9th and 30th and we'll end it with this one a Georgia man catches a funny sight while vacationing here in Florida an alligator resting on an alligator raft David Jacobs was in South Florida for a wedding in 1st noticed the alligator in the lake behind the home later the family came home to find the gator in the pool sitting on top of an alligator raft Jacobs called the home's owner who in turn called a wildlife management company to remove the gator the real one not the blown up version Lauralee News 96.5 w. Bush was wearing a u.s. Hat that would have been a gator's gator on a gator thank you thank you 11 o 3 at News 96.5 w. Have you heard metro now includes Amazon Prime unselect plans yes enjoy the best of shopping and entertainment movies t.v. Shows music fest free shipping and much more us now get a free l.g. Style 0 for one use with Discover the smarter way to wireless metro by g. Mobile That's genius for sales tax an activation fee $50.00 plus recliner quired about the numbers currently on the mobile network are active on Metro pass 90 days off are subject to change of venue Amazon prime numbers one offer per account Amazon Prime has a $1299.00 a month value restrictions apply the store for details in terms of conditions that California the California neighbor passes back at Universal Studios Hollywood so for only $149.00 you can go on over $175.00 days of adventures begin your adventure today and come back this summer for the new dark arts of Hogwarts Castle an ominous nighttime spectacle of like music and Jurassic World visit Universal Studios Hollywood dot com to get our California neighbor pass with over $175.00 days for $149.00 online for 9 months for selected 1st visit big blackout dates restrictions apply this is a rare quiet radio at Nice and quiet we promise not to shop if you promise to take a moment to unplug any unused devices or adjust your thermostat a few degrees to save a bit of energy and keep California shining bright do your part and we'll do ours starting with this quiet because lower volume equals less energy. Used and it all adds up this break from radio as usual brought to you by energy upgrade California keep it Golden Gate family announcement our Smart home is online cool to add Yeah smart lights smart fridge smart thermostat the smart speaker place music or answers questions like this take it out question what animals besides humans have chins. Can't find on internet Samper impressive dad held on Question Can you find the home Internet can't find on internet smart outs your home is only as smart as your internet could best reliable internet with a t.n.t. Fiber that speeds up to $300.00 megabits per 2nd direct t.v. Save When you bundle $5.00 per month for one year after discounts of 24 month t.v. And 12 month internet agreements limited availability may not be in your area. A t.v. Dot com slash fiber 384 for your thing that's our thing and 6900 new resident customers and we didn't have 300 selected speeds not going to be very large out of the combined people are still prices higher at $80.00 per month discount stores pre-built put in these are the commission when I return types of charges in restricted supply of the steel appliance warehouse plenty of sunshine throughout the day but a 30 percent chance of a pop up shower storm this afternoon in this evening highs around 91 tonight mostly clear mild temperatures in the low 70 s and tomorrow for Tuesday mostly sunny and even hotter highs will be near 93 from Channel 9 I want to snooze I need are all just Brian shields and Facebook security triple team traffic just seen a few minutes of slow downs on I 4 East fail by the attractions Russell apartment a 535 that's going to take about 10 minutes in a few minutes lot of C.-Span a 532 as well I for one spent all clear from Sanford to Osceola County at a crash you know I feel accounting in the Kissimmee on Carol street at sample Street got a lane blocked in the area of the struggle for proxy by truly Dolan pest control termites are to get rid of on your own to get $100.00 off termite control when you schedule a free inspection today at truly an old dock. Family owned since 938 was travelers every 6 minutes in the morning or hoping to get to work on time I'm at Torrance News 96.5 w. D.b.o. The Brian Kilmeade show News 96.5. Thanks so much for listening to a great call Rove is getting dressed getting set to come on the air he's not quite ready yet and then his arch rival Dana Perino will be at the bottom of the hour she'll be in studio talking about my imminent appearance on The 5 I'll be playing one of the men and that will be at 5 pm tonight and Dana Perino will more than likely to be my be to my right or left I can't figure if I'm filling in for Greg where Jesse so I just know one thing I'll be on one side of Dana Perino That's all I know and call role will not be he's too big a star to be sharing the limelight with for the people so let's get to the big 3 so I get to go with the stories you need to know the Bryans big 3 number 3 if the bureau is going to send an informant and Inform is going to be wired and if the bureau's monitoring telephone calls are going to be a transcript of that and some of us have been fortunate enough to know whether or not those transcripts exist there you go Trey Gowdy letting us know those transcripts exists I can read between the lines like anybody investigated the investigators picking up to warp speed now and you haven't a.j. He was fearless about getting to the bottom of this burning Clapper and company look out the truth this coming never killed I'm not somebody that wants to go into war because war hurts economies War kills people most important by far more some privately come out to Iran have nuclear weapons I think that goes without saying as well as not let Iran finance terror you can't have both you can't factor them into the world community economically and expect them not to be feeding the terror organizations and that is exactly what the president's pushing back against Tuesday the congressional leaders will be briefed and we'll find out how real this threat is I sense very real. And it's of course 30 any merits or crisis these fellows are unprecedented where children