Team of reporters around the country and the world we give you the coverage you can trust are you facing a terrible few My husband is a wonderful man he's a great father funny and loving when he's not drinking when he drinks he becomes a complete stranger angry and mean not the man I fell in love with I've become really good at pretending everything's Ok for the kids think but it's taking a toll on me I'm so angry that my husband chooses alcohol over us if he really loved us he stopped drinking right my counsellor suggested I try Al Anon family groups at 1st I didn't understand why she wanted me to go I'm not the one with the problem but I'm glad I went I heard people stories and they sound exactly like my I knew I was in the right place do you worry about how much someone drinks you are not alone Al Anon or Alex who can help for more information call 186-620-0003 extension 3 or visit Al Anon dot org slash hope what might we be eating decades from now scientists have been debating for years the food of the future when population increases and climate change make it difficult for the earth the feed itself some researchers are growing meat in the laboratory others want to eat bugs but one Swedish scientist says he has the only viable solution for a. Cannibalism Magna's sorter Lin is planning to hold seminars on the necessity of consuming the dead not only for our own survival but the survival of the earth itself Jim c.b.s. News April 27th 2020 it's the date for r. Kelly's federal trial in a case that accuses the star of child pornography and obstruction of justice the 52 year old was just released from solitary housing in Chicago's Metropolitan Correctional Center and into its general population an attorney says he's in his best emotional state thanks to that move in all Kelly faces 40 counts of state and federal sexual misconduct charges. C.b.s. News. Here's the latest n.b.c. 10 1st alert whether from w d e l cooler on Thursday with a mix of clouds and sun and the high 78 degrees Thursday night cloudy with showers the low 65 on Friday will be breezy through the day with periods of rain and a high 72 on Friday night skies clearing and a low of 59 on the w d e l dot com community calendar a renowned culinary historian offers a fresh perspective in his of the unaided memoir of southern cuisine and food culture at the Wilmington library on Friday September 12th beginning at 6 pm 10 Eastern street in Wilmington Delaware you can enjoy free food samplings and books will be available for signing with a donation for further information call 30257174100 extension 2411 or visit Wilmington dot. Us. If your home was built before 978 renovations can spread lead paint dust that can cause children 6 and under to grow up with behavior issues and even severe learning disabilities if you're having worked on the e.p.a. Now requires that your contractor be lead safe certified Don't let lead paint take away your child's future before it even begins and. Were set up by contractor visit . Or call 30274 or 5 or 6 by Delaware health and social services today is Melissa Casper Sunday on w. D.l. . Texan wish her I happy day. Hi there good evening welcome to Jimbo had a job the Westwood One radio we were 186650 Jimbo 1866 vital 546261 live go by there's a Jimbo Hannah Joe dot com You can follow me on Twitter at Jimbo talks we have been talking with Edwin Walker an attorney with u.s. Law shield dot com about the decision by Wal-Mart to stop selling handgun Abby edition and to asking customers not to carry guns into stores they're also stopping the sales of a certain types of of. Half of all handguns now that they're the last state where they were selling a handgun with Alaska and that has now ended as well. Calls for our guest now of the start with. A call from Randy in Redding Pennsylvania Randy Good evening and welcome good evening got away I comment on a comment that William made about flags and fines I observed years ago that many of the businesses here do not even display the American flag in fact my courthouse doesn't anymore light to the subject he c.e.o. Wal-Mart and anyone else yes he has the 1st Amendment right to speak out the problem that I have with so many of these people whether they are individuals or politicians they're not speaking from knowledge they are using bullet points and try and trigger a reaction from people but they're not speaking from any any form of knowledge and as far as. The being able to keep people out of the store if they carry guns I cannot speak for other states and Pennsylvania businesses are private property and they have the right to throw you out for trespassing Yes and we agree with as far as how much of that Walmart would have I heard a report I guess it was a week or 2 ago they claimed that they sell 20 percent of the ammunition in the United States I read that and I can't verify that I know the Walmart that I used to go to I frankly don't patronize them anyway so in order to boycott the might have to start going back to them again but. They have a very limited supply of of guns and ammunition I walk by there and they are paid much attention to it so I guess different stores have different levels of of God's accomplices Mr Walker. Yeah I think the 1st speak to the 1st thing you mention about black. I'm a Texan and here in Texas we fly the flag on everything both the Texas flag in the American flag so there are plenty of plenty of flags flying in the state of Texas but with regard to those Wal-Mart saying they sell 20 pursue my legs have always such a gigantic organization that it doesn't surprise me it wouldn't surprise me if they said we