Important decisions, he cast a crucial vote in bush v. Gore the case, of course, that made george w. Bush president in 2000, despite his ideological opposition to the perspectives of colleagues like justices ginsberg, and kagan, he was held in high esteem by them. We will pring in our chief legal correspondent, jan crawford right now. Jan, the Supreme Court is scheduled to go back into session a week from monday, so how does the court move forward . Reporter i mean, i think thats one of those almost unimaginable questions. When you think about that seat that Justice Scalia has held now for 30 years being empty and the role he played on that Supreme Court and the impact he had on the law. Of course, you know, this sparkling intellect, this conservative icon, not always able to persuade even the more conservative justices to go along with him, but always write separate dissents, arguing that the law actually should be turning, in a conservative direction. And now, of course, getting that majority on the Supreme Court many times to go along with him. His absence on this court captain be overstated because it will change potentially the balance of the Supreme Court. Remember, the Supreme Court now is narrowly divided 54, five conservatives, four liberals. Justice scalia, of course, of course being that conservative icon. His passing now means the court will be four to four, so the next president or the current president could well change the direction of the Supreme Court. The question i think youre going to be seeing now in the next days and weeks is will president obama be appointing his third justice to the United States Supreme Court or will this wait for the next president . Already, youre seeing conservatives argue that we should wait. Senate majority leader appointment to be made by the next president. Youre going to hear democrats saying thats too long. Thats a year. I think that will be the next real fight youll see, starting right away, jim. Axelrod all right, jan crawford, an awful lot to keep our eye on coming of the death of the Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia. We want to go right now to paula reid. Shes got the latest on the death of Antonin Scalia whose body was found this morning. Paula, what you can tell us . Senior u. S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia has died of Natural Causes at a ranch in southwest texas. He on an annual trip to the state, spending time with friend, when he did not come down for breakfast he was a devote dwout catholic and sources confirm that a priest from the El Paso Diocese was called to administer last rites. Justice scalia was one of the most influential minds on the court. He led a conservative renaissance. Texas governor gregg abbott reflects on how his faith his faith was part of his decisionmaking progress, certainly in interpreting the First Amendment of the constitution. Reporter in a statement, the court said, his passing is a agreement loss to the court and the country he so loyally served. We extend our deepest condolences to his wife, maureen, and his family. He is survived by nine children and numerous grandchildren. The president was informed of his passing this afternoon, and the white house said the president may have additional reaction later today. Axelrod paul athank you very much. As we mentioned at the top of the broadcast, chief Justice Roberts had confirmed the death of scalia and said at the time he was an extraordinary individual, jurist, admired and treasured by his colleagues. A fiery conservative, scalia came to the court 30 years ago, appointed in 1986 by president ronald reagan. As a justice, scalia was a leading advocate for a strict interpretation of the constitution. And known for his theatrical his rigid conservatism and jabs directed at colleagues were well known. His sharply worded dissents and caustic attacks on liberal notions had an influence on a generations of young conservatives. He had a deep effect on the law. Born in trenton, new jersey, raised in queens, the son of italian immigrants was a High School Valedictorian who studied at Georgetown University and got his law degree at harvard. He issued thundererous dissents when the court upheld the right to abortion and in 2003 when it struck down the laws that targeted gays and lesbians. Scalia came under fire last december when he made controversial comments about an affirmative action case at the university of texas at austin. He said what may have been his most important majority in what may jort opinion, scalia spoke for the court in 2008, declaring for the first time that the Second Amendment gave americans the right to own a gun for selfdefense. He always played a key role in a series of 54 decisions that struck down Campaign Finance laws, and said all americans, including corporations and unions ha free speech right to spend their money on election ads. Scalias death is expected to change the tone of tonights Republican Debate in south carolina. Major garrett, who is on the cbs news debate panel, joins us now from south carolina. Major, what are the candidates saying in the immediate aftermath