For of middle and high school users to almost $5000000.00 if we see another sharp increase in the youth rates this year we're going to have to look at more draconian measures like potentially taking these pot based products off the market entirely Ghalib announced recently that he will leave his post in the coming weeks this is c.b.s. News. Rocket mortgage buy Quicken Loans rocket mortgages with you every step of the way to provide a seamless mortgage experience pushbutton get mortgage the opioid epidemic is affecting countless lives in communities nationwide including young adults did you know approximately 45 percent of opioid prescriptions to adolescents are made by dentists these drugs such as oxy Cotto or coating can be addictive and are often prescribed after wisdom teeth removal for many young people wisdom teeth extracted often represents their 1st exposure to opioid medications to help reduce your risk of misuse or the risk for a loved one is prescribed an opioid ask your dentist to consider limiting prescriptions to 3 days using over the counter pain relievers such as a combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen and properly disposing of all unused medications that includes returning drugs to your pharmacy or mixing with water and an unappealing substance such as cat litter and putting in the trash recovery from opioid addiction requires a whole person approach addressing clinical social and community influences for more information go to shatterproof dot org This is been a message from a shatterproof United Health Care and the station 7344. The morning time not to not only drink some coffee but think about it to the you know the saying wake up and smell the coffee now you don't have to smell it you can just think about it Researchers at the University of Toronto have found the just thinking about a cup of coffee can give coffee drinkers a mental boost they call it priming in which exposure to cues about something can affect thoughts and behavior of coffee related cues where people think about coffee without actually drinking it appeared to activate specific brain areas dealing with alertness and attentiveness Jim Michelle of c.b.s. News when you think of our neighbors to the north usually think cold but a new Canadian government report indicates the country is leading the way and global warming the reports of the Canada is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world according to the report Canada's average temperatures have increased $3.00 degrees Fahrenheit since 1948 about double the global average but Michigan c.b.s. The opioid epidemic is affecting countless lives and communities nationwide including young adults did you know approximately 45 percent of opioid prescriptions to adolescents are made by dentists these drugs such as oxy Cotto or coating can be addictive and are often prescribed after wisdom teeth removal for many young people wisdom teeth extracted often represents their 1st exposure to opioid medications to help reduce your risk of misuse or the risk for a loved one is prescribed an opioid ask your dentist to consider limiting prescriptions to 3 days using over the counter pain relievers such as a combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen and properly disposing of all unused medications that includes returning drugs to your pharmacy or mixing with water and an unappealing substance such as cat litter and putting in the trash recovery from opioid addiction requires a whole person approach addressing clinical social and community influences for more information go to shatterproof dot org This is been a message from shatterproof United Healthcare and this nation. You know it's a red eye radio very much and Eric are you talking about everything from politics to social issues and news of the day whether you're a boy or just starting your day with Welcome to the show from both pilots flying j. Studios this is right I radioed. All across America and the world of 86690 right I Good Morning we hover. With him and we hover above dad we're not just national or global. We're red eye radio Well can I just do a banking commercial. Well what's what's that and then you talk about now and then we go in there never is. Is is that you think Phil Mickelson would lend me 100 bucks man that was the best story. That was the best stuff in case you haven't heard. Who was the country artist Oh I forget his name I know it wasn't Wayland Jennings anymore if I ever heard. Of some I don't know a country artist I don't know who it was. But this country artist was at a wedding the Phil Mickelson was at the day after memory member the Thanksgiving exhibition between him and Tiger Woods Jake Owen is the country going again you know it sounds for him but I couldn't tell you anything that he's ever done Yeah well he apparently had a couple of cocktails and then went up to Phil Mickelson and let him know what he thought about while horrible it was the Tiger Woods. And Phil Mickelson exhibition were Phil ended up winning and walking away with $9000000.00. So I'm guessing now he told the story own told the story and he said that he went up to fill in after having a few drinks and really let him have it and Phil pulls out 100 dollar bill and said I got 9000 more of these. I sort of use the f. Word to him it basically said the f. Word and yeah go blank himself and yet he told exactly go blank go blank yourself and so that story started going viral and all of a sudden Phil Mickelson appears on Twitter and just said that it's true with the smiley face yeah. Well as we said with Owen because he was furious he said I paid the $29.00 for this and it wasn't Well then here's a quote he said so I walked up so I walked over to him he's telling the story so walked over to him and I was like Hey Phil you owe me blanking 2999 for wasting 4 hours of my life with the blank golf I've ever seen you guys hype this whole thing about this big match you