Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News Pope Coverage 20150925

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Presently celebrating its 70th anniversary is one of important common achievements over a period of unusually fast paced changes. Without claiming to be exhaustive, we can mention the codification and development of enter natural law, the establishment of International Norms regarding human rights, advances in humanitarian law, the resolution of numerous conflicts, operations of Peace Keeping and reconciliation, and any number of other accomplishments in every area of International Activity and endeavor. Lights which help to dispel the darkness of the disorder caused by unrestrained ambitions and collective forms of selfishness. Certainly many great problems remain to be resolved, yet it is clear that without all those interventions on the international level, mankind would not have been able to survive the unchecked use of its own possibilities. Every one of these political duritical and technical advances is a part of obtaining mean for greater realization. So for this reason i pay homage to all these men and women whose loyalty and self sacrifice have benefited human tea as whole over these past 70 years. In particular today i would like to recall those what have given their lives for peace and reconciliation among peoples, the many United Nations officials at every level who have been killed in the course of humanitarian missions and missions of peace and reconciliation. The experience of the past 70 achievements has made it clear that reform and adaptation to the times is always necessary in the pur sat of the ultimate goal of granting all countries, without exception, a share in and a genuine and equitable influence on Decision Making processes. The need for greater equity is especially true in the case of those bodies with effective executive capabilities such as the security council, the financial agencies, and the groups or mechanisms which were specifically created to deal with economic crises. This will help to limit every kind of abuse or usery, especially where developing countries are concerned. The International Financial agencies should ensure that they are not subjected to oppressive lending systems which [ applause ] so the International Financial agencies should cur for the sustainability of countries and should ensure that they are not subjective to oppressive lending systems which far from promoting progress subject people to mechanisms which generate greater poverty, exclusion, and dependence. The work of the United Nations, according to the principles set forth in the preamble and the first articles of its founding charter, can be seen as the development and promotion of the rule of law, based on the realization that justice is an essential condition for achieving the ideal of universal fraternity. In this context, it is helpful to recall that the limitation of power is an idea implicit in give to each his own, to cite the classic definition of justice, means that no human individual or group can consider itself absolute, permitted to bypass the dignity and rights of other individuals or the social groupings. [ applause ] the effect of distribution of power, political, economic, defense related, technological, among a creation of the system for regulating claims and interests are one concrete way of limiting power. Yet todays world presents us with many false rights, and at the same time, broad sectors, which are vulnerable victims of power that is badly exercised, the Natural Environment and the vast ranks of men and women who are excluded. These are sectors closely inter connected and made increasingly fragile by the dominant political and economic relationships. That is why their rights must be forcefully affirmed by working to protect the environment and by putting an end to exclusion. [ applause ] first, it must be stated that a true right of the environment does exist, and for two reasons. First, because we human beings are part of the environment. We live in communion with it. Since the environment itself entails ethical limits which human activity must acknowledge and respect, man, for all his remarkable gifts, which are signs of a uniqueness which transcends the spheres of same time a part of these spheres. He possesses a body shaped by physical, chemical, and biological elements, and can only survive and develop if the ecological environment is favorable. Any harm done to the environment, therefore, is harm to humanity. Second, because every creature, particularly a living creature, has an intrinsic value. Its existence, its life, its beauty, and its inter dependence with other creatures. We christians, together with the other mono theistic religions believe that the universe is the fruit of a loving decision by the creator who permits man respectfully to use creation for the good of his fellow man and for the glory of the creator, but he is not authorized to abuse it, and much less is he authorized to destroy it. [ applause ] in all religions, the environment is a fundamental good. The misuse and destruction of the environment are also accompanied by a relentless process of exclusion. In effect, a selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity leads both to the misuse of available fall resources and to the exclusion of the weak. And the disadvantage, either because they are differently abled, handicapped, or because they lack adequate information and technical expertise, or are incapable of decisive political action. Economic and social exclusion is a complete denial of human offense against human rates and the environment and the poorest of those who suffer most from such offenses for three serious reasons. They are cast off by society, forced to live of what is discarded, and suffer unjustly from the consequences of the abuse of the environment. These phenomena are part of todays widespread and quietly growing culture of waste. [ applause ] the dramatic reality of this whole situation with its evident effects has led me, in union with the entire christian people and many others, to take stark also to take stock also of my grave responsibility in this regard. And, therefore, to speak out, together with all those who are seeking urgently needed and effective solutions. The adoption of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development at the world summit, which opens today, is an important sign of hope. I am similarly confident that the paris conference on climatic change will secure agreements. Now, solemn commitments, however, are not enough, even though they are a necessary step towards solutions. The classic definition of justice which i mentioned earlier contains as one of its essential elements a constant and perpetual will. Demands of all government leaders a will which is a effective, practical constant with concrete steps and preserving and improving the Natural Environment and thus putting an end as quickly as possible to the phenomenon of social and economic exclusion. With its painful consequences of human trafficking, the marketing of human organs and tissues, Sexual Exploitation of boys and girls, slave labor, including prostitution, the drug and weapons trade, terrorism, and international organized crime. [ applause ] such is the magnitude of these situations, lives that we must avoid every temptation to fall into a declarationist nominalism which would just assuage our own consciences. We need to ensure that our institutions are truly effective in the struggle against all these scourges. The number and complexity of the problems require that we possess technical instruments of verification, but this involves two risks. We can rest content with the drawing up long lists of good proposals, goals, objectives, and statistical indicators, or we can think that a single theoretical and a prioritized solution will provide a solution to these challenges. It must never be forgotten that political and Economic Activity is only effective when it is understood as a credential activity, guided by a perennial concept of justice and consciously conscious of the fact that above and beyond our plans and programs, we are dealing with real men and women suffer, and are often forced to live in great poverty and deprived of all rights. [ applause ] to enable these real men and women to escape from extreme poverty, we must allow them to be dignified agents of their own destiny. Integral Human Development and the full exercise of human acts of dignity cannot be imposed. They must be built up and allowedtown fold for each individual for every family in communion with others. And in a right relationship human social life develops, friends, communities, towns, cities, schools, businesses, unions, provinces and nations. Now, this proposes the right to education, also for girls who are excluded in certain places. [ applause ] the right to education which is ensured first and foremost by respecting and reinforcing the primary right of the family to educate its children as well as the right of churches and social groups to support and assist families in the education of the boys and girls. Is the basis for the implementation of the 2030 agenda, and for reclaiming the environment. At the same time, government leaders must do Everything Possible to ensure that all can have the minimum spiritual and material means needed to live in dignity and to create and support a family, which is the primary cell of any social development. In practical terms, this lodging, labor, and land. And one spiritual name. Spiritual freedom, which includes religious freedom, the right to education, and all other civil rights. Now for all this the simplest and best measure and indicator of the implementation of the new agenda for development will be effective, practical, and immediate access on the part of all to essential material and spiritual goods. Remon rated remunerated labor. These pillars of integral Human Development have a common foundation, and this is the right the life and, more generally what we could call the right to existence of human natured self. [ applause ] the he can loming cal crisis, together with the large scale destruction of very existence of the human species. The baneful consequences guided only by the ambition for wealth and power must serve as a summons to a forthright reflex on man. Man is not only a freedom which he creates for himself, man does not create himself, he is spirit and will, but also nature. Creation is compromised where we ourselves have the final word. The misuse of creation begins when we no longer recognize any when we see nothing else but ourselves. Consequently, the defense of the environment and the fight against exclusion demand that we recognize a moral law written into human nature itself, one which includes the natural difference between man and woman, and the absolute respect for life in all its stages and dimensions. [ applause ] without the recognition of certain incontestable natural ethical limits, and without the immediate implementation of those pillars of integral Human Development, the ideal of saving succeeding generations from the scourge of war and of promoting social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom risks becoming an unattainable illusion, or even worse, just idle chatter which serves as a cover for all kinds of abuse and corruption, or for carrying out an ideological colonization by the imposition of nominalists models and lifestyles which are eight lee ento peoples which are eight lee en which are alien to peoples irresponsible. War is a dramatic assault on the environment. If we want true, integral Human Development for all, we must work tirelessly to avoid war between nations and between peoples. [ applause ] to this end theres a need to restore the rule of law and tireless course to negotiation, mediation, and arbitration as proposed by the which constitutes true al fundamental duritical norm. The experience of these 70 years since the founding of the United Nations in general, and in particular the experience of those these first 15 years of the Third Millennium reveal both the effectiveness of the full application of International Norms, and the ineffectiveness of their lack of enforcement. When the charter of the United Nations is respected and applied with transparency and sincerity and without ulterior obligatory matter, without masking intentions, peaceful results will be attained. [ applause ] when, on the other hand, the norm is considered simply as an instrument to be used whenever it proves favorable, and then to be avoided when it is not a true pandoras box is opened, releasing Uncontrollable Forces which gravely harm defenseless populations, the cultural millure and even the biological environment, the preamble and the first article of the charter of the United Nations set forth the foundations of the international diuretical framework. Peace, the resolution of disspiewrkts and the development of friendly relations between nations. Now, strongly opposed to such statements and in practice denying them is the constant tendency to the proliferation of arms, especially weapons of mass destruction, such as Nuclear Weapons. Under ethics and law, based on the threat of mutual destruction, and possibly the destruction of all mankind are selfcontradictory and represent an affront to the nations, which would end up as a nations united by fear and distrust. There is urgent need to work for a world free of Nuclear Weapons in full application of the nonproliferation treaty in letter and spirit towards the goal of a complete prohibition of these weapons. [ applause ] the recent agreement reached on the nuclear question in a sensitive region of asia and the middle east is proof of the potential law, exercised with sincerity, patience, and con stan see. I express my hope that this agreement will be lasting and efficacious and bring forth the desired fruits with the cooperation of all the parties involved. In this sense, hard evidence is not lacking of the negative effects of military and political interventions which are not coordinated between members of the international community. For this reason, while regretting to have to do so, i regarding the painful situation of the entire middle east, north africa, and other african countries, where christians, together with other cultural or ethnic groups, and even members of the majority religion who have no desire to be caught up in hatred and follow lee, have been forced to twit destruction of the places of worship, their cultural and religious heritage, their houses and property, and to face the alternative either of fleeing or of paying for their adhesion to good and to peace by their [ applause ] these realities should serve as a grave summons to an examination of conscience on the part of those charged with the conduct of international affairs. And not only in cases of religious or cultural persecution, but in every situation of conflict, as in you ukraine, syria, iraq, libya, sudan, and the great lakes region. Real human being take precedence. However, in wars and conflict there are individual persons, our brothers and sisters, men and girls who weep, suffer, and die. Human beings who are easily discarded when our only response is to draw up lists of problems, strategies, and disagreements. As i wrote in my letter to the secretary general of the United Nations, on the 9th of august, 2014, the most basic understanding of Human Dignity compels the international community, particularly through the norms and mechanisms of international law, to do all that it can to stop and to prevent further suspect mattic religious minorities, and to protect innocent peoples. [ applause ] along the same lines, i would mention another kind of conflict, which is not always so open, yet is silently killing millions of people. Another kind of war experienced by many of our societies as a result of the narcotics trade. A war which is taken for its very nature accompanied by trafficking in persons, money laundering, the arms trade, child exploitation, and other forms of corruption. A corruption which is penetrated to the Different Levels of social, political, military, artistic, and religious life. And in many cases has given rise to a parallel structure which threatens