Paychecks. You could use and gas. Is you likely listening to subscribe to this podcast your friends you can listen to gaslight on line by searching. For. Time to say thanks to everybody for being with us today we're going to get out of here real quickly because timing you slipping away. And as always Knight who was who was on standby today as guest host. Mark Stein thank you again Mr Stein for standing my b'day will be 2021 is the perfect time to add a healthy new habit to your daily wellness routine good nasal hygiene we all know there's bad oxes going on Scott has this live we so the president signing stood a while at the forefront tackle what has been a flashpoint of the immigration debate family separation White House Press Secretary Jeh Psaki says one order puts the incoming secretary of homeland security in charge of that effort to reify families which will work across government to find parents and children separated by the prior administration the other 2 actions creating a humane asylum system and a fair legal immigration system the president has said he believes fair immigration makes makes America stronger he says thanks Critics say some of his that reversals could spur a crisis along the southern border the former president's legal team lays out the argument for his impeachment trial and help on Capitol Hill lawyers for former President Trump say a Senate impeachment trial for somebody already out of office is unconstitutional a point it has been raised by Republican senators ahead of next week's arguments in the impeachment trial accusing Trump of incitement of insurrection following the deadly January 6th pry it at the Capitol trumps attorneys deny the former president . They're feared with the counting of the Electoral College and argue trumps claims of suspect election results fall within 1st Amendment protections House impeachment managers in a brief say Trump's conduct endangered the lives of members of Congress and compromised national security before the trial resumes the Senate's doing as much other work as possible. The nays are 13 the nomination has confirmed this vote to make former mayor and presidential hopeful Pete the digits Transportation secretary of the Senate also voting on the homeland security chief nominee and holding a hearing on Tom Vilsack actually be agriculture secretary for the 2nd time America is listening to Fox News RINGBACK RINGBACK. I am calling on behalf of my sassed my sassed Yes my sass that's understood my ears they finished showing through your r.v. Wiring so the fire starts. On scans all they can really stop the mice. R.v. Owners can schedule when things go wrong on the road that's why there's progressive a leader in nervy insurance Samwise frequents our vice. 'd versa casualty insurance company affiliates some big news since Election Day almost 5000000 people have downloaded the free Newsmax t.v. App on their smartphone you can trust Newsmax t.v. Watch it for free any time and go to Newsmax dot com for breaking news Newsmax is on all major cable systems your operator if they don't carry it plus watch News Max on Roku You Tube Apple t.v. Zumo Tivo plus Pluto and smart T.V.'s like Samsung and l.g. Newsmax is real news for real people start watching Fox take the blood traffic light would you know right highways that only 9. Point 8 that they are and I do plan to hear from Stanford after Bridgeport no problems at the Milford Parkway is looking good right through the new exit sound right out across the Sikorsky bridge and no problems having to. Through the West course some of the secondary roads you may find trickier conditions with a little bit more snow cover out there and Rachel let's go. To Haven residents stay at home is also asking for patience crews continue working to clear streets after yesterday's snowstorm out of her says rainy conditions of made the snow heavier and harder to move city's parking ban remains in effect officials and have been say road crews are making progress but are warning residents to be careful on secondary streets they say there are currently 17 trucks salting the roads drivers asked to give them time to make all roadways passable all Yale New Haven health code 1000 vaccine sites are closed today because of the winter storm officials say anyone who has an appointment to be vaccinated today will be contacted by staff so that the appointment can be rescheduled testing sites will open at noon and operate as usual Bill for police action for the public's help to find a robbery suspect say a man tried to hold up the fast food mart Gulf gas station on New Haven Avenue no one hurt robber fled without taking anything I'm Jim Gagliardi this report is sponsored by Compassion International It's a new year but for kids in poverty around the world things are still desperate joining compassion with your one time $40.00 gift to provide a covert relief kit to a family in poverty text the word give 283393 that's give 283393 when it comes to your business there's a lot of things you know when a few things you want to learn more about fast if you're looking for an easy and affordable way to get smarter about what your customers are thinking you need to check out research just tell the research racoons whatever your business question is maybe it's about a new menu item for a restaurant or maybe it's finding out what your audience really thinks about your business name maybe you don't even know what questions you're supposed to be asking let the research racoons know what's on your mind and Pold potential u.s. Based customers that day giving you clean. Gives you the tools to learn. Fast results with big data I love. You know what I'm a ride. Home. Try . To ensure that no future president ever. Had. Insurrection this is a reality we do not want to shackle our children to. Jobs that are going to 30 years from now. 33. Spittle died in a nursing home. With us 809 for one Sean you want to be a part of the program 800 and by the way I'm getting ahead of myself like Joe because I'm thinking about throw into the crack myself up all right so I've gone through all impeachment papers let me tell you Linda you've read through him too I sent him to you earlier today we got the Democrats that they're trying to ratchet up the president said to fight fight for you know and then he also said many of you will peacefully patriotically march to the Capitol so that you can let your voices be heard and I'm reading it and my eyes are glassing over here. The Democrats all this is with a foregone conclusion next week is them just trying to ratchet up but the bloody politically put all these these extra words in your speech these days because people will take it the wrong way Democrats want to bloody up Trump so we can't run in 2024 that's what this is about they don't care about how much time or money or the American people at all when they're doing this I Lindsey Graham now is being very clear we now know $45.00 United States senator senators believe it's unconstitutional there are 3 arguments one the constitutionality of this impeachment course that would include things like they don't have jurisdiction a because he's no longer president you cannot remove him from office and you know it also includes other issues involving the Constitution then it's the whole legal aspect we have court documents even the media mob all now and f.b.i. Investigators all saying that a lot of this was preplanned now it doesn't mean that some of the people that went to the rally didn't allow themselves to get caught up in something they should never been a part of but that for them would have would have been spontaneous but again we're down to like over the summer the 99 percent of protesters Warren hurling bottles Amala cocktails and rocks and bricks and injuring and kill injuring over 2000 cops or 2500 cops and killing 25 people and that was not condemned by liberal Democrats so now you've got a problem is the whole incitement led to what happened at the Capitol there and falling apart and then the 3rd aspect of this is well if this is your standard Ok whoa will point out Chuck Schumer's threat to Supreme Court justices Joe by. Aidance threat to beat the hell out of trump the comments the Kaamelott Harris after the burning down of the Minneapolis police precinct and the rioting that went on Minneapolis. Where you take note it is being honest stop it shouldn't stop they shouldn't stop we won't stop Ok well that's now fair game Nancy Pelosi is comments were after what happened in Wisconsin and people raided the Capitol there I didn't hear any Democrat so worked up over any of these thinks and so it's a matter of Ok well if that's your standard then we need to be impeaching all of these people Maxine Waters I'm going to take Trump out tonight Great that sounds like a threat to me and so Lindsey Graham literally said if the Democrats want to extend out what is a pre-determined outcome just to continue to to waste taxpayer time and money and effort and divide the country further because Mr unity Joe Biden won't speak out about any of this that in fact if they start bringing up witnesses which is another sidebar to the whole snap impeachment that Democrat Jonathan Turley keeps saying you can't have that because well we haven't even established the facts of the case of what actually happened on January 6th and now that the f.b.i. Court documents investigators and even the media mob are reporting that year as different groups we've identified this one in Ohio the other group of those other stated that they had plotted and planned the whole thing that's very separate and apart in other words what happened because they planned it and they're out there the night before you saw the pipe bomb video planting pipe bombs the night before so. All of that is so Lindsey Graham is saying they the Democrats want to call one witness that they're going to open up Pandora's box and what that means is I think if they open up this can of worms I think he says he's going to bring the f.b.i. . The question is really how does this trial end if they house managers want to use this as a political commercial against Donald Trump and Republicans and they want to call witnesses now they don't call during the impeachment process in the house this thing could go for weeks or months and that would be bad for the country so to my Democratic colleagues if you vote to call one witness 9 were called in the house get ready for a long trial Well we've only got a couple seconds but let me ask you Do you anticipate witnesses being called and then being cross-examined. They don't call him in the house I think we know what happened that day but if you open up that can of worms won't they have to come in and tell us about how people actually preplanned these attacks and what happened with the security footprint at the Capitol Hill Pandora's Box if you call one witness I hope we don't call any and we vote and get this trial over next week when it stars now that goes right to the power of Nancy Pelosi you know she's the head of the sergeant of arms and responsible for security of the Capitol and then the question is with all the knowledge ahead of time why did they not they knew hundreds of thousands of people going to march to the Capitol and why was the chief of police so the Capitol Police the NIH the National Guard that was we're quested we now know 6 separate times. And then I would say bring in Kaamelott Harris as a witness and then how do you have presiding over this shift show a guy that already has declared Donald Trump ought to be convicted of being Pat Leahy because John Roberts who constitutionally would be the guy to preside over this has said no not going to happen you know dragging me into this not exactly a fan of Donald Trump's either so now they're thinking about other ways to how they know will Joe Biden revoke don't trump access to intelligence briefings as past presidents usually get usually considered former president has been considered. You know as being kept in the loop on national security matters maybe just maybe that would be a good idea to do but they just all this is it's a show and if they want to bring in trial witnesses I actually find if they brought in the right ones that I have a great list I'll put together the they want to bring in in the questioning and where it ought to go I have my own ideas on this and I think if this is now the standard incendiary insurrection style language lit off a lot of people now that need to be added to the list of an impeachment trial so we'll see but it's really simply it's going to come down to all of all of that and but I'll tell you another thing this can happen. Well stick to the basics here you know everybody dropped the ball parent lead there were indications warnings intelligence about this being preplanned Why did they why did they not prepare for this why warrant why wasn't the guard brought up all of these things I mean it's pretty unbelievable and Ok they're going to edit their tapes Donald Trump said to fight this this goes back to 0 targeted districts said and and I think Sarah Palin still has this ongoing lawsuit with the New York Times over the sum total supposed to be settled this summer we were watching the case closely and just got the ball not busy but a case of Oh Ok targeted districts in a bull's eye well that means you're threatening people knowing that's Bob Eccles invention he's been on the air with us telling us we used to do that all the time you target these districts for potential districts where you may be able to pick up a seat or 2 very common in politics. In other corruption new with Democrats because they're you know their hypocrisy is breathtaking in morally bankrupt but Joe Biden's head pick to head the d.o.j. Criminal Division get this now we find out has ties to Hunter Biden axioms reporting behoved or hired a new attorney to and assist with what is now officially a federal criminal investigation and defense just a month before his father became president on Inauguration Day one of the lawyers close colleagues was tapped to temporarily lead the Justice Department's criminal division Oh how convenient for the Bidens that move puts the new d.o.j. Official atop of a powerful arm of the justice system as his former colleague helps the president's son fend off a criminal probe can anyone say appearance of impropriety conflict of interest anyway so Hunter Biden by the way why am I not why do I suspect. This is not an accident and imagine if Donald Trump did this of this any of this I mean you know what would they say what would they do if it was Donald Trump that standard is never going to end. Anyway I do have some election news side been saying for all of you out there they keep asking me well what can I do what can I do what can I do and I've been saying well the 1st level you know we've got to start with fixing and making sure and ensuring that we don't have that we fix and solve any issues that could raise questions about the integrity or prevent people from having confidence in election results and I'll even you know if you go back to 2000 I think is a fair statement I don't think