Unredacted special counsel's report subpoenaed by the committee will not be handed over executive privilege is being asserted by the president this is on precedent if allowed to go unchecked this obstruction means the end of congressional oversight and she dish your committee chairman Democrat year old Nablas says the administration is stonewalling other committee investigations as well White House press secretary Sara Sanders subpoena demands unlawful and reckless in an attempt to get a redo at the Mulla report de jure the house still trying to get the i.r.s. To hand over the Trump tax return Speaker Pelosi told The Washington Post there are several options one of them is to go directly to after Treasury secretary manage and refuse saying there was no legitimate legislative purpose New York Times released details of some taxes from the eighty's and ninety's showing you lost more than a $1000000000.00 which helped her move void paying any taxes in several years he tweeted It's a highly inaccurate fake news hit job the senior accused of shooting up his Colorado high school days before graduation Devon Erickson due in court today after one classmate was killed 8 others wounded we have a juvenile female that is in custody right now who is the other suspect Douglas County Sheriff Tony Spurlock no motive given Britain's foreign minister is calling Iran's attempt to rework the nuclear deal an unwelcome step you have to the u.s. Pulled out of Iran still in country still signed on without better terms of a resume high level uranium enrichment which could be used in nuclear weapons this is Fox News. Mother's Day is this Sunday and this year Pro Flowers will make you a pro at ordering the perfect gift for mom roses now you can send mom a dozen beautiful assorted roses for just 1999 That's right just $999.00 order now and you can double your roses and get a premium vase for an extra $99.00 that's 2 dozen roses and a premium vase to get this amazing Mother's Day deal go to Pro Flowers dot com click on the microphone and enter code 4646 give Mom a dozen beautiful assorted roses for just 1999 or double that. Roses and get a free they face for an extra $99.00 when it comes to ordering flowers for Mother's Day Pro Flowers makes it easy to order like a pro the only way to get this amazing deal is to go to Pro Flowers dot com click on the microphone in the upper right corner and enter code 4646 that's profile hours dot com Code 4646 profile hours dot com code 4646. An appeals court president from his long criticized for ruling against him gives him what he just tweeted local news 1410 w d old beat. I don't need here's what's trending as students being accused of setting up a smoke device at Newark High School Police 18 year old Logan Jones has been arrested for allegedly setting the device off inside the cafeteria last week about $400.00 students had to be evacuated the Indian River School District referendum has failed voters shut down the district vote by a narrow margin yesterday would have funded several construction projects around the district This marks the 2nd time this year that voters have struck down the plan from District officials I'm told me that's what's trending. 1410 w d o v whether clouds and sunshine today highs 69 mostly cloudy my or mostly cloudy with some spotty drizzle in the afternoon Thursday high 69 partly cloudy Thursday night low 60 I'm Madison Bagot this report is sponsored by the Ad Council and it's pre-diabetes awareness partners one in 3 adults has pre-diabetes that means it could be the driver in front of you or the driver that's trying to get in front of you with early diagnosis pre-diabetes can be reversed take the risk test at do I have pre-diabetes data org I am j. 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This is the Zodiac speaking if you do not print this cruise around all weekend killing people in the night from the creators of the monster come season 2 this is monster the Zodiac Killer listen and follow and i Heart Radio app Sean Hannity weekend afternoon 3 to 6 and 1410 w d l v. I it's Glenn Beck on Dover's news traffic and weather news radio 1410 w d o v program there's a great podcast called Read build America do illegal immigrants really do the jobs Americans won't do what's causing the homeless crisis in Los Angeles is fake news really something new. The podcast is called Red Pill to America and it delves into those questions this time it's a 3 part series on. Jobs come back to American manufacturing jobs come back to America we have that answer in one minute. This is the Glenn Beck program. Real estate agents I trust dot com is a company that I started about 5 years ago because Tony and I were so frustrated every time we needed to buy or sell a home we didn't know who to get to know how to hire an agent what even the questions were that we should ask and every time we had an agent it was no urgency no return phone calls no real marketing the answer was let's have another open house let's just keep it on the market for a little longer we're really close out please. 