The law and anonymous sources for a fund raising haul of more than $227000.00 the complaint asked the id to investigate whether some of the donations came from prohibited sources including from a foreign citizen or agent of a foreign government foxes Rachel Sutherland in Washington a suspect has been named to the stabbing death of a man and a longing for a chicken sandwich in Prince George's County Maryland last week police say they're now looking for 30 year old Rico but claimed for the killing of Kevin Tyrrell Davis stabbed to death after cutting in line at the restaurant America is listening to Fox News. It's the latest from. The campaign with Roberto with updates from reporters on the trail in studio experts break keeps you informed on the totally 20 race go to Fox News coming download the campaign with no. Deal get it all from. You nice cool I manage a fast food restaurant I saw the power business and the importance of making your money work for you. Claim it's not just how you would. Care about your success and want to be. Held to the market every day. That's it and you download Fox news channels the. First 35 of your favorite Fox News personalities discuss current issues in a roundtable discussion no one. In. The u.s. Supreme Court will decide by next June if the Trump administration can scrap a controversial immigration policy for 80 minutes justices heard arguments for and against the Trump administration's plans to wind down Dhaka the Obama era program shielding about 700000 young immigrants brought to the u.s. Illegally as children from deportation Justice Sonia Sotomayor questioned whether enough consideration was given to the harm the administration's decision could do but Justice Brett Kavanaugh quizzed attorneys on what of the executive branch had discretion on immigration policy an attorney arguing against the administration conceded the president has authority but federal law still requires a reasoned explanation an opinion is expected by late June in Washington Jarrett how burning Fox News for Michael Bloomberg then Deval Patrick is Hillary Clinton planning to enter the presidential race I as I say never never never say never and I will certainly tell you I'm under enormous pressure. Sure for many many many people to think about it but the former secretary of state telling the b.b.c. Right now running again is not the owner plans a bitterly cold night across parts of the country a taste of winter for the Midwest South and Northeast on Tuesday Chicago broke to a record for snow and cold temperatures yesterday as wind whipped giant waves up and over the sea walls on to Lake Shore Drive causing ice and forcing closures now the record was set today for cold temperatures icy roads are responsible for at least 4 deaths one an 8 year old girl in Kansas the frigid air came all the way from Siberia it's moving east and won't retreat to Canada until at least Thursday as Mike Tolbert in Chicago Buffalo New York to Detroit Michigan each got 10 inches of snow records for both cities former President Jimmy Carter recovering after surgery Tuesday to relieve pressure on his brain caused by recent falls the doctor says there were no complications in the procedure. This is Fox News. Janitors psychologists security guards nurses housekeepers pharmacists educators administrators physicians patient advocates quality improvement coordinators at Kaiser Permanente the heart of the operation is an operation that all together over 200000 essential medical and non-medical professionals make it possible for all of us to live long and. I'm not saying his name the trick is that. You meet somebody with a protein shake you give. Them down I'm helping of your. Mind. I never been on a real blind date but you know I'm very desperate so all do anything. That Kelly Clarkson today had to go on n.b.c. For. And. Good morning good. Night artificial intelligence. Families of Sandy Hook victims to proceed with a lawsuit against gun manufacturer Remington Arms Despite the company that was protected from liability. After they Connecticut Supreme Court has ruled for 3 in March citing one of the few exemptions to the federal law the Remington could be sued under state law over its marketing practices. And has petitioned the Supreme Court to reverse the ruling the gun maker argued that the state courts interpretation of the marketing exemption is intolerable given Congress's intention to create national uniformity apparently in the marketing they talked about the weaponry as military and things like that chimpanzees are attacking people in a part of a disturbing trend going on in the country that has led to crop loss and even death the National Geographic reports of the problem has been going on for several years citing an incident back in 2014 that saw a chimp. Family attack a 2 year old child stealing the baby from its mother they also have broken off the arms of people opened up stomachs removed kidneys wow something's going on a Columbus Ohio based company is calling back more than 25000 pounds of ready to eat sausage products over concerns they may be contaminated with listeria the use Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service over the weekend announced the recall of the 25000 pounds of products including pepperoni and sausage peaches toppings the affected items were produced on October 29th October 30th November 5th sold under the various labels such as easel flyers and Massey's among others the products where the establishment e s t 1838 a just to remember that former u.s. President Jimmy Carter recovering added Atlanta hospital after safely undergoing a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain from bleeding caused by recent falls he's 95 years old people aren't drinking milk like they used to Dean Foods America's largest milk producer is filing for bankruptcy a 94 year old company has struggled in recent years