guys couldn't even make 3 birdies between the 2 of you I'm like I want my 2999 back and blank apologized to me for some blank golf he's like. Yeah he goes. On set at that point Mickelson pulled out of water cash and he pulled out a $100.00 bill from that want of cash and then again that's when telling the story he says quote He's like Yeah I won 90000 of these yesterday was it something like take 100 and go blank years. And 90 thought I said 1000 are I was I'm thinking of a 0 Yeah. Yeah well as I told you I said. I'm sure there are golf fans bigger than me. But. You just heard what it was when they started promoting Yeah I There probably aren't a lot of more passionate golf fans than me I watch I watch a lot of golf and I'm going to play again and I play golf my entire life so I absolutely love the sport I knew it was bogus and I said from day one I wasn't going to watch it it was an exhibition I wouldn't waste my money on it's an exhibition it's not going to be anything nobody forced you to buy it right and see for me I'm not a golfer and I thought to myself Ok perfect week to do that right think you know exactly you've got 2 major names in golf you know I mean in terms of active golfers right now probably the 2 major names you could argue right now over the over the last 2 decades Yes So yes for me it was about Ok telling stories talking strategy and expected to be a competition ever right exactly it's 2 guys that were going to get together for a round of golf Yeah yeah so and so I mean and then remember they had the problem and they had to give it away for he Yeah right yeah yeah. I wonder if they'll be a rematch this year I'm guessing probably not. I put it in the sports garbage bin along with the a.t.f. The alliance of American football right yeah but again you know people have to own and again own told the story yeah you know so that's that's something you know that honestly you built your expectations Well if you're a big golf fan and you believe that was going to be a real competition. You are either fooling yourselves yourself or you really are. I need to spend more time with professional sports I also think some of it was probably a little bit tongue in cheek when you approached Phil that it wasn't in the and I do have a feeling that maybe. Maybe a little bit more. There want to let alcohol might have influenced the entire conversation a little bit you think yeah yeah when he said he doesn't want his alcohol ever been through can flow he was in a way it's an action was it Jordan Speed's Yeah it was so was it biting but it was speeds one of them got married I can't remember which one yeah yeah no no one was seriously injured no because he said as as a goes it's true by the way Phil Mickelson should never walk down the street without arms security. Whatever but everybody knows he's got money he always carries a big wad of cash. Does he really does he know yes yes you know or oh I don't know that. You know he will hit he'll be on the golf course and hit somebody with a golf ball and give $100.00 errors are. They I'll give a 100 bucks go to the doctor look get that looked at where you can't really see them because you lose any you wonder if that someday they're going to put number they put the nets on hockey arenas and whatever someday they'll put nets. Golf Course sorry the liability is there we can't afford the liability insurance. And I don't know that have to be a pretty high not right think about it we can add it could do it in cost prohibitive for a lot of these you could build a dome over all the gulf we're going to have to go to virtual golf now. A new study says that 76 percent of generations z.-e. Expects to be promoted at work within 12 months inside out development a workplace coaching provider released a study today of a 1000. Generation 0 years ages $18.00 to $23.00 all right those born between 19962010 which shows their attitudes towards work including for earnings promotions and management opportunities among the key findings generations e. Has high expectations for pay and promotions wait your turn and put in your time may not register with generations e. According to the study 76 percent of generations the members believe they should be promoted within a year of starting their 1st job. If that statistic is startling 32 percent believe they deserve a promotion in the 1st 6 months of their 1st job. Generation z. Is ambitious with 60 percent interested in attaining management positions more than 75 percent believe that of bosses ability to coach is important with about 25 percent believing that it's the most important attribute nearly one in 4 would leave an organization do the will boss who leads through fear. General of all members of generations a plan to work for multiple companies throughout their careers they find themselves to be entrepreneurs. Their mindset the 72 percent of high school students want to start their own business one day 61 percent plan to start a business directly after graduating from college Well I mean I certainly applaud the spirit of want to start your own business that'll teach you a few things though that you can call yourself founder and c.e.o. . The market will decide how much you're going to make or yeah yeah they will that and I have no problem with somebody believing that they should be promoted within the 1st year as long as they put in the work now they may not get promoted which means they leave and they believe that they can find greener pastures elsewhere I'm fine with that as long as it's backed up by the work ethic and the fact that I have not only the work ethic but I will produce and there is an expectation that in order to attain a promotion I will produce you know it's interesting is that when you talk to people that are in our age group that are not generation. That. The go through the process and might be familiar with the hiring process I guess. And then talk about the next generation of people that