the cred bill tea of our institutions. The visits of my predecessors and my i would hope that my words will be taken as a continuation of the final words of the address of pope paul vi spoken almost exactly 50 years ago. They remain ever timely. And i quote. The hour has come when a pause, a moment of recollection, reflection, even of prayer, is absolutely needed so that we may think back over our common origin, our history, our common destiny, the appeal to the moral conscience of man has never been as necessary as it is today, for the danger comes neither from progress, nor from science if these are used well. They can help to solve a great number of the Serious Problems besetting mankind. Among other things, human genius well applied will surely help to meet the great challenges of ecological deterioration and of exclusion. And i continue in quoting pope paul 6 00. The real danger comes from man who has at his disposal ever more powerful instruments that are as well fitted to bring about ruin as they are to achieve lofty conquest. That is what pope paul vi said. The common home of all men must continue to rise on the foundations of a rate understanding of universal fraternity and respect for the sacredness of every human life, of every man and every woman, the poor, the elderly, children, the infirm, the unborn, the unemployed, the abandoned, and those considered disposable because they are only considered as part of one or another statistic. [ applause ] this common home of all men and women must also be built on the understanding of a certain sacredness of created nature. Now such understanding and degree of wisdom, one which accepts transcendens, and at the same time rejects the creation of elite and recognizes the full meaning of individual and collective life is found in the Selfless Service to others, and in the sage and respectful use of creation for the common good. To repeat the words of pope paul vi, the edifice of modern civillization has to be built on spiritual principles, for they are the only ones capable not only of supporting it, bulls of shedding light on it. El g arks cho martin fiero, a native land sings, brothers should stand by each other because this is the first law. Keep a true bond between you always at every time because if you fight amongst yourselves, you will be devoured by those outside. [ applause ] the contemporary world so apparently connected is experiencing a growing and steady social fragmentation, which places at risk the foundation of social life and consequently leads to battles between ourselves to defend our conflicting interests. Give priority to actions which generate new processes in society, so as to bear fruit in significant and positive historical events. We cannot permit ourselves to postpone certain agendas for the future. The future demands of us critical and global decisions in the face of worldwide conflicts which increase the number of the excluded and those in need. The praise worthy international duritical framework of the United Nations and of all its activities, like any other human endeavor, can be at the same time it can be the pledge of a happy future for future generations. And so it will if the representatives of the states can set aside partisan and ideological interests and common good. I pray to al matey god that this to almighty god that this will be the case, and i assure of you my support and prayers and the support and prayers of all the faith involve the Catholic Church that this institution, all its member states, and each of its officials, will always render an Effective Service to mankind. A service respectful of diversity and capable of bringing about for the sake of each people and in every individual. Upon all of you, may god bless you all. [ applause ] a message of peace, a message of acceptance, and a message of inclusion, pope francis calling on World Leaders to take action. He just finished speaking before the largest gathering of president s and prime ministers ever assembled under one roof. He is the fourth pope to speak before World Leaders at the United Nations in its 70 years. Father, you heard his remarks, touching upon controversial topics. He did not shy away from political hotbutton issues here. No, did he not. And im sure he knew that that would be the situation, that there would be some things he would have to say that would cause uncomfort for some people, and he would couch it as diplomatically and as chair tabbably as possible, but did he not stray from the truth and from what he knew as his message. There was a big focus on climate change. The environment was expected to be a very big topic in this address. He said any harm done to the environment is harm done to humanity. He really wanted to get that message across today. Absolutely. Because we live on the earth, and how could we possibly live in a planet that we dont respect. So the two of us, were engrained together, the environment and human life. There was this round of applause when he brought up a rate to education, especially for girls. One of the highlights of this address, we saw mulalla in the audience. A number of people were wondering whether he would talk about that. And obviously he did. Obviously he mentioned life in all staples and dimensions should be protected. A message a number of groups were waiting to hear from the pope today. Yes. And you mentioning as well that did he not stop there. He also talked about man and woman. Yes. He actually, the first time ive heard somebody mention the talk about the unique decision between a man and a woman, which he says has been so burred so often in many situations today. And i think thats part of the original dignity of john paul ii speaking is about the dignity of the original nature of man and woman and the compliment arity of the two. Protection of children. He talked about the exploitation of children around the word. A number of children are watching this address and watching the pope in his every move, and cbs2s Jennifer Mclogan is at the holy child watching this speech carefully. Jennifer. Reporter good morning, mary, from holy child academy. We were with these very students, 7th graders and 3rd graders doing a live report here in old westbury when the white smoke blew in vatican city indicating a new pope had been elected. Since then, there is such overwhelming joy for pope francis. Theyve been watching him streaming live, and many of them have questions for the pope. The bible. Okay. What is it like teaching all those people. What number pope are you. Thats a good question. How does he like america, and what does he think about it. I like that. What diss house look like. How does the pope stay so energetic and happy. Thats wonderful. I was telling the kids that when i was their age, my grandmother went to vatican city, and got this rosary, and she had it blessed by pope paul 6th, and the kids were saying how cool it would be if i could get close enough to pope francis to get this blessed again. There are so many people who live on long island, three million of them, the and a lot of them are rate now in new york city. 1. 5 million of the 3 million say they are catholic. And we had in a very unusual thing on long island that happened last night. Bishop murphy invited all 134 parishes to toll their bells simultaneously when pope francis plane touched down at jfk. And we were over at st. Adans in williston park. And we recorded something. The magic of television. Lets see here. We have all of our bells tolling, and we wanted to play them. Lets see. Okay this is our the kids helped us record these bells, but it sounded so wonderful, all over long island. Right now were having a big day of learning, of sharing, and of loving right here on long island, with these beautiful kids, so excited for the pope. Chris, back to you in the studio. And youre continuing to look at the live pictures from the u. N. Rate now. Pope francis just concluding his speech, very much like his speech in front of the joint session of congress about 5 minutes long, very impactful, very direct. We welcome you back here to the 9 11 museum and memorial. We are high atop the memorial joined by father mike russo. Father, your thoughts. This was a direct speech, very much like yesterdays. Did he not pull punches. He jumped right in. Yes, in fact one of the very first things he wanted to do as pope, literally days into his papacy, one of the members of the congregation that deals with research at the vatican asked the pope, what should we be looking at . He said, human trafficking. The Global Freedom network, which he was able to establish with the archbishop of canterbury, theyve been looking around the world at ways in which the religious groups can collaborate to rid us of trafficking in all different forms, especially of youth. So this is a very interesting speech and a very hard hitting speech. Tell me if you agree. Yesterday in washington, the speech seemed a bit more pastoral. This seemed to be a little bit more of a direct hit. No mincing of words. One of the quotes that stands out to me, there is a right of the environment, the environment has its own rights, and mankind has no right to abuse it. Again, he is a man of process. Were getting were moving will be in paris to discuss these issues with regard to climate change, and hes always man of process within the church to be able to get Church Members on board for these really quite important considerations. His name is francis. Hes following the lines of st. Francis v ais i is i st. Francis of st. Francis of assisi. This pope has been all about, do not live above the people, get out and be with the people. This is another shot at those countries that are wasting and wasting and wasting. Throughout his recent encyclical he writes about integral ecology, the balance of people to know who your neighbors are, to be affectionate and tender toward them, because it only comes back to you. No matter what stage of economics, no matter what class or part of particularly environment you might be, this ability to Work Together is quite crucial. Aside from the speech a second ago, secretary general ban kimoon said earlier to the pope, some of the things i love about you, youre at home, youre not in the palaces, youre among the poor, not the famous, and theres no official portraits, but more selfies with children. This is from the secretary general himself. Interesting. Will play . Well, i think again all these papal speeches, and this is true in the history of the church itself, theyre studied, and we have to to back to them and kind of draw out meaning from them. This one was meant for the group of people that were there, primarily diplomats and nation states, as head of the vatican, and the holy sea, his role is to bring them to a higher level of discourse to. Get them speaking about these humanity, before its too late. This pope has hit on a number of issues. We talked about climate change. Weve talked about immigration. Hes been quick to talk about both. Mary calvi mentioned this seen with mulalla, the young lady who was shot by the taliban who was shot by the taliban and is speak at the u. N. Yesterday, he mentioned the nuns, and he got a standing ovation at vespers from the nuns. He eats got these issues, its a checklist, and hes hitting them one by one. There are Public Relations firms in the city what talk about strategic communication. Hes very good at it, knowing how to identify these themes that become recurrent. Hes actually, in the twoanda half years as pope, hes pretty much set up an agenda, and this tour is a way of explaining what he considers a priority. Can he do everything . No. Can he but theres a certain level of priority that hes giving, particularly to these issues he has just talked about in his pain see. He knows he has a limited time, and he wants to affect the church and the world for the better. He does, ill tell you, the essence of his talks, the one thing that does he talk about when talking about what hes actually going to address with people, loving others, not based on merit, but on need. And another reason why the homeless and the immigrants are such a primary focus. Yesterday when he was in washington, you saw him speaking to the most powerful people in this country, then a few moments later, he pi votes, with some of the least powerful people in that area. In washington, as you may know, he went to lunch with the people at st. Patricks church there near union station. So hes quite a remarkable man. Mary cal voice, i know you are at the u. N. Right now mary calvi, i know you are at the u. N. Right now. We talk about this pope being a man that works like hes running out of time. Hes able to accomplish so much in such a short period of time it almost makes the rest of us feel inferior. We have been surprised that even from his original schedule additional events have been added. Hes going from place to place, and he is doing it, it seems, in record time. I know hes coming next to you, the memorial and the museum. Were watching as people are strolling out. He had a chance to meet with the u. N. He had such nice words for them today. We have been watching this pope go from place to place. Whats interesting is to hear those strong remarks. He spoke in spanish here. Yes. And out of the 1. 2 billion catholics, 40 are from latin america. So this is quite significant. Yes, i would think so as well as the large number of Spanish Speaking people in the United States among the Catholic Church here, too. So an outreach to whats becoming the foundation of the modern church. Imposer issued a number of impoverished. At this tame the pope has left the United Nations. He is on his way to the 9 11 memorial and museum. But the pope has addressed the issues of the poor over and over again. Since the very begin, taking the name of francis, after francis of ais assissi. Many people will talk about helping the poor, but hes done things. Its been confirmed by the vatican that he has snuck out from time to time to go and work with the homeless in rome and even installed showers in the vatican for Homeless People to come and take a shower. Thats amazing. And he again now on his way to the 9 11 memorial and museum, i know, chris, you have been standing by for that. Yes, mary, we are waiting by here, high atop the 9 11 memorial and museum. The pope has left the u. N. He is now in fast motorcade and will be here probably within 10 to 15 minutes. The memorial and museum has played host to almost 8. 