Liberty stands with you Liberty Mutual Insurance If you're drowning. From Delaware structed source for news want to 17 f.m. 11 50 am and w d l dot com Good evening Delaware I'm Kevin Hayes a 3rd person is arrested in connection with an assault and watery a cemetery police handcuffed solo you know it was because John of New Ark and they say she was one of 4 people in a car that gave a man a ride from the can be Park Shopping Center to St Patrick's cemetery in hope Kasten where 2 men that beat and robbed him 2 others have already been arrested one remains at large Nobody likes to spend their birthday in the hospital but for one little boy Ai Dupont it was as special as it could be. The Eagles pet band came by today and upon hospital for children to wish a very happy birthday to 8 year old cannon Clark Kiernan suffers from her shrugs disease where illness that affects the colon his father Kevin Clarke were just where they wanted doctors they don't know what the prognosis is yet they don't know what happened to what calls a scan and has been in the hospital for nearly 2 weeks now and spent Friday his birthday there too but it was made better by all of you who sent him birthday cards and when you see one. On the part of the impulse Karen and got a brand new brace Harper Jersey and a shout out from the Flyers to her here so the Flyers just want to wish you Happy Birthday Dad was shocked it's way more than I thought it would be but it's appreciative attention that shows how could you man he still can they cherry want to win 7 f.m. 11 50 am down yell and the seas are running 5 k. An exciting event that will see runners making their way downtown past the square and finish line bound unfortunate that means some traffic closures for those on 4 wheels not 2 feet. Dot com for the route and those closures Accu Weather after this . Data What's the matter he seems Trast it's all these medical appointments then they need to pick up my prescriptions I'm just having a hard time I know Dad but between my job the kids and everything else I wish I could help you. More It's Not Easy Being older I don't want to be a burden but I don't want to go into a nursing home either caregiving for older parents can be challenging seniors can get the support they need with St Francis life on the Wilmington River Front St Francis life is a program of all inclusive care for the elderly providing medical care social services physical and occupational therapy recreation and so much more sane trances life is just what I needed I go to the center for medical care I need a specialist they make the appointment and sometimes drive me there even fill my prescriptions I can live at home and not feel like a burden to my family I feel so much better now that dad has St Francis life and I can partner with them and that's where he's happy and that made me happy cos in France's life today 302-660-3351 same Frances life we help you live at home. Your Delaware Accu Weather Forecast mainly clear skies but some breezes in the air tonight below 31 tomorrow sunshine mixing with clouds and a mild air with high reaching all the way up to 59 degrees I'm Kevin Hayes This is w d e l s. For. Instance I'm taking a sip of y. Freshly ground and brewed coffee. To make sure the vocal cords are operating at 100 percent today because we have an action packed show for you today. Could be one of the all time epic rants. I'm locked and loaded and I know by saying the term locked and loaded I'm going to offend a plethora of socialist lead but snowflakes and my answer is how it stands because the more that I perturbed the snowflakes the beta's. The better I shall feel. I almost feel sorry for when I'm done with whacking me bait is the enemies of free speech are going to be crying going back home to mommy back down to the basement where they reside long as green eggs and Sadie you take a long ash snappy salute Semper delicti sheo always a pleasure Long live the alpha make America great again make masculinity great again screw the enemies of pleasure a global general 5 star general and alpha male and she front and center from Ca manned center Alpha and command center Alpha overlooks Tampa International Airport in the Cigar City and I am looking right now across from the very cozy confines of command center often very luxurious but I'm sure many betas and snowflakes in the lib socialists would have a major problem because we have plenty of leather soap as and chairs we've got massive amounts of T.V.'s using power we've got a fully stocked bar and humidor we've got dames that are already at my beck and call all they despise the lifestyle of the global alpha male in chief but as I look across right outside the windows of command center Alpha I see a part and grounded Southwest Boeing 737 Dash 8 max. And I received many e-mails during the course of the week saying General you had to talk about the Boeing situation the 737 Max grounding what your take as an aviator as a pilot and so the 2nd hour I'm actually going to concentrate on it because much of the reporting initially was wrong and early on I had my conclusions which turned out to be 100 percent correct Meanwhile I hear supposed experts and pilots on Fox and on c.n.n. Coming up with all sorts of nonsense saying oh it's a training issue and the airplane is perfectly fine it's a wonderful airplane Well there's always more to the story as Paul Harvey would say Page 2 now the rest of us Ari there's always more to the story we'll give you a background of the Boeing 737 Max series and why the issues that have caused the crashing of 2 of those birds occurred so we'll get to that in a 2nd our little different show one of the criteria I use for what we're going to discuss on the show is whatever suits me whatever comes to mind if there's a specific subject whether it is all about the Alpha Male good life about alpha male pleasure maneuvers politics every so often we will go into politics as a refined worldly educated extremely intelligent alpha male we are prepared I am prepared to speak on a variety of subjects I love when I get e-mails from people saying general just stick to cigars while I hate to tell you this but I'm far more worldly than just cigars. As alpha males we are intelligent we can speak about a multitude of subjects we engage in free debate about subjects we are not afraid to tackle any subject or discuss any subject that's what happens amongst alpha males