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Good morning. Its been a packed week in politics. The next one could shake things joe biden closing in on his decision. Some supporters convinced hes ready. On the republican side, ben carson neck and neck with donald trump after raising more republican candidate this quarter. Hes our exclusive headliner. When i asked donald trump about carson he previewed a possible line of attack. Ben is a doctor and thats what hes been doing and the question is is he capable of negotiating with china and russia and iran and all of the things you have to do. Dr. Carson, thank you for joining us. How do you respond to that and why would you be a better president than donald trump . I dont want to compare myself with anyone but ive had lots of experience doing a whole negotiating with all kinds of people in order to get things accomplished and also bear in mind, there is no one person who does all the negotiation and knows everything. You know, in the multitude of counselors is safety. I think the important thing is to understand what the stakes are. When you go into a negotiation, the recent iran negotiation for instance, you have to know how to negotiate. You have to know how to verify, how to make sure that theres appropriate accountability. You have to be able to take down their infrastructure and know have you ever done anything like that. Have i ever done anything negotiate . Negotiate . Absolutely. Whats the best example to prepare you . Ive negotiated many things. For instance, when i became the director of pediatric neurosurgery at johns hopkins, it was not even on the map at hopkins at that point. I had to negotiate a number of things in order to create the various different divisions and by the time we got to 2008 u. S. News worldly report ranked us the number one neurosurgery unit in the United States. So that requires the ability to do things. I had to negotiate with many people in different cities as we were putting the Carson Scholars Fund together. Its now active in all 50 states. As you know, 9 out of 10 nonprofits fell. Not only that, has won major awards only given to one fill Philanthropic Organization in the country out of tens of thousands. Thats not done without having the ability to negotiate. Donald trump also suggested that george w. Bush has to share in the blame for 9 11 because it happened on his watch. What do you make of that . I would probably ask him what he meant by that. Blame for it. But beyond that, i would ask him. Youre the only republican i certainly dont think so. You are the only major bushs decision to invade afghanistan after 9 11. I want to show what you said at the debate. Declare that within five to ten years we will become petroleum independent. The arab state would have been so concerned they would have turned over anybody you wanted on a silver platter within two weeks. Osama bin laden. How would that have worked, gotten him to turn over Osama Bin Laden in two weeks. He was already an enemy . Of the moderate governments. I think they would have been extremely concerned if we had declared and we were serious about it that we were going to become petroleum independent because it would have had a major impact on their finances. And i think that probably would have trumped any loyalty that they had to people like osama but they didnt have any loyalty. To Osama Bin Laden. The saudis kicked him out. He was their enemy. Had any loyalty to him. But i believe otherwise. So you believe that had president bush simply declared Energy Independence they would have turned over bin laden. How would they have gotten him out of the tribal areas of afghanistan and pakistan . They would have known where he was. You know, there were indications for instance during the Clinton Administration that they knew exactly where he was. But didnt necessarily pull the trigger. If we could tell where he was, im certain they knew where he was. But at that point we had some idea but didnt know for sure. I dont understand how you think this would have worked. Heres the point. Heres my point. My point is we have other ways i personally dont believe that invading iraq was an existential threat to us. I dont think Saddam Hussein was a threat to us. Thats a very different situation right now. Now we have global jihadists who want to destroy us and our way of life and thats a different situation. I was asking about invading afghanistan which had been harboring Osama Bin Laden. I was primarily talking about iraq. You know, i wasnt particularly interested in going into afghanistan but i do think that we should have taken aggressive action. And i think, you know, creating a base that did not require tens of thousands of our troops that required a group and i think we probably have that number pretty close to right now about 10,000 or so. And being able to use our drones and being able to use our intelligence and things of that nature. I think thats probably all that was necessary in afghanistan. When we look back at 9 11, 3,000 people dead on that day, we knew afghanistan was harboring Osama Bin Laden and 90 of the public supported taking military action. Every member of congress but one. If that is not a case where you would order retaliation, what is . Well, i just said i do believe that we should have taken aggressive action. I just dont think necessarily putting tens of thousands of our troops was the correct way to do it. But you know were talking about things that are in the past. We will never know the answer to that. We really need to be concentrating on what are we going to do now to deal