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Paving the way for immigrants here illegally to be Americans I'm Dave Anthony Fox News President Biden's pushing a new plan that will be introduced by Democrats in Congress providing a pathway to citizenship for millions over an 8 year period it replaces the term alien to non-citizen immigration law it clears family backlogs and instability no added in Forstmann mechanisms down a call yesterday with senior administration officials they were quick to highlight it in order to be eligible for the past way you have already been in the country by January 1st 2021 any one after that not eligible foxes Griff Jenkins more Americans lost jobs last week a rise in unemployment boxes lowly and updates us live Dave about 100000 more Americans than expected filed for 1st time jobless last week the 861000 claims higher than the week before which itself got revised upward continuing claims those still receiving benefits fell to just under 4 and a half 1000000 that's roughly in line with expectations this. Means more than 40 percent of the workforce has filed for unemployment benefits during this pandemic Dave little in the trend of fewer new corner virus cases is now 6 days in a row under 100000 those deaths spiked up yesterday to nearly 2500 in New York the nursing home death controversy led to a reported investigation by the f.b.i. And the u.s. Attorney's office Governor Cuomo used by his fellow Democrats and Republicans of a cover up dating back to a governor's order and March g.o.p. Congressman Lee Seldon tells Fox there's over 9000 infected patients that were placed with healthy nursing home residents meet governor of the state undercounted the amount of deaths that took place almost all deaths were accounted for a new problem and I see frigid Texas where many are still without power or heat 7000000 told to boil their water and all Texans are alone freezing in the dark they're not alone it's an organism that electricity for a week and there's more snow Texas to New England today America's listening to Fox News finding great candidates to hire can be like well trying to find a needle in a haystack but not with zipper cruder it's powerful technology actively finds and invites qualified candidates to apply to your job so while other companies might deliver a lot of hay zipper cruder finds you the needle in the haystack see why pour out of 5 employers who post their job and get a quality candidate within the 1st day tries it for free and zip recruiter dot com slash trial. 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In Connecticut launching a campaign to get educators back today their 1st coded Connecticut Education Association believes teachers should be at the front of the line for a bag scenes adding many of the states have prioritized teachers in their vaccination programs then expected to survive after he shot in the south end of Hartford Police say the unidentified man was shot in the abdomen yesterday afternoon inside an apartment on Weatherfield Avenue and was conscious when he was taken to the hospital by ambulance for treatment bullies trying to determine who is responsible for the shooting death of a man whose body was found in the East Rock section of do we have been ruled a homicide police say the body of a job or a drug use was found by a jogger Monday morning on Farnham drive at Orange Street in the park New Haven resident died from a gunshot wound to the head I'm like fabric you can't project As for Joe Biden says nobody should be in jail because there are drugs whole heartedly disagree but the reason you stab a pregnant woman doesn't matter to me because you're high and. It doesn't matter to me because your joins in he needed that next big no better. With a dude right under you can't wait for like. 10 projects weekday mornings at 6 minute radio 960 now and 969 f.m. . As of January 1st and a good business has are responsible for withholding half a percent from employee paychecks to provide up to 12 weeks of income replacement for a family leave starting in 2022 if you haven't seen a deduction talk to your employer today paid leave as a benefit for your peace of mind make sure your employers and I'm Andrea part. Of the Connecticut think authority and we're here to help this it seems to. Work. Into the world of tomorrow's monsters a scripted pod cast storing Golden Globe nominee John Paul you and anyone or Chris . In this I find thriller pod cast a shadow me corporation seeks to enhance human evolution by eliminating the need for sleep the repercussions when we keep. Access to our brains I will point out we know don't touch us consumers at what point do we become depressed listening to tomorrow's monsters on the i r radio app or where ever you get your pockets you should start with Art Art t.v. And appliance the north even since 1053 our t.v. And appliance want you to know how to shop for your next home appliance when you come to our t.v. And appliance you'll get answers to your questions from 3 trained professionals who know how to me here Nice try asking questions and other big stories and you'll hear . More they want to get the best prices and service intel on the coach and that's why you. See the appliance. Today. Memories of Rush. In 60 seconds. Let me tell you about rough greens rough greens you know my dog no is my best friend I just love him. And yes he slobbers he found a he found one of the guys who are working on the house left a bag of like those. You know donuts so you get like at 711 that are in the bag they come prepackaged they were so hard he was eating them and they were crunching I thought he was eating some giant pretzel and I'm like why do you what are you doing what are you eating it was a bag of really old donuts that somebody had left from the construction crew so you know I love him he's got my kind of eating habits that you know when you find a bag of all donuts you're like I don't know they still look kind of good but I give him rough Greens now now I haven't changed his dog food I still feed him the same stuff that I've been feeding him however we add rough grains to it and that's because it has all of the vitamins minerals and the probiotics that he needs for a great and healthy life and he has changed as a dog we started feeding him I don't know 8 months ago and he really has changed you're going to love the change you see get a bag of rough Greens now for your dog to try out it's free it's absolutely free you just pay for the shipping they wanted they know that once you start to see the changes in your dog they know you're going to continue with rough greens so yeah it is a little ploy give away a bag for free make sure that they eat it and then when you order your 1st bag you're 2 months into it probably and you're going to start seeing the difference in your dog 6 months into it it's amazing rough screen say $33.00 Glen $33833.00 Glen $33.00 it's like $8.00 for shipping for the bag you just pay for the shipping rough greens the 1st ones on them bag free bag of rough greens for your dog to try out and rough greens dot com slash back. Rush Limbaugh I have had one thing in common one thing in common. And that is every show Rush didn't know what his 1st words were going to be. You could ask him right before he went on the air and he'd prepare for hours 5 or 6 hours the night before 4 hours before every program in the morning and by noon Eastern time he had his what he called stacks of stuff arranged in front of him in columns he could see the subject matter on everything he had and. He could look at it he would grab it and early on before Rush Limbaugh was Rush Limbaugh people would come in and say Ok We're going to talk about today what he you know what's the most important thing you're going to talk about today what is it and he'd always respond I don't know I can't tell you until the on air light went on and he said those 1st words into his golden microphone it was a spontaneous coming together of his thoughts and no one no one except talk radio people can understand that the greatest actors the greatest performers they don't write their own script and if they do they write it in advance unlike us unlike Rush we speak for 3 hours every day unscripted unlike most his desk was his broadcast studio he didn't move from an office into a studio just before the program when he arrived every morning it was about a mile down from his house he worked in his studio it was built to be proof but also of the very best creature comforts for a person to work 7810 hours with minimal movement by studios next to his in Radio City. My studio didn't have all the bells and whistles that his studio had one of them. Was a secret cigar smoke event because you couldn't smoke in Radio City it was illegal in New York and when he wanted to smell the research cigar smoke so God only knows how he got it done on a historic building but he had a cigar vent put into the window and the window put back together so it didn't disturb the historic building and no one even knew it was there the morning before but mornings before his show or quiet he were really was a man of few words in his studio for many years there wasn't even a broadcast engineer it was just him. Later when he lost his hearing he needed a broad broadcast engineer to help hear the audio his Coakley or implants wouldn't pick up or discern. I was there when they found out that Rush Limbaugh had lost his hearing I remember that night I think Stu was with me we were in a Bob's office and we had just heard that rush it was still quiet no one was going to talk about it for at least another 2 weeks that Rush had lost his hearing and I remember listening to him at that time and he was he was talking like this an awful lot. From our body. And he was forcing his voice down and it sounded weird and I wondered what was going on with Rush that night I found out he thought he was losing his lower register he thought his voice was getting higher and so he was forcing his voice don't stop it. He wasn't losing his lower register he was he was losing his hearing I remember how the company did everything they could. To help him through that remember he came back on the air and he had to. Cope and they had wired his board right. Where you would hear him do this. That board was wired so it would send vibrations so when someone was speaking on the phone he could feel their voice he could see the voice pattern through the scope he could feel it through his hands and refers were writing down everything color was saying in case one of them didn't get it right he could compare the 2 so he could watch in real time what they were saying watch the voice pattern of the caller and feel the voice with his hands while still processing what he was going to say tell me the person that can do that. Telling the person that can do that and you never knew he didn't know what his own voice sounded like anymore while he was talking on the year he couldn't hear himself we hear ourselves on tape and we think that has it sound like me but it actually does it sounds exactly like you you're just not used to not hearing it from the inside you hear your voice different because it's coming from the inside so you're not hearing it without all the residents inside of you. Couldn't hear that anymore from behind my golden microphone he had that inflection because he had to remember what his muscles felt like when he was using inflection. I didn't know Rush Limbaugh I guess in some ways I'm a little like Rush. He didn't like to take telephone calls and after a cochlear implants he couldn't but he didn't like off air conversation he would e-mail later text message instant message but when you did meet him he listened for a guy who's on the air all the time you'd think. He'd have a lot to say and people around him would want to hear him talk. Do you really think what do you think really is going on but 90 percent of the conversations with rush off air. Was your voice he was a profound listener I think that's one of the reasons why he knew the country so well. Rush Limbaugh is responsible for saving the Am band all around the country I grew up on am radio r.c.a. Had invented f.m. Radio back in the late forty's the guy who actually invented