and women as well as cigar lounges people enjoying a cigar a libation we don't just sit there and say let's just sit and smoke our cigar and say nothing we converse in politics in business in sports investment in dames in travel in spirits in cigars in dames again we're just not monolithic in what terms of what we think about so I've got a very interesting Sergeant Steve and I were discussing earlier this week some of the items that we are prepared to open the show with and every so often in the world of broadcasting you are given what is called radio gold you are given a nugget just a beautiful giant unrefined nugget of gold that plops right on your desk that gives you the opportunity to discuss in detail a subject or an item that is of extreme relevance and let me give you a background Thursday morning I got some on my phone I got some bulletins. From Twitter specifically some of the news organizations I followed had some news bulletin so I go to open it up and all of a sudden to my surprise it says your account has been locked my Twitter at Cigar Dave show account has been locked and I said What the hell the hell is this all about now we know that there's been Shadow banning people that have a conservative bent that are from supporters any political viewpoint in which the. Libs or the enemies of Trump or the never trump or is deemed to be inappropriate they will shadow ban you they will block you whatever the case may be it is a real issue and I am one that believes highly in the 1st Amendment freedom of speech not just for my viewpoint but anybody's viewpoint if you're a socialist lib you are entitled to your opinion you will never hear me say we should stifle whatever the socialist or the liberals have to say because as educated Alpha's we can easily engage in a rational debate we can debate somebody we disagree with I've debated with many people and by the time I'm done with them they look around and say you know General you make a good point never thought about it well pretty healthy as most socialists don't think about anything because they're not that intelligent they have to blame everybody else for their problems whoa whoa is me I should be given this it's not fair that I don't have this amount of money or I don't live in this kind of house or don't drive this kind of car or have this kind of wife or girlfriend or a harem it's always everybody else's fault it's always negativity and I've always said negativity breeds negativity every so often you should purge those people that are in your life that are nothing but Debbie Downer as that are nothing but negative I don't want to hear it it's very interesting there was a interesting study that came out this week asking millionaires What's the one thing that you believe that you should stay away from or that can cause problems and they said one answer overwhelming has a mists. You have to remember people that are successful like you and I that are alpha males that are educated and you can be successful in whatever chosen profession you you have whether you are a lawyer you are a doctor you are an entrepreneur you are a truck driver you are a store owner you are a business person or a researcher or whatever your chosen profession has nothing to do with the remuneration in which you are paid it involves around are you at the top are you at the top of your profession you excel making sure that whatever job you do is always done right correctly and properly and take pride in your work it never ceases to amaze me when we see socialists or we see the enemies of speech they always have a hard on and that they've got a problem with somebody else is success somebody else's happiness and I've always stated whenever we look at the enemies of pleasure at the enemies of spree speech at the socialist at the Ultra-Left the one common denominator they all share they're all miserable deep down they are unhappy people there are unhappy with their lot in life there are unhappy with their job there are unhappy with their relationships there are unhappy with their entire world around them whereas alphas and I believe conservatives Republicans in general we look at everything as hey we're optimists we believe in what you can do not what you can't I'm looking at my cup of coffee here it is still half full it's not half empty but the libs the ultra left they have to blame everyone else and what we have seen now over the last year and a half 2 years as President Trump has been in the Oval Office in the White House we're starting to see now this movement to restrain free speach. When an enemy of pleasure or a limb Ultra-Left is a socialist doesn't like what you have to say what's the 1st thing they say stop it let's protest it they should be able to be here we're seeing it on college campuses college campuses used to be an incredible incredible forum for free and active in a lively debate and I always talk about this story when I was a student at Syracuse University Jesse Jackson came to speak I'm not a Jesse Jackson fan there are people half the crowd was pro half didn't care for Jesse Jackson but I went along with several of my floor mates where I resided in my dorm floor we all went half of us like Jesse Jackson half of us didn't disagreed with what he had to say we got tickets we went those of us that disagreed with Jesse Jackson were polite we didn't try to stop him from speaking in fact if anything I said I want to go hear what he has to say and those that were in the crowd that believed in him it was far civil people were jumping up and down and cheering he had a speech people were polite that's how it should be and then afterward we all went out we got some pizza at the Varsity and we engaged in some some civil highly intellectual and intelligent debate and by the time we done we all shook hands went back to our dorm said hey you know what we learned that was right we had an opportunity here what he had to say and we engaged in and debate that's what this country is all about that's what the 1st Amendment is all about but today we have seen a total $180.00 a complete change in terms of what people believe should be allowed in the Free Speech arena what the libs in the socialist want and what they believe in if you don't if they don't agree with it would you have to say you should be stifled why because the down there in secure of what you have to say period. So magine my surprise on Thursday when I