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Patrick is the host of red pilled America and Patrick I am on record saying anybody who tells you that manufacturing jobs I'm going to bring all those jobs back to America either an idiot or a liar. Because of technological changes that are on the horizon you you did a 3 part series for Redfield America called American icon and it started exactly the same place I started years ago with just trying to find a baseball hat made in America. Yeah yeah it did thanks for having me guys you know I we were like everybody were trying to make some Mirch for our listeners and we got a sample and we got the sample back and I was like Man this is pretty cheap Why is it so cheap to look for the tag and said made in Bangladesh and so we're like well we can't we can't do this is Redfield America so we decided let's let's make a Made in America baseball cap and let's kind of let's find a look at the story of American manufacturing through the creation of this baseball cap and see what it tells us so we kind of went back to the beginning of baseball the I mean this thing about a baseball cap it is an American icon I mean it is an American creation that was made almost predominantly here in the United States for you know a 150 years and then never thought of that you know nobody nobody else wears. I mean we are it is an American creation and now it is a foreign product and so we're kind of like how did this happen and so we go back to the creation of baseball and we follow it all the way up through to today and it was just this fascinating kind of look at how manufacturing kind of left the United States and the conditions that were kind of prevalent the conditions that were around at the time to kind of make manufacturing for its year and you know there's I have to say I entered this. Anyone that says that bringing back American manufacturing is going to be an easy thing that could happen easily is not saying I'm telling the truth it's very complicated it's a complicated question but with that said I entered this in with a certain thought process with my own bias and my own ideology this kind of standard kind of conservative look of the world and I have to say that it did change my mind changed somewhat and what I learned from the specialists is we have to have a completely different mindset the only way that we bring back any of these jobs is if we completely change our mindset I spoke to a manufacturer guy that actually has a hat manufacturing company here in the United States one of the issues that he's running into is that people don't even think about going into the manufacturing business we've lost our shop classes in high school there's no more shop I mean I remember the day when I would go to wood shop and I would you know people going to sewing class and you know it's crazy Have you ever been to Facebook Facebook on their campus they have a giant shop class and it is always packed always packed. People love making things we are ants and we what we forget is but when we when we have lost manufacturing what you've you've lost more than just ability to make things perfect example Bangladesh isn't going to start by making the stealth bomber right they start by making towels and then they go on to making t. Shirts and then they go on to making the baseball cap and then they go on to making a symbol Ling smartphones and then they move up from there when you lose your base of manufacturing you lose the ability to innovate in the future because people don't know and people don't know how to work in a shop and so you know it was a very. Trysting you know there's a lot of talk of tariffs now and whether they're good and whether they're bad and I feel like what we're using these tariffs for now is more to try to get fair trip to actually get free trade because there are these relationships that we have with foreign countries are not. Reciprocal they do not. Bathe manipulate their currencies stay your slave labor in many cases in Bangladesh there are 1100 people died in the collapse of a building because they don't have certain kinds of building regulations there so we I think in the end of the day you know we go through this story it's a 3 part series on red told America you could see it on her radio we really. Feel really deep into this entire process and come to the conclusion that we must start changing our mindset on this we must start valuing the ability to make things again rather than just become a service industry that feels like Ok China is gone we lose on our and the Social Security we lose the ability to be able to purchase products components for our military because the Chinese we can't get components without Chinese parts so there's so many things that we lose by just pushing pushing everything overseas besides the jobs I have to tell you with Patrick I. My son and I are really into old cars and. I'm and he really wants to rebuild one from ground up and I'm like I know why Dia how to do that no idea but we've been looking into it and the more we look into old cars from you know the turn of the century up until really after World War 2 there were all of these crates cars that were made all over America that were just innovative. And totally different and and people would go into the car company business most of them failed but they failed because the big 3 would put them out but they would go into build you know they'd only build 30 cars a year or for 10 cars you know total but there was this idea that you could do it and now we've lost that it we we've lost the idea that yeah my friend you know you hear so you know my friend is building cars you're like What is he not yeah you know I spoke to a guy that does a lot of work with aerospace business and military contractors and they are. Concerned deeply concerned because we have lost the ability to to bring people into the into their companies to build things and make things because