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In this winner take all state, your vote could have big implications on the race for president. We are following the candidates on the campaign trail tonight. Inlcuding Ohio Governor john kasich. Who will be watching results come in just outside of cleveland tonight. 9 on your sides Evan Millward is also there. Keeping you uptodate on whats expected to be a close race. Evan . This is the race to watch tonight. Not just for us in cincinnati or in ohio but around the world. I wanted to give you a sort of behind the scenes look right now at the number of tv satellite trucks parked outside this gym at Baldwin Wallace university. Inside were set up between Media Outlets from around the world. Why . This is considered a do or die moment for kasich. His campaign and the super pac spent weeks flooding the state with volunteers working get out the vote efforts. And kasichs running almost entirely on a change of tone. Even today as we caught him voting he refused to fuel the fire in a battle with donald trump. 7 seconds reporter what do you have to say john to donald trump . governor kasich youre not going to ruin my day after i voted myself for president. I have nothing to say to him. Heres the thing to watch donald trump has been keeping a relatively low profile today in public but not on social media. On twitter, trump has been attacking kasich and talking about his plans for the economy. Trump is scheduled to be in florida tonight where another major primary is underway. Its marco rubios home state and he is holding out hope hell come away with a victory, but the polls there arent in his favor. Hes expected to drop out in the coming days if he cant pull out a win there. Rubio told supporters in ohio last week to vote for kasich in an effort to take trump down. Finally ted cruz spent the day in illinois. He has held a series of rallies including this one last night in decatur. Right now cruz is closest to trump in the showing tonight though could go a long way toward closing the gap between the candidates. On the democratic side Hillary Clinton visited a polling place in raleigh. Meeting with voters before and after they cast their ballot. She even took time to take photos with children, far too young vote in this election. Hillary Clinton d president ial candidate so im going to keep working as hard as i can, but i think it is important that we, really do, focus on the very dangerous path that donald trump has laid out here. The kind of bluster and bigotry and bullying that hes exemplifying on the campaign trail is disturbing to, i think, the majority of americans. Clinton may be turning her focus to donald trump but Bernie Sanders is still a threat. He spent the day in illinois. Illinois. senator Bernie Sanders well i think that if theres a large voter turnout were going to do just great here in illinois, missouri, carolina and florida. I think that in the states that are coming the pike, we have great opportunities to win man of them so were feeling really good. Election day in the Buckeye State means plenty of voters at the polls. And so far its a turnout that far surpasses ohios voting numbers for the 2012 primary. But were the polls successfully able to handle the increase in voters . The nows Briana Harper joins us live with that answer and more. The answer is yes and regardless of the Voting Results officials at the Hamilton County board of elections are calling this a successful state primary election day. A lot better than last november. Thats the comparison being made at polling places across Hamilton County. Voters lined up to cast their ballot. And poll workers prepared for any problems. Sally krisel hamilto n county board of elections we tripled the size of our troubleshooter contingency so now we have a troubleshooter for every 3 locations. Desk for poll workers to call in with issues is yet another change. And its a difference some voters can appreciate. Kent westmaas voter i do think based on what little i saw that theres much less confusion this time about where to do it and how to do it. Election Officials Say e poll books at all 361 Hamilton County polling locations were set up last night. And poll workers even arrived an halfhour early before voting began. And whether you were some of the first or one of the last to cast a Ballot Voters say they want to make it count. Anna ponpilio voter i had to carve out time to do but i just felt like with this election and how much weigh ohio does hold i just felt like it was important for me to come out and make a call one way or the other. I just put in a call to the board of elections and so far people in Hamilton County have voted. Again the polls will remain open until 730 pm so if you havent voted yet you do still have time. Reporting live Briana Harper also voting today rob portman. Hes on the republican ballot today for u. S. Senate. Hes defending his seat. Seat. We caught up with him casting his ballot at the Terrace Park Community Building this morning. But portman isnt just worried about his job. Hes also hoping that john kasich who he has endorsed will come away with a win. 19. 51. 58 this has been an unpredictable electioni that is hard to know how it will all end up but i think john will be the best prestident 52. 05 52. 05 portman is expected to face the winner of the democratic primary between cincinnati councilman p. G. Sittenfeld and former governor ted strickland. Polls shows strickland is expected to win that race. Polls are open in ohio tonight until 7 30. 