The morning in Charlottesville on the separate Fox News Wachter to sleep many times her grandfather and many others remembering the young woman killed in last week's car attack on counter protesters in Virginia Fox's Eben Brown is live in Charlottesville and Lisa Heather higher is being remembered as kind optimistic and as someone who tried to improve the world around her the Charlottesville community is remembering her now at the Paramount Theater her father Marc hire she wanted quality and in the issue of the day of her passing she wanted to put down hate attendees were invited to wear purple Heather's favorite color the service is taking place just a few seconds walk away from the street corner where she was killed by a purported neo nazi sympathizer Lisa Leben President Trump calling higher beautiful and incredible in a tweet just before that memorial started but a firestorm continues over his blaming both sides for the violence in Charlottesville Republican Senator Lindsey Graham just out with a statement urging the president to bring the nation together and warning that his words are quote dividing Americans not healing them and he's one of many fellow Republicans joining Democrats in criticizing the president today again goes back on what he said yesterday that's not acceptable Colorado Senator Cory Gardner facing raucous crowd the town hall event in his home state yesterday and defending his party I hope that we in this country don't believe with a broadcast that they're all racists he meantime former Presidents George h. W. And w. Bush in a joint statement saying America must always reject racial bigotry anti-Semitism and hatred in all forms to protesters chanting silence is violence have just been stopped by security inside the lobby of Trump Tower in New York where there have been larger protests outside in recent days Fox News fair and balanced. Most of us like to be. In the sun that's why sunscreen and other safety measures are key to protecting your skin from engaging in cancer the f.d.a. Recommends using the sunscreen with an s.p.f. Of 15 for higher also not for broad spectrum on the night that means both harmful Violet a b. Rays after the member s.p.f. Has prospect of equal healthy fun in the sun is a definite Debbie Debbie that if the attack that Slash sense pain for more information a message from the u.s. Food and Drug Administration. 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As much as I hate to use and white supremacist they do have constitutional rights they applied for and were granted a permit to hold a protest rally that's what the law allows the law does not allow counter protesters armed with baseball bats to physically stop speech they find repulsive that's what President Trump was trying to convey on Tuesday but the mainstream media and the left argued there is no moral equivalency if you listen closely to the rhetoric last night you would have heard journalist making the case it's permissible for you to use force to silence speech they oppose that could be why the mainstream media turned a blind eye when conservatives were bloody did beaten in San Jose of Berkeley or when white people were singled out and attacked in Milwaukee last year that's what happens when identity politics and facts a nation hate is hate and it must be condemned left or right black or white I'm Todd Starnes running to Planned Parenthood over of. When the news happens we're here to bring it to you but something that the eclipse on the 21st is supposed to fulfill some biblical prophecy but don't worry we'll cover that you. Can use radio 14 to end. Radio puts the spotlight on. The New Zealand charts the Love was released in the us and with her breakthrough song radio became the 1st solo artist from New Zealand to top the u.s. Charts and the youngest to hit number 1987 with 7 weeks never won it also holds a record for the longest run topping the u.s. Got all kinds of people asking. Why this in same degree of anger at. This seems unlike anything we've seen yet so over the top I've been asking myself the same thing as my job here man to come up with these answers this thing I can. Come up with is. He said there were nice people on both sides that seems to have just been everybody already and. That seems to have been the equivalent of getting aid and comfort to racists and Nazis and white supremacists and bigots and sexists and homophobes transgender folds just genders you name it by claiming that there were nice people on both sides that that that seems of some everybody over the edge not that alone folks there is no other news today. For the 1st time in the history of the e.i.b. Network outside of a major event like 911 this is the for 30 years or 29 some years I can't remember any other day not even o.j. You know we would know o.j. All the time here. Rodney King doesn't matter even though there are any number of things this is I've never seen a day where there isn't anything in the new is except this c.b.s. Last night 100 percent of the c.b.s. Evening news was this they sickly trumps press conference yesterday. His 3rd press conference on this whole thing in Charlottesville Virginia and it is become clear and I have observed all of this that where we are in America culturally right now is that the all left which is alternatively known as