israeli resumption of building on the occupied west bank. and it hugo chavez makes parliamentary gains that could make the president next five years difficult indeed. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcast to our viewers on pbs in america, also around the globe. my name is mike embley. coming up later for you -- ♪ the world's biggest energy producer meets the world's fastest growing energy market. russia and china signed an oil and gas field. and the hills could soon be alive with the sound of skiing. this picturesque spot in georgia is on people's minds. hello. on the face of it, it is just an official announcement of a military appointment, but in north korea, very little is routine, and the latest news from state media looks significant. kim jong il -- kim jong-un has been given the rank of military general. this is one of the a few photographs of him. he is thought to be in his 20's. in any seat strong signs he is about to be anointed -- many see strong signs he is about to be anointed. from neighboring south korea, we have this report. in atm the train's coming you and immaculate john young central station to the choreographed uniformity -- immaculate pyongyang central station to be choreographed uniformity. these are the pictures that north korea was the world to say. the city getting ready for a very significant event indeed. the last major party gathering was it 1980, 30 years ago. that meeting saw kim jong-il appointed to the highest ranks of the party, confirming him as his father's successor. now he is frail, elderly, and on well. speculation is mounting that he is about to pull off the same trick by dramatically elevating his third and youngest son, kim jong-un, as the next jos and later. >> if he is anointed -- as the next and its leader. >> if he is anointed, [unintelligible] he will start going up everywhere -- is picture will start going up everywhere. >> but, of course, no one can say for sure whether this secretive states is really about to give the world a glimpse of its next ruler. at best, it is speculation about what is going on inside north korea. but this party conference certainly seems plausibly about the succession, but it may not be the breakthrough moment many are waiting for. perhaps kim jong-un on will be promoted behind closed doors, or maybe he will not be promoted at all. those inside north korea are likely to know even less. this man escape to the celtic years ago. >> people do assume one of his sons will succeed kim jong-il, just as he is succeeded his father, but no one would have expected someone so young. >> that prospect may worry no. 3 of's neighbors, understandably nervous about any sign of change -- north korea from neighbors, understandably nervous about any sign of change. >> we are disappointed, but there is still hope. that is the line coming from american negotiators on the response to the middle east peace talks. palestinian leaders had threatened to withdraw from these fragile talks, but israel's prime minister has urged them to stay with it. >> just hours after the end of the partial freeze on building in jewish settlements, in some places, the settlers began construction on homes and community building. as much as these images will anchor palestinians and even the american government, -- aner palestinians and even the american government, they are largely symbolic. >> we want this process to succeed, and that is why prime minister netanyahu called president abbas, as these talks will only go one, and only through negotiation will we go on to the future. >> previously, the palestinian president said he would pull up peace talks if the settlement building resumes. he has not walked away yet, even though he says the settlements are incompatible with ps. >> the palestinians will return to our leaders first, before we can decide. we will not make any quick reactions. we will not say yes or no. we need to study the consequences. >> palestinians protesting against the israeli occupation in the west bank over the weekend. many ordinary palestinians say their leaders have already given too much ground, while not, at least publicly, getting any concessions from israel. the settlement residents are the first of obstacles that could derail negotiations at any stage. while american negotiators are hopeful the talks can be saved and a compromise agreed upon, the the time is running out. the bbc understands that over the next couple of days, palestinian leaders will discuss this crisis and the executive committee of the plo made order the withdrawal from the peace talks. >> more top stories this hour. pakistan has officially protested in nato about air strikes near the country's border with afghanistan. helicopters dropped into pakastani territory twice. in one attack, 30 people, said to be insurgents, died. a resignation just days after the country's players came home from their controversial to work. the american regional giant wal- mart is in negotiations to buy a $4 billion company in south africa. south africa is deeply concerned about anti-union policies at wal-mart. the venezuelan president is celebrating gains in parliamentary elections that could make the next five years difficult for hugo chavez. our correspondent in caracas has more. >> it is an atmosphere of order and peace. security was tight, as it is in most latin american elections. there were a few incidents of trouble and accusations of foul play at the polls. mr. job as voted himself at his stronghold in caracas -- mr. chavez voted himself and his stronghold in caracas. after several tense hours, the announcement finally arrived. it was a victory for president hugo chavez. >> the united socialist party had