it's just not time it's it's almost frowned upon parents look at if you're going to go in that direction you're a failure that said people graduate with 4 year degrees in whatever degree it is and they can't get a job anywhere because of you know various you know other forces in play and until we start to really change our mindset and look at it as you know we need this on our shore Yes are we are we going to ever make toilet brushes again maybe not probably not but we we can if we start to value made in America more and we start to see the value in it I think that that starts to open the doors you start to create a workforce if we're talking about you know a 2 decade plus and it's the same time Patrick you've got technology passing you I mean you have technology making most of the manual labor obsolete even in China I mean they're already going into technology where it's robotics and 3 d. Printing and you're just not. Going to need the human lives to be able which I think is even more frightening because then we lose it entirely We don't even know how to how to fix it you know it's like it's it's a machine learning we don't even know how they're learning and it's just they're teaching themselves to do things and we don't even understand them that that's a that's a problem we can't lose our intellectual and physical abilities to be able to step in otherwise the world's going to be just a magic show you know if that is probably one of the scariest things that we've been you know looking at this Ai and how technology changes lives and progress and you know things that look like progress what does that do to the human condition and I think that a lot of times I mean we're so conditioned to believe that all progress is Pa is a positive thing for the human culture. I think of one story that you know when the explorers 1st came here to the United States and decided to make contact with the natives eventually 90 percent of the people died because of the germs that we brought with us and I know I often think would we know when that going back to that time the progress that we made by making that contact with those natives if we knew that 90 percent of them were going to die would we have made that decision to make the contact or would we have taken a step back and thought about how to better serve mankind and I think. When we look at technology we so often just run straight forward thinking any any progress is a good thing but in a lot of cases there's huge huge impacts on human life that I think that we need to start thinking about a little bit more and I it's very hard to think on those terms when you're talking about you know the bottom line and I tell you Patrick I would love to I would love to talk to you about this I'm very much into technology and. And I'm telling you nobody is asking that question to too few people are asking the question you know we can do it but should we and the entire world I mean what's happening in South Korea right now where there were just running headlong into all kinds of things that you should stop and say wait a minute wait a minute this changes everything but all these people want to be 1st and we're not asking the big ethical questions of what does this mean because we're talking about alien life forms and not going to think like us it's alien life forms and those alien life forms will not they will be relentless They will not deviate from their course so if we program it to do something it will do it let's say you know we want we want new biofuels great if that's what the program says well at some point it may look at humans as a biofuel and break us down I mean we just have to be. Methodical and then slow down and I don't think people realize how quickly when these how these innovations come along and how quickly they come along I mean think about the smartphone How long has it been since the smart phone has been on in our lives and I still have the 1st video. Of a waiter that came and served me at my at my table on my phone on the phone that I'm using right now it wasn't that long ago that smart phones came along but when these things happen and when these changes happen they happen they can happen overnight and we aren't we worry about and we are concerned with bio hazard right we know that there's certain kinds of germs and certain kinds of viruses that we do not want cultivated because they will hurt. Human culture we have we have understood that now we need to start applying that to these Ai and these technology type discussions because they could have similar implications it might be drawn out over 10 or 20 years and I have a hard time saying this is somebody that considers themselves right of center that we need to start you know thinking about these things that because it goes against my capitalist kind of you know our base but that said there's real consequences here that I think that as anybody that comes from a right of center thought process we really need to start opening up our mind and change your mind on this and really start thinking about it more Patrick or else he he is the host of red pilled America he's got a 3 part series out now you can find it on i Heart Radio this 3 part series American icon manufacturing manufacturing coming back to the United States Patrick thank you so much. All right I'm going to. I'm going to I'm going to let Stu tell you about how. She sucked up to his mom for Mother's Day Is that what you're supposed to do mothers they're supposed to do something nice for a