Occupy Wall Street. Turning to fully known as it is that the people same people protested it Bert at that Ferguson Missouri and in Baltimore Maryland the same people that protested in in Oakland California Berkeley the same people that have been protesting leftist causes my entire life it's the same groups it's the same people the bodies may change mean people grow older new people join the movement is that there's nothing new about this leftist movement what is new is that apparently we've reached the point in American history where they have 100 percent moral authority they are not capable of racism they are not that's the wrong way to put it because of course they are racists themselves and they are bigots what I'm trying to say is that the. The media and even. Fox It's a bunch of people on the Right now as far as the popular culture is concerned the all left as a is just a title and giving them to distinguish them from the others but the militant leftist protestors have been judged now to be free the of morality that's still not the right way to say they are incapable of being immoral they are in case it incapable we are not permitted to say that they are immoral we're not permitted to judge them in any way they have moral authority and that's where we are and so any criticism of people on the left is going to tie you automatically with the all right the Nazis the neo nazis the white supremacists and whoever it is that makes up that group. That must be universally condemned the same type of people but on the left are immune we can't go after them they have their now protected is probably of the best way to describe this. It is that it's a challenge today too to go through this not for the reasons that you that you might think I've never been one to join conventional wisdom I've never been one to join the pack. And I'm not going to join conventional wisdom today just to join can mention the easy thing to do today the easy thing for anybody to do today would be to without question and without curiosity just. Dump all over not just trump but the Republican Party because the way this is being played out it's the Republican Party that has questions to answer it's the Republican Party that has to have it's come to Jesus moment over this though because it is as it's being played out here it's the Republican Party which has flirted with racism all of these decades and it's the Republican Party that's flirted with bigotry it's the Republican Party that must explain itself today. And I simply as a almost instinctive thing reject conventional wisdom I always have it's a personality quirk of mine and it's not just in matters of politics so what we're going to do is just go through the news today will comment on it as we see fit we'll get your phone calls in telephone number as always if you want to be on the program has 802822882 the e-mail address or Rush Bowen e.i.b. Net dot us I think. It won't be the best way to go here to start to illustrate what I think demonstrates the shift. That has taken place and I think one of the best places to start here is actually e.s.p.n. How many of you do fantasy football raise your hands out how many do fantasy football pundit a lot of people to fantasy football I was one of the original founders of Fantasy Football way way back in 1979 when I worked for the Kansas City Royals at the time it was called the paper Football League and what we did we had a group of 5 guys that did this some scoreboard personnel and front office personnel of the Kansas City Royals and we did this in our spare time and we always had to start the season a draft. Now we my memory is we didn't put I think we all had to put in a certain amount of money in the pot to begin the season but when we drafted players there was no money paid during the draft you paid your upfront fee to get in the league the paper Football League and then you did the draft we did a draft at a bar we did our draft after the 2nd or 3rd preseason game because some of our stupid owners thought that they could draft rookies and make big progress by knowing something nobody else in the league did and then I got the opportunity to go to Sacramento and as the commissioner of the league when I left we tried to maintain it long distance what it fell apart and I haven't been active in fantasy football since 1983 or 984 but I've kept up with other people who play at e.s.p.n. Has a nationwide fantasy football opportunity and they've had it for quite a while and you can play at any number of different levels. But this week they had their draft and you know e.s.p.n. Is well intentioned I mean you know there is no racism near right and there's no bigotry in e.s.p.n. I mean e.s.p.n. Is clean and pure as the wind driven snow correct Well yes pm has had to apologize because they didn't call their draft a draft they called it an origin and that wouldn't have been so bad except since 75 percent of the players in the n.f.l. Are black they were optioning black players as their draft in fantasy football E.S.P.N.'s approach to auctioning players as part of its fantasy sports Marathon on Monday night drew criticism from some on social media who Sandy it resembled a slave auction. While white players were part of the draft the footage of an auctioneers selling New York Giants receiver Odell Beckham