are being smuggled. Or shoulder in the hands of some of the most violent from organizations in this hemisphere and we haven't had a solution from Congress to stop that act of Homeland Security Director Kevin McElwain in trying desperately on Face the Nation to let everybody know this is an untenable situation we're going to have a mass walkout of border to border patrol because they can't do their job and they're being overwhelmed to the tune of over 100000 illegals per month everywhere from San Diego to New Mexico dairies Ota and where I just was in Texas this is a mess and joining us now is color of Kroll they say in 2000 the numbers were high but they were Mexicans you solve that problem this is different isn't it to very different in the early 2000 as we were facing pressure on the border from single Mexican man and under our laws and under our agreements with Mexico we could take those people and process them back out of the country within 24 hours we're now dealing with what they call an immigration world o.t.s. Other than Mexicans and we're dealing with family units for applying for asylum and the laws are far more complicated there there's also a very troublesome court agreement called the florists agreement and as a result of that this is we're facing a much different thing we're talking about not that could be returned across the border to Mexico we're talking about families or pseudo families what things groups that have the appearance of families but may not be for be brought forward by smugglers from Central America and what Tamala Nicaragua. And elsewhere in the region what can you do I mean I saw Nancy Pelosi called a crisis last week that's a change and we know it is a crisis so do you think this is one of those times where both sides can get together and cover each other politically by saying they both solve the problem well and I think they can deal with the problem that is to say apply additional resources right now we've got the capacity to hold maybe a 1000 people maybe a couple of 100 above that they've created 2 temporary camps each of which can has $500.00 people so that gets him up to somewhere north of 2000 but that's less than half the flow that we are getting so they don't really think 20 days Karl they can be released in 12 days oh sure so I think I do think that there will be an agreement to provide some additional funding but we need some fundamental changes in the laws and some additional long term resources we need to have more immigration judges we need to have more facilities but we also need to make it that we need to give people a chance to apply for asylum and have that asylum. Decision made without having to make subject themselves to the danger of coming several 1000 miles from Central America and also taking what little money and resources they might have and putting them into the hands of the smugglers and human traffickers and thereby supporting it the drug cartels which are behind most of these these kind of organizations so would you like Lindsey Graham's to do I Could he had debts to me seems to be the principles that sort of solve this problem. Yeah I know that's a that's a definitely a very important very important solution to be found what Lindsay's got Lindsey Lindsey has credibility on this issue being somebody who is not an immigration restrictions somebody who's who's open to immigration but recognizes the current deficiencies of the system but having said that I'm not you know if the Democrats are dug in so hard I think the president's going to be lucky to get some money to take care of some of the immediate overcapacity problem under capacity problems but I don't think we're going to have a fundamental change in law which is what we need and it's a humane thing to change these laws. Why do we insist that if you're living in Honduras or Guatemala or Nicaragua and you want to come to the United States and claim as asylum that you can only apply for when you make yourself visible at the border why not allow them to go to the American consulate or embassy and get it make the claim of asylum and find out how it can be litigated and have that decision made one way or the other before they subject themselves to this long journey north to our border and I just my mood the more hopeful than you are that both sides will come together so I want to talk about politics Joe Biden has not embraced the new Green Deal has not embraced Medicare for all he has not apologized for Anita Hill he has not really apologized for the crime bill yet his lead expands in these early polls what does that tell you about Democrats. Will and maybe meet and we don't we don't know but if it if this remains if that if his lead remains it means there are a lot more traditional Democrats who are likely to participate in the primary process that we might have thought and that the weight and strength of the of the of the Bernie Sanders a o.c. Hard left might be less than we think but but look we're very early on and remember in 2007 the Hillary Clinton lead all the way until late January early February actually I guess mid January of 2008 in the polls it took her defeat on the 3rd of January and Iowa to begin to to turn around the national polls and vaunt. Brok Obama and delete so we're very early on here where we're sitting here looking at polls and in May and he's strong in fact before he got into the race I wrote a column for The Wall Street Journal saying he's being undervalued as a political stock don't sell him short but I also after he got into the race said he's got a strong start raised a lot of money moving up dramatically in the polls cutting cutting Bernie Sanders down to size not making too many gaffes on the trail demonstrating that. He could be a disciplined candidate but I also said let's not over sell and let's not overweight him because there's a long way to go and he has got a step to keep stepping up his game look he's doing water 2 appearances a day he's got to demonstrate to 2 that he's capable of having a more sustained presence on the campaign trail and he's going to have to do things that demonstrate that to tradition that as a traditional Democrat he's willing to take stances that might irritate