because Americans are drinking less cow milk 2001000 has been particularly brutal for the company sales tumbling 7 percent in the 1st half of the year profits falling 14 percent Dean food stock has lost 80 percent this year story we reported on last night most of the big names in big tech are racing to create smart glasses that we wear everywhere and May 1 day replace our phones how does that work let's check in with our expert on such matters Lauren Weinstein Lauren what is all this you know whether there's a lot of different directions that the protect companies have wanted to go and are going to going now at this of course there have been previous experiments by multiple companies in glasses. Have display capabilities some cases cameras the latter have been more controversial for obvious reasons and so far none of them have really been a success in the consumer market they have been successful to varying degrees. But it's Pacific industrial and medical context and it's obvious it's obvious why because there's going to be all kinds of ways that you know if you're if you're in the middle of surgery or you're doing a complicated dust real assembly operation or something if you could see those instructions in what is essentially a heads up display that could be very very useful. So there is always going to be 2 primary questions when it comes to this kind of technology what is going to be do you can you make a good use case for it I mean is there a reason beyond novelty which will work for a certain period of time of the usually wear off for consumers to buy such a product and has obviously has to be at a reasonable price point for them and the other issue of course is when you're displaying information in front of people for example on the right glasses you do have to be concerned about the structured issues so will you can't drive a car and do that. You don't even necessarily want to be walking down the street you know and doing too much in terms of reading information from your glasses and it's bad enough now with people holding holding their cellphones up one might argue well perhaps if you're looking through your glasses at the same time you'll be less likely to walk into a lamppost I'm not so sure because the structure of this distraction if you're if your brain is concentrating on what you're reading or the video you're watching while you're walking along even if it's your right glasses you can theoretically still see why you're calling but whether or not you're still going to land on that lamppost is always going to be the question I think in the long run this kind of technology will definitely find a place whether it's going to be the kind of thing where we see most of the people or even the majority of the people walking down the street wearing something like this and using it that that's more questionable but you know you never say never I think it will be annoying larn Well I depend on what it's used for right I mean there are certainly useful I mean especially when you think about about people in special situations I mean that's always the the thing you want to think about for people who have special needs the need to have information available. Quickly and wherever they are without having to fumble around with a phone or something where it gets a lot more problematic is if you're just watching entertainment for example that way that that's when there's going to be more of a question in terms of you know what the side effects are if that. Struction issues are or are more problematic. That it's too it's too young to go see now to really know where it's going to go Lawrence website for text v o r t e x dot com part of our Twitter feed coast to coast am dot com Lauren thank you so much our Before We were on the air last night a blazing meteor lit up the night sky in St Louis and was caught on video by excited residents security cameras and doorbell cams it was just so it really glow they got though over 130 reports from 8 states all over the place while smile as we said in the whole world smiles with you a new Ohio State University study has determined that of the thousands of possibilities there are about $35.00 universally accepted facial expressions yet perhaps most remarkable is that roughly half of the 17 to be exact are expressions of happiness unless we are actors most of us are probably unaware of the you number of ways that our faces can be reconfigured to express emotions whether voluntary or involuntary and it turns out however humans are meant to smile much more often than they grimace Scott will frown or whence I thought this was a perfect story for our resident psychiatry Dr Peter Bergen I love this story Peter as well so do I I just love this story it's a happy story. It tells us we're hardwired to connect eyes and it lead to each other one of the seams that in China share with your audience for a long time now. I think that human beings thrive on each other's happiness. And I think it's also a good thing to spot happy people that I think George the safer they can be trusted more often they're healthier they love more so when I was young George I was pretty said Guy and I reached out to said people and made me sad or I think it's a great thing to recognize happy people reach out and become one and they're saying also that if you smile the brain starts functioning and a different way well I'm sure it does the brain reflects our soul and then the brain expresses our. You know if we're happy if we are inside at the it's going to make our brain function I'm on a better level in general I'm certain I just smile in the world smiles with you here understand you have a You Tube t.v. Channel going well I have it I've always had a big channel my own put my own channel but now I've got my own t.v. Show once so wake. It will go up to at the end of the week I've always had a radio show for many years and