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A location and they are part of the investigation. In addition to, that we know that this is a human incident, and this is a tragedy, and we know weve got a lot of folks out there that are very concerned and very worried about their loved ones that may have been at that facility today. We have set up an area at the Hernandez Center at the corner of thid and sierra way in San Bernadino for family members to go for information. We will push in information out to that for those family members as we can. Also, the Sheriffs Department put out the crime tip hot line number. If anybody has any information, wed very much like to hear from you. So with that, i will take a couple of questions, start with rob. Reporter do you have any information on this event that was happening, that apparently upwards of three gunmen stormed into . I dont. I have heard everything that it was a meeting to a potential, like, a lunchtype gathering, maybe for the holidays. Thats not confirmed. That is very preliminary. Its my understanding that most of the people that were wounded, moment of the victims were all centrally located in one area of reporter have any weapons or body armoanything like that been recovered . In terms of the employees, its my understanding this facility has both state and county employees, as well as folks that work for a number of organizations. The Inland Regional Center serves a number of organizations that treat mental illnesstype issues and that sort of stuff. I know that state and local county employees work there. I do not know if any of them are the victims or who they are at this point. Reporter do we know if any children are among the victims . I do not have any information that any children were involved. Reporter have there been any weapons found. Reporter the weapons used and the number of people involved, given what you have in the way of and he was witness accounts, would you characterize this as an organized event . What were these men using and shooting at people with . Preliminary information indicates these are people that came prepared, that they were dressed and equipped in a way to indicate that they were prepared, and they were armed with long guns not handguns. Guns. Reporter how were they dressed. I do not know we do not have any weapons recovered at this point. Could you move a little bit. Theres a shadow. Reporter can you ask for clarification. You said upwards of 14 . What does upwards mean . The preliminary number we have right now is that there are 14 people that are deceased and our count is another 14 people that have been taken to various hospitals for significant injuries, potentially related to gunshots. We also have a number of other people that may have had some minor types of injuries they fell down in the course of fleeing or something of that nature. But roughly about 14 we believe are wounded. Reporter were witnesses witnesses. Reporter inside the video that might give you Video Evidence of what happened . I would imagine there are but were not that are that far into the investigation yet. Reporter would you mind repeating the nuts and bolts again . The whole thing . Lets the building is still being searched. Wounded inside of that Regional Center . I think that that could be a possibility, yes. I dont think were comfortable saying no at this point. Reporter have the bomb technicians recovered anything which is or looked like like an i. E. D. In the building. As the teams were going through the building searching for the suspects and searching for victims there were some things in the building that were not immediately identifiable that caused them some concern. As a result of that, we have techs on site checking some of that out. I do not know if they were brought in by the suspects. We do not know if they are bombs of any sorkt just simply things that as our teams were moving through said that need to be looked at. Reporter they havent taken anything apart or destroyed anything . I dont have any information on that. Reporter one step to the left, please. Thank you, sir. Reporter have you found any vehicles that you believe are related or left anywhere nearby . Not they know of at this point. Reporter have witnesses said the gunmen said anything . Did they say anything . We dont have anything specific from those witnesss. Were in the early stages of reporter do you have any point . Were working. Reporter what about security tapes that may have been shot . That is part of the investigation. I just dont have that at this point. Reporter can you talk darker s. U. V. . You can talk about that . Thats all we have. Very generic, upwards of three suspects, darker s. U. V. Reporter the suspects were in camouflage ginever heard camouflage. Wearing . Three. More than three . I have repeatedly been told the number is three but keep in mind this is information that flowing in as people are talking to witnesses very quickly. As we put everything together, some of these may change. Situations, and some of the information we put out now may future. Reporter is there any description about these suspects . As far as people in the area, were doing everything we can to keep this area safe. We arecracying other facilities in the area that we think may be similar or may be somewhere, but we dont have any information or other facilities at this point. But, obviously, were all on a heightened sense of alert. We would ask the public that they be on a heightened sense of alert, that theyre watching out for those things, and if they come across Information Contact us and let us investigate it i put out what i have, just three suspects. Reporter were they wearing masks, chief . One report i heard masks were involved but i dont know that to be definitive at all. Reporter do you have any active leadses youre pursuing right now . Yes, not going to talk about. Reporter did the gunmen say anything at all during the attack, during the shooting . Not that im aware of. Reporter any sort of threats made prior to this