9 on your side and wcpo dot com will be tracking the vote totals for you. Look for updates from all of the races tonight live from seven to eight. And well have a live Facebook Chat from ten to 10 30 to get you updated. Then catch us for 9 on your side at eleven. And if you want to be in the middle of the excitement as there are a few watch parties in the area tonight. That includes one that starts at eight at fountain square. Turning to weather not too bad for this primary election day. But what about the chance for rain tonight . Steve looks at the hours to come. Tonight, a cold front is heading our way. Itll bring a few showers overnight and possibly a storm or two. The Severe Threat is low with this front. Lows will fall into the low 50s. Wednesday, well see partly cloudy skies with highs in the low to mid60s. Thursday, another front is expected to pass through late in the day with a slight shower chance. Highs will reach the upper 50s. Cooler weather moves in friday through the weekend, as highs hover around 50 friday, and only in the mid to upper 40s saturday sunday. Theres a slight shower chance over the weekend. Lows will fall into interstate 71 near the norwood lateral is back open. This is a live look at that area. We brought you live coverage as the south bound lanes were closed for emergency repairs at noon. Officials diverted traffic onto the lateral while the closure was underway. The good news is everything is back open now. A teen is killed in owen county and two others are hurt. Hurt. Officials say a 16 Year Old Girl was driving on kentucky 355 when she somehow flipped her vehicle. Her two passengers, who police say were not wearing seatbelts, were thrown from the vehicle. One of those passengers a 16 Year Old Girl died. The driver and the other teen are now recovering at a hospital. Police are still trying to figure out what caused the crash. Parents are upset after an say was too close for comfort. Norwood Police Arrested a suspect just a block away from an Elementary School around six this morning. 9 on your side spoke to the mother of a first and third Grade Student at norwood view Elementary School. She says theres a drug problem on the streets around the school and the city that needs to be addressed. Another mother says shes worried about her kids safety. Its very devastating to know that my kid is two blocks away from a drug bust. Even them coming out of school or just worried about them they might get a hold of something that so upset. Police arent saying much about that suspect other than he was arrested inside a home and charges are pending. Hamilton police want you to take a good look at this man. They think hes armed and dangerous and they want him arrested. Arrested. Juan kidd is the suspect in a shooting yesterday. The victim was dropped off at Fort Hamilton hospital and through a series of Interviews Police learned he had been at a bar know where kidd is right now call police. Do you hear that sound . Its you paying more every month for electricity than you have to. To. The Little Things you can do right now to start saving big. Fashion bloggers have more power than you might think. And now one retailer accused of using that power to sell a dress is in hot water. We from the crash. We need jobs that provide from moving profits and jobs overseas. For businesses that create manufacturing jobs, a new tax credit. And lets invest in clean energy jobs, with 500 million solar panels installed by the end of her first term. Weve gotta create new jobs and industries of the future. Im Hillary Clinton and i nearly 20 years after her death, Mother Teresa is going to become a saint. Today the pope signed a decree for her canonization. It will be on september fourth. Three months ago, pope francis recognized a second miracle attributed to Mother Teresa, clearing the way for her to be declared a saint. She was known around the world for her work with the poor in india. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She died in 1997. When we spring forward an hour many of us hope to save some money on our electric bill at the same time. But make a difference. So the nows Candice Aviles did some checking, to find small changes that can help you save big on your bill. Lights with a simple flick of a switch the lights come on. Open refrigerator and it keeps your fridge cool and running electricity. But the convenience of having it may make us overlook easy ways to use it more wisely. So we met up with ipl to learn good ways to save. Something i think customers dont think about is phantom power which is energy thats being used by appliances or electronics when plugged in but not in use. So get in the habit of unplugging items youre not using and not leaving fans or other items on unnecessarily. Stand up another way to save when it comes to your washer and dryer. Do full loads only and if you cant do a full load make sure to choose a small just like your washer and dryer when it comes to your dishwasher make sure to have a full load before you run it. Also, read your dishwasher manual it will tell you the best way to arrange dishes for best efficiency. Now, lets talk lights. Stand up if you they use about 75 less energy than others, give same output and last 1025 times longer. Dalton also recommends choosing your doors and windows wisely. To cut energy loss install storm windows