the system moving in next week. we bring up the rain and storm chances as well. and right now, we're mainly focusing on tuesday with and we will fine tune the rain chances as it gets closer. guys -- >> thank you very much. now the first at 4:00 consumer watch starting with a recall. toyota wants to check the seat belts on more than 1.1 million rav 4 suvs. it covers 2005 through 2014 models. the seat belts in second row window seats can come contact n contact with the frame and possibly be cut during a crash. so call the dealer to get that free fix. and how about this, no more overhead bins on airplanes. air bus has filed a pa at the present time for an underseat storage compartment. while the design would end the passenger fight for overhead storage, it would mean you have to get up any time you need something from the carry-on bag. the same storage units could be used on trains or buses as well. oprah is hosting an online garage sale from her closet. fans can get their hands on her for as low as 99 cents. starting march, she will auction more than 250 items on ebay. bidding starts at 99-cents and all proceeds go to the oprah winfrey leadership academy for girls. you can find a lot of apps these days to help you keep fit. and this weekend, one in particular might come in very handy. 8 on your side has the answers for you today. and joining me now is social media expert jonathan. the gasparilla distance classic here. >> and it's actually a cool app. it's simp toll use. all you have to do is search for it in the app store. search gasparilla. it's going to have your schedules, where you should be, when you should be there and after the race it's going to show your results and you can track runners during their race. >> can you see everybody's results? >> you can see everybody's. if you know their first and last night, you can find them or see them as they move through the races. social media component to keeping people motivated. >> you know, this was interesting. so today i started off the day thinking it's important just to find motivation, just to see other people succeeding but as i started looking, i found research that shows it's more than that. and it's actually finding people who will keep you accountable and then communicating what you're doing and so basically, if you don't post that, hey, i got my workout in today, you have a group of people say, why didn't you get your workout in today? >> and i am living proof. on january 17th, i was with softball moms and they were talking about the fit bit challenge. i bought a fit bit the next day and my daughter too and now every day if i don't get the step, i know they're looking. >> exactly. that's how it works. >> it keeps me motivated. wins. i think she puts it on the dog the house. just kidding. >> that's interesting. after the race this weekend? >> well, i think it revolves around this concept. and so you've worked out, gotten to the point where you're in good shape and ready for the big event, your race. find your friends and find the people who you trained or knew they worked out and start your own group. and the same thing you're involved with, everybody put up what you're doing for the day. you don't have to just rib people but it's really about just the accountability. and it's the typing it in. when you type in, okay, i did the this. and now, hey, guys, i'm publishing this to you, it has a different effect. >> and if you're competitive at all, you want to the stay involved. >> you want to beat them. >> yeah, i'm with you on that. thanks, jonathan. actually, we're going to go to dan. hey, good stuff there. all right, if there's a team in the nhl that needs a win tonight, i think we all know it, it's the lightning. even with two points f they get not make up big ground in standings because it's a busy night in the league. just about every team around the bolts are playing as well. that's the penguin, the bruins, the red wing, watching them all. and after tonight, the bolts hit the road for two games against two teams just mentioned. so we have arrived at the critical stage for getting wins at home. a place the lightning have dropped two of their last three games. >> go out there and get off to a good start and try to build on some positives. obviously we're not happy with the way we played last game. so just going to, you know, not necessarily the outcome, wins or losses, but just playing the right way and kind of getting back to the good habits and doing the right things. >> you want to take advantage of next game for playing back to back on the road. which is tough. and you know the last trip we had, we came out with zero points. it's here, the crack of the bat. a welcomed sound. rays players showing up before the official beginning of spring training. and that's great news. not only for rays fans but for the manager who feels more confident heading into his second season in charge. and now one thing that cash feels better about this year is the pace at which the manager must make decisions during games. >> it happens fast. and i think, you know, i admitted that the first month of the year last year, that you can think it's fast but it's faster once you get out