Will and this is sad and this was what Florida got fixed thanks to Rhonda Santos because they also screwed up not only in 2000 but 2016 in Florida we remember that show down there but this time they they had put the proper changes in and checks and balances in place went along smoothly and you know but are we ever really going to know the exact accurate vote count in 2000 I think it's I don't think anybody can tell us with any real confidence that this is the exact vote now where the United States of America maybe never ever going to have 100 percent purity on this but I mean at least to get to the level we have confidence is I don't think anybody can ever just look at 2000 and say 527 votes in Florida with any sense of. Complete accuracy it just became what it became simple pimpled hanging swinging perforated chads remember well Ok so we now know that every state had the statutory requirements the partisan observers could observe the mo count that didn't happen in any state and remember that lot of these last minute changes were made because of covert 19 ignoring the the advice of the great Dr Anthony she which was that people can safely vote in person with social distancing unmasking right so it was possible to do it but one time nobody wanted her quote their favorite doctor was I'm sure a nice guy but got a lot wrong and I'm not even blaming him. So anyway now we have some developments in this in Georgia ever member of the big issue down there was the issue of signature verification of voter id requirements now the Senate of Georgia controlled by Republicans has introduced a bill that will require voters to provide a photo id when requesting and returning their absentee ballot or their early voting ballot or their Which is should be mandatory absolutely mandatory and they should have one signature verification standard not to. So that happens down in Georgia then you have in Arizona they've introduced a bill and that state legislature that would repeal Arizona's permanent early voting list voters on the list automatically receiving mail in ballots for each primary and general election Separ bill would remove people from the list who failed to vote in the primary and general elections in 2 straight cycles all right they also need to add some we have to have photo id voter id everywhere and then in Pennsylvania lawmakers there they're now pushing forward a bill to repeal their 2019 no excuse absentee voting law that's the one that was in direct violation of the Pennsylvania state constitution and there's a process of changing the constitution which is a lot more difficult than a bunch of legislators making laws and that's why it was in my view unconstitutional but nobody wanted to hear that case at the level it needed to be heard out so watch watch all of these and you know Tom Wolfe would likely veto any election integrity bill and they have an open gubernatorial and Senate contest next year is going to be a lot of interesting races come next year so that's happening now Iran is saber rattling is they've launched a new rocket showing advances in potential missile technology and we've got Joe Biden showing more struggles cognitively I mean it's getting bad and I know that people in the mob don't like when I say weak frail and cognitively struggling by let you decide as we always do next Listen if you want a time share and you felt like booking yours was difficult this past year it's not impossible many owners now reaching out to our dear friends at Lone Star transfer the only people I trust and they're upset they keep paying these high yearly do do me dues and have nearly doubled their maintenance fee this season that concerned with what the future may hold for over a decade Lone Star transfers have. 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Fox 61 traffic is in great shape with me in the light traffic right now in San Fernando through every one and that's clear right from New Haven so the South and Central Guildford and brain for the New Haven exits $91.00 still a free for merit into the interchange of $95.00 and we've got no problems in the parkway office or ski bridge and to the west clear quiet both sides of $84.00 anywhere from Danbury through Waterbury. Project. Chuckles live to the locks Children's Museum. Is all good groundhogs through February around until October 21 when cold Connecticut's state groundhog was found dead. Hour round in the year it's been the same day every day dad 5 years old to Vinnie Penn project weekday mornings at 6 on us Radio 960 now and 969 f.m. 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Thousands of teens in foster care the same visit. By the u.s. Department of. The other side of this the Democrats of course they they want to keep the same. Style voting system in place and expand massively Malan voting you know they have h.r. One which we've gone over in great detail Democratic lawmakers now been dubbed the bill they vote at home Act which seeks to massively expand vote at home ballot access that both the New York toilet paper Times suggested Well there's a greater chance of fraud and it would mail in balloting etc etc Now I'm not saying that there isn't a way. For you to improve voting systems but yeah gotta make sure that every person of voting that it's the person that says they're voting too in the voting and there's got to be some type of verification for example you go to a Democratic National Convention you need a picture id to get into the Capitol you need a picture id which by the way I think is wholly right and not appropriate and so if you don't have them why would you get to vote without it or change the rules when we're going to let 16 year olds vote and we're not going to have any signature verification that that doesn't work I'm going to believe in the share go to vote give me the 1st 3 letters of your last name h a n Ok is this you Yes Ok here's your sheet go vote that was it nothing else all right 80941 Sean you want to be a part of the program a lot on Biden's cognitive issues straight ahead news you won't hear I can promise you from the mob the media or big tech straight ahead. Research raccoon can answer any question about your business for less than you'd think from a new product to a small tweak on a proven winner research raccoon gives you u.s. Based data you can put to use that day plus it's affordable enough for small businesses so stop wondering if your business is on the right track and know for sure with data to back it by using research visit research racoon dot com to learn more and discover which plan is best for you research track and any question any time. News on bridge Denison Senate Democrats today beginning the process of approving President Biden's nearly 2 trillion dollar coronavirus relief package the 1st step in a reconciliation process that would allow Democrats to approve. A White House backed 2 trillion dollar coronavirus relief bill with a simple majority 10 Senate Republicans who counter with a $600000000000.00 proposal met with President Biden last night though no agreement was reached Fox's Jared Alpert on Capitol Hill 2 f.b.i. Agents are dead 3 wounded after an exchange of gunfire in Florida this morning with the suspect who is also dead the agents went to a home early this morning in the town of sunrise which is west of Fort Lauderdale they were serving a warrant in connection with a child pornography case someone inside the home we don't know if it is the same person who was the subject of the war and started shooting foxes Evan Brown America is listening to Fox News. 61 traffic is in great shape with the like traffic right. Directly. For him praying for really New Haven exits 91 still a free for merit into the interchange 95 and we've got no problems in the parkway office course the bridge and to the west clear quiet both sides of $84.00 anywhere from Danbury through Waterbury. Mariella her encouraging residents stay home also asking for patience as Bruce continue working to clear streets after yesterday's major snowstorm out of her says rainy conditions of a the snow heavier and harder to move cities parking ban remains in effect all Yale New Haven health Coben 1000 vaccine sites closed today because of the winter storm officials say anyone who has an appointment to be vaccinated today will be contacted by staff so that appointments can be rescheduled testing sites opening at noon will operate as usual Milford police asking for the public's help to find a robbery suspect they say a man tried to hold up the fast food mart golf gas station on New Haven Avenue no one heard robber fled without taking anything anyone with information. Asked to contact the Milford police department. Jim Gagliardi this report is brought to you by Positive Coaching alliance with you through high school sports Positive Coaching alliance can help p.c.a. a National nonprofit offers more than a 1000 free all but resources for euthanize school sports coaches parents students and administrators visit p.c.a. Divs own dot org I'm Alec Baldwin listen to my pocket here's the thing i Heart Radio it's my chance to talk with artists policy makers and performers like Kristen Bell I always like to say I like being an actress but I love being Kristen So I've prioritized that a little bit more than my like a desire to spread my wings or prove to people that I can be some dramatic actress if you like listening as much as I like talking with interesting people and go to here's the thing on the i Heart Radio app or wherever you get your ass this report is sponsored by Compassion International It's a new year but for kids in poverty around the world things are still desperate joining compassion with your one time $40.00 gift to provide a covert relief kit to a family in poverty text the word give 283393 that's give 283393. News Radio 960 weather a little melting today hi everybody of the chief meteorologist Gil Simmons give yourself a few extra minutes to get going specially on those secondary roads this morning otherwise eyes and thirty's today rain or snow shower a little cold or light snow early tomorrow y. Weather updates all morning and you say I had my baby last month I just got home from the hospital after surgery I take birth control pills I smoke what do these people have in common their own at risk for deep vein thrombosis or d.v.d. a Blood clot that could lead to a potentially fatal. Some people feel pain others feel nothing even without symptoms can be fatal find out if you are. A message from the vascular disease foundation. Many families have come to. These families with United Way to make the communities I don't just. Make a living on it. Prachi but United Way Council. A real true. D.c. . Watch Big Brother. Is all right. 25 till the top of the hour well no Americans should love this this is not good. Tehran the Iranian mullahs now and this is this is a typical pattern of these these evil regimes like North Korea that's they they've played this game all of the time Iran and other countries so they've launched a new rocket apparently showing Vance's and potential missile technology right just 2 aspects of the uranium enrichment and delivery systems is the missile delivery system the rocket developed under a government back program to send civilian satellite supposedly into orbit 310 miles above the ground according to the Iranian defense minister space Department technology though however that would be quite easily transferable to Iran's military missile program run by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps now why are they doing it well they're doing it for the same reason that Kim Jong un's father Kim Jong il was able to extend it a force fortune from Bill Clinton when Clinton was president as a good American people know was in a good deal for the American people because they weren't supposed to develop nuclear weapons and guess what they did. It's 150000000000 that Obama and Biden gave the Iranians and cash and other currency and dropping cargo planes full of cash in currency on their tarmac yet this is all you know them raising the stakes to show this saber rattling for possible negotiations for even more money from Biden and God only knows the concessions that are going to come China's way considering this seems to me that China has an awful lot of well contact with the Biden family and let me tell you something this is one thing and they were actually is a separate story apart from this about how the Chinese government and their 6 oppressive surveillance of their own people now they've been doing this forever and that is they they've got sophisticated spying mechanisms against all of us in this country think that considering it wasn't that long ago that everything that 0 experience Hunter and company were involved in which And Joe's time in China was probably all recorded and I'm imagining that's probably stuff the Joe and 0 experience on are wouldn't exactly want in the public domain. And somehow they might or might become aware of its possible existence who knows but as that's what that's why you don't that's why family members of vice president shouldn't be getting wire transfers at 3 and a half 1000000 dollars from Russian oligarchy the 1st lady a mosque out or Kazakstan oligarchy or Ukrainian corrupt oil companies like her and that's where the quid in a pro in the quo for 0 experience 100 came in there and they should be taken out to an shopping sprees with Chinese nationals as like congressmen like stall war whatever his name is shouldn't be hanging out with a Chinese spy Fang Fang it just can't make this up what's a lawyer saying it may or swallow whatever his name is the guy we still don't know the nature of this long term relationship with the Chinese by Don't worry he's on the House Intelligence Committee with all of our government secrets wooden and why is that I don't want to know about his private life I want to know though if those any pillow talk just to use a phrase between the 2. Anyway is one interesting thing in the Atlantic I don't know what to make of this that tens of thousands of people in cities across Russia protesting the jailing of an opposition leader. I don't know no one the hostile act or the Putin is in the hostile regime that is Russia I don't know how well that's going to work for people there that are out there protesting that's that's kind of what happens when you lose freedom but the pictures were pretty interesting you know get to see a lot of the world's unrest there was a January 31st rally that was just massive and almost look like a trump rally saying terms of its massive size. Now so all the time we're going through this campaign cycle what I say about Joe wow it was startling to me and startling to many people that I know and people that I'd meet and then ask me about what I thought about the presidential race that was then pending and they'd as well what happened to Joe I mean he just doesn't seem like the same guy I mean if you look at Joe Biden 10 years ago versus today it's startling if you look at him 4 years ago versus today I find it even more startling . And even Democrats and media mob people that I know