Former ambassador to the Ukraine Maria you have also subpoenaed energy secretary Rick Perry in a letter to Perry the chairman of the House Intelligence Foreign Affairs and oversight committees want to know about the energy secretary's role in a phone call between President Trump and Ukraine's president as well as efforts to install a new board on a Ukrainian owned energy firm. Other oil tankers when attacked in the Middle East Fox is known as the tails live data Iran saying one of 8 states is being hit by 2 missiles as it traveled through the Red Sea off the coast of Saudi Arabia this coming just under a month after the u.s. Played to Ron for a missile attack on Saudi oil installations Iranian news reports say the ship coal fired but the crew is safe Iran's foreign ministry is warning of consequences also suggesting oil has spilled into the sea Dave Simon a Nobel Peace Prize was given out this warning to you v.o.p. And Prime Minister met honored for ending a border conflict with neighboring country Eritrea a wildfire is burning this morning in the Los Angeles area burning several hall was evacuating several neighborhoods closing 2 freeways it's incredible how fast these fires and I'm just grateful for the fire minute other fire in. The valley destroyed dozens of mobile homes any 9 year old woman reported missing there's more than a half 1000000 homes and businesses still without electricity in central northern California the power to prevent fires many could have been restored today America's listening to Fox News. Group now turn right at Fortress mountain. For. You Tom. Continue on the great American test run with us on a John Deere Gater x u v a 35 with our quietest cab ever and may see a 4 wheel independent suspension it's built to run where no one else can nothing runs like a deer search John Deere Gater for more. 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Whether considerable clouds and breezy today the high 65 mostly cloudy tonight the low 51 clouds and sunshine tomorrow the high 74 times of clouds and sun for Sunday behind 68 I'm Drew Shannon this report is brought to you by the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation use your power to cure and pedal with the purpose at spin for drones and kaleidoscope yours Grab some friends to join you for this high energy indoor cycling event benefiting the crones and collide as foundation visit spin forgot org to learn more. Reality. Is what keeps us up at night what's happening. Very very scary. You're welcome to join the conversation. You can see how much sleep. You. Are. Looking for the perfect way to end your day look no further than 2 stones in New Order focus in a little town and Mayor right now get $50.00 worth of 2 stones grill certificates for just 12 $5.00 pick up your friends or family and head to 2 stone tantalizing specials to look to the specials in a window for you to grab a. 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Morning Glory America Canada great comedy friends in Israel and especially my new audience in the People's Republic of China where they listen with great interest every single morning this is for your benefit the Hillsdale dialogue once a week we go back and celebrate one of the great classics in Western literature and by the way we will soon be doing Confucius with Dr Larry Arne but this week we are back at the beginning because it's been 5 years since we did Homer's Iliad on the Hillsdale dialogue there are always new translations are always new voices and it's really my excuse to talk with Professor Stephen Smith again really probably my favorite Hilldale dialogue guest and you can tell that to Larry Arnon to Matt and you can tell to everyone up there I just like Steve Smith the most because he is an English teacher a professor of English and really I get tired with politics sometimes Steve Smith welcome back to the you give it show. It's great to be back here and I'm happy to represent poetry Well I know you are talking about poetry and I want to set this up for our Pittsburgh Steeler fans is that what Ono Homer is the beginning of everything the only good is the beginning of everything I was going to open by reading my voice is shot or I would have opened by reading the 1st verses of Homer about Achilles would you tell people before we do that and you're gonna have to do all the reading because I can't read why do we still study Homer all these centuries later. Well you know a poet is graded on to describe Homer as the one who's the right hand wield the sword the one who comes before other poets as their Lord the sovereign writer so he's had you know huge fan base from from the beginning but relief for our purposes I think he represents. And you know human greatness and human desire as well as any poet he probes the great heroes of his own culture figures like a Killie's and. He probes the great leaders and when you're reading him and especially when you're as you're doing so when you're done it's great to just ask a question like this you know what perspective does this great poet bring to bear on our human nature you know what do we see and what we learn about human nature. Human striving and human desire for this fall on he is the master of that subject now it's interesting to me Stephen Smith I have had in recent weeks on this show Marine Corps General James Mattis I have had recently on this show Admiral James Stavridis former supreme allied commander of NATO I had not long ago on this show General Stanley McChrystal one of the all time superstars a special operations that Bill McRaven the head of the seals I have had on Tom Cotton an Army Ranger walked point I. That on warriors do the themes would speak to all of those individuals and the careers that they lead in this new millennium as well as. A 