it I think his name was Armstrong he he killed himself because of r.c.a. He realized he had been used by r.c.a. And Sarnoff he had invented something much better than the am radio but r.c.a. And Sarnoff said there are too many am radios to sell before we give up on this thing and they locked f.m. Up into their vaults and they sold more and more Am radios and till they couldn't sell anymore and that's when they introduced f.m. . I grew up I started on am radio before f.m. Was really anything it was still. In his Another rock n roll hit. By the time the 1990 s. Came I was programming am radios and radio stations and they were dying there was nothing and a guy who used to be the head of a.b.c. A.b.c. Radio decided towards the end of his career that he would take some of his salary in something brand new satellite time and a.b.c. . Do To that's what you want you want x. Number of hours this year or satellite time Ok are you going to use it for I don't know. Just keep storing I'm up for me and by the time he left I am radio or I'm sorry a.b.c. Radio satellite was really starting to come into its own but it was still mainly television or radio news I remember when a.b.c. News used to come in not on satellite have come in on a telephone line satellite was just beginning to start to be used by radio but not for syndicated talk it didn't exist there was the fairness doctrine which made am radio impossible talk radio impossible because everything I said had to be followed by a guy who was just as insane as Glenn Beck except on the other side nobody wanted to listen to a station like that the Fairness Doctrine was dropped Rush Limbaugh who had been turned down by so many great people Jack Swanson from k.g. That are Jack was. In San Francisco Jack was a guy who was one of the 1st to reach out to me and say you know I think you have something good. I think there's something to this talk radio thing don't give up and I said wow that's great Would you hire me and he said oh no but remember I'm the guy who didn't hire Rush Limbaugh Jackie got to know he went to work Rush went to work at this little radio station in Sacramento and nobody thought it would work nobody thought it would work Rush did he knew from his childhood he knew he was going to be successful I'm going to pick the story up there in one minute. First let me tell you about our sponsor its Life Lock Life Lock. You know they warn you that right now there is a scam going around a message claiming hey you can have a free year of Netflix all you have to do is just give us all of your information and for some reason I like free Netflix. Here's a little money information going to give you my credit card number. 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There is something about successful people hand entrepreneurs that is truly truly American these entrepreneurs that come from nothing and have no reason to believe that they can do anything that are than their parents rush was one of those guys I grew up with a grew up in a bakery with my dad he lost his bakery and in my thirty's I began to realize my dad was kind of a Willy Loman character always striving striving but never really making it there was no reason for him to believe that his son could make it because he never really did but he did he believed in it he believed you can accomplish anything I don't know where Rush got that belief but every successful entrepreneur has that understanding and then they're willing to apply themselves and not stand around and whine. Rush hated school hated his grade school experience he dropped out of college at 20 His father was a World War 2 combat pilot. And his father wasn't happy about these things. His radio gigs failed over and over and over again he had to come home and live with his parents after a stint in Pittsburgh he grew depressed he was frustrated he said I knew I was going to be successful I just didn't know how or where or what I would be doing he said I knew I was going to be successful but nothing was ever working out for me so I can remember taking a baseball bat out in the backyard and just. Beating a tree over and over and over again. Oh my gosh oh my gosh it was abusing trees shot up so Ed McLaughlin was the president of a.b.c. News he was the guy who had all of this satellite time he saw the success of this guy who everybody said would be a failure and Ed was smart enough to see what was really going on with the Rush Limbaugh show in that small town of Sacramento and he said jeez I have all this satellite time I don't know what else to do with it he called Rush Limbaugh up and said Hey I was thinking about saying it about syndicating you in a time where syndication was unheard of you couldn't syndicate without satellite and satellite was so expensive it was I think at the time like $2000.00 an hour and that's when $2000.00 was real money so I have all this satellite time to try to put your show on that was 1988 I remember hearing Rush Limbaugh for the 1st time in 1989 and I remember the rush rooms I remember him talking about the 1st Gulf War in ways I had never heard before saying things I had never heard saying the things like abortion is wrong. I hadn't heard that I hadn't heard that articulated. Something was very different about Rush Limbaugh. And I don't know what it is exactly. But as an observer as a historian as a guy who loves this industry. I've got a lot more to say. Look the great Rush Limbaugh. I'm. Going. To wring. My money. Like a bird were no. No no birds are going to be flown show. You remember me remember when your grandparents used to say that everybody would say I could feel the rain in my bones and be like yeah right sure and then you get you get to be 5560 years old you're like oh my good how you can free my brain schlepping like a bird. Listen if you have pain get out of pain with relief factor it's not a drug it was developed by doctors and 70 percent of the people who try really factor go on to buy more because it works for them try the 3 week quickstart trial pack for 995 go to relief factor dot com or call 80583848058384 it's relief factor dot com. Every place t.v. Dot com slash Glenn The problem is Glenn. Subscription a place to place t.v. 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The free i Heart Radio out is number one for music music radio and podcasts all in one i Heart Radio goes one on one with Jon Bon Jovi to ask his definition of a good song to me the sign of a good song is something that moves you to an emotion or to have a recollection of a memory and and then when you do look back 20 years f. . This happened to me. Keep listening to our Heart Radio. And all your favorite artists. Are her radio brings you the week in Hollywood history Feb 15th 1954 The Simpsons and Futurama creator. Also the creator of the comic strip life in hell he's won over a dozen Emmys and received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 201217936 created by cartoon asleep fall the world's 1st superhero The Phantom makes his 1st appearance in newspaper comics Billy Zane starred in the 1996 film adaptation which performed poorly at the box office where he 6970 Award winning actor and. His t.v. Appearances include Emmy nominated roles in House of Cards. And he won best supporting actor for both moonlight. Feb 18th 1986 winning actor who passed away from lung cancer the previous year appears in a posthumous anti-smoking public service announcement the 1st of its kind ever seen on American television Feb 20th 1968. John Cleese an American actress. And they do This is the Glenn Beck program today I want to spend some time just talking about Rush Limbaugh I think he deserves a day. On the medium that he himself created I told you that he saved am Radio am radio was over because of crystal clear stereo. And. Am radio didn't know what to do they were playing music and then they tried this horrible idea of Am stereo good so I could get the crappy sound in both channels No I don't think so it went nowhere nothing was going to save am radio until Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh created an industry Rush Limbaugh at the end of the fairness doctrine which was only put in because of the Democrats with j.f.k. . They knew the Republicans were making. Making headway and j.f.k. Decided fairness doctrine which was anything but the only place after $988.00 with Rush Limbaugh and after Reagan in the fair it kills the Fairness Doctrine Rush Limbaugh was the only place you could really go and hear a different point of view you could hear somebody sit down and really explain and articulate why America believes what it does why why abortion was wrong why liberalism and Marxism was wrong why federalism and the Republic was right to hear about our Founding Fathers all of us all of us in radio and I mean all of us I mean those who are in music radio today during. It was talk radio that saved radio all of the sponsors all of the things all of the problems that these companies have gone through only talk radio was generating cash everything else was down only talk radio. Talk radio during coded saved the am and f.m. Band and in my opinion that's too in the column for Rush Limbaugh he saved the Am band and because of what he created and because of what he led he also saved the f.m. Band. Who else has done this what other one man not a movement you know you couldn't you could look at people that are individuals like j.f.k. Look I'm not sorry j.f.k. But Martin Luther King You can see what he did but it wasn't just him that was labor unions it was churches. There were big organizations behind him who was behind Rush Limbaugh. He had more opposition than any man he was called The Most Dangerous Man in America by those in power and by those in the media for 3 decades they tried everything to get Rush Limbaugh off the air and I I would be it would be a mistake for me. I hesitate to even say this because I know the heat he will get but the guy who started m.t.v. Is Bob Pittman Bob Pittman is a genie he's really truly a genius Bob Pittman and I don't agree on anything politically I mean nothing and I'm sure it was the same with Rush Limbaugh nothing in common politically when Bob Pittman became the. The head of Clear Channel I was very nervous because he is not a conservative what Bob Pittman is is not just a good businessman but a man who believes in freedom of speech he does not believe in a country that shuts everyone down just because you don't agree with him it would be a mistake to say that Rush did all of this on his own he did a lot of it but what others had to do was stand up for his right and Clear Channel and Bob Pittman has they stood up for his right and in extension my right when all odds are against us Rush also created something different as well the personal relationship with sponsors and bringing small companies on because. Nobody nobody in the big companies are going to advertise they don't want to advertise they don't want to be associated with all this hate I can guarantee you that all those people that tweeted yesterday they hate have never listened to Rush Limbaugh not once never did they listen to him in context I've said many times before and I think I originally got it from Rush Limbaugh I can't program I can't write my show and do my show for people who don't listen. That's insanity why would I do that but it is the people who don't listen they are the ones who terrorists apart because they don't take the time to actually even try to understand what we're saying try to understand oh that was a comedic comment. He didn't say anything on the left comedically But if you try to say it on the right especially on talk radio you're the devil that's Ok you can judge a man by his friends but you can also judge a man by his enemies and Rush had some of the best enemies out there they did everything they could to destroy him they spent millions of dollars to destroy him it didn't work and you know why it didn't work because of you because you wouldn't sit down you wouldn't be bullied into not listening you wouldn't be bullied into being shut up the talk radio stations when they were boycotted those listeners rallied when they were boycotted the sponsors the listeners they went out and bought those products