like Everett Democrats like every time he speaks like oh please don't screw it up please please don't screw it up police they're like they're like Haneke shells there and it's obvious what's happening now we'll get them out there answer a few questions an m. Mostly though they're just pictures him Oval Office act like he's busy and then he goes behind his desk and he signs what looks like a new executive order something that he defined as being dictatorial but yet he signed more than 3 times the past 3 prior presidents before him pretty interesting that you got to get the votes man anyway so now we're finding out Daily Beast of all places is reporting good for them according to 3 sources with knowledge of the matter the new president's communications staff has already probed reporters to see what questions they plan on asking a White House press secretary Jen Psaki when called upon during briefings now the requests prompted concerns among the White House press corps whose members like many reporters are sensitive to the perception that they are coordinating with political communications staffers one reporter raised the issue during an informal White House Correspondent Association zoom call on Friday and according to The Daily Beast and multiple sources leaders at the meeting advised print reporters to push back against requests by the White House press team to learn the questions in advance or simply not respond to Biden's. Biden teams inquiries all the while it's a relief to see the briefings return how the press can't really do its job in a briefing room at the White House is picking and choosing the questions that they want that's not a free press it off at all apparently even my own league aggravated enough reporters and but apparently that's what's going on behind the scenes now 2 issues here one now that they're bringing up the issue of me saying Joe looks weak frail and his cognitively struggling when we played our best of hits many times I won't waste your time today and play it again we'll play it enough in the next 4 years but this is more recently the more recent screw up and if you listen very closely to what Joe was saying he had to listen closely he says not once but twice and we'll be able to get 400000000 doses and $600.00 millions and we're going to increase of 50 percent and and $300.00 Americans are going to get a vaccine Ok misspoke. Then he misspoke again. Ok this to me seems like he's struggling cognitively we'll let you decide and we believe that we'll soon be able to confirm the purchase of an additional $100000000000.00 doses for each of the 2 f.d.a. Authorized vaccine Pfizer. That's $100000000.00 more doses of Pfizer and $100000000.00 more doses of modernity $200000000.00 more doses than the federal government had traditionally secured not in hand yet but ordered we expect these additional 200000000 doses to be delivered this summer and some of that will come as early begin the committee early summer but by the mid in the by the mid summer that this vaccine will be there and the order and that increases the total vaccine order in the United States by 50 percent from $400000000.00 order to $600000000.00 . Ok now oppose let's go just the part where he says 300 Americans will get the vaccine. Enough vaccine to vaccinate $300.00 Americans have by and in the summer the beginning of the fall but we want to make it look that's I want to repeat it would be enough to fully vaccinate $300.00 Americans to be to spend them in. 300 Americans and that I hear that right I just want to make sure that I'm not hearing something and. I'm hearing it right correct he said 300 and once he said it twice correct that's right he doubled down doubled down on really he really should have circled back he should have circled back we're going to get that in the 2nd good point he's going to circle back you know you can't make this up you know what maybe for clarity because the mob is so angry at me. Again we're going to let the American people decide is Joe seem is strong and. I don't fiber and energetic alert as he was when he left office 4 years ago as vice president. These are some of the highlights. Don't understand health care. Is a privilege. I think it's a right for people to kind. Of practice strategy to mobilize some of the pressure to punish China is a proud Democrat for the Senate. From our super Stern. And I want to thank you all. Haven't. I don't want to. Go you know that you know the degree with me. Joe 333. Truth over facts play the radio make sure them tell me make sure you have a record player on the phone make sure the kids hear words from. The strength of this. Hypothetical. All right now I'll let you decide and I mean on charitable here unfair are is my observation. If you ever have let's say his fastball was the years in the Senate and let's say Well he developed of medium fastball and a change up for the time he's v.p. I don't see any of those pitches anymore just my own way of saying it now we have a favorite phrase that keeps coming out of the White House official propagandas press secretary Jen Psaki which is let's circle back we now have a whopping total lot only will play them all now but we'll play a good number of them she said at a whopping 77 times that they didn't gain clue today let's. Circle back and there's more and can share with you I'll circle back the theater there's more to convey I have to just circle back with you and we can circle back then I'm happy to circle that the deal I can circle back we'll have to circle back on that one that's an excellent question though such an important question we will circle back with you know will circle that youth's an interesting question that will circle that not be to circle that but I have to circle back if you want it's a good question the circle that the on this today will certainly circle back to you more directly I hate to disappoint you but I will have to circle back with you on not as well and last thing I want to do before we get to your questions I also note I'm going to circle back I hate to just find conservative Twitter but I'm going to circle back on the number of things we often do directly let's just circle back on everything meaning I don't know many answers great question let me circle back with you and give you the official party line. And getting snarky because people are laughing at it is pretty darn funny I'll tell you about and now Politico outlined why you haven't seen Biden do a national interview yet there's no word no usually last year for example I had the honor of interviewing President Trump for the interview before the Super Bowl it's a tradition that's gone on now for a while and I've never gotten an opportunity before and I got the opportunity I was glad to do it was a lot of. Fun actually and anyway if there's no word of Biden is going to do a Super Bowl interview we'll have to wait and see and anyway and you know so we're just going to watch a lot of these things what is interesting is to watch how the Democrats now have turned on mansion and turn the heat up on cinema is there the 2 Democratic senators that said no we're not breaking Senate Norman going along with your you know mandate to end the legislative filibuster so then Miss Harris we're not going to stop we won't stop we shouldn't stop you be where Take note this was after you know of course the police precinct burned to the ground in the rioting took place sounds like insurrection language if we use the Democrat in the media mobs definition. So I have to wait and see what happens there are plans now people are getting critical about how African-Americans and Hispanic Americans are falling way behind in these vaccination efforts. You have researches that n.y.u. Publishing a bogus ridiculous study about big tech and conservatives Yeah turns out it was funded by a Biden donor How convenient really interesting ever Democratic congressman wanting to screen military recruits social media posts. Better of put everything in there is politically correct. Pretty scary times we're living in I'll tell you. What's happening here and then you've got this whole thing with this guy John Weaver I remember Weaver was in the work of working with Kay sick and he was on the McCain campaign and then I never knew him really well apparently Karl Rove is saying that he knew all this stuff about him going back a long long time and that apparently is widely known and you know of the 87400000 dollars raised by the Lincoln project by people that say they're Republican but they're really are supporting Joe Biden with the greatest socialist agenda in istream which is laughable 50 was used for independent expenditures ads that expressly advocated the election to defeat a specific candidates and most of it was against Republicans great times when you have Republicans that say they're not Republicans. Conservatives either you know you've got the McCain supporters the Romney supporters the never trump purse that's right 80941 Sean protecting your good name credit and credit score and identity that's what Life Lock dot com is all about and you've got to be careful more people working from home and that means that there's more identity theft ransomware outbreaks 20 percent cyber security increase that occurred 2020 this is real because every day we're all putting information at risk on the Internet. The threat you'll miss on your own the Leven scour the dark web to see if any of your information is for sale if you ever get compromised they have restoration specialist that help your store your identity Life Lock right now you'll rate and an additional $25.00 New Haven weather and traffic station News Radio $964.00 Call $1800.00 lifeline. 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Except most major insurance for the 1st time in the coronavirus spend America has have more than $3000.00 deaths in the single day devastating news had an effect on Los Angeles County's public health director yesterday she broke down at Wednesday's news conference and their deaths are an incalculable loss the coronavirus pandemic pushed the Us past another dire milestone Wednesday the highest daily death toll to date and with over $220000.00 new covert cases yesterday overtaxed intensive care unit say they're running out of beds in many parts of the country I might power the White House will be deep cleaned on January 20th President elect Joe Biden's inauguration day to prevent the spread of covert 19 the General Services Administration told Politico it's hired a company to thoroughly clean and disinfect surfaces touched by President Trump's White House team in the final moments of his presidency before the Biden's move in health update Sara Lee Kessler n.b.c. News Radio. The free i Heart Radio out is number one for music radio and podcasts all in one discover a new podcast from our library of over 350000 titles Here's an i Heart Radio podcast preview on June 6th 1984 a well known Beverly Hills a con artist named Ron Levin vanishes without a trace. 8 weeks later a wealthy Iranian exile is kidnapped out of his home and is never heard from again . And 1st the 2 disappearances seem unrelated but soon suspicion falls on a group of young men united by greed and privilege they are the golden sons of l.a. Zoo wealthiest families they drive matching b.m.w. That's where tailored Armani suits lunches bongos and run up tabs at Las Vegas hotspot. They call themselves the Billionaire Boys Club they're united by a common goal they want all the riches in status they were promised since the birth and. Nothing to get it. Their leader is Joe Hunter he's 23 years old charming and charismatic and a master of minding Joe's real talent lies in fleecing millions of dollars from wealthy investors in a high stakes Ponzi scheme is a scheme that will slowly implode and put its members on a path to repent kidnapping and. Murder. I'm Tracy Patton join me and my co-host Timothy all up as we dive into Hollywood in the 1980 s. When capitalism is king and greed is good how did Joe Hunt managed to con millions from investors why did a group of privileged young men had it all follow him down a road of destruction in this. It's the true story of the Billionaire Boys Club listen and follow this podcast for free on the i Heart Radio at number one for music radio and podcasts all in one i Heart Radio goes one on one with Neal Schon to ask about journey's music being featured in the final episode of The Sopranos I did follow the Sopranos and I watched it when I wasn't working and I remember getting in the mail months prior to the last episode. And it was I believe it was from the director and he was you know basically saying Hey we're talking about using Don't Stop Believin in the final episode of The Sopranos and I went home call that's cool that happens great that does it it's cool to and I wasn't glued to the t.v. I was actually on the internet and my phone just started blowing up people were like did you see that and I was like what and it was just like I got so many calls one after another got to see the episode you know the next day and I was like wow this is just amazing keep listening to i Heart Radio for more Neal Schon and all your favorite artists. 