been majority of seats in state after state. but crucially, there will be no two-thirds majority for the elected leader, the magic number needed to pass reforms. opposition candidates had taken more than 60 seats in parliament, a block large enough to frustrate his plans over the next five years. it must be remembered they chose to boycott his election five years ago. as such, they will always take back some political space from president job as. -- chavez. until recently, the opposition party in venezuela was considered unelectable and out of touch with the venezuelan people. however, if their claim is verified by the electoral authority, it will be a significant blow to hugo chavez ahead of the presidential election in 2012. now there are more major issues to address. it seems voters what both sides to work together more closely. this vote may have been the first step towards that goal. will grant, bbc news, caracas. >> 3 australian soldiers have been charged with the deaths of six, five of them children, in afghanistan. the australians attacked the wrong house while searching for a taliban leader. >> the charges against the australian soldiers relate to a commando raid in afghanistan. six people, including five afghan children, were killed in the operation in february 2009. four others were wounded. the three servicemen will now be charged with various offended. -- offenses. this includes failing to obey an order and manslaughter. australia's prime minister julia gillard says they will let every opportunity to clear their names. >> obviously, overwhelmingly, in relation to the polling, our australian defense force has strict rules of engagement. they have the finest reputation as ago about a very difficult environment. >> two of the soldiers have taken the unusual step of issuing a statement, blaming it the reckless actions of the insurgents for the loss of life during the raid. the men said that words were never adequately expressed their regret the women and children were killed and injured. bbc news, sydney. >> the fallout from the fake togo football team is gaining momentum. two officials have been arrested for organizing a fake team earlier this month. protestors in belgium have marched through a detention camp protesting a change in immigration policies. the protest was on the outskirts of brussels. at capt. held in a japanese jail has been given a hero's welcome on his return to china. do stay with us, if you can, on "bbc world news." . still to come -- fresh hope for the chilean miners. how are the men coping belowground? first though, for days, there have been doubts about delhi's readiness for the commonwealth games. now the athletes are going in. for six days, officials have been pulling out all the stops. >> members of the nigerian team were arriving in the airport'. the anglin contingent started moving into the games village -- the england that contingent started moving into the games region. there is still a lot of work being done. frantic construction is carrying on, and the army has rebuilt the bridge that collapsed last week. they are feeling the heat, but they still found time. they are confident that eventually everything will be in top shape. >> we are cleaning up the rooms. but the public areas. -- the public areas we have also said that everyone has to work double time. >> most of the venues are being restored as the elite troops to go about securing them. india is taking a chances. >> the preparations are almost done. -- india is taking no chances. >> the preparations are almost done. the gains are still a week from now. india will be hoping it can finally put on a good show. bbc news, delhi. >> the latest headlines for you on "bbc world news at." the north korean leader, kim jong-il has promoted one of his sons. russia is the world's biggest energy supplier. when the leaders and that, they had much to talk about. china wants more resources to fuel economic growth. president medvedyev's visit coincides with the completion of an oil pipeline between the two countries. >> both sides have touted the completion of the china-russia oil pipeline. this is a win/win cooperation in progress of a further promoting cooperation in the areas of energy, administration, and high-tech industries. >> but aside from oil, russia has opportunities to sell gas in china. they are currently highly reliant on europe. the two countries have agreed that russian supplies would start flowing in 2015, although they have yet to work out a pricing structure. if any deal goes through, it will worried the west. they will see it as yet another sign of china cornering the energy markets. bbc news, beijing. >> in europe, it looks to be another difficult week for the euro. workers across the continent have called out on strike. it is all being watched closely by jonathan charles in frankfurt. >> business is booming. germany has shaken off the recession. it is a symbol of just how divided the euro zone has become. the airports are increasingly efficient. everything is much more automated. it has cut costs. german workers have had to make sacrifices for today's success though. many have not had a real pay rise for the last decade. a finance director says it is painful, but it is a lesson for the rest of the euro zone. >> we have arranged labor contracts. we have more of the granting activity. by this, we are regaining competitiveness. >> these efforts are replicated all over germany. unemployment is less than it was before the recession now. the economy is expected to grow by 3% this year. what frankfurt airport has done, what germany has done has only made it harder for the other a ling members of the euro. greece, spain, portugal. is a