Before the unprecedented global summit meeting, mr. Obama acknowledged the threat of terrorism, placing a tribute at one of the scenes of the recent attacks. Then he told 151 heads of state and government that a deal to cut Carbon Emissions would be an act of defiance against terror. In our new cbs News New York times poll, 66 of americans said the u. S. Should join an International Treaty to reduce emissions. When asked whether its more important to protect the environment or stimulate the economy, 54 chose the environment. 34 the economy. We have team of correspondents covering this all around the world. President. Ive come here personally as the leader of the Worlds Largest economy and the second largest emitter, to say that the United States of america not only recognizes our role in creating this problem, we embrace our responsibility to do something about it. Reporter president obama came to office promising to slow Climate Change. Today he pressed china and india, the worlds other top polluters, to join him. And he offered to help poorer countries convert to clean energy. The goal is to get 147 countries to reduce Carbon Emissions enough to keep Global Warming below 3. 6 degrees fahrenheit. Thats the level some scientists believe would prevent natural disasters like floods and droughts. President obama said those types of events are a risk to Global Security and praised france for hosting the summit just two weeks after the terror attacks. What greater rejection of those who would tear down our world than marshaling our best efforts to save it. Reporter any agreement wont be legally binding and it doesnt require congressional approval, but republicans have threatened to withhold funding for a deal. Scott, the white house argues that other countries wont cut back on their pollution unless america does so first. Pelley Margaret Brennan in margaret, thank you. The worlds biggest carbon polluter is china, and right now its capital is choking. Seth doane is there. Reporter the thick smog blanketed Tiananmen Square in a murky, hazardous haze. Levels of the most poisonous particulates were more than 20 times what the World Health Organization says is safe. On a polluted day like today, beijing is limiting activity at sites. It is also encouraging people to stay indoors and encouraging more street cleaning. China launched a socalled war on pollution, which today it appears to be losing. Twothirds of chinas energy comes from coal. Out with his family today, han wei told us the choking smog makes it tough just to leave the house. Your son is about 6. 5. How much do you think about him when youre out in this pollution. I hope the government could do more so my kid could live in a better environment, he told us. But i know its not going to be done in a day. The government here said the smog was made worse by high humidity and a lack of wind. Scott, we didnt see many people on the streets actually wearing these masks. Some told us they didnt believe they made a difference. Others felt they simply felt resigned to living among the pollution. Pelley seth doane in the smog capital tonight. Seth, thank you. Its surprising, but another growing threat to the environment is the earth itself. There is a spectacular amount of methane, one of the worst heattrapping gasses, locked up in the worlds frozen tundra, that is until now. We sent Mark Phillips above the climate diaries. Reporter its a long way from paris to svalbard, norway, just 800 miles from the north pole. Its not just winter up here. The arctic night has set in. Sarah strand, a 22yearold from california, wont see the sun again until midfebruary, and darkness is not the only hazard. So i will take the sleigh down if you want to take the rifle. Okay. Reporter this isnt just a scientific frontier, its polar bear country. By law sarah and her colleague norbert pirk cant go into the wilderness without packing protection. The bears may be more desperate in summer when their sea ice Hunting Ground melts back more each year and where at least one bear has been driven to attack a Research Boat in search of lunch. But sarah and norbert are here in winter, braving the darkness and the cold and the bears, because their instruments are measuring a worrying trend thats happening now. This is basically your baby up here, is that right . Yeah, that definitely has to be running if were going to get all the data. Reporter otherwise all this suffering is for nothing. Pain [laughs] what the instruments are showing is that greenhouse gasses scientisted used to believe were trapped forever in the ground are now being released. Were looking at Carbon Dioxide and methane and were comparing that to other parameters. Reporter like temperatures yes. Reporter the worry is with arctic temperatures rising more quickly than anywhere else, the gasses may be escaping at an increasing rate, and the more greenhouse gasses, the more Global Warming. There are concerns of that, yes, especially with a permafrost thawing. Were trying to shine some light reporter in the dark. In the dark. Reporter one of the most remote spots on the planet has become the center of research into the future of it, and its not just because of what will happen to polar bears. The Scientists Say what happens up here is whats going to happen to all of us. And thats whats brought another american, hannah miller, up here, too. The 21yearold from vermont didnt come for the skiing. She came to study the retreat of glaciers, whose melt water, according to nasa, has contributed to a rise in global sea levels of around three inches in the past 20 years. What the Climate Change debate needs, she feels, is more science. The frustration comes in when Climate Change deniers use any of the uncertainties to say that your argument is false because you can have uncertainties and still have solid arguments. Reporter a solid argument being sought in the frozen solid landscape, cutting edge science on the Northern Edge of the world. Mark phillips, cbs