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University alum who paid the way for the Civil Rights Movement. Could you give me a detailed response of the question . I have chosen Boston University for several reasons. First, the fact that Boston University is my on the modern. Alma mater. I have the privilege of studying here for three years. It was this university that meant so much to me in terms of the formulation of my thinking and ideas that have guided my life. Dr. King came to be because that was a special offer and it was an empowering experience to him. [indiscernible] he came to study with harold wolf. In 1955. He left Boston University with the dream. Relationship with Boston University. In 1960 four, after he was nominated for the nobel peace prize, dr. King realizes he has to get to safety, so between the nomination and before accepting university. He went to atlanta, drove them back because of the fear of what could be done to the papers. Dr. King and you he was living history new he was living history and wanted to get them to say it. He had a long relationship and when he trusted. I felt this university was designed for having this paper and to give them the kind of attention that will give this collection includes many, many lenders from many sources from individuals expressing support of my movement and the civil rights struggle and individuals expressed with disapproval. In the boxes, you will find drafts of speeches from famous people of the time kerry notes, many, many notes. You can track his train of. You can see how he developed. The School Papers are very rich resources to study. The biographies you have read. Early in the years, the fbi kept coming. They were student visitations, articles, every form you could imagine in the collection has been used. Martin luther king room was designed around 1982. Sometimes when they come here and they stop and they are very moved by the briefcase. They are amazed to see the handwriting. They just stare at the cases in amazement. I think all the students who visit this room, to be in the room where he has his original writings and photographs, his report card from Boston University, it reflects a day good to it reflects he did get c in logic. It reflects in such a huge way. He touched these cases. He continues to inspire people through the archives. Us is ryan, the assistant director at the Howard Gottlieb Archival Research welcome. I know you all did a wonderful job organizing this collection. That are part of this archive. Ryan some of the things you will see and you won t see anywhere else are a lot of his papers that he wrote while he was a student at Boston University. You can get that sense of the subjects he was interested in, the grades he got, usually pretty good. A very good student. One of the first things you see when you walk into our meeting room, the king reading room, his briefcase. It looks like an old beat up three case, but you at the sense that this was somebody always on traveling. He was pretty tired in his work, crisscrossing the country, giving talks, speeches. Karen in the tape, we did see one of his papers marked with a nice note and a big letter a. Looking through these papers . So many of us know dr. King in and other events wildly covered by the media, but what else can we draw from the papers to tells more about the man . Ryan you get a sense of, especially if you are a student, this is someone, at a certain phase of their life, was working through his ideas, trying to decide what he believed about certain things. At this point in his life when he was here in boston, he was trying to work out when his own goal was in the larger system of space that he had. What was his role to be, and intellectual studying theology or someone embracing the social gospel and going out into the street and helping people achieve what they wanted . He had different experiences the cousin a lot of his professors were active in the Civil Rights Movement of the earlier generation. He had different experiences because a lot of us professors were active in the Civil Rights Movement of the older generation have some of the connection with them. And he went on to do great things. Karen and as you read the papers, you see how he was processing his thoughts and what would be the next step for him and his life. Ryan exactly. It is an interesting viewpoint because we see him as there s fully formed iconic figure and it is fascinating to see them up at stage of his life when he is active way. Students. I also karen i also saw a letter from dr. Howard and there is the s closest mentors, wasn t he . Ryan he was a significant figure. An older generation from cain, but Howard Berman was he traveled to india in the gandhi had said to him, nonviolent resistance is probably going to be the way that the africanamericans in the United States are going to achieve their rights. He was inspired by that. And on his own, he had been inspired by the work of gandhi. There was that connection between them already. Came close here right king was around the time that that started. He went to another church in boston. Karen 12 baptist. Ryan that is right. He did spend some time with thu rman, but when kink was that bu king was at bu, he was trying for