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Doesn't mess around if they want your money they'll take it they can take your paycheck and bank accounts too even for in your home or business don't take on this is. What's a matter with a.o.l. And later she said to say it quickly kill. A high heart radio ad with. I Heart Radio goes one on one with to discuss his views on the importance of environmental awareness any time I think that any of us can do something to make the world a little bit better place than we left it. Shouldn't be we are all being educated together as to what will happen if we don't stand up and have an effect on the way that through. The environment especially it's something that crosses all party lines and it's something that. We can all make easy change I mean as simple as turning off a light switch when you leave the room you don't want to go out and buy hybrids If you're not ready to buy a car. Turning off the light switch in your room recycling your garbage silly things like that that sounds so. Add up and make a huge difference. And all your favorite artists. Just a short time ago the head of Homeland Security. Is live on Capitol Hill where the Senate voted to confirm. The 1st confirmed secretary of homeland security since 2019 by a $5643.00 vote that is the narrowest tally yet for a Biden administration nominee many Republicans oppose Mayorkas citing an inspector general's whistleblower report about Mayorkas his time in the Obama administration the orcas will oversee President Biden's immigration policy much of which is expected to rollback restrictions put in place by former President Trump Lisa the president has set aside more executive actions on immigration aimed in part at the asylum policy reuniting separated families and reviewing legal immigration rules Meantime the Senate today also confirming former Indiana Mayor to be transportation secretary $86.00 to $13.00 that vote the 1st openly gay cabinet member Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell says the new administration is off to a partisan start after the president's meeting yesterday with g.o.p. Lawmakers on relief on members. Laid out a proposal that could have gotten broad bipartisan support and given the new administration a chance to get a bipartisan victory here early Instead Democrats are laying the groundwork for a vote that will not need Republican support and means that the American people are so demanding we need to think big and we need to act quickly the Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer at the Pentagon is defending the ongoing National Guard mission in the nation's capital saying the request for the troops remains valid this is some Republican lawmakers question the need for $7000.00 Guard troops nearly a month after the deadly capital riot The Pentagon also noting they're not all out at once on the mission America is listening to Fox News RINGBACK RINGBACK. Hello miscounts it's backless tire of your r.v. Calling wanted to give you a heads up that I'm a blow out although I will later today what it says here I'm going to burst in the middle of rush hour I mean for schedule so our policy States it wants reschedule to burst we have to clearly pride ourselves on our commitment blowouts r.z. Owners can schedule when things go wrong a liberal that's why there's progressive a leader a nervy insurance you want to text confirmation want to burst on notice there's a casualty insurance company affiliates some big news since Election Day almost 5000000 people have downloaded the free Newsmax t.v. App on their smartphone you can trust Newsmax t.v. Watch it for free any time and go to Newsmax dot com for breaking news Newsmax is on all major cable systems your operator if they don't carry it plus watch News Max on Roku You Tube Apple t.v. Zumo Tivo plus Pluto and smart T.V.'s like Samsung and l.g. Newsmax is real news for real people star with Fox $61.00 traffic. Less than 34 crashed lately clear to me. The sound that's good he's not also looks that through a lot of very same. The westbound side and out through Danbury were clear traffic is light quiet on the Parkway North through the no exit so no problems to the square ski bridge clear New Haven along 919534 and Rachel let's hear. Mary Ellen her encouraging residents stay home also asking for patience as Bruce continue working to clear streets after yesterday's major snowstorm out of her says rainy conditions of a the snow heavier and harder to move cities parking ban remains in effect all Yale New Haven health Kovan 1000 vaccine sites closed today because of the winter storm officials say anyone who has an appointment to be vaccinated daily contacted by staff so that appointments can be rescheduled testing sites opening at noon will operate as usual Milford police asking for the public's help to find a robbery suspect they say a man tried to hold up the fast food mart golf gas station on New Haven Avenue no one hurt robber fled without taking anything anyone with information as to contact the Milford police department. 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To Sean Hannity Show 809 for one Sean you want to be a part of the program it's getting quite a bit of attention the new White House press secretary Jen Psaki has her obvious obviously or most favored phrase which is circle back circle back circle back we now have counted a total of $77.00 times she knows nothing and tells the mob in the media that is praising her and gushing at our every day that chill circle back because she has no answers and circle back. Circle there's more I can share with you and I'll circle Fathi if there's more to convey that's just circle that we can circle back then I'm happy to circle back the deal I can circle back I will have to circle back on that one that's an excellent question oh such an important question now we will circle back but you know it's an interesting question but will circle that not be a circle that I have to circle back with you on it's a good question but will circle that the on this today will certainly circle back you more directly I hate to disappoint you but I will have to circle back with you on not as well and last thing I want to do before we get to your questions I also know I'm going to circle back to just find conservative Twitter but I'm going to circle back on a number of things as we often do you directly how will circle back with all of it anyway here in no way and on circling back you circling back as a guest Mark Simone morning show host our affiliate midday I guess is technically the right term here on our flagship New York station am 710 w a y r Aranda divine New York Post columnist. You know look everyone has little phrases that you get in a pattern speaking patterns Mark Simone I'm sure you've done it occasionally in your long successful career I've done it many many times the audience likes to point it out but for crying out loud I mean the fawning on top of it and meanwhile she's got no answers to anything of substance. I didn't remember off the circle back to you with an. Apparently very rigid briefing reporters have to submit the question to ask. So there's a question of advance you have to circle back who are you going to go where Joe Biden you know where your peers watching Matlock What's your prefix. No personality at all to fear for one reason or you were going to resume she would go bomb a secretary. Very tight with Obama he's really the guy running everything so she's like this Manchurian. Secretary. Personality she would be the life of the party in a culture war to. Find her father and that's Mark that's Mark Simone standard in life the funniest thing it's like a joke between me and Mark is I'm a loser and I'm rarely attentive much more you can confirm this I'm a total loser I never really go out often but when I show up at any event or even any restaurant not exactly always on the top of my priority list I mean I just cannot believe Mark is everywhere I've never met anybody that is out is often if you I do not know how you do it. You've got a t.v. Show a radio show you can go out your mob by Gazans or fans this is also where you you've got your come on you're like a legend stop. On our end of the bible back you sir go back on this yourself I mean if it's far. Too high Sean honestly you would think after about the 68th circle back that the journalists in the room like just stop getting a beat I grew dated because they're not getting the question that fit and but they're not you know it's just the exact opposite of Kelly McEnaney who she had right in Maine in that press room standing up and shouting at her and if she'd been a Democrat they would have been accused of thing you know domestic terrorists so Genesis and that's plain as in all the rest but Kelly McInerney did good job supposedly And it's such a contrast to Jen Psaki Kelly McInerney was always on top of the material she had these balloon a stalled is that world divided up with the labels and she would keep talking very coherently while she leak through to find her material she was so good and she maverick got any. Thanks she was always a gin Sakhi on the other hand you know are things like a nice person but this is basic incompetent she can't take basic questions. I think this is like a window into that real 18 May trip the hope by not duration All right so you are both friends of the program and you both know that I say the Week 3 l. Cognitively struggling Joe and we have our our standard montage that keeps getting longer and longer and longer we choose truth over vacs the Super Thursday and we hold these truths to be self-evident all men and women are created equal endowed by the all the faith you know the thing that thing that you know the thing God the creator of everything. So we have the latest Biden moment we're going to have and he says it not once but twice and his math is a little fuzzy here you're much smarter than me Mark Simone I'll give you 1st crack at this but he says we're going to have enough vaccine for 300 Americans listen this enough vaccine to fully vaccinate 300 Americans by and in the summer the beginning of the fall but we want to make it look I want to repeat it to be enough to fully vaccinate $300.00 Americans to be to spend Demming. All right 300 now he just went through fuzzy math explaining how we're going to increase the number of doses by 50 percent he didn't know how to do simple math either Ok now I get beaten up by the by the leftist media mob and you know outlets like I don't know Daily Beast Huffington Post the usuals and because I say weak frail cognitively struggling I am am I wrong or is this some bizarre Hannity observation that only I see. Well I don't make light of the sport. If you talk to a serious medical experts what cognitive stuff will tell you that's one of the early signs getting numbers all mixed up missing zeros and all that stuff so that's a sign of that 300. Vaccines So it's great that mean that will take care of Dix not you and your wife but up there. This is a story that they lost 20. 1000000 vaccines I don't begin to go bring this up that is really the last 20000000 vaccines polluters that corrected me by the way and said they're absolutely not lost this is an actual quote from flu fact they're making an effort to locate them but that's the situation. How do you how do you lose vaccines. Apparently that were sent out they don't know if they were received they lost them somewhere in. Transit. But again you know doesn't know what's going on you know at least still circle back in New York see him again for the rest of the week. You know Miranda. Well the funny I think which I Biden he is obviously has a huge problem with numbers and yet to play he seems attracted to talking numbers all the time you notice practically every time he gives a speech there are lots of complicated numbers in it and he likes to pretend he's masterful on top of that very ably he just knocks it up. I think I've thought of being surprised actually that he's much more in the public frame now at the White House and become president and yet they haven't seen too many slip up and I think that's because he now has this team of people around him who I dedicated to protecting him and he called me to failings from the public and so if you notice the most we see of him he sits down at a table from those around bonds of pain and signed statements and then Eddie's doing it he sort of mumbles through these days post nights that he hasn't. On the way tells me it looks as if he's looking at it for the 1st time all really are finding out what had been regarded I don't think deeper here if in fact this is a really significant decline cognitively now and everybody in in Biden world is protecting him. Are we really talking about a level of dishonesty to the American people that is deep and it is profound and may I add with Iran launching their new rocket showing their advancement in potential missile technologies and and reengaging their pursuit of enriching uranium and cetera. Isn't that a little bit dangerous because it sounds dangerous to me if people really know something that we don't know or I'm just looking at the the verbal you know and the malaprops the constant inability to remember getting lost in the middle of every other sentence and he's not with a teleprompter if it's worse than that what does that mean. You know they always say watch Joe being Joe going to You Tube or someplace you go watch Joe Biden 2000 and watch him 10 years ago and beat the press and it's a totally different guy he's a different guy with a different voice his eyes have a different look and he's just not the same anymore I mean for as displaying weakness the rest of the world I can only hope that at least they've got Susan Rice or Obama or somebody behind the scenes really running things but that's a pretty scary thought too so. We're really you know in a problem here I don't know what we're going to do about it till 2022 when we get a Republican Congress but here this is the thing now it was interesting during the campaign nobody ever criticized me for calling him weak frail and cognitively struggling now that he's president and I say it and all of a sudden it was like a united front against me Miranda everybody started criticizing me saying it and then when I did. So I went on radio and t.v. And I played my longer montage and I said Ok I'll let you decide desist Does this sound like somebody that really is cognitively sharp because it doesn't to me now in fairness I look at somebody who's older like Bernie Sanders I think is even older than Joe and this guy's got is seized his faculties seized full on totally energetic you know he seems you know as a last a step and 10 years and march right when you compare the tape it's dramatic. But you know joining me campaign Joe Biden was the Democrats' problem now he's in the White House he's all our problems you know it like it or not he is our president and we just have to hope that at the series doesn't try and take advantage of that I mean you can be sure that China and Russia and Iran all about they will know more about Joe Biden's cognitive problems than any American citizen does pop and the people working with him and that's a real vulnerability to this country and. Much as we we old suspect that there are Gate cognitive problems and we've seen the evidence of it over and. I guess we're all stuck in this you're right at the moment this Weekend at Bernie's share right because unfortunately that is the president and we just have to. Lay that these great tell Misty that this deception and Spain put on the American people by the Democratic Party that they know what they're doing all right Miranda divine New York Post Mark Simone my fellow hosts on our flagship am 710 wor in New York sir thank you Miranda thank you 809 for one Sean your calls coming up I'm going to do a quick border hit with a handy big sin a minute and then your calls Look our for. 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Problems. Like traffic north of 95 if you had to Bridgeport and were clear on the parkway I'm Rachel let's. Listen to. This report sponsored by the ed Council there's no guidebook to adopting a teen but that's Ok because you don't have to know what all to be a perfect parent go to adopt us kids dot org to learn more about how to be the perfect parent to teens in foster care sponsored by council your business is getting back to business but things are a little different than 6 months ago what does that mean for your customers and when things are constantly changing how do you know you're making the right decisions what you need is research research racoon is the easy way to learn about your customers and it's affordable for businesses of all sizes it works ask a question and research. Based group of people to find out what they think no having to define an audience or waiting weeks for results data to make smarter decisions. 