1000 years before Christ was born if I got the dating right it might be 2000 years before Christ was born when the Homer wrote The Iliad but is it all the same subject Yes I think for you know for Homer one of the lines early on in the Iliad is we must share all and one of the things that we share is whatever it is we mean by human nature and Homer has represented that and probed it unlike any other writer so if you share it with Homer with Achilles that is human nature and if you want to get to know yourself if you want to think as seriously as possible about ruling and leading. Of your own soul Homer he Homer is the man and this is this is what the poem is about I took homer in 1974 from a fellow named John Finlay a Classics genius and debt my god the Harvard faculty I have but class was always filled with $600.00 people in Sanders hall at the beginning and it would dwindle throughout the year because people don't understand poetry Stephen Smith they arrive on campus ill equipped to read Homer how do you remedy that with your students how do you remedy it for this audience Well certainly listening to the poem read aloud even in translation is great for example there's a wonderful audio book in the calendar that carries you away with the rhythms of the great translation. And I my family side one of my sons told me one day that he didn't like writing of a certain kind of what do you mean he was writing in lines and what do you mean I finally got down to oh you mean poetry. And so you know I've encountered this among my own children but for Homer especially reading reading him aloud together and then thinking together about the poetry is the bread and butter approach I've used and what I teach him in our great books cause here for example I love when folks come in a verse to Homer you know when they are when they don't they don't want to study the subject or they don't like poetry because I'm confident that the one who's right hand wields the sword is going to win them over by the end but you're right it can be an obstacle so a little bit of patience a little bit of reading aloud. Reading with a friend time honored ways and we begin with the key text the famous opening line germ vacation of bemuses and then have you read it since my voice is shot Sure. Here we go the opening lines rage goddess sing the rage of kill you this is son Achilles murderous do that cost the a key and countless losses hurling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls great fighters souls but made their bodies carry and feasts for dogs and birds and the will of Zeus was moving toward it and begin news when the 2 1st broke and clashed Agamemnon of the heart of man and brilliant Killie's period All right we'll ask you to do it a 2nd time before I ask you a question about it these are probably the most famous lines of literature and so if you haven't heard them listen to them again Professor Smith. Rage goddess seeing the rage of peerless is son Achilles murderous doomed that cost the icky and countless losses hurtling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls great fighters souls but made their bodies carry and feast their dogs and birds and the will of these was moving towards the beginning used when the 2 1st broke and clashed Agamemnon a lot of men and brilliant Achilles So we began obviously with the question who is the goddess. Well this is the muse of the I think inspiration so in both Homeric epics The poet appeals to the news for assistance and singing and sharing the story. With his listeners. And then of course the other subject here is the rage of Achilles. And then the clash between Agamemnon and Achilles and a foreshadowing murderous doomed to kill Yes that's so I'd given away the trailer it's like we would call it a spoiler in the 1st line isn't it. Well I mean this stuff is an inescapable and certain works of literature but this is going to get very that before it gets better and you can you can hear it in these lines this isn't just you know run of the mill anger this isn't you know like an intemperate tweet or something like that this is you know cataclysmic rage. That is going to have these effects it's going to hurt all down the house of great fighters and it's going to make their bodies the feast of dogs and birds is going to even you know invert the natural order of things going to be a very potent form of rage I do not know if you're a partaker of movies about these things but Brad Pitt played Killie's once and the opening scene is Brad Pitt taking down to this to Hades the soul of a great warrior did happen to see that you know I have not seen it but my students ask me about it a lot it's the very 1st scene and it's just it is consistent with the very 1st line murder of a doomed kill ways although you know that Brad Pitt is doomed you know that it kills Achilles's to him when this is taking place. Well this is the 10th year of the War of the Trojan War Yes in the Trojan War and what's quite striking about it is I'm the son of the math teacher but I may get the numbers wrong here it's about 40 days 40 to 45 days of high and the 10th year of the war and then it ends with the war you know not resolved with students I was wrong by that that you know how could how could Homer do that to us you know and they are in wind the you know almost like a historical biographical version of the war they want to start with the judgment of Paris they want to go from year one to year 10 but what the poet does is he focuses our attention on this one you know moment of time and he well 40 days 40 nights so to speak in the 10th year of the war when the rage of the kidneys and the well the moving toward it and it's really was told by one of these warriors Stephen Smith that for every warrior the battle that they are in is Normandy if he would Jima for every fire fight the people who are in involved in that fire of a civilian that is all of war I thought that was an interesting observation I believe it is true here we'll come back to these 40 days of a. Nutshell when we return it's the 1st. American forces of the. Alliance Defending Freedom. In the world this is happening you'll hear it here 1st but only if you're here when Hugh Hewitt continues. Get away I'm Scott from plug in pest free if you have a right Onil pest problem at your home or business don't spray harmful. 