see that my Twitter account has been locked and it says what happened we have determined that this account violated the Twitter rules specifically for violating our rules against hateful conduct you may not promote violence against threaten or harass other people on the basis of race ethnicity national origin sexual orientation gender gender identity religious affiliation age disability or serious disease except of course if you are a socialist lib you can attack whoever you want and you won't be have your account locked and you will be shadow banned in any way shape or form there is an absolute double standard So what was this tweet that violated the Twitter rules what did I promote violence against Who did I threaten who did I harass on the basis of race ethnicity national origin sexual orientation gender gender identity religious affiliation age disability or serious disease Well looking at this like I didn't threaten anybody well a tweet was reported to Twitter from July 520154 years ago in which I referenced the USA women's soccer team during the World Cup that was held in the summer of 2015 the tweet went out July 5 2050 at 7900 pm Here is my exact tweet. USA dames just dropped another 2 quick atom bombs on the Japs now for nothing us w n t which is the hash tag for u.s. Women's soccer in 1st half keep unloading the nukes exclamation point hash tag World Cup 2015 Let me read this one more time and again there are 140 characters so I had to abbreviate instead of saying the Japanese I said the Japs short for Japanese USA dames just dropped another 2 quick atom bombs on the Japs now for nothing u.s. Women's soccer team and 1st half keep unloading the nukes hash tag World Cup 2015 now that I promote violence against Japan anybody reading this tweet not even with half a brain with 11 millionth of a brain cell would look and say I'm being facetious I'm using a World War 2 analogy because 2 quick atom bombs on I'm the Japs meaning to quit goals on the Japanese now for nothing keep unloading the nukes now nobody in their right mind would look and say cigar day of the general is advocating that the Us Military This Moment On July 5th at 7 19 pm on load nuclear bombs on Japan not one person who reads this tweet in their right mind Sergeant Steve let me ask you when we discussed this and you saw this tweet what was the 1st thing you thought of when you I totally forgot about the tweet but what was the 1st thing you thought of when you read that tweet I thought the Enola Gay was feeling up again. Sergeant Steve you didn't tell me you're a dumb beta I didn't I never took you for a for a dumb beta male that has no brain cells I said even if you have 11 millionth of a brain cell you know I mean literally 1100000000000 from a brain cell anybody would look at this and say hey he's just using in a World War 2 analogies being facetious. It's a pretty smart analogy actually it's clever it's unique it's different most people wouldn't go there that's what makes it such a great tweet bingo very simple and in fact I think I got a lot of retreats at the time and not one person said how dare you General advocating we drop nuclear bombs on Japan now when I advocate dropping nuclear bombs on North Korea and China today Hell yes that's for they're our enemies finish off who needs them but you pan isn't our ally now things have changed since World War 2 during World War 2 Yeah they were our enemy and if I was alive back then I would have said unload every damn nuke we have and we've got 10 unload of all they were our enemy they're not our enemy anymore China North Korea they are enemies period end of discussion so on this week so I look at this and I'm like wow this is odd they must have had their box or something go through it and then I see a tweet on my timeline Sergeant Steve what's that what's that that site that we use that amalgamates everything a Hoot Suite Yes So I see an old suite that somebody apparently a buffalo I would say listener because clearly what he said and reported this tweet it says this came out saying Newsradio 930 host cigar Dave show cited for a hateful conduct now whoever this bridge they hide I love people that hide behind a generic just a generic. Twitter account no picture no identification have no idea who the person is Don't know if it's a woman don't know if it's a man have 0 clue couldn't tell you have no idea I don't really care and I've always stated if something doesn't add to my health wealth or wisdom I don't bother with it but when there's radio gold that is presented to me I mean this is just too good to pass up. And so I look at this thing and it says an update on your report because clearly the account that reported this said Thanks again for letting us know our investigation found this account violated the Twitter rules so then all of a sudden whether this person again don't know who it is whether it's a male or female because they don't post a picture they don't put their name they remain anonymous and if you want to clean up Twitter with a lot of the nonsense that goes on to make everybody often authenticate their account either send in identification whatever and you to limit a 90 percent of the nonsense because then people have to stand by their words and by the way I stand by the tweet that I stood I don't apologize for that in order to get unlocked you have to delete the tweet that is censorship period don't give me this nonsense about promoting violence threatening to arrest people on a facetious creative tweet nothing in it did I say go kill Japanese go drop literally go drop nuclear bombs go out and assassinate or murder somebody from the Japanese female soccer team in no way shape was that gone or what I ever do that so whoever did this cruelly is proud and says oh I got the general News Radio 930 host cigar Dave show cited for hateful conduct well more than just a News Radio 930 hosts were heard on over 160 stations across the country nationally syndicated host who's been on 23 going on 24 years so clearly we must be doing something right and clearly whoever reported this went through my entire Twitter timeline since the time I've been on I don't know 9 years something like that to try to find one tweet that he or she could report now think about this whoever maintains that account whatever a person whether they're female male have no clue. Their life is so shallow they have nothing better to do than to go