with the global jihad threat. You have said you would maintain the military presence in afghanistan as president obama announced this week . Yes. I would. I think we saw what happened in iraq when we withdrew. Make that mistake again. Im very happy to see that we have a learning curve there. And just before i move on, i just want to be clear. Youre standing by the statement that had president bush declared Energy Independence back after 9 11, that would have caused the moderate Arab Government to tush over bin laden. I think they would have been more cooperative. I was struck by reading your previous book, america the beautiful. The things you wrote that sound like Bernie Sanders than some of your republican rivals. You wrote about taking the positive aspects of socialism capitalism. What did you mean by that . Well, i meant one of the things that happens for instance in europe for medical school is that you dont have to pay for it. And as a result, they dont have the skew that we have here. A lot of people when they finish medical school there are hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and instead of doing what they may have wanted to do which was maybe be a primary care doctor, they decide that i better become, you know, one of the specialists that makes a lot more money so i can pay this money back. Thats not an issue in europe and they dont have the kind of primary care deficit that we have. On health care you have said we have to get rid of forprofit Insurance Companies writing all of the Insurance Companies would have to become Nonprofit Service organizations with standardized regulated profit margins, reasonable to allow insurance 5 of which would go to the Governments National Catastrophic Health care fund. That would require heavy government regulation. Well, ive subsequently switched over to a Health Savings account and find that to be much better. Framework of what we had. But ive concluded that what we had simply did not work. One of the reasons it didnt work is because the Insurance Companies made profits by denying people care. And that of course, is a total conflict of interest. But utilizing the Health Savings account system that i talked about more recently i think solves that problem. So you no longer believe we should get rid of forprofit Insurance Companies . Well, forprofit Insurance Companies would become much less relevant with the Health Savings about. How . Because everybody would have a Health Savings account from the day theyre born until the day they die. We fund it with the same dollars we use for Traditional Health care. We spend almost twice as much per capita in health care as other nations. Theres plenty of money there. In order to found Health Savings accounts. You give people the ability to shift money within their health family. Own insurance company. No middle man. So the money goes a lot further. It continues to accumulate and never goes away. And the cost of your catastrophic insurance now drops tremendously because almost everything youre doing is coming out of your Health Savings account. This works extraordinarily well. And for the indigent we have a way to take care of them. Medicaid budget is 400 to 500 billion a year. Medicaid, we have about 80 Million People participating. We can fix that by fixing the economy but dealing with what we have 80 million and 400 billion goes 5,000 times. 5,000 each man, woman and child, what could you buy with that . Most practices are 2,000 to 3,000 a year and then you have thousands left over for your catastrophic insurance which is much cheaper since everything is coming out of your hsa. The interesting thing is people say poor people wouldnt be able to manage a Health Savings account. Didnt they say that about food stamps . Of course they will. They will learn very quickly not to go to the emergency room, go to the clinic, instead where you get it taken care of. Plus lets get your diabetes under control so youre not back here in three weeks with another problem. A whole other level of savings that we are not realizing right now, plus teaching those individuals to be personally responsible and not but those accounts, only about 2,000. A person, thats a fraction of an average familys health insurance. Well the 2,000 figure was when i was thinking about the government funding it. But i subsequently decided the better thing to do is to allow it to be funded through the same channels that regular health care is funded through. The money is already there, so why change that . Also, in your book you talked about government regulation and said that unfortunately we decided to deregulate during the 1990s paving the way to the economic meltdown in 2008. That sounds similar to Bernie Sanders and some of the other democrats are saying. Certain types of regulations. You, glass eagle was a reasonable regulation after what happened on wall street in 29. The banks were playing fast and loose with peoples hardearned cash. That needed to be contained. In the 90s we took the teeth out and started thinking maybe men were angels. But as our founders said, men are not angels so we do need government regulation. So the right kinds of it. What we have done is we just ballooned a number of regulations and every single regulation cost in terms of goods and services and who is hit most by that, poor people and the middle class. Thats what we got to start would you reimpose glass eagle . Perhaps with some modifications. We certainly need to make sure that we dont have out of control credit swaps and all kinds of funny money going on. We need to make sure that we protect the