join your lead to some on Twitter to voice their outrage including Odell Beckham Jr. His give me. The u.k. Daily Mail has the story here in New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr said he was left speechless after seeing the clip of his face on a stick being auctioned off to a mostly white crowd former New York Giants player Dominic Hamilton tweeted the e.s.p.n. Segment at back him saying hey o.b.j. 3 What's up with this racist sketch dude that sparked back him to respond and he was left stunned by what he saw viewers were also upset at the visual of black players being sold to a mostly white owner is that's what you call yourself if you play fantasy football you will own your team so it's mostly white owners during a segment that aired Monday night it was on e.s.p.n. Too as well as black players there were some white players involved in New York shouldn't including Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski of a New England Patriots made viewers were upset at the visual of black players being sold to a mostly white crowd one commentator the other but he was disturbing the one comment it was anybody ever played Tennessee put ball to have an auction draft the s.p.n. Just did a white version of it not everything's racist Oh yes it is this is the point everything is racist and you are automatically guilty unless you prove your innocence. The assumption is now that you're right and if you happen to be a conservative Republican there's no question about it you are racist and you have a history of it and it's up to huge to prove that you are not and the way you do that today is to come out and condemn Donald Trump which is exactly what's happening Republicans and conservatives across the spectrum are racing to microphones and cameras to distance themselves from Donald Trump lest they be considered to be in the same boat that he is in as the left is reacting in describing things that he says and does such as at his press conference yesterday e.s.p.n. Does this every year but they have this the 1st time that televised that they have a draft it's what you do in the way e.s.p.n. Does it you have a salary cap and you actually you do have to every every play you draft cost you money it's the way the game is played at the rules but you see today folks that just like an old slave auction from an all cowboy and Indian movie. Odell Beckham Jr essentially was auctioned off as a slave. On e.s.p.n. To on Monday night that's a Disney Company by the way. Where you notice Mickey Mouse is black always has been or. Ever get any credit for it. Yeah it's just. What do you you throw your hands up. You do a draft for fantasy football and look at this is a testament here to how sensitised they have succeeded in making everybody it's a testament to how thoroughly the entire notion of everybody is a victim except one tiny group of people it's and how well and easily that has been spread. You might look at the real n.f.l. Draft it is an auction in and of itself no money isn't exchanged is exchanged hands but there's trading and you have if you're drafted you don't have any choice but then to go with that team of that owner that will probably come under attack at some point led by this e.s.p.n. Is falling all over it's off to apologize that day did not intend any of this to happen E.S.P.N.'s recent effort to take full advantage of the fantasy football phenomenon included a staged player auction segment that looked a little too much like a slave auction nevermind the people being bought here or what how many times multimillionaires e.s.p.n. Has now apologized for the segment or the misstatement option drafts are a common part of fantasy football e.s.p.n. Segments replicated m. Auction draft with a diverse slate of top players without that context we understand the optics could be portrayed as offensive and we apologize. They do it every year this is the 1st time that it has been televised as I said c.b.s. News devoted 100 percent of our broadcast to Donald Trump's press conference yesterday 100 percent and of course that 100 percent was spent in total outrage anger disbelief there is now a mad dash all across the country to take down statues a Chicago pastor has asked Rahm Emanuel or the mayor of Chicago to remove a George Washington statue Confederates were taken down in Baltimore over night. A Brooklyn army base has been urged to rename streets honoring Confederate generals the Dallas mayor calls Confederate statues propaganda and a Hollywood Cemetery has succumbed to threats and has removed a memorial and it's this is just a short little list of some of the events that are occurring now in. What looks to be a mad dash to comply with the latest conventional wisdom and to make sure that you are seen on the correct side of it you have take a break here we'll come back we will continue in mere moments and as I say this is it folks there's there's only one story out there and I've got more here than I can probably squeeze in and I'm going to make an effort to bring in another thing by the way 11 story has nothing to do with maybe the nation story we talked about last week where they did their own forensics investigation and they feel confident that the Democrat National Committee computers and networks and servers were not hacked but rather there was a big