Musicians and other recording artists and producers were honored Sunday night in Los Angeles if you are a fan of rap music this was your kind of Grammy award this is America it's. Childish Gambino won 2 of the top 3 Grammy Awards record and Song of the year for this is America and it was the 1st time a rap song has one either of those 2 awards the producer of this is America the Gorn center guess is it's about time that something like this happened Childish Gambino one for Grammys says Did country star Kacey Musgraves one of her wins was for Album of the year Steve put him in c.b.s. News at the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles when one of the partial government shutdown deadline at the end of the coming week question is will there be one Montana Democratic Senator Jon Tester he is one of the congressional negotiators trying to prevent it and we are not to a point where we can announce a deal negotiations are still going on there are good people on this committee so I have confidence that hopefully we'll get something done person but from Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and government shutdown is technically still on the table we do not want it to come to that but that option is still up for the president and will remain so they were both on Fox News Sunday as before the major issue is money the president demands for a border wall which congressional Democrats insist he will not get now the latest on Virginia's 3 way government governmental cry chaos Democratic governor off nor the I'm not inclined to resign he told c.b.s. This morning he's not going anywhere despite pressure due to his use of blackface in the 1980 s. But next in line in case nor them those changes mine would be the lieutenant governor who was also under pressure I'm Jim Krystle of Virginia lawmakers may reluctantly face the young president at prospect of an peaching the state's 2nd most powerful leader a fellow Democrat plans to pursue impeachment against lieutenant governor just in Fairfax this week who is facing sexual assault allegations from 2 women and we're joined as attorney general Mark airings also under fire for his use of blackface in 2 year 18 of the war in Afghanistan. President grew up wanting out he is acting defense secretary Pak Shanahan has just arrived on announced visit there Shanahan is in Kabul to meet with military officials as well as Afghan leaders he says he has not been directed to draw down forces here but will instead get a better picture of the way forward correspondent Cammy McCormick with the Pentagon party in Kabul about a year ahead of the 1st caucuses and primaries the Democratic presidential field keeps on growing and equal Bashar of Minnesota she's able to leverage her Midwestern roots her knowledge of Iowa that may help catapult her to the sort of top tier if she does well in the Iowa caucus sound almost 100 spine more and this is c.b.s. News Progressive Insurance picked from a range of coverage options with a name your price tool to find a price that works for you find out more at progressive dot com. 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Model board let me try out both and the high end interior trim was really nothing special you do have a great amount of cargo space in a big Vista moonroof available portage does give you a lot in a nice package but it's not a groundbreaker let's give it 4 or 5 stars with a car Chronicles test drive Jeff Gilbert c.b.s. News. With I radioed very much and every girlie talk about everything from politics to social issues and news of the day whether you of late or you're just starting your day. This is what i Radio all across America a chick 690 right ideas are early and I'm very McNamara thanks so much for being here this morning. Did you watch the new football league. The alliance of American football you know I did. You. Know I watch the San Antonio. Commanders at one point somebody in the broadcast call them the commandos Well if the commandos against the commanders. San Antonio commanders against the the San Diego fleet. They played at the Alamo Dome and in San Antonio right now and I mean they do Yard says the field or they do the the n.f.l. If it's $100.00 it's $100.00 yard field yes it's not it's not Canadian football it's $100.00 yard field right but it's not a Reno football either know it no it's players playing in a regular field. And and no kickoffs though which I realize I understand if there's one thing I will say this that they just they. They start again they just put the ball in the 20 yard line the team starts and I realize I understand the concern about head injuries and I know the the whole debate about no kickoffs and I realized how important and what kind of excitement a kick off adds to a football game at the beginning of the game maybe not in the 2nd half and maybe not after every touchdown but you realize because there was a don't lose to the game that you started off the game not with the kick off but just getting the ball in the 20 yard line in the team running on fence of play there's something about the anticipation of both teams lined up at least to me there isn't and both teams lined up starting a game the roar of the crowd Now one thing that I will say and this really goes along with what you and I talked about when we mention it even last hour and we mentioned it when the Republicans in 2012 in 2016 were running again and this is you know how how to set off a campaign that you know we talked about you know Cory Booker and how he did it compared for example to Elizabeth Warren who had I don't know how many people there but it seemed like there were a lot of people that were cheering and we 1st were criticizing back in 2012 in 2016 many of the Republicans who were running that would announce on a street corner with 5 people it seemed like what are you doing now you need Huey you need a crowd there you need to make it an event and. Same thing with football Now one thing they did at the Alamo Dome is they kept all the lights off in the upper