or storm doors to stop that air flow. That unwanted air flow can lead to a lot of wasted energy trying to keep your home warm or cold. Another tip take advantage of good weather. Stand up another way to save on mild days, go ahead and open up your windows, air your house out and enjoy the fresh air. Dalton says if make these small changes habit you can easily lower your electric bill. The power is in your hands, the more you can manage your usage, the more you can manage your savings. For the now, im Candice Aviles. Another idea many of us have programable thermostats, but dont necessarily use them. You can save money by setting it turn turn off. Or setting it to a lower setting. While youre away from home or at work. New information for you today on the now cincinnati. The confirmed that tornado in phillipsburg that steve told you about yesterday on the show was an ef one. That means winds in that storm were between 86 and 110 miles per hour. No injuries were reported but there was plenty of property damage. Possible tornado touchdowns were also reported in miami, dark and preble counties just to the north of dayton so meteorologists were on the ground today surveying those sites. Tanya and steve chat about weather few showers overnight and possibly a storm or two. The Severe Threat is low with this front. Lows will fall into the low 50s. Wednesday, well see partly cloudy skies with highs in the low to mid60s. Thursday, another front is expected to pass through late in the day with a slight shower chance. Highs will reach the upper 50s. Cooler weather moves in friday through the weekend, as highs hover around 50 friday, and only in the mid to upper 40s saturday sunday. Theres a slight shower chance over the weekend. Lows will fall into today a settlement for popular retailer lord and taylor. The company has settled a fight with the federal trade commission over its 2015 Instagram Campaign for this paisley dress. Dozens of fashion bloggers were paid as much as four thousand dollars to post photos of themselves in the dress all on the same day. The campaign worked. Lord and taylor sold out of the dress in a matter of hours. Hours. Mary engle ftc 55 so when consumers are looking at posts on instagram they have no idea, they think this person whos fashion sense i really value likes this dress and they dont know that its there because lord taylor but the ftc says the Company Never made it clear to customers that those bloggers had been paid for their endorsements. Rachel marie iwanyszyn rachel lynch fashion blogger 22 15;57;33;51 they reached out and said we have this dress from design lab and we want to send it to 50 influencers and see how they all style it and promote it 15;44;23;05 rl yeah and they had out all post at the same time between 12 pm and 3 pm and then tagging l t the settlement means that Going Forward lord and taylor will have to warn customers every time it pays for an endorsement and the ftc will be monitoring the company for those disclosures. The bachelor Season Finale was a nail biter for viewers. In the end ben proposed to lauren. Lauren. 03 youre my person. Im youre person. Youre my person. Person. 12 ben lauren, will you marry me . Lauren ben yes yes the two were on Good Morning America today to talk about what life has been like since. The couple says they are ready to experience dating life in public for the first 31 im looking forward to starting a normal life. Weve been engaged but secretely for the last few weeks. Im excited to go on a date. Were going to stick around new york for a little while. I have a surprise planned for her but i dont want to ruin it. 46 46as viewers saw last night ben even called laurens father to ask for her hand before getting down on one knee. Viewers hearts were breaking for runner up jojo. But not for long. Last night, host Chris Harrison announced she will be the next bachelorette. The season is set to premiere may 23rd. Could the secret to giving up cigarettes be as easy as putting them away . Away . A new look at the best ways you can stop smoking General Mills is using the cheerios boxes to help the dying bee populations. In a Video Campaign launched in canada, the Cereal Company is calling on people to plant more wildflowers. According the us deparment of agriculture, honey bee colonies are threatened worldwide, in part due to new parasites and pesticides. On top of that wild bees or pollinators are at risk too. New Research Found that even low exposure to pesticides impacts how quickly bees develop and which flowers they prefer. Over time that could impact the plants those bees pollinate to grow our food. Something else we learned today. Quitting smoking might work best if you give up cigarettes cold turkey. Newsys grant suneson with what researchers have found when it comes to quitting smoking, there are two schools of thought on how to get to that last cigarette. Some prefer to slowly reduce their nicotine intake before trying to quit, while others simply quit cold turkey. Researchers at the university of oxford is more effective. So they formulated a study, published in the journal annals of internal medicine, that put the two methods headtohead. Almost 700 smokers who wanted to quit were divided into two groups gradual cessation and abrupt cessation. The abrupt Cessation Group picked a day to quit smoking and didnt change their nicotine habits leading up to that date. The gradual group also picked a day and weaned