even more I got an email from a really good friend yesterday Gregg No Act He used to be the president of Premier talked a vision he worked with Rush for years and then he went out and he did work for smaller businesses. He wrote to me today said. I took the owners of Allen brothers' stakes to meet Russian Palm Beach one time Rush had agreed to endorse their company and their commercials were start in a few weeks we entered the building not wanting to be late 3 pm sharp we went up to the floor where Russia's studio was he had just finished his show and he came out to the lobby meaty area to greet us as we sat down Rush said this quote It is a true honor for you to have placed your trust in me I love helping privately owned small businesses like yours grow think of the people that you're going to hire and the places they will go the colleges their children will be able to attend. That's why I do this program to attract the largest audience possible to tell them stories about companies like yours I am a capitalist and it gives me great pleasure to further the advancement of capitalism knowing how many people down the line will benefit from your ad then he opened up his legal pad. He said I did some research on your products ordered several items I tasted them I have a few questions for you he then spent 30 minutes questioning the owners the owner's jaws dropping in amazement when they witnessed how interested Rush was in them as people in their business Greg wrote to me last night just before we left. Turn and said how many hits per 2nd Can your website handle They answered I don't remember the number but Rush replied with a twinkle in his eye and a chuckle Oh well I'll see what I can do about that we all shook hands and the meeting ended I got into the elevator with the owners one said with wide eyes and huge smile he's going to try to crash our website is an e I looked at them and said no he's not going to try he will he knows he will he's Rush Limbaugh he knows his audience he knows they're going to love your product his 1st commercial they crashed the Web site their business grew exponentially. Ever had Snapple you have rushed to think as a small little brand that nobody knew about he started drinking Snapple he started talking about it on the air he wasn't paid to talk about it Snapple became Snapple . Rush was a kind man I think he was very shy and no matter how many times he said on loan from God. It was a joke just a few brushes with Rush Limbaugh. Told me he wasn't that man. That was an act that was a show he was a gentleman always he was exceptional at what he did I want to tell you my personal experiences with Rush Limbaugh and the Mount Rushmore over radio in a few minutes stand by. 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We welcome back to the program Mr Stuber gear who apparently is just too weenie to actually make it to a single broadcast if there's a little bit of ice or snow yeah also my house was completely filled with water so I thought near the one hoarding all the water. My house guys all your body in your attic Yes Yeah which is interesting with the whole gravity thing this is in your attic in your attic it comes down to the. Below floor which was really I was nice to have you back I thank you Richard I was thinking as you're talking about this I remember my last job before starting in radio was I was working at a furniture company you know scheduling deliveries and I had to go get a drug test for this job which was by the way a past right and you know I don't know all that really anyway but I remember sitting in the waiting room and I was into radio and I wanted to go into radio and I remember the cover I can remember has Newsweek or Time or so it was one of those types of magazines the big ones at the time and the cover was Rush Limbaugh and it was a cartoon and it was explaining how it was over finally we finally are done with the Rush Limbaugh era it was over this is like 1996 I mean they had declared him dead so many times in his career every time and every time he fought back to the point where he lasted literally until his last day as the number one star in all of radio and influence well beyond that statement I mean it really is incredible and he did it all basically without social media I mean one of the things I wrote I was amazed about and you've mentioned this when you talked about him years ago for what was at the top 100 most important people or something it's something with him you never tweets I mean I did a little bit of it towards the end but barely It really wasn't part of his profile and his death. It was not tweeted about it was not leaked beforehand it was told at the very beginning of his radio show by his wife that doesn't happen it doesn't happen in those and I mean they're just do not make them like him anymore they tell it it's starting. Yeah thank you that's sad isn't it really. Critical we're up for the challenge. You even said you use weather and traffic State News Radio 968 and now 969. 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Stop calling them aliens I'm Dave Anthony Fox News there's yet another Biden immigration plan that would replace that term with none citizen while the same time giving millions a chance to become American citizens but this will be an executive order Fox's Jarrett Halpern's live in Washington well a pair of congressional Democrats are introducing legislation designed to provide a pathway to citizenship over several years for millions of undocumented immigrants the White House back proposal would fast track green card approval for qualified dreamers brought to the country illegally as children immigrant farm workers and those from countries with Temporary Protected Status President Biden signed several executive actions in his 1st days in office to roll back immigration restrictions put in place by the trumpet ministration Dave sure the battle over abortion is brewing in South Carolina the legislature passed a bill Governor McMasters expected to sign today banning most abortions in the state but it will be challenged in court if stormy get today more snow and ice from Boston to the Carolinas to Texas already hit hard all of the Houston metro area the nation's 4th largest city and all of Austin under mandatory boil water advisories thanks to frozen pipes and equipment and water treatment facilities if there is a silver lining power outages have dropped significantly in the overnight hours from more than $2000000.00 to about a half 1000000 Marx's Casey Stiegel in Dallas other states have also had power and heat outages some in Oregon have been without it for a week it's also been rough in Oklahoma where President Biden just declared a state of emergency more Americans are out of work 1st time unemployment claims came in way more than expected last week a 161000 and last week's filings were revised way up to almost that same number however claims are below the more than 900000 in early January and the number of people still receiving benefits declined to 4490000 boxes you need to solo America's listening to Fox News. 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Pro State Representative k p s or is Inskeep resigns his 112 district c. The als effective immediately sin is 4th term representing Monroe and Newtown of the State House Republican says he decided to leave office to improve his balance between family and work then expected to survive after he shot the south end of Harvard Police say the identify man was shot in the abdomen yesterday afternoon inside an apartment on Weatherfield Ave The man was conscious when he was taken in the hospital by ambulance for trade and police trying to determine who's responsible for the shooting serious injuries reported after a cubit go crash in North Branford had been last night did not show Road between Frederick Street and Valley Road bauble people taken to the hospital from the scene with what appeared to be serious injuries like Patrick. 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When you stop good will you don't just bring home up into distress or kept them to I don't think I've ever done this maybe maybe except for Ronald Reagan but I don't think there's I think everything else can wait everything else can wait. Conservatives need to take the time today and just recognize where we are and the freedoms we have and I think in no small part because of Rush Limbaugh . I'll explain that in 60 seconds. All right let me tell you about what American financing. You tired of me shouting from the rooftops about how you need to be fiscally responsible there's so much chaos going on in the financial world right now and if you don't believe that. Have you seen the price a bit going today it's still $5152.00 What is it at. 518 because if you want to make. All time high all time high just couple of weeks ago it was 30 Why is this happening because of the spending that is coming your way and the way the Federal Reserve Bank and the central banks around the world are treating cash this is the next generation's gold Now unlike gold I don't know if it will still be around. But. This is what this generation is looking at and they are saying we're going to put it into something that nobody can take because a block chain Ok. So what does this mean this means that everything's going to change you need to get your financial house in order right now please call American financing if you're paying 3 or 4 percent or more for your mortgage if you're paying on high interest credit cards get out of all of that roll it into your mortgage without resetting the term of your loan reset your mortgage rate your interest rate you can obsess to just do this he's down in the to lose American financing 80906244809062440 or American financing dot net urban financing and m.l.s. 12334 w w w n m l s consumer access dot org. I want to share a couple of stories. That I. Don't think I've ever shared before . And you'll understand at the end of this story why I'm starting here as I'm talking about Rush Limbaugh I remember sitting in. A Broadway play it was a Saturday afternoon my wife and I were going and in the middle of the play a security agent comes up and hands me his phone and it was on a news story and it was that Gabby Giffords had been shot and they of course were blaming it on right wing extremists which it wasn't was a crazy man who was a supporter of the left but more importantly he had a problem with the way I think the alphabet to grammar. Grammar had Yeah it was very strict and he was crazy as crazy as crazy. But at the time they were blaming it on right wing extremists and the violence and I looked at my wife it was a Saturday I think and I looked at my wife and I said. This next week is going to be hell Monday I got a call from Fox I got a call from Roger Ailes office who had been trying to get his thumb on me for a while he had tried all kinds of things that were really really despicable. One of the things I learned at Fox was everyone said I could never leave Fox because well I just oh Roger too much after working there for a while I realized some people actually meant that they owed him because they had saved him or saved them from something it was and it wasn't Roger Ailes it was. Well I'm not going to get into it but. And I remember thinking he is going to threaten to fire me because he called on Monday and said I want to see Glenn in my office you know 3 pm Thursday of that week was a very long week and I tried to think how to out think this how to not get trapped because if Roger fired me that week he would basically be saying Glenn Beck was responsible for Gabby Giffords and I would have to bow the knee and I couldn't do that but I couldn't get fired either what was I going to do I kept my office out I had an office at Fox but I never used it I think I used it like twice and the only reason why I went up there one time was to show my kids that it overlooked the m. And m. Store in Times Square. I kept my offices separate because I didn't want to be there I wanted to retain my own independence. And we're about 3 blocks away and I was walking and we had war gamed this every way you could imagine and I had been told by very wise people get sick don't go in you can't go in