sell 20 percent of the carrots that are sold in the United States or we sell 20 percent of the underwear that's sold in the United States I mean that's just due to their massive size but I don't think that I don't think that you know that several in Winchester and the other big ammo manufacturers are going to. I don't think they're going to see a decline in their sale just because Wal-Mart has decided not to carry their product Yeah I would I would think not as well when he succeeds 50 Jimbo 186-650-5462 extension 6 this is Larry and Sandpoint Idaho hello Larry. Good evening it's interesting here in Idaho any. Person 18 years of age or older who is not on. The mid either open or concealed legally in this state. We have a situation going on in them point that there is a I need to call the event takes place every year and they ran a stadium park in the town and this year they stated that nobody was allowed to carry a gun into the band. And all a gun rights group here have taken the test and come against the city who on park and anyway. The State. Was back on it and our local sheriff who is considered a constitutional step up here he weighed in on it and joined the lawsuit against the city over it and the thief thing way wait we get rented property and they said they didn't want any guy sell anyway the lines are being drawn here because their thing what goes down in Bonner County could that the rest of the state or more. I don't know you that tell me you're the attorney Mr Walker those laws about open carry. If someone on their private property wishes not to allow that which takes precedence the the right of the property owner of the state law. Generally the right of the property owner always prevails I mean the property owner can exclude somebody for any reason they want to steal no shirt no shoes no service you know position so most states recognize that private property owners can can use the trespassing loans to exclude people who are carrying firearms but he brings up a very interesting point about whether or not the government the state or local government is allowed to do that now we know there's a law that excludes firearms from federal property but most states have laws that specifically allow. People. Or specifically licensed to carry holders to bring their firearms onto state properties generally states have certain prohibitions about ports and schools. But after that with regard to caring and state park sort civic centers or other areas most states have laws that say that local governments can't prohibit that and I think that that recognizes. There is a difference between a private property owner say I'm exercising my lights because I own was property and I can do what I want versus the government who is supposed to represent all of us and not engage in activity that towards or repressions people's rights including their 2nd Amendment right to be on here's a call from Howard in Pittsburgh Good evening Howard welcome Good evening and good evening to your guests I was watching debate on. On the 2nd amendment from Dartmouth University and there was a lady. That was pro 2nd amendment and there was a guy that wrote a book about the 2nd Amendment he was sort of on the fence about it and the. Lady turned here or the lady debater said that there is a Supreme Court case coming up this fall on the gun laws of New York City she said that if you own a gun there you can you can take it out of a city and to shoot you have to use a range this located in the city of New York and she says there are 7 shooting ranges in New York City for 8000000 people and you being and you being an attorney I wonder if you heard anything about this upcoming Supreme Court case that she was talking about I would just note by the way just off the top of my head 1st of all to step forward in a gun rights advocate was allowed to speak at Dartmouth But Mr Walker please proceed with an ad for the Howard question yeah and I would actually illustrate to a great. Great issue that's actually been percolating for. Many years the Supreme Court has not ruled on many 2nd Amendment cases. The 1st one was a case called u.s.c. Miller took place back in one. 30 min there was of course the 2 famous cases that came out back in 2010. And then 222-008-2010 the Heller case d.c. Versus Heller and then the McDonnell case McDonnell city of Chicago which basically was the 1st time that the u.s. Supreme Court had said that there is an individual right to possess firearms the 2nd Amendment is not a collective it's not just an exclamation of hey there should be a militia that it does protect an individual's right but it only would go so far as to say I were only recognizing the individual's right to possess a firearm in their own house because that was the issue saying a lot of people don't understand about spring Coons Frink will make a ruling they're not sitting as likes as a legislature to say this is what is allowed they can only use things that are actually in front of that and so you know either executive acts or legislative act get brought before them and they say this is the or this is invalid they don't get to make broad block formations about you know this is what this is the limits of the law. That has to be taken up on a case by case basis a move the Supreme Court has really dropped the ball because in the last you know what it's been 7 years they have not taken a single firearm 2nd Amendment case since the McDonnell case and so they've allowed the federal circuits to make decisions and so it's kind of created some certainly this patchwork and you know I am familiar with the New York case that