Area still unclear exactly where that plane went down what exactly is going on keep you posted as we learn more through the day and the fight to employed Florida's felon laws voting rages on now Democrats want to reach a compromise finish the prison sentence and pay restitution this all stems from a dispute over what constitutes completion of a sentence to help define that the g.o.p. Controlled Florida legislature passed a law stating that merely completing a prison term was not enough so Governor Rhonda sent us a signed off on legislation requiring felons to pay court fees fines and restitution before being eligible to vote now a new bill from the West Palm Beach Democrat hopes to negotiate this part representative wants to strike fees and fines from the law while requiring felons to pay any restitution he argued the way the law is now requiring full payment is too high a burden and that the effect will be felt disproportionately among minorities and low income individuals Katrina scales at $96.00 w. a Just another day at work for 2 NASA astronauts on a 6 hour space walking the shuttle trying to create a folding table for there's quite a bit of Quark So we pulled over we Ok Ok we cover that airplane where we want the slack and any clean up is most appreciated there floating outside the International Space Station to install a 2nd docking port that will be used for cruise ships being built by Boeing in space x. Boeing planes to launch it sort of lighter capsule on an unpiloted test flight in October followed by a test flight with 3 crew members early next year 3 o 3 a News 96.5 w. D.b.o. . They call you the great master you see are the thickest porterhouse in the butcher shop in this respect 1st for for your mouth you savor them and. You get amazing offers during the Mercedes Benz summer event like 82001900 class sedan and g.l.c. S.u.v. The perfect recipe is the driving performance plus you can enjoy 6 months of Sirius x.m. All access including the Mercedes Benz summer event now serving limited time offers from select one of the vehicles and offers a. September 3rd for sixpence is the best for you. 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Factory direct going on now by 2 windows get a 3rd free call 1800 new windows. Or Washington watchdog and this is where Orlando turns 1st for breaking news weather and traffic news 965 w d b o whether brought to you by us heating air conditioning just isolated storms are expected across central Florida this afternoon of course where they develop heavy rain gusty winds and lightning will come along for the ride but the chance is just 30 percent it's going to be hot $93.00 the daytime high the heat index near 100 tonight clearing skies with lows tomorrow in the mid seventy's and still just a 30 percent chance for storms tomorrow in a high of 93 gentlemen I'm meteorologist rusty McRae. Alert from the scene promo code risk for 10 percent off your 1st year with traffic alerts every 6 minutes in the morning or help you get to work on time I'm Jackie o. Brien News 96.5 w d.b.o. . Sean Hannity on News 96.5 Joe Biden d.b.o. Leger with us right down to the telephone number we'd love to have you be a part of the program thank you for giving us this chance this microphone every single day to counter what is the media mob in America I mean they were we're going to play a pretty. Big portions of the president's little gaggle with the press and look you know there's been a lot of talk about Wow Well where's the press secretary I honestly think that Donald Trump is his own best spokes person and you know what sometimes he says you know I'll do it myself certainly there is communication with the press more now with the president seems like every time he goes to the helicopter he is talking we're going to get into all of that there is a great fear that is emerging even more than we imagined in the Democratic Party of the latest on to leave been Omar in their fight against Israel and why a congressional Democrats siding with them and very ill an anti semitism Why is that there's never been a president of the United States that has done more to solidify this special relationship that we have with Israel the only democracy in the region than Donald Trump that you know all these presidents in the past what have they promised they promised oh we'll move the embassy to Jerusalem and they never do it how many promise they will recognize the rightful property known as go along the Golan Heights this president did it this relationship has gotten deeper and deeper and what's really fascinating if you know a little bit of what's going on behind the scenes this is something that really could be miraculous and historic on a level over time not right away that nobody has ever thought could happen maybe even in our lifetime and maybe it'll happen after a lifetime but what's what's emerging is this real fear of Arabian Gemini and this mathematical formula that I always talk about a squared be squared c. Squared when you have radical Islamic mullahs that chant Death