because you will he will put you in a position to where your you will win you won't win. All way over I'm saying a prayer and I'm like Lord I got nothing I got nothing. I don't this is it I need some divine intervention some help something. And I remember walking past his secretary's desk and she looked at me. She had a weird unspoken communication with me I could tell what I was walking into. And she just looked up at me and he said he's waiting for you and i'm so I bet he is and I opened up the door and the minute I crossed the threshold I was filled with empathy for him it wasn't a scheme it wasn't a plan it was nothing I was suddenly overcome with empathy for this older man he was sitting behind his desk usually he would get up and he'd come around his desk and he go young man good to see you this time he sat behind his desk didn't move and he looked up and I saw him for who I felt he really was for the 1st time an absolute genius who had lost his way who now was kind of questioning everything that he did because he knew he wasn't he wasn't the best man he could be he was that he was a really interesting guy. And he said we've got a lot to talk about and. Roger before we do and this was sincere I don't know where it came. I don't know where this came from but I was so. So deeply empathetic for him and I said Roger I have a feeling I know where this is going but before we get into any of that. Whatever happens happens let me 1st just thank you for this so what and I said I believe that America wouldn't be America today if you had not started Fox News. Fox News didn't save America but you gave us extra time you gave us maybe 20 years maybe maybe after $911.00 imagine America without Fox News without an opposing voice or a voice standing up imagine what the country would be like I said without you Ronald Reagan may not have won you advised him and gave him great advice that helped him win so thank you and I looked at him and he had tears in his eyes and he could tell that I actually meant that that that wasn't some ploy I actually meant that he said You mean that don't you and I said yeah and I'm thinking to myself strangely I do I never even thought of it but yes I do he said there behind his desk and he kind of. Had it is desk for a minute. He said Come on over sit on the couch I got to talk about something and we sat there and we talked about nothing for an hour nothing. And then I said well if there isn't anything else I got to get to the floor to do the show and he said oh yeah gosh I'm sorry I held you up for so long and I walked oh everybody was outside of the building all my whole staff was outside of the building waiting there like what I don't want out of what happened and I'm like nothing happened as I walked out I heard him say get that happened pale and on the phone. And that was the day that paling had problems at Fox that we all are aware of so why am I telling you this story in relation to Rush Limbaugh in the 60 seconds and I'll explain. Ok You know we all regret things in life all of us you know times we we try to do the right thing and we we didn't make it times that we you know we didn't try to do the right thing and we accomplished whatever it was and we feel horrible There is one success however you may have had in your life that you're like kharab and that's when you were successful at signing that contract for a time share Yeah there was probably somebody very very good a little slimy. I got it would you like another my tie They're on me no seriously have another drink let me just tell you you're going to be here all the time no no no no that's not the way it worked out is it. Call timeshare terminations team today get the process started Don't put off another day of paying for things that you're not going to use you can't use it's a diminishing diminishing value right now you've used my name back when you call them at 8 get you out timeshare terminations he will give you 20 percent off of the cost of getting out you were going to save so much money and you'll get 20 percent off now if you go to timeshare terminations team dot com and use the promo code back or call them at 888-438-8688 that's 88 get you out a money back exit guarantee learn more online at time share germination team dot com 10 2nd station id. You Haven's news weather and traffic station News Radio 960 am now I 969 f.m. . So what do I tell you about this with Roger Ailes Megan Kelly and I had a great conversation recently about Roger and how complex he was and how there was a side of him that I didn't know that was just really it dirtbags Central. But there was another side that was amazing he was one of the he's one of the greatest thinkers I've ever met and when I say thinker I met other people who are you know literal rocket scientists I mean somebody who understood America at its core instinctually instinctively he just knew it he would have been the greatest broadcaster of all time he's the producer of The Rush Limbaugh television show Roger Ailes was before there was Fox News that's one of the things he was doing. He believed in an America that he lived That's not to say he believed in you know tell me one time. I know we blew up we both believe in the Constitution but you know sometimes you've got to do what you've got to be remembered say no not when it comes to the Constitution you do what it says period but he understood America and he understood the entrepreneur. And he understood people who could come from nothing and I think that's why I think that's what he saw in Rush Limbaugh and I think that's what Rush Limbaugh may have seen in him and what I saw in him Rush had this instinct of. What America was thinking and feeling and wasn't afraid to be out of step it just was him it's who he was I tried to think of somebody that I could put in his category because he's one man it's not like Roger Ailes and Fox News Roger Ailes what he accomplished was a lot but he took a lot of talent to do that this is one man and one man's talent one show 3 hours a day look at how different we are because of Rush Limbaugh think of what we know because of Rush Limbaugh think of the number of jobs saved because of Rush Limbaugh can you think of anyone who has impacted the culture as one man Martin Luther King had a team around him not comparing the 2 I'm just trying to think who I thought last night maybe Johnny Carson maybe but Carson was just an entertainer Carson changed a lot of things but. It wasn't fundamental principles of life. He impacted the culture but it was. There was no depth to it it was important but it wasn't essential Can you think of anyone that had this impact as one human being they say you don't know the impact one person can have he's a great example of that I don't think people because those who didn't listen to him were the ones who had the loudest opinions I don't think people knew who rush really was as I said in the opening monologue last hour that Rush was a quiet guy he listened he was a loyal guy most of his staff has been with him for 20 years 25 years some of them 30 years he had a 32 year career to have staff members with you for 30 of those 32 that's pretty remarkable he's the only guy they say are he sold out for Marnie he said of the series Ramani Diddy you know what he didn't abandon not only what his core beliefs were but he never abandoned the relationship of Am and f.m. Radio satellite radio podcasting all of that stuff was derivative in fact we were just talking about it named the person who could die and it's broken kept completely silent until his own show he was about his show you know why people like Rush Limbaugh you know why people believe him because beyond all of the bluster he was genuine he has been incredibly charitable but most people don't know about it most people don't know that when you went to run lunch or dinner with Rush Limbaugh . If it was exceptional service or if he found out something about the server that was unique special the tip would be remarkable remarkable $50000000.00 to lymphoma leukemia foundation and his wife Catherine supported the Marine Corps the Law Enforcement Association the tunnel to the towers foundation and so many others privately he changed the lives of multiple people privately quietly if you had a problem Rush was there. When people say oh I owe my career. When I say I owe my career to Rush Limbaugh. I mean that literally. My career to Rush Limbaugh. Explain. Tell you about the Mount Rushmore. Can now be built. Rushmore of radio. Real deep lasting impact. Next. If you want just the best night's sleep you've ever had or you want to consistently when you waiting for it my pillow my pillow let me tell you about my pillow and all the products for a long time now mazing. It's amazing how much if I walked into a store and I could buy it in a store I wouldn't purchase it I would pick it up and I would feel and be like well it's a stupid fellow. 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Is the Glenn Beck Program one of my favorite responses to the question or do the charge that you're a racist or homophobe. N.b.c. The Today Show asked him. Are you a racist are you a homophobe like you're going to get your oh you know. What us stupid question. But his response was brilliant. No I'm not are you are you a racist No Are you a homophobe No Ok good we're both clear now. I mean just not afraid of it not afraid of it Tucker Carlson asked me last night it is show how he could remain so optimistic and not get better and it's because Rush and anyone who is in this industry that is smart. You pay attention to the people who listen to you not to the people who don't. Rush knew who he was talking about he also knew who he was see when when people on the left are questioned. Which is rare they don't they don't have to think about who they are or their view or if that viewpoint could be interpreted as being racist without them being racists What did they said how is it that I could be hated by so many people I many people think this about me people on the right were expected if you believe these things you expect going in to get trashed Now you may not know the extent maybe a little shocking but you question yourself if you're thinking decent human being you question yourself while they said that about me is that true is that who I am. And you think about your positions because you're challenged all the time here not challenge to and toadies Nobody seriously challenging. Cortez in her green new deal seriously challenging anybody who's challenging that they can just say well their rights are still there I don't believe in climate change there's sorry I. Don't have to think about it anymore it's actually a benefit to be pushed like the right is pushed we have to know what we believe in what I said. Oh my career to Rush Limbaugh I literally mean I know my career to Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh came into this. Industry and he created something brand new There are no Am radios in cars in Europe anymore they're shutting down all the am radio stations am radio doesn't exist why they don't have Rush Limbaugh. They didn't have something like Rush Limbaugh to bring everybody back to the dial to make sure people were actually using that I honestly don't know what happens to radio now that Rush is out I don't know how long talk radio and people like survive this is a huge huge loss because you had to get rid of him before you get rid of clowns like me you had to get rid of him now that he's gone I don't I don't know what happens from here but I owe my career to rush you know I think people thought that this was a slam. At least the media printed it as such he did an interview with The Today Show and he was asked about me do you worry about the new guys coming up on the block like no. Well what about Glenn Beck quote Look what I've spawned Glenn Beck is to me right on Glenn Beck is the result of my success is right 100 percent 100 percent right there's not a lot of people that could say something that outrageous and be 100 percent accurate that is 100 percent accurate as true and not only it's not only just political talk radio does just like sports radio exist today without Rush Limbaugh well him saving the Am dial so that so many