leak Well there have been 2 other stories based on that story both of which expressing shock and dismay that the mainstream media is not interested in it I mean the nation is an accredited leftist publication they've got evidence that there was no hack the Russians weren't involved that it was actually an inside job a week Salon dot com Slate dot com wondering where the Drive-By Media in the drive by media today showed up the New York Times in the New York Times is attempting to blow up the nation's story to smear it to suggest. It has no credibility or grievance the drive bys are not going to let the Trump Russia collusions story be blown up whether it's true or not they're sticking with it too invested in it they're not going to allow anybody even a fellow liberal publication to come blow it up back after Mr Gore spoke to him for more of the most influential person on the right Rush. Work. If you had to pick a word to describe the type of tractor or utility vehicle you'd want to care for the land you love I would bet you'd pick the word tough Well that's a good thing my friends and Mahindra build the toughest tractors and utility vehicles on earth right now bring your own tractor or u.t.v. 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It's time America honored its police again in La Pierre with the n.r.a. Help us back our blue by donating your vehicles to n.r.a. Cars for freedom and will come pick them up donations are tax deductible and we'll support the n.r.a. Foundation's law enforcement training to active and retired police officers help us back our blue visit n.r.a. Cars for freedom dot com or call 1866 n.r.a. Gift today. 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Get away we have audiophile you can actually hear the slave auction as it happened on e.s.p.n. 2 sports center special fantasy football draft the slave auction Here's the 1st of our 2 soundbite we got Odell back in June here why $15.00 and they're going to. Take 82202320. $72728.00 you're going to be $30.00 but want what you wanted going on at $31.00 on the one they're going to want to do $33434.00. 304034 dollars they were not going to professional auction here here so there you have that that that was. Sample of the slave auction sounded on on e.s.p.n. Al we were in is the is the or action Hear hear. Nobody thought if they were they all action off white players like Tom Brady as well such as here let's put up on auction block Tom Brady player $2.00 did out of a 3 now 3 of all going to have all the bobbing about it a lot of them have been sick since about a 7 hour it is going to be going on I've attended 11 in about 812-121-3141 extension 516 dollars of the non 18 hitting it in 1920 put on a good one but on and on so $20.00 well there you have an ordeal back home was sold for $34.00 Tom Brady was sold for 20. S. a Sin did you find out what really bothered people here but that's what he s.p.n. Apologized for and you heard it that was a risk to run the damn right it was folks and that's what we do here we take risks each and every day at the IP network as you well know slave auction doesn't matter will Eric. To me something you know could be coming. Back to. Let's make America great again great things are happening days from 9 until noon what can we do the Glenn Beck program may I suggest we spin ourselves out of this mess this back and forth that yes he did know we didn't yes he did know he didn't it doesn't matter yes it does no it doesn't get the land back it's a nightmare for news radio 1410 w. Deal. Box News Radio I'm Karen McHugh at a memorial ceremony in Virginia a message from Mark higher father of heather hire a counter protester who was killed Saturday in Charlottesville we just need to stop all this stuff and just pretty tough market hires daughter was deliberately run down by a car driven by 20 year old James Alex feels he's charged with murder lawmakers getting an earful over Saturday's demonstration and President truss reaction to it Senator Kerry got no face 3 fired up crowds at town holes in his home state of Colorado many of the questions focusing on President Trump's comments about the violence in Charlottesville the president should have done that immediately. To begin goes back on what he said yesterday that's not acceptable the Senate so also found himself defending the Republican Party against allegations that it is rife with racism boxes Jonathan Hunt Fox news we report you decide. This is a Bloomberg market manage u.s. Stocks a posting gain says investors wait minutes from the Federal Reserve's latest meeting the Down Jones Industrial Average is up 79 points 222070 9 s. And p. 500 Index up 8 points than instate climbing 33 home prices have reached a new high could into the National Association of Realtors the average sales price of previously owned single family homes was about 200 $56000.00 a. The 2nd quarter that's up more than 6 percent from a year ago but home builders didn't have a lot of work to do last month housing starts fill 4.8 percent as apartment construction plunged and Chrysler is joining b.m.w. And Intel in developing a platform for self driving vehicles the coalition says it's on track to put 40 autonomy as test vehicles on the road by the end of the year Donna Wilson Bloomberg great. Hour any minute any 2nd North Korea threat