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Bring home so much good to your community because everything you buy funds local jump training and ball good will bring good. Good will and the Ad Council. Which. We are going to take a lot of calls the next half hour let us gold to Canada and Doug a standing by listening in Canada What's up dog How are you glad you call. Thanks for taking. The pipeline the Enbridge line where it enters. Into North Dakota. I've seen the upgrades over the years you know these are $35.00 our jobs for these pipelines and stuff like that in rural economies. Things that happen. With executive orders and stuff you know flow down our direction as well when President Trump signed Keystone on the 1st day. We knew it was political and we told everyone. To the Democrats get in and then this is our land this is over of course it was 1st day signed off. By though I did there's a generator. And some people up your way are saying that they want they had they want retribution here that they weren't even consulted. No that's right if there's a pipeline capacity but then it all goes down to the people that extract these resources to feed the pipeline it's just basically the flasks 2 months of kills any incentive any idea that this can move forward and we can you know improve better now it's just it just kills all the whole industry with investment and bringing good people and stuff like that out. I don't know if people know why that's been there since the sixty's were crosses evocate over the years you know where they where they have a human stuff there's over a 1000000 barrels a day that didn't come through since the sixty's the United States. Treaties on this I gotta run. But let me say those dog jobs are going to be lost in your country and ours your country is going to be paying more at the pump em paying more for for heating their homes so it's hard jobs are real and these are high paying career jobs the stroke of a pen Joe Biden giving in to the radicals in his party and it's only the beginning and it's going to get worse say hi to your friends up north because you're going to be more dependent on them than ever before that's pretty sad making Russia rich again the hostile regime that exists there. 809 point one Sean toll free number we've got Brett Farve and Eric Bolling Also coming up and Congressman any big straight ahead. This Valentine's Day. In the best puzzle game out there. Or Google Play that's about the are. Here a vital information on how. Plan for a successful retirement listen this Saturday morning at 10 for financial support he would change everything from the proper strategies to the latest retirement news Saturday morning at 10 on. Dennison next week Senator while House impeachment managers will argue that former President Trump endangered members of Congress jeopardize the peaceful transition of power and compromise national security a legal briefs filed by House Democrats to the Senate draws links to Trump's refusal to accept the November election results to the deadly riot at the Capitol on January 6th lawyers representing the former president will argue the trial for someone no longer in office is unconstitutional and the president's words were protected by the 1st Amendment Fox's Jared Halpern on Capitol Hill airline mask mandates designed to slow the spread of coronavirus are now backed by federal law and violators could face civil penalties the c.d.c. Order which took effect at midnight Tuesday also includes trains taxis ride share services and mass transit Fox's Jonathan Serrie America is listening to Fox News. 61 traffic. Pretty. Tame and 91 of them are trying to hide this delay for a parkway smooth sailing through the whites its own out across the Sikorsky bridge no problems to in through the West. To stay home meanwhile some residents of the city went without sleep to help their neighbors dig out. So starkly. This morning to start cleaning all over again Mayor Alec or is also asking for a pay. Says crews continue working to clear streets after gas today snowstorm all yell New Haven health couvade 19 vaccine sites are closed today because of the winter storm officials say anyone who had an appointment to be vaccinated today will be contacted by staff so that the appointment can be rescheduled 2 people are rescued from a sinking truck caught in the tide and Stamford fire crews responded to Cummings Park yesterday where the driver and a passenger were struggling to get out of the submerged vehicle about 40 feet from the shore I'm Diane to this report is sponsored by Mothers Against Drunk Driving for victims of trunk and job driving our grief is unique but you are not alone you always have a place. 24 hour a victim helpline at 877. Or visit. For half the world. To get a podcast. Super Bowl. 1007 . 100. Listen to. Podcasts. a few Actually minutes to get going specially on those secondary roads this morning otherwise highs in the thirty's today or rain or snow shower a little cold or light snow early tomorrow y. Weather updates all morning and you say next Thursday it will be caught in an extreme flash flood disasters don't plan ahead but you can talk to your loved ones about making an emergency plan get started today and ready to slash plan and brought to you by Fema and the Ad Council New Haven's news weather and traffic station now on 969 f.m. . 30 show up 30 killer m m a o s fake news and he is all right. $25.00 to the top of the hour thanks for being with us $809.00 for one Shaunie want to be a part of the program one of the phenomenons we watched and learn the summer was we be watching let's see cities literally rioting and attacks against old federal courthouses and police precincts being overrun and even burnt to the ground like in the Minneapolis case and Kamel Harris he's raising money for the belle of those people that were out there writing and saying we're not going to stop we shouldn't stop they're never going to stop be where Take know all these all the wealth we're going to use the Democrats standard that would be calls for insurrection but putting that aside in a fake news c.n.n. D.n.c. And they'd be out there and and they'd have fires raging in the shots behind them it's mostly been a very imperious folk protest here as we continue our coverage here of fake news c.n.n. Don't don't don't pay any mind to the massive huge fire in the city behind us you know the autonomous Chaz chops summer of love spaghetti pot luck dinner zone Yeah that was an ending peaceful either literally taking over a police precinct there and and now we've got the reemergence of shocking I thought because only Donald Trump was responsible for this but they would just deny reality Well the same thing is happening with the Democrats parroting this new talking point that we've all watched the latest video. Those of people a lot of I don't see a lot of social distancing or mask wearing that are making their way that would have been making their way to the southern border there is a report out today on Fox News dot com that shows you know Biden has now expanded his push for open borders one of the orders to Rex's executive orders the Department of Homeland Security to review migrant protection protocols which Biden has promised to and they're known as the remain in Mexico policy which would keep people south of the border while their immigration hearings are underway rather than admitting them into this country they get a court date and then Well lo and behold 99.9 percent don't bother showing up for the hearing because I don't think the hearing will go well nor are they willing to take the chance because they're ready here so anyway so that by ending this key policy ending catch and release the bite administration taken another significant step in stating the incentives and the loopholes where people can enter this country and remain illegally in preparation of amnesty of as many people as possible the Fox News dot com piece is pointing out that now we have immigrants in mass now. Literally lining the border wall in places like California but pretty much California to Texas I mean you see a dramatic increases in the numbers of people that are showing up there every day but yet the media is saying oh this is just a manufactured crisis your eyes must see view almost the same as them denying the riots this summer present trauma stuff holding people hostage. Crisis this president just used the backdrop of the Oval Office to manufacture a crisis the president is manufactured one heck of a political crisis form self-knowledge on his manufacturing and national security crisis what I'm hearing going to say is that this is a man huge fan. Crisis it's not a national security crisis the banks of the whole address there's a crisis there's not a crisis the notion that we have a crisis there security crisis is absolute nonsense I Joining us now Congressman and a big scene is the co-chair of the Border Security Caucus also the head of the Freedom caucus and he led a tour last week of the Us Mexico border in southern Arizona with 8 members of Congress Congressman thanks for coming back and giving us a report is the media lying to us yet again Oh yes on they are I mean is exactly what you say there are masses forming on the southern side of our border which is northern Mexico of course there are caravans being put together cartels are advertising again N.G.O.s are advertising again by themselves as not yet don't come over I can't give this to you yet they're waiting for his magic magic words he's talking about giving a parole and one of the. Executive orders he's doing today this is going to be far greater than the search that we had just a couple of years ago if you recall where was it humanity crisis of humanity and I just think that that they are denying this and they're burying this and that's a it's a crying shame and it would be a very bad look and now I don't see that there's a whole lot we can do at this point is still talk of maybe taking down the border wall I don't think they're going to take the border wall down now but they've basically shut down the the construction completely they're there there's big equip heavy equipment that stopped John they built roads so they could put in the fence in some places and they were ready to put in fence in some very heavily trafficked places in fact in one area they told me that's the heaviest traffic place they just had to completely stop. Since it's wide open and now because it took down some fencing too you know that's for strand barbwire or something like that to replace it with this this great fencing guess what now there's nothing there and some of those places because the by the administration just stopped it cold in its tracks well if you look at these new policies of Biden and announce going to be a path towards legalization. Is there anything the Republican Party in the the Congress and your the House of Representatives of the Senate can do well we have to rely on the Senate as a backdrop if we can because they're really close we have got a reliance on people here who come from swing districts to maybe try to to to soften some of this oh what about Senator cinema she's in your state of Arizona where does she stand on this she's I'm not sure where she is today but she's in the past has been for some kind of pathway to citizenship so those are Luers those are incentives to come out and bring more people in and we're going to have to fight that here and see if we get some of these it's a close they're going to have to keep all the Democrats if we get 4 or 5 Democrats and all of our Republicans in the house we might be able to stop some of the stuff let me ask you is Governor Doocy going to running and cinema My understanding is in jump in 2022 she's not up in 20 to 24 but Mark Kelly is up in 2025 Mark Kelly's up I stand corrected yes or yes I don't think deuce is going to run for that seat there's a there's a host of people kicking tires on that that's for sure are you thinking about it yourself well a. Kick in some tires on Sean that's for sure. And he gave a big Congressman Arizona co-chair Border Security Caucus thank you for being with us for the update we appreciate it Charlene is in Washington State Charlene glad you called some Thank you for taking my call I appreciate it I. To talk about action on the nursing home decision yes ma'am I work in a medical office it looks to me like senior that the Democrats don't value a senior citizen lives we can't forget these people they went at the end of their lives they still have more memories to make with their family and they died alone they died without their families this is going to be an open wound that their families after every Christmas every last birthday every wedding that they're not. Because a lot of these people they want to be in a nursing home forever Well the sad part of all of this is you know Cuomo out there saying well you die in a nurse you go me die here what then what difference does it make your dad and his more recent comments about restaurant workers etc you know qualifying for the vaccine we don't have enough anyway I mean it's and then frankly New York City state like everything else they botched distribution of the vaccine and it's just an another typical mess 9 of Cuomo says top health officials have left amid the vaccine rollout not only disagreement but the Sastre and it's kind of sad and it's unfortunate but it is what it is and that look at this and even worse than that and Rick Scott mentioned this earlier today is that now states like Florida the balance their budget every red state that funds their pensions balances their budgets where politicians are elected that are fiscally responsible now the taxpayers in those states Mark my words are going to have to pony up Cuomo demanding $15000000000.00 for New York State and my guess is he's probably going to get it now one thing that a lot of people won't pay attention to either will see when when Joe finally submits his budget proposals economic proposals what they mean but I'm going to predict. With a certain degree of what some certainty here is that Joe is going to once again exempt in what allow people in blue states that elect high taxing governors and legislatures to once again deduct their state income tax and again not a benefit that any state with no income tax or a low income tax benefits from that that means again red states will be funding these blue states that are fiscally irresponsible now when the president President Trump now in exile According to Jim Acosta President Trump an exile and when he got into office and he got rid of the state income tax tax deduction Well that didn't benefit Sean Hannity personally but I said at the time and numerous times after it was the right thing to do because I don't think the people in red states ought to be funding a special tax break only because I'm stupid enough to live in a state that alexy responsible politicians that spend more than they take in and my guess is they're going to give that money back again and better luck for the time being as long as I'm here benefits me but I don't think that should I don't think it's fair to everyone in the red states that are going to fund that. That we can have taxes. Are a good call we appreciate you being with us quick break right back more your calls straight ahead Hannity tonight 9 Eastern on Fox Biden's tax plan is going to whack small businesses to fund his big government expansion the biggest we've ever seen and look you need access to a serious economic accounting team to plan for all the changes for your business 1800 accountant they have the answer they are the nation's leading virtual accounting firm for small businesses and for you independent contractors out there I recommend them because they're protecting tens of thousands of businesses against these coming government tax hikes and regulations and their job and they do it well is to find every tax deduction and credit your business is legally able. Dribble for and you'll stop paying your c.p.a. 