Email but the man's a payment and Bitcoin Erin Kotecki a.b.c. News New York included in the farm bill Congress passed this week a provision removing him from the schedule of federally controlled substances treating the low t.h.c. Version of the cannabis plant like any other agricultural crop from Los Angeles her manager says Grammy winning jazz songstress Nancy Wilson has died at the age of 81 you're listening to a.b.c. 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Yeah yeah yeah. An express wants to let's end on a little secret. There's still time to get at least 20 percent off at Holiday Inn Express dot com during our annual sale well even throw in free breakfast just getting breakfast is always included in your stay at Holiday Inn Express Love Canal and save at Holiday Inn Express. Terms of. Colonnade tips and fun facts from Kristen and Paula Total Wine and more the sweetness of the maple glazed ham paired with a bourbon barely aged cabernet we went there now my taste buds are humming I can help you press the boss with a great bottle of wine Here's to raising 2019 as you check off that gift list we love to share are always low prices and ridiculous selection at total one in more big area locations now open in Daly City across from Sara Monte center on Boulevard near Bed Bath and Beyond shop online a Total Wine dot com. I thought I wouldn't qualify but I went on the website and answered a few questions and was able to get financial help the truth it was a pleasant surprise now I have the peace of mind that I have health insurance for my whole family I covered California 9 out of 10 in Rowley's got financial help paying for their health insurance so check for yourself a covered ca dot com sign up by December 15th Covered California it's more than just health care it's life care. And Maisie's backstage finding great gifts is as much fun is giving to get in the holiday spirit with matching Fiji's and loungewear for everyone us for slippers great styles for him and her why not slip or shaving can a stocking put her in they're going fast and if you've got techie The music lovers on your list we've got their gear from electronics to headphones it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Macy's backstage off right on track arriving daily find your store at Macy's backstage dot com. Some snacking of photos from an exaggerated party stereotype this unfair Jack's chili cheese or triple cheese and bacon curly fries are truly all Gleeks so pyro stars won't trama new $3.00 salsa loaded for us in the book for a long time only price participation labor the holidays start now with 50 to 75 percent off to get factory stock up on weekend only door busters like oh these letters a little favorite from $99.00 plus a big with an extra 50 percent off only a get back 3 and a banana. Well exactly big with 50 to 70 percent off the stock up on sweaters from $9099.00 and starts at $99.00 less extra saving the big thing for that or only a banana republic that 3 surgeries store locator for your nearest got factory and Banana Republic factory store or sell some line whether to buy Tuffy Tire and Auto Service Hi Tom Terry warm temperatures this morning temperatures only in the low to mid sixty's and warming up to right around the upper 70 mark before showers and afternoon thunderstorms a few possibly severe move and in time for the afternoon commute from Channel 9 chief meteorologist dearie. Say such things here in the triple team traffic the fine construction on the 408 eastbound and between I 4 and Rosalyn Avenue with 2 left lanes blocked on the turnpike construction north and southbound on high 4 as the off ramps blocked traffic update is brought to you by the u.s. Forest Service and the Ad Council this week unplugged getting closer to nature to get you closer to your family to find the forest nearest you go to discover the forest dot org triple team traffic I'm Richard Lewis News 96.5 w d b o now the mark we invest can show a News 96.5 d.b.o. 7 fun at the same time we're going to get it done I'm ready there's there's no Mark Twain fame can show all the beauty. All right the Barclays Bank can show thank you so much for being here country Markley bad is they would be and the president has spoken well Ok so the president sat down and did an interview with Harris Faulkner on Fox News about the whole Cohen situation saying hey look I don't think we made any payments to the National Enquirer I don't think we are ready and if we did it was just it was Michael Cohen I told him to take care of things that's what his job was. And it was up to him to know whether or not the law was being followed and the question always as we've said before comes down to whether or not there's a smoking gun that the president knew what Michael Cohen was doing was illegal. So what you've got to prove he's going to be in real trouble yes so then Harris Faulkner I think that's the good question especially in light of well the former lawyer going to prison for 3 years the best question is Why do you even have a lawyer because apparently he's not a very good one right and I think everybody can say that what the oh I don't like Trump I think it's very obvious that he was not a very good lawyer I wonder if Sean Hannity is still talking to him. Seriously they really did work that's a real estate right something like that that goes south be a month or 2 ago I think yes he went sour like yeah you think I'm done here so here's the interview this was someone who surreptitiously recorded you there and it's now known as a criminal law. That this was someone who was in your inner circle what happens I mean look at happens I usually get people but it just happened why did you hire one call come when you were going to go to the 1st of all this is total very little level work why do you need help with relations. Team on Television Ok on television but years ago many years like 1213 years ago he did me a favor. On a committee and he was so responsible and I said he's a nice guy. Wait a minute wait a minute that was the Favre I love that she's done because that's that was my 1st reaction too because remember it was a couple weeks ago President Trump was once again going after Michael Cohen and this was one of those pool spray kind of moments walking out to I think he was walking out to the helicopter or whatever so he did me a favor years ago that's why I had him on staff and everybody is wondering what kind of favor did he do apparently it was he helped him out with the condo board. Ok there is no explanation. Just as an observation I want your take on it real quick Ok so as everyone will say well of