are in human resources right they look at because for us it was always about you build that resume but that resume needs to have those really strong building blocks not just the experience or maybe the task or what you are responsible for and any given role in a given job but how long you were there that says a lot because the idea in the past was wow this person jumped around every year or 2 years Yeah and which means either they were jumping around in there indecisive and they're not going to stay here there's no loyalty by them or their employers in the past got sick of them after a year or 2 and and then fired them and let them go and so you look at that that what used to be the practice or what you would aim for back in the day well. I don't I wonder I guess my question is I wonder how many. In the hiring that are part of the hiring for any company that are the new generation Well the millennial generation anyone anywhere between let's say $25.00 to $35.00 and they're responsible for recruiting and hiring I wonder how much of that is still a play or does it matter that you've jumped jobs and you've had multiple jobs in the last 3 years. It's. I don't think it matters as much as it used to that's and I know that I know that for certain I don't know how much I guess how you could quantify it it's almost like what happened with the. With the recession and people's credit it changed the underwriters look at it differently I have someone in my family who is an underwriter for Harley Davidson and they look and they said it changed after the recession you know and you so you look at that and the scoring that the methodology behind the scoring change and I wonder if it's changing generationally on in terms of building that resume out I know that it is I guess my question is To what extent I have a friend of mine who is a millennial in business and have advised him once in a while in in the business that you know that they're that they're in you can make great money well this friend of mine who took a new job probably the on I'd say about just about 2 years ago. Moved around and got rapid advancement and got to this particular job is still way underpaid for the market and I mean way underpaid right probably making maybe 60 percent of what the average is for that business but went into it with no experience and they wanted my friend. And so my friend did it. And so I saw this friend about 3 months ago I said Ok you've been there a little over a year now. You know and you know what are you happy with what you're making no I'm still way underpaid probably got a little bit of money but still maybe making probably run you know 65 percent of what they should be making in that business and I said what are going to do you going to jump my friend said Not yet not yet because. I want at least 2 years and I want the experience but to let you know my boss and the boss above my boss is all for me getting out and finding greener pastures saying you're all you're ready to go and when you're ready to go to make a lot more money will be your biggest references right now and that's it so and it's almost as if my friend is saying Ok I'm the next jump I'm going to make I don't want to just make you know a little bit more I want to be able to make back huge leap to be making 2 or 3 times what I'm making right now but this person is putting in the work and the results and producing it and when they asked me I said well what do you think about my analysis and I said Well number one I can't tell you what to do because I don't live your life every day but it sounds like you've got a good plan yeah right sounds like you've got a great plan long be optimistic but also be realistic. Right. That's that's really the approach I think for anyone that I that would be the advice I would give anybody in that situation Generation 0 or otherwise is that aim for that aim for that promotion but know that you're not going to get it just because you would sit right and make sure be careful before you do job make sure you're not going into a worse situation which you can now there are industries where you move up pretty quickly simply by staying and showing up every day that's because there's such a high turnover that well that has happened well that the company has basically told my friend we cannot pay you what you're worth right they've told it to my friend who's said so when you're ready to go we will be your biggest boosters right Will will give you that backing and support and references and everything else that's how it works 86690 right I you may not be able to predict blizzards and I storms but that doesn't mean your truck has to be a victim to Old Man Winter make sure your rig is ready to handle any last minute storms by routinely inspecting your fuel system winter weather not only impacts your fuel it also impacts your fuels filtration system a combination of cold winter air and warm fuel from your engine can result in condensation in freezing temperatures this moisture can crystallize in clog your filters corrode injectors and do other damage to the fuel system to help prevent fuel system breakdowns from occurring drain your fuel water separator and change the fuel filters regularly if you're not comfortable maintaining your own fuel system stopped by a th truck service location near you and put our technicians to the test this maintenance step is a service of t. a Truck service road squad if you break down we show up call 809 to 4 shop would be like back with more readily radio with every call you had every McNamara. 