the hard left of his party so people are judging was one to hop on Fox and do a town hall I'm personally a little sick of these shots being taken at primetime audience I think it's disrespectful and also our audience in particular you've done the polls you know we're not all Republicans that did watch this channel there's no other explanation to see how much how much higher ratings are there are more Republican Democrats in this country and he continues to take shots at it as Clover tour as did Bernie Sanders I mean is that a good strategy if you're working with them. Well you know it's good. Friends of Fox are going to have to accept that that if you're a Democrat it comes on Fox like bitch git clover Sharon Sanders of Alden that they've got to do something to sort of rhetorically defend their left and remember the animus is really you saw I mean Elizabeth Warren to have made a decision she's never going to appear on Fox and she just got Fox in the terms that you would normally you know describe an enemy combatant and enabled and that's that's evil and that's what people on the hard left of the Democratic Party believe so I think they've made a wise political decision because the Fox viewer is God The Fox viewership has got a lot of independents and a lot of open minded individuals and it's also you know these are people that if they grabbed him it would be important to a Democrat to broaden their base expand their numbers but you know what we're getting the price to be paid for evidence come on Fox is to say something you know as a throwaway line to the left to keep the left from get too angry I mean how smart is it they keep saying there was an unnecessary tax cut a tax cut for the rich you know this tax plan was not a tax cut for the rich it was the biggest corporate tax reduction that's not rich people working corporations that aren't rich they were better they didn't turn into bonuses for corporations and the Washington Post called out cold out candidates for bringing that up but they keep saying that if you go to work. Well it appeals to a certain element of people look there is an animus against big companies and the and when you say companies corporations people immediately assume that you're talking about some big you know General Electric or you know but we do or United Air United Airlines and they think some big company in reality most companies or medium sized or small companies and a better way to do it to look at this is look we were leveling the playing field between the United States and the rest of the world why should we in the United States were 5 percent of the world's population 25 percent of the world's economy and we had a tax system that made us compete against the rest of the world with one arm tied behind our back and what we're doing by making the changes in the code and leveling the playing field between American businesses and for businesses we're guaranteed that they're going to be more American jobs than there would have been that they're going to be more American manufacturing jobs and there would have been that there's going to be more prosperity in this country because we're going to be able to compete around the world selling American goods and services our innovations our services our products our our machinery our equipment because we're no longer penalized by our tax system think about it we were the only major industrialized country in the world without what's called a territorial tax system if you're an American company and you sold a product in Germany say you sold a piece of equipment in Germany and you made a profit you paid a tax in Germany but if you wanted to bring that money back to the United States to reinvest in plants and equipment here or to return to American stockholders or to raise Roi wages for your workers you had to pay a 2nd tax and if c.m.c. Finance officers of companies all around America could not walk in and say Buy I have a responsibility a Fiduciary Trust to this business and I cannot say that the best use of that money is to bring it home and pay a 2nd tax here if you're a German company and you sell a piece of equipment here in the u.s. And you make a profit on it you pay a tax in the u.s. But if you want to take it home to Germany to invest in plants and equipment back there no. 2nd text no 2nd haircut and what we were it were supposed to dominate the world market by competing at wits with one arm hot tied behind our back forget it this will be greater prosperity for so many millions of Americans are the years ahead is very testy for for that to happen but let's be honest people don't like what you say corporations say me to lead think of some big evil rich guy city of someplace but you know it's. It's just simply not that way and what you are people to judge one of the things he said that I found disturbing but way too common these days cut 43 but I think there's a reason why Democratic parties when we're thinking about for the future our events especially think about how burning of an issue something like racial equity is worth thinking twice about naming our events after Jefferson and Jackson maybe we should name a person is living the mission named after a person of color you would have thought I'd propose blowing up the Jefferson Memorial in d.c. . Again that that attack on our heritage this is a guy wants to be President what's your reaction Yeah look well I think about writing about it this week because it's not the only stupid thing we've heard from from Democrats front runners trying to curry base with the left of their party look Thomas j. We are valuating people today by our standards of today here's a man who wrote those incredible words of the Declaration of Independence to which we all aspire that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights and we're supposed to judge him by our standards today who could pass in the recent years look Barack Obama did but Mayor but a judge is is he is a married and has a loving relationship with his husband. Brock Obama was against that when he ran for president in 2000 he said I am in favor of traditional marriage I'm opposed to gay marriage should we judge President Obama by our standards today and say