from North Korea anything can happen is they are weapons already locked and loaded by your theory and it happens here and what I said is what I mean when you use radio 14 to tell you you'll be. Killed forget it dumbs up or down sun's on your favorite i Heart Radio station our life's human programmers are there to receive your instant feedback and will work to give you your best listening experience i Heart Radio. Securing America true wall and civic on rest in Chicago 1st bike to Chicago police officer fatally shooting 17 year old upon MacDonald armed with a knife 16 times. Out of fear of being labeled racist and facing a lawsuit police stop and frisks dropped by nearly 90 percent as crime skyrocketed in response c.p.t. Commission to a community policing advisory panel in part the panel concludes citizens most often complain that residents had virtually no opportunity to develop relationships with officers working in their neighborhoods because they never got out of their cars unless they were responding to calls the report lists a series of recommendations for a restoration of respect but the report does not dive into the most serious and perhaps pressing issues legal guns drugs and how to curb the whole repeat crime stats in Chicago back in boxing. Desperate times is the moon this thing. It can take away I should call for frequent news updates. And surely mistake these radio $1410.00 w d o v when you do you'll be. Welcome back great to have you here Rush Limbaugh and the Excellence in Broadcasting Network our telephone number if you want to be on the program 800 to 8 to 2 a bit. Here's what I think is going to happen here and after I think just a brief amount of time explaining this we're going to then turn back and get into some of the specifics many many teachable moments here. And a lot of opening realities that if you don't keep things in perspective this is it it's going to depress you tremendously and that's what we're here today to try to prevent. I think that this current round of whatever this is and it's just the latest this is been going on with these leftist groups for. Folks as long as I have been doing this program I mean I remember back in the if this had to be 1909 or maybe 1990 if you please indulge me here for a moment or I want to give you my historical perspective of this because it's truly missing in all of this new was reporting and coverage when the program was new we started with 56 radio stations and they were all very small and we would not survive if we stayed on only those $56.00 there's nothing wrong with them is just they were not large enough and in big enough cities to sustain what we were trying to do here so it became imperative to get stations in top 10 the top actually top 15 markets to carry the program awfully off the bat and one such market was Los Angeles. And we succeeded and I remembered when ever we got a new clearance near station one of the things I did was always sit down for an interview with the local newspaper because they of course were totally perplexed and confused they don't know who I was but they knew this radio show was taking off and that I was some kind of conservative and even back in 1989 and 90 being conservative was the same as being a Martian. Being a conservative was the same as being an unknown known oddity and at the time that we were getting our Los Angeles station the aids protests and riots were going crazy they were throwing condoms at Cardinal O'Connor in St Patrick's Cathedral they were marching all over the left coast they had just come off a number of years of blaming Ronald Reagan for Aids because he had not said anything about it when he was president it was the same then it is as it is today the same outrage you get just as mad watching these people as you get mad watching them today and back then I remember sitting and talking to an l.a. Times reporter about this and she was she was prepared to write a story of how I was this brute and I was insensitive or because I'm a conservative she didn't know who I was and I finally asked her what about you do you want to characterize me this way what about all of these people that are destroying businesses in conducting protest marches that are that are damaging and destroying property and her answer to me was Well that's the only way they can be heard as far as she was concerned they were totally justified they were leftist protesters it didn't matter that they were Aids related protesters or if they were protesting at the time George h.w. Bush. They were leftist protesters and as such they were thoroughly justified you could not question them. You could not doubt them and they were victims and so they were entitle to do anything they had to do to get noticed they were entitled as far as the media's concerned to do anything they had to do in order to be heard to have their grievances addressed I came from the majority and as such I was automatically the enemy and I automatically was out of touch and I automatically didn't understand it so I'm sitting here wondering why I'm being pasted why I'm being ripped to shreds just because I'm a conservative and have a new radio show and meanwhile people who literally damaging property and attacking other people are being given a pass my point in telling a story is nothing's new it hasn't