to America Death to Israel burn the American flag burn the Israeli flag that continually threaten to wipe Israel off the map that threaten a continental United States it in fact they get those nuclear weapons if. You marry to gather a squared that type of insane radicalism which is convert or die our way or the highway yes will wipe you off the face of the earth you have that radical ideology then you have the component be squared which is nuclear weapons well that equals in our own lifetime a potential Holocaust and that is the danger if radical mullahs in Iran get nuclear weapons it is not overstated it is not hyperbole it could be a real world reality and some may think well Hannity you know maybe you're going a little too far here. Really you don't think it can happen how many tens of millions died under Stalin and Communism around the world in the last century how many were killed during the Holocaust how many during World War 2 Naziism fascism communism Imperial Japan whatever ism you know these ideologies exist and we lost by most estimates 100000000 human souls in the last century to these sick twisted ugly ideologies now one of the things that would make this a very different equation is if you have nuclear weapons that are being used by extremist whatever the ideology happens to be to kill innocent men women and children an ideology that would allow a parent to strap bombs on themselves walk into a public place blow themselves up as well as many innocent people as possible and says Don't worry you're going to heaven and knowledge is going to give you 72 virgins those radical extremists Yeah that's dangerous I don't think anybody has been as outspoken as I have been on the issue of radical Islam and the horrific discriminatory practices of countries practicing varying versions of sharia I think nobody has been more outspoken about Saudi Arabia than yours truly I mean up to recently women can. Dr women are told how to address whether they can leave their house mostly with a male relative can't leave the country without a husband's permission you know gays and lesbians have been killed just for being gay and lesbian same thing happens in Iran and all these other countries other countries under Sharia you know marital rape is not a crime and then of course you have the persecution of Christians and Jews you can't build a temple or a church and some of these countries under Sharia. And those values are incompatible to the values that we share which are very simply that we are endowed by a creator with in an inalienable God given rights life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that's every american this country and we literally institute a government to protect those rights but in the words of Thomas Paine government and common sense government is in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an intolerable one History has proven that statement from 776 from the great pamphleteer Thomas Paine to be absolutely accurate and true. So we've got this controversy going on here is the only question I have as it relates to congressional Democrats the Jerusalem Post had a pretty fascinating take on all of this but I start with a reminder we were probably one of the only shows that pointed out that you know with all the talk about the Russians influencing our elections and I don't want Lattimer Putin messing with anybody's election especially ours and we can bring Putin do is knees but we're not going to do it if we ever institute the new green deal because the new Green Deal with eliminate oil and gas we could literally make every American rich and raise the standard of living to levels that are unheard of if we would share the natural resources of oil gas coal that we have in abundance in this country that the radical left capitulating to radical environmentalists have prevented us from ever doing we're now energy independent of Donald Trump for the 1st time in 75 years even if even truck drivers are trained in the energies sector and they're trained to do jobs at $80000.00 starting pay with all the overtime they can handle and other high paying career jobs if we would embrace the gift that we've been given in terms of America's natural resources and in the meantime if you want to invent invent other ways a new energies look on my. Forte I once read a book by an inventor and he claims that there's more energy literally tapped into the gravitational pull and that if we could ever tap into it we'd have endless amounts of energy. At no cost whatsoever fine if we can tap into that let's let's do it but until we can do something like that it's its oil gas and coal so but everyone upset about the outside influence of elections Ok Well Barack Obama's election team they went over to Israel not this last election the one before when Prime Minister Netanyahu was running and they tried to defeat Netanyahu and they even use State Department funds to do it I think we were one of the few shows to actually point that out so with all the indignation or selective phony fake