5 Million People in the last year alone. Everyone from president s to heads of state to most importantly the families and friends of those lost on 9 11. But the pontiff is definitely the highest and holiest guest to date. What this pope represents, the platform that he speaks to, not only the billion catholics around the world but just the way the entire world has really gravitated towards him, for him to choose to come to ground zero, to this museum, and have a multireligious service is absolutely incredible. With each day, in every direction, there is the sight, sounds, and signs of continued progress. But the image of the holy father, on this Hallowed Ground when his team, this very, very incredibly Energetic Team from the vatican came to visit the sort of scout locations, when we brought them down here, their reaction was the pope needs to see this, the pope needs to come. Pope francis will preside over services here in Foundation Hall. Alongside the slurry wall and the last column. Before the in tear Faith Service before the interFaith Service the pope will pause in front of this panel in front of 1,000 invited guests and honor the 2,983 people weise lives were lost on 9 11. When the firefighters were running up the the stairs to save 20 to 25,000 people that day, nobody cared about what religion you are, what socioeconomic class, ethnicity. Afterwards, everyone came together. So to be here with this pope with a represent viv the jewish religion, of muslim, of hindu, all these on one stage sends a huge message to the world. The interFaith Service is scheduled to run 35 minutes. The pope has a very tight schedule to keep but joe daniels and other Museum Officials are hoping for one slight deviation from the popes plan. After the service we want to show the pope a few specific artifacts here. Theres a couple that really stand out and speak to faith. We will talk about those artifacts a little bit more at length in the next couple of minutes, but right now father mike i want to bring you back in to talk about the importance of this visit. Theres been a lot of pomp and circumstance throughout the popes trip to the United States and washington and here in new york like we saw yesterday on fifth avenue. This takes on a little bit more of a somber appeal. Well, for new yorkers and americans and people around the globe this is a sacred site. Its interesting when this site suffered such destruction through terrorism, the architectural critic said dont rebuild, reimagine. In a sense weve reimagined this space. But its also now a spiritual space when you come here, you see this water, it both refreshes but yet reminds us of the lives that were lost. The reflecting pools behind me are a source of now resilience, rebirth, inspiration for some, quiet reflection for others. The vatican, when they did kind of their walk through of new york city of where the pope needed to be, i know when some of the vatican officials visited the museum they said the pope has got to come here. What was it about what they saw here or what they felt on these grounds that spoke to them . Well, you know, the history of the church is the history of martyrs. And in a way, these people represent for us those lives lost. The words of the ameic by virgil, no day shall erase you from the memory of time. We have to realize there can be a rebirth, there can be a that we must bring it to world. That virgil quote is obviously a part. Were showing you pictures of the motorcade, the fast motorcade, the fiat, all the agencies involved making the fast motorcade to this location. They will enter on west street, then things really start to pick up in earnest hear in Lower Manhattan at the 9 11 memorial and museum. If we take live shots behind me of the reflecting pools you can see the people are now assembled on the south tower of the three panels of the south tower. Special guests of the 9 11 memorial and museum are here already. Those are family and friends of people who were lost in the attacks. Some of the people that were also responsible for rebuilding this area, people are lining the streets right now. Everywhere the pope goes, when he is in that fiat right now, it becomes a bit of a motorcade, and everyone, as you can see, looking to get that one quick glimpse, but theres this is the spot on the south reflecting pool on the north panel where pope francis will stop, pay his respects to the almost 3,000 lives that were lost here, both on 9 11 and of course at the First World Trade Center bomb in 1993, and then this is inside in Foundation Hall. Father mike, you can see the last column, such an impactful piece of steel, the final column removed from ground zero at that time after the cleanup, and you can see the Port Authority police, the fdny, nypd, all the signatures, all the different signs that were put up on that last column back before it was removed. That was sealed and put in place literally two years before the museum even opened along with some of the other artifact which the pontiff will see. You can see the setup for this interFaith Service which will take place. 30 to 35 minutes, then the pontiff will make his way inside the museum to see those two artifact that i am going to tell you about. Our emily smith is on the scene. A quick update on the situation where she is, then back here to ground zero in a few moments. Emily, take it away. Reporter yes, chris, we are at st. Johns university in queens, and the students here have been waiting all day to hear the pope address the United Nations, and now theyre just talking about it and seeing how it resonated with them. I am Jimmy Walters here from Campus Ministries to talk about that. How did his message resonate with students . The pope so much about to dignity of the human person, especially the porks and for that hess sage to go to all of the leaders, also to our students, our students are strongly committed to serving the poor. Reporter what were some of the takeaways during the speech . Looking at the environment, the pope has given out the encyclical talking about it, so to hear that, he is special a who are in power. Reporter you have met Pope John Paul ii. I met him back in 2004 in rome. Reporter you have seen pope francis in rome. I brought a group of catholic scholars. Reporter so whats that like meeting a pope . Its amazing. John paul ii, it was so spiritual. He was older at that time and you could feel the peace that he resonated. And pope francis is like a rock star. He has such a dignity, and its not much what he says but who he is. Reporter theres one thing i noticed. Some of the students, its craven based school but not everybody has the same faith. Some students said that pope francis speaks the golden rule, and thats why he resonates with everybody. I think its not just what he says but what debt. You have seen all these som boletic gestures. Thats what resonates. Then he has credibility. So what he says, people listen. Reporter students are going to be making rosaries later today because thats something that pope francis is known to hand out to people on the street. Mary back to you. . Eem lee, thank you so much. Nice to hear that. Not about as much as what he says but what he does, father. The method or the delivery so much in the method, the way you present it. Makes so much difference. What styles left the United Nations. Everyone around here was catching a glimpse. We got a nice wave from him from that fiat. Yes, we did. The tiny little fiat. Lets talk about what you can expect when it comes to the roads, the pope on his way to the 9 11 memorial and museum. I know alex you are following that for us. Thats right, mary. The excitement really just continues as the pope is currently headed to ground zero, the 9 11 memorial. Around the memorial, drivers will be rerouted as they will be what is called frozen zone. So fur a pedestrian in the area expect those frozen zones to affect you while you walk through the area as the pope enters the memorial, exits in that area, and it is going to be a little bit of a fluid situation. So will you want to plan for that. Later this afternoon he will travel to east harlem to our lady queen of angel school where he will grate more than 250 students, then down through central park where Central Park West is closed between Columbus Circle and 81st street. The cross streets of 61st to 66 between Central Park West and broadway are also closed as well as 67th to 77th from Central Park West to columbus avenue. He will continue his ride to Madison Square garden where he will hold mass this evening. Fur trying to get into pen station today listen up. Only two entrances will be open. The one under the msg marquee on 7th and 32nd, as well as the l. I. R. R. Entrance on 34th and 7th. So you may want to take the one, two, three directly into the building and stick to mass transit whenever you can. Chris, back to you. All right, alex thanks so much. Welcome back to high atop the 9 11 memorial and museum. Paul is with us, security expert. We talk about this being a massive security endeavor. Just how big is this . We know one thing but you are on the inside. When it comes to special events this is clearly as big as it is going to get. Multiple layers of security. You have got land and air and water thats going to be covered so no question between the collaboration of state, federal, and city agencies, this is as big as we are going to see. Weve got the motorcade approaching object west right now. Just how, from a layer of protection, it seemed as though theres almost i know there can never be too much protection. It definitely needs it. The reason why, the foundation of security is intelligence. The intelligence tells us exactly what we need, where we need it and how many people we need to provide it. So with that is that bedrock weve created a sense here that provides the pope everything that he needs to do today peacefully and safely. Is hes got his coordinator with him, who is never far from the pope, along with the swiss guard secret service and all of the security detail. What that it we are not seeing . Were seeing a lot of security but whats behind the scenes . Thats the best question of all. Most of the security thats going to be here today and while he is here is what you are not going to see. The electronic surveillance and the human assets in the crowd, in those different layers that are watching and observing everything that could be a warning sign that could present a risk. From what you have seen so far this pope loves to interact with the people. I know that it is nightmare for the secret service and swiss guard. How has it been thus far as far as the pope being able to get close enough but not so much where hes but in danger . It really isnt that much of a nightmare because the people working transportation are accustomed to that. They are used to working with heads of state and president s. He is a people oriented perp. The primary objective is to anticipate, read the crowd, and have contingencies to get out. As far what is you have zion your level of experience have you ever seen anything like this before this security this is an event, bigger than a super bowl. No question about it. Having worked the super bowl security, world cup, there is absolutely this supersedes them all. As far as vulnerability what is the greatest vulnerability in your estimation . Theres no question about the biggest issue, the highest probability of risk is the fact that youve got terrorist groups that make the pope the most prolific target in history. Not just the fact that hes in the United States, not just the fact that here in new york, but right here at the nine len memorial. This is the brass ring for a terrorist. This is the brass ring. How nervous were officials leading up to this visit . I know lone wolf was obviously a big concern. There were people that were picked up along the way in new jersey to name a few. How concerned were they. I think theyre very concerned which is why they have prepared so well. Those layers dr. Security. When you think about what happened with al could i dies when alqaidas chief, im calling on all young muslims to launch an attack on u. S. Soil, this would be the perfect time for them. Paul, thanks so much. Appreciate you taking the time. Insight as to what is going on, not only on camera bulls behind the scenes. You are looking at pope francis now making his way to the south reflecting pool where he will pause. We saw showed awe few moments ago where he will take a few moments to pay his respects to the almost 3,000 lives lost here on 9 11, also the bombing in 93. I know theres been a lot going on at the u. N. This morning but now all the action has made its way here to the 9 11 memorial and museum. Weve been watching him side by side with Timothy Dolan. Yes. St. Patricks cathedral there was a lot of work going on to prepare for that. A lot of work going on to definitely. Im sure he is going to take a breather when it is all over. He is going to need one for sure. Absolutely. This pontiff has made so many stops and he is about to join a Prayer Service and lead a prayer at the 9 11 memorial and museum. This is a very special moment. A very poignant moment for new york. Yes. Unity. Unity between all the different religions that are involved to show that we are standing together. And that we will not let anything come in between us, most he is special having our muslim brothers with us as well to show that they are not supporting the terrorism that is taking advantage of their beliefs but that were all standing together to pray for peace that nothing like this a special prayer, from the pope. At the 9 11 memorial. The pontiff pausing at the reflecting pools where the towers once stood. There are hundreds gathered at museum. Cardinal Timothy Dolan taking him through, touring him through the site, explaining that site very specifically and we saw that rose placed at the reflecting pools. There you see mayor bloomberg greeting the pontiff. That site, and chris you are there as well watching this moment unfold. Mary, it is a powerful moment to see the pontiff standing there at the south reflecting pool to take those moments, to take in this symbol of resilience and rebirth, full of life but at the same time a place where people come to honor the memory of the heroes and victims of that day. These 1,000 guests invited by the 9 11 museum and memorial lining the three panels and then of course some special invited guests were brought over to shake the hand and meet the pope briefly led by as you can see mayor bloomberg there right of your screen who is on the board here and instrumental in the process of moving along the mu seem um and memorial. You could almost sense father mike, father mike russo, Cardinal Dolan was explaining to the pope what had happened this is where the powers once stood and what happened on that its an amazing space. The very first time that pope francis has been to new york. So the size of these buildings has to impress him, and i would also say that the image of him next to that cobalt steel looking granite, in his white outfit, its an amazing image. Senates a stark kind of contrast. You saw the bronze panels there, the reflecting pool, the shot from behind where you could see the water flowing off the one panel with the pope in the foreground was a beautiful image. It means so much to the people here in Lower Manhattan. All over the nation to see the holy father here. The last time a pope was here, back in 2008, Pope Benedict was here. At that point it was really still more of an open wound than what we see now, which is a symbol of rebirth. I also see mayor giuliani there. Sure, his back to the screen, mayor giuliani, i think that may be his wife judith there. But mayor bloomberg doing a nice job of introducing the guests one by one as they come toupee respects. I always marvel the fact the number of Electronic Devices the people place in front of the pope, but this woman is having a conversation with him, thats for sure. He has embraced it so well. Its kind of an incredible help. Everything, every shot you see so many people just kind of inching their way to not to get so much close to the pope but to get a picture of the pope. It seems to be the bigger priority. Also kissing him. That was man a few minutes ago embracing him which is quite amazing. Never a child that the pope will not take a few moments to see and to bless. In another moment you see there, he is so gracious when it comes to not only the children but also the elderly. Of course, everyone in between that he really seems to embrace both the children and the elderly. I was at his audience in rome back in january. He gets energized by people, particularly in the audience hall in rome. You have diplomats, important visitors, but he always gives time to the people on the periphery. He understands how important this is, the message this sends to have him here. Sure he does. Its a place where a priest, and i say hes the parish priest of the world has to deal with the day to day greaves of people and the pain they suffered on that day. And continue to suffer. We say it every anniversary of 9 11. Its kind of one of those things where you think that time will heal wounds. We really feel this is one that that category. Its still a very having grown up in the area myself, you look back, you see all thats done and all the progress thats been made but it feels like just yesterday. Sure. Absolutely. You look dunn on the plaza you see from our perspective these beautiful oak trees and how the memorial itself has matured and grown into its own space. It really is a beautiful site to have a pope there now for these people that are getting the opportunity to come see him. Im not saying it necessarily makes it better but its a nice touch. When i was going to nyu many years ago i would come over from new jersey through the path trains and i knew all the different ways to get under the old World Trade Center. In a way that still exists in my mind. And so many ways, the memory of that site is part of us as new yorkers. Mary, you can see here from your monitor at the u. N. , i know its a Beautiful