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Box 61 traffic very quiet right up to Fairfield downside and a time delay free and pretty to keep himself from Frankfurt keep going in that one of the murdered 95 is still a free Parkway smooth sailing through the new rights its own out across the Sikorsky bridge no problems to enter the West rock tunnel. This report is sponsored by Compassion International It's a new year but for kids in poverty around the world things are still desperate joining compassion with your one time $40.00 gift to provide a covert relief kit to a family in poverty text the word gives away 3393 that's give 283393 here's a reason to smile at Aspen Dental we're starting your Europe with the biggest savings of the season so you can get the care you need today for a limited time 30 percent off your treatment plan during our every day smiles event Give your smile Talking. Get a customized quote at Liberty Mutual dot com. Thank you for the media many you keep in. Even. In the millions in. The Alzheimer's Association needy and council 960 am at 96 died after w e l y New Haven almost of any pen project my name is Dale prison scheme I'm on tour with United Way to help the homeless in my community learn computer skills and build a basic resume I don't just wear the shirt give every kid fallen tear living on it go to living on a daughter work for United Way Council. Text a nationwide keyword when 220200 children a confirmation text in for standard dating and mysteries apply in this nation my contest that's going 220200 call to duty. Her busy phones as we say Heidi Carroll is in California the United Socialist Utopia of California how are you Carol. Going to talk to you thanks for taking my call so. Yesterday I was watching and Martha MacCallum and Rhonda McDaniel is on the r. And c. . And she thinks they're going to be interviewed Trump is right back in with the Republican Party and giddy about 20242022 he's the most famous person in our party well. They trump supporters are are not Republicans were Trump supporters and I have put up with the Republican Party with this gone back and forth and how they treated us and how they cheated president to try and I'm not going to vote for Republicans anymore so I pray that the president understands that he needs to start a 3rd party that's the only way out of this mess with these people the problem here is you know and Carol this is an age old question because remember Reagan was hated by the establishment and he gave a very very famous speech at c Pac in 1975 and in that speech he raised the question rhetorical Is that a 3rd party we need or a revitalized 2nd party with no Pell pastels but bold color differences the problem is if and polls of our bearing out exactly what you said is that more people in the Republican Party would go will would go with the America 1st Make America Great Again agenda of Donald Trump over Republicanism established. Republicanism now establishment Republicans are of the mind now that they think they're taking their party back like Liz Cheney think she's going to take the party back and they're fine to think that they can you know trying to guide the party in whatever direction they're hard to take them but they're not in touch with the rank and file of the Republican Party around the country so Reagan also had the 11th commandment thou shall not he did and he said look if somebody is an 80 percent agreement with use not your enemy there's some truth to that too there's a lot of when Reagan button is the Republican Party was when different back when when Reagan was espousing all this stuff now it's so fractured you can't trust them they flip they flop on Monday the president is going into an impeachment trial we all you know I'm not going to go into the mess I'm a lawyer they're alleging that he had cited this interaction through using the voter fraud the bad words don't say the word he has a right to defend himself which basically put the whole election on trial by the way and. They should just dismiss it and here we have the usual stuff. The Republicans that are probably not going to Martin I'm only tell you this because I'm short on time wish I could talk about this will do for a long time and you know it's sort of like you know Lincoln and Jesus a house divided against itself cannot stand the Apostles got mad to Jesus because there are other people that are that we don't know that are curing people in your name he's not against us is with us right and and Lincoln a house divided against itself cannot stand look here's the thing now Republicans have their choice well what the what the core and rank and file this country they want bold conservatism It's simple we don't want we want constitutionalists on the bench we want lower taxes less bureaucracy secure borders we want energy independence we want free and fair trade deals and we want the biggest bad ass military on the face of the earth. We don't want long protracted wars and a few nuances beyond that that's it it's simple stick to the agenda I got to run no good call Carol you raise great points 809 point one Sean. So there's this guy his name is Jose and he's healthy got a happy family is busy running his own payroll company in Texas goes to the doctor and gets news you never want to hear cancer and here's the thing he had switched from medical insurance to Metta share which is a Christian health care sharing ministry So the question for Jose and his wife astray it was is this really going to work especially after they got hit with an $85000.00 bill that do was pay so fast that it was amazing we didn't have to worry they paid right away on his doctor visit it was just amazing so yes met us here works in a typical family saves $500.00 a month when they switch to Medicare but it's not just about the money just don't have the raise knowing that they're planning for you you know you just melted your heart and I tell you I'm not doing nothing but great things to say I'm going to share why wait you can call now 85594 bible that's 85594 bible 85595 check out the coach George de Mayo Here's what one athletic director yet told me I don't want to say on the phone he said listen it's really simple I tell the girls live where I'm at and play volleyball don't want to learn that you can't play volleyball I think it's really simple text a Saturday morning sports show like 6 am on Newsradio 960 am and 96.9 f.m. w e L. It's surprising but true since Election Day almost 5000000 people have downloaded the free news Max t.v. App on their smartphone if you have a smartphone you can get the News Max app and start watching Newsmax t.v. Right away Plus check out Newsmax dot com for breaking headlines many cable channels require a subscription for your phone but not Newsmax when news breaks tune into Newsmax t.v. For free and you can also sign up for notifications to get the latest news Newsmax has great shows with Dick Morris Rudy Giuliani Michele Bachmann diamonded silk Mike Huckabee Alan Dershowitz. Sean Spicer Greg Elliott a lot more Newsmax is on all major cable and satellite systems if you don't get Newsmax on cable car your operator and tell them you want Newsmax watch Newsmax for free on Roku You Tube Apple t.v. Zumo Ti Vo plus Pluto and smart T.V.'s like Samsung l.g. And busy Oh everyone is talking about. More. Integration. Around. Here. Really trumps immigration policies some Republicans and former administration officials arguing though the decisions could for fuel a flood of immigration at the southern border including changes in the asylum rules the White House however argues that some of the former policies were immoral and must be done as quickly as possible one of today's orders call for doing more to address the reasons immigrants head north in the 1st place another was set up a task force to help reunite children separated from their families Meantime House minority leader Kevin McCarthy says executive actions already taken on energy have cost thousands of jobs tens of $1000.00 union workers in the Keystone pipeline. To small hotel. Or the restaurant owner that are now losing their jobs because of his actions in the cars the leading a tour of Republican lawmakers at the Houston port where American oil and gas are export it also arguing the president's solo actions run counter to his call for unity more vaccine will soon be available to fight coronavirus in more places starting on February 11th the federal government will deliver to select pharmacies across the country additional vaccine that's coming on line next week and White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki says they'll ramp up that effort as vaccine makers produce more Amazon just announcing that Jeff Bezos who found the. But he 30 years ago will step down as c.e.o. Now until later this year he'll still be part of the company says he's excited about an upcoming transition to executive chairman he also mentions time to pursue other passions he owns the space company Blue or Asian Americans listening to. RINGBACK RINGBACK Mr Klein I'm calling about today's appointment the train schedule calling your r.v. To 14 today we any way we can reschedule we're really enjoying our trip Well I'm sorry but that's our only opening Can it just be a little tree. Help sorry our style says it's a huge one r.v. Owners can schedule when things go wrong on the road that's why there's progressive a leader interview insurance is it 2 14 pm or am I you know I'm not sure going to put a lot of. Rumors of course it's going to be affiliates some big news since Election Day almost 5000000 people have downloaded the free Newsmax t.v. App on their smartphone you can trust Newsmax t.v. Watch it for free any time and go to Newsmax dot com for breaking news Newsmax is on all major cable systems operator if they don't carry it plus watch News Max on Roku You Tube Apple t.v. Zumo Tivo plus Pluto and smart T.V.'s like Samsung and l.g. Newsmax is real news for real people start with Fox 61 traffic here in my community and even now 90 by 94 I get the sense Jim I'm at European park with you know I sit down and we tell a free through both sides of 84. Michelle to go on as appears in Stamford or Rome a lawyer for the woman charged in connection with the case of missing mom Jennifer do most asked a judge to allow his client to remove her ankle monitor request that was denied to conus is accused of tampering with evidence for allegedly helping photos do most dispose of items belonging to his strange wife Connecticut still. Going out from under the winter storm New Haven mayor Justin eloquent is encouraging residents to stay at home is also asking for patience as crews continue working to clear streets after yesterday's storm neighbors helping neighbors in New Haven to clean and we have to get together. I think to see how to do list Mark look we do all smart to get the most areas of Connecticut received around a foot of snow with 2 feet reported in some places Diane did Aagot. This report is sponsored by the council attention for those who get a good awesomer than you realize because as a nonprofit goodwill uses your purchases to fund job training and more in our neighborhoods learn more at Goodwill dot org sponsored by the Ad Council. Programming including. Jim Brickman share the love in a concert with Dave cause and Brian McKnight tickets available at Schubert dot com . This Valentine's Day download best from the App Store. It's possibly the best game out there they keep adding more cute creepy crawlies. Playing the last so much longer than any heart shaped box of chocolates download for free from the App Store or Google Play that's friends without the our. Research is that easy and affordable way to get smarter about your customers whether you need a new name for your business or launching a new product or don't even know what questions to ask. Customers that day. No matter the size of your business. Gives you the tools to. Price confidence with. Research. Research fast results with big data the time's up full time. Now it's time for you to. Get free tips to help savings now. Try. To ensure that no president ever. Had. Cancer this is a reality we do not want to shackle children to. Jobs that are 30 years from now. 33. Spittal died in. Super Bowl weekend. Great Super Bowl I really haven't been paying attention all year I didn't watch them watching a couple of the playoff games I had to see you know Brady versus I mean this is the Green Bay Packers Aaron Rodgers and then preview the previous week again. Drew Brees and watching that saga now is about Holmes versus Brady and I'm just sorry I'm just that story line alone has got me fully completely interested in. My Super Bowl food Sunday and none of it's going to be healthy starting with my Philly cheese steaks and I don't use Swiss cheese like John Kerry likes it when he's not on his private jet emitting carbon emissions anyway so that's going to be pretty interesting our friend Eric Bolling and Brett Farve have now signed a deal for a podcast and this will be pretty cool. And on this new network podcast one it's a leading podcast platform which is becoming extremely popular Erika's phone a friend a long time we work together many many years together and Brett Farve well known as a Green Bay Packer less known as a New York Jet probably not as smart as decision and I've been a Jets fan for a lot of my life welcome both of you to the program and Hannity thank you bowing appreciate the opportunity to promote the podcast sitting with me right here we have I have no clue what the hell Brett Farve is hanging out with you for. Just trying to figure that part out 90 percent of. You doing this together or going into this is all we were able to do it together yeah we're in Atlanta right now we have the Braves stadium right over there right out the window over there and we're we're delivering the 1st pod cast sitting next to each other I won't be every week but well I mean it actually worked out I mean Boomer Esiason has been very successful as a broadcaster in New York on the Family Stone and he's done a great job and but so you guys have teamed up now is this a podcast audio only or audio video right right now so audio I think it's going to be audio video very soon No Yes Yeah there you mean thumbs up. No Hannity this pod so so look you know I come from the news politics world