there. so just to be more prepared for some of those situations that arise during the game. and off the field, or in the clubhouse, the communication just doesn't stop. >> and as expected, the rays did sign a pitcher today. ryan webb to a one-year deal. and he is a hometown guy. clearwater guy. and he's kind of bounced around a little bit and here on a one- >> that's got to be cool when they come home. >> spring training, just to get back into it. it's such a long season when you look at it. >> yeah, it is. and i watch a lot of mlb and look at what the national experts say about the team. they are high on the team. they are really positive. so one expert, we will call it predicted a ray's division tight this will year. >> i like it. >> i did not see that coming. >> we approve it. i need new carpet. ok. i have two dogs. and a husband. house trained? my husband? no, the dogs. sometimes. p i'd suggest stainmaster pet protect carpet. why? r incredibly durable and stain resistant. tthat's why they call it master it's... i got it. nnow get free basic installation with purchase of stainmaster t carpet and pad, t at lowe's. now four headlines at 4:30. number one, the pope says artificial contraception is okay if you're living in a region facing the zika virus. he calls it a lesser evil than causing an abortion. but the pope made the statement aboard a plane leaving mexico. number two, president barack obama will visit cuba in march. he made the announcement today. he will be the first sitting president in 88 years to the travel to cuba. and while he's there, he will meet with cuban president razl castro and republican presidential candidates, well, they're calling the trip a real mistake. number three, this is nasty. a terrible fly infestation. mitch flies are taking over a neighborhood in phoenix, arizona. people there claim the problem is so bad that they can't go outside at dusk. spraying isn't working. they don't carry disease but they'll fly into your ears, mouth and nose. and number four, funny money. some $4.6 million worth. border authorities claim they caught a couple trying to smuggle the fake into cash into the detroit airport. the couple said they planned to burn the bills as an offering to the deceased. because they never tried to spend the money, they were not arrested. fax flub. is ending up on this woman's fax machine. how did this happen? and after seven week, why hasn't it stopped? mammogram result, authorizations for medical procedure, they have all ended up on a lakeland woman's fax machine. >> and the serious breech of confidential records happened because of a misprint. >> reporter: i am looking at someone's mammogram results right here, someone else's prescription and a preauthorization for blood work. these are all medical documents. they contain information protected by federal law. how did i get this stuff? all of it was faxed to the wrong number. [ ringing ] >> reporter: for the last six week, her phone and fax machine have gone absolutely nuts. >> when the fax call comes, and i would pick it up, and i would hear the beep, i would hit disconnect. >> reporter: when she -- later, it would start again. >> reporter: when she hooked up the fax machine, she started getting other people's medical records. >> this was regarding somebody's knee. >> reporter: it came from pharmacists and were about patients. she discovered a printer's error put her phone number as the fax number on prescription pads. >> i gave them copies of what i was getting and i said, you need to make it stop. >> reporter: one suggestion she got -- >> maybe i could just unplug the phone. >> she doesn't have to turn her phone off. >> reporter: a doctor, attorney and medical ethicist. >> this is highly confidential information. >> reporter: according to him, sending the information to her is a violation of federal law. >> it's their fault. they have to fix it at whatever expense. >> reporter: last week the office manager told me they were working on the problem. this week, confidential patient >> reporter: trying to find out why. you know if the fax machine number on the prescription pads is correct? >> i'm not allowed to speak with you regarding anything. >> reporter: there's nobody here that can talk to us this. >> no. >> reporter: the doctor's office told me of course they had contacted the patients involved. really? i tracked down one. she had not been contacted and she was not happy. >> i will get ahold of the doctor's office and i know i will be changing my doctor. >> reporter: i don't blame you. not only does this walk-in clinic have an obligation to contact every patient of a potential breech, it's also obligated to contact every entity that received a prescription and let them know that the fax number needs to be corrected and get verification. >> and if i'm a patient, i don't want that information out there. >> no, you don't want me sitting with your mammogram results. >> how many times have we heard ending up in stolen way if is? >> this falls on the clinic. these are legal document, the largest source of identity theft in this country are breached medical records. and if you think that the prescription pad misspiel spelled the doctor's