through my entire Twitter timeline of 8 years and thousands of tweets I'm going to look right now to see how many tweets that we have actually right now because a got to believe it's in the thousands I've never counted and sometimes when you look to see how many tweets it kind of blows you away you're at 14700 tweets are 14th I was 15 they went through almost 15000 tweets to find one facetious tweet that they can report to Twitter think of how what a low life they must be think of how shallow their life must be think about how miserable they must be with their life their profession their surroundings their wot in life to have to go I can tell you I would never I don't care who it is it could be the worst enemy I would never waste my time going through 14700 tweets let alone one or 5 why because I've got much more to do in my life I've got many more more profitable more engaging more entertaining more enjoyable activities than to actually sit and go through somebodies timeline so whoever did this male or female they're probably in their mommy's basement miserable at their lot in life the fact that they're not successful the fact that they probably don't have a lot of friends they probably were the last to get picked when they were in grade school to be on a team that the only way they can derive any semblance of a happiness. Is to inflict misery upon others we see this with the lives of the enemies of pleasure the only way they make themselves happy join their lives is to inflict misery and unhappiness on up more when we come back you need to add some alpha to your Facebook news feed my family get the latest Intel in the world of Sudarshan form a show each week and see what the journalists like to click like Facebook dot com slash said. In 1964 Jose or by their own began rolling cigars wearing his name in Mother surroundings with one guiding principle always focus on quality never on quantity nearly 40 years later by their own cigars are recognized for their superior taste and majestic construction the result of their own controlling Oh I specs of the cigar making process including planting their own seeds growing and curing their own tobacco and come suddenly supervising the rolling room to Wall Street it is called vertical integration to the by their own family it's called making great cigars the lines include the pub there are 964 anniversary series by their own traditional line drawn cigars are wrapped in a cut are one sun grown by no tobacco available in natural or motherhood experienced by the wrong for your by their own retailer call 180-453-5635 when they're on it's on the band quality it's a matter of family surgeon general warning tobacco use increases the risk of infertility stillbirth. And Kevin he says this w d e l news legislation that made passed the General Assembly could force you to clear snow and ice off your car next winter to. Blame in Atlanta can grant says drivers who leave cars covered with snow and ice could face fines under Senate bill $58.00 This gives the police the authority to go ahead and issue a citation anywhere from 25 to $75.00 that's if they catch them before it flies off and does damage to other vehicles if those so-called ice missiles fly off a car and hit another car or pedestrian the offending driver would have to pay between $201000.00 and plans traveling through Wilmington on Sunday morning you'll want to do some research as the seas are running 5 k. Is creating roadway closures around the city the races are expected to run from 9 30 in the morning and shut down those roads although we haven't sold least 2 pm a full race route and road closures can be found at w d e l dot com Accu Weather after this c.b.s. News update it's been a busy day for Attorney General William Barr who spent it poorly over Special Counsel Robert Muller's Russian meddling probe president trumpets at his Florida State and hasn't commented on the report since it was filed yesterday C.B.S.'s Nicole Killian with the latest not heard anything directly from the president we know that he attended a Republican Party event last night at his Mar-A Lago Club and folks in attendance there also told us the president seems happy and. 'd smiling but c.b.s. News legal analyst Jonathan Turley says there are still small threats to the president due to ongoing probes besides Muller's investigation any of those could create live torpedoes in the water for the president it will even extend beyond his term because while the Department of Justice has a policy not to indict a sitting president they have no problem with taking one as soon as he leaves office c.b.s. News update I'm Allison Keyes. Mostly clear brisk and cold for tonight though 31 them for tomorrow milder sunshine mixed in with some clouds up to 59 mostly cloudy tomorrow 42 with a shower later on them to rain on Monday high 53. In the forecast I'm meteorologist John fear Thanks John let's take a look at your community calendar from the events page and. On Monday the 25th of March from $530.00 to $630.00 it's we run new arc youth running program will introduce kids ages $8.00 to $13.00 to the pleasures of running through exciting physical activities and goal setting exercises while they explore some of new arcs the best running trails that's 532631 Monday of March the 25th registration is free for more information go to New Ark dot gov slash player you can call the recreation office at 3023667003023667000. Years ago officers club selection for March Here's a simpler including the ghost one piece ago shipped directly to you each month welcome to sit com to join the officers club. Oh yes we continue talking about. By the. Fact that I was cited for hate conduct by winter all over. Tweet. For free. Over the women's soccer team in their victory over Japan in 2015 so clearly. I triggered a live beta snowflake by a tweet about the 2015 u.s. Women's soccer team now if that doesn't scream out beta whether a beta male or female in any way shape or form that they need of safe space because they were hurt by the tweet oh oh oh oh this oh we almost need to bring out the master thespian but I will I will reserve that doesn't seem like this is it could be though a Spartacus moment from our good friend Cory Booker but thinking about this somebody went through almost 15000 of my tweets to find one tweet from July 5th of 2015 all over the fact that I use the analogy that the USA women dropped another 2 