well he may have changed his mind after he got it off his but when he ran and won the presidency he was opposed to gay marriage let's not name any events after him because he was obviously a bigot when he was elected to office I mean this is amazing to me we judge we ought to judge people by the Times in which they lived and that measure look Thomas Jefferson Dahmus Jefferson set a standard to which every American in their heart of hearts aspires to do to make this country better and to live up to the promise of the declaration and we should not be sitting here saying oh well you know he had slaves 300 years ago sir 200 some odd years ago so obviously he was an evil person let's get rid of his name I mean a race our history then a race that because there were I'm fine I'm sure we will find it objectionable things and every generation since the founding of our country absolutely go through the Catholic Church remember how many popes were corrupt corrupt and how they were all absolutely absolutely yeah not only that but obviously but they don't allow women to be pope so obviously. Yeah that's actually a standard I mean they're there they're sexist So let's give it let's ban the Catholic Church by God I just think it's a terrible trend people going to start standing up for it and just stop accepting it they're not perfect people these are imperfect people we went out with but we would not be the same country without them or a country at all maybe call it specially in George Washington's case and he did own slaves call thanks so much I hope you're right about it you bet Dana Perino with the bot of the hour and meanwhile your next one a take 64087669 busy busy hour. And wisdom your way is kill me. Thanks so much security triple team traffic just got a few minutes of delays on I 4 eastbound from Osceola Parkway to just after 535 after that you're back up to speed I mean Torrance News 96.5 w d b o. The phase you need 3 County school district decides to ban backpacks for the final 3 days of school next week the district says they're doing it as an added safety and security measures so no backpacks May 28th 29th and 30th next week. Breaking news police in Alabama arrest the man for a kid who is wanted for killing one police officer and shooting 2 others in Auburn we're going to learn more about that one later today and updating since Friday governor says thousands of illegal immigrants detained at the border will not be sent to Broward and Palm Beach Counties president on Twitter calls it false reporting. Soon to Say temperature is rising the pressure is dropping and it could be putting food. On to say no hurricane season hurricane season starts June 1st make the news 96.5. Part of your hurricane survival kit downloaded for free now before during and after a hurricane a News $96.00. P.c. 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Details in terms of conditions a California the California neighbor passes back to Universal Studios Hollywood so for only $149.00 you can go on over $175.00 days of adventures begin your adventure today and come back this summer for the new dark arts of Hogwarts Castle an ominous nighttime spectacle of like music direction world arrive visit Universal Studios Hollywood dot com to get our California neighbor pass with over 175 days for $149.00 online for 9 months for selected 1st visit the blackout dates restrictions apply. 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Meet my cluster of talent wealth management the reason I really really like to sit down with individuals is everybody's situation is different you have to find a way to navigate through all the information and then coming up with that list of what you need will apply to you very very specifically take a moment to sit down and look at what you're doing and let's make sure that your plan is right for you check out guarding your nest egg with my quest your Saturday afternoon one or Sunday afternoon you want to hear our News 965 securities of the same Securities Inc members Finner as a p.c. 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Sources confirm that I know he'll bit the dust today police say they have thousands of suspects but no arrests have been reported this sad thing is I could have prevented it by calling it thanks pest control and having my place treated for termites protect your home with the most effective termite prevention treatment and receive a one year renewable warranty protect your home from destructive termites good apex pests dot com Bessie packs pest dot com please of people if you have a magical wooden boy in your house or any wood at all or Apex a pest control and 1809 to mine the bugs just put the bugs out of your misery you know would have wanted it that way if you have dentures better Misty if. I didn't want central Florida and we had 20000000 people here in Florida I do not live in sexually city county or state and we don't get to vote on whether some people have actually cities or counties and the governor didn't even know the people of both to be coming we do not want these. Here 19500000 of us. Do not want to. Here I don't want to hear you I don't know what went into south Florida maybe had they stopped it anyway Helen Josie on Sirius in Baltimore. Hey Joe you're on what's on your mind. I wanted to point out you know kind of the ridiculousness of the thought process and you know maybe we should discount the theory of relativity because Einstein cheated on his wife. I'm sorry I missed that would you say somebody Cheetos wife Einstein. How ridiculous it is with the standards in history I get it Marcus in w d j in Albany yeah him are you doing I. Had a rush sending them to the sanctuary cities where they can travel and disperse I would rather have them go to like the Indian or maker Indian reservation or reservation where they came in and sort them out and it just it would just be a lot simpler hope all my own security would consider just keeping him and I'd prefer to send him across the border but we have to take him and put him somewhere but one contained area. We got to find a way to deal with and put him in San Diego there are 10 cities there's no one contained area for a 1000000 people. Point 5. Turns 1st for breaking traffic for our city. It's now 1130 in News 96.50 right to our top story it's breaking news and something we've been talking about all morning long you've heard about the terrible car crash in Osceola County over the weekend well this morning we told you 26 year old to be a Ram Marine a local man is in jail without bond on multiple felony charges for it we just learned moments ago police say he left his own wife to die including vehicular homicide he's accused of leaving the scene of a fatal crash Sunday morning in point Sienna It happened around. 