course the president's going to go on Fox News It's friendly territory. Factor doesn't sound like she's layin down there no I just let her roll she's clearly why use the use of fixer everything I've heard from the interview so far sounds like she's done a pretty good job here yeah maybe she's you know what are you talking about I mean he was a bad lawyer but you know I thought you hired the right people you know I thought you know I mean she's saying that not me of course but anyway go ahead I should wait a minute wait a minute that was the Favre years where people have been asking what is a favor that he did the president he was on a committee with he was on a committee was a condominium Committee many years ago and he was a very big supporter of mine on that committee I did a great job. For tall building right up at the United Nations. For the great job for this beautiful building right across the street from the United Nations Yes that's my name on it so he starts to go off on the whole thing as well saying hey I'm admitting I made a mistake in hiring Michael Cohen In retrospect I made a mistake because what he did was all unrelated to me except for the 2 campaign finance charges that are not criminal and shouldn't have been on there they put that on to embarrass me they put those 2 charges on to embarrass me they're not criminal charges now that's according Caris That's according to the time and I've interviewed people who told me not going to Harvard so what happened is either for the prosecutors in order to embarrass me said listen I'm making this before we do Simon Everything else do me a favor put these 2 charges I'm. Going to pay your bills folks are going to hold on . All right. So. Basically they're saying Poland sort of went rogue just started paying this stuff didn't need to and they changed it to campaign yes it is just paying you know somebody has bark and he's just like make it go away and he probably used bad judgment there too yeah because there was nothing to pay out yeah out right still long those lines saying that basically they he was in trouble for so many other things and they just tacked this on because it was going to bring up the Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal thing again to embarrass the president got it Ok. That's the argument right there but then she asked him about Cohen's statement which was that Trump made him do illegal things remember that you had my blind loyalty to trump right me follow the darkness instead of the Light Yes All right. Let me tell you I never directed him to do anything wrong whatever he did he did on his own he's a lawyer a lawyer who represents a client is supposed to do the right thing that's what you pay them a lot of money etc etc He's a lawyer he represents a client I never directed him to do anything in correct and he understands that. This is going to be fascinating yes but there is a point there that he's making it I brought this up earlier in the show the Rich Lowry piece out of Politico where he talked to Bradley Smith the former chairman of the Federal Election Commission and current head of the Institute for free speech says look I don't think these payments as far as Trump is concerned actually constitute campaign contributions because what Smith points out. Another part of the law defines what is an expenditure for personal use namely anything used to fulfill any commitment obligation or expense of a person that would exist irrespective of the candidate a Watching campaign I'm just quoting here irrespective of the campaign is the key phrase it is meant to keep campaign money from being used for things that might influence a campaign but that a candidate would spend on anyway like food and supplies clothing mortgages are cited as a few examples now Rich Lowry again not a big fan of Donald Trump makes the point anyway payments to Mr says don't make the list but the rules were written with Donald Trump in mind he didn't undertake his feelings with Daniels or McDougal as part of a campaign and it's easy to imagine him paying them off even if he weren't running he's a he is a past master at non-disclosure agreements and other tactics of celebrities with potential embarrassing stories to keep under wraps right but I mean he's still going down that road like it never happened and I don't know what anyone's talking about you know it by the way if that were the case right and you were caught up in this would it be like that guy paid out somebody he shouldn't have it should have said hey there's this porn star I don't even know. That's not exactly coming up right now. If. You lose a little credibility there well John at the time it was like if this happened own it and then move on you'd still have the same defendants go Trump is out there saying yeah this was a private transaction he's not denying the transaction transaction happened he's denying right happened for the express purpose of influencing the campaign right he's also still denying he ever had an affair all right or me Daniels that defies all logic sorry man it just doesn't you know. It defies all logic let's be serious because that's part of it and some of us have to answer to other friends of ours you know they're like hey are you going to tell me. So the you're buying that line well no I want them to produce the Forbes magazine that was used that is what I want but the question is did he break the law. Now whether what he told the truth if you know what I mean. Meanwhile the Boy Scouts filed for bankruptcy that is another story I don't know we have time to get to that I don't know a little bit of time for it I suppose Wall Street Journal had this whole article about how they're apparently looking to or they've hired a law firm to look into Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings basically because they've had to decline in membership and some of that has been fueled by also paying out. People who were victims of abuse in the eighty's yet seventy's and also quite frankly people just aren't as interested in the Boy Boy Scouts right now because they're caving to so much of the pressure it's the policies of man right there they're they're caving to the social justice warrior yes mob right and people are saying you know what forget about this yes I'm not willing to go down this road you know you lost your soul mate that's what's happened I can't imagine why kids don't want to join anymore yeah that's part of it I don't know how they didn't see it coming to beyond us all right moving on is maybe you heard earlier in the show this is something that we do every year. We talk with the Union Gospel Mission