stations would be able to thrive that weren't just news talk I mean the entire sports radio format basically owes its you know life to rush to in many ways. Rush said on his last show of 2020 just a few weeks ago that he largely sees himself as a political failure. He said My career is been enormously successful by any standard but there's a large part of me that feels like I've failed in such a major way in 30 years I've tried to convince people try to persuade people try to encourage people to critically think on their own to realize the difference between a conservative and a liberal the difference between Republicans and Democrats as it relates to conservative principles 1st as liberal principles I think anybody who honestly does their job feels that way somebody who's doing it for the money someone is doing for the fame they don't feel that way I think almost all of us in talk radio feel that way what else could we have done how come this hasn't made the impact that we hope. But what Rush was missing and what Sometimes I feel to see and others is that we're not a collective we believe in the individual we believe one individual can change the world and that's where change comes from somewhere out there there is somebody who has been deeply profoundly changed by Rush Limbaugh somebody who's been deeply and profoundly changed by Mark Levin Stephen Crowder Ben Shapiro all of those names I just gave you know 100 percent their career 100 percent to Rush Limbaugh. Mt Rushmore of radio could be carved today on it would be Rush Limbaugh on it. Would be Paul Harvey on the radio Mount Rushmore would be Don Imus. And probably in the Washington position would be Bob Hope. Those 4 men and really the only one that I would question would be Paul Harvey because Paul Harvey really kind of stepped into the shoes of what's his name Good Night Good Luck. Edward r. Murrow he did news and brought news in a different way but in my generation it would be Paul Harvey I thought today. And yesterday. If you're old enough you may have reached the point where you're like Oh crap I'm the elder at the table now I'm the one talking about all the problems I've been having with get. We as kids used to sit at the little kids table and then we got to the adult table and when you got to the adult table you always heard all the old people go and get I got this pain and my doctor was late in his boil and you're like could we stop talking about all of this. And you realize at some point I am not at the top of the food chain I'm the next to be eaten I'm now at the bottom of the food chain I'm the head of the table and I don't really want to be the head of the table because I know what comes next and I'm not those people I mean yes I'm still talking about gas and boils but I'm not those people those people were wise and good and decent. I have been the most fortunate man. A guy who really invented morning radio was Don Imus the morning zoo was a knock off in many ways of Don Imus he invented that he was my friend. I wrote for Bob Hope Paul Harvey I met and Rush Limbaugh is responsible for my career and more than just saving the network or inventing he was personally responsible for my career I'll talk about that next hour and I want to tell you about how an honest on missed very powerful liberal who was the head of the National Organization of Women in Los Angeles or in California how Rush Limbaugh changed her I think all of the problems of the world today and they are big they're going to be there tomorrow world is still going to be on fire and there's probably going to be a few more fires as well today I think we should focus on the power of the individual the power of one man the power of one voice and hopefully you will find yourself somewhere in the stories that I'm trying to tell you today about a great man Rush Limbaugh. 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To show you how easy it is to file a claim with Geico we hired fitness celebrity Billy Blanks Ok everybody over cards got a broken Winship tub and we've lost some steam punch now Mr blanks there is no need to be stressed Geico makes it easy to file a claim online on the app or over the phone you have a wonderful I never hear back that's going to make me want to go Jen and Jen Nope you're going to claim steam is always there for you Ok do I still get my post workout protein shake sure Billy Geico great service without all the drama team level is now the leader in 5 g. Coverage can't speak to celebrate we're bringing out our best deal right now get the i Phone 12 on us on each and every plan put eligible i Phones rated so I can face them with my sister in Savannah That's right the i Phone 12 on us on every plan on the leader and 5 g. T. Mobile. Crits plus tax if you cancel credit stop and on time required finance agreement need to contact us on credit counseling required by g. 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I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh after high school and I wanted to get into radio but I really wanted to do sports or you know comedy stuff and I remember sitting on the beach you know for Lauderdale after high school when I have no money like the only thing I could do is go to a free beach I had like a Walkman and listening to Rush Limbaugh not really ever thinking about politics all that much and I just remember him bringing up these argument. Caller's bringing up these arguments that were like liberal points and you know like when you watch like Law and Order where like the prosecution makes a case and you totally think that's true and then the defense makes their case and they totally They totally bring you back and forth and I remember him you know these point to be made by liberals and I don't know anything about politics they seem like good points and he had an answer for every one of them every single one of them he had the answer for and it always made much more sense than the initial point and he could he would he had that unique ability to be able to within a couple of sentences show how ridiculous the absurd the leftist point was on any given topic this is why they work so hard and spent so much time and money to make him into a monster because they needed to put an electric fence around him you couldn't let anyone in to his audience and listen that's why they never debated anything he actually said Yeah because he was so effective so that's why I said earlier Rush didn't do a show for the people who didn't listen you can't do that and that's the left because early on the left did listen to him and they realized this why they dubbed him the most dangerous man in America because they knew if you listen to him you'd have that experience you'd be like oh my gosh everything I thought I knew was wrong Wait a minute that works and that works with this this and this and and that's that's the biggest Rush Limbaugh was very successful in any possible way you could count it. But the left was also very successful in convincing half the country that he was an absolute monster monster he wasn't he wasn't because their only defense was to pull him out of context and make him toxic I'm going to give you a I'm going to give you an honest liberal die. I hard head of the National Organization of Women for a while and how Rush Limbaugh changed her coming out. You even see you use weather and traffic station News Radio 960 am now on 969. 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People have waited hours in lines for water and fuel I'm Dave Anthony Fox news in Texas where some areas are getting more snow and ice storm hits from there to Tennessee to Virginia to New England today just what Texans don't need Fox's Jeff but also as an update live Dave more than a half 1000000 people across Texas are entering a 4th day with no power no heat it in some cases like Joel Puranas in Dallas homes with a burst pipes and water logged a t.v. Count use a bad dream or just. No heat you know like I'm really over here in Houston where warming centers in shelters are maxed out with a boil water notice is also in a fact as this ice storm now slowly moves to the northeast and tripping with tornado in flash flood watches from Florida to the Carolinas states have other states that are bad too president by declared an emergency in Oklahoma some people in Oregon of there without power or heat for a week after a storm there the president's also got a new immigration plan but not by executive order this time Democrats will introduce a bill in Congress it creates an 8 year pathway to citizenship for $11000000.00 undocumented immigrants already here in replaces the term alien to non-citizen immigration law Fox's group think is one big hurdle Democrats would need some Republican support to get the bill through the Senate the f.b.i. And u.s. Attorney are reportedly now investigating a nursing home death controversy involving New York Governor Andrew Cuomo who insists there was an accurate count just last week almost top aide Melissa to Rose said minute in a private meeting with Democrats he released incomplete nursing home death toll data to state lawmakers in a public for fear it would be used against them politically Fox's Brian yes there was a spike up in unemployment war that expected last week 861000 jobless claims and on Wall Street a big selloff the Dow was down 270 points America's listening to Fox News. 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You're never completely ready to adopt a teen and you can't imagine the reward to learn more about adopting a teen decided to opt us kids dot org brought to you by the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services adopt us kids and the council. Is the financial exchange. Your exclusive business and financial news affecting your day your city. Stay informed. Economic. Plus breaking business every day is the financial exchange. Welcome to the financial. Hour with markets and we. Still. Got the Dow off $230.00 points about 3 quarters of one percent the s. And p. Off $32.00 were a 10th of a percent in the Nasdaq $182.00 points to the negative 1.3 percent. In the Russell 2000 because it's had a heck of a year I think still double digits for the year but down 1.7 percent this morning you know a few different pieces of weak data that we saw one we had Wal-Mart reporting earnings that I would say missed expectations on most cases and gave a pretty weak forecast looking forward we will see what's actually going on there you know they've got a history of you know Wal-Mart and other companies have a history of putting out weak projections in order to beat those projections but the expectations for this market are extremely high and so when you have data points that come out that disappoint you have sell off like this especially after the market has rallied this much and we had to pretty disappointing data points this morning the 1st and most important one was undoubtedly the jobless claims numbers we had 861000 people filing 1st time claims that the week that ended February 13th that was up compared to market expectations of 7 168000 so marker is expecting 768000 and most economists that were polled that was the average It was 100000 jobs or 97000 jobs no that's not right 9 d. Somebody else do the math for me there's a lot. Wrong direction there there was 93000 jobs higher than most people were expecting. That's bad news and if it continues it's going to be a very it's going to be a very difficult thing for the midst of this market to overcome because we are baking in the fact that you know job gains are going to lead to rebounds and spending which will lead to future gains in the stock market we also had a bit of a surprise on housing starts So to review here housing starts in December where the highest reading since September of 2006 we were looking at that data and saying that is huge because housing starts housing purchases lead to a lot of downstream impassioned to the economy. Paul you're a new homeowner so you can testify about small talkers better. But you had a disappointing number here with the rate of housing starts in January sank 6 percent month over month to an annualized rate of $1580000.00 now still pretty decent compared to the rest of last year and still pretty good