independence. Karen he did not always followed the lead of the older [laughter] ryan that is exactly right. Karen there was a public to boston. Ryan the papers given 1965 in installments. They had not built their main library yet and they were planning it and in the first stages of it. The Directors Library contacted king s major pfizer at bu and asked if you would be major advisor at bu and asked if you d be interested in dr. King said that was a wonderful idea. He drove down to atlanta in that van, he packed it up and drove it back and that was the beginning of the king collection. Many years later, carruthers scott king, who had met dr. King while he was in boston, he said there was a time which he changed his mind but there has not been any evidence dispute. Bu offered to give her complete the originals. I believe she wanted them to be center that she was founded at the time. It ended up going to a legal dispute and what happened was, as far as i know, for my time, in the courtroom when the jury heard some of the tape that you heard when ki ng gave the press conference saying he wanted them there, they said there was not dispute. Karen in fact, through the tapes, it was [indiscernible] ryan in a way. Karen what a great treasure to have on the boston of university campus. Thank you for being here. Up next, the water crisis in flint, michigan reaches more towns and we think. What the crisis access about government and lowincome immunities . Plus, what massachusetts is doing about water sustainability. Karen welcome back. Crisis continues as fbi suits settle in the city. Surface. Low income and been subjected to linking lead water for over years. Other towns are suffering from joining us now is the cofounder of the human rights to water and sanitation and professor murphy. With there is Bob Zimmerman, director of the Charles River Water Association and a panelist at the upcoming fourth water forum on march 22 hosted by the foundation for a green future. Welcome. I think Many Americans have associated bad water with third world countries. In flint, michigan, this disaster has unfolded and it is hard for us to get our minds wrapped around how this came to be. Karen, you are right. This has been something that has shocked the nation. Any cities around the country, including boston, have old pipes with lead Service Lines. In order to save money under austerity measures, they switched from a that detroit was supplying and went to treat and use the flint river, and they did not add important corrosion control. As a result, the lead in the , and most importantly, residents were complaining. Properly. They were not reporting properly, even when they knew that they had exceeded the lead action levels, 15 parts per billion lead in the water. They did not let residents know. Karen it is a travesty. One might ask at this point, now that it has been widely talked about, why haven t solutions been put in place . Is it money, neglect . That is a good question. Great lakes. Any city in the state should be and it is just remarkable. In the state should be facing this kind of disaster is remarkable. They are based on decisions by that is frightening. Flint is under state control and for this to happen, in such a short period of time, is really us. We need to pay pensions. Karen to that point, we need to Pay Attention. Karen to that point, let s Pay Attention to massachusetts. What is the situation of massachusetts . Years ago, there were jokes about the Charles River, don swim in the Charles River, don t get any water from the Charles River in your mouth. There was a big Boston Harbor cleanup. Tell us what the situation is the u. S. Epa calls the Charles River the cleanest urban river in the country, so we have come a long way. Not to say that we have arrived. We have a long way to go. The watershed association is doing a lot of work thinking about Climate Change, the issues we face in communities around the charles and the commonwealth with flooding, precipitation, sea level rising. As far as Drinking Water quality, i have to say that i am quite familiar with the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority and the boston water and Sewer Commission, and most s best in the world. Certainly, the Drinking Water quality for the 2. 2 Million People in the Greater Boston area is as good or better than any Water Quality or any karen the mayor of used to say and he was right. Karen but residents still might be concerned because boston is an old city, and many of us still have led Service Lines going to our homes or houses. If people are concerned, there are a couple of things to do. For example, if they are in water and Sewer Commission has on their website and you can find your street and see pipes. Karen how do you find that map . You can Google Boston water and Sewer Commission and lead and usually the first page that comes up will likely be a map. Home. Number. The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, which treats water for many and the Greater Boston region, somebody from the Resource Authority will pick up and answer your questions. If you re concerned and want to have their water tested, they will even send you a kid to test your water. They will work with you send you a kit to test your