changed if anything it's gotten worse if anything the left is now achieved moral authority I don't know if it's black lives matter if it is. Occupy Wall Street or whatever manifestation of the left that they exist in today it's the same thinking it's the same organizers it's the same people in many in many regards I mean the people are showing up here we're probably a Charla still were in Ferguson and they were in Baltimore and they will be at the next place they travel around many of them are bought and paid for but as far as the media is concerned they have achieved moral authority they are incapable of violence for example this is maddening it is if you allow yourself to get caught up early in this you'll go crazy trying to untangle what appears to be no common sense what appears to be just inexplicable how in the world can this group be given an exemption. But they have been because they're victims and because they are helping to advance the anti conservative agenda. That the media and the Democrat Party and all these people happen to support and so anything that advances that is morally Ok morally superior but that's only one half of it the other half of it is when otherwise conservative people see this and join in it because of a fear of being tainted. By the criticism of people on the right let me explain we have people who are conservatives they self identify claim they're conservatives others who are Republicans may not be actual conservatives but they're pointed out as conservatives and then over here you've got these loony tunes you've got the Klan which is Democrats has always been Democrats but now they somehow get tied to the right wing you have the Nazis which are socialists which is much closer to the Democrat Party than anything you and I believe you have white supremacist you have all of those people and because the media has characterized those people as creatures of the right there is an element of conservatism scared to death of being identified with them and so as to avoid being identified let's say you're a conservative that works in a popular conservative magazine you're an editor you're a writer you're a blogger and you see this it's happening in Charlottesville where you see what happened in Ferguson It's the same thing it's the same things and what happened in Baltimore it's the same thing. And you see what happened and you size up what's happening and in this case in Charlottesville we have white supremacists we have not seen as we have. The Klan So you're a conservative at one of these magazines and you are not going to run the risk of being identified with these wackos on the right so what do you do you cross the line and you side with the people who are condemning them so that you will not be tagged and associated and in a strict. Human sense it's totally understandable but in the process what happens there is no renouncement of what's going on on the left people who would normally renounce denounce criticize correctly what's going on the left don't because they feel the need to join in the chorus on the left in condemning that which is said to be extreme right wing and so the left continues to get away with no criticism you look at that the media cannot tolerate the media will not tolerate any any suggestion that there's even violence in the all left the violence in Charlottesville it was all on the right if you ask the media if there weren't any violence on the left the violence on the left happened after the all right went out after him it's not true the left wing protesters are in fact the ones who do violence they destroy things they start fires they destroy automobiles in Ferguson they were destroying private property of people who lived in the neighborhood they most certainly do violence they most certainly threaten violence they lead with it but today. They're exempt you can't say they are violent. If you do they will come after you by by they I mean the media of the establishment whatever you want to call it. They'll come after you and tar you and feather you and destroy you and lump you in with the extreme so-called wackos on the right well nobody wants that to happen so they don't denounce the left they join the left and open criticism so as to avoid being painted them so that's where we are right now there's one person who's not doing that who is that there's only one person not doing it that be Donald Trump you see what's happening to him. Donald Trump is trying to tell if you're if it's this is plain as day what happened to me or what happened when this. On Saturday Trump goes out says what he says about it on satisfactory violated conventional wisdom Trump did not specifically identify the Klan the white supremacists and the Nazis and therefore Trump must be sympathetic to them and a firestorm was created in the media then demanded that trump do it again and this time call him out by name so Trump did now somebody in the White House probably was very persuasive in suggesting President Trump do it I'm sure they watch the media in there and I'm sure there's a lot of people there that think that you can accommodate the media you can't we can't those of us on the right cannot accommodate them we cannot turn them we cannot make them understand we cannot ever be seen favorably by them. Trump has learned this so