quick atom bombs on the Japanese team and I said keep on loading the nukes this is a hateful speech I'm vile and this is violence against Japan against an ethnic group what a load of nonsense load of poppy cock and what we are seeing today is very very clear Make no mistake about it what we are seeing today is an absolute unadulterated assault on free speech. In my estimation this is the equivalent of a book burning we see the Libs the the leftists if they don't like a position a policy position or something that a conservative or somebody that they don't agree with what they say what do they do let's engage in a boycott let's let's let's make sure that we boycott this person. Advertiser boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott let's prevent them from speaking Ochs we have seen the effects of Booker this goes way back when people on the conservative side say we need to burn this book we need to get this out of the library this is the 21st century equivalent of book burning make no mistake if I find it very interesting the conservatives myself I never have a problem with what anybody says if they cease to say something it is my right to rebut it I don't call for advertiser boycotts and I don't care if they did makes no difference to me because this is another thing that probably a rankles the people that disagree with my political views disagree with my views on being an alpha male What rankles them is the fact that we have a successful program and we're heard on over 160 stations that have been for over 23 years that this program is successful by any metric they hate that they hate the fact that I have listeners that attend that not only listen on a regular basis across the world but that they attend our pleasure fests events from different walks of life we have white collar blue collar We have wealthy income high income moderate income we have we have low income we have people that aren't millionaires or Bernie Sanders would say billionaires zillionaires because they'll you know as will you know is we have people from every part of the country from every profession and the great thing is when they attend our pleasure fests. We're all the same everybody there is is isn't attendance to enjoy themselves they're happy you attend one of our pleasure fest everybody has smiles on their faces everybody engages in great conversation you see people sitting at tables we're all walk around and greet people and I'm like oh you guys all know each other they said General we just met but hey you know what I'm going to be down in Houston or I'm going to be down to Pittsburgh and I'm going to visit we're going to go to a cigar place we're going to go have drinks after there are numerous people that attended our events from out of town whether it's in Tampa or Buffalo or any other location that said hey you know what we're all going out to dinner after we all became buddies we're going to go to dinner and have cigars and some spirits happy people this is what rankles the enemies of pleasure the was a 5 betas this is what rankled whomever male or female hidden behind her is hiding behind a Twitter account with no picture with no name saying I'm going to get the general I'm going to find one tweet from 2015 where he had hacked in facetious way the Japanese by saying let's drop nuclear bombs after the USA women's soccer team scored I think about this this person is so miserable in their own life that they have ample amounts of time to go through 14700 of my tweets most people look and say who cares oh no this person make sure they want to report it and believe me it makes no difference to me keep doing it I could care less if you think that I live and die by Twitter or social media you've got another thing coming they despise the fact that we're successful they despise the fact that we as alpha males are enjoying ourselves that we're happy they despise the fact that we are extremely intelligent far more intelligent than they are and I will guarantee you that the people that have a problem with someone speech was someone's opinion those people are probably very on success. Probably miserable in their own lives their personal lives their professional lives they probably haven't attained the modem of success that they think they deserve they probably don't make the kind of money they think they deserve they probably don't have hot girlfriends or boyfriends that they think they deserve they probably have no fun they probably have a very small circle social circle so consequently the only way that they derive pleasure is to attack others and what we are seeing today without any question is now an assault on free speech this is modern day book burning make no mistake this is political correctness that has gone absolutely off the rails and I'll give you a perfect example Martina Navratilova very good tennis player I remember back when she and Chris Everett used to go at it some great matches Martina Navratilova came out and said she's gay Ok Who cares do what you want you want to have sex with them if you're a man and want to sex with a man or woman have sex with a woman be my guest I want to have a harem. My my right no problem I believe let people live their lives and what I find very interesting is the ultra socials lives are the ones that jump up and down and say we believe in freedom of choice the women have the right to choose for themselves what they want to do with their body and I'm not getting into a Roe v Wade discussion here as I don't want to get into it I don't care personally you know my beliefs people should live the life they want to live I don't want to interfere I don't want to go into their bedroom I don't want to go into her uterus Well I should necessarily say that will keep it clean but I don't want to interfere it's not my business I don't care all I care about is living my life being happy I don't need to meddle in other people's lives for happiness as opposed to the socialist lives that are miserable So what do they always say women have the right to choose Ok fine fine and what's the 1st thing that the enemies of pleasure the socialist will is what's the 1st thing they go after the right to choose the right to choose to smoke a cigar the right to enjoy a libation the right to enjoy and shoot firearms for sport they want to interfere the right to free speech they're all for freedoms except when it goes against their own