Day over there but the way the sun is cast on this memorial it lends itself to just what a beautiful scene this is playing out on Television Live right now. It is spectacular. The skies have been beautiful each and every stop along his journey to the americas. We just heard him speak on the global stage but now to watch him, one on one, a very personal stage there, and to greet the 9 11 families and those lost and to see him be able to reach out, give someone a hug that compassion is really shown each and every time weve seen him go from place to place. Weve been talking about these global issues and these controversial issues but now we see the poignant moment at the 9 11 memorial and museum and how he is greeting each and every person, taking his time with them as well. He is never worried about the clock, it seems, or his schedule. He really wants to make sure he has a complete meeting with each and every person he has a chance to see. We have with us father curosa. When we hear these messages from the pope we know what we are hearing on a global stage but what about on a very local stage . What about in the local parishes, in your own parish . Oh, i think that a lot of down to the basic level, taking care of the poor and many of the things that we do. And under it all, rediscovering ourselves and our faith and what a difference we can make just by following the example that he is doing. Father, cain add that when i was in washington yesterday, someone came up to me and said, you know what, its totally awesome. Even are young people are starting to realize its about a lifestyle not a creed. The instantaneous reaction on social media has been remarkable. He has millions of followers, visit to america. And now we are taking a look at thiss meets with a number of leaders in the new york area and, chris, now he will go to the museum. You were there for a very special moment. Yes, mary, we just saw a couple of the guests that the with before he is now making his way into the museum. Howard ludwig, the ceo of cantor fitzgerald. No company lost more employees than cantor fitzgerald. The final guest was joe daniels, the president and ceo who you have seen featured on cbs this morning of the 9 11 memorial and museum. The pope is going to be ushered into the south exit, kind of a private door thats used obviously for outgoing guests at the museum, where he will be ushered down to Foundation Hall. As you see mayor bloomberg, his daughter there and mayor bloombergs grandson now receiving a blessing from the pope. The pope will make his way inside the exit door, down three stories. This pope, its a series of major events. Theres really no others. This is another big one what. Do you think is the message that needs to be sent during this speech . This particular service is called a witnessed peace. Its an interplay and religious leaders of new york. The pope providing a prayer at the end of it. Its quite eloquent. Its rather moving. He will have an opportunity to speak toward the middle of this service with song and with leaders of faith communities here in manhattan. You can see some of the other dignitaries on hand. Senior senator Charles Schumer this is by my count his third visit with the pope in the last day and a half. Also mayor bill de blasio, also Governor Cuomo and his girlfriend sandra lee there who also last night received a blessing from the pope at the end of vespers, and now talking with cardinal Timothy Dolan on your screen. With Cardinal Dolan theres monsignor miles, behind him is the very famous father lombardi the press secretary to the pope. Yes. They have been featured prominently on this trip. Monsignor miles who speaks to that crisp british accept has been a celebrity in his own right. Hes a very shy man, but he says im really nothing than just a boring bloke. And hes from gibraltar. A. A beautiful voice. Hes been spectacular. Screen, as they are going to. There he is, pope francis here at the museum and memorial. Mary, i knowing a gain to see these images of the pontiff here, its very impactful. It is a whirlwind visit to new york that is for sure. He will get a break for lunch, well deserved, then we have that procession through central park. So many tickets given out so many people vying to get those tickets. I know, father, they were asking you. I want to good, i want to be there. 80,000 people are expected, and of course the mass at Madison Square garden. How do you think that will impact the faithful . Well, hopefully very positively. I hope they will all come home to all their own parishes and say, as you said before, that young person sets cool to be catholic and really recharge their batteries. Recharge their batteries. Something that we see when other poaches have visited new york. Weve had a number of them come here to this city. This one has the most stops that weve n seen with a pope, and he certainly has a very busy schedule. Central park, what a beautiful setting for the pope to arrive. And on a Beautiful Day as well. Gorgeous day here. Beautiful blue sky. You really couldnt ask for anything better than this. Mow the pope has entered the museum. Chris, you were there inside the museum. They are hoping that the pope makes a stop at one exhibit, arent they . Yes, they actually floated the idea to the vatican, or the person, the man who is organizing it, it was a tremendous idea, there are two artifacts inside the museum. As you mentioned we know the pope is on a very tight time schedule. Only supposed to be down in Foundation Hall 35 minutes, but just to the left of Foundation Hall right inside the museum are two artifact that they were hoping that the pope would actually walk about 30 feet to see, and they finally found out just the other day he in fact will do that. Take a look what were talking about. On march 30th of 2002 a firefighter searching for victims discovered this. A hardly recognizable bible, fused to a piece of steel. All thats lienal i believe are a few passages. Most notably, matthew chapter 5. An eye for an eye, followed by resist not evil but who cover small smyte on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. This bible, this passage, retaliation in love, fused to a piece of World Trade Center steel is absolutely incredible and we really want the pope to see it. An item so perfect, improbable to question the authenticity. Its that worth seeing with your own eyes. We have great Museum Curators to make sure that its a real thing because you couldnt imagine something so perfect. Also on display right next to the bike the World Trade Center cross. In front of the cross you see this symbol steel. So this is just one piece of this symbol steel where ironworkers during the recovery, you can see they cut out crosses, they cut out stars of david, symbols of the tower. It all speaks to this notion that during that terrible nine months people were looking to haled on to little parts of faith and nothing represents that better than the World Trade Center cross. So we can confirm that in fact it has been cleared through the popes vatican officials that they will, after the interfaith ceremony, they will make their way into the museum. Its a short walk to see those two artifacts. The matthew passage fused from the bible into the piece of steel was new to me. I hadnt see it. I was in awe when i saw it. Its very moving. In fact, rome is built on catacombs, and the church has always valued that part of our memory that we not forget the ones. And here we are in new york, celebrating the reimagining of the spirit, refreshment, a way in which we as those were living remember those who have been close to us and good to us. When you really take a second to let it all sink in, its amazing to think that the bible could be open to that passage. It wasnt as though it was just papers and things. Steel. I know you just saw it on your screen but to see it up close and personal, it is jaw dropping. To see the steel cross as well, theres so many of those things, you almost wish the pope had more time to really see and appreciate taking some of the other artifact. Chris, you were saying this is the most among the most Sacred Places in new york . Ive seen it throughout the building to the time that the tridents were lowered in. I have seen the whole process, both of the building and the museum. If you grew up whether you grew up in this area or not, i kind of fall back on that having grown up here. Captioners do you think i know the pope, he deals with tragedy on a daily basis. When he sees Something Like this, what do you think hes feeling . Well, the old robert burns line, makes countless of thousands more. And indeed we all share that sensitivity particularly here in the new york area. But we know that its extended around the world and in and who we are as a people. It has marked us in a very particular way and maybe we have to be peacemakers and deep and personal ways. They say that this memorial is a triumph of the human spirit. Really kind of goes to the many messages this people has been try fog get to resonate trying to get to resonate with the people here. Ive been taking people here to the site. The names that surround this entire pool is what they marvel at and you know people doing little etchings of the particular name of a friend or a relative. Its quite extraordinary. You can see live pictures inside Foundation Hall right now. That slurry wall you see. Along the left side of your screen. That was basically built to keep thed hudson river from literally flooding all of Lower Manhattan and that has withstood the attacks. Slightly. But for the most part, that is the original slurry wall there and then center of your screen is the last column which was removed from ground zero. Back during the removal process. You can see the pope seated center of your screen. If you look right behind that last column. Im not sure, im just its hard to tell from my angle but you can see number of people are all filing into Foundation Hall already and are ready for this interFaith Service. What can we cant father mike . I know its about 30, 35 minutes, a little shorter than the other speeches the pope has given but what to expect here . An interplay of religious sensements from the christian sentiments from the christian, jewish and muslim faith and a way which various leaders, faith leaders, have who have worked here in the city long and hard to bring people together. To have a dialogue. To see the commonalities of religious sentiment and religious facts from one another. I think for the pope, its always an issue of trying to create community. You know when he was in buenos aires as the archbishop. He was among those that for the first to interact with Jewish Community there. In fact he wrote a book a rabbi turned out to be a friend of his. And thats kind of a gad example for the good example for the rest of us to value people that surround you. Know your neighborhood. One thing thats for sure, this pope has been very much on time. Very punctual. Even when he doesnt have to deal with he doesnt have to worry about that but people have now taken their feet. The archdiocese of new york responsible for the guest list here in Foundation Hall. The 9 11 museum responsible for the guest list around the outside but now people are standing and now looking for the one corner of Foundation Hall and you can hear the applause. Were going to let there play out this play out for a second and take in the sights and sounds of pope francis entering the Foundation Hall prayers for peace representing five different religiouses annie maam and a lab by an imam and a rabbi will be here with him. We have ten families of the 9 11 tragedy being greeted by the peep. Father, if we can ask you about the significance of this being an interFaith Service. Yes. To unite all of us together. Remembering that this was not about one religion or another but everyone are showing their common foundations and a belief in god who will help us and now together that we should unite in what unifies us rather than what divides us and together we can make a difference. Pope francis, the first pope to enter the 9 11 museum. Pope benedict had been here. It was not built at that time but he did say a prayer as well. Yes. At the site. Uhhuh. We are waiting words from cardinal Timothy Dolan, before that we can see the pope growthing members of the religious greeting members of the religious faith. One by one. And as he entered the hall as well greeting many who were there to see him, this was an important moment for pope francis. And the world. Yes. Absolutely. Papa francesco. On behalf of this very distinguished group, representatives of the hindu buddhist, jane, seek, native american, jewish, islamic, and Christian Communities of new york city, our civic and public officials, and the board of the september 11th memorial foundation, i renew to you our welcome and our joy at your visit. Welcome holy father. [ applause ] [ applause ] now, i can tell you, Papa Francesco, we in new york are sinners. We are sinners. We have many flaws. We make many mistakes. But one of the things we do very well . Is sincere and fruitful interreligious friendship. Our ancestors came here for religious freedom. And they found in new york city an atmosphere of respect and appreciation for religious diversity. About which you just spoke at the United Nations. We, who have the honor of pastoring our people, we Work Together. We pray together. We meet together. We talk to one another. And we try to serve as one. The city we are proud to call our earthly home while awaiting our true and eternal residence in heaven. So very often do we recall the faith of the psalmist god is in the midst of the city. And your prayer and your presence and your words this morning inspire us. So thank you for being here. [ applause ] you may be seated. In this place, where horrendous violence was committed falsely in the name of god, we representatives of World Religions in this great city of new york, gather to offer words of comfort and prayer. With love and affection, we recall the victims of the 9 11 attacks. We pray that their souls and the souls of all those First Responders are forever remembered for an eternal blessing. Today, and every day may we understand our shared mission to be in the words of pope francis, a Field Hospital after battle. Hearts of a humanity in so desperate need of comfort. Intolerance and ignorance fueled those who attacked this place. The courage of todays gathering distinguishes us from the opponents of religious freedom as we stand together as brothers and sisters to condemn their horrific acts of violence and honor each life that was lost unconditionally. As we read in the koran that one life lost is like all mankind and one life saved is like all mankind. To god, all life is sacred and precious. Where others fail, let us be the peaceful reminders of that notion to his creation. Book of psalms teaches us that we should be [ speaking latin ]. We should love peace and we should pursue peace. Let us honor those kill in this place by becoming in the words of st. Francis, instruments of peace. Love. Where theres injury, pardon. Where theres doubt, faith. Where its despair, hope theres despair, hope. Where theres darkness, light. And where theres sadness, joy. Men and women from all walks of life ran to this place in hopes of saving lives. The sole intent of those First Responders was the protection of others, regardless of the cost to them as individuals. As the worst of humanity sought to take life, they exemplified the best of humanity through their selflessness, willing to give their entire life until hopes of saving life in hopes of saving another. We should carry the story with us both in thought and in action as we move forward from this place. The koran declares that a law is with those who are righteous and those who do good. Unconditional love and their continued strength. Their unwavering hope and their pursuit of good as we seek to build a muchneeded peace. So let us learn to share this big apple we all call home. And all of its diversity and all of its flavor. Through friendship and dialogue, may the timber and toalty of each toalty of each of the faith traditions be heard in this great symphony of our city and nation. On this, the historic anniversary of nortra tata, let