and our whole company does this. So one time a year when you're talking about the homeless and this issue in America you know all over the place. It's not that you don't have a hard for people you do because you know there are a lot of people that don't want to be in the situation that they're in and they want to come out of that and that's where the Union Gospel Mission comes in David harms been talking with us a lot today David I want to just turn it over to you. Well thank you and thanks to those that have stepped up and given Michael Janette a.j. Sharon so many people have of called in and made their gifts to provide meals and care it really is encouraging to see this kind of generosity because so many times those that are on the streets are just overlooked and again as you said it's not so much that we don't care it's just that we don't really know how to help when we see it we're glad to give you that opportunity today let me give you the phone number and I'm going to do something you know we believe in 2nd chances. But we had a $5000.00 doubling match opportunity that we are just a little bit short of we still need to raise about $7900.00 I'd like to see if we could do that by well the next 30 minutes by the bottom of the hour so many give you the number but then we're going to tell you why that would even make a difference the number to call though is 895595578889559557 and if you were to get $100.00 Normally that's $46.00 people to get a meal but the doubling obviously Mexico twice as far so $92.00 people get a meal but I'm also going to put it out here just for fun if you want to take care of the whole $700.00 and get that really really nice year end tax deductible gift in well go ahead we're fine with that and it's going to go twice as far which again is just what we're trying to do is take those meals that are provided by your gifts at 2 dollars and 17 cents a good meal and feed people and come alongside them so that they know they're not alone that we have all the support programs that come along beside them so as we get ready to kind of show use a result of that with another story let me give you the phone number again we've got 12 minutes that to try to get this last 700 dollars raised your part is important so the number to call is a date. 95595578889559557 now also just as I thought that I just realized I took it in to supply an entire day's worth of meals like you would do that with a one gift of $1500.00 that would almost meet the entire match so just a thought but do let's just try to get this last $700.00 met in a doubling match and feed more people like like Gary so here's the number 88895595578889559557 and the results of the gift that you give means of mail to somebody like Gary had to change the life listen to his story I didn't know that the union goes for Mission fairs are you know serve is stored with. Gravy. Or can. Give you know or. Here. Where. I have tremendous hope I plan on staying for a couple years of trying to give my life together to where I'm not scared of. Varied of what's out there. You know number again is 18895595571888955. 9557 Union Gospel Mission Man they do so many great thanks for a job David harms the whole crew there I want to get to the story kid had to change his last name because he was being bullied know what his last name is we'll get to that next on the bar Green Bay game show. The things you need to carry French officials say the gunman who killed 3 people at a Christmas market earlier this week is dead the 29 year old had been on the terrorist watch list before the shooting president downplaying his relationship with his former attorney Michael Cohen saying hiring Cohen was a mistake the attorney was sentenced to 3 years in prison the f.b.i. And other organizations investigating a rash of bomb threats that were e-mailed to business is hospitals and school districts nationwide including some here in central Florida the leader now for security Bush shut down the government said I want to shut down the government. Use the open mike inside the news that is 6.5 back and let your voice be heard I am very proud of the president what is wrong with this president if it doesn't work out what it's never going to after January might not ever get the way this is where Orlando turns 1st for breaking news news $96.00 point but t.b.o. At Kaiser Permanente we're always looking into the future but we're not using a crystal ball we're using science and technology to see what's coming for your health take something preventable like heart disease it's the leading cause of death in this country because only half of us manage our blood pressure correctly so we made it a focus the result more than 83 percent of Kaiser Permanente members have their blood pressure under control we may not be able to tell your fortune but will happily work on improving your future Permanente Together We Thrive visit k.p. Dot org slash thrive the holidays start now with the biggest 75 percent off to get factory stocked up on weekend only door busters like those these letters a little baby from 99 less. A big with an extra 50 percent off only a get back 3 and a banana republic back to the big with 50 to 70 percent off store when I stock up on sweaters from 9 to 99 and starts the $99.00 plus extra saving the big thing for that or only a banana republic that 3 surgeries store locator for your nearest got factory and Banana Republic factory store for shoppers on line progressive percents get inspiration to help you do insurance stuff Ok Time Out to let your budget be the boss of you control the progress of name your price tool tell us what you want to pay for car insurance it will help you find options that fit your budget Yes music to get you booked Don't don't don't don't die I hear your budget laughing. Oh wait that's just those kids laughing at me. I don't know the rest of casualty insurance company officials pension cuts limited by state law. North Pole hotline this is clause here churches are on everyone's list this year Santa get Old Navy yet the entire store is on sale with up to 60 percent off the pop overs from $15.00 and gifts from 3 books $3.00 plus tomorrow only you don't even need just say when you buy online and pick up in-store you'll get a free round trip lift out to the Old Navy to get your kids I'm home. For up to 60 percent off 121312100. 