people. Thats what the regulations are for. The United States is about to hit its debt limit november 3rd. Do you think it should be raised . Well, you know, we get into this question every single year. I think its kind of ridiculous and we wait until were right up against the wall and say yeah, we got to raise it or were going to default. Thats craziness. What we need do is at the beginning of the financial cycle determine where were going to make the cuts so that we dont wind up in this situation every single year. But these are bills you know, these are bills we have to pay, money already spent. I recognize our backs are up against a wall in a couple of weeks and we have to do that in order to prevent a default. I do know that. However, this should be the last time we have to do it. So you would raise it this time but not again . I would raise it this time with the stipulation that we are going to go and look at those 645 Government Agencies and subagencies and going to find it and get rid of it so we dont have to do this again. Who would be your toughest opponent Hillary Clinton, joe biden or Bernie Sanders . I personally dont think any would be very tough because its going to be such a clearcut election. We will be voting about whether we want a nation where the nation where the people are in control. I think its going to be Crystal Clear and the people will make a dr. Carson, thanks for joining us today. My pleasure. Mr. When we come back, Bernie Sanders joins us live. Did he let hillary off the hook at that debate . Can he convince voters socialism is what america needs. Governor sanders, how are you . Im good. Im hungry but im good. And now if you dont mind, im going to dial it right up to a 10. Go right ahead. Were doomed a revolution. Millions of people on the streets and we got to do something and we got to do it now larry david doing a deadon Bernie Sanders on saturday night live. Our exclusive with the real Bernie Sanders is live in two let me Say Something that may not be great politics. But i think the secretary is right. And that is that the American People are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. Thank you. Me too, me too it was the moment of the debate on tuesday and now Bernie Sanders joins us live from iowa this morning. Senator sanders thank you for joining us. You heard the applause after that moment. But a lot of people watching and said youlled the deal for hillary taking away her biggest vulnerability. I dont think so. I think what the American People want, george, is a discussion in this country of the real issues that are impacting them and that is theyre asking why it is theyre working longer hours for lower wages, why we have a massive level of warmth wealth such that all is going to the top 1 . Cant send their kids to college. Why we have today more people in jail than any other country on earth. 2. 2 billion people and why were not investing in our young people in jobs and education rather than more jails and incarceration. Why we are not dealing with the reality of who controls our rigged economy and a corrupt political system as a result of Citizens United is allowing billionaires to buy elections. The great Global Crisis facing our country. All of those issues are more important than Hillary Clintons of which there is a process under way to determine what happened. Also questions about national security. President obama announcing hes keeping 10,000 troops in afghanistan through next year. 5,000 after that. You heard ben carson saying he supports that decision. So does Hillary Clinton. Do you . Well, yeah. I mean i wont give you the exact number. Clearly what the president has as somebody who voted against the war in iraq. A war which destabilized the entire region. Clearly we do not want to see the taliban gain more power and we need a certain nucleus of american troops in afghanistan to try to provide the training and support the afghan army needs. You were asked about when you would authorize the use of force. You talked about previous vote authorizing the use of force and including in afghanistan and the u. S. Getting involved in so there are no circumstances authorize unilateral action . I wont get into hypotheticals. This is what i will say. I will say bushs decision to get us into a war in iraq unilaterally was one of the the history of the United States. It destabilized the entire region and led us to where we are today. I think sensible Foreign Policy and military policies suggest it cannot be the United States of america alone which solves all the worlds military in all circumstances . Of course, im not saying no, i dont want to get into hypotheticals. I didnt say in all circumstances. But i do believe, number one, and i think if theres a lesson to be learned from iraq and afghanistan that what a great military power like the United States is about is try to use diplomacy before war and working with other countries rather than doing it alone. At the end of the day coalition, military coalition is what will succeed not the United States doing it alone. Donald trump took off on you on the stump this week. Lets take a look. Hes going to tax you people at 90 and take everything. And nobody has heard the term communist. I call him a socialist communist because thats what he is. You smiled. Whats your response . If i had to respond to every absurd thing to what donald trump said i would spend my whole life doing it. I want to raise the issue of taxes. Trump raised that issue. Lets talk about it. What we have seen george in the last 30 years as most of americans know is a massive