war all outrage of Democrats Well that's what Obama did find it interesting that I have not heard a single Democrat criticize Obama except for Alan Dershowitz Alan Dershowitz was the only one that I know of that when this picture emerged of Barack Obama and Louis Farrakhan the very least racist anti semite that he is you know they had that picture all during the years of 07 and 08 all during his 8 years of his presidency comes out post presidency and I don't think a single person ever asked why why are you smiling in a picture with a known at the time very ill and hateful anti semite and racist what are you doing there nobody asked them just like there's only one question I fed it to George Stephanopoulos of any major major media outlet on the issue of Bernadino Dorna Bill Ayers back in the day but I'm watching today and I I'm a little stunned at what the Democratic Party is doing seemingly siding with the lead to no more in this fight against Israel now if I'm Israel and somebody like Omar who goes well it's all about the Benjamins and Israel is hypnotized the world . May Allah blah blah blah blah expose their evil deeds and you know then makes fun of the way Americans say al Qaeda after al-Qaeda killed nearly 3000 of our fellow countrymen nothing funny to me about any of that and you got to leave and she wants to boycott Israel and is comparing Israel and that boycott to the boycott of Nazi Germany and Mike Will somebody please take the entire squad over to Auschwitz and over to the concentration camps because they keep making these not Nazi analogies that are just total b.s. Do they not know what happened in Auschwitz that they not know what happened in real concentration camps or are they just being ignorant or just trying to score cheap political points just like is that made the comparison to the detention centers but they've been trying to attack the president's words when he said Jewish voters in America vote Democratic or disloyal meaning he clearly meant disloyal to the cause of Israel there's never been a president more supportive of Israel than Donald Trump never in the history and it's resulting in this added benefit where now the Israelis the Americans that saw us and the president and general oust Sisi who I didn't have an opportunity to spend a lot of time with he's now part of this coalition King Abdullah Jordan of is part of it the Saudis are a part of it the Emirates are a part of it and all of them see what I just said about a square be squared see squared we can't let these radical Islamic mullahs in Iran that believe in Convert or die that want to wipe Israel in the us off the face of the earth get these nuclear weapons that alliance was impossible of years ago you know I'm just I'm watching you know the coverage in all of this the Jerusalem Post points out that Israel's ambassador to the u.s. Is now persona non-grata Well there's no better ally than Ron Dermer and Bibi Netanyahu to the United States of America you have Democrat. It's telling the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that Ron Dermer is Rolen the banning of these women that are clearly anti sematic from visiting Israel which by the way they offered on humanitarian basis a visa to Congresswoman to leave but them as they were Israeli and bad what did he do wrong. Nothing you know Did everyone forget that Obama didn't allow a member of the Knesset into the us that we forget you know there's always there's no reciprocity on the side of the Liberal Democrats it's all that selective moment moral outrage if it's not all Trump and Russia then it matters if it's Hillary in a phony Russian dossier used to implement the election end up doesn't matter if it's Trump obstruction with no underlying crime. That that's everything if it's Hillary's subpoenaed e-mails deleted bleach bit hammers devices all that then they don't care if it's Cavanagh let's bludgeon him but let's ignore the charges of rape and violence sexual assault of the guy's a Democrat lieutenant governor of Virginia you know it just all of this is selective moral outrage on their part if you can use it to bludgeon Trump bludgeon Trump if you can't don't talk about it so it's clear that it's not the issues they care about it's the political weaponization of all things anti Trump but it's all backfiring and this cast of characters are just you know disintegrating before our eyes like Barry Farber used to say though it's like Outkast Seltzer you know under Niagara Falls it just bubble and fizzing and it's going to just evaporate away I mean poor sleepy creepy crazy Uncle Joe is not going to make it when his own wife said well I know you can top that you have to swallow hard if you want to vote for my husband. Ok and he doesn't know the decade in which Martin Luther King Jr and and Kennedy was killed oh boy that's a problem on top of not knowing that it wasn't Michigan that it was Al Paso he got even got a date the date and shoot in the El Paso should he know it that's used in the Michigan No it was all Paso in Dayton. And it gets