he goes out to whatever pressure there was one in the White House to change a statement and identify by name the Nazis in the white supremacist in the bigots in the Klan or whatever he goes out and does it and what's the media do you didn't mean it they say you didn't mean it you were only doing this because we pressured you and that means it wasn't in your heart so you don't get any credit from us you're that's a phony you know and Trump sitting there fuming because he knew instinctively This is what's going to happen he's probably mad at somebody in the White House for steering and Mr So he does the press conference happened yesterday and yesterday's press conference was Trump erupting over I think any number of things that made him do things he didn't want to do in the 2 previous press conferences I mean when he says look I want to do before we knew all the facts then I went out there and I mentioned the names and you people that didn't get no credit for that so yesterday's press conference was probably trump has Trump criticizing both sides but he stepped in it when he thing had there are fine people on both that that's all it took I dare say that this hysteria that's taking place in the media. Both on the left and on the right is rooted in Trump saying there are fine people on both sides because there aren't fine people in the Nazis and there aren't fine people in the white supremacists and there aren't fine people in the Klan well by the same token there aren't a lot of fine people in these various movements that exist on the left but you can't say that. Trump was probably trying to be accommodating and he was trying to identify both sides as being somewhat guilty and somewhat responsible but because he said there are fine people on both sides that has what is what blew this all up and provided the ammo for the hysteria that is now perceived to be legitimate. Now how long is this going to go how long is this episode going to last some people think this is it this is going to blow over and this is the worst it's been we'll talk about that we had back which will be so you don't go away he didn't start it but I'll be happy to finish it Rush . 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Talk radio is nice because it keeps you informed. Me you know what happens when you use Radio 4 to 10 w d o b. I welcome back to have you Rush Limbaugh to be the workers cafe in Providence Rhode Island as we kick off the phone so I won't break to have you here Thank you Russ listen every day you have a lot good stuff to say and original ideas get a lot out of it but I have to censor you just a little bit censure you that is one thing I think you're kind of overdoing your discussion the left and the right you know I'm not well just Americans really and I know some of us really identify with those as political parties or whatever but for a lot of people it's just ideas and values that we cherish so I think that some 111 good idea if you don't do that so much would be to understand that a lot. People this discussion about taking down the statues and the whole racism thing it's really about slavery and that's another thing I haven't really heard you mention very much but probably I assume that you like most Americans are very you know sad and ashamed of our years of slavery and considering human people as as property and able to sell and buy and many of most of them were of color and so you know this it's come down through the centuries that you know these these these these traits linger in the lives I had of a black friend in California more than one but she was telling me that her family her mother and her mother knew their mother this was about 20 years ago they knew their parents but they didn't know their grandparents or their great parents they had no great parents they had no family tree because of slavery be affected and people weren't people their births were recorded at the local county office the you know it was just a whole different world so we today we have this heritage of people being treated very very poorly and hardly and killed in some cases and lynched in some cases and and I just think that when we when we talk about these issues that verge on slavery we I hope that we will be a little more direct in being honest about what it was really all about that was a long sentence Well you know that the Native Americans were slaveholders. You know that Christopher Columbus the sensible discovering American it was the order that we were the United States was not in any way unique. In this in fact what makes the United States unique is that we. Are the 1st. Serious major country population that ended it. We went to War 2 ended and 500000 citizens of this country died in that effort nobody here deny slavery. Nobody's denying it at all but there's a missing sense of proportion about this and I have to disagree with you on one thing Kathy this is a logical every bit of this is a theological it is left vs right centrist vs whatever it is and the fact that a lot of people don't see that is I think what permits much of this to happen anyway I'm glad you called appreciate it I conclude our call in all sensitivity to you but I must go because of the constraints of time is a similar but truth. Be myth were. 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