mom that's what you I mean that's what I did I'd like to tell my mom the truth and sometimes you don't tell mom truth like Mom you've got turkey neck Well I don't I don't think she has turkey neck but she does like Chamonix and if you have turkey neck you've got double chin Glenn you might want to consider going to examining this personal I was just talking about your mom. My mom with. Products for 70 ingenue cell and she loves that she does what she wrote to me via text message s.m.s. If you would she says prior to taking talking with you about the about the show many products I was thinking about seeing a dermatologist my skin was dry and irritated it was actually uncomfortable about a month ago the Jenny skin care arrived this product has 2 thumbs up for me this is my mom speaking so you know it's true she says after the 1st application there was a positive discernible change my skin drank in the genuine felt nourishing there was no greasy residue 3 days later my skin started to looking and feeling better 3 weeks later my skin has more elasticities and feels more firm more youthful look in general sequence she didn't mention anything about turkey neck I don't know why you brought that up at this point I can't be without Jen you sell I'm loving the simple skin care program and it's truly effective that's from my mom now sure you could say look you're just you're the perfect Son Of course you're going to make a great decision like that when you can do that too with your mom Jen you sell is the product and if you happen to be a mom yourself Jenny still has a great present for yourself for Mother's Day Here's what they have right now they've got the line treatment goes with the jet you sell for I bags and puffiness and instant effects with the results within the 1st 12 hours guaranteed or your money back there's no risk here go to Jen you sell dot com g e n u c e l dot com or call 805778709 in a surprise Mother's Day premium gift with all orders sorry mom I kept that 180-577-8709 or visit gen-u. Cell dot com G.E.'s. You cel dot com author 10 seconds station id. Someplace in Chris Cuomo only because people need to know that he's still alive there are so few people that are watching c.n.n. Now they're like this Chris Cuomo still alive yeah he is he's still doing that cute little show of his. And occasionally there are fewer people on the screen. Than are actually watching last night was not one of them but they had 3 people on it once so we have some have sometimes do have larger panels I will say it's 5 or 6 sometimes and then and then it's definitely more than the audience you know last night it was more than the audience too but Ok but Chris Cuomo and and Senator Santorum Senator Santorum 2 on one tag team against Senator Santorum on abortion here it is when and woman gets pregnant that is not a human being inside of her it's a heart of her body and this is about a woman having full agency and control of her body and making decisions about her body and what is part of her body with medical professionals so that's Maggie and that is probably Chatelaine and they can do whatever they want to look at nudism out a woman or. You can they can do whatever they want they want you to say but I've always it's you know all right you know that you know you're going to go exactly where you're so desperate No no no listen to me I'm just a guy just asked Mr West you know you're not you're not you're asking provocative things that are trying to maybe he was worried about what's down and that's not just up stuff or saying prerogative things she just said a baby we have a. Baby shower when you're pregnant you have a baby shower you don't say I have a growth in me I wonder what sex it is you have a baby bump. It is you were pregnant with up baby who's saying provocative things somebody who just made the statement that is not a baby inside of her. That's news to the world of medicine we need to come back to this this is a very it's an interesting point and Santorum kind of throws it out there and they just talk over it but it's worth discussion what can you do that if it's not a baby what can you do it kind of anything right now. Like we do surgeries now on babies in the if it's not a baby can you do it just for fun just to torture it but that be Ok. Why not it's not a baby not a baby. Back and this is a. Mother's Day. Is Sunday. This coming Sunday it's Wednesday. Now is the time to act on Mother's Day 1800 Flowers dot com I've been telling you about them for a while they've had great deals I have great do yes they do but they're running out of great deal getting close to the point where they will not have any deals because going to get a 100 bucks on Saturday 24 multi-colored roses plus a free glass vase for only 2999 Now you can get this offer right now if this ends tomorrow multicolored roses it's a great way to surprise you know all the moms in your life get it done just go to 1800 Flowers dot com You click on the code or you click on the radio icon and you put in the code back b e c k and you will see this deal but you'll also be able to explore the entire website because they have all kinds of different things they have really good treats for them everything it's 1800 Flowers dot com 1800 Flowers dot com this offer with these roses ends tomorrow do it today 1800 Flowers dot com code back. To hire a 15 year old and put it on the board of a. Company you might see some corruption there watch the whole thing a place t.v. Dot com slash Glenn used to from a coach but you have 3 ex-wives and your current trophy wife wants a life insurance policy 3 times the size of the policies you had to purchase for your previous mistakes if so you need to call Big Blue a term provider 805551509 Big Blue is intimately familiar with your problems and if you're 50 or 60 years old and in reasonably good health a $1000000.00 policy should only cost about $100.00 to $200.00 per month Big Lou may have a solution for your previous policies as well you may even save enough money to lighten the load on your new 1000000 dollar policy remember called Big Lou He's like you except he's only on number 2 called term provider at 805551509 that's 805-551-5094 extension 8 1000000 dollars in term life insurance that you can live with called Big loo at 805551509805551509. 