15 only terms lift up old navy buddy and Brian Kilmeade you know me from Fox and Friends of the morning in the Fox News Channel which you may not know is on the radio show right here I really respect your diversity is diversity and viewpoints your viewpoints and political positions even when we disagree and sometimes we do so I want to hear from you Orlando each and every day in the braincell me choke week days now until Noon News 96.5 w d b o if you own a gun you have a full time responsibility when you are using it to be sure it can get into the hands of curious children troubled teenagers or anyone else who might misuse family friends and neighbors all count them. All over the world market for more information on firearm storage safety visit is the p.c. Or This message brought to you by the National Crime Prevention Council the Bureau of Justice is for and the and. This is News 96.5 w d. Her and. Her and saying. We're in such a hurry thank you sir a judge a Markley that David Van Dam The Flight Crew Ok well my getting any one could have predicted this Ok Ok So Harris Faulkner did this interview. With Donald Trump. And today of course on Fox News talking about Michael Cohen I thought she was pretty strong when it came to that substance of moment but the usual suspects are out in the Twitter verse including I mean Jon Karl on a.b.c. News even went after went after. Really I just want to say before you get all these people criticizing Yeah as far as this show is concerned we're all for black female journalists being in powerful positions. I don't know why they're not yet that's what one person wrote something this wasn't Jon Jon Karl just quoted a and it was a softball question towards the end of the interview what do you love about being president is what she asked why she's the 1st person to interview the president to ask the president a softball question right but the rest we played the clips the the rest was pretty spot on like why do you hire Michael Cohen Hold on hold on hold on you said he was a fixer right I don't know I don't know what you want these people to do I have no idea if you're one of the critics out there but one of them just because it matters so much usually when you're talking about journalism and especially a black female journalist you know one person said this was a cute attempt at journalism. Which again doesn't that reek of bigotry. If it was the other side right now Oh yes absolutely because Trump says something mean to April Ryan another black female reporter and it's instantly races diff right Sean Spicer former press secretary goes after her and says hey quit interrupting me he's racist and sexist Yes ignoring all the other times he said the exact same thing to every other journalist in the press pool Those are the rules but apparently yes if you're on Fox News and you are a black female journalist. You're allowed to be mocked it's oh that's Ok yes these are the rules I'm waiting for one of them to say well she's not black enough. I said that's how did you let it get it's crazy I mentioned a kid that had to change the last name because he was being bullied Yes And the last name is Trump boy guy's name is Joshua Trump He's in Wilmington Delaware middle school student having to change his name because he keeps getting bullied his parents Meghan Trump and Bobby Byrd Oh said they pulled him out of elementary school for a year when the campaign was going on because of Boeing was too bad but they decided I think they homeschool for years yet big they decided to put him back in the school system when he was transitioning to middle school thinking well Middle School will be different which I don't know what their memories of middle school were because that's like the most brutal time a lot of people say that in a kid's life because if some people are your starting age of puberty around there it's an awkward age to be yeah and it's brutal it is airable heard some girls recently talking about that that middle school was the worst but anyway any way they put it they put the kid back in and but well it hasn't really gone all that well Meghan talk to w.p. Vi Ok take her fadam may call him an idiot they call him stupid he thought he hates . The 8000. And he feels bad all the time and he doesn't want to live feeling like that anymore. And as a parent that's scary. And. That he hates himself because of his last name you just got to wonder where these middle schoolers getting that attitude from you do wonder that get it from home of course you never know you never know sometimes I've seen it where it doesn't happen that way you know I mean I mean your biggest employers influencers once you start going to school or the people you hang out with at school yeah and you're getting that from there and there I mean when I started cursing in middle school it wasn't from what my mom and dad were saying I guarantee you it was the cool kids on the playground Yeah I picked up all sorts of word in there to ask my older brother what does that mean by the way but there's a snowball effect isn't there though at some point it starts at somebodies house yeah it doesn't just suddenly happen right it could be an older brother it could be something else I don't want to put it on the parent because I don't know I don't know the situation but and I'm not I'm not talking about Joshua's parents I'm just talking about the kids doing the bowing down at stuff and you know school officials are saying well we did our best to try to get the teachers to not say his last name as much as possible which is absurd because that I mean come on when to rather have the teacher giving the lesson. I don't pick on somebody well I don't know why this comes to my mind if it was you know like the ninety's or something in the last name was Dahmer Not that I'm comparing trying to divert but it's like that don't use his last they might you know they're just trying to make it go away you know probably has the answer to all this stuff who has the answer to everything got rather the takes is next right here. This message is for all of you sitting in the passenger seat and apologies if it gets a little uncomfortable but how does it feel to be at the mercy of someone who thinks a random text is more important than your life someone who takes their eyes off the road while speeding along in a 3 ton hunk of steel frankly right well why not just ask them to stop or better yet volunteer to text for them it might be a little awkward but believe me you know less learn more at stop tax stop wrecks dot org brought to you by the Ad Council the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says Newsnight the $6.00 w d b Orlando turns 1st for breaking a record 24 hours a day is a good step we are one week out from a federal government shutdown President from demanding $5000000000.00 wars border Wallace some is not likely to get from Congress he took to Twitter the Democrats