redistribution of wealth. Unfortunately its gone in the wrong direction from the middle class and working families to the top. 0001 . Yes, let me be very clear. If were going to make public colleges and universities tuitionfree as we have to do in the 21st century. Yeah we are going to have a tax on wall street speculation and ask trump and his billionaire friends to pay more taxes. At what rate . Well come up with it. But higher than it is right now. When you see the rich getting much much richer and their effective tax rates as Warren Buffett often reminds us is lower than the effective tax rates of Truck Drivers and nurses, the wealthy have to pay more and corporations paying billions of dollars in taxes. Billions of dollars in profits. That has got to change. You said a previously you had been asked if the 09 rate is too high and you said no. How high are you willing to go on that rate . Are we talking 50 , 60 . This is what were working on right now. Were going to end the loophole to stash their money in the Cayman Islands and in some cases avoid paying all federal income taxes and raise the estate tax so that trump and his billionaire friends and their families will pay more in taxes and have tax on wall street speculation. Trillions of dollars have flowed from the middle class to the address the fact that the middle class is disappearing and they need help. Income in quality. But you have to do more than how far below are you going to go with tax hikes . It is not true that we have to go much further. I indicated to you some proposals that we have. The proposals that we have to provide public colleges and universities tuitionfree will be paid by a tax on wall street rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. Creating millions of decent jobs will be paid by doing away with the loophole that allows the corporations to stash their money in the Cayman Islands taxfree. We have huge amounts of tax loop holes. Were going to address that issue. And protect the working families and middle class. No tax hikes below the top 1 . I didnt say that. I think if you are looking about guaranteeing paid family and medical leave which every other major country has so that when a mom gives birth she doesnt have to go back to work in two weeks. Or an illness in a family, dad or mom can stay home with the kids. That will require a small increase in the payroll tax. Senator gilibrands legislation. And we can accomplish that just with the small increase in the payroll. Thats going to hit everybody. That would hit everybody. Yeah, it would but it would mean we were drawing the rest of the industrialized world and make she can in fact stay home with that baby for three months rather than go back to work at the end of one week. We are the only country, only major country that doesnt guarantee paid family and medical leave. The truth of the matter is we do a lot of great things in this country but we are behind many other countries in protecting the middle class and working families. One area that i want to touch on the Social Security administration said there would not be a cooler for our seniors and disabled people. I think thats absurd. Prescription drug costs have gone up. Seniors are paying more. We need to change the formula. We have got legislation in to do that to ascertain what real cost of living is for seniors. Im going to fight very hard. You have got millions of seniors getting by on 13,000, 14,000 a year. Making choice between medicine and food. That is criminal and we have got seniors get a fair shake. I got to show you larry david on saturday night live. Im the only candidate up here who is not a billionaire. I dont have a super pack, dont even have a backpack. I carry my stuff around loose in my arms. You know, between classes. He seems to have nailed it. What do you think . I think well use larry on our next rally. He does better than i do. Okay, Bernie Sanders, thanks very much for joining us this morning. Thank you. Up next, president obama changes course on afghanistan debating his decision with two veterans serving in congress. The round tablg weighs in on trumps decision and the round table standing by. Matt dowd down in brazil. Bill crystal taking on the weeks politics when we come we made enormous investment in a stable afghanistan. Afghans are making difficult but genuine progress. This modest but meaningful extension of our presence while sticking to our current narrow missions can make a real difference. President obama on thursday reversing course on afghanistan announcing that thousands of americas longest war after he leaves office. Here to weigh in, two members of congress who served in iraq and afghanistan. Thank you both for joining us. Let me begin with you. You have said its time to bring our troops home. So is the president wrong to put his withdraw plans on hold . Good morning, george. Ive supported the president s efforts to continue bringing our troops home and its a good thing we have gone from having over 100,000 u. S. Troops in afghanistan to having less than 10,000. Looking at the situation on the ground in afghanistan, we have a continuing increased presence of both isis and al qaeda so i agree with the president s decision to keep some of our troops there, primarily to assist the Afghan Security forces both with intelligence and training as they work to take out our common enemy, the qaeda. Its important as we see some u. S. Troops remaining there that we know exactly what their mission is, its not to nation build and create a mini american. In afghanistan. It is to work with the Afghan Security forces to take