incident . Thats part of the investigation. Were not going to talk specifically about that right now. Reporter im not a media person, but and i just want to say thank you for all the chiefs, all the fire chiefs and everything for your response. I appreciate that. Thank you very much. Reporter how long did the attack last . Do you have any idea how long it lasted . Reporter based on how well armed. Pelley so, troubling news from police chief jared burguand, of the San Bernadino police. The gunmen involved in this mass shooting have gotten away. The police dont have a description except one witness described a dark s. U. V. The chief said that 14 people are dead, 14 people are wounded. He cautioned that that number was preliminary and could change. This was an assault on a California State Office building. It occurred about three hours ago. 14 dead, 14 wounded, and the police chief describing a situation in which Police Officers went into the building, did not find the gunman. Described as many as three gunmen, and as the chief put it, they were dressed in militarystyle gear. They were equipped, as he said, they were carrying rifles, not handguns. And they have gotten away from the scene. A dragnet all over Southern California now for the people who perpetrated this attack. Were going to go back in and listen to the San Bernadino police chief jared berguand. Reporter how long were they inside shooting . I dont know specifically. Several minutes. Were they still there when the Police Arrived, when initial responding officers arrived. We dont know. Our Police Officers have not engaged or exchanged gunfire with anybody but we dont know if they were on scene when we arrived. Reporter i dont know if you covered this or not, were the vast majority of the dead or wounded in one centralized location in the facility . Yes, in the same general area reporter in the Conference Room . Reporter im sorry if its assumption, chief, that they targeted that particular room, those particular people . I think were a little too early in the investigation to even make that assumption. We dont know what the motive is at this point. Reporter did they take humans at any point. Were people tied up and held in a room . We dont have any information that they took any hostages. Reporter what kinds of weapons do they use . Can you describe what kinds of weapons they used . Long guns is what ive been told. I think there are people that speculate what type of long guns those are, but i have i dont want to put out a specific type of gun. I just want to say it was a long gun not a handgun. Reporter rifle or shotgun . They came in with a purpose. They came in with the intent to do something. Reporter there was any threat made to the facility prior to this incident . That. So with that, with that, were going to cut this off. We will be back every hour on the hour to provide an update, even if we dont have anything specifically, we will come back to you every hour on the hour, hours to provide an update. Reporter at the top of the hour . At the top of the hour is fine. Pelley that was the police chief, San Bernadino county, jared burguandto, recap, the suspects have gotten way. They do not have a description of the suspects. 14 people are dead, 14 people have been wounded. We have a witness to all of this on the phone now. Her name is sally abdelmcgee. You can tell us what you saw and heard . I was in my office in building two, and i had a really big window to my left. You know, i was working, it was just a normal day, and then all of i of a sudden i heard shots fired, and it was from an automatic weapon. So, you know, it was very unusual, why, you know, why would we hear shots. So i kind of made a joke and i turned around and my office the heck is that . And i said, tsounds like gunfire. And we both look out the window. As we look out the window, second set of shots goes off poppop. Hoff. And we saw a man fall to the floor, and we just looked and we saw three men dressed in all black, military military attire with vests on, Holding Assault rifles, and they they opened up the doors to building 3. And one of them opened up the door to building 3. He starts to shoot you know, shoot all over into the room. Thats the room we typically have conferences in or trainings or just, you know, some odd events. Were social workers. People with disabilities just to live better lives and for inclusion, and we advocate for them. Were not doing anything controversial. Were not were helping the community. I dont know why someone would target us. That room has had an event in there today. I dont know what the event was or what was going on, but. I dont know. I dont know. And we just heard more gunshots go off. I got my phone. I i reached for my phone. I called 911. And i just hid under my desk. I didnt see any more. I just heard more gunshots go off as i was talking to dispatch. And we just we went into my managers office, locked the door, barricaded it. We heard running and things happening upstairs. We didnt know what was going on, so we stayed there for a while. Someone came to the door and knocked on the door, but we didnt, obviously, answer. And then another, a few minutes later, someone came and took us into a secure room, and thats it. Thats all i thats all i say. Miss abdelmageekyou describe to me in as much detail as you can, what did the gunman look like . I couldnt see. He had a black hat on, and from my view, all i could see was just a black hat, and black longsleeved shirt, possibly gloves on. He had black cargo pants on, the kind with the zips, or the side and the big, puffy pockets. He had a huge assault rifle, and he had extra ammo. He was coming ready for he was coming ready for something, to reload. I dont know. He had magazines. I saw it was i just saw three dressed exact lets same. Pelley youre certain that you saw three men . Yes. I dont know if it was i dont know if i know the one that shot someone was a male for sure. And it looked like there was two males. The third one i could just see legs. There was