of news the justify scalias passing . Reporter jim, when he was on the high court, justice schaefs a passioned defender of free speech in all of its forms. Its not surprising the very first candidate reaction came on twitter, a social Media Communication device not oinl unimaginable to scalia when he was appointed but for most of his time on the high court. Donald trump tweeted as follows, to the totally unexpected loss scalia is a massive setback for the conservative movement and our country. Ted cruz also on twitter, scalia was an american here pope we owe it to him and the nation for the senate to ensure that the next president , not president obama, but the next president name his replacement. Marco rubio, john kasich, ands have also reacted in ways you might expect. And you alluded to earlier, jim, that most conservatives in fact all conservatives revere scalia as a passionate defender not only of free speech but original intent of the constitution and relied on his brilliance as a writer of opinions on the Supreme Court to not only guide the Supreme Court but to inform the conservative country. So in that sense, this casts an enormous pall over want proceedings here in greenville. Axelrod major, that could go a couple of ways, i suppose. It could not only change the content of whats discussed, but reporter certainly. And i will tell you our debate these candidates their or yepitation to the Supreme Court, what characteristics they would look for in a potential nominee, because even before Justice Scalias shocking pazzing, it was anticipated that the next president of the United States would have one, two, possibly three vacancies. So that was an issue that we were going to raise anyway. It now takes on much greater significance tonight. Also brupgz up the issue of the unexpected nature of crises and the american presidency and being able to deal with those and respond to them on the fly. Lastly, it may actually on the podiums tonight, jim, change the atmosphere. Candidates who might have come to this debate before the news of scalias passing with an intent to mix if up a bit more aggressively might lay back a little bit because they dont want to appear to be taking advantage of this very somber moment of national unity. Axelrod major garrett, we will see out panel tonight. The debate begins at 9 00 eastern time, 8 00 central, 6 00 in the west, right here on cbs. We invite you to tweet us your questions using the hashtag gopdebate. Night getting colder in the northeast. In many places conditions arent just unpleasant. They are dangerous. Heres marlie hall. Reporter sunday wind gusts and blinding snow helped cause this massive 50vehicle pileup on the pennsylvania interstate this morning. Authorities say at least three people died. It sounded like two bombs went off. This truck driver had never seen anything like it. It was total destruction. Reporter further south, in fayetville, north carolina, the winter wreaked havoc on roads not accustomed to snow and ice. Once you get three inches, its gridlock. Reporter in scranton, pennsylvania, a busted water main combined with frigid temperatures left homes frozen in time. The city is facing some of the coldest temperatures and wind chills weve seen in the last 20 years. Reporter in new york, mayor bill de blasio warned reads the area is facing singledigit temps and up to 30mileperhour winds, especially dangerous for the how many people do you estimate are at risk . We have 3,000 to 4,000 people who we know broadly from the research thats been done have spent time on the streets on a regular basis. We have street sheets that have information about places where you can go, come indoors, maybe get a meal somewhere. Reporter this is one of 160 outreach teams trying to make sure those living on the streets are sheltered from wind chills expected to reach 25 degrees below zero tonight. Stefan russo works with goddard Riverside Community center. The last thing we want to see is somebody, you know, die on the street. People are in tremendous risk when it is when it is this cold. Reporter so cold, freezing temps forced the cancellation of central parks ice festival and turned this fountip at bryant park into an icy work of art. The bonechilling cold will continue through tomorrow. Jim. Axelrod marlie hall in a frigid new york. For more on the frigid temperatures lets bring in eric fisher, chief meteorologist at tbhbz boston. Eric, we had record warming on the carter evans, and now potentially record cold on valentines day. Reporter some of the same areas that were sniffing 70 on Christmas Eve go subzero tonight and the wind is a big factor, wind chill warnings emcompassing much of the northeast. Forecasting 0 in central park. That will break a record that has stood for 100 years. In boston, breaking the daily record set back in 1934. It also would be the first time weve had a new record in the city of boston in the month of february, since 1967. Take a look across the northeast, cold valentines day but then things start to change as we look towards the end of the week. If youre wondering where the warmth is, it is in the