us celebrate, affirm and build on our shared commitment to interreligious dialogue. In the words of pope francis, may we respect and love one another as brothers and sisters. May we learn to understand the sufferings of others. May we live to see the day as envisioned by the prophet micah. [ speaking Foreign Language ] everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree and no one shall make them afraid. For the lord almighty has spoken. The koran states all mankind, we have created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes so that you might know one another. We have gathered here today as men and women who seek to meet ignorance with understanding. Through our knowing of each other today, let us move beyond a mere toleration of our differences. And work towards a muchneeded celebration of them. Let us be bold enough to build partnerships with new friends and allies and together, be the reason that people have hope in this world. And not the reason that people please rise. All of love, compassion and healing. Look on us people of men, different faiths and religious traditions. Who gather today in this Hallowed Ground. The scene of unspeakable violence. If you your goodness to his eternal light and peace to all who died here. To all the First Responders. Our firefighters, our Police Officers, Emergency Service workers. And all emergency personnel. And with all the innocent men and women who are victims of this tragedy, simply because they walk or service to them here of september 11th. We ask in your compassion to bring healing to those who, because of their persons here, illness. Heal too, the pain of the families and who lost loved ones in this tragedy. Give them strength to continue their lives with courage and hope. We are as well of those who suffered deaths, injury, and loss on this same day at the pentagon and in shankville, pennsylvania. Our shanksville, pennsylvania. Our hearts are one with theirs. As our prayer embrace their go to peace, bring you peace to our violent war. Peace in the hearts of all men and women and peace among the nations of the hard. Turn to your way of life, those who hearts and minds are shielded with hatred and justify killing in the name of religion. All the understanding by the managers of this tragedy. We seek your life who seek this life and violence as we grant those who survived who were spared and might not have been lost in vain. Come forward and console us and hope and give us the wisdom and courage to walk tirelessly for a walk to peace, a love, friends among nations. And in the hearts of all. Take your seats. [ speaking Foreign Language ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] may god protect us, may god nourish us. May we Work Together, may our dialogue be enlightening. May we be free from hate. Lead us from untruths to truths from darkness to light. From dust to immortality. May all know peace. [ bell dinging ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] homage through the bide ha. Victory begets butddha. Victory begets ohm anity. The peaceful live happily. Discarding both victory and defeat. One should not do any slight wrong. May all censure. May all be happy and secure and may all beings have happy [ bell dinging ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] god judges according to our deeds, not the coat that we wear. That truth is above everything and the highest deed is truthful living. Know that we attain god when we love. And only that victory endures. In consequence of which no one [ bell dinging ] the reading is from the original greek text of the gospel according to matthew. [ speaking Foreign Language ] blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful for blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see god. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of god. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. [ bell dinging ] oh, alllah, you are peace allah, you are peace and all peace is from you and all peace returns to you. Grant us to live with the and lead us to your abode of peace. You are blessed, our lord, the exalted. Flush oh, owner oh owner of magnificence and honor. [ bell dinging ] ladies and gentlemen, please stand for a prayer for the fallen. Kindly be seated. We have hands excuse myself. For no speaking english. I cannot. [ laughter ] i have many different feelings emotions, standing here at ground zero. Where thousands of lives were taken. In a senseless act of here, grief is palpable. The water we see flowing towards the empty pit reminds us of all those lives which fell prey. That silent cry of those who suffered in their own skins and silence of hate. Of revenge. The logic that could only put pain and suffering and destruction and fear. Water, flowing, am symbolizes tears. The tears shed for destruction of yesterday. Who are joined by so much destruction today. This is a place where we cry. We cry the pain thats the powerlessness makes us feel when we feel injustice personified. The inability to solve our differences. Through dialogue. This place, in this place, we cry the unjust. Deaths of the innocent because we were not able to find solutions for the common glad. It is water that reminds good. It is water that reminds us yesterdays tears and todays tears. A few minutes ago, a man from families of the First Responders that fell, was performing a service and in this meeting that once again was able to see how destruction is never impersonal. Its never abstract. Its not about things. Above all, destruction has a face and has a history. It is specific. It has names. Face of pain, pain that leaves us speechless but that screams to heaven. But, but at the same time, they were able to show me the other face of this attack. The other side of their pain. The power of love and remembrance. In memory that does not leave us in peace. On behalf of so many loved ones, these names are written here in the spaces of this towers so we can see them and we can touch them. And we can never forget them. And now, this pain which also feels the capacity of heroic goodness that the human being is also capable of. The hidden force that was always appeal to a times of greatest pain and suffering. You were witness. With the great of one of the greatest acts of giving of yourself and help, a stretched out hand, lives given. Big metropolis that may seem impersonal people were able to show a powerful solidarity of neutral help. Of love. And selfsacrifice. Blood or origin or neighborhood or religion. Or political views. It was a matter of solidarity. Emergency brotherhood. It was a matter of humanity. New york firemen and women came in to the towers that were crumbling. Without much thinking about their own lives. Many felt it was their duty and with their sacrifice, they allowed for so many others to survive. This place of death, of the strong form in place for life. Song that leads us to affirm that life we love is triumph over the prophets of destruction over at the time. And good will always win over bad reconciliation and unity will prevail over hate and division. In this place of pain and remembrance, im full of hope. Because of the opportunity of turning the leaders representing so many religious traditions that in which the life of this great city. A powerful sign over which to share and reaffirm the wish to be there for reconciliation, for the speed of justice in this community and throughout the whole world. Even distances and discrepancies, it is possible to live in a world of peace. The face of any attempt to make us all similar. It is possible and it is necessary to meet together with our different tongues, different cultures, religions. And embrace our because anyone who would like to today, we have been invited to say no to any attempt to make us all the same and to say yes to our differences. Accepting and in reck reconciliation. For days we need to throw away this feelings of hate and revenge. And rancor. We know and we know this is only possible through a gift of heaven. Here in this place of remembrance. Each one of us in their way, but together. I propose a moment of silence and prayer. Let us ask if the lord be peace. Peace in our homes. In our families. In our schools. In our communities. Peace. In all the places in which war seems to be endless. Peace, in the faces of the people who have only seen pain. Peace. In this wide world that god has given us, our home as a home for us all and for all. Let us pray in silence. In this way, the life of those we love would not be a life that would be forgotten. But it will be present each time we try to be the prophets of construction and let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me [ applause ] thank you, thank young peoples chorus of new york city. Youre an icon of what this sacred site reminds us. And my brothers and sisters in this spirit of hope and promise, of this sacred spot here in new york, i invite you peace. Youve been watching there interFaith Service here led by pope francis at the 9 11 museum. Peace, tolerance by the joining me here high atop the plaza here at Lower Manhattan right now. Above the memorial and museum. You can watch father mike, you agree peace tolerance as one of the leaders did say they are sharing this big apple . I mean, here you are the pope is embracing the nyu and new York City Police muslim chaplain. As well as other members of the congregation. And people who are on the on the podium there. Its remarkable moment i think. You had dozens of leaders there from the jewish and hindu and Greek Orthodox and muslim community. This was as big a Cross Section as you probably could have done for an event like that. Yeah i was going to mention that imal latists the chaplain for nyu as well as the new york police. Right there is rabbi Elliot Cosgrove from park avenue synagogue, what a remarkable celebration of strength. Your thoughts on it because as we were watching we were like this is not only the were wearing right down to the music, perfectly choreographed. The wonderful people, the cure of troy. And he writes so hope for a great see change, on the far side of revenge. Believe that a further shore is reapable from reachable from here, believe in miracles and cures and healing wells. We are now next to a healing well hopefully that will bring consolation with this these waters that are so present in our lives. You see pope francis making his way to the museum to see some of the artifacts as we had mentioned earlier after posing here for some pictures with the choir that just performed. Cardinal dolan in the background. I thought one of the funniest funny moments when the pope stood at the microphone and said, no more speaking in english. I cant. The translator was able to work her way in. Yeah. Which tells you something about his speech to congress, he must have been practicing that for months. Lets bring mary calvi in whos at the un and has been there all morning for us. Mary one of the things, one of the central themes of the of the speech that the pope had made here a few moments ago, talking about meeting with some of the families of the fallen First Responders before taking the stage. Reporter and when he said our hearts are one with theirs, what a moment there. And truly historic moment father, only one other time in history have we seen such a Prayer Service of different faiths with the pope. Yes, st. John paul ii and assissi gathering everyone together. Very personal remarks as well from the pope. Saying i can many different feelings. Bearings of emotions and standing here. The grief is palpable. Adding the water falling symbolizing our tears. This is a place where we cry adding thousands of lives were taken in a senseless act. Bring comfort to many families. I think of the funerals that i had to preside over after 9 11 and the families that i comforted as well as the people that i know today that are still grieving for their loved ones. And im sure these words will bring them so much strength and comfort. And he did add he hopes for unity and saying that the lives will not be lost in vain. In vain. There were other moments as well where he mentioned the firefighters, he mentioned the Emergency Responders and even praying for those suffering lingering effects and responding to 9 11. And i know personally you know, many of those people. Yes. And to hear these words from the pope sure was a very special moment for them. Yes and thats something that i think is part of our american experience. That we pray so much for our responders, for police, the firemen. And those who serve us in everyday basis and sometimes theyre not remembered as much as they should be for what they do to keep us safe. And how about that image on the stage . Jewish muslim and Greek Orthodox hindu, so many faiths. Inside the National September 11th memorial museum. Just an emotional service. Making extremely touching representatives from faith groups. Really remarkable sight there. Yes and i noticed how even they didnt just stick to their own traditions but they shared with each other. I was especially touched by the rabbi. Who quoted from st. Francis of assissi the prayers of him and also the catholic encyclical. Theyre reaching out to other traditions to bring us together in one was so profound today. To begin today as Cardinal Dolan adding that what we do well in new york is to be truthful and interreligious crunches. It is definitely true. The thanksgiving times that we get together with interfaith people just to pray for peace and we do so beautifully. There were a couple of laughs when he called out Papa Francesco welcome, adding a little italian to this. He did that last night at the cathedral too. I think Cardinal Dolan remembers his times that he spent in rome fondly and maybe he was helping by calling him that father would be followed by a plate of carbonara. Having the pope here in new york. But also making so many stops along the way of course. Museum. But also you this central park and Madison Square garden. He is very involved with all of and really it will continue. The pope is getting treated to quite a tour of new york yes he is. Yes he is. Lets go back to you chris now. Right there on the site. Yes, mary now looking at live pictures inside a portion of the museum where the two artifacts we highlighted earlier, the portion of the bible that matthew scripture that is fused from the bible steel from the World Trade Center. You see pope francis being now. You. Those are the two artifacts that the pope is going to just take a closer look at. This was a little bit of an alteration to his schedule. But well worth it as we have been telling you this morning and i think father mike, that the pope would agree after he sees this the afteraty facts. About what ministers and priests and rabbis could do is to realize they must bind the wounds of those who were hurt. He always uses the image of the church particularly as a Field Hospital. Like a mass unit. Dealing with the wounded and hurt people. And here we see something thats quite remarkable. And seeing and i think its touched him as well. I think the quote was a Field Hospital after battle. But this is just a amazing from ground zero. This portion of the bible open to an eye for an eye passage in matthew fused into this piece of hardened steel. Authenticated and almost doesnt semblable but its been authenticated of course and you can see the pope making his way to the steel cross. That was commonly displayed in this portion of the museum. Really is emotional when you see so many people there, such a huge Cross Section. Some of the First Responder families the dignitaries that were there. It was beautiful. It was brief but a beautiful ceremony both outside and inside. Sure, and heres Cardinal Dolan, describing this for pope francis. This is the beacon for so many that were working on the pit in the days and months almost a kind of a rallying cry. You see Something Like that, kept it you know original state when it was recovered and now on display at this museum is very impactful for any of the people that come down here to Lower Manhattan to visit and now it looks as though that the cardinal is been has been showing the holy father other artifacts there as well. It is one of the things you cant just walk in and see a few things and you get caught up in the moment and