water and they will work with you to minimize poisoning. Karen if you have lead pipes in your home, are you in any danger that we see in flint . No because the anticorrosive additives for water, which are drinkable, are added to the water to prevent that. Galvanized piping was used up until plastic became or final became the method of delivery, so we are fine here. Nobody should think that we are in crisis. We should all Pay Attention to that we get in our water bills. We should all Pay Attention to where water comes from and how the system is working, but i am sure that they will agree that the water that we have in eastern massachusetts is among the best in the world. Karen before we leave, both of you are in the water business. Have either of you noticed or heard of or are aware of any other circumstances and other cities around the country that flint . Yes, the news reports kee p trickling in that more cities are facing the challenge. As bob mentioned, we are fortunate that we are in good hands and that they are ensuring the proper treatment be added. Still, residents can take measures by flushing their water and ensuring they re not Drinking Water that has been stagnated in the pipes. Frankly, around the country, we pipes. Karen and it is a problem in new orleans with their water supply, some parts of new orleans. Across the country from ohio to south carolina, washington, ago, we had an issue there. Like another budget line. You cannot just cut corners. It is our health, our children health, need to ensure everyone has access to it. To be made. The structure of the United States is in trouble and we need one of the easy things to ignore his water. Pipes are in the ground, you don t see them, so most of us have water that comes from the tap and goes down the drain. That is probably not wise. We should Pay Attention. Water is life. You need to Pay Attention to where it comes from, how will we take care of it and we need to Pay Attention to Climate Change and the kinds of changes we can anticipate and prepare for. I want to plug the march 22 water forum where we get deeply involved in the rings we can anticipate and visiting massachusetts in the future. Karen thank you for being here today. You can find Bob Zimmerman at march 22. Up next, the risk of heart karen welcome back. As a whole, there is a population at disproportionately high risk for Heart Disease and stroke. From economic instability to access to healthy food, people of color plot behind when it comes to heart health. Women of color especially see greater risks as compared to the team is, asians and whites. Dr. Vanessa, medical director at the College Health service, we are so glad you are here today. Give us more information on the statistic on Heart Disease among women of color, particularly vanessa we know that in women of color, the risk of Heart Disease is about 72 higher than it is in majority women. In massachusetts, the prevalence for Heart Disease was around 23 . We do pretty well compared to other states that shows africanamerican women may have about two thirds the risk then africanamericans in massachusetts. We still have work to do. We still have education to tackle, we want to raise awareness and help people modify risk and really mitigate. Karen what are some of the risk factors that impact women of color more . Dr. Vanessa when we do about the risk factors modifiable, i hoppd, smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes. The factors we focus on and we can do something about. Karen do genetics have a role . Dr. Vanessa yes, Family History is in the category of someone with a nonmodifiable risk, age, Family History, and you cannot change her sex. You cannot change your sex. You cannot change your gender but you can you can change your gender that you cannot change of sex. Karen what do women face in terms of getting protection and care . Know your blood pressure, your weight. Keeping your weight in a range that keeps you in a healthy range is important. Those are are important. We want people to ask questions when they go to their positions. We want people to partner and take an active role in their care, it is important. Themselves differently in terms of early signs in women than men, so what are some signs women should Pay Attention to . Dr. Vanessa it is possible for women to have an atypical symptoms, sometimes something that represents almost flulike symptoms, dizziness, job discomfort or i gi cramps. It is important to not assume it is nothing and to have it checked out. Women in general and women of color complained to their doctors, if it is a male doctor, he may not be as sensitive to those issues, so you have to insist. Dr. Vanessa it is true. That is where picking up care is very important, asking questions, writing things down, making sure you leave with questions answered. Karen particularly if you are healthy. Thank you. S go red for women luncheon on march 4 at the cherington office. We both have our go red for women jackets. I will look forward to seeing them there. Everything we feature today by logging onto our cityline page on wcvb. Com. Have a great rest of your day. Take care. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. 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