worse from there on his brain surgeon came out and told us everything's Ok Well that's comforting hey listen don't forget even though we're in the middle of summer you've got to protect your assets God forbid something ever happens you don't want government making decisions on your stuff and your kids etc It's National make a will month and now for over 18 years our friends at Legal Zoom dot com they've developed the perfect straight forward way for you to protect what you care about the most your family your assets that all starts with a last will or living trust a state plan that sounds confusing Let not your heart be troubled Legal Zoom can help you out you have a ton of online resources for you to figure out what's right for you and if that's not enough well their network of independent attorneys they'll provide the advice that you need more specifically and you don't pay high hourly rates you pay play one flat rate Legal Zoom is not a law for over a 1000000 people have done so with Legal Zoom dot com make it easier when you go to Legal Zoom dot com It's National make a will month want to get you well your living trust do it now you'll get special savings because it's National make a will month Legal Zoom dot com Don't forget the promo code Hannity when you check out in the referral box Legal Zoom dot com promo code Hannity. Down to the things you need to 33 a small plane crashed near Kissimmee Park Road in St Cloud this afternoon we've learned that 2 people were transported to a hospital still the search continues today for 2 central Florida fishermen who disappeared after leaving Port Canaveral back on Friday the search has been extended all the way to South Carolina President Trump in Louisville Kentucky this afternoon Ford courageously for a country and now my administration is fighting courageously for you the president spoke at the American Veterans 75th National Convention. This is News 96.5. Most of us spend 8 hours or more sitting in a chair that just may not be right for our body type Today we're talking with Tony the c.e.o. And visionary behind the x. Chair the most customizable comfortable and supportive office chair ever made all right so let's jump right in Tony what inspired you to create x. 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Sure not only will fellow Democrats. Not condemn all Maher and to leave his anti Semitism which we now know is rampant and burial and they house majority leader study Hoyer Well he's mad because Ron Dermer the ambassador for Israel appeared to assure him that the leaving Omar would be permitted to visit Israel. And by the way to leave was given a humanitarian visa if she wanted it and then decided after begging for it not to take it and this is where a top congressional staffer said wow that's it with Israel that's the nail in the coffin that's it for Dearmer what's what's saving Dearmer from what would have been and I'm president of humiliation a formal condemnation they're going to condemn him but not to leave it Omar we got that twisted in this life. I mean his counterpart David Friedman the ambassador to Israel they're going to go after him to what happened in the Democratic Party of Joe Lieberman honestly you know so much from the fake news media there is the magazine The newspaper called the forward a leading voice in the Jewish community. Doesn't have any tolerance for anti semitism they're not buying this big Democratic lie now an op ed for the magazine The forward to Claire that the silence of the Democratic Party in the wake of yet another act of Omar and tell leave that exudes the odor of anti Semitism the left can no longer excuse its anti semitism That's from the forward let me tell you something takes of that that is 888 shift a change from Where's Chuck Schumer for crying out loud you know where guys like Eliot angle Jerry Nadler Where are they. This is outrageous to me. I mean you have the representatives Elden said all Maher and to leave all about we getting Israel our number one ally in the Middle East. This is Newsnight the 6.5 w d b o we Orlando turns 1st for breaking news traffic 24 hours a day is a good start it's now 330 of News 96.5 w. D.b.o. We are following some breaking news out of Osceola County the Santa to a small plane that has crashed in a field in St Cloud This is reportedly near the Osceola road in Kissimmee Park Road intersection the plane crashed into an open field and landed upside down we have learned that 2 people were on board that plane and they have been transported to a local hospital the extent of their injuries are unknown as you can see a photo of the plane now in the news that is $6.00 w. D. . News that is 6.5 w. D.b.o. Orlando turns 1st for severe weather on Channel 9 meteorologist Restivo Craney storm chances relatively low today how long that trend will last Coming up we have sunshine hot 94 downtown Orlando 96 inside the Walt Disney World resort to tell you more you know Sean Hannity back in the 5 minutes President Trump speaking at the Amvets convention in Kentucky today