decks she really couldn't see the upper deck from television you couldn't see empty seats now I don't know if they had covers over it or were they just turn the lights down completely so it was completely blacked out but you really didn't notice the fact that the entire upper deck was completely empty right and so they moved all the fans down to the lower bowl and it looked like it was a crowded football game and it sounded like it was a crowded football game and I started laughing because I remember and I was thinking about this as I was listening to a couple of college football game college basketball games over the weekend right listen to a couple of them online teams at the that I like and I used to produce college basketball games I used to be the 2nd producer of college football the station I worked for did it and I was always very keen if there was only going to be you know and these teams you know they were they were drawing 18020000 people to a game that might draw 3000 sometimes I might only draw 2000 or 1500 but I always wanted to sound real big I said you got to make 1500 people sound like on the radio if you want to give maximum. If you want to give maximum imagery to your sponsors that are going to carry it you need to make it sound like there's a ton of people there even if there's not sure and so I was always huge on microphone placement. So one of the things I was most proud of and I actually have some tapes at home of some of the college basketball games that that I actually produced and had the microphones in the right areas so I made 1500 people sound like it was 70000 people it sounded like a packed huge arena and they did the same there they have whatever they did however they placed the microphones there around 30000 people there it sounded like there were 70000 people it sounded like it was you know and so they did a they did a good job at it now the the interesting thing is the alliance of American football the actual game did better ratings than the n.b.a. Game that was on a.b.c. They beat the n.b.a. The only thing is will it last probably not curiosity pretty much leads you know the right and and that's then you've got to build the following the allegiance for those teams San Antonio doesn't have an n.f.l. Team but is there enough support or would they be excited enough if it's not n.f.l. Because big in San Antonio it's split between the Houston Texans and the Dallas Cowboys and well in and you know you have a mean this isn't the w w e doing it this is the you know this is Bill Polian. What's his name to Governor Sauls son who is involved in an hour a day he was partly involved in the w w e one last time I believe or his father was. In what was that called the exit fell by the way I wonder if he hate me would be with that whether that would be a lot of the players back today I thought about that over the weekend member that lives on the good came out of the exit poll we all remember the player he hate me on the back of his jersey. But it's clearly it's clearly minor league football yeah it was sloppy I mean it was it was it was sloppily played into the. San Diego fleet well until you have a. Fleet couldn't get him too far because the often sublime was Porson as could possibly be. But. It's Bill Polian. Who is really the executive of the entire league and Daryl Johnston is the is the general manager of the Senate Tonio team so they brought in a lot of football people and they made it clear they said we're do you want to be 5 years from now they said we want to be the feeder league to the n.f.l. They want to be like a AAA football and because remember you and I ask the question What is the business model. You know what is your business model what what do you wish to do and many of the a.f.l. Early on in the American Football League within a couple of years they knew they had to compete with the n.f.l. And they competed with the n.f.l. Well the the this team doesn't earn that this league doesn't wish to compete with you got f.l. They want to compliment them which is they want to eventually wear the you know the practice squad players whatever that they can be a feeder and have a relationship with the n.f.l. Where they're like the minor league team where you can get you know you can get players even though they play different times of the year and who knows maybe someday they won't maybe sometime they'll play at the same time and be viewed as a minor league you know to the n.f.l. But they don't plan on competing with the n.f.l. They wish to be the feeder league and provide players to them and to have some kind of official relationship with the n.f.l. That's what they said they would look for in the next 5 years and yeah that would probably be that would be if that's your business model then I can understand it you're not going to pay the players incredible salaries it's very limited what the league plays pays I think the top contracts are at think they all they all get incentives I think they'll make the same now they said 250003 year contracts I couldn't figure out whether that was 250000 a year or 250000 for 3 years I couldn't tell I couldn't figure out what it was so from what I know they don't even plan on having the type of salary caps that the Canadian Football League has so they're viewing themselves in a minor league so if they view themselves on a minor league they're going to end up getting minor league rate it's just the reality. And they made that clear because I did like an hour pre-game that I was getting was going to start when I turned it on like at 8 o'clock and start to like 15 minutes later the whole thing was telling everybody what the league's about him bringing everybody on and talking to all the executives and it's like Ok you just spent you spent almost an hour prime time telling America we want to be a AAA like the AAA teams are the minor league baseball we basically want to be a minor league football league you just took an hour primetime on a Saturday night I want if you do it it's going to be on a Saturday night of