he's talking about and it is you know it will be the 1st case the 1st case that the Supreme Court has taken up since McDonald versus the city of Chicago and it will you know it will be another opportunity. To the Supreme Court to explain what I state or local government could constitutionally do or not do whatever comes to regulate our law and our activities sometimes they act like they think they're a legislature we'll come back with one more segment for our guest Edward Walker attorney with us law shield dot com Ed be back in just a moment this is the story of a very special one on just a few knew about her superpowers in a matter of seconds she turned herself into a great mathematician she masqueraded as a regular person at work but as a superhero at home everyone knows her as Gabrielle and I still call her mom your hero needs you now and a a r p is here to help find the care guide you need to help complete with tips and resources at our p. 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I would become dogma and I was the 1st time I actually tried you know I was surprised at how similar it was to a cigarette Chris made the switch in 2018 to make the switch visit j u u l dot com compensated this individual for the time expenses and about in this morning's product contains Nick to nicotine is an addictive chemical I am j. Foreigner c.e.o. Of Quicken Loans America's largest mortgage lender I've got great news mortgage interest rates have dropped so if you're thinking about buying a home right now is the time to lock that low rate even before you find the home of your dreams with our exclusive rate shield approval the low rate you lock today is protected for up to 90 days while you shop for your new home with a rape shield approval if rates go up your low rate stays a lot but if rates go down you get that new even lower rate either way you win talk to us today at 800 Quicken or go to rocket mortgage dot com to take advantage Here's another great reason to work with us for a record 9 years in a row j.d. Power has right Quicken Loans highest in the nation and customer satisfaction for primary mortgage origination again to lock in today's low mortgage interest rate and get the security of our exclusive rate shield approval call us today at 800 Quicken or go to rocket mortgage dot com Pretty power what information is a j.d. Power dot com racial group only balancer 30 year fixed rate loans call for cost information conditions equal housing letter license in all 50 states and unless number 3030. Welcome back or Jimbo had a short 186650 Jimbo with 866-505-4626 against Edwin Walker is a journey with us law shield dot ca but we have a call from Tom in the Port Adelaide Washington the Good evening of the f.a.q. For being with us on the program so we're going to go to your. Thank you for doing what you're doing. I've often wondered why I hear things being left out about the whole gun issue particularly every issue sure. I'd like to say that reloading your own admission is a really fun hobby get a good book and follow the instructions and then the 2nd thing is that militias are the 1st place where you're going to start picking out the people who we don't want to have guns and the culture. Militias are actually useful squad to go out and support the. Deputy Sheriffs and sheriffs Macao dish and they are the 1st guys that don't want a lot of hot heads or people that are out of some fact at a or grew out of some obvious mental issues that's all I got for you guys thanks what will appreciate your thoughts a reaction to Edwin Walker you know reloading is a great hobby there's a lot of folks that I know that do that do it. I myself I do not have the mechanical dexterity to do it I don't know that I would trust all around them and would really love to buy you know it is it is a great hobby and you know that it's a delicate and self-reliance you know society crumbled and there were no gun store was to get you know securing the nation would be sort of left can scrounge around to reload in your own stops yeah I guess I don't know that I would trust it myself either but if we reach the point where that's what you've got to go through it for the level of harassment and lack of of judicial support reaches that point that well you do what you got to do 186650 Jimbo and to Dan who called in from Akron Ohio tonight on the Jimbo Hanna Joe good evening Dan. He's been eating guys soon. And he is the last caller just mentioned were loading is a very useful way to self supply yourself with the ammunition on a recreational shooter and shoot 5 different sports everything from P.E.T.R.'s long distance rifle to u.s.p.s. Sadist gun to some of the clay targets sports we shoot about $10000.00 rounds a year between 3 of us in the family the one Mark situation does not affect us simply because we don't buy ammunition from Walmart then you wait for somebody to get a key to pricing and everything else will look at this in the recreational shooters that I belong with as an advantage because now you're going to it's going to force people to go to the gun shops and small shops going to places the large retailers that are specifically designed your best pro your balance that's where it belongs. I thought yeah Edwin Walker Yeah I know I agree and also your online sellers you know just 3 of the 3 of the large is cheaper than dirt . And Palmetto State armory I mean that's you know I'm always looking for deals and that's where I usually find mine is he bites where you buy moderate quantities of a nation from those and sometimes so do you know to give you one last thing I bought from Palmetto State armory. 