11 your favorite I have. Given it can I lead program recently use your feedback to make our station sound even though. Thanks for listening to i Heart Radio. $1410.00 w. G.o.v.t. Your shot at the dollars. Coffee 200 confirmation. Contest coffee 20200. Bucks News I'm Chris Foster President Trump is invoking executive privilege to prevent any future release of a special counsel mole a report with no redactions or the evidence behind that report says the House Judiciary Committee is considering whether to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt for refusing to give those papers to Congress so person that the attorney general not the president can be prevented. Needed to be above the law that is what is at stake today Chairman Gerald nowther issued a subpoena for that material the committee's top Republican Doug Collins says to him stand ready to work with you to promote solutions I will not go become a boss and are as we are still the attorney general and this committee our democracy deserves better there had been negotiations between the House Judiciary Committee and the Justice Department about sharing more of the mother report those fell apart last night there is a somewhat less redacted version of the report available for a few members of Congress to see on the condition they don't discuss it this is Fox News. 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When I want men gets pregnant that is not a human being inside of her it's part of her body and this is about a woman having full agency and control of her body. The and making decisions about her body and what is part of her body with medical professionals though that's not me and that is a shadow lane and they can do whatever they want look at the ballot a woman or maybe you have a list and you can they can do whatever they want to anymore because it's a little bit late as it's all right you find out exactly where you're so desperate No no listen to me I'm just saying Listen West you know you're not you're not you're asking provocative things that are trying to maybe he's a language about what's done and Ok All I'm saying is you guys go too far when you pervert the facts we have a president ited States saying that a baby is born at the end of full term swaddled in a blanket and then there's side whether or not to execute it and I know that yes it divides people nobody said it is not the law any letter to the governor of Pennsylvania said one person said something stupid and you want to make it something that you can use their advantage that doesn't help your cause talk and this is where I'm really sort of the source certainly has certainly got us now and certainly not where was your allegiance of instance I'll tell you that go ask 6 a priest if he's Ok with you arguing the case that way and say oh yeah. If you're going to live by a line in the wording that Alaska the 1st my going to like you know what are you asking me what on line what did I lie about it the way you tell me what state allows you to swaddle a full term baby and then have a side conversation about whether or not to kill it. I look. I'm saying was just a I don't know say no no that's a New York when I was a baby the you're all allowed to say no to kill off at one time they. Don't do that to me as I can't take it I can't I mean this is so ridiculous this is the Virginia governor that is clearly what he said New York No no he was just one guy who said something I know that even though we had the representative who was talking specifically about this law this is what started this was before Virginia was in another state it was at Vermont when she was presenting this in front of you know the assembly and saying. Specifically this question she said yes it would be legal under by the way I just want you to know if it's so outrageous then why wouldn't any Democrat vote for the Born Alive Bill let's just clear it up can't happen there can't happen yeah so and to flip this around to a moral case ask a priest if you would be have yes Caprice about the poor abortion position and your position on it Chris I'm thinking like the you should do that you should go in there and ask them about that ask of as a cast they ask the Catholic Church what they think about abortion you go do that Chris maybe learn something and he went on something the idea of abortion a minute before birth is totally fine that's what they were arguing how dare you say we could swaddle it well Ok All right so no can't swallow it let's just say that I'm with you on that cancer Wadley can you can you kill it. Beforehand before you swaddle it will not a baby then right and Santorum is point is really interesting there because let's just say we have a weird society right