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Welcome back America cheer you it learned this challenge but never last up to the Hill tale dialogue bailed out dialogue all things that last all things that are important we discussed in the last radio hour of the Wake everything about the old tales available at Hillsdale dot edu including amazing online courses and I usually have Dr Larry Arnor or Dean Matt Spalding on with me but occasionally we get lucky and we get to talk to one of the professors who actually teach in this case and one of my favorite thieves myth we know that that the mat and proprietor aren't age but they don't teach like Steve Smith when it comes to Homer Steve Allen and you get to teach Homer tales they'll students. Well here he is part of the great book sequence that all the freshman take and so I myself in recent years have become and being and so I have been home or as much as I like you I got over to the dark side. I knew you were going to say that. I am the dean of the humanities now here oh another soul was very honestly it's like becoming I have person you want to cross the river you gave your coin to the river boat and off you go all right. Brad Pitt has led me down. To us before this is short segment so I want to make sure people understand 10 years into the war a fight breaks out between Achilles who everybody knows right they know the myth they grew up on it very few people know Agamemnon I mean who is Agamemnon. He can keep commands the most and then Homer tells us at the beginning and maybe the simplest way to think about it a common way to think about it is that Agamemnon is he's excellent because he's a king because he has a scepter because he commands the most people so he said one form of power one form of excellence can Killie's with him the core of he is the greatest warrior so his excellence he's called brilliant and godlike. His excellence is on the level of his own nature his ability to fight his speed and so these 2 come into bitter conflict with each other right at the beginning of the. What is that conflict over well at the beginning of the power Agamemnon has it wrong to the priest of Apollo Apollo brings a plague down on the Greek armies and the Killie's is the one who intervenes and he demands that Agamemnon give back the priest of Apollo daughter to end the plague. Now the problem with that is Agamemnon sees this daughter as his prize as a representative of his. And so he says I'm supposed to give my honor away back to solve this well you keep yours now and a quarrel breaks out between the 2 of them and really it comes down to Agamemnon finally saying I'll give her back but I'm going to take your prize Achilles which is a version of what Paris actually did and then allow it when he took out so Ag and then it's back up Paris is a Trojan men allies is a Greek What do you mean by taking Howard. Well the the famous judgment of Paris which is behind the whole poem in a way Paris went and then allow us is how and he ran off with and then allows his wife how Nephi how in his intro that's why Helen is called the face that launched a 1000 ships later in the tradition of the war the Greeks are there to venture menopause so the quarrel is between Agamemnon and Kelly but it connects fact to. Paris and Alan as well at the beginning I want to ask you if you have sympathy for the Trojans not a historical sympathy we know the city exists I'm not here to date the ruins of Troy but in the poem itself do you have sympathy for the Trojans. I think certainly Homer does while also showing some serious problems with Troy though they were only just at the beginning everyone understand they did not just thing you know that's that's a problem and. Intro Lloyd though the lead warrior Hector his wife and drama key and their young infant son. Are among the most compelling characters in the poem and and then surely Achilles and Hector are on a collision course with one another but a lot of sympathy around Hector in particular the great Trojan hero so we have talked about where the rage of acutely. The girl that he's got as it is in the battle and it doesn't want to give up but. We come back we're going to talk about. The fighting. Even strip that. You for all think Hilldale all of our dialogue. You're in the middle of a nonstop action packed information blitz the Hugh Hewitt coming right back. 