but again below expectations here building permits in the United States did soar 10.4 percent from a month earlier so hopefully this is just again a continued story of supply and demand imbalances here where you just aren't finding the labor I think for the labor and the supplies for home building site a lot of stuff on you know we've covered the lumber issues are up some 100 percent year over year so those seem to be the stories moving markets this morning toward the negative bit of a selloff here we'll see where things develop over the coming weeks but I want to shift over outside of the United States here for a minute and talk about Facebook in Australia because this is a story that might have some legs and may have some other countries following suit so Australia passed a law I believe it was in 2020 but it might have been 2019 that specifically targeted large social media companies and large Internet companies like Google and Facebook and what they said in Australia was look if you are going to put out headlines on. On your social network like Facebook which the financial exchange does right so right if you are following our website our Facebook page on the financial exchange we will oftentimes post a story along with kind of our summary of that and a link to the war the story in The Wall Street Journal or Fox News or c. And d c to describe what we're going to be covering on the show the Australian government has basically said Facebook if you allow that to happen then you must pay those news media platforms for that content right and Facebook's position is just hey we're not doing it it's our users that are doing it and if Wall Street Journal wants to charge somebody that clicks the link to read the article then they should do so right right in you know it's an interesting argument here because Australia is trying to make sure that the news content providers are getting their cut are getting their share but there's an argument to be made that by the financial exchange for example posting that article that in fact you're turning more people towards that article and the real way Wall Street Journal gets compensated is by selling ads on their page but we're effectively diverting traffic to Wall Street Journal so that's beneficial to them because they're getting more views on their page because of something that we posted and that's the argument that Facebook has made it does might just mention hey we're not controlling we're not telling the financial exchange supposed this Wall Street Journal article that's the user deciding that they want to put this link out there that it's going to get clicked on by people that may share our fans the show or me share similar mindsets Google it's a little bit different argument because Google is putting the article out there it is their algorithms and that lists the article or the link to the new site that's a bit of a different situation Facebook has a better argument by saying hey it's not us it's our users Yeah although that that argument loses a lot of luster once you start looking at the algorithms those in the right right I mean yeah I might not have posted the story about the Wall Street Journal but it Facebook is in tension. They pushing me towards that article and showing it to me in the News Feed 9 times a day because that's the type of stuff that I like to read it's not all that different than the you know the executives at Google News saying hey we're going to put this story at the top of our list for world headlines or business headlines or science headlines for the day it's different but not entirely different where I come down on this though is. World wide. Companies like smaller news outlets in particular and I not so much the Wall Street Journal in the New York Times like that they're doing just fine they've maintained their readership but we've seen newspapers worldwide smaller publishers have a very difficult time continuing to advertise because the dollars have gone to Facebook and Facebook has taken advantage of them by linking to their articles and getting people to read them without charging it was mistakes on the newspapers part they failed to adapt to a digital age. But I don't think that we want them to all collapse you know we were just covering an article yesterday where the Tribune was purchased by a hedge fund company and one particular stock there was 50 percent of all newspapers between 242900 closed doors that shut down entirely There's been so much consolidation in that speech because it has been so difficult for them to monetize this digital shift that's been going on going for a long time but that's a fair argument to be made that the ad revenue is largely going to 2 places it's Facebook and Google and it's not going to you know those local papers the way you used to and if you believe we have problems with corruption and lawmakers not doing their job and you want them held accountable I don't think you want Google and Facebook being the companies that are quote unquote going to do that right right I mean that is the role I think that's the most important role that these smaller publishers play is that you know the New York Times isn't going to go seek out corruption in commercial Wisconsin they're not going to report on a you know a bad government project down in Tampa Bay Florida that's just not what they do and if you lose those local media outlets no matter how wasteful they were in the past and you know whether we want them to survive or not in a capitalist society I think is a good conversation but. If you lose them then you lose a lot of that pretty important journalistic purporting I think I don't I don't know anywhere out there that's going. To replace that so it'll be interesting to see Google has agreed to a you know some sort of agreement with the Australian Government and a few different media outlets to cover their link to their stories and pay them for it like you mentioned Google's in a slightly different position than Facebook is I'll be interested to see how other countries follow suit here because Australia is not the only country that's considering something with also I don't know if we've covered enough the move by Facebook of just saying all right were shunned and everything on Australia you're just you're going to be completely gone anything that's news related for Australia that's. You know that face but I don't really think that Facebook would have the guts to do this but yeah if you are on Facebook in Australia right now and I wish someone tries to as an Australian February 2 but if somebody tries to link to a New York Times article or whatever the local Australian newspaper is you can't post that link great the user is blocked out from that and that's a I mean Facebook says it's a relatively minor number of postings I don't want per cent they're saying one percent of the news I'm betting it's quite a bit more but big power move by Facebook. I think that maybe the better argument you have against Facebook now is hey you're a monopoly and you're operating like a monopoly and pushing companies around at this point by blocking all of that so we'll see where it goes we'll see if Facebook ends up capitulating here or if it just completely blocks out linking to newspaper articles as time goes on a quick break when we come back we've got trivia on the financial exchange stay tuned right here. 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To show you how easy it is to file a claim with Geico we hired fitness celebrity Billy Blanks Ok everybody our card is going to broken with you tumble we've lost some steam no touch no Mr blanks there's no need to be stressed Geico makes it easy to file a claim online on the app or over the phone you have a wonderful I never hear back that's going to make me want to go jam Nope you're going to claim steam is always there for you Ok do I still get my post workout protein shake sure Billy Geico great service without all the drama. I Heart Radio goes one on one with Bryan Adams to ask why the reckless was not actually on the original reckless out on I think it was just down the timing like again if you want to get the album out to such as such and I never thought the demo was good enough so because a used to have this thing Robert demo then I take it to the band and we cut it but in essence that demo was just fine if you listen to it is pretty good and it could easily have made them I just didn't think to do it keep listening to i Heart Radio for more Brian Adams and all your favorite artists. The free i Heart Radio app is number one for music radio and podcasts all in one discover a new podcast from our library of over 350000 titles Here's an i Heart Radio He suffered tragedy Playboy magazines 19. Times. For breaking business news. Radio Network. Stop wasting money on cases. For the. Free trial today. Dot com slash trial it is time now for trivia on the financial exchange we play trivia every day . Trivia brought to you by the Armstrong Advisory Group great 20 How did your portfolio do it's a new year and a great time to evaluate your overall financial strategy. Right now for a free portfolio review at 803934001 if you've never played trivia before you're going to text the answer to my next question to 63566 and if you've never played before you do need to include the key word Barry at the beginning of your tax that's. 63566. This week in American history the Postal Service Act which established the United States Post Office Department was signed into law by which u.s. President we're going to take the 6 correct answer today will be taken home the 50 dollar gas card this week in American history the Postal Service Act established in the United States Post Office Department was signed by which u.s. President. Paul Wal-Mart's down about 6 percent I think 5 and a half percent at last look here on their earnings report what did we hear from from Wal-Mart that disappointed things this much yet make it was about really future expectations for 2021 that has investors concerned today also the costs that were related to both coded they had 1100000000 in the 4th quarter of co because they also said that they were going to be increasing their capital expenditure so they're going to be going out and spending more money $14000000000.00 for the coming year versus the initial projected $10.00 to $11000000000.00 so they saw $0.74 per share of a loss from the prior quarter which is supposed to be their big quarter Mike this is the holiday spending quarter it's supposed to be incredibly robust in terms of its numbers and to be clear on of the revenue side it was their revenue grew 7.3 percent they saw seen store sales I can never say that increased 8.6 percent but the issue was they're going to be spending more this year because they've feel as if their e-commerce is really growing at a quite a great pace and they want to make sure that they're investing to bolster their curbside delivery curbside pickup rather and also their Wal-Mart plus plan so really a lot of spending going forward I know the market is reacting negatively and they've also mentioned weakness for this year but my point is how could you do better than this year with Wal-Mart Target some of these companies I mean literally everyone stuck inside how can you grow on these numbers where when there was not much else to do at all in terms of spending so then are you bullish or bearish on your thoughts on the. I'm bullish because of their development of Wal-Mart plus their technology their e-commerce sales had invested a lot of money into it previously and they're now starting to see that growth 69 percent in their e-commerce sales growth that was down from where it's been in past quarters but I'm optimistic for Wal-Mart going forward so I mean Wal-Mart got a free pass this year 2020 they got a surprise free pass where they were allowed to remain open everybody else was shut they had a grocery store and most of those stores so you could also go buy clothing and T.V.'s whereas you couldn't do that at Best Buy or your local mom and pop hardware store or your j.c. Penney or Macy's they got a free pass in 2020 now I think the focus is returning to Ok you got this free pass now what are you doing on things like you mentioned the Wal-Mart