we have people who can do plastic surgery to make themselves look like cats Yes right we have people who. You can pierce everything of your body because you're not in people with piercings that are just stirring the serving disturbing there's there's that's their choice and they get to do that there are people who are known as cutters who actually physically harm themselves and cut themselves and we obviously think that's a real problem but you know that's not it's there Bobbie a fair bit of having a right to do that and obviously there's that's a real thing in our society though it is an outlier admittedly let's just say we had an individual who decided you know what is cool to me I've got a baby growing in me I'm going to go in there and every day chop off an inch just chop off an inch and see what happens I think it turns me on let's say This person says for whatever reason he would say well that's crazy no one would do that I can't imagine someone wanting to do it I can't imagine trying to look like a cat through plastic surgery I can't imagine having somebody put plastic sort of through plastic surgery horns on my 4 Exactly and they do it different strokes for different full their body they can do whatever they want so let's just say someone got excited about torturing this thing that's not a human baby in their belly a month before it was about to be born not torturing it just cutting it off whatever whatever whatever it is it doesn't matter what it is they could torture themselves and no one would complain no one would complain if they say we have you know someone's sadomasochistic and then they're going on for good Craigslist and have inviting people over and paying them to do these things to them so let's just say they did the same things we do surgery on babies in the womb someone decides to open up a service where they're going to do this is it unlikely sure but let's just say would it be legal under your idea that that's not a human baby could you do that you couldn't do it to a dog you couldn't do it to a cat you couldn't do it to even a cow you couldn't do it to any you know animal species but you could do it to that baby in your bed in the belly well because if you believe that the baby is not a baby then you have to allow that because it's whatever the mother wants to do with her body whether that's Piers. Self make herself look like a cat or cut an inch off her baby every day just because that's what she wants to do that's not a baby so to be consistent you would have to say yeah it's perfectly legal here's the problem no one would allow that to be legal. Why why there's no the morally consistent view here of course is. The absolute 9 month thing right let him up to the last 2nd why stop it in the middle if it's a baby at any point you're ever admitting it's a baby then of course you're not going to be able to kill it the right morally right the idea that Chris Cuomo is taking this moral stance Oh how dare you say we could swaddle a baby and then kill it well one minute before birth you're fine so a 6 minute difference let's just say takes 6 minutes or there's a process there the 1st time you do it as a dad it's really hard to do so a 6 minute different 10 minute of 20 minute different is an hour difference you can kill it it's absolutely fine or it's murder and how dare you even suggest that and it makes no sense believable segment this is why Joe Biden I think is doing well in the polls and if he runs to the left he's going to have real problems going to lose that because everybody if you look at everybody who's running Bernie Sanders I mean the guy's nuts Ok if you're somebody who says look I don't want to burn the whole thing down I just you know I think we can do a better job you know and I like the constitution and free market works for me you don't want Bernie Sanders Comolli Harris you don't know really who she is she said some crazy things but she's kind of likeable but I don't know Amy club which are Cory Booker Elizabeth Warren Bob Bob Frank O'Rourke Ok here's you're looking at people who have said crazy crazy things crazy thing and saying things on the level of when you're pregnant it's not a human baby that let that such a crazy position that no one actually believes because the argument is not really is it life we talk about is that life of course it's life the question is does that life have any rights that's that's what the question is does it have it does does that life have any rights is it do we treat that like it's a slave like it's a property. Like it's some other thing that we can do whatever we want to for own pleasure is that what we do and if we do that that's a decision that people back in the day as a slavery made they like that they like that argument they thought it was a great thing that's just property don't worry about what you do to that thing well you know what it's not just the thing it should have rights and the and that's the argument here it's not about whether it's life everyone on earth knows it is life everyone on earth knows it with certainty the question is do you give any respect or any rights to it do you treat it like it's a human being and the question is they're saying no it's just property it's just this thing you can they fiddle with however you will they've gone they've jumped the shark. They've gone to the absurd they've gone to things that look when you were arguing abortion and you would say look you don't want your daughter to face this kind of decision what happened