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Your 1410 w d o v forecast considerable clouds and breezy today the high 65 mostly cloudy tonight the low 51 clouds and sunshine tomorrow the high 74 times of clouds and sun for Sunday the high 68 I'm Drew Shannon this report is sponsored by Compassion International. There's a child living in extreme poverty with no suture and no you can bring home when you become a compassionate international sponsor just text the word child 283393 and sponsor a child right now things are. Stepping to come on everybody into the 10 days from now and back and it's peaceful it's warm it's nice it's comfortable on us radio 1410 w d o v he's got no complaints we have to accept and share my name I'm not a complainer anyway weekdays noon to 3 News Radio 1410. Broadcasting from the Soviets the studio system is radio 14 to. Still be asking for early bird for this project. He had been a pro down to Haiti then is now part of academic administration but he's still a heck of a teacher and always a welcome guest he's also another brand new dad I think Grace is one of the most adorable pictures I've ever seen but at the fetching Mrs he had pointed out she has a mentor in Michigan winter yet. Then she has plenty of blanket from friends and family to get her through the drive and then a great day and I sort of fact that of my grandmother that I just love the name Grace let's talk before we move to book 2 about the gods who appear in book one in fact in the 1st line muses help me out God is this help me out give us a general overlay of the great understanding of gods and goddesses. Well I mean in this in this poem. Back there's opening lines there really are kind of 2 subjects the rage of Achilles and then the will of Zeus moving towards that and so you might think of the whole poem as the will of the Killie's and the will of Zeus working something out across the 24 books the human Well the divine Well Zeus is the father of gods and then he is the God associated with with. But it's important to see that he has an end goal that he is trying to bring bring about through this. As does Achilles and his side but he's not the only god there is also Aphrodite and Aries the goddess of desire and the God of War. And they tend to be wilder Goddess and God and they tend to be officiated with madness and religion even and so there's a conflict that Donna and many readers have wondered you know what kind of God are these what kind of image of the divine when you ask students about it and then surely one sharp student are now there will say a lot of these gods and goddesses seem like you know human beings. At their worst moments so this is a very difficult subject to understand Homer but what I would encourage listeners to do is to think about it in terms of their relationship between the divine Well well news and then human beings well like the case 3. I'm going to get you upset here and that's Ok because you're a Dean now but this book written 750 years before Christ was born it's the 1st comic book and by that I mean there are superheroes in it and everyone who inhabits the Marvel Universe for the d.c. Universe or who it's just seen the Joker this week and we're taping this originally during the weekend that the Joker is breaking every box of he's a villain there are superheroes and supervillains and Mt Olympus and whoever your favorite hero might be whether it's Thor was him self a god or it might be Tony Stark is Iron Man they've got counterparts up there it is mythology which are stories intended to be believed and so it's not really a new concept these comic book characters and they're and they're great popularity Stephen Smith when you think about we always want these people in our narratives. Well you know it's the over story of The Iliad you know and throughout the poem Homer is going to keep raising the question how do how does the human story relate to the Olympus story how does the struggle for life and death and glory be for Troy compared to what my old Prof Davies down at university called the soap opera and this. Is this is a vital part of the poem and you've got to thrash it out you know and the big theme the divine will and the human well. Puts Homer at the beginning of a long line of text on the subject the Odyssey the unneeded Augustus confessions The Divine Comedy hammer that kind of punishment this is just a master of meditation it's beginning here and will continue throughout the whole tradition the Zeus in this poem I think the most important now let's talk about Zeus for a moment Zeus is Jupiter in the Roman tradition he is the number one God but he is not without limits he has a a whole army of gods and goddesses with whom to contend including his daughter 3 those spring fully formed from the head of Zeus as we know how many of them are there and how many do we run into and why are so many of them involved in this war I mean the world's a big place why do they all show up in Troy. Well I mean part of it involves the judgement of Paris he had to choose between hair. And Aphrodite Who is that the most beautiful goddess those 3 are those are 3 women goddesses Yes And so there's a vested interest in the events that Troy because of the judgment of parents made. By the other God super important in the poem is Aries the God of War and he is Aphrodite's lover he is. Intense physical violent We're also told this likes him the most of all the gods mainly because he is 2 faced and duplicitous. So he's hard to rule and he's hard to direct and he's extremely powerful I'd add one other god that's vital he comes up in book wine. He is the cripple Smith he is Vulcan and run in the fall of g.e. And he is the artistic God he is going to tie a very important role later and this poem so if I had to single out 2 that I had most interesting of the news and the artist got a feast this now that's interesting because I was going to put Apollo on that list is also in book one Apollo shows up in book one because he perceptive Tate's Homer it's all Apollos fault because he listened to one preached any visited a plague upon the Greeks and Achilles had to go to Agamemnon to get the plague ended why does Apollo join in not actually on the side of the Trojan jet he's just on the side justice right yeah I simply forgot to mention in my list that he's an invited figure in book one and also at the very end of the poem so he's associated with healing and it was done as well it's easy to forget at the beginning that Agamemnon's decision. Agamemnon's human response to the priest up. Is this is really the causing Apollo response to that that bring that up the whole poem is