c.b.s. To tell America you're going to be a minor league I'm like Ok aside from c.b.s. Are there any other television contracts now just you know c.b.s. . Which is that their sports network c.b.s. Sports network that they have is going to be they're only going to show they're showing this when they show the initial game on c.b.s. I don't know how many games are actually going to be on c.b.s. I think it's going to be mostly on their cable channels right I think that here t.n.t. Are one of Miles also going to carry some games but you know it's not a huge contract with them but they know they did their best to promote it but it's minor league football and now the interesting thing is Ok Where does the w w e league fit in next year I don't know yeah and the then how do you attract and keep talent. You know because if they're young. And their they have years ahead of them and they're good enough to play there then eventually Are they is that where their talent caps out do they never go on to the n.f.l. And if they do how do you replace the well you know many of them will not go on many of them will not go out of the n.f.l. Only a few of them will it's minor league football for teams that diverse cities that may not have it and it said. Let's be honest I mean they they only had one practice game but I think by the end of the year look these are all these are all people that are just below the n.f.l. Which means are as good or even better than most college teams that are playing football today they've got as much talent as any prop Well maybe except for. Clemson remember we used to say Alabama up until a month ago. You know they they probably errors as good as any the any top level college football team if they get enough practice save one practice game before they started the league so right right they really didn't practice but it would be top notch college football is what you'd be getting and so well you know and for a minor you know a city that doesn't have football if the tickets are cheap but the tickets don't become expensive if they don't attempt it can compete with the n.f.l. It might have limited success. I still think you're going to see franchises moving around the around the country because again it's it's not the same as baseball baseball you can have you know baseball is in. You know smaller stadiums are only pulling in they can pull in you know 56000 a night and and succeed in doing it for minor league baseball you can succeed really probably a football at that you know only pulling in that kind of you know I guess fans to the stadium as to the t.v. Ratings expect them to drop. Yeah I wouldn't expect it to be you know and that's going to be one of those it's great to go see it live it's fun to go see it live. Expect a lot of promotions around those games locally but. Outside of that once I think we get past especially if they're not going to be playing during the n.f.l. Season. It's once you get past the Super Bowl I think most people have kind of in the television audience have moved on except maybe locally again where you start to build that small fan base yeah at least I think their business model is realistic and that's we wish to be a minor league you know we're not trying to compete with the with the n.f.l. As previous leagues did right and after the American Football League nobody was successful at doing that right. U.s.f.l. Wasn't the World Football League wasn't only the American Football League and so. I always wondered what was their business model they made it clear and so I don't know when it at least it has a chance because they know what their limitations are so there you go but it was interesting to watch so I didn't stand for the whole game I only stayed up for. Not even the 1st half I was asleep early Saturday night but I did watch a I did watch about a quarter and a half of it it was like Ok and then I saw some film afterwards film some video or video d.v.r. Ing afterwards and some digital afterwards and it got to be sloppy Yeah right. All interesting All right 86690 right I tips from j.j. 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It's right i Radio a he it is Eric early and I'm Gary McNamara 86690 or red I welcome and good morning thanks so much for being here coming up on the bottom of the hour we'll get more into the whole thing that that happened on on on Friday after. Custer Cortez released. The what do you want to call it the the the the the 6 page Hisle of manure. I don't know what else to call it there's there's so much to talk about the one thing was how and we had said it that they by the time we'd gotten on the air on Thursday night Friday morning they had Thursday late Thursday afternoon early Thursday me pulled the document off of her website. The part that said you know in essence our perforation here we are giving you no benefits welfare to people that are unwilling to work and Tucker Carlson on Friday night brought it up and he had. One of her advisors on Robert ha ha. Who was advising her on the Green New Deal only claimed on on on on all that wasn't the case that wasn't the case I was in the case then after that bloom I mean it was just Saturday morning they were just pounding all you know to the left Tucker Carlson now we got him we made a fool out of them this was a day and I'm reading this came from the r n c It was a Dr document and I'm saying to myself I almost text you early Saturday morning saying what are they talking about I got the document straight off of a website right as many people did. Catch her Cortez actually tweeted out her advisor on Tucker Carlson Well they had to come clean and admit that was what we put on our website right they lied about it yes and she tweeted out absolutely lied about it knowing they were going to get caught you can't be that stupid and not know you're not going to get caught Yeah I honestly. Because the 1st remember when that when that 1st came out someone had said that no unwilling was was a typo Yes on the website and we had all the sudden Friday night it was