announces the elimination of student loan debt for veterans who are completely and permanently disabled the Trump administration also rolled out a new plan that would allow for families with children crossing the Us Mexico border to be tamed detained indefinitely President Obama had separation I'm the one that brought them together this new rule will do even more to bring them together president commented on it before leaving for Kentucky the new rule will replace a federal court agreement that limits how long migrant children can be detained which is generally 20 days another rocket launch set for tomorrow morning from the Space Coast United Launch Alliance plan. To send a Delta 4 carrying a g.p.s. Navigation satellite into space the launch window opens at 9 am you will hear it live if and when it goes here on News 96.5 w d b o talk show host Larry King as filed for divorce from his 7th wife the 85 year old filed the divorce papers Tuesday to end the 22 year marriage apparently Shaun King wanted to end the marriage but Larry's team was quicker to file the paperwork 332 news that a 6.5 w. D.b.o. Say Metro about t. Mobile got the best deal and why lists and it's all for you all phone meet just which quickly because Metro has to lance that $88.00 and $2.00 Samsung Galaxy j 7 stuff phones for free plus Amazon Prime included that's the way while it should be only admit troll. Sales tax an activation fee $50.00 plus rate plan acquired knowledge or numbers currently on t. Mobile network on Metroid past any days off are subject to change offer valid for new Amazon Prime members Amazon Prime as a $29.00 per month restrictions apply for details and terms and conditions it's summer time which means that age old question is upon us water park or newsman park slides or rides how does one choose Why not both all summer long tickets to California's Great America included mission to Boomerang Bay so you can enjoy both in the same day if half the family wants slides and the other half wants rides there's a whole park that's perfect for everyone save on tickets and see a great America dot com California's Great America and Boomerang Bay It's amazing in here with the rugby but us heating and air conditioning just isolated storms are expected across central Florida this afternoon of course where they develop heavy rain gusty winds and lightning will come along for the ride but the chance is just 30 percent it's going to be hot $93.00 the daytime high the heat index near 100 tonight clearing skies with lows tomorrow in the mid seventy's and still just a 30 percent chance for storms tomorrow in a high of 93 and I mean are all just rusty Mick rainy. Days. Such security triple team traffic high for westbound still some delays coming down past the rest area down to 434 but that crash has cleared so much easier ride slowdowns have moved into downtown you get to be heavy from Princeton down to Colonial also past central Florida Parkway and past the 429 on the eastbound side delays building past Disney that's going to be slow from up to the 4 awake and looks like you're right 3 seminal is still looking good it looks like are still clear to crash on old Winter Garden westbound at good homes with traffic alerts every 6 minutes in the morning we're helping you get to work on time I'm Jackie o. Brien News 96.5. Sean Hannity on News $96.00 about the Benjamins baby according to Congresswoman Omar and Israel is hypnotizes the world All right let's go to the double standard issue shall we how is it there's a picture of Baracoa saying Obama with Louis Farrakhan the single biggest racist anti Semite in the country both smiling now they hid it from the American public all throughout the election season I understand it was taken according to the Jerusalem Post in 2005 Why did they meet why did he ever start his political career in the home of Burton Dean Dorn and Bill Ayers you know we have the Jerusalem Post pointing out that in a new video published by screwy Louie the very one anti semite is saying that Harvey Weinstein Jeffrey Epstein committed their crimes because they felt entitled by Jewish wall and he said you know the pedophilia homosexuality sex trafficking is the word of the Talmud asst Telmo to sort of the Old Testament what was said wasn't the Old Testament or what was said about it. By the People of the time now there's never been a president that has been more pro israel than Donald Trump and but the the Democratic Party used to be a party that supported the state of Israel parents I think the forward is right the silence is deafening and you know on telly been Omar and don't forget telly wrote for Louis Farrakhan in his magazine then when asked why that happens how is it Donald Trump gets all the questions about these things you know I mean what are the policies that they're endorsing that they would support you know anti semite Louis Farrakhan claim that the town a town mood permits sex crimes that's a lie that's not true what he's saying. And now we've got the 2nd leading Democrat in the house taking