it's pretty small stuff and now it's going to it's going to be filmed each time so after the live radio show it gets put up as a filmed. Show like a t.v. Show I'm interviewing great people 1st show is up I'm in a feeling a great young psychiatrist a great nutritionist and just Arcos the people on the show a wonderful and be interesting to people he each week that I think it's going to be a very happy and educational thing that people are and how do people find you Peter who just on You Tube under what braggin dot com How do they find that just just look for regulars You Tube or go to my website bragging dot com and you'll find it pretty quick Right right right near the top be our. Peter thank you so much Up next of course pharmacy has been joins us from critical Health News dot com and let me give you some information as we get started 1st of all let's slam their Web site we always seem to critical Health News dot com download their free app as well but you can get to it from your Smartphone or you test talk kit of protocol Health News dot com And here's a toll free number to call for people for assistance this is not to get on the show will do that soon but this is just a call for information 185-5949 Radio 185-5949 radio back with pharmacist Ben and critical Health News dot com In a moment. There are a lot of scary things in the world but one of the scariest is wondering what happens to them in the event that something happens to me but when it comes to getting life insurance we just don't want to deal with the hassle that's why there's ethos ether else is transparent life insurance for people who don't have the time for fine print and. 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And welcome back to coast to coast George Norry with you pharmacist Ben Fuchs back with us from critical Health News dot com Ben wall come back and looking forward to your Thanksgiving I hope I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and I'm looking forward to Christmas is my favorite time of year and nice to be back Joe it is so cold in St Louis right now I came up here for the holidays obviously and I wanted to take in the beautiful fall weather of St Louis and it's 12 degrees outside right it's crazy I know what's happening to the world Ben and all kinds of changes not as you know I know I like change George changes a good thing you got a role you got to roll with the tide as they say you got to kind of know how to handle all the things that life brings you but I think change is a good thing now what we're doing to the environment might not necessarily become thing but you know what human beings may be evolving to handle with what life hands us you know we we think that homo sapiens is the top of the food chain we're that we're like the top of the line here but it may not be the case of even follow what's going on with Ai and Google Glass these are the new glasses that they have with the the Internet and I'm high tech new glasses an augmented reality we're on the precipice of something big George you know we are right my guest right after you is on artificial intelligence so I'm looking forward to that So this is flu season Ben what do you recommend I don't do the vaccine I know I always get a lot of people a lot of medical folks say when I say this but the vaccine is not the way you want to handle the flu the flu. The body's immune system is designed to handle the flu but you've got to have the proper lifestyle you've got to make sure that you're reducing stress you've got to make sure that you're not eating the wrong foods and you've got to make sure you're on a nutritional supplement program vitamin c. Is one of the most powerful anti flus substances you can. Ever take just plain old vitamin c. George yawn Tang tangerine knightly essence from young Jedi there's so many wonderful strategies that you can use not just to protect yourself from the flu to protect yourself from disease to accept. To improve your longevity there's so many ways that we can improve our health it's just absolutely horrific I was just in Canada George last week what's going on in Canada with the health situation how to get free health care I think that's going to be a wonderful thing you've got politicians now here in the United States talking about Medicare for all and government health care this is not a good thing and I think maybe the we need some something to protect us from catastrophic kinds of conditions but to use government health care to take care of lifestyle health challenges health issues that we can control ourselves with good living with proper nutrition with good supplementation with eating correctly with exercise with mental health strategies there's so many wonderful ways that we can stay healthy but we've become medical wise we believe that the medical model is here to take care of our every single health issue that we can name it's not that's not the way it's supposed to be surgeries great sometimes you need surgery you break a bone you know you have a heart attack if you need some kind of urgency surgery that's a good thing but to use medicine for lifestyle issues it doesn't serve anybody but the people who make money off of it I think most people will listen to this program than take care of themselves supplemented everything else outside of this arena Well how many people out there do you think take care of them so I don't watch George not a lot and it's very unfortunate but you know. Take responsibility for your life is a there's a phenomena in cellular biology called a pop ptosis and that's the cell suicide when a cell decides that it's not capable of surviving it doesn't like its life for whatever reason it will go ahead and commit suicide I've come to the conclusion that when people don't want to be around they'll just say things like I'm just. Going to drink this Coca-Cola I'm just going to smoke a cigarette I'm just