news, svalbard, norway. Pelley well, it looks a little like the Arctic Circle in the midwest, which is now blanketed in storm warnings. Heres David Begnaud. Reporter over the last 24 hours, this has been the scene across much of kansas and parts of oklahoma. Every time it crackles at me, Something Else is coming down. Oh, its coming down. Reporter an inch of ice covers power lines that knocked out electricity to thousands of homes and businessings. Oklahomas governor declared state of emergency in all 77 counties. You know, all night we could hear the limbs cracking and the ice falling, and we just didnt know what to expect. Reporter at least four people died after major flooding in texas. Authorities received nearly 37 calls for water rescues since thanksgiving. You are freaking lucky. I know. Theres no way you should have survived that. Reporter in utah, a 32yearold woman fell into this icy reservoir while trying to save her dog, who fell through the ice. Mantua Police Officer brad nelson led the rescue. Walking out on to the ice, you could hear it cracking beneath my feet. Theres not a whole lot she could have done to help herself at that point. Reporter here in minneapolis, eight to 12 inches of snow is expected over the next 12 to 24 hours. Scott, across the midwest tonight, some eight Million People are under a Winter Weather advisory. Pelley David Begnaud reporting tonight. David, thank you. Today the suspect in that shooting at a planned parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs made his first court appearance. He will face firstdegree murder charges and perhaps the death penalty. Three people were killed, including a Police Officer. Nine were wounded. Springs. The initial charge against you is murderer in the first degree. Reporter Robert Lewis Dear appeared by video link from the county jail, standing next to a public defender. He was asked if he had any questions. He answer nerd a monotone. No questions. Reporter sources say he went to the clinic on friday with a duffel bag full of weapons and brought propane tanks in his car he could shoot and cause an explosion. When he surrendered, he reportedly said, no more baby parts. That may have been a reference to videos filmed and edited by antiabortion activists where they say planned parenthood officials talked of selling body parts from aborted fetuses. An official from the group that includes the Colorado Springs clinic was among those in the videos. So anywhere up to seven. Reporter dear lived in hartsel in a mobile home. He was described as reclusive mark who never interacted with others and would rarely make eye contact. For the people of Colorado Springs, this is a time of mourning for the dead. University of colorado Police Officer garrett swasey, mother of two jennifer markovsky, iraq was there with his girlfriend, and angelica llanca and her daughter alexis were in the clinic but separated when the shooting started. Llanca hid in a bathroom. Were you afraid you would be killed . I dont know. To tell you truth, all i wanted was my daughter. Reporter alexis was one of those evacuated hours into the siege. Shes still traumatized. I can still hear the gunshots. Reporter now you can hear them in your mind . Uhhuh. Reporter it is likely that more charges will be filed in the next several weeks. As for the death penalty, scott, local d. A. Says that decision is several months away. Pelley barry, thank you. Late today chicago Police Officer Jason Van Dyke was released on 1. 5 million bail. Van dyke is charged with murdering 17yearold laquan mcdonald, who was armed with a small knife. Video released last week showed the officer shooting mcdonald 16 times as mcdonald was walking away. A bought Police Officer went on trial today in the death of freddie gray, who suffered a spinal injury in april while being driven in a police van. William porter is charged with manslaughter. Five other officers will be tried later. The city has been gearing up for this case and heres jeff pegues. The city and the Police Department need to do better. Reporter kevin davis, baltimores new police commissioner, says his department has been training for the trial and the unrest they could bring. We wont stop. Reporter are you ready for what may come during and after the trial . We are. Reporter davis acknowledges that wasnt the case in april. After freddie grays death, the city erupted. Businesses were looted and torched. Police officers were injured. In the aftermath, murders and Violent Crime spiked, and officers were accused of not being aggressive enough. There were concerns they were pulling back. Did that happen . I think a more thoughtful way to recognize what happened for a couple months here is this Police Department had ptsd. Reporter ptsd, is that politically correct way of saying that they were taking a knee . I think its a correct way of saying the cops had anxiety. Reporter davis predecessor Anthony Batts was fired in july, but the killings continued, 311 homicides this year, up 59 over 2014. Davis, who was Deputy Commissioner at the time of the rioting, says one reason the murder rate is up the lootingof30 farm sisms suddenly 238,000 doses of prescription drugs were on the streets with gangs fighting for controlling. When they get their hands on those stash, then theres a competition for the geography they need to occupy to sell their drugs. Erupted. Reporter with the trials of those six Police Officers scheduled to extend straight into next year, davis says that he will treat a protest like a protest and a riot like a riot. Scott, thats something he says the department did not do seven months ago. Pelley jeff pegues in baltimore. Jeff, thanks. In the president ial campaign, Hillary Clinton made news today when charlie rose asked her whether u. S. Combat troops should join the fight against isis in syria and iraq. I agree with the president s point that were not putting american combat troops back into syria or iraq. We are not going to do that. This is. Reporter under no circumstances