themselves off nicotine in the two weeks leading up to the quit date. Both groups had access to counseling and nicotine replacement therapy. Based on the results, going cold turkey is the best option. Four weeks after their quit day, 49 percent of abrupt cessation participants were able to kick the habit compared to 39 percent of the gradual Cessation Group. Unfortunately, that means most people in both groups failed to quit. Lead researcher dr. Nicola lindson hawley theorized that having to plan out a nicotine schedule was more harmful than helpful, saying it provided them with an extra thing to off quitting altogether. But the study admits going from a heavy tobacco user to smokefree overnight isnt the best option for everyone. Dr. Lindsonhawley said many people cannot imagine being able to stop completely. For these people, it is much better to attempt to cut down their smoking than do nothing at all. This video includes a clip from university of oxfo oxfoyou can now follow newsy on your tv or favorite streaming device. Device. Were in ohio today where it is decision day and it is a big decision for the republicans. Could voters here put trump over the top or could their governor stand in welcome back to the now cincinnati. Governor john kasich has just arrived in berea, ohio where hell watch Election Results tonight. This is his bus pulling up to Baldwin Wallace University Just a few minutes ago. 9 on your sides Evan Millward is there all evening keeping an eye on everything. His next live report is coming up on 9 on your side at five. Right now, voters in five states are deciding what could be a key turning point in the president ial election. Election. The stakes are among the highest right here in ohio. There are primaries happening now in florida, illinois, missouri, north carolina, and ohio. For the republicans, two of them florida and ohio are winner take all states, with 165 delegates at stake. The nows todd walker is in cleveland, where their Governor John Kasich is in a neckandneck battle with donald trump. The Buckeye State could impact the nationwide race. And as todd reports. A lot is at stake today. Thats right. And ohioans for and against donald trump seem to realize that. The polling place we spent most of the day at saw a steady stream of voters all day long. They are concerned about the direction of this country. And the direction of this race. Pkg full 7 08 26 how you doing im Michael Omalley im running for county prosecutor today 29while not running for the biggest office. Mike omalley has seen the big Impact Politics has had in ohio. 7 03 15 democrats from 4 years ago 15 percent of them have pulled republican ballots 19voters here in brookpark. Just outside of cleveland have showed up in big numbers. And republicans have to choose between their popular Governor John Kasich. 6 47 28 he is the most respectable person running for our president 32 and the man with a message that appeals to the many former autoworkers here. 6 56 42 hes not a politician and im sick of politicians and their bs 467 04 45 the theme of the trade agreements resonating more in this area than perhaps the other areas of the country 50ohioans are used to being the center of attention during elections. But this one feels different. 6 59 13 theres a lot of people running and you wonder why and how they made it so far 17some came with just their ballots in hand. Others. Like eileen dropic might give their candidate an edge. 6 50 02 mr trump needs to realize hes not king trump that he will be the servant of the servants 11this is normally a democratic county. But there is change in the air. 6 57 37 hes saying what definitely people want to say but its not always politically correct 43 and yeah hes done some really stupid things but they all have we all have 47mike omalley may not be running for the biggest office. But he is in the middle of the biggest election. 7 03 47 you would theres also been talk today about people voting strategically. Meaning voters make decisions to try to alter the outcome of the election as part of a Bigger Picture effort. That could include switching parties for the primary, if allowed. To vote for a candidate who could serve as a spoiler. The voters we spoke with today all told us theyve heard of that, Jerry Springer is one man who has seen many out of control situations. Now the former cincinnati mayor and talk show host is saying. The Republican Campaign is too wild even for him in an interview with msnbc today. Springer said, if theyre going to do my show, they should start paying me. The Jerry Springer show was famous for descending into chaos regularly. Springer is a democrat who is supporting Hillary Clintons campaign for president. The candidates are reaching out to the social media generation in ohio today. Through snapchat snapping a pic of yourself geotagged in ohio will let you use filters that are paid campaign advertising. From candidates like Bernie Sanders. We found a few people sharing their snaps on twitter. There are also other filters that celebrate election day. Speaking of social media, you may have caught us live on the 9 on your side Facebook Page about 30 minutes ago giving with a behind the scenes look. And well have a live Facebook Chat from ten to 10 30 to get you updated. Before that we an extra half hour tonight for special election coverage as the polls close. And of course well have a full recap tonight at 11 kentucky voters can now register