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Have you ever wondered what living large in your very own really big bank sleeper would be like Wonder no more in the March April Road King Magazine free of any petro or t. a Express location United Van Lines driver Mike Morris he shares his experience designing and spec'ing a 15 foot a r I legacy sleeper Plus there's plenty of other great stories to help you learn more and live better you won't want to miss some tips on your way to a new and improved you during 2019 if you really want to quit smoking Dr John McKellar got offers a compelling approach that's 10 mpg sound good my friend Henry Albert shows you how he's knocking on that door planning your next trout stream fishing adventure and many other articles will entertain you and inform you during your downtime at the dock or at your favorite t.a.a. And petrol location while you're there be sure to pick up a copy of the March April Road King or go digital at Road King dot com. 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I seem to recall a story approximately a year year and a half ago about how my pants for the 70 percent of May not know he's our current vice president. But he never goes anywhere or is in another room with a member of the opposite sex without his wife there I think it's I think the rule is by by the vice president he never dines alone with a female it's not always his wife and the companies but but but that's the point is that he never dines along with. I heard that it was you know you know meetings or whatever without you know somebody somebody else there you know and I think he was ahead of its time. In that you know he's never been. Accused of sexual harassment and I seem to remember that the media were literally having a cold wrong moment over this. Wall Well he even must he must be some sort of a pervert or he wouldn't have anybody in their way. They were trying to trying to. It's quite the opposite Oh yeah the guy was ahead of his time and I think it's paying off for well the only only the only difference between that and Joe Biden is is the fact that Biden's not denying anything there's a difference between anybody can still throw an allegation pants and it can be completely false allegations were thrown in Kavanagh so you can. Still true allegations but it's whether there's evidence or not the problem here with Biden is he's not denying any of this so he did it on stage most of the From guess he's standing in front of other people while doing it. In the us to go into your trusted source for news. Broadcasts Comedy Central Good morning it's 430 is a check of w d e L's Delaware Accu Weather Forecast sunny and windy on Wednesday with a high of 64 degrees. Partly cloudy the low 40 Thursday will be variably cloudy high 62 and on Thursday night cloudy with showers below 42 on the w d e l dot com community kneels on wheels invites you to attend its 15th annual cellar Masters wine auction and dinner on Saturday April 13th starting at 6 pm at the Wilmington country club this fundraiser will feature Pastore d'oeuvres an upscale 4 course made dinner with wine pairings each course prepared by an award winning chef a live auction of Premier wines and luxury travel light entertainment ballet parking and professional photography all proceeds will benefit meals on wheels you can visit Meals on Wheels. Or email events at Meals on Wheels d e dot org for more information. C.b.s. News update and historic night in Chicago I think. The best yabbering in life. It's a city that newly elected mayor Lori Lightfoot describes as reborn where race and who you love don't matter the former federal prosecutor easily defeated Toni Preckwinkle in a runoff election Lightfoot is the 1st black woman an openly gay person elected mayor of Chicago we can and we will give our neighborhoods all of our neighborhoods the same time and attention that we give the downtown amidst the jubilation of her victory speech Lightfoot also addressed one of Chicago's most serious problems our duty as a city as leaders as neighbors as people is to stand with these mothers and children and put an end to this gun violence once and for all. C.b.s. News update I'm but mission. What is hope hope to me was just that he would get to come home. Had no idea how high that he went to cut back I wish you'd stop drinking so much she thinks it's helping but it's not. I hope she sees that. I but I don't care if he comes to my games. But I hope he does I used to hope he'd find happiness again now I know a man makes. How he thinks it's too late and it's not with everything that he's going through I hope he sees a counsellor I just want my brother I hope to get out hoping things will get better on their own. And told me to stop asking. I didn't. And one day he asked for hope is knowing their their families just like yours but the veterans they left got help they are covered but make the connection and turn it into action . W d e l i n j Studios your stop on life's journey download the pilot flying j. 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Redeye radio and our sponsors are devoted to trucking safety that's why we are proud to bring you the red eye radio 1000000 Mile Club for 28 years we've been saluting drivers who have surpassed the 1000000 mile mark with preventable accident free driving by reaching this milestone you can be a part of an elite club of drivers who share remarkable safety records and demonstrate superior driving skills if you or someone you know is a truck driver with a 1000000 miles or more of driving under your belt without a preventable accident register online at Red Eye radio show dot com That's read i Radio Show dot com The Red Eye radio 1000000 Mile Club would not be possible without the generous support of the fine folks from petrol stopping Senators House lubricator Motel 6 the St Christopher fund cat scale Freightliner trucks and Detroit we applaud the individual truckers and fleets who drive with care and keep our highways safe the red eye radio 1000000 Mile Club devoted to trucking safety register online at Red Eye radio show dot com. Hi I'm David Compton for over 30 years you've known the truckers America's most read trucking newspaper now every week you watch me and my co-host Jessica Rose hasn't been you the only weekly news show created just for