name that it would have been approved and put out there? no, i don't think so. >> thank you, steve. and now your first at 4:00 weather. let's check again with julie phillips. >> good afternoon. another gorgeous one. here is the view from sun city center and you can see beautiful blue skies out there. temperatures in the low 70s. winds fairly light out of the southeast at this location but some spots have been breezier this afternoon. temperatures low to mid-70s for a lot of us. it's 73 in tampa and in plant city. lakeland coming in at 72. inverness at 70. brooksville, 71 this this afternoon. and winds are out of northeast 10 to 15 miles per hour. and it's been a little gusty at times in inland spots. seeing gusts up to 20, 25 miles per hour in some places. so for the rest of the evening, temperatures will be comfortable, quiet night in store for us. not a cloud in the sky for most of us. and in the mid-60s. tomorrow morning, mid-50s. and then we will top out in the low 70s for friday. and another look at the weekend and also some rain chances moving in to the forecast as we head into next week coming up in the full forecast. the zika virus in florida prompting governor scott to declare a public health emergency. today we have a doctor instudio to answer questions about the virus and what it can do. and you will want to stick around for these 8 on your side stories. >> reporter: headaches for drivers as they come to clearwater as this major construction project shuts down a main road. >> reporter: i'm lindsey mastis. see behind the scenes here at news channel 8 today by using facebook. p dominique wilkins are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza . p for a while, i took a pillrto lower my blood sugar. t but it didn'tr get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza . he said victoza works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. (male vo) victoza is an injectabler prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history p of medullary thyroid cancer, r multiple endocrinep r or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. p tell your doctor if you getpa lump or swelling in your neck. p serious side effects may happenp in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take t and if you haver any medical conditions. r taking victoza withra sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration which may cause kidney problems. p if your pill isn't giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza . it's covered by welcome back. right now there, are 22 known cases of the zika viruses in florida. and all were contracted outside of the country. this virus can cause severe birth defects. so what can women do the to stay safe? 8 on your side has some answers today. and joining me is dr. pam. thank you for being with us. >> thanks. >> it's a big topic right now. a lot of people are talking about this and frankly a lot of people are scared. >> absolutely. >> so what should pregnant women do if she was recently traveled outside the country to a place where zika exists? >> well the first thing, make sure that you make your health care provider aware that you specifically to some place that zika is a problem. you don't necessarily have to have any symptoms to report this. just important to let them know that you have been out of the country. >> and now does the virus always cause birth defects? >> no. well, we are at a time where we have realized because of the issues in brazil that there's a stark increase of birth defects in the population where there's zika virus infections. so there's implication of causization there. >> and there's no medication or vaccine. >> that's the problem. that's going to be the actual -- the mechanism for correcting this problem. there's no medication for treatment. there are no vaccines so prevention is really key. >> and that goes back to fighting the good ole mosquito bite. mosquito spray? >> well, stay away from areas standing water, dusk, you want to protect yourself if you have to be in those areas. stay in air conditioned areas. if you happen to have to go into the area, epa approved insect repellant very, very important. long sleeves covering the areas of exposure. >> and for pregnant or breast feeding women, is it safe to use insect repellant? >> it is. look for the epa approved and it is quite safe. and important in this instance. >> thank you so much for being with us today. >> thank you. and we will be back. if you are one of the thousands of people planning -- actually, that story in a second. we will be right back. stay with us. our next item is a genuine "name your price" tool. this highly sought-after device from progressive can be yours for... twenty grand? -no! we are giving it away the lines are blowing up! we've got deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's flo. you guys realize anyone can use the "name your price" tool for free on, right? [ laughing nervously ] [ pickles whines ] i know, it's like they're always on television. if you're one of the thousands of people planning to run the gasparilla distance classic this weekend, then can what you eat now help your endurance? it's a good question. and today 8 on your side has answers. joining us now is a registered abigail. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much. >> you hear about carbing up. is that something you should be doing if you're running this weekend? >> well, it depends on what race you're running in. the shorter runs like the 5k, it's not really necessary. more we're talking about carb loading or carbing up, it's eating more carbs prior to the race. so carbs are the biggest source of fuel to run with. that's what our body uses. but misconceptions that you want to do it the night before. really the best time would be to start now. two to three days because it's not going -- your body is not just going to the immediately get all of it. and you don't want to have a huge giant meal the night before that can cause stomach upset and not help you out at all. the best time is to slightly increase the carbs starting today or tomorrow. >> and what could you eat right before the race to stay full and feel satisfied for duration? >> absolutely. that's a great question. a couple races, and like toast, peanut but ther and banana is a great combination because you get whole grain, the carbs from the banana and the toast and the peanut butter helps satisfy you for a longer period. and oatmeal is a great idea. and the night before, people think as pasta or pizza but also potato, whole grains. you don't want to get too much. >> and do we need to eat more after exercising, especially that distance? >> see, that's another great question. the best thing you can do right afterward, get a giant glass of water or after the race, they give you the water bottles. drink the whole thing and then quick recovery food like a bah that or piece of fruit. you don't need to eat much more afterwards. maybe just have -- >> exactly. and afterward, i mean think of having a great full balanced meal but you don't need to go crazy. >> all right, all good advice. and now over to josh. >> standing on the sideline, you don't need to carb up, right? and now the rate race in new york city where a guy lost his wallet at a concert and someone mailed some valuables back to him with an honest letter. and that has all of us laughing. check it out. >> reporter: he went to a concert in brooklyn and when riley got home, he realized, uh- oh, lost my wallet. >> that classic freak, jr. out moment. >> reporter: but the really freaky part happened later. >> two weeks later, the envelope shows up. found your wallet and driver's license. here's your credit card and other stuff. >> reporter: that's the good news even though he had already replaced his license and credit cards. the bad news -- >> i kept the cash because i needed weed. >> the metro card because, well, the fare is $2.75 right now and the wallet because it's >> reporter: at least the wallet napper has good taste, it's a handmade weather wallet. next thing you know the letter is on the front page of the paper and being read aloud on tv. >> toodles aonian nonmouse. >> reporter: what kind of half good samaritan, half thief talks like a teenager. >> we could have been good >> we could have been good friends. both like the music. same taste in wallets. >> reporter: such a new york thing, a little selfish, a little honest. >> it's like kind of charming? >> yeah. >> you know, we got this pot- smoking modern day robinhood out there. >> reporter: sending a hand scrawled letter with a charlie brown stamp. maybe that's a clue. maybe charlie brown did it. >> good grief. >> what a story. all right. time now one last check of the forecast. here's julie phillips. >> and thank yous shaping up nicely into the weekend. what a nice stretch. >> and we have the gasparilla distance classic. >> to it will hang on for that. >> it's a shame when we train, you know, -- >> to run in the rain. >> yeah. and i say we, i have not been training but a lot of people have been training for the gasparilla distance classic. >> honesty there. >> yes. and pleasant temperatures in the low to mid-70s as we head into the coming weekend. and pretty much into next week. we are looking at warm temperatures. rain chances inexistence throughout the weekend. just not there. but the next storm system will bring back in the rain and storm chances into tuesday and wednesday of next week. so that's when we will start to see changes. until then though, really pleasant waking up tomorrow morning, in the mid-50s, sunshine to start off the day. and then a few clouds building into the afternoon hours. of sunshine through the day and topping out in the low 70s there. and we are looking at clear skies across the tampa bay area. that's going to stay with us through tonight. and no change is coming through this evening. and comfortable temperatures really for us. you may want a light sweat for you're out late this evening. but overall, shouldn't be too bad. and we start off the day similar to this morning. typical temperatures for february, mid-50s. mostly sunny. so you may want a light jacket to begin with because we warm up quickly into the afternoon hours. and we will top out in the low to mid-70s tomorrow. and a northeast breeze, still staying with us. so clouds from the east coast of