like this where we have divine actions happening divine intervention and Homer. Keep making our focus return to that the human drama as well human caused. So. You know making one of his bad decisions he's probably. The most gifted leader and. Among the Greeks but even with Achilles and other events the poem will show us moments of divine intervention to God But our focus is always directed to that human level you know I got to tell you when I was a young man and a lad I read The Odyssey probably 50 times and I probably read the Iliad once I just love the Odyssey and this year shows up in book 2 and in fact Book 2 is a quick kind of index to everybody isn't it sure. Why a famous catalogue and epic of all the Greeks that came to Troy why put that there . This is a famous set of feature of epic poetry and if you read more epic poems you will. See a later poet and that hating Homer in this regard. It's a sort of tribute to all of the kings and leaders and their armies that came to Troy in support of Agamemnon and that allowed us. I had a professor ones who swore up and down that the catalogue of the ships was the key to it all and if you could rightly understand that you couldn't understand everything of Homer and then he and he do this Lee didn't tell us why that course. So that's the thing this feature of it also comes up in book 2 and he's the star of The Next American on the Odyssey but he's a vital hero in this too he's kind of stick he's the fixer in book one kind of smoothed over things he helps out Agamemnon in book 2 he's going to lead the embassy to Achilles in book 9 and then he's going to even argue when Achilles finally enters the war and wants to just fight without eating it's going to be Odysseus who says you know really you've gotta eat you know you need food or I think he's the 1st hero he has flaws but I think he's the 1st hero because you might argue Hector and we'll talk about Hector in the next segment when we get the book 3 but it does see as has shown through history as wise cunning and he gets the girl back who belongs to him and he wreaks havoc on the people who are who are Benj him and even his old servant dog love him at this yes is an admirable character as any well would have to have to read a whole lot of see the test that thesis I think certainly he's the most versatile Greek he's the windiest Greek. He displays incredible self-control and art at certain moments. In the Odyssey at least also problematic needed he doesn't lose all of his and then on the way back from the Perry all the detail. And then he almost launches a civil war at the end. He can need some help at the end but I agree that the among the most intriguing I think it's no accident that at the end of Plato's Republic played out she uses it as. She does I do this in this as her as as his kind of last figure to pick the wife which life does he won't give away the end of the republic which life does a dis years choose for his next life he chooses the life of I believe it's a private citizen who minds his own business who is just and we just wired farmer as I recall he doesn't choose a tyrant's what is' he doesn't choose any number of other and. I believe Plato writes that he had learned from his adventures and misadventures and suffering to make that last choice some people have said some people said played out revises homers and this is what he does. It's still it's still an important point and dismiss has intrigued centuries and centuries of the best readers now what made it being spared Agamemnon gets a bad rap what are his best qualities as a leader and do you see any of them in book too. Well when he decides to test the troops and it has disasters really and he needs a deceased and down that looks like any kind of botch and my 10 year old and a 10 year old might have greater time now you know at his school as a literary kind of student and he thinks I don't I'm not a bit of a punk and he just didn't iron as he came. I think you know honestly he believed in books we're looking at the end and then very much wow you know I went down to fragments Burd 2 weeks ago he's the emperor of Burnside. I mean he is the least competent general in the work world when when you just discuss that and when we come back we're going to caulk about the other side of the boundary line what's going on in choice with Dean Stephen Smith of Hillsdale all things Hillsdale are collected at Hillsdale dot edu all of these conversation the cooling the 1st time I went through Homer 6 years ago with my friends for meals they are collected at you for Hill tailback comp your binge listening that will actually elevate and inform and entertain you Hugh for Hillsdale dot com I'll be right back don't let me forget though to tell you that relief factor dot com won't do a thing for learn Javits nothing. 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It's the Cancer Support Community Center it's a local charity all the folks in Delaware have access to it it's a support center people that are going through that people need to talk the regular that out the family members sometimes the family members don't know how to react to that situation that you are 29th at the center you can sign up on a vet bright and check out the Facebook page Chris Burgos from Diamond State Financial Group Chris thank you so much for time thank you so that's the Delaware c.e.o. Spotlight featuring businesses helping our community group a better she services family of companies has you covered the federal heating system would make it through the winter called King energy services in Dover. And proper oil and gas and really turn to the experts in Britain to get an instant pre-season rebate up to $500.00 on qualified systems and 0 percent in-house financing specializes in carrier but services all brands Energy Services buses that were empty h.b.c. 