question of how much that they are all carrying. i knew year and a new era for europe. i was in frankfurt reporting for the bbc on the first of january, 1999 when the euro was launched into a sky full of fireworks. then the country's decided it would all benefit by using the same currency. when i spoke to commissioners back then, they could not contain their enthusiasm. >> it is a very important step for europe. after 14 years -- it is a first- time that europe will have its own currency. >> as i went shopping for the first time using the euro, it did seem to be the start of a new era. >> [unintelligible] >> today, most germans still wanted to succeed. it is part of finding the continent together after two world wars. they do not want the possibility of failure. >> after two or three years, i think it is fair. there is one famous quotation i like. "things that you thought would never happened before happen all the time." i think that would make you think a little bit. >> germany is only a couple of hours of flying time from here. the physical distance is not much, but the gap is widening all the time. jonathan charles, bbc news, frankfurt. >> they are attracting an enormous attention in their own country and throughout the world, but still there's 33 chilean miners are trapped underground. they have been for nearly two months. rescue is still well 9 -- well nigh impossible until next month at the earliest. tim wilcox reports. >> a day and night, the drilling continues. it is day 53, and the men have spent longer trapped underground than anyone in history. the rescue attempt is another world's first period as the families at camp hope wait and pray for their safe return, how are the 33 copings ecologically? how did they keep hope alive 700 meters underground? a specialist speak to them every day. >> i believe all the keys for surviving is that they have been able to build a society. they are working as a group. they are coping with the confinements of not being able to simply get out of there as a society. >> are they afraid? >> the youngsters, yes. greatdsters are doing a job of talking and conversing with the youngsters. they are holding on. >> it has been the longest of shifts for these men, still working and sleeping underground in temperatures of 33 degrees plus, and humidity levels of 33%. but daily life is almost normal, with complaints about the food and constant requests for cigarettes. bbc news. >> locals in remote mountain region of georgia state their land is being seized by the government's. this region has remains unspoiled for centuries because it is so isolated. the project is one put forward by president saakashvili. we have this. >> the caucasus mountains, christine and untouched. here on georgia's border with russia, medieval culture immortalized in stone. as part in the tourists travel hours -- as hard in the tourists' travel hours to witness the beauty. >> it is better? >> it is better, yes. >> that tranquillity may be under threat if they turned this region into a ski resort. if it all goes to the government's plan, this slow will soon attract thousands of skiers. it will bring much-needed investment for what is a relatively poor part of georgia. but not everyone is happy. some say the land is being snatched to make this project happen. this woman says this field belongs to her family, but a private investor wants to build a hotel on it. she says her mother was arrested for demanding a say in how much compensation she received. her mother, a local opposition politician, is still awaiting trial. but in the main town, they are already building like there is no tomorrow. the georgian president once this multimillion dollar project ready by the end of the year -- once this multimillion-dollar project -- wants this multimillion-dollar project ready by the end of the year. this man is resigned. he says it will be good for business. and foreign investors are coming forward to develop the potential of this area. a norwegian investor wants to open a hotel for ventris travelers. >> you will win more than you lose. something had to happen. i hope this will be done in a sound and quality manner. then everything will be ok. >> who knows when the crowds of winter tourists will arrive? when they do, it is hard to see how the harmony of this traditional region will not be forfeit in some way, especially in a place that has long been resistant to change. bbc news, in georgia. >> much more on that and all the international news anytime you want it online -- you can catch up with me and most of the team on twitter. i'm @bbcmikeembley. and we are on at facebook as well, of course. thank you very much for watching. >> hello and welcome. >> see the news unfold, get the top stories from around the globe and click to play video reports. go to to experience the in-depth, expert reporting of "bbc world news" online. >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank. >> union bank has put its global financial strength to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you? >> there is one stage that is the met and carnegie hall. >> o, that this too, too solid flesh -- >> it is the kennedy center. >> check, one, two. >> and a club in austin. >> it is closer than any seat in the house, no matter where you call home. >> the top of the world, and i'm there, i'm home. >> pbs -- the great american stage that fits in every living room. your support of pbs brings the arts home. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. >> susie: southwest airlines kicks off a high-flying day of deals. it's buying smaller rival airtran, and landing a big foothold at america's biggest

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