going to take this drug it's just a way of advocating way of advocating responsibility get reckless here and seems like that I mean to me George why wouldn't you take a supplement beyond tang to injury can change so many people's lives and cost something like a dollar a day or a $1.50 a day why wouldn't you use it what possible reason could you have for saying no to a nutritional supplement program it boggles my mind while going to a lot of it's conditioning to I mean the kids you know I'm going to say well you know when I wake up in the morning after the show and you know yeah I have a regimen of not not as many as Dr Wallach takes but I take a lot of supplements in the morning but there are some mornings Ben I'll get up and go all right so I got to do all this but I do it but I do it because you know what's going to happen if you don't you know exactly when I miss even one day of my nutritional supplement feel guilty I feel guilty but I'll have the same energy even just one day early one day and I'm snacking one day I'm missing my supplements and all of this and I notice that I'm snacking just one day can you imagine people who have never supplement or who are only supplement occasionally I mean it to me to not nutritionally supplements seem so crazy I can understand that if people don't know but there's so many sources of information now there's so many places to get information about what vitamins do about what nutrients do about what exercise does about what mental health strategy compared to when we were growing up you know compared to this in the sixty's in the seventy's all the information we had our disposal now and we didn't even know about probiotics not recently is the 1990 s. We didn't even know a lot about probiotics today we have so much information and there's so much testimonials George there's so many people who have changed their lives with supplementation who've gotten off their prescription drugs who have lost 100 pounds or 150 pounds which is. You know better it's just it's crazy to me to not at least not least try on the Trishul supplement program tonight at least try beyond 10 tangerine just for one month and see what it does for you what with pharmacist Ben Fuchs from critical Health News dot com The number to call for information because he and Doc Walla give a lot out is 185594972341855949 radio we will take calls in a few moments with pharmacist Ben and then next hour as well Tom we'll take your text and tweets if you want to try to get a message through that way I'm taking e-mails as well Ben I've got an e-mail from Rebecca where I do not know who simply says I have chronic pain and opioids are not the way for me to go what do I do good for her well there's a lot of things you do but the most important thing to do is figure out what is getting into the body that's x. That's turning on the inflammatory response chronic pain in the body usually has some element of inflammation inflammation is a defensive response 1st thing to do always always always focus on the digestive system and food as a rule of thumb the world of alternative health in the world of health I hate saying alternative health the world of health this is a this is a rule of thumb This is a golden rule focus on the center of your body slick when you're playing basketball your kid I always tell you focus on the center of the body and chinese medicine Don teen center the cheese center the center of the bodies where the small intestine is and this is where the outside world meets the inside world this is the world of the outside meets the body at the level of the intestine at the level of the intestine you have an opening into the bloodstream and that's where everything gets into the blood when you have chronic inflammatory or chronic pain you want to catch that or to be an inflammatory condition an inflammatory condition listen this is very important I'm going to say here because you hear a lot about this word inflammation right now. 3 things the inflammation can jump inflammation strengthens or inflict what is inflammation this is so important it's a defensive response inflammation is how the body protects itself that's what the fever does to write what a fever does but what I'm saying is here George is something's got me into the body when there's inflammation so the 1st thing to do is always focus on the main source of the the main portal into the body which is the digestive system I'm not a foodie George I'll eat whatever if I'm hungry I'm not saying this like I'm Mr organic guy Mr food guy I'm just saying and if you have a chronic condition if you have a chronic pain condition or a chronic disease state a progressive disease state focus on the good 1st you start off by fasting for a day or 2 just even one day and if you can fast do a little beyond Tang and tangerine or maybe a little celery juice just to get you through and then for most people that are many people when they're sick and they're dealing with a disease state they'll feel better when they fat then when you start eating again you eat very carefully and you do what doctors do and what nurse is doing with the tactic is do when there's a crime you chart you do a food journal you write down your food you're eating and usually you won't take very long when you do this because it's usually your favorite foods you write down your food your eating and how your body feels usually if you have an inflammatory condition or a pain condition it will spike when you eat the wrong foods your blood pressure will go up when you eat the wrong food your pulse will race when you eat the wrong food you can actually feel it 20 minutes or 25 minutes after you eat food that is something that you are having a problem processing in allergens your heart will slaughter sometimes to your heart will flood or you'll feel it in your circulatory system pay attention and charted and then start to