you get caught up in the history of that day. Its a beautifully done museum. And memorial. And its tough to not be enraptured with the stories though of heroism. That are featured from this portion. Of the museum. Tell us more about the cross. That was salvaged from the destruction . It was salvaged from the destruction in that the state that you see it there. Wasnt cut metal or anything. Of that nature. The pit and as i said, it was almost kind of a temporary house of worship on site. And then but there was you know, a star of david. There was a there was a twin towers at the time and were also welded out of part of the cross too that were on display there as welch again an interfaithtype of rallying position. Rallying point down at ground zero. There you see the screen the crass of ground zero and again more live pictures from Foundation Hall where the pope just presided over about a 35 minute interfaith ceremony there. That really kind of calls to people to get along with one another. He really drove home the the position of peace and again living with one another. In this community. Differences aside. You know, in talking about these acts of destruction during his speech, he said its never impersonal or abstract. He said, terror like this has the face of concrete that youve got names and it really i think presents an identity stamp on this. Its not as you mentioned an impersonaltype of event. You see these people and you meet with the families of the First Responders that is impactful. The tears still flow for them. He sees the pain on their faces and still touches him and cries out to heaven which is a direct quote from the pope in his speech. Well, as we wrap things up here, down at the 9 11 museum, and me memorial, the pope will then be going he took the rest of the day ahead of him father mike and again we talked about this schedule. Already had two very heavy events speaking to the General Assembly this morning, spent a number hours at the u. N. And he will be here an hour again. Again, this is more of a somber very kind of heavily weighted event. But hes also going to you know make his way to the our lady queen of Angels School in east harlem today. The procession in central park and of course the mass at Madison Square garden. Later tonight. This is an active day and luckily the pope will get about a three hour break to grab some lunch and hopefully catch a little nap. Lets go to Columbus Circle right now one of the reporters out on the scene. Diane macedo dick brennan . Reporter thats right. Were live here in Columbus Circle and right next to the central park. And its an incredible we can just swing around ralph for one second. This line is moving here. But it funnels into a line that really isnt moving and people have been waiting for hours, but they are really excited about being here and im just mary and rosemary who came from where . Florida, new york. Florida new york . Wait a minute, youre confusing me, wheres that . Orange county. Reporter okay, you are . Rosemary. Reporter and yeah, got to be excited right . Very, very excited. We were shaking and we couldnt sleep last night. Reporter you couldnt sleep last night . What do you want to see and experience. I would like to hear the pope speak to us and hopefully everybody gets the message that hes trying to send to everyone. And just to get his blessing and be in his presence really would be just such an honor. Reporter even from a distance, even from a fleeting moment right . Because thats all youre going to get. You know that its going to be going by. But yeah, it is even for that fleeting moment. I was at the airport yesterday. And got a fleeting moment. It is pretty cool. And how long did you wait . So far, not very long. The lines are moving pretty quick. Reporter i have news for you. [ laughter ] its coming . Reporter its slowing, its slowing lets just flip around here ralph and show people how far down you go. This line goes all the way back down and back up and back down again and then you can see the umbrellas there . Those are the people are crowded outside the magnetometers, the bottom line is it doesnt matter if youre online or inside because were still hour ace way. But hours away. But the people here are excited even though they have a ways to go. Were live in the columbus circumstantial. Area of central park, back to you guys. All right, dick are you ready . 80,000 people and from what ive seen, there are additional crowds that will be coming. Theyll be on the outskirts of central park just hoping to see pope francis. Well, theres a special group of people who will get a chance to see pope francis at our lady queen of Angels School a group of students have been chosen to greet the pontiff and to get to. Sonia rincon continues the Live Team Coverage from there. They must be excited. Reporter this is a neighborhood with a lot of spanish speakers and this is where the pope is known as papa francisco. Lots of immigrants and hell be meeting with an immigrant family and of course the main event here is the visit to the school. There he will be meeting with several dozen students and third and fourth graders mostly but hell also get treated to a performance from singing students from all over the city. Ive been talking with people in the neighborhood about the significance of this visit of the first latin american pope to the people of el bar owe and people here are thrilled this is a neighborhood he really wants to connect with. I know that hes very concerned about homelessness and poverty. And thats certainly those are things that affect our neighborhoods. Reporter did you come down from white plains . Yes i did. I came down my niece lives down here across the street from the school believe it or not and she lives in the jefferson houses, i said why not come down and maybe i could get one look at you know a glimpse of him of course. Reporter thats Loretta Jones a retired Police Officer from the 47th precinct and the bronx. She says one of the highlights for her was meeting all the bishops and cardinal at the big events there when she helped with detail there for the archdiocese. A picture of herself with cardinal oconnor, she and many other people there there are barricades here ready for the crowds. Live in east harlem, sonia rincon, cbs2 news. Yeah. All right. Father mike, you told me when we spoke, weeks ago, you thought that this visit to the our lady queen of Angels School in harlem would be if not to highlight. One of the top two three highlights to the United States. He loves going into smaller settings and as a man who was a pastor thats something hes comfortable with. And it was true at st. Patricks cathedral yesterday in in washington, d. C. And i think its going to be true here as well. St. Patricks cathedral yesterday in washington was quite a nice scene when he was able to i had never seen close to the pope as they did. The parish offer the parish closed back in 2007 and the School Remains open and serves about 290 most of them poor immigrant children. So excited for his arrival. Absolutely. Back on the road real quick and just check in with another one of our correspondents out in the field. Diane macedo joins us here on the very active day for the pontiff. Diane good afternoon. Reporter good afternoon to you chris. Very active indeed. I want to show you the level of security going on here. Were right outside one of the exits to central park and you can see the black fencing that we were looking at yesterday also in effect around the park and plenty of nypd as well. Weve also had several secret Service Agents here. Theyve called in the Sanitation Department as well to help block off the entrances, barricades just about everywhere you look and still, it has been very difficult to keep people away. People keep trying to find a corner to sneak in here because everybody wants to see the pope. They are here trying to keep people away. Its understandable why they have [ no audio ] on hand. [ inaudible ] all right, thank you diane. A little audio issue with that report. Well get back to diane shortly. Everyone is so excited about being in this city right now. While the pope is here. Its kind of incredible to be honest with you. Taking some live pictures here of the motor kate getting ready motorcade getting ready to take the pontiff to the papal residence up on the Upper East Side up at 72nd so get a little bit of rest before the restrove the day resumes. So far rest of the day resumes. So far, we talked about this schedule over and over again. What youve seen of the hows he holding up so far . I think hes holding up. I think its difficult. I mean, one thing that has to be said is the organizers picked well and hes doing the new york part of this in record time. I wonder how fast it will take them to get from what is downtown to the east side. Well, something tells me with this motorcade, since they basically cordoned off every road, you can see the pope center of your screen right there. If you look closely again getting into his fiat right now. And this motorcade will be a fast motorcade. Something tells me he will get will probably faster than most people whove experienced any type of traffic or having to go anywhere here in new york city. But this was a special moment the u. N. Was something to see. And something you hear of course but also to have the father holy father here at this 9 11 memorial and museum is something a lot of people are going to remember. And cherish for some time. Memories are part of this. I can recall 50 years ago this october, my dad and i were standing in front of st. Patricks cathedral, right on 51st street. Welcoming and waving at pope paul vi as we talked around st. Patricks, its a memory with my dad and my dad that i dont forget. Only here for about 14 hours. Right. You see some ground footage from moments ago this recorded moments ago as the pope making his way from the 9 11 museum and memorial getting into the motorcade and now hell make the fast trip back up to the residence up on 27th street. You know, its funny the vatican told the archdiocese keep this simple and simple simple. Before he got here, nice to see mission not accomplished. Did you watch last nights for just a few moments with the arrival of jfk. The motorcade and then vespers. It was im not saying the pope wasnt happy with this. But it was it was gorgeous. It was but it was big. It was couldnt totally play up to the modesty and the humility that the pope is really trying to project. In the 50 years since pope paul was here this has become a global city. I marvel and really hearing every language in among many, many languages of the world. Yeah. All right, Jessica Schneider is up on the Upper East Side right now at 72nd. Jessica the papal motorcade is on his way to you right now. What have you got for us up there . Reporter yeah chris this is where we anxiously await the popes arrival. We were here last night and i have to say, its a little bit anticlimactic when he gets here because the security is so tight all around the residence. If you want to take a look just behind me, you can see the dozens of Police Officers here as well as secret Service Agents. All of them surrounding this block on 72nd street. Where last night the pope came up the wrong way. Up fifth avenue and then turned right on to 72nd street. Unsure today whether hes going to come up fifth avenue or madison avenue. But once he arrives at the residence, hell be here until about 3 45. We assume that hell have a little bet of lunch and maybe even take a nap and also possible he may meet with some people. We know this morning, he met and had breakfast with several physicians. We talked to them earlier this morning. They were from the bronx. Originally from the Dominican Republic but all of them american citizens and how the pope spoke with them about their mission, helping poor people. Its quit possible to host more people this afternoon but he needs a little bit of down time before heading up to east harlem to our lady queen of angels this afternoon he will be there. And then the procession through central park and tens of thousands are now gathering. And then of course for the big mass at msg. But we are on pope watch as we have been throughout the morning. And also i was here last night. Like i said, we dont always get a good glimpse of him because they pull in on 72nd street there and then just whisk him into the residence, i him yet. Hoping maybe today is the day. But as he makes his way in that motorcade uptown we expect to see him very shortly. So well keep an eye out and be on standby and let you know as soon as we see any activity the little fiat that the pope has been traveling in. Mary back to you. Give them away for us, he had the windows down when he passed us father, a really nice moment when he gave us a wave. Really good to see the pope. He certainly deserves a rest after this tour. Oh my goodness, hes the one actually doing it. Were the ones exhausted watching him. Holding up pretty well with all of this. So as we await him going to his home away from rome, im wondering what you think will be the most Lasting Impact on new yorkers . I think hell see the person of pope francis. And the fact that hes a real human being who cares about the individual people. And hopefully that will inspire people to really want to listen more carefully to what he has to say and not just say they saw him and but they listened to him. Taking a look at live pictures on the fdr. There is the motorcade and there is that fiat. Yes. The pope is in sight, he is going for lunch and a little break before a really busy our lady quinovin jells school is would be of that queen of Angels School is one of those stops and central park one of those stops. The crowds already out there and our dick brennan is there watching them and talking to them. Pretty amazing to see how many people have already shown up. Reporter yeah, i can tell you, its been crazy all morning long. And lets just tell you how this line is working okay . Behind me everybody having fun waiting . Yeah. [ cheering and applause ] yeah, i thought so. Let me you have the coolest rt shirt right here, this is your pope how long . Weve been waiting for at least two hours. Reporter two hours not too bad. Not too bad. Reporter now youre in the shade. Were happy. We have something to look forward to . Absolutely. Reporter cant wait to see the holy father. How excited are you . I traveled from upstate. Reporter thats great and you have flags back there . While youre taking your selfie over there . Yes, im polish. Reporter youre polish and you have the nag. Thats right flag. Thats right. [ cheering and applause ] oh. Got some. We have seen people from chile, from uruguay, from buenos aires, it is exciting to see some new yorkers here and i have to tell you being a new yorker my whole life, i dont think the city has ever seen more enjoyable than today. Everybody is in such a great mood. And then we got all sorts of people are excited. What could have here right here . What is that. You have your my tshirt International Campaign for puerto rico. Reporter oh. No stray bullets from Papa Christian which is run by the federal government in puerto rico. Were from the college. Were humanistic. Reporter thats great. So which is more important . That you sigh the pope or you see the yankees in first place . Both. I think we start with the pope though right . Yeah both pope. Reporter and then maybe if he can bless the hats, would that be key . Yeah. Where are you from . Long island. Reporter new hyde park, we like new hyde park. Let me ask you a question. You got school today . Yeah. Reporter you supposed to be in school today . Yeah. Reporter does anybody know youre in the in school . Only him. Reporter uhoh we wont put this on tv. I have news for you its live. Sorry youre in trouble. All right what flag do we have here . Colombia. Reporter colombia. All right you come from colombia . Oh really. Excellent. Excellent. Flags are everywhere. Flaks are everywhere. Peru. Peru. Reporter you have qatar here and you have everybody here. Unbelievable. While you dominican. Reporter why are you excited to be here . Why is it . Because its really, really i cant understand. I cant explain. Reporter find out in a couple of minutes though. Are you going to find out . Here to