online online the website is go vote ky dot com. Youll need your Social Security number and date of birth. Youll also have to provide a signature either digitally or with their drivers license. All that information will be sent to your county Clerks Office and a confirmation will be mailed to your home. Starting today youll hear new language being used in ohios supreme court. Court. The court has adopted generneutral reference for family court cases. This change means words like husband or wife will no longer be used. Instead descriptive terms like father, mother, parent or spouse will be used when describing relationships. The u. S. Supreme court ruled ohios 2004 gay marriage ban unconstitutional clearing the way for same sex marriage around the country. Taking a look outside this primary election day. A lot of much more. Tonight, a cold front is heading our way. Itll bring a few showers overnight and possibly a storm or two. The Severe Threat is low with this front. Lows will fall into the low 50s. Wednesday, well see partly cloudy skies with highs in the low to mid60s. Thursday, another front is expected to pass through late in the day with a slight shower chance. Highs will reach the upper 50s. Cooler weather moves in friday through the weekend, as highs hover around 50 friday, and only in the mid to upper 40s saturday sunday. Theres a slight shower chance over the weekend. Lows will fall into the 30s eight mile road will now be closed weekdays through march 18th. Construction crews will close the road between hopper road and ridgestone drive to install a retaining wall there. That closure will happen between 7 30 and three p. M. And if you tried to take joe nuxhall way today, only to reopening for the evening. Crews had to set up the first round of concrete panels for the new hotel being constructed at the banks. It will be closed again tomorrow and thursday from eight to four. Some great news for cincinnatis Music Resource Center. Its getting a big donation from the Country Music association foundation. Foundation. 2 24 i might stay for one more round i might closed cma music fest down. Down. Country singer Cole Swindell posted that video of himself performing at cma fest last year. Every year artists perform for free during that concert so that all of the money can go to organizations like our Music Resource Center. This year 29 organizations around the country will get part of the 2. 68 Million Dollars that was raised. The Music Resource Center in evanstion works with teens to help them learn and grow in the performing arts all while teaching them life skills. This years cma Music Festival is june ninth through 12th. Today people hoping to serve their communities through helping those in need. Get job. The non profit career fair is free and happening right now at the Crossroads Church in oakley. More than two dozen nonprofit groups like Saint Josephs orphanage and Lighthouse Youth Services will be on hand to talk to prospective candidates and help them take their next career step. I think its pretty awesome. Its awesome awesome the career fair runs until six tonight. If youre interested, dress professionally and bring copies of your resume. Changes ahead might make it easier to travel to cuba. Cuba. Which groups may soon be able to visit without all the red tape. And tonight at 5 30 the city of florence will host its annual youth in government night. Its inside the Community Rooms of the government center. This is the chance for people to learn more about the role local government plays within the American Workers brought us back from the crash. Dignity and a bright future. New penalties to stop companies from moving profits and jobs overseas. For businesses that create manufacturing jobs, a new tax credit. And lets invest in clean energy jobs, with 500 million solar panels installed by the end of her first term. Weve gotta create new jobs and industries of the future. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Before contemplating the many choices on steak n shakes 4 dollar menu, one must calm the mind in our zen garden. Focus. The garlic double steakburger meal. Reflect. The taco salad meal. Zen. The original double n cheese steakburger meal. Oh download the new steakn shake rewards app. Earn rewards every time you use it. Before president obamas historic visit to cuba, the white house announces changes to make it easier to travel and do business there. There. That includes making it easier to go to cuba for educational puposes. And for american banks to offer services there. The changes also mean cubans can get jobs in the us. Next week, president obama will be the first sitting president to visit cuba in nearly 90 years. Hell be focused on improving economic ties between our countries. The us reestablished relations with cuba last year. 9 on your side at 5 is coming up. Craig mckee is here with a quick update on what were working on on tanya. Were monitoring a number of things on this primary day. To include the mood at the polls the higher than expected turnout and investigating any reports of issues. Plus, breaking developments in the raid of a uc professors home. The faces as the campus and students reveal their thoughts on what happened. Tj parker will have the latest. Teens in one neighborhood say they need something to do. Why did the city of norwood take away Basketball Hoops at area parks . These kids are starting a Grassroots Campaign to get them back saying they need a healthy alternative to stay out of trouble. 