and obviously Brett Hall of Fame Super Bowl quarterback always in the discussion of the goat the greatest of all time we decided we were going along we talk about everything so we talk we talk football we talk politics you talk news you talk culture we did a segment on on Punxsutawney Phil and Bitcoin and. Everything and. About Bitcoin and algorithms and math problems there Shawn man I'm writing on Brett help me out with this. I have more friends telling me to get into big coin when it was nothing and I don't know but I don't understand it no matter how I don't want to get into something and if I don't know what the hell it is right this is how they explain it. To cryptocurrency. Can I give you the basics right now sure Here we go let's. Listen and see if there are 21000000 bitcoins eventually that will be the most that will ever be allowed to be in circulation they're not all mind yet it's about 16000000 right now get to 21 demand is soaring for the 16000000 that are out there when it hits 21 Sean they are cutting off all supply of bitcoin is it you've seen the for the rest of eternity 21000000 we've been number if demand keeps going up if Pay Pal and target all says they'll take because you've got mass demand with a limited supply what's going to happen what's going to happen Andy Ok so let me explain and then Greg can help me because I said I understand the cryptocurrency I understand that it's a finite amount you're going to get to what 21000000 been coined whatever the hell you said I got that part and then I said well explain it to me how come it keeps going up and up in price I don't understand supply and demand dictating price but then everyone gets into well it's an algorithm I'm like Ok it was my best topic in school and algorithm right I understand an algorithm is a math problem and a math problem it never has a final answer I have a hard time digesting bread far. I'm right there with you I mean it's like when someone says I have a quarter. Hand it to me I see that quarter up put in my pocket I don't see I don't I don't get something that is that I can't touch Yeah and you know it sucks because you and I don't get it we don't invest in it I mean while bowling is going to walk away with hundreds of millions of dollars in this deal I guarantee this yeah I'm hoping to be a big coin billionaire someday Seabright I think I'm doing a show with. You maybe you'll vouch for usually set up we said on the show I said I like Brady plus 3 and under $56.00 and a half as a Brit when I go by the way Brett I suck at gambling but I'm really good investing any q. You back me up on that listen I'm going to I don't know why and I know my home says he's he's like the new Brady I mean I mean it would be a hell of a story if he wins back to back Super Bowls right I mean that's huge It doesn't happen very often and then you've got Brady who's supposed to be an old man by this point who I think is performing still and Shareen Lee high level these games against the Packers in the game against New Orleans is pretty amazing Brett right absolutely absolutely but you know. I think the favorite should be the favorite That's the cheeks. You know everything yet make 43 year old guy really won the Super Bowl starting quarterback with a new team and never got to practice with his team in leading up to the season with the pandemic is that possible yes but errantly That's right that's certainly if I was a Chief fan that's what would scare me everything points to the Chiefs when you see the homes as it is such a franchise player and Brett you're in this category to the certain guys when they're when the game is on it's going to be games I'm not interested in because the storyline doesn't intrigue me right but if it involves somebody like you or Joe Montana if you want to go on. Manning or Eli Manning or or Tom Brady you know or somebody like wrong or I mean no Holmes is already in that top echelon of n.f.l. Quarterbacks in my mind so I'm fascinated and want to watch every Chiefs game but man I'm watching every Tampa Bay game so I'm torn. Yeah I mean. I'm torn to not any readers are really close friend and former He was my former coach. Greg I Greg I. Had this been his 1st go around for Superbowl when I would definitely be 100 percent in this corner but I'm 5050 I want to see the Chiefs when I want to see the Bucs when because of Tom and that whole scenario because I've been there and I was close. It be nice to see him do it with someone else what he's done so far up to this point is nothing short of incredible The question is if he wins the Super Bowl does he retire. He said no he said he said he wants to play 4545 I heard that but your body gets beaten up in football so what does the average length of a career in football 3 and a half year is right now just about 3 years so 5 that by hey by the way I'm sitting next to a guy who went 297 consecutive starts in the n.f.l. Think about well that's my issue on that perma Brett because I mean you've been there what's this week like for these guys especially guys that hadn't been there when you won the Super Bowl you lost so this really to carry Yeah Sean this week but but then you have to yet to throw that ass streak in there though. You know everything's virtual So there's not there's not the long bus ride to practice and you know the Super Bowl city like like normal it's a ghost town and so you're doing interviews virtually use the media day as like a circus so there's there's it's almost like you have to prep the guys. Usually you know before the pandemic you have to prep the guys look you know this can be a madhouse you know stick the stick to the buses and don't go to the places that we have designated for you to go because it's going to be a madhouse now it's like it's totally the opposite our guys you know you're going to be the only ones out about and you've got to make sure you know where you mask and do all this stuff we've got protocol in place blah blah blah so it's almost like a total $180.00 degree difference than what is normal Yes No one's good boat to come in and as a celebrity and radio row and all that stuff what about this for the 1st time ever a Super Bowl is in the city of one of the themes plying that no fans can go to point but still haunting No no no no fans at all I thought there were some. I don't know Shawn Well let me ask you this do you know that you're sitting next to a guy Eric Bolling is a damn good baseball player and correct me if my memory me Mr Bowling Sorry but then you get called up and and what the Pittsburgh Pirates I did I was drafted by the pirates a blue the rotator cuff pretty early you know the other trading world Wall Street for a while and then broadcasting you played 3rd base of my memory serves me correct yes I did Horner you think I'm not paying attention. Things I don't get anything by Hannity never all right here you like to toss a football or a little bit in studio I do it every time I have a professional football player on set they say you know you're throwing it wrong and but at that point I had like Eric I had a bad rotator but I've been I've built built back up because of my mixed martial arts. And I want to go and. You got to do the show them ask Eric how rich he has his how much do you have a big coin for example don't lie. I have I have I have 15 bitcoins and I have about 100. Which is a satellite of a big it's not them it's going to $400000.00 I know it's going to go to $401.00 when that portfolio be worth today if you cashed out today 50000000 dollars Oh Mike I wondered for free exactly they would have a very Listen 1st of all I'm so listen I'm not as you're I would love people success good for you I'm proud of what was the average price you bought into nonsense so there I started that 6000 I bought some 9 a watch to go to 3000 twice show it's you know it's a volatile where you don't want to put your nest in it you want to put stupid money that stuff that you're going to touch your you know just have fun with it put it there or just you might hit a home run just by a man but wasn't you would you buy and now I guess a question yes yes. You would see that today like 303535000 but there's so much demand and when when people like us are talking about a radio no one knows what Bitcoin is or how to get it and it's going to tie It's got 75 percent of the way of topping out all time supply ever and no one knows if it's right it's going to run I believe I got to ask you the key question so you started this podcast together 1st of all congratulations you guys wish you the best . Tell us about how people can find you. Let me give you that we just have to say I mean you can't steal this hand and you can't steal this idea of grief. Debate or terminate so we named 33 people in in the world and we have to decide to date debate or terminate them and I'll just leave you with this one of the one of the categories was the bronze James Shaquille O'Neal and Michael Jordan and you'll hear Bret weigh in on who he date debate or terminate. You know. Version of this you know about having made. Exactly I'm not going down your road to survive longer hand in my homes are breeds who would you date debate or terminate I get the how long I know you think answer this crowd. Boing with far. Talking with you. Both you will be watching the game will reconvene soon thank you thanks 809 for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program right I used to suffer from insomnia I don't anymore and that's because Michael indels the inventor of mind pillow by the way the media mob trying to silence and cancel him I mean he can't even post on Twitter anymore It's awful what the done to him and it's hurting his company by the way he has this factory here in America these are American jobs they think it all about others here anyway it just works fall asleep faster. Stay asleep longer and they've got all these other great sleep products their Giza dream she heard me raving about them when you go to the Sean Hannity Square. If you buy one set of keys a dream sheets you going to get another set absolutely free other deep discounts when you go to the Sean Hannity Show where my pole dot com or you can mention my name by calling 809196090 number mention my name and the bottom line is we all a nice troubled times need want desire and deserve some sleep and my pillow will help you my pillow Sean Hannity Square. New Haven news weather and traffic station News Radio 968. 969 f.m. If pain is keeping you from sleeping through the night all taking. Or simply walking up and down the stairs is painful then you need to know about 100 percent drug free Really fact. Here again the years of low back pain I experienced before discovering really fact. 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But we have the Democratic aide of New York saying already the nursing home that's up to 50 percent under reported wow this is the victim's family speaking out and on this debacle I miss her every day. And she's the reason why I have courage to fight the family of Ed and Martinez who died of Kosik 19 in a West Islip nursing home never got to say goodbye to Harrison his grandmother in great honor and both a World War 2 Rosie the Riveter to gether of coronavirus in his Smithtown nursing home before anything notified that it was time to say goodbye just. Get her remains get her body Governor Cuomo give us the number give us the number he don't hold the hand of his beloved but. Our families still waiting to have a funeral and I think this is the biggest story of the pandemic if you. Had spent 1100th the amount of time with investigators in the nursing homes making sure they were protecting our seniors we have a lot fewer deaths in New York state up until this point he hasn't apologized I think in the very beginning if he had taken some accountability and said I was trying to save some of the hospital beds for the patients that we needed and that's why I made that mistake of putting Kovan positive patients into nursing rays for 46 days by the way if he had done that in the very beginning but he never has and by the way he's blamed everyone else except the person that signed the executive order Andrew Cuomo it was in effect for 46 days he's blamed God and Mother Nature in the present. And the c.d.c. And the New York Post and Fox News he's blamed everyone except the person that signed the mandate the order putting those positive patients interesting homes that's what gets my blood boiling he still refuses to acknowledge that the other day in one of the interviews he actually said we don't need to but cull the positive patients into nursing homes and I'm screened it just makes our very even worse so when will there be accountability. Of them out of the diet here are there any Those still bad but a callous. You tell if this burger contains bacteria that could cause kidney failure listen. You can't see it either the foods or monitor to be sure you've cooked meat and poultry to a bacteria killing temperature wrong or under cooked meat may contain bacteria that can make you very sick or worse roughly 3000 Americans will die from food poisoning this year but you can keep your family safe for your steps and food safety from Brought to you by the u.s.d.a. H.h.s. On the council. News I'm rich donors to the White House today announcing the launch of the federal retail pharmacy program burn a virus response coordinator Jeff sign says the government will send a 1000000 vaccine doses to 6500 retail pharmacies next week in the early phase many pharmacies across the country will not have vaccine or may have very limited supply line says a federal government will start sending more than 10000000 doses to states tribes and territories also next week Fox's Rachel Sutherland in Washington a leading critic a Russian President Vladimir Putin is sentenced to prison today a judge in Moscow has sentenced opposition leader Alex a No found me to 2 and a half years in prison the sentence stems from an old fraud conviction a case of on the Says was fabricated and. Today he said the Kremlin is trying to scare millions of Russians into submission boxes Simon oil and. Listening to Fox News. Leaked Mark 61 traffic a very quiet commute north of 99 a stamp the right. Side also in great shape and takes its parkways like its own in the Sikorsky bridge no delays to the west dark tunnel 9195 Route 34 all clear in New Haven. I'm Liz claim and this is the Fox Business Report stocks closed sharply higher on some strong earnings results and continued signs of progress on the stimulus. Down rising 476 points the Nasdaq. S. And p. $552.00 and Amazon shares are wavering in after hours trading after the e-commerce financial results for its holiday period and delivered its largest quarter for revenue with sales topping 125000000000 the company also announced that Jeff will be transitioning to the executive chair and will be stepping down as c.e.o. And. Taking over the helm and shares of alphabet the parent company of Google are rising in the. Reporting 4th quarter earnings that surpassed analyst expectations posting record profits for a 2nd straight quarter pandemic with its revenue growth 3 percent for the period that your business report. In. Some big news since Election Day almost 5000000 people have downloaded the free news Max t.v. App on their smartphone you can trust Newsmax t.v. Watch it for free any time and go to Newsmax dot com for breaking news Newsmax is on all major cable systems operator if they don't carry it plus watch News Max on Roku You Tube Apple t.v. Zumo Tivo plus Pluto and smart T.V.'s like Samsung and l.g. Newsmax is real news for real people start watching today this report is sponsored by Hartford health care. Support comes from Hartford health care joined a vaccination fine covered vaccine. And information at Hartford health care. One of the best ways to protect against through vaccination in Hartford health care is now offering vaccines to people ages 75 and older to learn more and. Point but if you're 75 visit Hartford health care. That's Hartford healthcare. Slash vaccine visit today to learn more about the covert vaccine and learn how to make your appointment. Required to keep everyone safe. 