are absolute hypocrites all along they've been supporting walls and supporting fences and supporting all sorts of border security is threatening to shut down the government next Friday night if he doesn't get the money House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi let's talk about what we can do right now to keep government open there is strong bipartisan support to do that the only obstacle is the president of the United States on a vote of $56.00 to $41.00 the Senate approved a resolution recommending an end to u.s. Assistance to Saudi Arabia for the war it's running in Yemen French authorities say the man killed in Stross Bergen a gunfight with police on Thursday has been identified as the main suspect in the Christmas Market attack on Tuesday that killed 3 people. Richard cancer a.b.c. News folks you heard Larry Perry the magic mechanic meet my cluster of Tallinn wealth management the reason I really really like to sit down with individuals is everybody's situation is different you have to find a way to navigate through all the information and then coming up with that list of what you need will it applies to you very very specifically take a moment to sit down and look at what you're doing and let's make sure that your plan is right for you check out guarding your nest egg with my quest your Saturday afternoon new one or Sunday afternoon you want to hear on Newsnight the 65 secured soft tissue and Securities Inc members for as a.b.c. . Yet. To express what's touching and not a little secret. There's still time to get at least 20 percent off at Holiday Inn Express dot com during our annual sale will even throw in free breakfast just getting practiced as always included in your stay at Holiday Inn Express book now and save at Holiday Inn Express dot com terms apply. At Kaiser Permanente we're always looking into the future but we're not using a crystal ball we're using science and technology to see what's coming for your health take something preventable like heart disease it's the leading cause of death in this country because only half of us manage our blood pressure correctly so we made it a focus the result more than 83 percent of Kaiser Permanente members have their blood pressure under control we may not be able to tell your fortune but will happily work on improving your future Permanente Together We Thrive visit k.p. Dot org slash thrive colonnade tips and fun facts from Kristin and Paula Total Wine and more the sweetness of the maple glazed ham paired with a bourbon barely its cabernet went there now my taste buds are humming I can help you press the boss with a great bottle of wine Here's to raising 2019 as you check off that gift list we love to share are always low prices and ridiculous selection at total one in more big area locations now open in Daly City across from Sara Monte center on. Near Bed Bath and Beyond shop online and so to wine dot com Tony and you are listening to News 965 w d b o where Orlando turns for breaking news weather and traffic 24 hours a day. Whether you like to buy Tuffy Tire and Auto Service Hi Tom Terry warm temperatures this morning temperatures only in the low to mid sixty's and warming up to right around the upper 70 mark before showers in afternoon thunderstorms a few possibly severe mood then in time for the afternoon commute from Channel 9 chief meteorologist sound theory. Say such security triple team traffic going to find a crash on the beach line eastbound and between state road 520 and St John's River and we've got construction now if you're traveling on the turnpike north and southbound from Osceola Parkway to Orange Blossom Trail that has several lanes blocked there's construction our green way headed north Bennett state road for a way to get the off ramp blocked triple team traffic I'm Richard Lewis News 96.5 w. D.b.o. them day and all these sports. It's takes you. On the market. There are those of another round of the Scott takes on how to hide their boys how are we today testing where we start today well we can start with Donald Trump canceling the White House Christmas party for the press no. Closer No Sarah Sanders Huckabee was going to try out a new bone saw that night but apparently. Yes where did that come from just out of left field Thank you very much wow man I let's see. Now apparently is canceled and it's hard for me to believe that someone has insulted your family your friends. You want to have over for a night of lovely entertainment feeding them and little low white elephant games afterwards not going to happen then you're on here are going to be able to give Jim Acosta a lump of coal No that's that's too bad brick the tree and blame the Russians. I love that guy he said that's nice you do. All right what else your risk of a heart attack is the greatest add on Christmas Eve at 10 pm. And you know I'm Christmas Eve 37 percent increased risk of a grabber but yours happened in August. Ok would have been better story if it happened Christmas Eve So I'm just going to say Christmas starts earlier and earlier every year it doesn't oh my gosh no we can't be joking about grabbers see the last time I did this you know what happened that was the whole thing for those that don't know was always the joke on the old show was the grabbers going to get me and oh my gosh well there is a apparently and I gave you my list already but you can add a d. Fed to it while you're at it Ok just in case you just want to play it safe want to play it safe but we did give you the Fitbit is that working out yes so far so good are you enjoying it or do you hate it well do you know I know I like it I like it it's a new toy by the way for those that don't know I put a food log on it earlier today just started for what you had for breakfast I don't think the Fitbit approved 75 be P.M.'s right now yes that's good that's good i think i bet you're doing better than David and I both. Seriously because usually I'm at 91 while you go elevation going on there yeah get bumped up a little bit this is the time you come in man I don't sign as I'm going nuts are right or go bad there is a story today about what they're describing as a wing mom this was a mom in Texas acted out as the ultimate wing man when she found a date for a single son at the supermarket. Apparently Oh my mom is that the supermarket right and there's some attractive girls at the supermarket a bevy of them all together all friends are doing the shopping mom goes up say you don't know me but my son is struggling a little bit with the ladies and here's his picture and they went Oh he's cute so one of them jumped at the opportunity to go out with him and sure enough they went out another going on date number 2. 