eliminate your foods for as product tangos estrogens that they probably know there's a pro there's a health challenge I know you've heard of this called fibromyalgia and I've heard all very well talk a little bit more about that Ben When we come back. Back in a moment plus we'll start with phone calls with a pharmacist from critical Health News dot com And again the toll free number to call there are people there right now they'll be there forever 185-5947. The Coast website is now streamlined for mobile devices great news if you're a coast insider or simply want to enjoy our website on your phone visit coast to coast am dot com on your i Phone or Android browser. Far too fast. No option. And I know. I know I'm going to start with. Is truck driving. In the public face of the House impeachment inquiry on President Ben Ukraine lawmakers to start with questioning of former top us Ambassador Bill Taylor who said aid was withheld from Ukraine till they committed to investigating Joe Biden House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the proceedings mark a quote sad day as Republicans like Utah Senator Mike Lee are accusing Democrats of being unfair telling Fox's Shannon Bream the fact they're not playing fair means they don't have a case the House has not held public impeachment hearings since now. Teen 98 in Washington. Recovering in Detroit a teenager who needed a double lung transplant his lungs injured by vaporing Dr Hassan Nam Ed Henry Ford Hospital our teenage patient with us face certain death if it weren't for the lung transplant 39 people reported to have died from baby. Books names. Janitors psychologists security guards nurses housekeepers pharmacists educators administrators physicians patient advocates quality improvement coordinators at Kaiser Permanente the heart of the operation is an operation that all together over 200000 essential medical and non medical professionals make it possible for all of us to live long and. I'm not saying his name pediatric itself can you mix it vodka with a protein shake you get what you get in. The mail that I'm helping a viewer find. The line dating I've never been on a real blind date but you know I'm very desperate so all do anything. That Kelly Clarkson today had to one in d.c. For. The technology credit union our mobile app is specifically made to keep up with the modern family. I lost my credit card. Be a good thing it will. Actually work for. The tell how just went for cell can we afford it. Maybe it Rolodex see you cities or or promotion and earn up to $1000.00 go to Texas dot com slash save more. 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Customers across the nation with Fox on tech in Westlake California Robert Gray Fox News broadcasting from the Sun Studio. Radio. Sylvia Steele 50. 2. To talk to George Noory call the wild card line at 818-501-4109 the 1st time caller line is 818-501-4721 extension 2 talk toll free from east of the Rockies 808255033 from west of the Rockies toll free 806-188-2552 reach George via Skype use Skype named George 97313 send George a text message any time at 818-298-6521 from the gateway to the west this is coast to coast am with George Noory let's keep you healthy and pharmacist Ben Fields with us from critical Health News dot com We'll be back with them in a moment we'll take phone calls as we talk about your health also that toll free number to call for assistance 185-9490 radio that's all you have to remember when a prior 59497234 we got some free episodes for you out beyond belief one of them is what Daniel Pinchback as we talk about the strange dramatic changes our planet is going through you can watch it by going to beyond belief dot com and sign up for a free program at beyond belief dot com Hey folks producer Tom here the other day I was on the Web looking at the coast to coast am store and all the amazing fun items that are available signature mugs for you coffee drinkers the next search for the ladies baseball caps bathrobes and more it got me thinking about where all these great items come from so with me now is Jeff Schwartz Jeff is the c.e.o. Of Schwartz promotions and the creator of all this neat merchandise Jeff how do you come up with all the ideas for the coast to coast am products Tom thanks for asking I try to come up with items that are both useful and fun and some of my ideas even come from cost listeners and what's really neat is we have new products and promotions all the time and how long does it take for people to get their items. 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But I know you're going to want some after hearing this this is an amazing story we've got Stephen and Malakai Gregory in that Nelson New Zealand understand that Malakhov who is 8 almost 9 years old now was suffering with not just one or 2 warts but I mean a significant outbreak of warts all over his body so significant it impacted his ability to the really function Yeah yeah he was having trouble even holding a pencil to write at this time Ok Actually that they got me thinking about it I'm not surprised that it is a and amazing immunomodulator And so I can see that it would work and so at what point did you see that there was actually improvement really going to work well at least really start to notice it around 12 weeks you can see these things that really getting smaller and smaller and then going down to that with just a little red marks the whole thing is a common we're talking about once you know one the size the want to know why that's going to wow let's just think Regulus Sam get into a pair of shoes Yes how wonderful it's great to see him so happy. 