aim at the Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer who's been nothing but a friend and an ally in the best sense of the word and why is it we're all upset about all those people that want to impact foreign elections nobody seem to give a flying rip that Obama's team went to Israel to try and unseat Benjamin Netanyahu probably the one guy up until trump that had was the sole voice of moral clarity on the world stage a truly Churchillian figure I explain all that some believe a full weekend can we bludgeon Trump doesn't matter when we can bludgeon Trump. You know I'm watching a lot of things as it relates to the 2020 race and it's really interesting that you know the media they we went through this whole history how they spent 2 and a half years lying patting themselves on the back the New York Times Washington Post a.b.c. N.b.c. C.b.s. Fake news c.n.n. Conspiracy t.v. Rachel Maddow Roswell Rachael's m.s. D.n.c. They're not even a news that's not a news channel it's a conspiracy hoax channel we have a leaked transcript I've been telling you about from the New York Times townhall their executive editor Dean back in admitting quote We built our newsroom to cover one story and we did it really well truly Well Ok the story turns out 2 and a half years later to be a total hoax they've advanced 2 and a half years again this is what they devoted their entire news to their entire newsroom their entire new staff to cover one story because they wanted to take down Trump and the same thing with The Washington Post in the same thing with the big 3 networks and the same thing with 2 cable channels on a news room in the country that got this right now we're beginning to see with the revelations every single day exactly what really did happen the only thing the New York Times finally got right really late in the game suggesting all the the dossier was probably Russian knowingly Russian misinformation from the beginning of the New York Times is right and they say Ok that the Clinton bought and paid for Russian dossier was Russian disapprobation from the beginning that would mean that the Russians the hostile actors that they are the hostile regime and under Putin that they were in fact knowingly given Hillary information that would help her win the exact opposite narrative that the media has been telling you all of this time if the New York Times is right on that one issue. But rather than admit that they're wrong and put out a correction and it should be our front page top fold big letters we were wrong we're sorry we'll do better that's not going to happen Nope actually they're just moving on to the next set of lies misinformation and what they decided to settle in on and forget that the last story was bogus one big lie now they want the American people to buy into the next lie and he says we're going to regroup. The New York Time now we're going to focus our entire newsroom as he said before is all of our energy all of our time they were pushing wild baseless accusations wrong every single time and I won't admit they're wrong but you know him saying you know we built our newsroom to cover one story but now it's time to move on regroup shift resources and emphasis now we're going to do $11.00 different story Oh so now all the recessed says resources will go to a different story all the bold new angle from the New York Times is all about accusing President Trump every conservative every Republican of racism they think they literally saying it publicly where they're headed that is what they're now going to bludgeon Donald Trump with this is now they didn't get what they wanted from the f.b.i. Investigation the House Intel investigation the bipartisan Senate best a geisha in the Moeller report the Moeller testimony so now they're going to Ok let's let's say we did a great job and we got everything wrong and now let's just switch and divide the country along racial lines let's accuse everyone every Republican conservative the president of racism I've talked about this history and I've outlined this history on radio and t.v. For years every 2 and 4 years never changes and when change now is it's every 2nd minute hour of every day you know what they go story to story it's Russia Russia collusion collusion impeachment impeachment as a whole asshole stormy stormy you know racist racist that's that's what they do all the New York Times is nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and they got caught they're admitting as much they're one senior loan focus and goal is a smear campaign against all things Donald Trump and if you look at this right you know radical group of 2020 Democrats they get a free pass from everyone in the news media I mean you're watching sleepy creepy crazy Uncle Joe melt down every day I mean he didn't know what decade Martin Luther King and and Kennedy were killed when he got there just like you my generation might go to school now. Somebody killed Dr Saxon seventy's some of them are going to. Do that John remember you remember this Camembert was a