out our common enemy. Some republicans you support, jeb bush say that may not be enough troops, is it . I dont know. The president has said 9,800 is going to be what it takes. With his military experts. Thats fine. A few years i give the president credit for reversing strategy here and saying were going to maintain this presence. But two years ago we could have all predicted this when he said were going to go to 5,500 and an embassy presence. Seeing what happened in iraq and the situation in afghanistan we knew what was going to happen. Which is to the next point. Why the president has to say 9,800 troops and go to 5,500 by the time i leave office. Of strategy and a way to win. Were going to stay until the Afghan Government can stand on its own and not artificial any time soon . Its probably not. Were probably going to be there for a while. Were still in south korea and have a presence in kosovo and in a lot of places. To say were going to leave 9,800 troops this isnt a 100,000 person combat mission but this is a very Important Mission in a important part of the world and i wish the president would have maintained after 2011. Is the president wrong to keep any timetable at all . No. I think you have got to look at whats happening on the ground. I would differ with my colleague adam that whats happening in situation than we saw what happened in iraq. Our pulling out of u. S. Troops of iraq had nothing to do with the strengthening of isis and al qaeda. Strengthened our enemy there was the government that persecuted the sunni tribes. And the sunni communities. That began while we still had a strong presence there. As we look at afghanistan, the most important thing that we should be doing is saying exactly what is our mission. You cant have an effective strategy unless you know first exactly what your mission is. And our mission should be to focus on those who attacked us on 9 11 and continue to wage war against us today. Thats what the president said. A couple quick questions. Jeb bush saying he has grave doubts about Donald Trumps finger on a nuclear trigger, saying hes an actor playing the role for a candidate for president. What do you think of that and why do you think trump is doing so well and your candidate seems to be stuck in the middle . Trump is tapping into this outsider mentality and of course republicans like the idea of somebody fresh coming in. At the end of the day, slow and jeb bush is the guy very confident, a very conservative governor of florida. I think hes correct. When trump talks about Foreign Policy he doesnt go any further than one layer deep talking about seeding the middle east to the russian is ludicrous. When people get to understand beyond what he says on the surface what he really believes theyll see theres nothing there or its not in line with what republicans believe. And you kind of the chairman of your party saying shes not being honest about why you werent invited last week at the debate. You seem to be in dispute. Over how many debates there should be. Do you think that door is closed now . Are we set with the debate schedule or can there be more . First of all, i wanted to say the facts have come out with regards to the discourse in conversation that happened last week about my being disinvited vice chairs and officers not being included. The facts are out there. New york times and bloomberg have both reported that. I think were hearing a growing number of democrats and americans who are calling for more debate, calling for getting rid of this exclusivity clause that punishes our president ial candidates for engaging with different groups and different communities of people who want to host debate and increase the discourse in conversation and want to engage. I think we have got to continue to push for that so we can strengthen our parties and our demock a and increase the conversation in our country. This morning. Thank you. Shake up his race for president. The round table weighs in when catch this week online all with respect to Vice President biden he will have a healthy debate if he decides to get in. As i said, its time for him to make that decision. Im not going to comment on what joe is doing or not doing. I think you can direct those questions to my very able Vice President. Have you made your decision yet . I cant hear you. Have you made your decision yet . Joe biden with some fun there. Table joined by matthew dowd, bill crystal, katrina, editor of the nation magazine. Matt, you said right after the debate you thought joe biden would get in to the race. Were closing in on that time. Could come any day, this decision. Do you believe that and how it changed the race . I still believe hes going to get in. If he wasnt getting in, i think you would be a whole series of other signals. I thought after the debate, two main candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton both who did well but dont have everything that voters one. One has great passion and does experience. The other one, no question about her experience and very little joe biden says i have both of those things. Sort of the goldy locks candidate. Im just right. He gets in the race. In the past is i dont know exactly hes got to hope iowa and wins in New Hampshire and the opening is there. Mario como agonized over running and at the end of the day he said every candidacy needs a rational. I agree joe biden would bring something to the race, not just his personality. I think its years of service and of course his support of this president. At the end of the day the invisible primary is over. He has recognition. Compete against