kind of a tree blocking. But thats it. Pelley theres a theres a manhunt going on for these men. And the police do not have a very good description at this point. So were they were they caucasian . It looked like it looked like their skin color was white. Again, i couldnt see, and im in the next building, so i couldnt i couldnt see details, just the shock of it all. I did you notice did you about their height or wait . They looked like they were athletic built, and they they appeared to be tall. Pelley hair color . I cant i cant i cant, really. I cant really give any more specifics, just looked like they were taller and more athletic build. Pelley, of course. And would you say younger . I i cant. I cant say. I didnt i didnt get a good pelley did you hear them say anything . Im sorry . Pelley did you hear them say anything . No, unfortunately, im in the other building, so i could see. I cant hear anything other than gunshots. Pelley did you see them get into a vehicle . How did they how did they make their escape . Anybody come or leave. List an awkward entrance. Pelley were having a little bit of trouble hearing sally abdelmcgee, describing the gunmen to us. Were going to try to reestablish that telephone connection with her and see if we can hear her clearly again. But this was the best witness description that we have heard yet. She said that she was in her office looking out a window in this Office Complex where the assault occurred. She said that she clearly saw three gunmen, all dressed in described as assault rifles and extra magazines. Now, that would match what the police chief in San Bernadino told us just a few minutes ago at his News Conference. The chief told us at that point that there are 14 dead, 14 being treated in emergency rooms. He said that those numbers could change, that that was the best estimate they have now. Three gunmen, apparently reported by multiple witnesses, three gunmen dressed in black. One witness said that they saw the gunmen leave the scene in a dark s. U. V. But that only description that we have, and, clearly, at this point in time, the police are desperately trying to get together any witnesses, any description of the gunmen that they possibly can. Several people, maybe a couple of hundred or more, were some of those people, like sally abdelmageed, are going to be witnessed. Police put them in buses and have criffen them to a safe place where they will be interviewed and they may come up with a more exacting description of the suspects. But right now, there are three heavily armed men with semiautomatic or automatic weapons somewhere in Southern California having just murdered 14 people, shot 28 people at this state Office Building, and the police do not know where they are. The Police Officers went through the building, the Inland Regional Center, which is a state of california Office Building that houses services for the developmentally disabled. Police went through those buildings, the police chief told us, room by room, and did not find the gunmen. He said that his officers have not exchanged fire with anyone. Gunmen were in the process of leaving or were gone by the time the Police Officers got. All of this began right at 2 00 eastern time, 11 00 on the west coast. Were watching a live picture of the highway there right in front of the brlg this massacre has occurred. So to quickly recap exactly where we are right now. There was a mass shooting at a California Government Services building in San Bernadino, california, east of los angeles. It happened a little over three hours ago. 14 people have been killed. 14 people are being treated for wounds in the emergency room. Multiple witnesses have described three men dressed in black with assault rifles and the police chief in San Bernadino said it was as if the men were on a mission. Those men have escaped. They are somewhere in Southern California. The police do not have a good description of them or their vehicle at this point. We will be following this story throughout the day. We will be back on the air with any major developments. Were going to have much more about this on your local news, on this cbs station. Of course, on our 24hour Digital Network cbsn. And right here we will have the latest information live on the cbs evening news. Until the good evening, im kristine johnson. And im alice gainer in for maurice dubois. We continue to follow that breaking news. A mass shooting in california. I got in the chaos and who knows. Boom, and im just wow, right in the middle of it. The target, as you have been listening to the cbs evening news special reported, is a facility that assists the developmentally disabled. Several people are dead, many are injured. And police right now are scrambling to find whoever is responsible. Plus, Security Fears have police keeping a closer eye on a huge event here in new york city tonight. Were going to tell you about the rockefeller Tree Lighting. Witnesses report more than one shooter came into the center this afternoon and opened fire. Those suspects as we mentioned are still at large. There are at least 14 fatalities and 14 injured but those numbers could change. This is is all happening about 60 miles east of los angeles in San Bernardino california. Cbs 2s Valerie Castro has been following the details this afternoon. Sources say a search is under way for three gunmen. Police believe they left in a dark colored suv. Investigators say they came prepared and heavily armed. I started walking, and all of a sudden i got into chaos and who knows, boom boom, boom, boom, i was in the middle of it. Reporter witnesses describe gunfire at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, california. It was like right here. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Large armed response here by the Sheriffs Department and other facilities. Reporter Law Enforcement moved in guns drawn after reports of the active shooter situation that began mid morning local time. The facility is a social Services Center that provides services to people with disabilities. Dozens were evacuated by police, many with their arms up, as they were led out into surrounding parking lots. The injured were treated at this makeshift medical triage area set up in the middle of some were taken away on stretchers to waiting ambulances. Those in the facility when the shooting started managed to call and text their loved ones to let them know what was happening while they barricaded themselves inside. She said the guy shot came in next to her office and i guess started shooting. They locked themselves in, in her office. Um, they seen bodies on the floor and she said, right now, ambulances are taking people out in stretchers. Shooting in my work, people cops. Sirens. Pray for us. I am locked i am locked in [ crying ] reporter Law Enforcement worked quickly to assess the still unknown situation they faced. We dont know where those they are heavily armed and possibly wearing body armor things of that nature. It is not a safe area to be. Fewer innocent people we have in here the better. Reporter police are searching for up to three gunmen. The San Bernardino Police Sergeant says they are believed to be wearing militarystyle attire. Live in the newsroom, im Valerie Castro, cbs 2 news. Let go live to the scene in San Bernardino. Cbs 2s Danielle Nottingham is there for yours. Danielle what can you tell us about whats going on . Reporter as you just heard, as was just mentioned, this is still a dangerous area. You can see behind me this area is still blocked off. Police are still calling this an active scene. It is no way contained as they still search for the suspects in this shooting. Not very chaotic immediately where we are. But the people evacuating the center, they have been walking along side us and theres now bus here right now but they were boarding buses here. They were being taken to a nearby community center, of course, to be interviewed. But right now still, the that one area in the center trying to clear out the scene. They are still looking for those suspects. They dont know much more than they were wearing all black and fled in a black suv. So this is still considered a dangerous area. City buildings are lock down. County buildings are locked down. And we should also mention there were hundreds of employees in the building that left and were not injured. Do we know yet if that building has been deemed secure . In other words, could there be any more victims inside the building . Reporter we dont know. Thats what authorities are trying to determine right now. Those numbers that they gave us up to 14 dead up to 14 wounded, they say that could change. And we dont know if thats because they havent finished clearing out all the spaces in that area. But we are definitely a ways from the center. This area is blocked off. No cars are coming in and going out so police definitely telling people to stay away from this area. Danielle nottingham in San Bernardino for us, thank you. Appreciate it. It was actually a happy day at the Inland Regional Center. The Center Posted this photo on their facebook page. They had a Holiday Party. Kids met with santa claus. Clearly it was a much different scene than this afternoon. After todays incident in california, security is on top of the mind for everyone. Thats right especially with places with large crowds. There is stepped up security for the lighting of the Christmas Tree tonight at Rockefeller Center. Cbs 2s Hazel Sanchez has details from midtown. Reporter police are emphasizing there is no specific or credible threat here at the rockefeller Christmas Tree lighting ceremony. Officers though are on heightened alert because of what happened in california today. And also what happened in paris. Police commissioner bratton says he has increased security here by 15 compared to the detail here last year all to make sure this event stays safe. You know . And, um, im just glad to be here and excited. Reporter sue and carl mcgee from lexington, kentucky, are in new york city for the very first time and share the sentiment of everyone we spoke with anticipating the lighting of the Christmas Tree in midtown. I saw a lot of Uniformed Police people down where we ate and just Milling Around and, of course, it does give you a feeling of security. We got the best Police Department nypd. Im not nervous. Im sure theres going to be a ton of security and, you know, well be fine. Reporter there are already plenty of lights shining bright making evident a heavy Police Presence as thousands of people will gather in the center tonight. Uniformed and Plainclothes Police plus a newly formed elite counterterrorism unit will be on patrol, stepped up security compared to last year. We are not anticipating anything against the event as we have reinforced that we have no specific intelligence of any specific threat directed against the Tree Lighting event this evening. Reporter this afternoon officers began shutting down streets including 48th through 51st streets between fifth and sixth avenue. Barricades are up to secure the crowds and huge cement blocks were at the ready to security perimeter from vehicular traffic. A terror deterrent but not a distraction from a happy holiday celebration. Not afraid. Its the best place to be. Its magical. Its actually a good thing to see everyone out. So we are going to stand together, nyc, we always have. Thats what we do. Reporter as you can see in the distance, police are checking every person who enters the spectator area here at the lighting ceremony. Anyone attending tonights event is not allowed to bring large backs, backpacks or umbrellas. Live in midtown, Hazel Sanchez, cbs2 news. Lets bring in security expert now michael mccann. Thank you so much for joining us here this evening to discuss this matter. I want to get to the, um, to the events in San Bernardino, but first, lets talk about here locally. Hatele just mentioned that there is going to be a very large crowd at Rockefeller Center for this beloved tradition here in new york, hazel just mentioned. Talk about the security