beliefs in that case they want to suppress other people's right to free speech right to own a gun right to enjoy a cigar right to enjoy spirits and we're seeing that with people raising the age to smoke a cigar to drink but meanwhile they want to lower the voting age I'll get to that later that's another subject but not Martina Navratilova perfect example of the suppression of free speech today not only in the United States but around the world Martina Navratilova a number to logout wrote a column back in February in the London Sunday Times newspaper in which she argued. It was cheating to allow transgender women to compete in female competition because they would benefit from unfair physical advantages she said a man can decide to be female take hormones if required by whatever sporting or organization is concerned with everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune and then reverse his decision and go back to making babies if he so desires she says it's insane and it's cheating I'm happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers but I would not be happy to compete against her it would not be fair now that's your opinion I personally agree with her opinion the science agrees with that that if you go from being a male to a female and compete in female competition you have a scientific advantage that is indisputable Now of course the l.g. b t Q Why elemental p all these other organizations have a big problem because they perceive that as trans phobic the Us organization Athlete Ally which supports the rights of l g b t sportspeople immediately cut ties with Martina Navratilova saying the comments she made were trans phobic and I believe that number to low but sat on the board or was an advisor So what happens this group disagrees with what she says all of a sudden says transphobia we don't want her associated with us so now people are not entitled to their opinion fact here's another one that's even more ridiculous Robert Francis O'Rourke bozo all Roark 1st of all the guy spastic hand movements are irritating as hell the guy's jumping on tables he's he's taking his hands up down right around it's irritating is how something is wrong with this guy there's no doubt about it reading some of what he wanted to do in the past the guy is cuckoo for cocoa puffs but he was on the campaign trail. And he had made a really a relatively Oculus statement something that was really you know he's talking about his family joked on the campaign trail that his wife has been raising their children sometimes with my help now that's a comment that many people would make a listen I'm here traveling you know my wife's doing all the work he said that and I'm out of date it was a 5 beta or work fan in any way shape or form but what I am in favor of is free speech the right to make a comment whether it is a facetious comment a joking comment without being called on the carpet for it what did he say on the campaign trail he says his wife has been raising their children sometimes with my help Ok all of a sudden there is an uproar all these p.c. Years all these enemies of free speech all these Socialist Dems in the lives jumped up and down saying that what he said was an outrage this is unacceptable and he comes out and instead of saying look I was joking get over it get a life no Instead he has to kowtow to these people these losers and he said he'll be more thoughtful when talking about his family he said and I quote Not only will I not say that again but I'll be more thoughtful going forward in the way that I talk about our marriage. My ham handed attempt to try to highlight the fact that Amy has the lion's share of the burden in our family that she actually works what's the what is the primary parent in our family especially when I served in Congress especially when I was on the campaign trail you have also been a moment for me to acknowledge that it is far too often the case not just in politics but just in life in general I hope as I have been in some instances part of the problem I can also be part of the solution Oh please how do i just saying I was kidding I was joking but you can't do that today anymore because what we have find of these snowflakes get triggered by anything that you say if you say to one of the snowflakes that morning and they woke up and it's miserable or they don't feel well they're looking at you saying no it's not a good morning and I'm offended you figured me I need a safe space this is how absurd it has become so i am happy I am thrilled I look at it as a badge of honor that I triggered some lives socialist snowflake somewhere in the western New York theater of operations who's hiding behind a Twitter account I am thrilled that I was able to set him or her off in such a manner that they the only way they derive pleasure is to try to report one of my tweets for b.s. Hateful conduct which is total nonsense to Twitter I think it's amusing I think it's entertaining as soon as I saw this many people say oh my god what's going to happen I said radio gold baby you have given me this person gave me a giant nugget to expose exactly how truly weak and pathetic and how low they must feel in their lives to a degree I'd say I almost pity the poor bastard or bastards but I don't I don't. Because the only thing you and I have to worry about is making sure that we're happy we are responsible for our own happiness and when we see a triggered socialist lib loser that thinks that because sending out a tweet saying oh Newsradio 930 w b e n host cigar Dave show cited for hateful conduct a conduct I laugh when I say that is beautiful because I don't live and die by social media I don't spend all day on it I don't give a damn how many followers I have I don't give a damn who likes my tweets whether you like it or not I do it for one reason I express my opinion and if you are a snowflake that's triggered to f. Ing bad I don't really care go back to your mommy or your daddy's basement go back to living in your underwear or in your little nightie go back to your loser lifestyle go back to reviewing all of my tweets and all those people that you disagree with go and review every one of their tweets Gola meant on how miserable your boring loser life is that you're not successful if you probably haven't achieved a lot in life that you probably don't have as I said the entrapments of success that you deem you should have go back to making other