0 my gosh that had to be embarrassing one of the kid has a bun. I am not even joking right now a couple of months ago I was that I'll just say the grocery store and the guy ahead of me was talking to an older lady she was maybe in her mid fit not older lady that's the wrong phrase there may be a late fifty's early sixty's somewhere around there was the cashier Ok And she tells the guy in front of me oh man I just seem to have such a good spirit you'd be perfect for my daughter Debbie Wow she worked at the Starbucks down the road if you want to I mean you could go check her out did that and I'm kind of laughing because it was a conversation between them I overheard it when I got up there she scanning I cracked some joke she says you'd be perfect for my daughter that she worked at the start of her mom is pimping her out of the park I mean. It was incredible but apparently she was it's a new thing I wasn't meeting Debbie It was wonderful we had a magic. Butter nice latte if you ever had a pair trying to set you up back in the day yeah ever good one for Scott takes though Ok next Keith Richards says he's virtually quit drinking I saw that I was shocked not in real life but virtually. Keith Richards I know dude. Yes I just listen I think it's great to keep gives up drinking but there's something sad about that is that just died and well when I heard this you know Ok when I said that I haven't had a drink in over 10 years yes none I can 3 for me right yeah did you see the quote though he says it's been about a year now. Jack said I was going to bitch about it I said I pulled the plug on it I got fed up you know so other than the occasional beer or glass of wine I have quit. Does that really mean you. Just ask that no no there's no occasional about it but he says he's calling it quoting he said it was time to quit just like all the other stuff said I don't notice any difference really except I don't drink I wasn't feeling right I've done it I didn't want that anymore. Ronnie Wood said he's much more mellow now really so he's a pleasure to work with I just kind of think that this is the end for Keith Richards I do too because I mean the preservatives in alcohol alone that's the only thing keeping him upright and. Yeah not so much Keith Richards but I did see this you know of the year and we get on the list right Google released a bunch always fun Ok Well Keith Richards isn't on any list but I was thinking of celebrity do you know who the most search people were this last year of the top 3. I'll be surprised if you guys do well here we're not going to make it into a game we're going to go top 3 is walking or Donald Trump you know or is he not technically in the celebrity game anymore and this 1st one is just most search people most search people yes Donald Trump sent in there I know Brett Kavanaugh is one of them really Stormy Daniels Nope Meghan Markle I get to get married and and Demi Lovato Demi Lovato big overdose Yeah I never search that one time I had a big big record and then followed up by terrible overdose so yeah it makes sense most searched actors who think Chris Hemsworth. But Jason. What's his name my moma my No my most our most imo remember Sokal man Aqua Man Yes No Wow Sylvester Stallone was delivered yes then Bill Cosby. Bill Gates I think of him more as a felon now but. And then Logan Paul the You Tube or Oh yeah because he had that viral video gone wrong because you know he jokes in the Japanese you aside forest Yes. If you guys get any one of the most searched athletes I will be surprising give you had a boy there are soccer players aren't they none are certain players no Tiger Woods Nope. Wow. Really Tom Brady I would've said Tom Nobody column Cafferty no Lindsey Vonn Ok you don't get extra credit for Tiger on that one anymore Dang it Shaun White really well he ran it it's a lot bigger see you know Tristen Thompson twice didn't Thompson Chloe car dash Keaton baby to anyone oh yeah so you had that. And then it goes on tell me what you're interested in real quick as we wrap this up most search musicians are most search songs or t.v. Shows movies sports teams most searched dead people what do you want to know that I'm interested in the dead people right will that will go dead People mag Miller. Tom Petty No Kate Spade Oh yeah oh yeah Anthony Bourdain Yeah and what do you want to got on that list Yes What seems songs musicians we don't know they sions if you want. Well Bruno Mars is that stretching the word musician maybe a little Radiohead just got him rock n Roll Hall of I don't know everything's Ok now Demi Lovato you know him and him carry on Agron day so there you go oh as like as any bands in there like that we would have played at one point our nose is there any Allman Brothers said no but under certain songs you know what number one would be Bohemian Rhapsody Yes it's back yet again this is America childish gambino and then the children's song baby shark There you go you know that one baby shark I do not know my junk is kid now 13 so I'm kind of out of that territory and I get it all right Scott takes always British Gotti as we have done several times in the show want to do one more time is check in with David harms from the Union Gospel Mission David raised some money today Yeah well and thank you know those that have stepped up a couple of guys stand about a mess we needed you know $700.00 to me to match stepped up and did it how awesome is that it's incredible. Now and oh and the other thing we're going to try to hit something here in the next 15 minutes it would be unbelievable. If I kind of do the math if 10 more people can give $100.00 so about a about a $1000.00 we would have raised enough money to provide $10000.00 meals today $10000.00 meals 2 dollars and $0.17 a meal so yeah that's going to be here our goal in the next 15 minutes they have similar to just give a $1000.00 that would get us 210000 meals or 10 people give 100 dollars or whatever it works for you I'll give you the number and then we're going to kind of go back and make sure you understand what we're trying to do here we're trying to feed people who are on the streets and homeless and hungry and unemployed and we're able to get with them as we provide the meals and then work them into our programs and lives to radically change here's the number 88895595578889559557 you can just make a phone call with your debit or credit card ready and give it you're able to give and if we can raise a $1000.00 in the next 14 minutes we would have provided $10000.00 meals and that that's phenomenal so 888-955-9557 