records join us for all the breaking news affecting the trucking industry along with our awesome regular week profiles Tracker dot com is the one click stop you're not going to want to pass not busy travel down the highway so tune in every week and watch the trucker news channel by going to the track or not com. You're listening to read on the radio from the pilot flying j. Studio. And he's your kind Gary 86690 right I'm busy in the show is cutting into my reading time what do you read your e-mail. I'm from I'm I'm reading a liberal publication Yeah which would which one would that be I am or I'm reading an article from the nation's oldest liberal publication Ok the week all right and on the front of it is an end Jellicoe like crisis like picture of battle Roark it's a rendering It's an artist it's a rendering artist's rendering. Bonnie Christian wrote it and it's don't idolize your 2020. Or more Texas Rep but O'Rourke officially announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination by declaring to Vanity Fair that he quote was just born to be an end of quote and his supporters seem to a picked up on the chosen one undertones already with the sign and a Saturday night rally in Austin glorifying beto is our Christ. And it's just it's an article from the left about political idolatry. And talk and talk remember and talk about the political idolatry of Obama and some of the things that were said back then and that's and that's the problem that they have because remember towards the end of the it was the last couple of years of the Obama presidency there were people on the left going all of this and what do we get Yeah. Now I thought that they this was the best point of this is actually a solid point even coming from a liberal publication Ok as the office of the presidency becomes ever more powerful and unbound by constitutional and social constraints others of and close there Ok right Ok it is unsurprising though to find Americans investing the roll with this kind of significance when it seems the president can do anything he wants it is natural to want him to do the anything you want. Yeah but then reality comes in I mean that's the whole point presidents in a campaign talk as if they're going to change the world but in reality they cannot know that they can't they want you to believe that they're going to hand you everything but that's in an effort basically didn't give themselves everything right we know this but look anybody in the left is listening you know that's the case with Obama right what's left of the Obama administration what is left what is the lasting significance of the Obama administration and the executive order that he put into effect for the most part are gone right. Obamacare will end up being a shell of itself gay marriage will Scotto It's not Obama yeah Obama had nothing to do with that in fact until he remember he was great he was grappling with that yes and you do hear that from the left oh for all the. You know for all the hype about Obama he really didn't do anything for steady Well that's the other thing is because we expect people when we vote for them and when we idolize them we expect them to do things for us yes look we've said. That that following Obama the political idolatry on that site you have you had a ton of political idolatry towards President Trump it's still exist in some cases . Were he can do no wrong I got a call last week you can do no wrong of course he can you tell us all the time he says stupid things all the time some of the things that he has done we believe are wrong but he does more right than any Democrat can possibly ever do which is why we support him. People ask me all the time do you like Trump I go. Like you bastard you like Obama I don't know I don't ask me if I support their policies. And then it's a different it's a different ballgame then I can tell you about that I don't know them so I can tell you stupid asked me if I like them I don't know. Knowing I've never met them knowing me I'm going to guess that most presidents I would not like. You think if I met them in person why do you believe that. Because I would have I would asked and we would get along because I would want to know answers to my questions. I would want to know specific answers and I believe that the questions that I would ask them even in a social setting I would get the response of a film. That's true I could see Trump handing you a $100.00 bill. And then telling me to yeah. But I but that's not why I vote for somebody I don't vote for somebody to like them or for them to like me no or if we met in a social setting and I had questions for them and they were offended by my questions it doesn't matter they could be offended by my questions and I could still vote for them. Why because he offended by their answer and still vote for them yeah so. But it's interesting that the left is now that liberals now in some quarters are talking about political idolatry but is that just being used in order to marginalize in a work Bernie doesn't want your Adelaide and he just want socialism vote for him not a. Well I guess there's the question is because there is great motivation now that the editorial board at The Washington Post already called out that. They called him out before he announced. They precaution and. Well you know the big nothing and that's it the big empty promise of bringing people together 1st of all that's that's the wrong promise in 21000 or 2020 nobody wants to be brought together certainly on the left the people on the right who are concerned conservative never talk about that they talk about implementing ideas that apply to everybody right if you have a different opinion that doesn't bother me I don't hate you because of your opinion well I get Here's And this is what and I don't know this writer from the week so I don't I don't want to make assumptions as to what she's thinking but just in general with the left right now is