330 giving intersection of San Lorenzo road and Cortez court the problem we're here is that now everybody started to speed through we've had you know minor things we're not like that there were some other guys on this corner 26 year old Ashley Ramnarine died in that crash dear old news $96.00 w. To get she was the wife of 26 year old could be a Ram Marine he is now charged with multiple felonies for leaving his own wife to die News 96.570 d.b.o. Orlando turns 1st for severe weather channel 9 I would issues meteorologist Brian shields highs today in the low ninety's Coming up we're tracking a very hot week ahead good morning it's Gene Lexan I'm tracking a very hot morning right now it's 86 degrees and sunny and Lando I see pretty low humidity 50 percent Napa not much debris either to tell you about this an hour ago the Edgewater branch public library in Orange County closes after 22 years of operation hundreds of books are currently being shelved at the library's new location next to the one neighborhood center only road Orange County it's got one of the best library systems I think there could ever but you know maybe there's going to be a better saying you know it's only a couple miles further for me so the o.c. Ellis is not set an opening date but they hope to open their new facility in June but it's been a great got lots of great neighbors there so once we get the word out that the branch is opening please come to get up we would love to see you Brandon Hogan News 96.5 w t v And this just in books are still cool Morehouse grads in Atlanta are still coming to terms with the surprise news their commencement speakers paying off their student loans that's actually the best gift I've ever received in my life probably billionaire Robert Smith tells the class of 21000 you want to put a little fuel in their bus it's a gift estimated in the 10s of millions of dollars a c. And a half hour for Orlando's News at Noon Scott and is back this week $1132.00 at News 96.5 and traffic News 965 w. D.b.o. With. The steel appliance where plenty of sunshine throughout the day. A 30 percent chance of a pop up shower storm this afternoon in this evening highs around 91 tonight mostly clear mild temperatures in the low seventy's and tomorrow for Tuesday mostly sunny and even hotter highs will be near 93 from Channel 9 Eyewitness News I'm meteorologist Brian shields. Basic security triple team traffic all clear for the drive on I 4 westbound from Sanford to Osceola County eastbound I got a 10 minute slow down from Osceola Parkway to 535 few minutes near 530 to crash on Alef a trail at Colonial Drive got only blocked in the area as well as a wreck on the road at diplomat circle where a center lane is blocked for extraordinary performance in your automobile use am so all synthetic lubricants Amsoil 1st incident that x. Is a proud sponsor of the magic mechanic show heard every Saturday at 3 pm here on News 96.5 w. D.b.o. With traffic alerts every 6 minutes in the morning or helping you get to work on time I'm at Torrance there's 96.5 w. D.b.o. The Brian Kilmeade show a new study 6.5 w t v 3 How do you all react to an autograph request and what I do I always look if it's an older gentlemen or gentle woman I will sign it as Brian Kilmeade and then I'll swear at him I'm going to stop I was going to sell to the other day and the guy walks by because hey I love you on Fox and Friends I'm going to those kill me that was Brian Kilmeade being brought up on the 5 why would I do that well because I'm filling in for Greg on the 5 and Dana Perino is here if you're smart enough to get the facts they should have you recognized from the 2 o'clock show and you recognize it from the 5 o'clock show Dana welcome back I'm so excited are going to be on the 5 but I think we should tell your audience why you're filling in for Greg today I did not think I didn't even know it was Jesse or Greg but you just told me it so you're filling in for Greg today all right and the reason is Greg had to take the day off but he's not like sit at home and on vacation he has to go to a 5 hour. Driving instruction class so that he can get his driver's license. So he let his driver's license lapse because you don't you know in New York living here used to live within walking distance of here and now he lives a lot further down except by his car whatever he walks sometimes but he wants to get his driver's license again but in order to do that he has to go back like you can't believe that you're a teenager getting your driving permit that's what Greg's going through you don't reminds me of what Adam Sandler show when he has to go back to the. Billy Madison Billy Madison was back to grammar school and because he asked about the graduate but I never heard of this as an adult you pass want to that was useful well because if you let you live in a place where you need a car right you you have you could take the kids but he there's a lot of people in New York don't have a driver's license a lot I can't believe you know I mean I grew up in Wyoming I can't imagine anybody not having that and age 14. Yeah so that's what he's doing today you think that he's gotten to the age where people are convinced he deteriorate to the point where he couldn't possibly qualify and he has to actually renew it because for the most part of you have one of these licenses usually go go go and you fill out a form you pay a fine I think there's some doubt among you look I think in New York they're like we're sticklers here you know we find a great government that's like a 5 hour test to get it's one of those things where you have to watch all these videos and you know