see him and were going to be blessed. Reporter maybe a fleeting moment right . He could go by very quickly, does that matter . It doesnt matter even for a split second. Come on over. Going to go slow for you . Cita. Reporter slow for you . Yeah. Reporter why come today . Because hes just seeing him on tv just a pope of the people. I love him. Reporter and obviously youve seen we have all seen a few poems right . Popings right . What do you think is special about this one . Hes like us. He reminds me of what jesus came among the people and he does the same. Reporter what would jesus do . Jesus would love this. He would be among all these ordinary people. Reporter where are you from by the way . Im from middle village, im 82 years old and im excited to go ahead, good luck. Reporter you can tell right we have the newspapers here you have a this is a picture of the popes parents and we wanted to say thank you to them for giving us pope francis. Reporter thats wonderful. Reporter were hoping he enough. Reporter the popcorn too . We appreciate his parents for giving us such a wonderful map. Reporter all right, thats good news. And everybody still having met fan. The story of the day here is whos in first place more . Whos bigger. Well the pope. Reporter i think its the pope right . And i think you can i was going to say you need that blessing. All right. Thats the blessing you really want right . Thats great. Reporter all right it is great. A quick swing around. Can you hear me . A big crowd of people coming this way. Reporter and then that line comes from all the way over here to the right ralph as you can see people are coming that way. This is sort of the endless procession and people keep giving me different times, i heard two and three hours and some people were here at 9 00 2349 morning, its been going on. But its not that far from here. And they say once think they get in there theyre sure its going to be worth it and i have a feeling theyre right. Thats the late fest Columbus Circle. Back to you guys. I know its a little loud down there, can you hear me now . Dick, its chris wragge, can all right, dick brennan cant hear me right now. You saw split screen a second ago as we come back to you from here atop the 9 11 museum and memorial. The pope is obviously left the build stock to speak and is now on his way to the papal residency of the Upper East Side. Pictures on the screen while dick interviewed the people that were headed to central park of motorcade on the fdr. Unabated. But all of that security they are in place. And Jessica Schneider mentioned a moment ago, shes based at the papal residence and the temporary residence there where the pope is staying it is heavily heavily fortified. So theres not a wheel lot of pomp and circumstance when the pope arrive there is unlike in washington when he came out of the residence there with some of the kids lined up and he was able to spend some time and take some pictures and talk with the children there. This is a different situation a little bit. So much security in place. To ensure the popes safety while he is at his residence here for about the 39 hours that the pope is here in new york city. Father mike joining me here, father, lets me ask you this, lets just play this forward a little bit here, how do you top what weve seen so far with his trip to new york . Well, i think its now time where hes going to be primarily doing the functions of a pastor. Both at you know Madison Square garden as large as that venue that and of course he goes on to philadelphia this evening and the world meeting of families which is going to be basically a jamboree, a festival with jim gaffe began doing the humor before the before the show. And its going to be quite an event in philadelphia. Theyve been planning for this for a long long time and im sure its going to be a worthwhile opportunity for them and for all those many thousands of people who are coming from all over the world. To be present for this world meeting of families. Close to a Million People possibly in philadelphia. The ben franklin bridge is closed down for fear its going to be a zoo down there. So many people want to get a look at the pope rightfully so. Especially with how hes been so well received in washington and here in new york. Were looking at probably about 20,000 people at Madison Square garden tonight for the mass. The journey of faith concert before that. So people are advised to get there early and then central park the procession. Were talking about 80,000 people diane macedo is right outside central park right now for us this afternoon with an update on the situation there. Diane good afternoon. Reporter hi chris, it seems like every time you come to us, this security level just keeps ramping up. We now have police cars here on the actual sidewalk. They are adding more barricades as well to the entrance here and as you can see the black fencing we saw yesterday along the route is back. This is lining the entirety of central park. We also have Police Officers all around us and secret Service Agents all around us. And its easy to see why once you see how many people roll trying to get in here from any everybody wants to see the pope. And even through those barricades that you see beyond us, we keep having people trying to come into this entrance to the park even with all this Police Presence and constantly being told they cant. We have spoken to a few people who have come from all over the tristate area. Even some from overseas to try to see the pope today and some is this have tickets some dont. But everyones shares the theme of wanting to see the pope one way or the other. He relates to people. Even if they just get to see him they get a blessing out of that and seems worth the hassle theyre gone through to get here. We dope they try to at least get a glimpse of the pope and we will be here ourselves trying to get the best view we can of the pope as he travels in central park today. Live in midtown, diane macedo, cbs2 news. And diane it hasnt been easy to get around the city i know for you. You have street closures. You have frozen zones around that area. Seeing the cops trying to divert certain levels overtravel. You can of traffic. You can hear the whistle but theres a traffic Police Officers here trying to direct cars. The best routes they can. But it seems the nypd really is trying to do everything they can to try to make this as seamless as possible. Both for people who are trying to come here and just get aglimmers of the pope and some people who happen to just pass through here on their way to work. On the way home. Not everybody here is trying to see the pope so the nypd weve been watching them all day trying to kind of average through those people and direct them to whatever best way they can go. Whether they are trying to see the pope or just trying to find the fastest route to the other destination theyre trying to go to. I hope you see him as well diane thank you so much. As we have a look at the heavy security for pope francis. As he arrives at his home away from rome. Hes on east 72nd street. And father i wanted to ask you, i guess only requested two things in that apartment. Kill water and bananas. Still water and bananas, all hes asked for. Not much. He getting to have lunch there and going to have a little break, this is an 11,000 square foot, five story townhouse, very lovely and hes in a very small apartment at the vatican, that is lovely place and the townhouse once owned by the mayor hugh grant. How about that . And donated to the archdiocese back in 1975. So we are watching as the pope is arriving at that location. He will get a chance to take a little bit of a break its been a whirlwind trip to new york. He is on the three city tour in six days. This is not going to be easy i would imagine for any of us. Just 78 years old and traveling arnold the world. And he came to new york and couldnt take in a show. [ laughter ] we were wondering, maybe hed get a chance at broadway. But he will be able to take in central park. Wont he . Yes. Wasnt that amazing . To see so many people coming to central park. Absolutely. Though theyre expecting 80,000 people but the way weve seen here at the u. N. Even just the staff so many people trying to come in and see the pope. Lets get back to dick brennan. Dick . Good afternoon. Reporter yeah, good afternoon. You can see theyre all waving and waving coming the front of me. Just to give you an idea what the lines are like, having a lot of fun folks here. There you go. You have yours. Everybody wants to be on tv. The line is coming all the way down Central Park West. Were at about 62nd. Then loops down when you get to about the Trump Building and comes all the way back up. Now the good news for all these people right now is that they are moving. The ones who are no longer moving is this crew over here but something tells me youre excited to be here right . That was easy. [ cheering and applause ] how excited are you to be here . Very excited hi reporter thats pretty excited. I want to see pope today . Yeah. Reporter what would you toy to him . Say to him . Hi. Hi. Reporter all right, back to you because we understand the pope arrives backed a the residence. Back at the residence, dick thank you so much. There it is. The fiat arriving at the home away from rome. You can see the zucchetto i believe in the backseat there and the flag waving arriving at the papal residence. It has been a remarkable day for pope francis. His address to the United Nations having such an impact. Yes. And also those poignant moments at the 9 11 memorial and museum and the words from pope francis. Reaching out to so many people. Today. And theres still more to come. But peoples pope they are calling him and there he is as he emerges from his vehicle. He is greeting some people before he enters that papal residence. He will take a break for lunch. Get a little wit of a rest bit of a rest. Not much time though. Its off to our lady queen of Angels School mass and what a nice chance for the children to im sure they have. He will be at central park and get ready to say hello central park. And then that mass at Madison Square garden. Also a motorcade going there and there will be a number of people lined up as well. And the mass at Madison Square garden and this is not it. Hes been off to philadelphia tomorrow morning. And an important summit as well. Yes. Lets get to cbs2s hazel sanchez, shes continuing our Live Team Coverage at our lady queen of Angels School. Hazel. Good afternoon. Reporter good afternoon. Obviously the excitement here is really building as we await the popes arrival here. Not until 4 00 but theres quite a bit of activity as you see behind me. A really intense Police Presence here. It took quite a bit of time to get through security for us. If you look at the tent thats further down the street here, the white tent in the distance, thats the security tent. We that had to go through it but also parents and volunteers, teachers. The staff here at the school. And even the students. There are some 250 students that will be here to welcome the pope when he arrives. Will be lined up right outside the School Gathering in the area to wave to the pope when he gets here, waver actually notice weve actually noticed [ no audio ] it will streets around here are [ inaudible ] all right, hazel thanks so much. Lets get back to dick brennan because the next big event well, thats going to take place in central park. A little bit letter on today, the procession for about 80,000 lucky ticketholders, our dick brennan is a lucky guy and now hes talking with people that are heading into the park right now. Dick what do you have . People for excited at getting that selfie with the pope were just taking a picture of the pope . Reporter they want a picture with anything or anyone. You know its funny because and it was a very different kind of place to be because there are a lot of people who needed to see the pope because they had disbails or sicknesses and the pontiff came over to them. Today these are people that are joy us. And theyre pretty excited about it right . You guys are all excited . [ cheering and applause ] all right. And are you a tv guy or just taking pictures while were here . Exactly. You look like i know somebody. Reporter do you . You have app excited friend over there in the crowd. All right, i was going to try to catch up with him. Francis. You have a beautiful rosary here. Is there a rosary . This is for the pope. Reporter try to give it to him. You think you can . I hope. Im going to give it to him. Im going to try. Where are you from . From the dominican. Reporter from the bronx. I hope you get close. All right. You excited to be here as well . Excited to see a man, a man church get back to the times. Reporter hes a different kind of pope right . Yes definitely. Reporter what do you want . Im from [ inaudible ] reporter from where . San diego, california. Reporter from california okay. You came all the way . I got pope. Reporter you got to see the pope. Thats great. Thats going to be great. What about you guys back here . How exciting to be here . Franklin reporter what really though what do you think and what would you want to take away if pope francis . From pope francis . What would you want from being here today . I think most of us are here because theres a you know that message of inclusion that i think is really resonating with catholics. And i think people of all faiths but i think particularly with catholics. Reporter the message is some would say is definitely changed. They say the doctrine hasnt changed but definitely a tone chain right . I think so and its setting the stage for what is going to happen in october. The big decision and i think groundwork for the changes that hes proposing. Reporter thats right. The senate in fact its a three week senate and all going over next week. Its not just about celebration as we have seen. Its more than that right . Yes absolutely. Are going to be changes. Reporter were getting a message. It means you have to get going. On this. To miss out on this. Were moving. Reporter what school . Im from page. And god has god has different pope. Reporter he cant get a word in because the singing way its been. What about you . Today . Just in catholic to be here. Reporter what is different about this meeting . About this man . Peoples pope. East going to unite the way and city and world. Reporter hes well on his way. This is good luck and you and enjoy the day. Thats the latest from outside central park where people are still hours away from the pope. Back to you. Dick, thank you so much. And incredible that so many people understand this message and know in message this message, 0 of new york 09 of new yorkers know who pope francis is and 75 of the latest poll really like him. We have been providing you Team Coverage throughout the morning. And afternoon. Of pope francis visit to new york. Im mary calvi. Live from the United Nations, father andrew, thank you for joining us. My pleasure. Mary thanks so much. Chris wragge here with father mike russo, great to see you again at the 9 11 memorial and mu seem. We did this eight years ago. Not wait eight years again . Lets put it this way, this is peoples pope for sure. Yep thanks so much. The pope resting now and then its a busy afternoon and you all right here on cbs2, for mary calvi and the entire crew, both here on the road and back another the broadcast center, im at the broadcast center, im chris wragge, thank you for joining us. Well see you when the pope comes out of his residence after lunch and a quick rest. Have a great rest of the day. On one condition. Noah when are lies ever good . Sharon well, courtney lied for months about who she really was and what she was doing. Noah well, i seriously doubt that marisa is aan undercover cop like courtney was. Mariah you seem really irritated. What did she do . Noah look, i didnt come here to complain about my life, okay . Mom, how are you doing . Do you have everything you need . Sharon well, regardless of whatever im going through, noah, im still your mom. Noah i dont want to talk about it, okay . It it all just happened. Mariah what all just happened . Noah [ sighs ] and i have some thinking that i need to do, okay . Im sorry, mom. Ii wish i was Better Company today. I should come back when im in a better headspace, okay . Sharon no matter where your headspace is, i want to see you. And just remember theres usually two sides to every story. Noah [ sighs ] do not wreck my car. Back . Noah i dont know. Ill figure it out. I love you, mom. Sharon i love you. Mariah all right. Ill see you. You know, when you were talking about secrets and lies, i almost got the feeling that you were talking about yourself. You promise youre doing all right here . Sharon i am. Mariah okay, just i dont know. I just wish that you had told dylan the truth about the miscarriage instead of driving yourself crazy pretending that everything was okay and trying to get pregnant again. You know the love you feel for Olive Gardens fresh baked breadsticks . Well multiply that by a million. Theyre here. Only at olive garden. My Opioid Pain Medication is slowing my insides to a crawl. Millions of people are estimated to suffer from opioidinduced constipation, caused by the opioids they use to manage chronic pain. Oic is a different type of constipation. Opioids block pain signals, but they can also block activity in the bowel. Im really struggling to find relief. Ready to paint a different picture . 