are a mind set that look Obama 2.0 is not relevant. Bomb an Obama did and that's you know if you're looking at a war look you're just you're throwing out bring the nation together but you offer nothing and when you do some of it seems to be very socialist and open borders but can we depend on you we'd rather have somebody like a Bernie Sanders or and Elizabeth Warren or a camel or Harris or Cory Booker that we know solidly are on the left and are talking about being on the left instead of a wishy washy person like you we just had that with Obama didn't really get anything done and now you're trying to follow that same path to get reelected sorry no we don't need you and anybody who practices political idolatry from somebody who isn't a true socialist back off. We don't want to hear from you either is that what might be going on in some circles with the left right now well because I guess if you're looking at it purely politically in terms of how people I guess often and maybe are supposed to support a candidate the one thing you want to know was do I believe this person can implement the ideas I believe 1st of all have they espouse those ideas have they talked about it have they planned it out have they put it out there we we tore apart the Herman Cain 999 plan but everybody remembers it on the conservative side . We said Ok sorry Mr Cain The problem is is that you're going to you can't have 2 forms of taxation at the same time you would have to 1st repeal the 16th Amendment before you could implement that that right once they are next so you cannot. Absolutely cannot deny the fact that he went out though and in a branded a set of ideas the idea would be let's have a a a better tax system a simpler tax system and it was applauded but it was in the methodology in how it would be implemented right and that was the that was the downfall of that idea but if you're someone on the left with Obama there was this you know you go back to the 2004 d.n.c. And the speech he gave there and then you go to at that point then the media's attention on him but that was the beginning of that that idolatry of him and it was Ok What's he talking about now but he did go out and talk to the San Francisco Chronicle about undermind plan of cap and trade electricity rates would not necessarily skyrocket that's something he talked about he promoted ideas if you followed him if the media followed him the way they would follow him today then you would see there were things he was promoting Now there were things we disagreed with but there were items that he had along that but what really carried him was this idolatry what really carried him was this euphoria the thought of the 1st black president all due respect to Bill Clinton and the whole idea behind that entire you know really media campaign and you also have to keep in mind this 2004 that's the year Facebook was created. Well then you fast forward you move forward to 2008 Facebook is still and Twitter really hasn't found its way it's not even not even a thing social media today say what you will about it because you and I both have said a lot about it and terms of the negatives but the one thing that that people do especially politically is they just shred ideas sometimes for the wrong reason they strike them just to strike them because they don't like the person of the party but the breaking down of the ideas when you're doing it for the right reason is critical important in fact I think it is necessary in a free republic let me ask this of out of work though because of the whole articles written on don't idolise your 2020 pick is the idolatry for him because he hasn't had the Obama 2004 moment no he has he's never had that he's never had a national stage. When I when I saw him. And and again this this isn't political I'm well it's political in the in the way that I'm looking at it as I would as a political consultant but when I saw him speaking and jumping around and the tone of his voice I said this is a teenager yeah I it it really and I know that he was involved in new wave punk whatever it was but it really came off that way he actually to me comes off as a very un serious candidate. Yeah and and but I asked this question is is idolatry nation wide or is it just in a few. Colt enclaves in the state of Texas in El Paso of course in Austin it's going to be there one of those liberal places in the United States but doesn't really exist elsewhere when you see you know he's We polling anywhere between $5.11. After he announced and he may have a head start over a Hooley on castrato or or. Any of the others that are you know. Whatever that are right now Bolling between 0 and and 5 percent but is or is he a man will he be a major candidate once he has to debate and talk because he's never really had to talk or debate no no no Remember they put off the debates in Texas right in the Senate race they they put off a number of them they postponed a couple of them and the again it goes does it goes back to that. Promoting of ideas at least with Obama he did it he talked about things now most of the media just wanted to focus on other things but he actually talked about ideas back I was not doing that 86690 right I get in touch with what I radioed toll free at age 66 May be right I. 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And try radio a he has her counting on Gary McNamara 86690 right I the only other thing that really came out of yesterday is the president seeming to soften his tone on closing down the border Chamber of Commerce embedding contact with the White House and said you can do this automobile companies also put out a statement saying you can do this and we have always stated all along we would highly doubt that the president would close the border to trade because of the economic impact it would have on the United States and the economic and when it comes to trade relations was going to sign any kind of trade bill with you or think that you're going to uphold it if you are violating the trade policies that exist right now yeah it's again it's not feasible. So don't make the empty threats make the very real statement that this border has to be controlled and I'm going to do everything within my power to do. That something that where you get the same energy behind it and back you likely get more people saying please do something about this and you could get pressure even on Congress I don't know if we're going to do anything about that but it will help build that pressure. This series read on a radio on was one. 