how about you can't can you imagine how bad those are I hope that he's going to write about it for a monologue because I think that to be perfect but he might not be able to do the monologue making fun of the process until after he gets his license because what if you know what if they decided to say that his parallel parking was horrible right and he doesn't get the license Ok what if I I will say this in one place and he drove. A couple weeks go by I only drive in. Small area I have I got spooked I've never driven in New York City in Manhattan my husband is fine with it he doesn't face it he's driven in Egypt he doesn't bother him in any way but for me I get really nervous. Well I will say this I will say number one there when you do drive you should be relaxed you should feel like there's a little bit of your personality comes out during that but I was saying that I'm too nice to drive in New York you have dangers that you'll get crushed if you don't like sometimes I get mad at him like why are you going that's why you couldn't this person he said this is how you have to do it do you drive in a city if I have to sure I mean I go through through the city but for a while when I 1st got my license I was in through the because there are no rules and then you make a right on red or you go down the wrong way and you call hell could break. A couple of things stand out over the weekend number one mayor Peake came on our channel Sunday and they took their shots at our network when he come on I mean who did a mea culpa you do the same thing. I think it's a litmus test you gave advice for. Before they hopped on the air well Ok so but but you know I didn't just give advice willy nilly I wrote a piece with advice for Democrats for a successful interview on Fox because I found out that on Capitol Hill 2 Fridays ago they had a training session for House Democrats and you know anybody's welcome you could come and you could get advice from some consultants that they hired on how to have a successful interview on Fox News so I thought gosh I would love to be there I want to give the training right because I've dealt with adversarial media you know my whole career and so I wrote I wrote up some pieces and actually you know Congressman wrote Khana the Silicon Valley's like a Democrat he tweeted the nicest thing about me and that article this weekend and he didn't peg it as a response necessarily directly to Elizabeth Warren or to even America Pete. But maybe it's because it kind of came out of the blue and it was supportive and saying we have good discussions about the future of technology in this country and he finds me very fair it's a trend I thought that was really great I just think that if you want to be president I'd state you can't do it by your party alone well your school politely and I think when Elizabeth Warren said she would never never come on it's like Ok well then you don't want to be president you might want to be the Democratic nominee but you don't want to be president and I don't say that you have to come on Fox but I think obviously we have a lot of viewers we have you're going to have to win in the Electoral College system that we have even though they want to destroy the Electoral College that's not happening now our lifetime a couple of things do you hear about this story about Morehouse Yes So this is pretty a pretty inspiring Robert f. Smith who I've just been reading about you know he's a billionaire 2 ph d. Parents from Denver and he was bussed to a white school in that school so it was most inspirational thing ever happened to him 11 great teacher really great because you know that the exact same thing was I had the exact opposite experience with any Denver how well does he. Go no would you I would say he looks about 64 I think he might be a little younger than that when I was in 4th grade he might be a little older than me but Denver was the 1st city to try to integrate the schools through busing and from kindergarten to 3rd grade I walked to school elementary school 3 blocks perfect I don't like I love my school when an in-between the 3rd in the 4th grade the law changed in Denver so that when he was bussed to the white school and it was inspirational and fabulous and amazing and whatever I was bused 20 miles into the inner city and I was one of 4 white children in my class in the whole school wow the 4th grade and. You know my parents were supportive of the idea of integration and I am too but. As you know government. Can make a law like that but they can't make it successful for people necessarily especially somebody who was I was 19 or 10 and the bullying was unbelievable and so it lasted only 2 years for us and then my parents moved away out to the suburbs well actually nice and then into the rural part of Colorado where they could afford to build a home and go to school now was your choice you know you did not have a choice but how come only 4 kids went there you know well because you could go to private school Ok they'll be your option so they just said hey congratulations you're bussing you're going to be going today and they just wrote you know down how do you like how the British and the kids carved up the Africa and after the war right there was like Here you take this one and they Drew Drew like straight lines like that that's that's what happened and it wasn't as successful however it could be success I understand why somebody like Robert I'm sorry we got off on a tangent there you know really interesting to me I've never met anybody from Denver who had the opposite experience of me so I'm happy he did by the way he's 56 you're right yeah sure about the same. Successful as a Goldman Sachs for a while and start his own fund but extremely bright great family it sounds like so he wants to give back here's how it sounded when he informed his commencement address to the more the the class of 400 all men this will be happening for them and your student debt because 44000008. Duration of your family who have been in this country. Who is to you and your boss this is not a time it's 20 minutes in. The Earth. And I'm sure he's making a great to eliminate this to the world was $40000000.00. A really dollars It's so