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And welcome back to calls to calls for back with pharmacists Bentiu she's with us every 6 weeks from now on the same but the doc Wallach and they were really they switch off every 3 weeks and then you do a great job for us by the way you help a lot of people thank you I appreciate it choice my mission in life before we go back to calls you were talking about fibromyalgia Yeah fibro my eyes when the most tragic health challenges that I deal with that I see I can only imagine as like to deal with it it's pain head to toe George can you imagine this think of the worst storm is you've ever had so constantly head to toe from the top your body the bottom it's an estrogen condition which means it's a digestive condition when you have an estrogen health challenge largely it's related to the way you processing fats and how you're digesting food and intestinal health and anybody who's dealing with this trip ragin health condition fibromyalgia Please focus on your digestive system just Fast think will make a significant difference in your pain to everything I just just talking about fast food diary make sure you're using just events on you know the ultimate enzymes from in jeopardy digestive enzymes can not only help you digest your food they have anti-inflammatory properties they can help you with pain they can help thing your blood they help break up of the clots inside the blood digestive enzymes are one of the hidden gems of nutritional supplementation the ultimate enzymes for me in jeopardy are unbelievably priced for all the things that you get out of digestive enzymes in addition to of course digesting your food for fibromyalgia make sure you're using essential fatty acids you know generally central fatty acids the ultimate essays from young Jedi essential fatty acids are natural statens they act like special rugs essential fatty as you want yours and. For the ultimate and the ultimate Yes faced essential fatty acids are also natural estrogen like compounds their natural hormone replacement then the Omega's Yeah so make a 3 and omega 6 powerfully anti-inflammatory but nobody knows if they're natural stans they help lower cholesterol naturally they also act as. Well as a natural source of estrogen for women or in a natural estrogen like compound for women who are on hormone replacement therapy by the way I was just reading about testosterone formal replacement therapy increasing blood clots the likelihood of blood clots I get this question a lot about hormone replacement therapy do I do hormone replacement therapy listen playing around with your war moans is not a good idea and your hormones are responsive to to me is 2 major elements of our lifestyle that hormones are responsive to food and thought. How we think changes our hormones you know for women who are going through a normal replacement therapy because they have a lack of libido where they feel less than and or they feel they don't feel it well womanly think sexy thoughts you raise your natural your estrogen naturally think fertile thoughts your raise your estrogen naturally there's so much leverage we have over how our body shows up through food through attrition through mental health strategies emotional strategies spiritual our spirituality I was just reading George how your posture affects your cholesterol level your posture your posture your early this year because yes and not only that your posture also can think in your blog. That a crit I'm going to tell you a story that will break you up a little bit Ben just listen to this Saturday I'm in St Louis of course I'm in sandals for the holidays and I'm at a restaurant and somebody pointed me out to a couple and this lady comes up to me and she steering up and she introduced herself gives me a big hug I don't know where and she says I just want to thank you and I went with for what and she said my mother who just passed away would listen to your show religiously every night and you have no idea the effect you've had on her when she would tell us and this is where you and Doc come and she would summer her favorite shows Well when you had Doc Wallach on and pharmacists Ben because she's convinced you folks gave her 3 or 4 more years praise God and this lady is in tears telling me this story at the end it kind of broke me up I can make you cry I'm telling you I know exactly how you're feeling it makes you cry I mean this is such a great gift that we have that a platform to be able to change the lives we have the impact people at the most fundamental level you're you're impacting people with their belief systems your. Changing people's ways of looking at the world that's a fundamental way a fundamental aspect of change how we look at the world and you're changing how people look at the world I want to change our people and Doc as well we want to change how people look at their bodies and so no longer do you have to be condemned to your disease the medical model has this pessimistic view about humanity about biochemistry it says we're flawed the medical model says that we're flawed and and you can't blame them that's just their perspective on it but when I see the reversals I never say cure George I would say reverse right reverse when I see the reversals that occur I know that we're not fundamentally flawed I know that the body has a healing mechanism built into it and we have think about every time you cut yourself you don't have to when you cut yourself what happens a bike takes over it just heals and it does sometimes it takes 2 weeks but it works well here here's a question for you George how does yesterday's launch become your hand or your eyes or how does this happen there's an intelligence divine intelligence that is built into the body built into the organs built into the tissues built into every cell in the body you know what scientists call this George Check this out this is really cool your the hardware right software of course and now they have firmware firmware is like a cross between art and so hardware software do you know that there's something now called web where whatsapp which is the computer I want you