oh no that says vast right wing conspiracy Tucker right. No no it wasn't it was and I saw it somewhere where yeah they're probably going to go back to the oh no that was a typo and well it was a typo it was on the website but it was wrong yes sorry you don't do you don't have you can't go back now with reading Well 1st of all it was on there and it became a big deal. So going back and change you get is one thing going on Tucker Carlson and lying about it saying it was the Republicans fault just is bizarre unbelievable it was and then the follow up on like it said on social media yeah oh if I'm 71 I'm like What in the world I know right I got it from are they saying somebody hacked into a website right so you know they were lying right they were on it. And they got caught at lying just how many times has that happened how many times has the left just gotten burned over the last 2 years and they keep doing it to themselves it's not necessary it really isn't but on social media like you said they were all men say we totally totally destroyed Tucker Carlson No you didn't you lied. Yeah because my point was that somebody hacked into a website yeah right that's what I'm thinking when nobody's thing they saying they hacked into the. To do with you d.b.l. Cams in the us to give you a t 2 women to your trusted source for news don't bother broadcasting comics or good morning it's 230. Goodell or Accu Weather forecast through the overnight snow accumulating one up to 3 inches watch for slick spots and a low of 30 mostly cloudy a later today with a bit of snow in the afternoon continuing into the evening then mixing with sleet and freezing rain a late accumulating and additional inch or 2 with a high later today of $38.00 and it's a night's low $31.00 Tuesday breezy with rain mixed with the sleet early in the day untreated surfaces again slippery in the morning and a high of 41 degrees take a look at your community calendar from the events page w d e l dot com on Wednesday February the 13th joy in the city of New arcs after school gymnastics and downs elementary school to 20 Cassio Mill Road the goals are to build self-esteem strength and basic skills in gymnastics you can contact the recreation office 302-366-7000 or New Ark d e dot gov slash play I'm Kevin Hayes you were listening to w d e l b s news up because our change in direction of the recording industry on earth some of music's best correspondents the fundament was on hand in Los Angeles for years there's been a complaint that the Grammy Awards was not getting proper credit to rap music well all that has now changed at least as far as this Grammy Awards show Childish Gambino wins for Grammys including 2 of the top 3 Grammy Awards record and Song of the year for this is America this was a breakthrough night for rap music at the Grammys It was also a big night for female singers including Britain's do all the part she won Best New Artist about a year after female voices were somewhat muted at the $2800.00 sermon and the Grammys were criticized for the. A low number of female nominees not just one and not. Waver from your background and what you believe in never look back and the way of you in your dreams to get you. Back courtesy of the Recording Academy on c.b.s. T.v. C.b.s. News update on Top 40. Building relationships during recovery from mental and substance use disorders can put the strength of family and community behind you we're all connected offering encouragement support and hope join the voices for recovery strengthen families and communities for confidential information on mental and substance use disorders including prevention and treatment referrals for you or someone you know call 180662 help run the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services. 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Unvarnished in both the end unvarnished Well I mean that well wow if if I heard a one song one more bet written well what. Cortez was. Talking about is challenging but it's bold bold has now become the the term for proposing something that is completely and totally impossible and asinine. But at least she's proposing ideas that make us discuss the situation and therefore it's good it's impossible. It can't happen it will never happen but that doesn't matter as long as you care. Remember the whole thing when she did you know used talking about we need to you know if we when she was speaking on Martin Luther King weekend right and she. Was asked about the money should people care about the money we've only got 12 years left I'm paraphrasing here and people are and so we don't have 12 year left really the world's going to be gone into a well and come on people are taking me literally on that we're you said 12 years is all we have that she argument that you're making that you know that's what we're getting from the left now they make outrageous statements you call them on the outrageous statement they said how dare you call me literally out on what I just said well if you hadn't said 12 years if you would said in the next century we may run into serious problems why are people questioning the money that we spend you would have more leeway would she not. Possibly it's the 12 years when you say 12 years well she admitted that she had lied on it that it was just a bit of rhetoric outrageous rhetoric but it was in order to make a point. You make a point by telling the truth not anymore and that was talked about a lot this weekend about now now we live in an era where you can just make any proposal what or whether it's workable or not doesn't matter in fact if you start asking the question whether this is workable or possible you are the one that's considered to be negative that propose any half deary or kind of proposal and if your quest the person who questions on the viability or the workability of that deal they are the negative one they are the one that should shut up. But before we get to that I want to go to this is Tucker Carlson and this is this is the bizarre thing that happened on Friday night