florida but not going to be seeing any showers with the clouds. saturday morning, beginning the day in the mid-50s. great start to your weekend. if you're headed out to run in the gasparilla distance classic, 50s are good temperatures for the runners. sunny saturday, warming up quickly. winds will still be out of the east. but by sunday, the winds shift more southeasterly and that helps to warm us up. near 80 degrees. really warming and notice, still dry. clear skies to begin with on your sunday. and here's where some changes move in. so you can see high pressure in place tall the way through the weekend. that's going to keep our temperatures warm and keep us dry. but into next week, we see a developing storm system to the west. and this moves in generally on tuesday into wednesday and bringing up the rain and storm chances. tuesday looks to be the best day for rain but we could have lingering showers on wednesday. and we will have a better idea as we get closer but until then, just enjoy a fabulous weekend. guys -- >> we will. thank you very much. there's a special art show happening tomorrow night in tampa. >> it features high school artist sharing their talents to help raise money that will help other children explore art. it's called artist in action. and i was lucky enough to get a preview. >> reporter: some pretty spectacular amateur art sprinkles the front porch of the historic anderson house in >> i got a piece of wood and sanded it down and bleached it and then painted on it. >> reporter: the 18-year-old is one the artist. she and another 18-year-old joined forces to create what initially was going to be a small art show to raise money for charity. >> so started off small. we had like six artist. >> reporter: what do you have now? >> about 20. and we have raised a lot of money. initially we wanted to raise $15,000. and we are boardinger $50,000. >> reporter: it's called artist in action. >> sculpture, painting, photography, drawings, scratch boards. >> reporter: it's a first of its kind art show this friday night. it features art from high school artists all over the bay area. >> it was really interesting to see like all the talent that's around here that no one really knows about besides like each school because it's -- we're not exposed to each other outside of our schools. so it's cool to see us all together. artist but he came up with the idea about a year ago. >> for me, i love art history. i took a class and that's something i'm entrenched in and something i want to do in college. so art has left an impact on both of us and we would like to share that with the community around us. >> reporter: so if people want to come out friday night, what can they expect? >> a lot of art. very, veryal ended kids and there will be live music and food and refreshments. and i just hope everyone sees like how talented the kids here are and how, like the next generation of artists are here and we will make our impact. we are already making our impact in tampa. >> boy, they sure are. and the money that the show raises will go to the community foundation of tampa bay. and they plan to earmark it to help art programs at other schools in the bay area. >> raising serious money. >> i was blown away. really good stuff. and for more information, head to and see more of this cute (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. >> welcome back. now let's take a look at what's trending online today. >> beginning with the newest video from the holder and his family and an excerpt we really like you are up at 6:00 a.m. on a school day, you are like a zombie and i want to pull all we won't get there until tomorrow. [ laughter ] >> hey, if you are a parent, you can relate. that is the family's new boys 2 men it is so hard to say good- bye to yesterday. it's a parody of course. it is called it is so hard to get out the door everyday. >> it is national drink wine day. and yes, the story is trending on facebook. we are told february 18 marks a day of appreciation for the alcoholic beverage. don't forget, they say the red for you. and we were going to bring you the snow angel story, but that. look it up online. it is awesome. an 85-year-old grandma on her birthday. >> we have much more news on your way. now. >> right now on newschannel8 at 5:00. a warning from pasco's sheriff after a fire at a deputy's house. >> and donald trump firing back after pope francis suggests he is not christian. >> and inconvenient closures on a busy weekend. 8 on your side wants to know why now? good evening. i'm jennifer leigh. >> i'm keith cate. thank you very much for joining us tonight. we start with breaking news and incredible video out of hawaii. watch as this helicopter goes down into the water in the arizona memorial at pearl harbor. here it is again. eyewitness video shows the hard landing. five people on board this helicopter. civilian craft apparently. one of the people in critical condition. touring to the pearl harbor memorial have been canceled because of what you have seen here. we will bring you the latest when it comes in. meantime, if you target our deputies, prepare to meet deadly force.

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