people miserable specifically yourself because that's really what it all boils down to I believe 100 percent in free speech if I disagree with someone I am happy and eager to debate them I don't need to report their tweet to Twitter or to Facebook I don't have to cry and be triggered and go to a safe space I look at them and go aha I pity you poor bastards because you are losers and this alpha. Is not only a winner a successful winner but the worst thing that they hate more than anything I am happy and they despise that we as alphas we're successful we're happy we enjoy life we love great cigars we love our meat we're not vegans and proud of it that's another thing to despise the fact that we're not vegans we don't give a damn about climate change because we know it's a load of poppy cock we'll continue driving our gas guzzling S.U.V.s we'll continue taking airplanes everywhere because we know it's all about our happiness anything else be damned. Never miss a minute of the show when you download the cigar Dave mobile app for Apple Android and Kindle devices you can listen to our 247 continuous stream of the latest show or download the recent podcasts to listen to anytime on your mobile device get the sick guy days mobile app in the App Store search say you today. As avid cigar kind of source there is nothing like getting a brand new cigar that you have never sampled before in your hands and be able to cut light and enjoy that cigar and the best way for you to get a great variety of cigars every month is to become a member of the cigar date Officers Club $2295.00 per month get you the latest and greatest in the world of cigars to you every month and for March 2900 we're featuring 2 great cigars from Ghurka 1st up their Gurka Kaisa talk about a Cuban ask premium bar go type cigar and look and taste the Gurka marquees that is it beautiful earthy Schumacher wrapper Nicaraguan binder Nicaraguan fillers a bold well balanced medium bodied and spicy cigar then we've got the Gurka ghost if you want to Brazilian rap bold cigar the Gorkha ghost join the cigar Dave officers club right now go to cigar Day dot com enjoy to get great cigars like the work of Mark Asia and the Gorkha ghost America's under attack basic freedoms privileges and acts that we would normally take for granted are disappearing each day including the simple ability to enjoy a cigar This is Glenn lived executive director of Cigar Rights of America c.r.a. At a time when elected officials should be thinking about education public safety and creating jobs they are actually thinking about smoking bans new taxes and regulations of historic proportions on premium cigars the cigars that provide us with pleasure relaxation and fellowship are under attack we have to stop it that's why a cigar rights of America was created to work for a new political day for cigar enthusiastic cross America to rollback restrictive laws and defeat onerous taxes and regulations that impact everyone from your local cigar shop to your personal humidor for the price of a few great cigars and be a part of this effort to protect your right to enjoy a cigar without excessive taxation and cumbersome legislation go to soko right stud org Let's tell the government we've had enough join now Cigar Rights dot org. Glasgow general is pleased to announce that Dr Dudley Kudo is accepting new patients doctor to Kudo specializes in general and family dentistry has evening and weekend hours for your convenience and he keeps up to date by maintaining membership into position to provide the latest treatments for you and your family no matter what your stage in life a positive friendly environment that is what doctor to Kudo in the staff a fair Glasgow provide is what family dentistry should be visit bear Glasgow gentleman in people's lives or go to bear Glasgow dental dot com. Sometimes it's just the little extras that make a good company great at climate solution services owners then in Joe say it's because they care they care enough to guarantee their services in a timely friendly and professional manner without breaking your pocketbook and climate solution services offers above industry standard warranties and installation to ensure you're getting the best service protection possible make sure you stay warm this winter Gugu Climate Solutions services because been in Joe they care. Dell always news and issues for the 1st 8 Join us weekdays for Delaware complete with one form interviews and in-depth reporting from our tireless news team in this era of 24 hour news cycles when stories are constantly changing Delaware works hard to keep you informed of the many sides of those stories tell all where with Allen we days from now until noon on. W t e l. With an unlimited and secure supply of pleasures sticks available for the general to enjoy it's time for national cigar light Taishan maneuvers are before I get ready to tell you about my cigar couple of things 1st. Yesterday the birthday of cigar mother p.r.i. And my canine Pendragons royal Baron he is one there was one yesterday and also yesterday would have been the 93rd birthday of the great invasion in the music we play during the like Haitian libation ceremony right now is the work he composed called Kennedy Bay Also this past Wednesday pop muffin Laurie celebrated her birthday and I have a cigar in microphone position number 2 that will go on smoked and that is to pay tribute to the memory of a longtime friend of the cigar Dave show that passed away last Saturday right after the show ended Brady Fisher the owner of Brady's backyard barbecue in Safety Harbor right across from the Cigar City of Tampa he's been on the show many times we talked about barbecue we had him at the pleasure fests in Buffalo and also here in Tampa he had a. Bout a 4 month illness and passed away and I know it was a very difficult a few months for Brady he was a wonderful gentleman loved his barbecue always was extremely hospitable and his wife will continue that tradition so if you have a chance go into Brady's backyard barbecue in Safety Harbor right down the street from the safety of response Thelma general sent you and tell him that you're paying tribute to the great Brady Fisher and may he rest in peace I just pulled out in honor of a brand new cigar that is being released for a limited time it is the Abo improvisation the 19. Coming out right in honor of those birthday a 6 by $52.00 box pressed Toro