when he questioned part of her proposal and I'm with it was Robert Ark hocket a Cornell law professor who was vising a customer Cortez on her green new deal here's part of that interview how much will this cost that sunk clear how we pay for it unknown who will make this happen will workers obviously you know anyone who is quote unwilling to work will still get paid by the government now the words not all of the details have been ironed out as of tonight that's what we're grateful to Robert Hawkins here is a law professor at Cornell he's advising Alexandra cause you Cortez on the Green New Deal and he joins us from Russia thanks very much for coming on so this is the obvious question why would we ever pay people who are quote unwilling to work. We never would write and you know he has never said anything like that right I think you're referring to some sort of a document that some I think some doctored document that somebody other than us has been circulating Oh I thought that came right from her that was in the background or from her office is my understand no no she's actually tweeted it out to laugh at it if you look at her latest tweets it seems that apparently some Republicans have put it out there I don't know if I will get it well done then thank you for correcting me I mean that is but how would it seem to her ticket almost as ridiculous as the idea that we're going to build enough light rail to make airplanes unnecessary which I think actually is from I would I don't know where you got that. Now and as we all know I mean then he was just a vis aerated Friday night Tucker Carlson they made a fool out of him they made him look like an idiot. Then the. Cost of Cortez's office did however did publish the Green New Deal fact that said it guarantees economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work on to or to hock its claim or office later deleted that fact. Her chief of staff said in a series of tweets later that that was published by mistake but it was a concert of Cortez who authorized it and it was on her website they said it did not match the Green Deal new the green new deals legislative taxed on aspects like welfare and nuclear power and we brought you the fact that what she had said to nuclear power in the you know early in the day when she was questioned on that by by believe it was was an n.p.r. And she denied that it was and they said Well here it is right here it says nuclear power that your goal is to get rid of it well no we would well it says it here the early part of the early draft was clearly unfinished and that does not represent the Green New Deal Reza lays resolution that got published to the website by mistake. But I but you're right wing Republican now then Andrew Lawrence a researcher at the left wing group Media Matters that facts checks the rights. Tweeted out a clip of pockets in accurate answers on Friday night but claimed that Hackett had actually done all quote all the conservative media lives straight to Carlson's face that's what I saw the 1st thing I woke up on Saturday morning going what are you talking about I got it from a website earlier in the day. I printed it up from her website I'm saying did you know did Trump get the Russians to hack into a copy of Cortez in what's what's going on here maybe it was the Venezuelan. Well as we conceded that he was wrong and in an e-mail to The Daily Caller News' foundation on Saturday quote It appears that there was more than one document being discussion today only one of which I heard about with any definitive this by last evening after a long day of media appearances namely the one referred to by the congresswoman and her tweet I regret that we seem an only to have ended up speaking about different documents for a minute during our longer and otherwise on the same page conversation last night. Neither media matters nor cusser Cortez office return the requests for comment by press time. The Daily Caller put this out on Saturday I believe so late Saturday so . But yeah wow just mind mind boggling well as I just and they believe they're going to get away with it you know it's interesting. Remember when we was it Susan Rice that was making the rounds. On the Sunday shows and there was someone else along the way in the Obama administration that did 2 or 3 I think actually I think it was holder a did 2 or 3 Sunday talk shows and they hadn't read a document that was what 9 pages long and we thought. You know we talked about it on the air Ok if you're going to appear on a show on a Sunday morning news show not once but twice wouldn't you take the time I don't know in the car right over to read 9 pages. Well this goes even further you have somebody who is a surrogate for Ok ASIO Cortez he goes on Tucker Carlson and gets it completely wrong he lies about it then Media Matters is the same thing yeah . Right they they they they tweet that whole I'll just kick his butt. Really And again it goes back to all right where did the original information come from because we had already heard that it was a typo on the website we had already heard somebody had already stated that when we were talking about it Thursday night in his writing I'd say I had seen it on social media saying oh that that from what I heard that was a typo and so we actually gave them benefit of the doubt right thinking nobody laughed outright nobody's going to post something like that Ravi was a typo nobody is going to post something like that that says we're going to give welfare benefits that are unwilling to work and then we said but then again it's a cost of Cortez maybe it could be true. But that's was the reason they said that they that you know that they had pulled it pulled it off and you know then you get to the point of Tucker Carlson on with her advisor stating it was a falls document Republican now he knew that was Falls right yes that's something we're not looking for is lying about yes so there we are and then like I said over the weekend you know when you hear the left defending this well you know she's