I've quoted this statistic earlier I'm just going to bring it up again because I think sometimes when we hear about homelessness we don't think it can really change we don't think that underneath it all that once they fall that far they're just not going to get back up and we know that that's not true fact we're going to share John's story here who got a Christmas meal one year ago like literally on Christmas Day He got a meal that changed everything but our programs would take somebody like John and as effective as we are they when they graduate from our program almost 2 thirds of the times almost 70 percent of the time. They never go back they stay clean sober employed paying their way to society it's like almost a 70 percent chance or likelihood that they will not realized for women it's 91 percent I mean this program works but we have to get them in the program the way we get them in the programs and everything else is we feed a lot of people and those meals happen when you give $2.17 so the $100.00 is $46.00 meals let's just see if 10 people can give $100.00 here in the next couple of minutes and we'll get to $10000.00 meals but here's the result of it so let's go back in time to about a year ago when John walked through our doors it was cold he was hungry and on Christmas Day He got a meal so when you call 888-955-9557 maybe discursiveness the next John walks through our doors listen to his story. And you're pretty miserable when you're on the streets you have no to go it's raining it's snowing or snow on the ground. You're under a bridge and you're full just miserable. But I learned how to use sometimes a dumpster. Can people mention. The mission to try to say I stopped by for Christmas dinner here and. The next day I walked in and said son you know. Some people believe what you're homeless you can't you're stuck being homeless but I believe if you work on it and you seek the right help at the right place and search as you know that's the mission. You can accomplish anything if I could do it you know. That number again to help out the Union Gospel Mission is 188895595571889559557 and love that story Man him can't get enough of those almost feel terrible promoting nimrods of the news coming out. But that's what we do you know there's the good in the bad but it's all coming up right here on the Barclay main camp show . The big cities you need to know 3 bomb threats forced evacuations all across the country including central Florida yesterday the threats were sent electronically and demanded $20000.00 in bitcoins so far none of those threats were determined credible to a man convicted of the fatal stabbing and beating of a 63 year old court clerk 26 years ago was executed one on a large winter storm system could bring severe weather to central Florida between this afternoon and early Saturday there is a slight chance of wind gusts in excess of 50 to 60 miles per hour and isolated tornadoes stay tuned to 96.5 central Florida severe weather center for updates now for breaking news today for severe weather and of course we all need enough for traffic right good people and we separate and keep updated news 96.5 w d v o now features customisable the expert breaking news severe weather and traffic all in one simple buy your news or download or all day for New News 96.5 w Didio. Colonnade tips and fun facts from Christine and Paula Total Wine and more the sweetness of the maple glazed ham paired with a bourbon barely aged cabernet we went there now my taste buds are humming I can help you press the boss with a great bottle of wine Here's to raising 2019 as you check off that gift list we love to share are always low prices and ridiculous selection at total one in more baby area locations now open in Daly City across from Sara multicenter on. Near Bed Bath and Beyond shop online it's Total Wine dot com. I thought I wouldn't qualify but I went on the website and answered a few questions and was able to get financial help the truth it was a pleasant surprise now I have the peace of mind that I have health and. As for my whole family I covered California 9 out of 10 in Rowley's got financial help paying for their health insurance so check for yourself a covered ca dot com sign up by December 15th Covered California it's more than just health care it's life care. And Maisie's backstage finding great gifts is as much fun is giving them get in the holiday spirit with matching Fiji's and loungewear for everyone who asks for slippers leave a great styles for him and her why not slip receiving can a stocking but hurry and they're going fast and if you've got tech even using levers on your leg we've got their gear from electronics to headphones it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Macy's backstage off right on track arriving daily find your store at Macy's backstage dot com. If you're all a party there's no better pick the new 3 dollar salsa loaded fries just ask this ridiculously over exaggerated party stereotype to go into if you're thirsty was a dog the acknowledge these prizes still quote from this in fact you can get chili cheese curly fries with cheddar cheese and all the chili or triple G.'s and bacon curly fries with 3 kinds of cheese and right so fly past drug squad goes through this. Trauma to $3.00 also loaded fries today only a jack in the box when the time only price participation Labor did you just look down at your phone he did it again didn't you you know you're flying down the road in a 3 ton hunk of steel and the text takes your eyes off the road for an average of 5 seconds and 55 miles per hour that's long enough to travel the length of a football field and cause some serious damage turn it off Trust me whatever it is you'll live learn more it stop tax dodge wrecks dot org brought to you by the Ad Council the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration already and Brian Kilmeade you know me from Fox and Friends of the morning in the Fox News Channel which you may not know is on the radio show right here and I really respect your diversity is full of diversity and viewpoints your viewpoints and political positions even when. Disagree and sometimes we do so I want to hear from you Orlando each and every day in the. News 96 point. Plan. Like a quick statement 96.5. Has made significant improvements the open mike is easier to use the 3 big things you need to know is easier to find news alerts are not customizable. Date. And of course still great legal questions thank you. 96.5. . Not terribly offensive. Oh they're. All that great to me now they greats to you it's all right. I mean the one that will put me into a