yeah then you you have sympathy on your side as a smarter argument by them although I don't like it but it was a smart of the it was a smart yes it was more effective right because it was reasonable it put people in this conundrum that they don't want to think about it right Ok people will think about killing a baby a minute before they're born and they'll make a decision there's no reason for that there's no reason for that this is an unwinnable situation Yeah and they're doing this on almost every front and they're making such a big deal out of things that no one in their life their ordinary life unless you're an activist you are not to having those conversations Yeah and I think you I think you're right I think you've come on to something here with the Biden analysis because he is well he's met massively liberal and there's no real evidence to say that he'd be any more conservative I know some things can I think he's I think he's a moderate No I think he's a Trojan horse myself yeah I think he's scary because he will just open the gate so he's not saying vote types of ferric he's saying like look I we all he's making the old argument he's like look you know we have to have the right and these are difficult decisions and you know blah blah blah instead of coming out and sounding like an activist and I think that might explain some of this polling that we've seen here can we go through some of this real quick Yeah let's take a quick break and then we'll go back to the polling because the polling on Joe Biden is astounding. 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From the get up. As soon as possible bottom line is this true 1410 tell the deals we've done deal v dot com. Welcome to the program so here's here's the theory that Stuart I've been kicking around that by new is doing extraordinarily well right now in. In polls and that's because he hasn't been in the hot seat everybody thinks they know who he is. The the rest of the Democratic field is so crazy and this actually gives me hope but Democrats are not crazy they're just blind but they're not crazy because if you see Bernie Sanders was leading the field. Go over some of these poll numbers since Bernie Sanders Senator Joe Biden entered the field Listen to this Ok let's put these up as we go this is we've got a bunch of different polls I'll start with. This morning 70 candidates are under 5 percent so there's 22 candidates 17 or under 5 percent of all Roark at 5 then booted judge 6 you have Warren at 8 it's a member sent then Sanders 19 in that whole and finally Biden at 204040 percent he's up by 21 points now 40 percent in a 22 candidate field is insane insane insane let me give you a couple other quick again another poll 16 candidates are under 5 percent then you have Harris at 5 percent. Better O'Rourke at 6 percent then put a judge at 7 percent followed by Warren at 8 percent Sanders 15 and then finally Joe Biden at 39 percent he's up by 24 and that poll these are all polls released since he announced a couple more real quick 16 candidates under 5 percent in this poll. With 5 percent then Harris at 8 percent judge at 10 percent Sanders at 11 and then Warren at $12.00 to $1.00 time that Warren is ahead of Sandra I think she was toast Yeah Biden at $38.00 he's she's got a 26 point lead over this field it can a huge huge field one is going to he's going up he's gaining Yeah since he entered the last one here real quick before we because it's pretty amazing this one is a Harris 17 candidates are under 5 percent of the 22 candidate field it's crazy when you have common the Harris at 6 percent Elizabeth Warren at 7 percent people to judge at 8 percent Bernie Sanders at. 14 and Joe Biden at 46 percent a $32.00 point lead this is incredible and what's interesting is one of the lessons you learned from the 2016 campaign everyone's like all the polls sucked the lesson from the 2016 campaign is actually the opposite when you talk about the primary which is we should have listened to the polls the polls are telling us forever that Donald Trump was winning people were just finding reasons including myself say I don't think this is going to hold shows show the 1st one where where Donald Trump got in he got in this is a month into the campaign this is the 1st poll really with him in the campaign now remember this is he had just come down the escalator everyone was saying there's no way this guy's going to win yet here's what the field looked like at this point in 2015 it was 8 candidates under 5 percent of the vote then you had Kay sick at 5 percent you had Rubio at 6 percent you also had Cruz at 5 percent Paul at 6 percent Mike Huckabee at 6 percent Ben Carson had 6 percent at this point in 2015 Jeb Bush had 10 percent and Scott Walker remember that 13 percent he was in 2nd place but Donald Trump led the field however John and Donald trump lead the field with 20 percent get a 7 point lead in some of these polls Joe Biden has a 32 point lead now it's his the pillow here if this is a joke doesn't mean it's going to hold It's interesting though to see if he's going to be able to do this and fascinating to think about we could get a poll for May 2015 that showed Trump in the race because Trump had joined the race in May of 2015 he didn't do that until June so we had 22 kids candidates already in the race before Trump had even an announced last time and I don't think it's because people think lunchbox Joe is not a crazy socialist scary. 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