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Can help we encourage you to educate yourself and peers on the St Christopher's truckers fund today donate if you can you never know when you may need some help too that's truckers Fund dot org let's band together putting the Wilmington w d e l cans into us to tell you h.d. To well into your trusted source for news. Broadcasting Company Good morning it's 5 o'clock. You see the s news on the hour sponsored by Progressive Insurance I'm Deborah Rodriguez and investigation is underway after a security breach at President Trump's estate in Florida federal prosecutors say 32 year old you King Zang from China got past her 1st line of security at Mar a Lago Saturday before she was stopped at the front desk c.b.s. Is according to it after David Sanger became verbal e aggressive and was taken to a Secret Service office agents found she had 4 cell phones with her as well as a laptop computer and external hard drive and if thumb drive that contained what was only described as malicious Mel where Court documents show Secret Service agents initially let sang in when she told them she was there for a swim and her last name matched one of a verified member red flags went up when she later said she was attending a un friendship event it was no such things get old the president was in Florida at the time but not at his resort the president's push for an end to Obamacare may take a back seat until after next year's elections Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made it clear to him we were not going to be doing that in the Senate he did say if he later tweeted be accepted up Mr Trump vowed to put health care at the top of his agenda after Robert Muller's Russia investigation came to a close last month in Chicago. During Lightfoot thanking her supporters after she was elected the city's 1st black woman mayor if you did more than make history you created a movement for change like it is a former federal prosecutor also gay and beat Toni Preckwinkle by a 3 to one landslide new insight into one of 2 deadly Boeing 737 mishaps correspondent Matt Piper The Wall Street Journal reports of the pilots of last month's Max jet that crashed and usually followed Boeing's emergency procedures but later diverge from them as they tried to regain control. Boeing had issued guidelines the pilots around the world on how to disable the automated anti stall system after a different jet crash in October the Journal says pilots in the recent crash set off that system that was pushing the nose down they've cranked a manual wheel to stabilize the plane but that they eventually decided to restore power to the electric trim police have made an arrest in Sunday's murder of rapper Nipsey Hussle c.b.s. Is Jamie Ucas has details from Los Angeles police say I'm a member of the public actually tempt them off as to Eric Holder's whereabouts how they were able to find him he's now being booked on murder charges and is being held without bail police say Holder was arrested about 20 miles from the l.a. Shooting scene in Bellflower as Sen p. Futures are ahead right now this is c.b.s. News Progressive's home explore gives you multiple options so you can pick what's right for you see for yourself at progressive dot com. Or you more than 10000 from the early days of radio inside the parlor of founder Willard Wilson's home at 7 tonight in St a commitment to community has been our hallmark generations later we still view our community as the reason why we do what we do keep you informed keep you engaged keep us doubting members of our audit working with community partners. To continue delivering the information on various events and missions of local nonprofits religious organizations and government agencies if you have a 30 or 62nd public service announcement that you'd like us to consider using us to submit the information to News dot com Please log the subject line request for coverage and provide a point of contact for follow up questions or information requests for the vents that are free to the public or for which the proceeds benefit a local charity your message is important and it's important that we've given ample coverage please for this information well enough advance. News at dot com subject line request for p.s.a. Coverage that didn't take long. All over half the alliance of American football had 8 teams in some major markets some big name coaches and dreams of filling a football void after the Super Bowl now the league is ending its 1st season after only 8 games most employees are expected to be terminated Wednesday co-founder Bill Polian best known for building a Super Bowl champ with the Indianapolis Colts called the league our wildest fantasies come true now Polian says it's all come crashing down asked why Polian said he heard that it's all about the money because Miley Cyrus has upset environmentalists by climbing at Joshua Tree in Palm Springs California and posting the pictures to Instagram ahead of the Mojave desert land the endangered plants have a shallow roots system and the additional weight of a human can damage their branches. And. C.b.s. . From the early days of radio inside the parlor of founder Willard Wilson's home and 7th in that history a commitment to community has been our hallmark generations.

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