hillary, against bernie. I saw two candidates this past week who were not just for president of the United States. But i thought they were great. They were full in on the issues. Represented main street. To get in in a race already being settled. Is there room . Weve seen it play out for too long. He gets in. I think we saw a debate as donna said of ideas, not insults. You have got two strong candidates and president biden, all respect for the grieving for his son, but he was the architect of the 1994 crime bill. Lets not forget that. Which has led to the incarceration of people in this country. All of that will come back. I dont think at this moment people are fixed on all the issues that will be associated with it. Not just his time with president obama. Obama. But hes going to head to South Carolina and in South Carolina he is going to compete with hillary for africanamerican votes. I think it helps bernie. Pushing way ahead right now at least. Joe biden is going to get in im confident. Tomorrow or tuesday. Hell go to delaware and announce to the state he represented for so many years. Hell be a strong candidate. Democrats like president obama. Even though you couldnt remember his name. Well i know. Wait. Ive moved on. Who has been president obama as he will say his closest partner over the last seven years. Joe biden. Hes a more sympathetic candidate than Hillary Clinton more electoral candidate than Bernie Sanders and signal he would like to have Elizabeth Warren as his running mate who is closer to where the average Grass Roots Party wants to go. I say this is the toughest ticket for republicans and i think it will be a formal ticket in the primaries. Senator warren has a Crystal Clear voice on the issue she cares about. Again, joe biden was the architect of a bankruptcy bill which senator warren has faught against for decades. Im just trying to raise issues here because [ talking over one another ] some people said this could help Hillary Clinton if he does get in. That she could run to the left of joe biden, a little bit of change from president obama, not too much but to the right of Bernie Sanders. Anything to that . I think thats a rational so when joe biden gets in you dont really want him in. No. You dont want to spend all your what i think joe biden does is served as a huge vulnerability. She has difficulty with white thats her biggest vulnerability where she does worse than republicans do among latinos. We had this fight and i think hillary proved time and time again that she knows how to not only go to the support of white males but people of color which is the rise of the american if joe biden gets in the race its great. I believe the advantages lies with her. But at the same time Bernie Sanders is a hot commodity right now. Not just among democrats but independents and i think Everyone Needs to take a backseat and watch whats going on because Bernie Sanders out there expanding the electorate bringing more people into the party. The same path that barack obama to win the nomination. Donna is so right. Hes expanding the horizons of what seems possible. So much for the down sides of politics. In the debate the other night, i say progressive won, movements won and the understanding that Bernie Sanders brought to the table, issues that hadnt been put there. Climate change. Inequality. Black lives matter. We need a reexamination of how capitalism has or has not worked. For the vast majority of the country. Even ben carson say there are some positive aspects of socialism. I want to talk to you about that as we switch to republicans. Ben carson continues to rise. Donald trump fails to fade at all the outsiders still there. Theyre going up. I conclude myself they got the outsiders together. Trump, carson and fiorina were around 35 two months ago. Totaled up to three votes. I thought thats probably enough for the outsiders. Of them will be nominated. Now about 50 . No signs of trump has plateaued. Carson continues to rise. Carson and sanders have a lot in common. I agree with you all that what does sanders have, 700,000 donors to his campaign. 2 3. 700,000. Carson has 600,000 donor. Shake engine. They can go back and get more money. Predicting that carson is going to fade or trump is going to fade. Whether fiorina is a although she has i think what fiorina has, she goes up in the debate and does very well in 60, 90 second answers. Much better than any other established candidate. Supposedly been in office and doing well. She has no stickiness to her vote. It always drops right back down. She runs no campaign between the debate. Thats problematic for her. Donald trump, every time everybody says hes going to he did poorly, theres an element of votes in this country. Maybe 25, 26, 24 that has stuck on donald trump. Multicandidate field with five or six candidates thats enough to win. Which is why you see jeb bush coming at him hard right now and put an ad taking on donald trump. We heard jeb bush this morning. Lets take a look at the ad. Im used to dealing with killers. People that go donald trump doesnt like to be questioned on the issues. Trump is weak on policy. When you are running for the presidency of the United States of america the most important title is commander in chief. They should have a working knowledge. Jeb bush, little enthusiasm from him in the streets or what he does have and i dont know how its going to play in this outsider kind of election. Youve got 158 families in this country funding half of this campaign. Thats super packs money. Jeb bush has that kind of money. But we may witness an election rule. If you