time in early May 67 or over sixty's and sixty's where there was dropout rate as a very good time for somebody over 30. You know Joe 30330 He's a walking disaster he's supposed to be the experience competent front runner in this crowded field every Democrat now is freaking out about how bad this is and the poll numbers are now beginning to show what I mean look at one disaster after he can go to a 711 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian access accent Hey wait a minute no mice my state was a place they were not no Northeastern liberal state of course I can get votes and by come from a slave state Wow For the 1st time ever you have a African-American who is bright articulate and clean that storybook man that's all sleeping creepy I mean it goes on from there and he then he brings out his brain surgeon yesterday to say no he's actually fine is he had these brain issues back in couple of operations whatever on his frontal lobes and then his wife says well you got to have to hold your nose I know what kind of endorsement is this for a candidate listen to me you. Can Tell. Me . You were. Here. For. It going to I know if you want to know you don't have to swallow hard to vote for my husband and suck it up Mike are you kidding me that a campaign slogan is that an endorsement you know David Axelrod I think now that this is the best Joe's got he's not going to get better and the idea that you're going to hide him is he's not going to this big con fab because they're afraid he's going to make mistakes remember poor kids are just as bright as white kids well except truth over facts Ok Oh I get I'm sorry about your mom dying Oh your mom didn't die oh Stand up Chuck I mean I can keep going on we've done this this is on top of it what is this party stand for They've all bought into the insane new Green Deal some version or another person has bought in the most seems to become alla Harris I mean no no gas everything's free free free free free free guaranteed job vacation retirement health care but you can't buy your own health care what in a Kemal a lemonade oil gas combustion engine Benchley get rid of cows and planes are you kidding that will lead to the most of the single pass this depression and and economic and wealth meltdown in the history of mankind and bring out the crazy Uncle Joe's brain surgeon to reassure America when he performs surgery on the senators after the senator had to brain aneurism Zen is you know is that that's it his absolutely certain Biden has a brain that is functioning that was his quote that's almost as bad as the end are you going to have to swallow hard if you want to vote for my husband. That's not exactly the best endorsement that and by the way that's from his wife. They'd maybe get a little more support than that and Democrats now there was a Politico article they feel there's going to be a wipe out all the irredeemable deplorable Zz they cling to their god guns Bibles and religion you know we smelly Wal-Mart Trump people all politicos now beginning to see something emerge and they see wrote quote Democrats are hoping to climb out of the deep hole in rural America and now they're all basically saying they want to take our guns also Obama last rural voters by 17 points 23 points and 2012 and rock bottom arrived in 2016 Clinton 34 points behind Trump So you've got your big city voters Ok they'll go out in mass in states like New York California New Jersey Illinois find those states are in play and I don't think the rest of America is going to sit out and wait for this new green deal that will alter any chance of prosperity freedom and success that we can ever have in this country how does a candidate not remember the decade when Kennedy and King were assassinated Good grief that's that's chilling Ok Elizabeth Warren she's trying to apologize for her decades and decades use of this false narrative in lie that she's Native American and she benefited as a result and they printed it everywhere she worked as a result of it I'm like seriously as you can you can get away with Earth you know and oh and joke by the way apparently we have our own Lawrence Jones has been following sleepy creepy all day today we're going to have it on Hannity tonight that ought to be interesting. Liz about Warren's in trouble what do we got we got the angry Bernie Sanders the original socialist they're going to now move to Mayor Pete they're going to start begging Michelle Obama to get in at the last moment in the hopes that she can save the country from Donald Trump. I don't think so and I look at the rest of what this party stands for and it's not looking good you know we've been following what's going on in these big cities all these cities runs for decades by liberal Democrats as basically one party rule Chicago l.a. San Francisco New York New Jersey some for one Giuliani was Bloomberg was always a Democrat. We have the police union in New York now advising the n.y.p.d. Police to stop being proactive in the wake of the Garner case decision and then it would look I do