west. San francisco a shot at 80 by monday. L. A. With the marathon on sunday, dangerously hot temperatures, close to 90. In peex they have set record earliest 90s ever recorded on wednesday. Also tracking snow into the ohio valley sunday. This becomes a wintry mess. As we start the week on the east coast air, lot of travel delays on monday into tuesday. Axelrod eric fisher with the extreme forecast. Thank you very much. Still ahead, the video that got an Elementary School teacher suspended when the cbs evening news continues. Lood cells. And if you have afiban irregular heartbeat that may put you at five times greater risk of stroke they can pool together in the heart, forming a clot that can break free and travel upstream to the brain, where it can block blood flow and cause a stroke. But if you have afib thats not caused by a heart valve problem, pradaxa can help stop clots from forming. Pradaxa was even proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke, in a Clinical Trial without the need for regular blood tests. 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Very upset and very disappointed reporter the video raises new concerns about the demands on student at the 34 Success Academy schools in new york city. The Charter Schools have been amongst the highest performing on state tests in new york seven years in a row. I think this video is 100 a reflection of the culture at that school. Reporter former Success Academy teacher Ayanna Legros says some teachers would rip up work if it wasnt good enough. The purpose of rip and redo, in my opinion, was to cause the student to feel a level of embarrassment and not necessarily make that same mistake. Reporter Success Academy c. E. O. Eva moskowitz says this was an isolated incident. However, i am not going to throw charlotte dial under the bus. To smear all teachers and to success academies, that is unfair and it is wrong. Reporter last month, a group of parents filed a federal complaint against the schools. They say Success Academy repeatedly suspended special needs students in an attempt to push them out. But despite complawnt and the video, many parents continue to support the teachers, including natasha shannon. Ive never witnessed anything like that video before, and i do believe that its a onetime incident. Reporter Success Academy says dial was suspended for a week and also completed a week of retraining. She is now back in the classroom. Demarco morgan, cbs news, new york. Axelrod um next, new measures in the fight against the zika virus. Another day, and im still struggling with my diabetes. I do my best to manage. But its hard to keep up with it. Your body and your diabetes change over time. Your treatment plan may too. Know your options. Oncedaily toujeo it releases slowly to provide consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours. Toujeo also provides proven full 24hour blood sugar control and significant a1c reduction. 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Insulins, including toujeo , in combination with tzds thiazolidinediones may cause serious side effects like Heart Failure that can lead to death, dont dilute or mix toujeo with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. Ask your doctor about toujeo. I know how it is. Youre all set to book a flight using your Airline Credit card miles. And surprise those seats sometimes cost a ridiculous number of miles, making it really hard to book the flight you want. Luckily, theres a better way. With the capital one venture card. With venture, youll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. And when youre ready to travel, just book the flight you want, on any airline, then use your miles to cover the cost. Now youre getting somewhere. Whats in your wallet . Its the Little Things in life that make me smile. Spending the day with my niece. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Even well fitting dentures let in food particles. Is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. So its not about keeping my dentures in, its about keeping the food particles out. Try super poligrip free. Axelrod the zika virus continues to cause concern in the u. S. And beyond. Two new cases were reported yesterday in ohio, while in hawaii, the governor has declared a state of emergency to deal with mosquitoborne illnesses, including zika. Jericka duncan now on the fight against the virus. Reporter today, more than 200,000 soldiers fanned out across brazil to explain how to stop the spread of the zika virus that may be linked to birth defects. The president launched a campaign called zika zero. , urging people to be engaged in fight. A Similar Campaign is being mosquito experts met this week. The message was clear spraying will not be enough. The type of mosquito that can transmit zika virus only needs a cap full of water to breed. Experts are asking people now to get rid of standing water in places like flower pots, bottles, and containers. Joe conlin is with the american Mosquito Control association. If youre not taking precautions against mosquitoes, keeping them out of your house, youre part of the