500 rounds and they threw in 10 mag pullback is a. Pretty good deal and I was. I'm curious your thoughts had been Walker of about red flag laws and the likelihood that Congress will pass and the president will find a federal red blooded law. Well I don't know that there should be a federal right like law the current federal legislation as I understand it is a lot like you know whether the federal government wants states to do sayings of a either they either bribe them or extort them and so I think that this federal rights like was going to be the nature of that they're going to say either a state you have to pass this law or else we're going to cut your funding which of course is extortion or should we do it all the time about things like highway money of the like exactly how are they going to say hey states you palaces red flag law and we will give you this beautiful land which of course is bribery and that's probably what will what it will do red flag laws in general because they do have to be passed on a state by state basis because the folks are mean charging socially Weezer going to be state officers you know if they want to pass a federal law if that would be overly burdensome to the f.b.i. U.s. Marshals whoever else with the internals up there what these red flag laws would have to do is empower local police you know your city units will police your sheriff's department they belittle you go out there now what most people don't understand is a lot of states already have red flag laws in fact you know. I'm speaking here as you know from our knowledge of Texas law. For the last couple website of sessions people have said we need reply goes we need work like I was completely ignoring the fact that Texas has had a mental health law 'd on the books for over 20 years in fact almost 30 years they've had along the books that doesn't power the police to if they find an individual who they believe constitutes an immediate danger to them. Cells or others they are allowed to seize that person without a warrant and confiscate any firearms in their possession and to take that person to a mental hospital and so that to me is a red flag law that already exists here the danger of the red flag law is that it what he is proposing is that they want to just simply issue this blanket statement that says Police police believe that things are without actually defining what it dangerous or what limits at danger you know what what are the parameters of what constitutes a danger whether speech whether it's a combination of both and fortunately I think that that is going to lead to more. Deadly police encounters and actually get people who are a danger to themselves or others off the street because I don't have to concur with that we were flat out of time here but I want to thank Edward Walker an attorney with us law shield dot com for being with us for this portion of the program but if you want to take a quick look at that what's happening with Dorian when we come back on the Jumbo head of show so stay with us back in a moment broadcasting live from Washington Delaware you're on the go news source on air online and on your phone. Delaware's. For over 30 years Delaware has attracted thousands of people to donate and walk in peace and solidarity for Delawareans living with HIV still today HIV positive individuals are afraid to reveal their status for fear of being shunned by family and society an International Peace Day Let's give peace a chance and want for an end and stigma walk for a healthy major form the community or donate in memoriam for those who simply wanted to live in peace. And good health visit aids walk Delaware dot org to start a tea or to register individual and invite your family and friends to participate and visit the aids walk Facebook page. All proceeds directly supporting several statewide aids service organizations aids walk Delaware and International Peace Day One day 2 walks Saturday September 21st triple Plaza in Wilmington and Grove Park in were hoping. Here's w d e L's n.b.c. 10 1st alert weather for Thursday you'll get a break from the heat as it will be cooler through the day with clouds in the sun and a high of 78 degrees Thursday night cloudy with showers in a low of $65.00 it will be a breezy day on Friday with periods of rain the high $72.00 and on Friday night skies will be clearing below $59.00 on the w d e l dot com community calendar Middletown is going to the dogs for Yappy Hour on Friday September 13th starting at 6 pm Main Street Middletown merchants invite you to bring your furry friends for a night of fun shopping giveaways and pet centered fun the event is free of charge and there is plenty of free parking so you are invited to come out for a fun evening in Middletown by way of Middletown merchants for more information call 130-246-4108 extension 8. C.b.s. News update Dorian has crept back up to a Category 3 Force hurricane with 115 mile per hour winds it is pushing toward a brush with the Carolinas meteorologist Jack came with the National Hurricane Center tells us likely Hugh right along or just east of the coastline of South in North Carolina during the day on Thursday and then the very close to the Outer Banks on Friday or early Friday and then often the Atlantic this as the Bahamas will be reeling for months from Dorians devastation it hovered over the islands for nearly 2 days Prime Minister Hubert minutes says looting is becoming an issue. Distilleries on the council using other disturbances behave as distressed. Anywhere. And for the descent from those affected by this tragedy at least 20 people there have died c.b.s. News