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At nature made vitamins, we know there are lots of things but nature made adult gummies are one part of your pelley this is a cbs news special reportful im scott pelley reporting from cbs news headquarters in new york. Good day. We are on the air because the third highest officer in the federal government announced a surprise resignation today. John boehner, the speaker of the house, will step down at the end of next month. As speaker, boehner is the highestranking republican in washington and second in line of president ial succession, but he has also been in the line of fire from conservative republicans. Nancy cordes is our congressional correspondent. We are waiting for boehners first remarks after the announcement of his resignation. Nancy is in the room where those remarks will occur. Nance . Reporter good day, scott. We see Speaker Boehner walking up now, so ill take my seat. A wonderful day i used to sing that on my way to work in the morning. Listen, my Mission Every day is to fight for a smaller, lesscostly and more accountable government. Over the last five years our majority has advanced conservative reforms that will help our children and their children. Were now on track to cut Government Spending by 2. 1 trillion dollars over the next ten years. We made the first real entitlement reform in nearly two decades, and weve protected 99 of the American People from an increase in our taxes. Weve done all this with a democrat in the white house. So im proud of what weve accomplished. But more than anything, my first job as speaker is to protect the institution. A lot of you know that. Now know that my plan was to step dunne at the end of last year. I decided in november of 2010 that when i was elected speaker have been plenty. But in june of last year it became clear that the majority leader lost his election, i frankly didnt believe it was right for me to leave at the end of last year. So miguel was the leave at the end of this year. So i planned actually on my birthday, november 17th, to announce that i was leaving at the end of the year, but its become clear to me that this prolonged leadership turmoil would do irreparable harm to the institution. So this morning i informed my colleagues that i would resign from the speakership and resign from congress at the end of october. Now, as you have often heard me say, this isnt about me. Its about the people. Its about the institution. Just yesterday we witnessed the awesome sight of pope francis addressing the greatest and i hope that we will all heed his call to live by the golden rule. But last night i started thinking about this, and this morning i woke up and i said my prayers as i always, do and i decided, you know, todays the day im going to do this. As simple as that. Thats the quota ive always lived by if you do the right things for the right reason, the right things will happen. I know good things lie ahead for this house and this country. Im proud of what we accomplished, especially proud of my team. You know, i have been here, my 25th year here, and ive succeeded in large part because ive put a staff together and a team together, many of which have been with me for a long time. And with without a great staff, you cant be a great member and you certainly cant be a great speaker. Im going to thank my family for putting up with us all these years. My poor girls who are now 37 and 35, their First Campaign photo was in july of 1981, and so they have had to endure all this. Its one thing for me to have to endure it. But, you know, the girls and my wife, theyve had to put up with a lot over the years. Let me express my gratitude to my constituents, who have sent me here 13 times over the last 25 years. You cant get here without getting votes. And i said this often, people ask me, whats the great etest thing about being speaker or about being an elected official, and i said, well, its the people you get to meet. Ive met tens of thousands of people in my own Congressional District that i never would have met other than the fact that i decided to run for congress. And over the years, as i traveled on behalf of my colleagues and the party, ive met tens of thousands of additional people all over the country. And you meet rich people. You meet poor people. You meet interesting people and probably a few boring ones along the way, but i can tell you that 99. 9 of the people i meet on the road anywhere could not be nicer than theyve been. Its been really wonderful. Its been an honor to serve in this institution. And with that, all right, junior, go ahead. You were overcome with emotion yesterday. Really . What a surprise. If you reached this decision last night, did the grace of pope francis lead you to this decision . No, no. Yesterday was a wonderful day. It really was. And was i emotional yesterday . I think i was. I was really emotional in a moment that really no one saw. The pope and i were getting ready to exit the building. We found ourselves alone. And the pope grabbed my left arm and said some very kind words to me about my commitment to kids and education. And the pope puts his arm around me and kind of pulls me to him and says, pleads pray for me. Well, who am i to pray for the pope, but i did. If it wasnt the pope, then what was it . Its. Listen, it was never about the votes. There was never any doubt about whether i could survive a vote. I dont want my members to have to go through this, and i certainly dont want the so especially when i knew i was thinking about walking out the door anyway. Its the right time to do it, and frankly i am entirely comfortable doing it. Mr. Speaker, i heard you say before a leader who doesnt have anybody following him is just a i go taking a walk. Thats right. I got plenty of people following me, but this turmoil thats been churning now for a couple of months is not good for the members and its not good for the institution. And if i wasnt planning on leaving here soon, i can tell you i would not have done this. If i may, there are people who are on the right and even outside of this institution who have been wanting you to step down for some time who feel they have a victory today. No. The members. Im glad i made this announcement at the republican colleagues, because it was a very good moment to help kind of rebuild the team. Listen, i feel good about what ive done. I know that i every day. Ive tried to do the right things for the right reasons and tried to do the right thing for the country. Mr. Speaker, how can this not be a moment of turmoil . You said youve thought about leaving two years ago, but it was a time you said this would have pitched the house into turmoil. We have to keep the government open in a couple day, the debt ceiling. Im going to be here for another five weeks, and im not going to sit around here and do nothing for the next 30 days. Theres a lot of works that needs to be done, and i plan on getting as much of it done as i can before i exit. As a result, does it make it easier to make some tougher decisions, maybe rely on the democrats to keep the government open. Im going the make the same decisions i would have made regardless of this. Mr. Speaker, you made no secret of some members on the far right and some outside groups. Youve used words like knuckle heads and some words we cant use on television. Have you had enough . I would not describe it as having had enough. And thats not it at all. When youre the speaker of the house, your numberone responsibility is to the institution. And having a vote like this in the institution, i dont think its very healthy. And so ive done everything i can over my term as speaker to strengthen the institution. And frankly my move today is another step in that effort to strengthen the institution. Same thing . Pelley an announcement, fair to say, no one saw coming. John boehner, who has represented the eighth district of ohio for a quarter of a century, the last nearly five years as speaker of the house, has announced his resignation. He said that he was going to resign at the end of this year anyway, but last night he said he was thinking about it and decided that today would be the day. Last night, of course, was just a few hours after a long and very emotional day for the speaker with pope francis, the first pope to visit the congress and to address a joint meeting of the congress. This was extremely meaningful for boehner because boehner is a catholic, one of 12 children, man who mopped floors in his fathers bar to work his way through college. Expresses humility above all else, boehner said that he was while yesterday. The pope told boehner that he, boehner, should pray for pope francis. John dickerson is our cbs news political director and the anchor of face the nation. John, boehner talked about the prolonged leadership turmoil as being the reason for his sudden resignation. Whats he talking about . Reporter well, hes talking about the battle hes been in with conservatives over a number of different issues during his tenure but that has come to a head again over the question of funding the government, and whether that funding to keep the lights on will include continued funding for planned parenthood. He had a meeting with the pope with a number of conservative members, and the speaker said the revelation came to him overnight about when to leave, one of the conservative members, matt salmon of arizona said he felt boehner, something was different because morally in those meetings, boehner talks to the conservatives, tries to work something out, offers some options. Last fight he basically said, were going to do it this way. Were going to keep the government open and this is how were going to go. It was a different kind of john boehner. He wasnt rude but he was precise in the kay he was going to go forward and that suggested something was different at least as far as this member thought. Pelley well, as luck and good planning would have it, John Dickerson will have the one and only intervaw with Speaker Boehner this sunday on face the nation. Cbs news live coverage of boehners News Conference will continue on our 24hour dij nal News Conference cbs n. Its available on all cbs devices at cbsnews. Com. There will be more about this news day on your local cbs station, and well wrap it all up for you right here on the cbs evening news. Until then, im scott pelley, for news 24 hours a day, go g dylan hey, i just i dont think its a good idea for you to be here. Devon i had to be here. I have to know what happened to hilary. Dylan all right. Then just stay out of sight and let me handle it. Devon thats fine. Okay. Mack terry . Dylan yep. Yes, sir. Thats me. You got some work for me . Dylan well, i, uh, actually work for a very, uh, wealthy guy whose pilot is out of commission, and he needs somebody to fly his plane. Im definitely interested. Dylan okay. Well, yyou need to understand that some of these flights are for personal business, very personal, so whoever we hire has to be discreet. [ chuckles ] thats my specialty. You cant believe what some people ask me to do. Dylan oh, then, uh, you wouldnt mind bending some rules . Not filing a flight plan . [ chuckles ] look. I dont know how you got my name, but i wont do anything illegal. Thats not how i operate. Dylan well devon the hell it is. We know damn well you had no problem flying an injured woman out of bvi. What are you talking about . Devon im talking about my wife. That was my wife. Where is she . Look like this. Feel like this. Look like this. Feel like this. With dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. Their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. And feel like this. Dreamwalk. Rubbing and scrubbing at stubborn makeup . Not on this sensitive skin garnier clean sensitive skin makeup removing cleanser. Quick break technology instantly breaks down makeup. Plus its gentle on skin. Later, harsh garnier clean . For over 30 years, in study after study, advil is unsurpassed in pain relief. Nothing is proven stronger on aches and pains than advil. Not tylenol. Not aleve. Nothing. 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Try head shoulders instant relief. [ cellphone rings ] neil hi, gwen. Gwen hey. Ive been thinking about how to make it up to you for my foolish behavior, for following you like that. Foolish. You were just doing what you thought was right. Im im not bothered by it at all. Gwen well, i still feel like i owe you. Do you want to come over for dinner tonight . Neil tonight . Id like to, but im headed to new york for aa job possibility. Gwen oh. Okay. Neil rain check, maybe . Gwen id like that. Neil all right. Great. Thanks. You know, for a long, long time, i wanted to destroy any chance that you and devon had at happiness. And now. Ive destroyed my own. Kevin ive tapped into the park Surveillance Footage so we can see dylan and devon with their guy. Michael just close that damn computer. Its just gonna make you look more complicit. Kevin michael, im already complicit. Why miss the good part . Mariah whats going on . Kevin uh, dylan and devon are working on a lead about hilary. What wife . Look, i dont know who you are, man, and i dont know what youre talking about. Devon im talking about her. Do you recognize this face . This is the woman you took off the island, right . never seen her before. Dylan maybe we should drop this. Devon im not gonna drop this i want answers from this guy. Dylan devon, please. Devon you know where she is tell me i have no idea what youre talking about. Dylan devon, no. No. No. No. Get off me hey dylan hey, hey, hey. Come on. Come on. Come on. Devon get off me. Dylan easy, easy, easy. Michael now hes gonna spend the night in jail. Marisa i hope you didnt mean that. Noah, please. Noah what part of were through wasnt clear enough for you, huh . I dont want to see you. Pack your things. Get out of my life. Marisa this isnt you. Noah no . Marisa youre not that cold. Wwhat did being warm and loving ever get me, huh . Nothing but lies. Everyone just thinks im this gullible, young child. Everybody lies to me. Everybody takes advantage of me. Marisa thats not true. Noah im sick of it. If you cant tell me everything right now marisa i will youre right. There are many things you dont know. And i will tell you now. Everything. Patty [ sighs ] i think you should get more involved with the activities here. Sharon im not gonna be here that long. Patty oh. Well, i hope youre here long enough for me to make these booties for your baby. Sharon how did you know about that . Patty oh, i overheard you talking to your daughter. Sharon to faith . Patty when is it due . Sharon i really dont want to talk to you about this, patty. Patty oh, oh, oh. Its your secret. The young and the restless. Ian hello, phyllis. Noah what is so important you had to swear to keep it quiet . Marisa its about marco and victor and jack abbott. Victoria youre trying to have the abbotts arrested . Victor all of them, including your mother. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. 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