would you not do that . At this point i cannot conceive of any circumstances where i would agree to do that because i think the best way to defeat isis is as ive said, from the air, which we lead, on empower, train, equip, and in cyberspace where, dont forget, they are a formidable adversary online. We dont know yet how many special forces might be needed, how many trainers and surveillance and enablers might be needed, but in terms of thousands of combat troops, like some on the republican side are recommending, i think that should be a nonstarter. Pelley it was a wideranging discussion. Dont miss it tomorrow on cbs this morning. Do more americans shop online or in stores . We were surprised when the cbs evening news continues in a moment. O twelve hours. New robitussin 12 hour cough relief. Did you know that Good Nutrition is critical for brain health . Brain food, hmmm. Ensure has b vitamins that help support brain health now thats smart nutrition. Ensures complete balanced nutrition has 26 vitamins and minerals and 9 grams of protein. Ensure. Pelley today, cyber monday, is expected to be the Biggest Online shopping day ever. More than 121 million americans plan to shop from home and work. Jill schlesinger is with us. Jill, how big a day was it . Reporter its going to be pretty big. Were looking at probably 3 billion in sales according to adobe digital. Now, if we get there, it will be the Largest Online day of shopping ever. We have some early results from midnight until 10 00 a. M. , it was pretty amazing. 50 million visits to 4,500 web sites in the u. S. Those Online Shoppers spent about 500 million. Thats about 14 up from a year ago in the same time horizon. These numbers are going to get bigger. Pelley are we going to a point where more people will shop online than in a store . I think eventually, but today absolutely not. If you look at recent data from the commerce department, we know online sales account for somewhere in the vicinity of 15 , 16 of total sales. Maybe well drift up to closer to 20 . But, you know, for now, people location and spend their dollars there. Pelley i understand some of the retailers couldnt handle the traffic today. Reporter this was pretty wild because outages at very big retailers like nordstrom, victorias secret, target this morning, paypal down for a while. Technology not always perfect. The good news here is with the advent of apps and information, were smarter. Were better consumers. The reality is we can now combat those algorithms that are targeting us so beautifully by being informed. Pelley Business Analyst jill schlesinger. Thank you very much, jill. An olympic champion has beaten the odds again. Her story just ahead. Alkaseltzer plus severe sinus congestion and cough liquid gels rush relief to your tough symptoms. [deep breath]to put you back in control. [doorbell] coming alkaseltzer plus sinus. Woman my mom and i have the same hands. Same eyes. Same laugh. Ive discovered we have the same fighting spirit, too. Thats why i asked her doctor about new onceaday namzaric. 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Pelley royal watchers are enjoying a new look at britains youngest princess. Charlotte, the daughter of william and kate, the duke and duchess of cambridge, is nearly seven months old. Olympic champion Amy Van Dyken celebrated a big breakthrough. She walked. The sixtime gold medal swimmer posted this video calling these strides without upper body braces a huge step. Van dykens spine was severed nearly two years ago in an offroad vehicle crash. And well be right back. This portion of the cbs evening news is sponsored by pacific life, for life insurance, annuities and investment, choose pacific life, the power to help you succeed. Here for my daughter. For the little things. And the big milestones. And just like im there for her, pacific life is there to help protect me and my family so i can enjoy all lifes moments. Pacific life. Helping families for over 145 years achieve longterm Financial Security with lifelong retirement income. 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Michelle miller tells us that a lot of folks are getting into the spirit. Applications we have. Reporter at the giving tuesday command central in new york city, volunteers are gearing up for tomorrow. So giving tuesday started right here at the 2nd street y. Thats right. Reporter henry timms is the 2nd street director. He came up with the campaign. It was all black friday, cyber monday, giving tuesday, and people would say, i think thats a good idea. On giving tuesday, everyone can be generous. Reporter his idea was simple after several days of shopping, he wanted people to refocus on giving, to any charity or purpose they wanted to. He asked others to help. Bandwagon. It was amazing to see all over the country people started to bring their own ideas to giving tuesday and started to grow it. Reporter the movement now has 40,000 partners worldwide and raised more than 86 million. Youll see these letters the donor. Reporter charles best runs donors choose dot org, a charity whats great about giving tuesday is people can be supportive and generous in any way they see fit. They can give us their time and money. Ready . Reporter Genein Letford teaches music in the los angeles areas. She received dozens of instruments from the giving tuesday campaign. The cool thing is its not materials into the classroom and making sure the kids have this opportunity, but its connecting the community to our schools. At a time when we feel like the most public conversations are about things which threaten us or things that divide us, how valuable it is to have a conversation about something that United States unites us. Reporter a day expected to bring many things after much giving. Michelle miller, cbs news, new york. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news. For all of us at cbs all around the world, good night. Kobe retires, but is he

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