out didn't even want to ask yes you should too it's the computerization of biological tissues we now know that cells and organs and tissues act like computers they act like information processors they're like they work on algorithms they take in information and they become responsive to their environment this is unbelievable George and for us to feel like we're condemned to our psoriasis or our our our heart disease or quanta generative disease or whatever it is it flies in the face of what we know intuitively. Now what we know scientifically about it define intelligence that's built into the body and this is such good news I call my radio pretty my ratio the bright side because to me this is such good news that we have power over our biochemistry in multiple rounds in the spiritual around the mental realm emotional realm in the physical realm we have power over our biochemistry over how our body shows up over how our hormones take shape over overall longevity it's an amazing thing that we need to treasure and on and leverage and not marginalizing and dismiss it like the medical model does let's go to the phones pharmacist Pentiums with us from critical Health News dot com Tom is standing by as well with texts and tweets let's start by going to who's up Mark in Charleston South Carolina 1st time Caller Hi Mark welcome to the show Hey Mark George are you great hope you are too yeah doing good super Go ahead yeah yeah yeah I saw my lung cancer about 3 months ago and several weeks ago I had a robotic little bat Mo back to me on my upper lobe of my right lung and lungs Ok but all the nerve damage and stuff it's just like the billeted in. And I can't do nothing because all the hands from the nerve damage are going. Well you know let me get absolutely glucose gel caps absolutely get on glucose glue could jump out of school coast main chicken soup or bone broth is very good to be very helpful for you beyond Tang tangerine will be helpful for you the O.P.'s face will be helpful for you for young Jedi and then all the open enzymes as saying earlier as anti-inflammatory and to break up scar tissue you know most people after a surgical procedure will have adhesions or scar tissue and not only will this cause pain sometimes lifetime pain but can also affect how organs function so you can run into further health problems post-surgery So taking care of these that he's in the scar tissue was there for me before they formed right after surgery pre-surgery post-surgery is extremely important pre-surgery and post-surgery ultimate enzymes always pre-surgery and post-surgery vitamin k. When vitamin k. Containing foods it can be helpful pre-surgery and post-surgery to prevent bruising and then also don't forget the slow deep rhythmic breathing make sure your breathing through his breathing deeply and through the notes. Many people are mouth breathers and when you're a mouth reader breather you run high risk of sleep apnea you're in higher risks of dementia as you get older you run higher risk of chronic fatigue and depression so make sure you're breathing through your nose in your activating or or engaging your intercostal your respiratory muscles when you're doing that present Thank God he doesn't have lung cancer in March Here's a toll free number to call to because I know you're probably driving and you might not be able to judge the stuff down just try to remember this phone number 185-5949 radio just dial it up like that it'll bring 155949 radio and people will give you the information that you heard from pharmacists been listening to the show they're taking notes for you and Tom's got a text or tweet what do you have for us back there Tommy Now this one in from Gerald in South Dakota my sister drinks chocolate almond milk to help strengthen her bones can you please ask the pharmacist if this really helps and can bones grow stronger the bone a stronger the point the break here that the bone a strong I love that I mean you break a bone in the body doesn't it heal it heals it up stronger so heck yes you can build bone on the field make sure it's on sweetened on the because actually pretty good in the cocoa stuff is really going on is a great for you on is a great source of calcium and fiber and they're actually I just did a little video on something called salads and it's an almond 1000 very similar to aspirin that on is actually contain a natural aspirin that can help you get headaches you have pain on it tremendously valuable food absolutely but for bones is more than just calcium for bones most important for bones is college and peptides just came out with a great product called College and peptides we do not appreciate this the power of college and George are all those getting getting more popular now but I've been talking about bone broth for many years largely because it's liquid college and when you make bone broth correctly we actually use the bones that broth is like a liquid college and builders. All the things you need for building bone and building connective tissue in bonus when you build connective tissue or you strategies that Bill connect connective tissue one part of your body the entire body benefits connective tissue building for your bones will benefit your blood vessels it will benefit your skin it will benefit your heart and circulatory system and it will benefit the internal structure of the buy with the fashion is that holds all the organs in place building connective tissue is super important especially for the bones band Dean Foods largest producer of milk in the country filing for bankruptcy they say that milk consumption is way way down what's happening people are getting wise they later land off the milk and they lose weight they lay off the milk and they their arthritis goes away they lay off the milk and they've got better digestion they lay off the milk in their sockets improves you know so people again