update on that Piper. On. Welcome back to Jimbo had a George what a 6650 Jimbo 266-505-4626 as we keep a weather eye out quite literally for hurricane Dorian messing around out there guilty of loitering to say the least North Carolina is coastal towns including the Outer Banks are expecting ocean storm surges well above ground level as the hurricane Dorian passes by heading north on our own Bob Constantini is in Wrightsville Beach a place slammed a year ago by Florence when that storm however around the area for a couple of days Whitesville Beach police are not allowing media on to the Barrier Island town they've set up a checkpoint here at the bridge leading into Wrightsville Beach and they are checking to make sure that only residents are able to get through it is such a small town that the police officers know many of the people by sight because they love the little tiny little by little. It seems almost all the locals are hunkering down filling up cars in gasoline cans for generators like 80 percent people don't know if they should be boarding up their windows or not like I just had an outboard on my windows but I see a lot of people that have down that sound wondering if I probably said at the tail . That's nervous laughter we heard a lot of that just hanging by the gas pumps. On the other side of the bridge to Wrightsville Beach is a man in a work truck I'm a plumber I have a customer that's older folks that are basically freaking out and they want me to shut the water off to their home and I can't get on to the beach but getting fuel and heading inland a family of 4 but we live here if you decide to go yes we stayed last time and this time we're going to and it was that bad. Since destroyed this area was hit hard by Hurricane Florence to the point where police would not allow even residents back in to see damage to their homes for several days. I simpy bill are heeding the call to evacuate North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper Do not try to ride it out you're putting your life at risk but you're hard pressed to find locals in coastal towns who are leaving Robert for example whose parents are going to stay in nearby Wilmington but he's going to ride he doubted their property last year after Florence were out power for a days now was pretty insane you know this was projected to come on through pretty fast so this is a significant amount of traffic heading inland but no apparent traffic jams and even here at the gas stations for those who are leaving it is not like crowded as a light rain is falling Bob Constantini Wrightsville Beach North Carolina and we would add one of the thing to do to what the governor of North Carolina Roy Cooper said in that report you're not only putting your life at risk but you're also putting at risk the 1st responders who may still have to show up to bail you out of your bad judgment on top of which those 1st responders bailing you out of your bad judgment are not in a position to help somebody else out who may be it is in such a position through no fault of their own so just words to the wise 186650 jumbo our number 186-650-5462 extension 6 let's go to Gil if middle of the Philippines where they have their share of tropical storms Hi Jill. More Jim I don't know if you recall after the hurricane Yolanda struck here in 2013 I was working as a volunteer in 2014 and I called into the show but I. Know. What people often forget is when major role played by the u.s. Military in these disasters. I ended up one thing in which some arrangement were that were stationed on the carrier aircraft carrier us as George Washington and when they left and they got me a shrieking bag and a few cases of them are easy I haven't eaten that many m.r. For a long time and but they're on their way now to the Bahamas so our u.s. Military and they can are off a lot of practice and in this type of rescue work and I'd just like to give those from our accolades for they sure are in there a lot of points with me here well they certainly deserve that it's very true there are a few organizations on the planet even including the Red Cross who do as much in disaster relief as do the u.s. Military Point well taken. Appreciate that and greater Yes sir thank you for your thoughts as well 186650 Jimbo our number 186-650-5462 extension 6 there are other examples of that. The United States Northern Command is offering. A number of help support it be a Bahamas right now coordinating various efforts there and they are conducting assessment of the critical transportation Bud's to to facilitate humanitarian assistance of maximizing the flow of disaster relief into the Bahamas or for u.s. Marine sprays transported by. Ship into the area there to to assess these needs and again this is the you are u.s. Military doing some pretty good things some pretty good things out there we go to Stephen and your North Carolina and Steve as we noted some time ago is in London but I guess you're not all that far I'm guessing you're quite maybe 150 miles from the coast. Yeah 2 hours but caller to what I'm looking. Already and eat it because I pass you can be there quicker than they are and out the door is not going anywhere fast actually. We're getting in line near We're going to get up close dorm. Cost. About 40 miles an hour wind gusts to 60 miles an hour but it's what I love to say it yeah and. It's a great if slightly story. Like you playing loud. And it's making landfall possibly And and the like when looked in the area yeah so. But anyway I looked around I don't know where that shop I don't know if that waffle house. Where you're. Down there will have