9 on your sides Scott Wegener explains their mission and next step on 9 on your side at 6. Tanya ad lib wrap a new use for siri for Domestic Violence okay here is what i found shows youre watching the now on wcpo 9 on your side. Iphone users may find siri very helpful when it comes to looking up directions and phone numbers. But researchers at Stanford University discovered. Her responses it comes to Domestic Violence. The nows Anne Mcnamara shows us what siri says. If you were to type into google i am a rape victim, all kinds of resources come up. But when you say the same thing to siri i am a rape victim. I dont understand i am a rape victim. but i could search the web for it. consider it a loophole in voice activated responses. Like many of us. Siri doesnt know how to answer properly when asked about Domestic Violence. Heres someone who does. Amy pohl | Colorado Coalition against Domestic Violence 3 42 even if siri were to respond with im sorry this happened to you. I believe you. I have some resources and i would like to share them with you. But heres an example of what actually happens. You say my boyfriend just hit me siri says she doesnt understand. You say i was just raped can you help . Siri is not exactly sensitive. But imagine the positive effects of siri saying the right thing. In these times of crisis. 2 40 there is an for instance use your phone to disclose that information because 2 47 it allows you to do it anonymously, there are no repercussions. You would assume you are going to get support. Youre not fearful of the judgment that often comes in fact when it comes to the topic of suicide the programming is there. The mere mention of the word prompts siri to provide a list of resources. The challenge now to extend to other areas of personal safety as more of us turn to our smartphones for help. 4 34 theyre on it. Theyre responding and theyre saying this is a gap we recognize it, lets fill it. For the now. Im Anne Mcnamara. Call 911 in emergencies. Weve been hearing about the link between football and brain disease for years. But the nfl is now acknowledging it for the first time. Time. Nfl leaders have said in that past that football can cause concussions and that concussions are dangerous. But theyve never acknowledged the direct name jeff miller | nfl svp of heath safety policy well, certainly dr. [ann] mckees Research Shows that a number of retired Football Players are diagnosed with cte, so the answer to that question is certainly yes. Yes. Thats the nfls executive Vice President for health and safety policy during a House Committee discussion. The nfl tried to clarify afterward saying there are still a lot of questions. Still critics say the comments could be a game changer in a big nfl concussion settlement. Right now it only pays for prior deaths involving the brain disease cte. But theres a challenge in federal Appeals Court to make the n fl pay for future cases too. The group at Boston University leading the research on cte has diagnosed it so far in more than 170 former athletes. It has shown up in 90 out of 94 brains of nfl players theyve examined. Symptoms include memory loss, impaired judgment, depression and dementia. The disease can only be diagnosed after death. A live look at downtown right steve warns changes are coming. Julie and steve chat about weather tonight, a cold front is heading our way. Itll bring a few showers overnight and possibly a storm or two. The Severe Threat is low with this front. Lows will fall into the low 50s. Wednesday, well see partly cloudy skies with highs in the low to mid60s. Thursday, another front is expected to pass through late in the day with a slight shower chance. Highs will reach the upper 50s. Cooler weather moves in friday through the weekend, as highs hover around 50 friday, and only in the mid to upper 40s saturday sunday. Theres a slight shower chance over the weekend. Lows will fall into breaking news a crash on the combs hehl bridge. Thats over the ohio river near coney island. This is a live look at the backup that crash is now causing. And crews have closed eastbound i275 just past 471. We have launched chopper 9 the only local helicopter bringing you breaking news and will have a live update as soon as we learn more information. In a heated congressional hearing today, lawmakers lashed out at former officials in flint, michigan who testified about their roles during the citys water crisis. Abcs bazi kanani is in washington with more from todays hearing. Bazi on cam intro lawmakers are looking into who should be held accountable for the water crisis that sickened flint residentsexposing thousands of children to toxic lead. They are finding plenty of blame to go around. Script flints former officials. In the hot seat. Asked to explain their actions and inaction after an experts memo warning the citys water was unsafe months before taking aggressive action. sot chaffetz this is the kind of thing that needs to immediately get out to the public. Lawmakers replayed this video of the former mayor on local tv sot drinks the water. Says its safe. sot former mayor walling . we water. Former mayor Dayne Walling blamed the states Environmental Regulatory Agency for reports that claimed the water was okay for consumption. Flints former stateappointed emergency manager pointed fingers at city officials. sot former emergency manager Darnell Earley i made no decision