got sixty's this is a bold this is a bold thing that she has put forward all the sudden in our society putting out something that's skews my language pure crap pure fantasy mean. Mazel come out and say Look. Transportation isn't good enough let's beam let's start beaming people up we don't write a need the trains right we can just being people up that means you have to be able to take apart the molecular you know portions of our body right send them out in a stream of energy and then put them back together again Well yeah but. If Eisenhower ad asked that when we wanted to build the interstate by the way that's what she came out with. In her document that he built the interstate is really interesting because this isn't Slate dot com Mike Pesca and their blog the just the green the new Green Deal is a dream. The green new deal will never work to change the status quo bold plans need to be rooted in reality and it said in a role of speech she cited the New Deal and The Great Society has huge ideas that everyone scoffed at now that member This is from the left the difference is that those social welfare programs did not have its course policies deemed unrealistic by the people who knew the most about them the great progressive gains of American society woman suffrage civil rights gay rights were not won by making demands for submitting proposals that leaders knew could not happen maybe I'm wrong but he talks about can you excite cite an example of f.d.r. Hey we're a proposed 2 dams in Tennessee. I just love that we're right but it said but they go to the fact page and said we're should talk about Eisenhower and the interstate if Eisenhower wanted to build the interstate system today people would ask how we'd pay for it well they'd be right to and they also did ask those questions then in fact paying for the interstate system was a dominant consideration she also invokes the moon shot saying that when j.f.k. Said we go to the moon by the end of the decade people said impossible and he's right I'm sure some did but the experts did not the experts did not say that the scientists did not say that they all said it was possible you can't get to 0 carbon emissions you can't get to net 0 carbon emissions you can't run a society on renewable energy it's impossible you cannot run the society on renewable energy that is impossible you can't do it by 2030 you can't do it by 2040 you can't do it by 2050 unless they develop the dilithium crystals and Kirk says it's Ok to use it yeah or Picard or whoever the other captain was right or the other so even the example she gives are bogus and that comes from the left well and it really the that that whole bogus promise the only way that they can even claim to make any ground on that is to lie about. Right and they get caught up in this if they get caught which is why they just changed it to the net by the way yeah because they know at some point in the future they're going to be seen as actually making progress on it well the only way you can do that is lie right that's what net means next year 0 net 0 carbon emissions we had to change to right oh that means we had a fudge the numbers 86690 right I had to put on board your goals 866 Monday right here on the road i Radio. 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It's right am radio a he is Eric Harley and I'm Gary McNamara will let you hear what some members of Congress had to say about a casserole Cortez's new Green Deal which of by the way I believe as 60 supporters in the house right now. And actually Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut saying the Green New Deal is absolutely realistic. As as I've said these these people are completely totally ignorant. Or their line yeah I wonder what do you know it's this weird math that you know look humans can fly you know technically I could fly if I jumped out of a tall building I would fly all the way till the time I hit the ground. It is this it it's just bizarre math in this bizarre thinking that they want people to buy into but the fantasy that they when they went for fantasy they didn't go to the Democrats or the past where you know a little bit here and a little bit there they went full on fantasy all across the board. This series Red Eye radio on was would one. 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With a smaller Miley explained album gold at our British storage Duleep the once the other major award Best New Artist Lady Gaga won 3 Grammys 2 of them for her hits shallow from the film a star is born Steve fundament c.b.s. News at the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles and not a Richmond Virginia where the top 3 officials of the Commonwealth remain targets of pressure to quit for various reasons the governor on the attorney general for use of blackface in the 1980 s. The lieutenant governor accused of sexual assault by 2 women who say they are willing to testify the governor off nor them was interviewed by c.b.s. This morning he said he's not quitting asked for his would be replacement Northam refused to call for the resignation of the lieutenant governor just in Fairfax who was accused of sexual assault by 2 women Fairfax says he's innocent and wants the f.b.i. To investigate if these accusations are determined to be true I don't think he's going to have any other option but to resign governor Northam to refusal to step down was greeted skeptically by other Virginia lawmakers c.b.s. News correspondent Nicole Killian another government shutdown deadline is coming up and fast temporary funding for those agencies that were closed last month now runs out this Friday you know addition to the border wall money that divides Democrats and Republicans big time there are other immigrant. Issues in play in the ongoing budget negotiations Alabama Republican Senator Richard Shelby all just all right now I'm hoping we can get alpha done because time's taken away so his bottom line odds of avoiding shutdown version 2 old house a 5050.

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