murderous rage is I want to hippopotamus for a. Terrible song. We're together on that one all right if you want to the story before. I think it's a number it works for an average Ok. I mean technically you brought this story to the table so I mean if you want to you got to you want included in celebrating the best and the brightest do Big Bang theory the worst and to diminish them is a meal of choices and listen. To me I'm Ok and. Things to. Get. In the news starting out with. A California man. Go right take it away this is your story all right this was in San Lorenzo someone was trying to break into an abandoned Chinese restaurant trying to sneak in through a vent it was an air vent turns out it was a grease meant oh no not getting stuck in that muck and mire 2 full days until days so somebody walking by heard him scream and screaming for help so of course emergency crews arrived and if you see the photo of this guy he is completely covered in just I'm sure that years of moldy grease now that stuck in this thing oh there was a bystander by the way this is a guy Igor compos who called 911 he was the guy who heard the groaning sounds Ok 911 he talked to local media about why he came out he was all black I can't really tell what he was wearing because he was all full of grease full of grease on maybe some back from like you guys but that's the only thing I saw when you took a picture of what he looks like on the site and embodies all that like I say it's all for grease so he's got to tell exactly how it looks like Ok I know we just heard it yeah can you play from the beginning again because it's the female laughing in the background that's killing me and when he came out he was all but I couldn't really tell what he was wearing because he was all for me. That's great this. Happened in St Louis 28 year old guy to get a nuber like 330 on Sunday where I got their driver pulled out a knife demanded cash here's the thing though. The guy the driver didn't speak the same language so the driver used that app on his phone to translate his demands. I mean technology can work wonders now apparently did give up his wallet driver took off that cops are actually still trying to track that this guy down I don't know how to speak to you but I got an ad hey no no no I mean that's the news. Those 24 hour news weather and traffic is News $96.00. Legal solution Cox Media Group Stacy Kaiser Permanente we're always looking into the future but we're not using a crystal ball we're using science and technology to see what's coming for your health take something preventable like heart disease it's the leading cause of death in this country because only half of us manage our blood pressure correctly so we made it a focus the result more than 83 percent of Kaiser Permanente members have their blood pressure under control we may not be able to tell your fortune but will happily work on improving your future Permanente Together We Thrive visit k.p. Dot org slash thrive. I thought I wouldn't qualify but I went on the website and answered a few questions and was able to get financial help the truth it was a pleasant surprise now I have the peace of mind that I have health insurance for my whole family I covered California 9 out of 10 in Rowley's got financial help paying for their health insurance so check for yourself I covered ca dot com sign up by December 15th Covered California it's more than just health care it's life care. And backstage great guess is as much fun is giving get in the holiday spirit with matching loungewear for everyone who asked for slippers great styles for him and why not slip receiving can't miss stocking they're going fast and if you've got taking the music lovers out. We've got their gear from electronics to headphones it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Macy's backstage off right on track arriving to find your store at Macy's backstage that come with exclusive deliveries or door to buy New Delhi trio in Turkey bacon and cheddar potatoes toast a job out of Iowa are the ultimate no mess just remember these simple funny do's and for NATO meeting during a video game marathon during an actual marathon Why am I even while juggling chores while juggling chainsaws. All resting in a company chair while wrestling a Grumpy Bear. Open a do try my new potatoes today only a jack in the box when the time only a participant or a term of. W d b o Orlando turns 1st for breaking news traffic 24 hours a day it starts now. Good morning 5 o'clock here News 96.5. A mild start to our day today but you're right home things could look much different as a cold front will bring the potential for some strong storms and heavy wind yellow Laurel we may even see some isolated twisters reporter Katrina scales has the details of any outdoor activities planned for tonight you may want to reschedule Channel 9 chief meteorologist Tom Terry says the latest forecast is showing heavy storms on the horizon that may even trigger a tornado watch the best likely time of getting showers and heavy storms possibly severe will be after sunset through around 45 am on Saturday morning now with strong wind fields we can expect gusty winds over 50 miles an hour the Florida Division of Emergency Management even issuing a warning to expect at least 6 inches of rain in some areas and to stay off the roads late tonight if you can avoid it Katrina scales News 96.5 w d Vo and we have our storm center staffed and ready to go and will activate should weather turn severe this is news making 6.5 w. Do you feel we're Lando turns 1st for breaking news weather and traffic. The chance for some strong to severe storms and for today the latest coming up I'm Jackie O'Brien wrapping up overnight construction traffic in 4 minute news not the 6.5 I'm loyally in as we get Joe on the go set up here it's 501 here it is 96.5 I'm Samantha Jordan and heads up if you drive Princeton street and College Park this weekend will be closed for starting at 5 am tomorrow and lasting through 5 am Monday you will not be able to go under I 4 via Princeton street it will be closed between Formosa and day during that time you can go all the way up to Fairbanks to get around it but I'd suggest par street or even Winter Park Street as an alternate keep in mind when to Park Street is residential Jean Wexler News 96.5 w d b o f dot crews will be taking a look at the flights or the lights rather at a very intersection in downtown Atlanta this morning 2 vehicles were hit by trains yesterday and the same spot on Colonial Drive between North Orange and he avenues my dog was with you.

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