martial arts it's a technicality a chokehold is very different from a headlock it was not a choke hold but putting all of that aside you want to know why that really happened and shouldn't happen the guy selling individual cigarettes Ok self what are the home selfies or Solo's or someone like home wonder when they sell the one cigarette anyone in there know none of you know you don't know what it's called whatever so they sell you open a pack of cigarettes is post only sell it by the pack and he sell them Lucy's loosies That's all right so the police now why is New York City using their resources of police officers to arrest the guy that's selling a single cigarette why that's so stupid to me you know we've got more important issues to worry about New York than some guy selling a cigarette maybe the guy selling you know drugs and and heroin and cocaine and Fenton all maybe that's a little more important but those little rules and laws that they make the cops and force so ridiculous I was a waste that that never should happen but they have to do their job they can't pick and choose what laws they want to enforce and don't enforce of that they do that then they get in trouble. You can't win for losing it that should never of happened with that man leave him alone I couldn't believe that's what they're arresting him for I'm not blaming the cops I'm done and I know the guy or it's never going to be pretty when somebody resists arrest this was something that could have been prevented by not having government just a big hand of government chopping down on you can't sell individual cigarettes who gives a flying rip if he sells an individual cigarette leave the guy alone shouldn't happen . Blame the government in their idiotic you know it's their imposing no Big Gulps no salt on the table no Lucy cigarettes sold we really need a nanny state like that no wonder people leave in New York San Francisco l.a. Chicago all these big cities in droves sad what happened in our case it was an unnecessary preventable use whatever phrase you want to use right listen all of us we use our well we use our Macs we use our phones we use all these devices that we have every single day and guess what these hackers can go out there and they can steal your information even if it's wife by password protected unless you have Norton secure v.p.n. a Virtual private network they use bank great encryption they hide all of your online activity every text every e-mail you send and receive is encrypted that means they can get it go to Norton dot com slash v.p.n. $3.33 a month. Things like security triple team traffic light for Respond building if you head past is new You're a little slow at Kirkman no bt to the for a wait maybe an extra 5 minutes and you're also building from Par of to Fairbanks westbound downtown to laze part of colonial now and then from the beach sign passenger for the parkway well drive past the 429 Get a wreck on John Young South the con royal someone on goldenrod Lake Underhill this report is sponsored by Staples stable says everything your business needs including great weekly offers on business essential so you can stock up at low prices and save staples with traffic alerts every 6 minutes in the morning we're helping you get to work on time I'm Jackie o. Brian he's 96.5. To the things you need to dream for following breaking news and Osceola County to Santa new or small plane has crashed this happening in an open field insane. In Cloud we've learned 2 people were transported to the hospital you can see photos in the news that a 6.5 w. D. Phil the search continues this afternoon for 2 central Florida fisherman who disappeared after leaving Port Canaveral back on Friday the search has now been extended all the way to South Carolina president speaks with veterans in Louisville Kentucky today Ford courageously for our country and now my administration is fighting courageously for you President spoke at the American Veterans 75th National Convention. This is News 96.5. 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Best call 809-331-0222 learn more 809331022 that's 809331022 or visit Reputation Defender dot com. This is Newsnight the 6.5 w d b Orlando turns 1st for breaking news. 24 hours a day it starts now good afternoon 4 o'clock at News 96.5 w. D.b.o. An update on weather and traffic coming up for you know moment 1st we're following breaking news this afternoon 2 people were taken to the hospital after small plane crashed sheriff's office says it happened around 1230 today near Keystone Ave in Kissimmee Park Road pictures show the plane upside down we don't yet know how the 2 people taken to the hospital are doing it's also not clear where the plane was coming from or going to but the closest airport is Kissimmee gateway the plane was a single engine velocity x l r g 5 I'm Jean Wexler we have pictures of the wreckage posted right now tap the news button in the news on the $6.00 w d and our air one is also now over the scene Michael.

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