Ecuadorian wrapper Dominican binder Dominican poorly and fillers $15.00 cigar $2500.00 boxes of 20 cigars that is it just a limited edition it is a beautiful stick that's what I will enjoy today I've got in my hands by workers myself sharpening Gillet stainless steel getting and from the cigar they are the laboratories my big like patient of ice the mellow make America like pain again we need to do one that says make the enemies of pleasure picked off again we need to do a like patient a vice like that now I am sick sick. Sick list complete no false detected area clear of all enemies of place your approval to go through on a lot been 3 to one. Perfect Altos the fit of the cigar as like you so I've got Pendragons royal Baron my canine here celebrated his 1st birthday and our mother a happy belated will yesterday was her birthday I appropriately called her on her birthday no ifs ands or buts and make sure she had a special delivery with a special cake. And I know that puff often laureate so Tim and cigar Mothercare was celebrated earlier this week with a very fine dinner it's like a rotate. I got to work for a beer in the room and I'm going to pour. Libration 23 bucks you can't go wrong very very soon our number 2 is next I'll give you my analysis of the Boeing 737 it's that time of year again driving down the road dodging potholes high it's a funny Campanella from camp and I was high Creek automotive nothing can knock a car out of a line quicker than bouncing through a pothole here's the good news though right now Paul Campanella is offering 10 dollars off and will change along with a free alignment check go to Campanella dot com print out our coupon for we can scan it from your found visit our play Creek location on limestone road or on West 28th street grapevine folding paper will help keep your car safe treating it like our very own. Fidel a trade in Wilmington has been offering precious metal services for 20 years but did you know fidelity can help you lower your 2018 taxable income to qualify you must invest gold or silver in your Ira before April 15th of this year to find out of this is something that might fit your needs call or talk to one of the professionals at Fidelity trade call 3027626203027626200 or visit Fidel a trade dot com That's i.d.l. I trade dot com The intent of the deal can't into the us to give you a 52 women to your trusted source for new Accu Weather traffic watch and a local talk to Delmarva Broadcasting Company. East c.b.s. News on the hour sponsored by Progressive Insurance and Allison Keyes there's at least one more day before the nation learned some of the details of that long awaited Russian meddling report c.b.s. Is Mulla lengthy on what to expect from Attorney General William Barr who spent the day looking it over he's expected to deliver a summer. To Congress before the end of the weekend it's all a big hole. The one departing for Florida President Trump once again criticized the investigation into Russian interference during the $26000.00 election have been no comments or tweets from the president since the report was delivered Friday C.B.S.'s Rebecca Kaplan says Democrats including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi want to see it all Speaker Pelosi said that she was going to reject any sort of classified briefing for members of Congress including what's called the Gang of 8 the top leadership from the House the Senate as well as the intelligence committees and she said there's going to be no classified briefings on the mall or report because we want our members to be able to speak to the public about anything they learn about this report hundreds took to the streets in Pittsburgh this weekend protesting the decision to acquit a white former police officer who fatally shot a black teen last summer the father of Antwon rose a 2nd spoke pleading for peace k. D. K. a T.v. Reporter Pam Serato was their only patient 0 but they were happy that they started early in the family area. But handbag and then were you out of work hard very hard for that deadly flooding that's been rolling through the Midwest likely isn't over experts say because there's still lots of snow that still hasn't melted in northern states the president approved a disaster declaration for Iowa and John Benson with that state's Department of Homeland Security says there's more than a $1000000000.00 worth of damage we had estimates of somewhere between up to $1200.00 homes that suffered major damage your even could be considered destroyed so when you're talking about a relatively small fi County area that's a very severe impact the Houston ship channel is closed over that fire at a nearby petrochemical plant the Coast Guard this morning and they're saying that they're still attempting to clean up whatever building into that used in. Channel so they have it closed still from what we understand yesterday some of the mariners out there on the water. And. On the top of the water and that is indicative of course of chemical exposure that's age o.-u. T.v. Reporter Matt Doherty he says people in that area are worried about the air quality this is c.b.s. News Progressive Insurance picked from a range of coverage options with a name your price tool to find a price that works for you find out more at progressive dot com be coming. From Delaware trusted source for news 117 f.m. 11 50 am and w d e l dot com Good evening Delaware I'm Kevin Hayes a woman from Bear is still at large after allegedly shoplifting from a department store Friday night State Police say 50 year old Angelica banks loaded merchandise into shopping bags at the big Lot store on Governor principle of art and walked out without paying when employees confronted banks she showed them a gun she was carrying in her waistband banks drove away in a black Dodge Durango Delaware license plate p.c. 8 to a 5 to 4 and see a photo of banks from 2008 w d e l dot com Anyone with information urged to contact troop 2 or Delaware Crimestoppers will he or won't he but more hints are being dropped something trial balloons are also being floated on a possible Joe Biden presidential run they're trying to gauge reaction to the various thank you for he jumps in with everybody is going to cue Linda Feldmann is the Washington bureau chief with The Christian Science Monitor and she believes some of the ideas being thrown out there pledging to only be a one term president and picking a v.p. .