inspiring and it makes me think Brian and you know we're doing this topic on the 5 today and if you see you have been talking point it's going to be on the 2nd and the. We get inspired by these stories like when. Did all of that tuition is going to cover all the tuition for the medical students at n.y.u. Bloomberg doing something similar at Hopkins You hear stories like this and it's like oh my gosh this is so amazing and it makes me think if we are so moved by somebody as generous as Mr Smith of alleviating a burden on somebody then what are we doing as a nation that is putting all of these burdens on people in the 1st place and I think a real rethinking of pain for school and tuitions has to be has to be again yeah I mean absolutely the school's core $70000.00 because now they allow higher caps on student loans are they up the price of the colleges now you would say as a customer as a student well I'm not going to go to their private school I'm going to go to a state school which is going to have more reasonable reasonable to ation and then in turn the private schools in theory will come down because of the less competition right competition you know who has some really good ideas about this is former Governor Mitch Daniels who's president of Purdue University who is lessening his tuition at Purdue Yes And one of the things that he's done in order to do that if you could guess for tomorrow by the way he's wonderful is he one of the things they've done there is they have employers and they have pipelines I can so you know companies all go to a college and try to recruit we want you to come work for us what they'll do is they'll say why don't you if you think that Allison is going to be a really good employee for you in 4 years why don't you sign her up now in her junior year and you pay like a 3rd and I think the company ends up paying a 3rd of the tuition. And but that means Allison is going to go work there for 2 years at the end or else she's the default but I don't know it's like a military Kings Point or. So it that way the company knows that they're going to get an educated young woman who's going to come and work for them because they so there's by and on both sides and reduces the burden on the student and the students family for that I like that too especially with 3.6 percent unemployment so those days of saying where the jobs are really done for now I read it as it to 6 a day about Zillow dot com the company so one of their perks that they give to their employees is they'll put $25.00 a month towards your student loan Ok but it also said that the average lump of student loans that a person that's an employee of this company is $28000.00. That's my ass and I think you know what we got everything I think I said and we have bigger thinking on this and thankfully we have very generous people like Robert Smith I would say this so I'll go even further. I think the urban youth you should be paying more to the urban rundown areas to those teachers in those places because what happens is they don't pay as much the schools will have as a facilities they don't have the better teachers and there because the property taxes usually fund the schools Ok but I'm going to push back a little bit on that being from Wyoming and Colorado rural America needs better pay for teachers and facilities as well many of them don't even have broadband However it was just last week it didn't get a lot of big headlines present trying to tweet about it that we should have because it's a good thing they just released to the f.c.c. Through the trumpet ministration $12000000000.00 to go towards getting actual Internet access for rural America for like every other kid in America has a good point I would say in addition to I don't know if you need to push back on me and create some friction or relationship I would say Brian in addition we need to. Well I feel like we spend I feel like America is really focused on cities and I think the Congress is really focused on cities because that's where the big population centers are that's why you have in my opinion you have a lot of people like. Elizabeth Warren a lot of people on the Democratic side they're focused on those states that have really big cities why because that's how you draw out you can win the popular vote if you win the big cities but you will not win the presidency if you're not focused on the Electoral College and President Trump was able to win those and I don't see there's there's no erosion in his support there I agree magine if you brings the charge to deal in a way in which people are saying that they can yeah it's hard to poke holes and and the CIA seems to have some political turbo power at this point. To mystic everybody wins if there's if we get a trade deal hey I want you or somebody had to say goodbye in 60 minutes 45 Steve Kroft decided to retire it's been a difficult decision one that I've considered at the end of each of the past 4 seasons now feels like the right time as my good friend and colleague. Morley Safer advised me a few days before he passed away don't stay too long there are still some things I'd like to do that I haven't done I'm not getting any younger I want to leave while I still have all of my marbles the energy to enjoy life and their curiosity to pursue some different things so he's gone another soul were 60 Minutes correspondent what are your thoughts about Steve Kroft Well I've never had the pleasure of meeting him I do know Scott Pelley Just because of having worked for President Bush and that was the person that we worked with at 60 Minutes got a book out by the way you probably put him on your show Kelly all right but it come on you think of course I would have him on radio right Ok Alison just very helpful here Bob Bryant and I work out our brainstorming. Fans here. So when I was a kid. I would get so nervous to go outside and play on a Sunday evening especially if it's nice outside I don't go in the backyard and play because I was afraid I was going to miss 60 minutes so my dad would set the timer member of the old fashioned timers on the stove Yeah he would set the timer so that we didn't have a big house or a backyard I could hear it and it would give me 10 