what we call the Waffle House and. I don't know about a Waffle House index What's that. It would even come to allow local news. It's about meet up and. A Waffle House. I would like push quite a lot about it but that's all you and and it never closes so what do you do in it if you're right now if you don't like a waffle house is still open and still serving food man you you sort of I. So so that the sign of how bad a disaster is if even the Waffle House closes down yeah but I never close I mean programs like you can get it all Chris but suddenly a preference Yeah that's true yeah that I've done the year with the Waffle House I think there are more let's say a national phenomenon and you're right that they'd never close they'd never close I well I was a man said if you're evacuating from the coast and you say. Stop at a Waffle House and I've been. Menu you can see your sights to stay there. If this island just off shore will come but it may and you're going to get suddenly he could. Be a pit bull headed and closed down and stop just keep. The Waffle House index that's very funny. Thank you yes sir thank you very much a for sharing that Steve I had not heard that that before but that is a pretty good eggs I have to admit that in fact take the waffle houses they they do they stay open through through thick and through thin there's no question about that white 6650 Jimbo our number 186-650-5462 extension 61 the head of Joe and other things that. That the government has been doing here the United States Geological Service has been deploying about 150 storm tide sensors in the Carolinas for Doria groups that you don't ordinarily think about as big evolved and such things other information that I noted here to pass along I've also from the u.s. Geological Service the Dorrian is expecting expected to erode 80 percent of the beaches from Florida to North Carolina so 186650 jumbo is our number 186-650-5462 extension 61 the bull headed show we'll be back in just a moment Hi I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. Of Quicken Loans 30 percent of Americans who are planning home improvements of $5000.00 or more will pay for those renovations with a high interest credit card that may not be a great idea a better idea may be to take cash out of your home with a Quicken Loans 30 year fixed rate mortgage the rate today are 30 year fixed rate mortgage is 4.125 percent a.p.r. 4.22 percent call us today at $800.00 Quicken or go to rocket mortgage dot com rates of exchange point 8 percent fee to receive a discounted rate offer confirmation and commissions because he wanted lessons in all $50.00 states and $130.00 and now i Phone from Geico motorcycle It took 15 minutes to take a spirit animal quiz online please be the cheetah. And learn your animal isn't the cheetah but the far less appealing blobfish. 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I was a pack a day smoker ordinary knee injury you can see the look in their eye like they recognize the smell on you and you just a little inside because you need someone since I switched to Jewel I don't even think twice about it it's like a weight lifted off of you Stacy made the switch in 2016 to make the switch visit j u u l dot com you'll have compensated this individual for the time expenses and. Warning this product. Is an addictive chemical over the past 4 years more than 200000 crashes on u.s. Roadways that involve vehicle related road debris that's an increase of 40 percent since 2001 between 20112014 AAA estimates that debris related crashes resulted in 39000 injuries and more than 500 deaths and if that doesn't get your attention one in 3 crashes between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm involved road debris because road debris crashes are 100 percent preventable all 50 states have enacted road debris all this in Delaware there are penalties in place for both 1st time and repeat offenders with some violations even including jail time scared yet you should be Imagine the for. Fear of a driver destined to strike that fall an appliance on a busy. Secure your load a public service announcement of the Delaware office of Highway Safety Delaware State Police and AAA Mid Atlantic. W d e l. Welcome back to Jimbo had a job 186650 Jim Ball our number 186-650-5462 extension 61 the ball had a Joe Doria just keeps hanging it out there back to a Category 3 by the way now and hitting the u.s. Seaboard threatening to inundate the low lying coastal areas from the Georgia now all the way to southwestern Virginia with a dangerous storm surge the winds may be down but then again now have come up back up a bit but a lot it's not at the level of a 180 mile an hour winds that it once was but it still has this storm surge and that in many ways can be even worse at least 20 are now dead in the Bahamas and so far about a $1500.00 people have sought refuge in a $28.00 shelters in South Carolina sheets of rain began falling out late Wednesday in the Charleston which is on a peninsula by the way prone to flooding in the Charleston's downtown stores and restaurants have been boarded up with the wooden corrugated metal about 830000 people are under mandatory evacuation orders on the South Carolina coast but as we have heard that isn't always the being heeded. Hundreds of thousands are also ordered off the Georgia coast a flood chart posted by the national weather service projects a combined high tide and storm surge around Charleston Harbor 10.3 feet the record 12 and a half feet was set by Hugo back in 1909 it's a record that we don't need to break Ability to me. Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia says there coastal islands are also a risk to be added We are very worried especially about the barrier islands getting cut off the approach of Dorian has left the cobblestone streets of Savannah Georgia as downtown historic district largely deserted there are still places that defied the hurricane party though more than 30 people gathered at Pinki Masters lounge in the savannah Wednesday evening as wind gusts from the off shore hurricane bit tree tops in Savannah about 20 miles inland. In North Carolina where authorities say an 85 year old man died after falling from a ladder while getting redder for Dorian Governor Roy Cooper has warned of the threat of storm surge and flash flooding from the rains on the Outer Banks of course barrier islands particularly exposed and North Carolina I suppose has more outer bank islands than probably any of the states along the southern Atlantic coast Duke Energy does Doria could cause more than 700000 power outages in eastern most parts of North Carolina and South Carolina and Georgia Power says about 2800 homes and businesses have already had their electricity knocked out. The Navy has ordered chips at its huge base and offered Virginia to head to see for safety and warplanes at Langley Air Force Base and have to Virginia are being moved inland the commander of the Navy region mid Atlantic has issued an emergency evacuation order for military personnel and their dependents in 5 North Carolina counties Meanwhile the acting administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency Fema Peter Gainer says some 4000 federal responders 6000 National Guard members and 40000 utility workers are on standby it is always amazing to watch all of the utility workers and other 1st responders volunteering from all over the country to head to such area in the Florida and Michigan predicted to take a direct hit from Dory and there's been widespread relief after the storm passed the state with a relative safe distance involved Orlando the international airport there reopened as did Walt Disney World and Universal one Florida resident did die while preparing for the storm a 56 year old man who was knocked to the ground from a tree as he trend lives with a chainsaw in one suburb of Orlando so treat it with respect we'll come back and talk some more 186650 Jimbo our number 186-650-5462 extension 6 will be back on the Jumbo head and show in just a moment. Hi I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. 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Therefore there's no pressure there's no homework to be like oh my gosh about book club needs because we're going to talk about it and I need to have something to say whatever and friendly blue haven't found it Sila book Doc club example just go 7 years ago and it 1st. And then a friend of ours who would hear about what we were doing they want to join in. That's Well now they've got over 70 chapters worldwide are run by volunteers all over the country a. Country it's very simple really at the beginning about needing what we cood we all share what with. Silent book Doc club is really a book club for it diverts you couldn't chit chat for a few minutes on that certain point it completely so surely acceptable Could you sort of end the conversation and put your nose into a book and then it's time to read for the next hour it will be completely quiet silent reading and after an hour some chapters actually have a little battle that they will bring. You find a chapter near you or start one go to silent book Doc club if you have a buddy who likes book or if you just like to go out have a glass of wine with a friend. That's all you need you know key people can start a phone book club it sounds perfect for the younger generation who already spend time with their friends looking down and not talking the only problem would be what to do with their thumbs be off beat I'm Jimbo had a silent book Dot club that's a really really funny idea I like and I'm not putting it down to saying that it is an interesting notion I've never been much of a communal reader myself I've not Kelly say typical book club but Tiriel but the silent book club signed a book club a silent book club a maybe I have to think about that why 6650 Jimbo we have a Debbie who calls in from Canton Ohio up to join us tonight Hi Debbie. Why oh hello oh I've got to tell you 1st of all I'm just call on cut. I'm just gonna say I admire show so much well you're so kind thank you for that No not really telling you at this time and we need more people like you we really do care but I caught my cable a year ago because it was too much. Defiant you know you know I'm playing too much . And then I start listening on the radio and it's too much right for me but you are right in the middle you're right where like you're the weak spot well that you are a dear dear and look forward to listening to you every night I wait I think they are up to listen to you so anyway. What I'm kind of calling about tonight was just to praise you for that and then also you're talking about Dorian Kanai the storm and I also have a fairy piece and hear concern because I have a dear aunt who is like. 89 years old and she's in a nursing home down there on the coast. We can't get her back up to Ohio we want to we want to get her back up here but we haven't been able to. And I'm concerned. I did you did you hear our guest tonight of the 11 o'clock Eastern time hour. Now maybe not there is an organization you need to go to this website bad beacon dot com bad beacon dot com that beacon Yes b e d b e a c e o in dot com Yes Ok if it's that. Ironic that that