are a republican voter that was for donald trump or ben you would be more for the aftermath in that ad. The other thing thats demonstrated is big money doesnt matter. If you have a yes, it does. No, it doesnt. Every bit of money thats been spent hasnt moved voters. Some connection with the voters. Thats what ben carson and donald trump has. This is supposed to be the joint clinton bush amazing how side. Not at all. Bush is running neither is going to be the nominee. Were going to have a Sanders Biden showdown on the and jeb may not make it in. Theres a reason were seeing the country is angry. Coming out of the greatest financial crisis and politicians havent been speaking to it. So you have a Bernie Sanders and the problem with trump is he tries to this is a big week for Hillary Clinton. Im neutral. So i got to say this. She goes before the Benghazi Committee. I think the Benghazi Committee is going to be the one on the investigation. After this week. Hillary is going to be able to answer those questions and prove they have spent 5 million of the taxpayers money not getting to the bottom of what happened in benghazi. Extensive emails, someone so crazy that president obama prohibited prohibited [ talking over one another ] you get heated up because of hillary because you cannot see her in this vision. But hillary i can see benghazi and her failure in benghazi. She has admitted her problems and mistakes. Where has the investigators brought in the defense community. They have not. They have been investigating Hillary Clintons emails. This Benghazi Committee has become more showtrialed. But there is a legitimate role for a committee that investigates why it is that the policy of the United States is regime change which was Hillary Clinton and obamas policy in libya which led to some of the crisis were witnessing with isis and syria and we should have a discussion in this country about why u. S. Foreign policy is not a different one and why we need a different one. If the republicans were smart which is a big if in the course of this and whats going on in congress, i dont know if thats possible, but benghazi is not her vulnerability. The voters have moved on from it. They have gone. Shes got an email problem because they think Bernie Sanders didnt close that down . Bernie sanders helped himself with that. Basically im this and willing to defend Hillary Clinton. But shes still got an email problem. He wasnt defending Hillary Clinton as much as he was saying enough with this media that doesnt ask serious questions about the middle class. About why the system was rigged. Thats what he was doing in that motion. But it was a great moment in the debate. Suddenly reminding people about the emails at the same time. To defend her. Right now thank you ver message test text1 underline test text1 italics test text1 as america grapples with the surge of gun violence and rising tensions with police. Our spotlight shines on trying to bring the tensions down and save young lives. Heres pierre thomas. Reporter its a beautiful carrying kids picked from neighborhoods with the highest homicide rates. They have been brought here by d. C. Cops they hardly know. You guys hear that . No gunshots. No sirens. Its orientation day for one group in the citys youth creating change program. Looking to transform the way more than two dozen teens view police and themselves. 17yearold tamaja is basking in the serenity. Peaceful. Quiet. I like quiet. But only days later hes carrying the casket of his gunned down just across the d. C. Line. Someone got shot . Yes, yes. At the funeral a Community Leader chastises the young people. Do not lives really matter . Telling them theyre part of the problem. He would not be where he is something to somebody who knew whats going on. The murder remains unsolved as the Nations Capital battles a 50 increase in homicide. Yall need to start looking at spots that can be redone. Even the Community Service project has its dangers. They keep ducking into their seats. You cant be sitting up. Theyre not playing games. Those neighborhoods are actually you might say at war but they have a beef. A threat of violence these kids know all too well. How many of you guys have heard gunshots in your neighborhood . I have. How many know someone been shot . Many believe the young people must start to trust police. Some police think they could do what they want. And that aint true all the time. People will be like i dont want to work with police. But then when they get with us, they see we want to have fun just like them. Five weeks in they end up somewhere many never imagined. Cmon man for a traffic light the Police Training academy. We let them see what its like to be on a traffic stop. To be the Police Officer and stop a car. How fearful were you . I was fearful when he got out of the car. And he came toward me. So now with you guys out there hearing the news the police did such, shot this kid, you can relate saying you know what, there might be more to that story. Over the weeks and months we followed the teens we see a transformation. Theres now elusive trust with police. At first i aint like them. Now i look at them different. Like they took me in as one of them. The young people are now embracing police trying to navigate the violence around them. Got to move forward and doing the best you can. For this week pierre thomas, abc news, washington. So great to see that progress. That is all for us today. Thanks for sharing part of your sunday with us. Check out world news tonight and ill see you tomorrow on

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