why were we trick to skids in the fifty's and sixty's when they don't know anything else for I don't know if they intend I don't think they I don't think intentionally they just didn't know and now we know that there's influence like growth factors and there's a reactive peptides only probably didn't have growth factors in there in the fifty's and sixty's No no this is insulin like I don't think it's well then maybe injecting cows with insulin but I think it's a component of the milk that these grow because now because of George cow's milk is designed to grow a cow you know that's what it has all the things you're going to grow a big fat farm animal so you want a big fat farm animal will drink the. The food that's designed to build a big fat farm animal we didn't know it at the time we didn't recognize it but now we do and you know milk producers are paying the price you know why people like milk George let me tell you why it's called fat and sugar and that's basically why people love milk so much that if you take the fat sugar out of milk it isn't very tasty I don't I don't think I've had a glass of milk in 30 years I I as well do you think you could do it you could have a glass No I I actually think that would get me mentally sick to my style right even the thought of it we get I don't know why I used to love it as a kid you know because you know you get hooked on the fat nothing like dipping your cookies in the milk right well you know all men all milk has way less fat and way less sugar and you can dip your cookies in it let's take another call or 2 before the break Monica's in the loop Florida hi Monica go ahead hey Monahan Hi Thank you so much I love you guys here I think you're absolutely and I do love it when you know Dr Wallach and pharmacist then on Best Show thank you mom that a quick question. I could have a 1000000 questions but the quick one is the fluids or the call that I'm going around right now it seems there a different both my daughter and I the throat swells. And but then you feel kind of banter and you go out you do think and then the throat swells up again and it's like for a week I mean dropping stuff on us as experimentally Oh yeah well you know that's another show that's another show exactly so but I'm sure Ailes what your point is interesting because what happens is if your immune system is not firing on all cylinders you may notice that you're getting better but there's a low level of just discomfort digital lingers you know saying it's doesn't get complete you don't completely recover that has to do with a depressed depressed me and system. It's different comes from to 2 directions number one deficiencies which most people are deficient and over to eating the wrong foods putting things into the system that that add to the immune system load so there's a phenomena called low it's like a straw that breaks the camel's back phenomena that immune system the detoxification system can handle just so many straws and one straw breaks the camel's back but there's a there's a phenomena where you're adding straws to the camel's back so you're just mean systems not operating on all cylinders gluten it can be a problem food and saw various food intolerances can be a problem mental stress will lower your immune system motional issues anger jealousy fear all of these things have a tendency to lower the immune system and you know what George I talk about it you know I talk about with you guys I'm with you a lot when I get come on the air about talk about as much as I'd like to and that's the notion of spirituality when we don't feel connected we going to see or when there's only one fear George and that's the fear of the unknown that's the fear and we feel separate from our environment we the environment becomes the great unknown to Albert Einstein famously asked if I could talk to God I'd ask this one question Is the universe a friendly place that's what he wants to know what we're all asking that question all the time we're all saying every moment today we're saying is this situation Ok is this basically is the universe a friendly place we're asking is subconsciously and we're answering it in a way sometimes that doesn't serve us and that is no the universe is not friendly and I have to be on guard that activates the sympathetic nervous system that read slows reduces the immune system reduces the body's ability to handle stress and we go through our lives this way we need to feel connected to the universe when I see spirituality and I talk about religion I'm tough feeling one with the universe connected to the universe connected to to the world you feel separate You're going to be you're going to be dealing with a depressed me in system and many of us are dealing with dealing with a body that's a reflection of this idea that the world is not friendly. Pharmacist Ben Fuchs critical of Health News dot com and we will be back with more calls next hour with him and then later on tonight we're talking about the incredible artificial intelligence sign up for Coast zone our free e-mail newsletter get it today and coast to coast. Hi My name is Patricia sand the sun is at Sandy for the Heart Association and I would like to say a big thank you to the Chelsea he's out there he doesn't feel so good he has spent years helping veterans gave his whole life to going up to Walter Reed and feeding the troops with his truck the barbecue to me and he was a great guy so I wish him well and I hope he gets over whatever is ailing him thank you help shell brothers spread positivity through Project learn more at Project Kudo's dot com. It was the. Words here. The radio. Make sure you have a record player a radio. A record player. Nothing to do. When it comes to sports history doesn't change. My judgment together Jason looking back at the most compelling scenes in sports history for them or against them as they achieved their title.