problem, indeed. Reporter this week, president obama asked for nearly 2 billion from congress, not just to protect pregnant women but to guard everyone from being bitten and spreading the disease. In using an e. P. A. Registered repellent make sure its e. P. A. Registered. Reporter according to state Health Departments there have been at least 81 cases in 21 states of people with the zika virus. The c. D. C. Continues to advise pregnant women to avoid travel spokesman tom skinner. The mosquitoes that transmit this are here. The virus is not here yet. But when the virus gets here, it will be important for people in those areas to take special steps to help control the mosquitoes and to avoid being bitten by the mosquitoes. Reporter and today, colombian fors announced that since the beginning of the epidemic, more than 5,000 zika cases, jim, have been reported in women who are pregnant. Axelrod jericka, thank you. Coming up, a phenomenon full of kindergarteners get a lifechanging surprise. They say you shouldnt spoil your kids. But your grandkids . How about front row seats to the best show in town . And that is why you invest. Td ameritrade. Ugh heartburn no one burns on my watch try alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmm. Amazing. I have heartburn. Alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. This just got interesting. So why pause to take a pill . And why stop to find a bathroom . With cialis for daily use, you dont have to plan around either. 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This is what it can be like to have shingles. Oh, man. A painful, blistering rash. If you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. After almost 3 weeks, i just really wanted to give it a shot. You know, im not feeling it today. About a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. Axelrod we end tonight with a powerful act of generosity. A man in california saved up his whole life for a dream retirement, only to redefine his dream and invest in the futures of 26 cibters. Heres teri okita. Reporter 5 minus 2 is a far cry from advanced calculus, but rio vista Elementary School Elementary School puts a big emphasis on college. Its not too young for them to start now. No. Reporter but the cost of tuition makes that dream elusive, and each of these 26 kids would be the first in their families to attend college, which is where marty and seon chunburbank come in. Alongtime volunteers they have donated plenty of supplies and but recently he said he had an announcement. I was thinking a pizza party or maybe tebs pencils and he offers a game changer for their life. Reporter it was a game changer for marpty as well. A lifelong sailor, who even got married at sea, he was planning to buy a 40foot dream boat to retire on until a sunday Church Sermon on charity made him think twice. So prior to that sermon, you had ever intention of sailing off into the sunset laughing . Thats right. Reporter but then something bigger came along. Yes. He says to the kids, im going to pay forever your College Tuition and everything you need to get through. Weve come up with a number of 1. 182 million. Reporter wow. So will you have to postpone your retirement then . Hopefully not, but im prepared to. Reporter the money goes into a trust. The only condition is that these students have to send them a picture or an essay every year. I want them to visualize their goal, visualizing what life is going to be hike as a college graduate. For him to remove that roadblock, it infuses them with a realistic hope. Like, this isnt just some pipe dream anymore. Reporter and for parents like Maria Alvarez from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. He just changed their families future, and their childs future, literally. Reporter so circle the date for the class of 2032. Zeal a big party. Yeah, well throw a Graduation Party for all of them. I want to be a dentist. A dentist . Reporter their future is secure, even before first grade. Teri okita, cbs news, anaheim. Axelrod and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. Later on cbs, the Republican Debate live from greenville, south carolina. For now, im jim axelrod. For all of us here at cbs news, thanks for joining us. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by access. Wgbh. Org [ island music plays ] wheel. Of. Fortune aloha aloha and now from the Hilton Waikaloa village on the island of hawaii, here are the stars of americas game, aloha mahalo and all that good stuff. Thank you. Thank you, jim. Were back in hawaii. Can you tell . Yes. Thank you. Goodbye. Have a good one. Hi, everybody. You all set . Everybody have one . Good. Our first tossup of the night is a movie title. Its worth 1,000. And here we go. [ bell chimes ] and its roger and sprout. The wedding singer. Yeah, thats it. You did all right. Got 1,000. And now lets hear about you guys. Hi. Im sprout hunt. My husband, roger, and i have been married for 11 wonderful years. Combined, we have five grown children and 11 extremely sweet grandchildren. Want to add anything to that, roger

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