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You can't always get what you want but you can get Sean Hannity online and Hannity. $25.00 to the top of the hour 809 for one Sean you want to be a part of the program you know we've been having the greatest calls lately I mean they're always great but it's like the cut above I mean and it's so interesting to hear the passion of so many of our fellow Americans how how engaged everybody has and and I think there is there are millions and millions of us tens of millions of us that understand the gravity of the moment I actually had to spend time because of my job and I decided not to even go through it with you because I read the Democrats shift show and their arguments said and it's like Russia Russia all over again breathless hysteria and and just flagrant you know hypocrisy the stench goes to right straight to high heaven and just awful and I watch this pretty simple arguments that yeah it's unconstitutional Nice try we also have a constitution with something like the 1st Amendment so that will be a big part of their arguments and they've got this other big problem that has emerged which is court documents even the mob media having to acknowledge the f.b.i. Now is pretty confident that a lot of this was all preplanned now did some people that were at the rally the one percent not the 99 percent. You know joining in what others had planned yes they. Did With a planning on it no no they weren't they were stupid and got caught up in it and they should not bend there and many of them will pay a price for it but for the but now that we're discovering there was an organized assault on the Capitol and that we missed all of the signs ahead of time again I can't scream this loud enough they better get a 911 style commission to make sure this can never happen again but it takes away the argument that this was a spontaneous riot incited by Donald Trump and his words of insurrection at the rally before hand as they were 99 percent didn't even go anywhere near the Capitol but it just is what it is and so it'll happen it'll play out we already know what the conclusion is and this this will be their last chance to squeeze any little more blood just bloody him up a little bit more Donald Trump beat him up so be less viable as a candidate so they think in 2024 that is yet to be determined we'll see Ok let's say hi Bobbie is in Missouri so I had long distance cousins and add some that said Missouri and some that said Missouri like I say you have a preference. Misery. Misery for you calling a misery Yeah I know it's crazier by the way Roy has been great lately I don't know what happened to him it's like he woke up from the dead and he just appeared to somebody that's like finally speaking out whom Roy Blount your. Senator when I didn't hear what he's been saying I'm sorry what he's been saying no he's been he's been pretty outspoken about the unconstitutional and impeachment shift show that scummy to d.c. Next week. But you know I really really don't trust him to hold the line. That's on your mind today let's go let's stick to that yes there you know I'm just really kind of perplexed how we can open the border tear the wall down when we're not even allowed out of our house is. It and we're going to take care of these people when we can't take care of our own we have people going to bed now at night hungry children and but we're going to have thousands it just doesn't make sense they're coming from places that God knows what most diseases they got from you know no health care. Wasn't the border wall in the patriot act alongside of this 5 the court that we commissioned we gave up all of those rights of privacy to have protection and now see a politician's And you know you're already know this bobbing politicians always promise spending cuts but they come later you always get the tax cut tax increases you never get the spending cuts you always get the amnesty you never get the wall built the only person that broke that trend was was Trump when you talk about you know Joe Biden's mask mandate from what I'm seeing I'm not seeing a whole lot of social distancing and mask wearing in the caravan that's been making its way to the u.s. . But but you bring up a good point and. That is I think I think we have to have secure borders you gotta vet people to come into this country I happen to be a believer merit based immigration policies like so many other countries Australia New Zealand etc would would adopt and that would include making sure you don't have radical ties and associations in the day and age of covert I would say yeah you ought to be tested for the coronavirus and have to prove your negative before you come into the country so we don't and you know we don't have another super spreader event as they call them these are all logical things now illegal immigrants this was on Fox News dot com are now amassing along our southern border because they're waiting for Joe's open borders policies to clear the way for them to just enter the us I don't know if they'll be wearing masks or not in the last 7 days 800 arrests up in 11 agent in Texas and they're sector from 450 just a month ago and now there's even talk of terror in the border wall down so the answer to your question is Well we have tens of thousands of Americans out of work in the energy sector we have high unemployment because of the pandemic and draconian shutdowns now we're going to legalize $11000000.00 plus illegal immigrants that will be competing for the few jobs that are currently available and all that's going to do is hurt American workers and drive down wages and it's going to hurt the whole country and even the c.b.l. Yesterday was acknowledging that you know we probably won't see unemployment rates that trump left us for the longest time so it's pretty frustrating Bobbie I share your concern and I think people have got to let their elected officials know and they feel all right to our busy phones Bruce Wisconsin Bruce how are you glad you call Thanks for having me Sean say I wanted to comment on a subject that you were touched on just today and one that's been kind of been floating around for the last few months and that is regarding this for. Giving student loans kind of every time I hear of that I kind of cringe a little bit just because I think that it's kind of a segregated class of people that are going to get that benefit if I'm happens but the unintended consequence the from my end of Muslim I'm wrong is that if they were to have their debt forgiven my guess is that they would all receive a ton 99 that year and they would have a tax obligation due to the i.r.s. And and I and less Congress is going to amend that as well I just don't see how this thing flies I think you're 100 percent right listen I don't know I know that I threw out I got to $600.00 checks I forgot to tell everybody else like last week at a nowhere u.s. Treasury you know I got the 2nd 600 dollars check I can reply for any $600.00 check the 1st one I remember thrown out to say oh I just sent it to my financial guy and said I don't think but only wish posed to get this I frankly don't want it because I'd rather people that needed and deserved rather they give more money I don't need their lesson and I'm not saying I'm not overtaxed But this money is earmark specifically for people and I don't need the help right now but there are Americans that do or I'm going to off they if they do cash it I'll just take the 600 and donated to my local food bank which has been eating more support than ever right now and so I have no idea what I'm going to get a $1400.00 check I don't need their money but people do need it right now through no fault of their own and now we're going to add tens of thousands of of hard working Americans that are losing their careers over this and let me tell you when you have a career job you probably have committed to a mortgage you're probably committed monies for your kids to go to college you probably about have been saving for retirement and I don't care what Green new job they're promising It's not an existence nor do I think it will match the specific skills that people that work in the oil industry an energy sect. Have accumulated over decades and decades so we're in for some serious serious economic hardship in this country for 4 people that deserve better you know I keep saying you know pretty soon is going to be a lot of Americans and you'll see bumper stickers and hats and t. Shirts miss me yet question mark hash tag from 2020 put on the back of the t. Shirt make America great again I can see that why don't we sell those lend I guess the worst that could happen is we get just another cease and desist something we're quite familiar with on this program but. Anyway last word Sir Bruce I mean I'm I own a small business and I was fortunate to get some some grant money some smaller dollar a month but I still receive the $1099.00 grand to get to $99.00 forms at the end of the year and I have I have to pay taxes on the grant money I receive so if you start forgiving student loans those people better be prepared to get a nice big tax bill right after that so my understanding though is Neil Neil need to check with your professionals because I don't know crap about taxes but my understanding was those were loans that would convert to grants the one I think you're describing you got it if it was I guess p.p. What is that p.p.p. Money whatever it is tell you might want to look into that I think there were loans originally but the but were considered to be loans that would then convert to be a grant Did you know that yeah I mean my specific ones were the ones that were designated by the state the state of Wisconsin but. That's that's that's different separate and apart I don't know what their policy is I'm I'm thinking anything that becomes like a loan that is correct given in any type of an arrangement you know whether it's regular business on anything that's on that is considered instant income to the to the person who's being forgiven and I just I see the i.r.s. Was it would have to answer well here with having to administer this because otherwise we're going to have other parts of our country are going to be wondering why is there not on that same program in. Just a lot of things I think that are going to confuse a lot more people I think I just hope they leave that alone and don't go down that So the paycheck protection program is what this is was it was it was billed as a nearly trillion dollar business loan program for Corona virus from the federal government for coronavirus aid relief economic security to help businesses self-employed workers sole proprietors non-profits tribal businesses to continue to pay their workers and it was I understand it was supposed to convert to a grant that was my understanding but don't you know you check with your accountant not stuff but the whole Yeah I can't give tax advice what I know I don't can't even do my own taxes thank you all I say is pay well we could probably take this discount to pay it that's my answer every time I don't think I don't think the i.r.s. Would be particularly forgiving if I took a deduction that was quo questionable lender to you I don't think deductions actually exist in the hand of the world. They've been writing off a long time ago I don't know maybe maybe I'm a fool maybe I should go in aggressive but I just don't because I don't need the headache it's just one headache and I shouldn't have to live my life like that either because of what I do for a living what we are already know that my privacy gets violated regularly 100 percent Yeah well people don't really understand when your personal text messages are released publicly by a judge what that's like or to see that Muller's bowls are you know. Accumulating 50 pages of 30 tos on me because I'm in the I'm a member of the press and I'm asking questions I've not noticed anyone in the press champion championing my rights for privacy nor the intimidation tactics that are used pretty much I would argue to stop the investigations that we successfully concluded accurately but that's that's for another day. Let us go to Los Angeles Frank is standing by what's up Frank are you still on a listen you know all the stuff being said I still think were nibbling around the edges if no one checks into Fulton County Georgia and what happened there I would always say that you know people get a vote in the government they deserve but maybe they're not even voting or maybe it's incorrect so is anybody going to really investigate that if not if that's all fraud everything else goes out the window and I couldn't let me let me give you some good news on that front Iraqi judges state Senate controlled by Republicans has now introduced a bill that would require voters to provide a photo id when requesting and returning even an absentee ballot that's number one in Arizona a new bill has been introduced in the state legislature out there to repeal Arizona's permanent early voting list and votes on list automatically receive mail and ballots no it would have to request one specifically and I hope they add they like Georgia would add a some type of voter id requirement in Pennsylvania g.o.p. Lawmakers there they're pushing a bill that would repeal the unconstitutional 2019 Pennsylvania no excuse absentee voting bill so this I have said this that if they don't do it now and they don't fix it now it'll be too late by the time 2022 comes around this is to ensure integrity and confidence in the system and that the laws are obeyed constitutions are bade and the other thing I would strengthen all the states is have partisan observers are allowed to observe that you make you make accommodations that that law can be fulfilled no state did that Ok so there's some good news we're making some progress I'm staying on the topic that I promise you Hey listen all of us have cell phones and you know what money is freedom average family making the switch from big carriers like a. T. And t. Verizon t. 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