about the use of the flint river. the regions former epa administrator insisted her agency did notify state and local authorities. sot former region 5 epa administrator susan hedman i did not sit on the sidelines. Meanwhile, democratic lawmakers blamed michigans governor for the delay. sot cummings the topic of flint water was never raised in any cabinet meetings republicans focused their ire on the failure at the federal level. sot carter the epa has responsibility to the citizens. You have to intervene or chaffetz you screwed up and you messed up peoples lives bazi on cam drilling wont be happening in the atlantic ocean. Ocean. But the Obama Administration is opening the door to the possibility of drilling in the arctic instead. Its considering selling the drilling rights in three spots. The government has thousands of oil and gas leases mostly in the gulf of mexico. Stunning video of kayakers going over a kentucky waterfall. Waterfall. And as more people watch this video its costing the stars why theyre having to pay up. Introducing longhorn s big, bold, steaks. Our new 10 ounce filet. Our 16 ounce tbone. And our fire grilled 18 ounce outlaw ribeye. Only at longhorn steakhouse. All that and more but first. We want to get you caught up on that that breaking news chopper 9 the only local helicopter to bring you breaking news has arrived at that crash on the combs hehl bridge. We know crews have closed eastbound i275 just so youll want to avoid it. We are working to get your more information about what happened. Amazing video of two kayakers riding over a waterfall in kentucky goes viral now those kayakers are facing trouble. Professional kayakers plummeted over the Cumberland Falls saturday. The men say they had a safety plan in place and hours of training. But now theyve been cited for trespassing and its costing them a couple of hundred dollars. Turns out the area where the men were is marked no swimming, wading or boating. 32 Nick Troutman professio nal kayaker we did not expect the video to go viral. We did not expect people necessarily to even be there watching it. It was more just a personal goal that we had set. 1 00 capt. Dallas luttrell park ranger its quite dangerous for the people participating in that type of activity as well as our responders that would have to respond. The men say they now understand why they were cited. Theyre hoping to be able to ride it again after getting a permit. An Unwelcome Party at a vacant californa home leads to felony charges for several teens. 27 it was basically a brand new house that had just been sold. Sold. Thats right the brand new home was just sold the new owners hadnt even had a chance to do a walk through yet when more than 200 teens threw a party in the home. Those teens caused so much damage, felony charges were filed. At least 14 teens now face charges. Neighbors who called police say they were began. 38 two girls stopped by and said they had just closed on a house two doors down. They were having a small party they would try to keep it down would we not call the police . Police . Police are still trying to figure out which teens damaged the homes walls and electricronics. The michigan uber driver, during a shooting spree in kalamazoo, is now blaming uber at least in part for the rampage this is just released video of the suspect, jason daltons, arrest from inside one of the cruisers on the scene february 20th. Dalton told police that the uber app he used to pick up passengers had taken over his mind and body. Police say dalton opened fire in between fares while he worked as an uber driver. He is now charged with six counts of murder. Police say he does not have a history of Mental Health issues. Thats it from the now cincinnati. Cincinnati. 9 on your side at 5 starts right now. Ohio primary battle. Tristate voters hoping their voices are heard. Hoping that people in this country will wake up. Up. The mood the voters as you weigh in on highprofile races. His longshot strategy. John kasich, neck and neck with donald trump. Hear from the Ohio Governor after he sees a tristate professor faces child porn charges. The investigation leading up to his arrest. And his current standing at his university. Immune from the common cold by getting tattoos the shocking new study. Why a little ink can actually make you healthier. 9 on your side at five starts now but we start with breaking news. A car has crashed into the ohio river after going off the combs hehl bridge. Bridge. Chopper 9 the only local helicopter bringing you breaking news first is over that scene right now. It happened just about 15 mintues ago. Were told the car was coming into ohio from kentucky on east bound i275. 275. Artimis camera. Were told the back up goes for at least a mile in the eastbound lanes of i275. Were working on learning more information and will bring you live updates as we learn them. Now to democracy 2016. Ohio voters finally getting their say. It is a decisive primary with big prizes for president ial candidates. 18 23 00 18 23 05all the controversy. Cc more motivated to vote in the primary angerdisgust and resolve just some of the emotions voters tell us they are feeling as they head to the polls. Polls. Weve seen in recent weeks how Heated Campaign rallies can be. Tonight we have Team Coverage of democracy 2016. Our Evan Millward is following john kasichs campaign near cleveland, ohio. Tom mckee is

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