minutes to get inside so I could be there for that that's how much I would say I I loved that I have loved that show since I was a kid Greg Gutfeld says that sound the tape was made him in the worst mood but put him in a terrible mood because that meant school was coming tomorrow. That's interesting I can see both things but I think it's amazing Steve Kroft went through a little bit of a personal scandal of his own and actually weathered it and I don't blame people weathering things well I don't either he did it everybody knows it and now he's going to move on I will say this he enjoyed that relationship with President Obama he got every big interview he has to last and in between Dana Perino we're going to watch you in the 5 today going to 1st watch you would too with the daily briefing is that Ok yes please and then and then you and me on the 5 making fun of Greg Rucka going to be great you think we should do this well he makes fun of you all. Your shot while you can get a moment Thanks Dana. Thanks so much security triple team traffic almost lunch time your own not going to find a whole lot of delays out there I for just a few minutes worth between Osceola Parkway and 536 Torrance there's 96.5 w. D.b.o. . Easy to treat for you this morning the Osceola County school district decides to ban backpacks for the final 3 days of school next week so that's Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday May 28th through the 30th finally gotten just morning after a huge manhunt in Alabama police arrest the guy who was wanted. For killing a police officer and shooting 2 others in line and 1000000 Americans are at risk of catastrophic tornadoes today expected to hit the Texas panhandle and Oklahoma we will update you on News at Noon in 7 minutes one thing we can all agree on staying informed isn't just a right it's a responsibility it's nice to listen to news reports that are unbiased and allows all citizens to voice their opinions so use the open mike inside the News 96 Boyd buyback we're listening this is where Orlando's Boyce is her News 96.5 w.d. 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You're with Brian Kilmeade How would you approach it my approach would have been had all been probably analogous probably really analogous and I would say things the worse the kind of half of those now you would have to say he would say something for which you would have to apologize and I would never forgive myself if I said something so that somebody would say you know I think I just you can apologize to this guy. Yeah David Letterman takes himself way too seriously politically just like Stephen Colbert replaced him but he's gone way to the left and now he just he just hates Trump right he that was on Sunday today with Billy guys he did this big long interview which is a part portion of that but he basically said he would he's happy he's not on right now to not cover it because he'd say something that he would regret and when wanted to do that well I mean the thing about Letterman and I'm the biggest Letterman fan ever Everybody knows it that did nose did new me through high school college and afterwards but do you know what did John McCain That's when he lost me because he mocked Joe He went from John McCain This war hero who he calls a war hero now and can't believe that Donald Trump is being mean to his legacy which by the way either can I but he used to mock his age every single day Why how old is John McCain He used to hit him 10. 20 times every single show and whatever his $3000000.00 person audience was he was a mutt he was a joke because he was running against Barack Obama Yeah but he was really the one that got political 1st right Leno sort of always stayed sort of light hearted with the politics but out yeah yeah not a bad run yeah I mean put it this way Jimmy Fallon with all his talent he says less political but he's still very political the ratings told what don't have would Leno had whatever people want to say about him not the cool guy like Kimmel and Fallon but man he produced Brian Kilmeade show Keep it here. 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Mobile That's genius for sales tax an activation fee $50.00 plus recliner quired now about the numbers currently on the mobile network are active on Metro pass money days off are subject to change to Amazon prime numbers when offered her account Amazon Prime has a 1299 a month value restrictions apply the store for details in terms of conditions a California California neighbor passes back at Universal Studios Hollywood so for only 140 $9.00 you can go on over $175.00 days of adventures begin your adventure d beyond looking at the radar right now we're all quiet as of right now we'll get to that coming up Jacki is on traffic but 1st it is our top story the nation hopes for the best as 2000000 Americans are at high risk for catastrophic tornadoes it's a favorable environment for a long track and wide tornadoes not the forecast you want to hear there were 41 tornadoes reported across 8 states this past weekend and the threat continues this afternoon meteorologist gingers e begins our team coverage she says they're already tracking a strong tornado expected to hit Texas and Oklahoma later this afternoon there's enough twist in the atmosphere they're going to see large violent wide long track tornadoes again you need to be in a tornado shelter that can survive the worst of type of tornado that's what I would do if I was in la in Oklahoma or if I was somewhere in Abilene Texas where we have the highest threat See also says up to 6 inches of rain is possible continuing coverage Rob Marciano is in Oklahoma where they've done something rare explosive public schools in 35 in Oklahoma City area just a risk here has been expanded to the I 35 Ward which is the town lot of people are going to get a large tornado going through that area and it's a big ask for to try to meet or not it is today happens to be the 6th anniversary of the e.f. 5 tornado that tore through Moore Oklahoma and killed 24 people we'll continue updating the severe weather threat to Texas and Oklahoma throughout the hour coming up the Osceola County man accused of leaving his own wife to die after a multi.