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Welcome back America I have to do it thank you for loosing the Hillsdale dialogue we have finally begun our much promised series on Homer's The Illiad the speed been snipped formally Professor Stephen Smith when he was among the mortals is now ascended to the Olympus of Hillsdale you being forgiven spent has joined us to get us through the 1st 3 books and we have 6 minutes to set up book 3 where we meet Helen of Troy where we meet her lover Paris and where we talk about really worst Troy's role in this tell us about Helen and Paris well in book 3 the focus shifts over to the Trojan side and we meet the main characters in The King pride and we meet his 2 sons Hector and Harris and I meet Helen and it begins with Harris and Paris's dashingly handsome he looks like the greatest warrior the best warrior but his brother actor points out that he has no pathway then and so he's all outward appearance now in order hath Hector on the other hand is the defender of troll I the greatest warrior among the tragic and he's really the heart of the city his hero he loves you know the common good of Troy he loves glory as well and he is going to you know fight to the death to defend his city but in the in the book you know the main question of the cause of the war comes up King Priam tells how and I don't blame you for the war I don't blame my son Paris I don't I don't blame your relationship I blame the gods. To a challenge response Well Ok but I in fact did leave my my native land my husband my child and I ran off with their son so the question of the cause of the war comes up and you can see in this exchange another example of all the gods are to blame for all of this and the counter position being what about the human causes what about human responsibility and that question Who's to blame for this this whole poem who's responsible for the Iliad is one to keep in mind while you read it you know I didn't know until you guys told me or I'd forgotten that Helen left a child behind as she mentioned that in book 3 that's that you know that that really increases the injustice of what she did does the child appear in the epic No not. Her as a sion ship and Paris. They're both the most beautiful of their kind she's the most beautiful woman he's the most handsome. When his good looks a lot Paris always gets a chuckle in book 3 that he's kind of infuriating both to his brother and to readers he tells his brother Don't blame me because I'm the most handsome man alive the Gods give me these gifts you know. I can't help it if I'm I'm Paris and and also of course Helen has that beauty as well and this opportunity is a favor one because of the beauty or dish issue jealous of Helen because of the b I producer being the great God as who is the most beautiful of the goddesses Well she has a special and disturbing relationship with Helen especially in book 3. When Helen is wavering about continuing on with Paris when she's wavering and she kind of hates her life or what's become of it Aphrodite kind of appears and orders her back to bed with Paris' Mark famous speech in book 3 so they have a close relationship and in that in this case Aphrodite orders her to go back go back to that now the other thing that's really worth noting in Book 3 is when Helen appears on the walls of Troy Homer includes the detail of the old man of Troy gazing at her and they look at how and she's so beautiful and she's looking down over the whole scene and the old men just sigh viewed beauty terrible beauty and yet who could blame them for fighting over her period absolving Paris you know this is the tension right kind of aren't Priam said I hold the gods to blame and then the old men of Troy are like well you know who could who could blame. Anyone for this and I think a lot of readers would raise their hand and say well I could I can object to the parents Allen relation and quickly since we talked about Agamemnon who is the titular head of the Greek forces let's talk about prior What do we think of him. Well in that case he has by believe it's 50 children and by different women sees associated with a kind of Trojan sensuality. But in the case of the conversation with Helen I think he's excusing his son Paris and blaming the gods so in that way I see him as. Part of one of the big problems of the pond you know are they got some planes for Harrison Allen or is Paris announcing freedom to buy and or is it some. Now let me also at the very end of this let's say this is this poem has endured for almost 3 millennia Dante user that everyone uses that so people out to persevered and you recommend which translation I'm going to you chose of sas per direction how about you. Keep Robert's aid by just that one. Statements but you're a wonderful guy Peter no doubt professor or an issue immigration thank you for joining us and come Monday courage later sitting in for me thank you Adam thank you Ben thank you generally similar that is it gives you a child. But you absolutely positively need the truth this is where you turn. This is the huge huge. 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Will to give House Democrats more fuel for their impeachment fire I'm Dave Anthony Fox News the former ambassador to Ukraine recalled from that post in May in a big question next hour Fox's Rachel Sutherland live in Washington Dave 3 House committees will conduct his friend tried to abuse with her Evanovich someone present described as bad news during the July phone call with the leader of Ukraine while the career diplomat is on the schedule there's an outside chance there could be another dustup over her parents like earlier this.

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