Plus which I hate the name of but the Wal-Mart plus subscription are you going to start executing on your you know your online retail sales the big thing that I continue to believe could be a huge opportunity for Wal-Mart which they are continuing to explore is that expansion into health care services and right I know this is really minor right now and won't won't be a big thing for a while but you know you've already got a pharmacy in those stores and. If you started doing what c.v.s. Is doing in terms of putting in Nurse Practitioners eye doctors a lot of those different care types that. Here in Massachusetts we don't really understand that Rex you've got a doctor's office on almost every corner but you go talk about most of the areas where Wal-Mart operates it's pretty rural not great access to health care and Wal-Mart has one thing it's a reputation for you know afford a bill services and products and I think they could really execute their the Wal-Mart plus strategy. You don't have the sign and I don't I don't see what the compelling reason is to get a subscription to Wal-Mart do you not there yet not there yet so I mean I like the idea of grocery curbside pick up but you gotta give me more because Amazon gives me a lot with my $120.00 a year subscription that I've got there and I've got single day delivery I've got music I've got television I've got data storage you're just not really offering me much at this point Wal-Mart you had a better. Article in c. And b. C. Cutting China off from the United States would cost America hundreds of billions of dollars report says No kidding what what are we really talking about here cutting the United States off from China this is a story Mike that's been dormant for a while I'm talking about trade and I might sometimes have where this was if I look back on old whether it's meeting agendas that I put together or just economic reports that was the story heading into with what with the b. 29 and the 2829 he was the concern that the tariffs on China would really significantly impact our economy and went right to the backburner when we hit the school pandemic now sort of resurfacing in this article you know the idea of cutting off China from the u.s. That seems like more of a headline grab for c. And b. C. And good for them and got us so you know cutting off entirely that's not something that is ever going to be the case that just were the 2 biggest economies in the world you can't just cut yourself off completely from the idea was to put some more responsibility and more scrutiny on China as a whole on some of its trading procedures and just the free trade so you know it seems like Biden is going to take another tough stance on this as well and I am for going after them in a sense particularly in the technology side but you know coming off of them entirely doesn't make sense to me yeah I mean it. On the bayou inside I'd say I continue to say actions speak louder than words there so yes you've had some tough talk on China from the by an administration but you haven't seen any action although you also haven't any seen any repeal of the transactions right not seen a repeal of any of those tariffs so actions will speak louder than words there I think the other interesting piece is the commentary coming out of the European Union right now which is that they are going to get tough on trade and I don't know entirely what that means you could interpret that as the European Union's going to be tougher on trade when it comes to dealing with United States as we were for the last few years right we put tariffs on French wine and a whole slew of different goods from the European Union. It could be perceived as a take at the United Kingdom that just left the European Union or it could be a take as the European Union is going to do a better a job addressing concerns coming out of China and maybe partnering with the United States to take a step tougher stance on trade with the European Union I'll say I have even less confidence in their ability to execute cohesive trade policy than the United States I agree I agree nobody agrees on anything there yeah there's just so many different cooks in the kitchen to be able to get on the same page it sounds as if they're trying to make a connected effort to bolster its position and take advantage of how widespread their influence is but here's a little example here in 2900 the e.u. Reached an agreement with Argentina Brazil Paraguayan Uruguay to sign a trade deal that's been debated by European lawmakers since then and still has not been signed at this point so that is the pace at which things move in the European Union I agree wholeheartedly that if you're going to stick it to China you need to have the e.u. On board and my question is will they ever move fast enough to do anything about it you have a trivia answer on the way back as well as information on the student loan forgiveness plan coming from the Democratic administration. 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Post office because news was considered crucial to an informed electorate the law distributed newspapers to subscribers for one penny up to 100 miles and one and a half cents for over 100 miles and we had several correct answers Paul who's our winner today Mike our trivia winner today that would be rich from Enfield kinetic kid rich has won a $50.00 gas card trivia is brought to you by the Armstrong advisory group if you didn't review your financial strategy at the end of the year now is the perfect time to do just that call right now for a free portfolio review at 803934001 again 80393400148 free portfolio review where did you get the answer George Washington Tucker asleep at the board making sure I almost said 972. Completely different. Story coming out today that they buy that President Biden says he will not support a $50000.00 worth of student debt forgiveness this had been pushed pretty heavily from the likes of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and edges of the Democrat Party about this student loan forgiveness plan pushing President Biden to go ahead and do this with executive action which I am no constitutional scholar but I was highly doubtful that that was within the executive powers of the president to just forgive you know hundreds of millions billions of dollars worth. No not that much student loan debt I don't think he could forgive at 50. But it was basically a buy and camp coming out and saying look this is not something that we support and be certainly not something we support via executive action which. Like it's not like this would have opened some sort of floodgates but I just really disagreed with the premise of it and I think that the commentary coming out of here at least for me reestablish the confidence that there are some sort of boundaries to the limits of executive action here there's got to be a middle ground just to wave off $50000.00 and. 9 who would be furious because they've already paid off their student loan debt if this were actually to go into effect and it sounds like 10000 may happen but the idea of 50 there's just no chance you know each he can't if you take out debt and I understand student loans is a huge problem throughout the country and it could be our next biggest issue that we have to deal with but just to wave a wand and forgive all of it to me specially that amount is just crazy you have to know what you're getting into taking out student loan debt and this idea that the government is going to step in and leave it all your problems and wave off if he came to me sounded ridiculous and I'm glad to hear that that's not going to be the case I mean to me the biggest problem in all of this was I mean there's the unfairness doctrine piece of this and I completely agree with that which is you had students who intentionally chose a cheaper school and worked 3 jobs throughout that edge their education to graduate with no student debt and really sticking it to those students that made those sacrifices and chose to go to. Community college instead of the $60000.00 a year school took a different career path because of that decision that seems in so. Thing to me that at the best and. Vastly irresponsible the worst but the other piece here is if you wipe out a bunch of debt you're not solving any problems you're kicking the can or you can do this every 5 years right what about the person that's you know at Colby College right now being $70000.00 a year graduating with $150000.00 worth of debt now great point are you building in the expectation that that debt is just going to be forgiven every decade and college tuition costs are just going to continue to increase year after year after year now I think importantly the administration didn't say that they wouldn't sign off on this if Congress passed a law in this regard but he's very much putting it back where it should be which is you know the purse is controlled via Congress if you want to waive a bunch of student debt then go ahead and do so. But yeah I mean I have huge concerns for a fairness piece and also just the continued on affordability of college if you just start waving a wand and making student debt disappear then what incentive do students have to choose and select a cheaper college over time but I like the idea that the are coming out with the $50000000000.00 proposal that would make community college tuition free potentially or for years at a public university cheaper or 3 you know we all can agree upon that the idea that college costs have run out of control for years and investing in making it more affordable I would imagine is something you could get mass approval on and by administration pointed out like hey I would much rather see this spent on early childhood education for example so writing like universal pre-K. Which I could also you know I could also get behind something like that is the idea of just forgiving debt that had been taking out in good faith that I have problem with the other side of this by the way if you went to one of those schools that. Blatantly lied about things like their graduation rates and lied about the opportunities you would be afforded by getting this degree because colleges have shutdown over this right for profit schools have shut down over those allegations and those fraudulent claims Absolutely. You should be able to sue the school and if there's not enough assets there the federal government should not have loaned you that money in the 1st place to attend that school that was the federal government's fault really should have those loans forgiven in my opinion if the federal government loans you money to go to a school that was defrauding their students that's a problem of the federal government and that should be forgiven otherwise you got fair treatment you might not know what you're doing as a 17 year old and somebody probably should have stepped in there and said Don't borrow $50000.00 for this education but I don't think it's on the federal government to just forgive that So there's my take on it. Paul I know if you're drinking some fresh clean tasty drinking water like you do I've got my sparkling stuff here although I just notice that I have a little left over coffee. But I got to tell you I can't even taste it because the delicious water from this Donna Broch water cooler is honestly so good tasting that it is it is the best water ever had I don't know if either of you guys have. Ever drank water that wasn't the best we have 11 offices throughout New England and I can tell you from experience that when you try water from 11 different taps it all tastes a little bit different and you do notice I've got an uncle out and Chicago for instance which there is how surveillance while the water there is so bad that he has stockpiles of bottled water because it's just not even tolerable to drink it and. I really didn't used to think that this was a big deal I used to drink the Poland Spring bottles or you know whatever we had around but when I've had this water now especially the instant hot water in the sparkling that we get from these water coolers it is dramatically different from anything else. You've ever tried I haven't thrown my back out in a couple of years now because lugging those giant however