what you are calling about they they're trying to do something about this go that website maybe they can help out Ok thank you absolutely and I got her and I will be listening and by the way I do love you can all right bless your show thank you for your very sweet lady all right I'm going to have to go out and get a new hat size because my head just expanded but that we thank you for that and we thank all of you tonight I'll leave you with a here that this is interesting the woman was at the Atlanta airport and says she only looked away for a moment but that was enough for her 2 year old boy to get on to the baggage conveyor belt and tumble down into the baggage room it will be Ok if you're told Mama had her baggage tags so she could claim you know on that note hang in there we're going to get through Doria together and we'll continue our coverage our producer at webmaster That's Kathy Johnson where Jimbo had a show dot com it jittering by Alex had him and yours truly Jimbo had and we come to you weeknights right here at Westwood One suicide prevention starts with every day heroes like you join us Saturday September 21st in Silver Lake Park in Dover as we walk to fight suicide be a part of the movement turning hope into action funds raised will benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention help create a culture that's smart about mental health register today and. Together we can help stop suicide go to f.s.b. Dot org slash don't. Joined sirens and shields on September 8th from 10 to 2 at the Executive Office 96 for the inaugural Delaware cops and Rogers car show hosted by the Ronnie Williams Foundation who present the best hard drives classics and generally awesome cars allowed on the road you'll get up close and personal with special law enforcement vehicles be adept towing big records and countless custom cars enjoy food trucks refreshing the beer garden and take a hack at ax throwing plus Raffles hate and demonstrations and so much more proceeds benefit Delaware Crimestoppers friends of the county mounted patrol and the Delaware hero there is no fee for admission but Vehicle Registration is $20.00 with vendor spaces going for $25.00 each to register visit Delaware cops and rogers dot event right dot com and we'll see you Sunday September 8th between 10 am and 2 pm at the executive of a route $896.00. The willing to be elephant camp and the rest of the 82 rooms and you're on the go News So somebody Delaware's newsroom good morning it's 1 o'clock. He's c.b.s. News on The Hour real news real reporting a mass Piper as hurricane Dorian continues to churn up the southeastern coast headed toward South Carolina it's back up to a Category 3 storm correspondent Lola Lenny is on Tybee Island Georgia about half of the roughly 3000 people who are on time he decided to stay and ride out the storm despite state officials urging them to evacuate the conditions are expected to get worse especially in the low lying coastal areas of the state about 1300 National Guardsmen have been deployed to help in Dorian's aftermath are Norah O'Donnell flew with the Coast Guard today over the Bahamas where the death toll is at 20 but is expected to keep climbing we flew with the guard island's hard. By Dorian what we saw was incredible home after home torn apart I want to powerful Atlanta storms on record in fact the u.n. Says 70000 people are in immediate need of Alabama was never a path but don't tell President Trump that it appears he or someone on his team circled the state with a Sharpie before speaking to reporters at the White House today correspondence even Portnoy the president was ridiculed on social media for suggesting last week and that the hurricane might hit Alabama he was directly contradicted by the National Weather Service today as if to prove his point the president held up a map showing the storm's previously predicted track it going directly through and in all cases Alabama was hit the official map the president held up was altered with a black loop at the tip of its cone to include parts of Alabama Mr Trump denied knowing how that mysterious black line was drawn. Stephen Portnoy c.b.s. News the White House one person remains missing after searchers recovered $33.00 bodies from the charred underwater wreckage of a dive boat that caught fire off the southern California coast Monday Jennifer home and deal with the n.t.s.b. Says speaking with the only people who survived 5 crew members I characterize those interviews as very collaborative they are lengthy. Our detail interviews it'll be another 10 days before a possible cause is released. Weeks after the Associated Press published a story outlining harassment allegations against op or legend a Placidyl Domingo the a.p. Says 11 more women have come forward to say he groped or harassed them that's on top of the 9 women in its initial report last month Domingo is currently the director of the l.a. Opera this is c.b.s. News. Conversations with some of the world's leading national security officials and experts matters with Michael Burrell weekends on the c.b.s. Radio network. Have you ever thought about saying goodbye to your. Joints sirens and shields on September 8th from 10 to 2 at the Executive Office 96 for the inaugural Delaware cops and Rogers car show hosted by the Ronnie Williams foundation will present the best hot rides classics and generally awesome cars allowed on the road you'll get up close and personal with special law enforcement vehicles be adept big records and countless custom cooks enjoy food trucks refreshing the beer garden.

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