many gallon bottles there up the stairs if you are planning on reopening your office in the next couple months if you're going to be staying at home for the next few years because your job you know your expectations of your work have changed I can't employ you enough to go explore your options when it comes to the Stony Brook water company they have amazing quality water there filters that they have there basically replace thousands of bottled water bottles of water that you would otherwise go through staying healthy it's not just about food and exercise you should start your New Year off on the right foot and get a new Stonybrook water cooler for you or your home or office you can call 978-381-1476 again that number is 978-381-1476 or you can visit them online as well at Stony Brook water dot com slash trial that's Stony Brook water dot com slash trial water the way it should be . I think this article from The Wall Street Journal is it's not misleading because it is true that we're talking about here but the title of the article in The Wall Street Journal is universal basic income could be coming for kids not exactly what's happening here you're having a discussion about a change in the way the tax credits work for having children but let's talk about what how this works today and how it may work in the future there are proposals out there both from the by the administration going into the $1.00 trillion dollars tax package as well as from Mitt Romney to to raise the child tax credit here and a lot of this comes down to some pretty ugly statistics about poverty in the United States currently one in 5 children in the United States are living in poverty and I think that's pretty embarrassing for a country that frankly is a leader in a lot of areas you don't want to have won 5 of your kids' lives. And poverty but the reforms that are being discussed here would increase and make the child tax credit refundable and I think it's important to kind of explain how it works today because a lot of people are eligible for the tax credits today but don't actually get it right so today there is a credit for $2000.00 for each child that you have. That can go in it's a tax credit so it's important to explain that you would have to pay a certain amount in federal taxes and use this to offset taxes that you owed so it's not as if money is going into your pocket directly it's alleviating some of the federal tax that you owe. Through this credit right now so when you say $10000.00 where the tax is normally and you've got 2 kids then you would only go $6000.00 in taxes because you have a $4000.00 tax credit if you only owe $2000.00 worth of taxes and you've got 2 kids then you don't get to use the full credit because you didn't have enough tax that you showed to get a refund there and oftentimes I'm assuming that they're under the impression that most people are having taxes withheld from their paycheck and at year end don't need to do not owe money so they're not utilizing the credit is that the case right that's the case or it's you know other people that just don't owe enough taxes for it but effectively what would change here is one it would increase the tax credit for pretty much all Americans to 3600 dollars per child under the age of 6 and then $3000.00 for children age 6 to $17.00 and then what they would do is make it fully refundable so what this means is even if you don't have enough taxes owed to receive this credit you would still receive the cash for effectively having those children it would have earlier phase out so today the $2000.00 tax credit phases out at $200000.00 for an individual $400000.00 for a married couple this would start phasing out at $75150000.00 for a married couple. Look I think there are a lot of things in the stimulus package that I think are a waste of money and poor policy and admittedly I don't think that this policy has anything to do with solving coven related issues I don't think it gets people back to work faster I don't think it makes people safer living in coded but I do think it's reasonable policy and it appears as if you would have approval on each side where Democrats would like it on the idea that it's helping low income families take more advantage of the tax rate out there and then Republicans as well would be more pro family helping out a family both sides could seemingly get behind this so you know I'm also just firmly of the opinion that it's going to be very difficult to continue to grow this economy with an ever decreasing birth rate and I don't think an extra 1600 bucks a year completely reverses all of that there are bigger systemic reasons that people don't have kids in the same numbers that they did previously in this country but I think providing aid to one lift kids out of poverty and make bad financial scenario a little bit more palatable can only help. That's what we're talking about when we talk about the universal basic income for kids not exactly but yes there would be a more refundable tax credit to take a quick break when we come back a little bit of an update on the Texas power outage scenario some commentary from the lawn mosque and some stack Roulette here on the financial exchange the most comprehensive coverage of the economy. Right here on the financial exchange radio network retirement's all about living life on your own terms and that might mean moving from your current home this is Mike Armstrong from the Armstrong advisory group and if you're retired or nearing retirement and you're planning to relocate it's critical for you to understand all the costs associated with moving I'm talking about everything from selling your home to purchasing a new house to navigating different state tax implications if you're ready to settle down in your beach condo or mountain cabin don't let these obstacles get in the way of the quality of life you want in retirement we tackle the. Among other issues in our new retirement relocation guy call my firm and get the new guide today by calling 803934001 that number again is 80393400 We've been helping families with their retirement planning for years and we'd be proud to help you to ask for your free 803-9300 or you can download it right now at Armstrong advisory dot com security. Experience where you can text or call an expert any time you have a question and they'll answer immediately automatically get the lowest prices on your medication without having to look for discounts or coupons yourself where your prescriptions are handling. Or that works for your schedule don't just imagine head to. I remember when we found out we were expecting you and we were so surprised you. Knew you were going to. Direct. The conversation. Even angry stay away from. Where nonpolitical and. Instead. We're here to. Rely on people like you. Check us out on Facebook. 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One is in particular my skin is extremely averse to most fabrics except for the soft buttery feeling of leather Thankfully I found my clan of leather lovers in the biking community it's been life changing motorcycle 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more we know the backbone of our country is built by local businesses like yours we also know that 93 percent of Americans tuned to Radio to hear information about brands they trust from people they can trust that's why I horde media is here for you visit I heard Media dot com and speak to us about growing your business in a time where it is needed the most gets your audience listening and it's time to send them a message visit I heard Me To Get dot com today going to the financial exchange radio network. We covered some disappointing news at the end of last year about Seafoods. The founder of. Their restaurant as many were at the end of last year and made the difficult decision to sell to p.p.s. Hospitality. Chains like Smith and Wollensky and straight many. Other you know several other Boston area restaurants and we're finding out some further disappointing news now you know it was difficult enough to hear that that you know that chain would be changing hands though you know I could understand if you want to keep people employed and not have to lay off all your servers we're now hearing that dozens of different suppliers to Legal Seafoods basically got a note after the sale that hey yeah we know we owe you some $60000.00 for wine or fish or whatever it might be but we're going to be end up Stephanie on that because p.p. X. Bought the brand bought the restaurant but as part of the agreements did not absorb the deaths of Legal Seafoods. I hope that they pay these vendors back these vendors have been getting stiffed all year but there are no fault of their own and I'm not intending on visiting a Legal Seafoods anytime soon with you know the change of ownership was bad enough the news about their suppliers getting stiffed here is incredibly disappointing I understand restaurants are struggling and if your restaurant closes because of all this certainly I don't expect you to pay your suppliers but when a private equity group buys your brand and stiff the supplier still that is hugely problematic and disappointing and I won't be I won't be supporting that one anytime soon folks I want to talk to you about our webinars that we are hosting next week it is on Wednesday February 24th at 4 pm I'll be hosting along with my colleague Brendan Hayes from the Armstrong advisory group it's all about relocating in retirement if you have always dreamed about that beach condo down in Florida or maybe that mountain home in the Carolinas and you're thinking about the pros and cons of making that shift please tune in to our web in our next Wednesday the 24th at 4 pm we're going to cover all the different considerations from taxes to moving costs and give you some real life scenarios that we have dealt with in our careers the mistakes that people have made that we've witnessed or the real successes that have come from moving from. On location to another you can sign up for the web or webinars by going to Armstrong advisory dot com slash webinars again that's Armstrong advisory dot com slash webinars there's a page there where you can fill in some information you'll get a link to the web and are the day of and we'll be covering any topic related to downsizing or relocating out of a high tax state into a low cost low tax state or low cost state at that wedding are so again it's all about relocating the retirement if you want to sign up and go to Armstrong advisory dot com slash Robin are securities offered through securities American corporate remember Finra SIPC and advisory services are for 3 Securities American visors incorporated Michael Armstrong representative Armstrong advisory group in the securities America companies are affiliated watch out for stack or about Paul we've got Fernando tatties Jr signing a 14 year contract with the San Diego Padres He is 22 years old and this was a 14 year 340000000 dollar deal with the Padres and he has only played 2 major league seasons and he is going straight up paid 14 your car is there any sport of baseball that you can do a 14 year contract and they'd be confident in its success I mean what's with a capital sign a 10 year deal with something like the only hockey is pro quo Mike would know better than me on hockey but that's probably the only other sport that I've heard of that type of length on a contract the n.b.a. Now is famous for you know players consular switching teams and signing shorter contracts to keep their leverage against their existing team but you don't really see it a lot in football as you know the average career is 3 to 4 years you know Brady Rodgers those guys aside the typical player is only averaging couple season so you're right by the way Ovechkin signed a 13 year 124000000 dollars contract with the Capitals So a little bit more proven then. I'm still surprised that you know your team would be one. We go out 14 years in a contract with injuries only 20 young guys so that's all the time we have on this issue the financial exchange please tune in tomorrow we have a lot that we didn't have time to get to that's it on the financial change have a great day folks. 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