measures that are going to be there tonight. I think the new york police are the most well equipped Police Agency in the world to deal with it. There are multiple layers of security. They will have the perimeter security. They will have the interior security. They will have surveillance, count your surveillance, they will be well equipped to respond with their heavy weapons teams. They will have k9 security. And they will have people looking at the crowd because as you can imagine, people will know the kind of people that come to an event like this. They are coming for a picture reason and they will able to spot people that just dont fit in and to identify them question them if need be. They can spot those people very easily. They are trained for that. They are trained for that and you look at any kind of event, people who are coming to an event coming with families, maybe by themselves, but they are walking in to look at the event. Other people may be nervous, may be wearing something inappropriate for the event for the weather. They are acting a little bit differently, they are a little buy nervous, look at their they are a little bit nervous, looking at their hands. They are trained to spot that. Within the last halfhour i have been phone with high level Police Officials at the top level and theres no direct specific threat. As you can imagine they are evaluating everything comes in that goes across their desk and they look at the sources of the information, they evaluate how credible they are and then they look at the information to see if it fits. How would somebody act . Like, can you give us an example . Whats the mannerisms for these people who come to cause this harm . Youre looking at people who would normally come to an event, people who walk out of the subway who live and work in manhattan. They have a purpose. They know where theyre getting. The coffee, the newspaper. The same thing with an event like this. People are there with families, walk into the event, joyous, smiling, happy and then somebody else that doesnt fit that pattern and may be a bit nervous, they may be fidgety, with their hands, they may be sweating. Just something thats a little bit different. It doesnt mean they are doing anything wrong. They may have other things on their mind but the police then will have their attention focused on them and take a closer look and if need be they will talk to them and, um, see where that takes them. If we could turn to San Bernardino for a moment the building where this happened they are calling it a government building. Anytime there are 670 Inland Regional Center Center Staff Members they provide services to people with developmental disabilities. Very large building. What sort of security would they have in place . Reporter i think again, different levels. Its probably a very soft target. They may have some perimeter security. They may have some Access Control for people coming in. So the overlay will be that kind of security for the facility itself. Depending on the particular event the organizer based on the event what they are having what the purpose of the event is, who is coming, they may have a different level of security to control access going into the event. Do you think, though, that this particular area that was targeted probably had the most lax security to gain access . Not lax. They have an appropriate level of security and they probably evaluate it for different events. Most people in this day and age, employees or an event of that nature, they train all their staff to be security role in addition to whatever else they are doing. Cleaning people, administrative people, to be aware of their surroundings, and if you see something, say something. Exactly. But what does it tell you, um, that it appears the gunmen had already fled the scene by the time Police Arrived according to what we can tell right now from what the police, um, just said during that News Conference . I think the story is evolving and we are getting more and more information as time goes on. But i think whats different here, what strikes me different, is its not what you would typically describe as a lone deranged gunman coming in and doing something for a particular purpose that he is mentally imbalanced or Something Else is going on. The fact that there are three people. They were well prepared. They were well equipped with the guns they were carrying, what they were wearing. The fact that they fled very quickly. So i would think that this is planned beforehand and until we know more about the event and what their target was, we really dont know at this point. The ceo of Inland Regional Center was mentioning they had just rented out their Conference Center to a group, they are not mentioning the group. They are saying thats where the shooting happened. When you rent out something, especially in a government building, you know, what goes into the security background checks for that . The government building or even if its a private facility, when they are renting Something Else they want to identify, you know, who is going to be using the event, what kind of event, whats the topic thats going to be talked about who is going to be there, is it a controversial figure . They are concerned about the overall security of, of, of, of their complex so they will looking at that. Then they may require an event organizering to bring in additional security to bring in control access to vet the we dont know at this point if that was the case. Just want to update our viewers in case you are just joining us, we are following breaking news from San Bernardino california. These are live pictures from where there are mash casualties at the Inland Regional Center. The facility became, um, under attack today by apparently three gunmen who killed right now 14 people, another 14 people are wounded. Police there, you can see, and rescue still on the scene. They are trying to secure the building which we do believe has not been deemed secure yet. We believe that security and police are still going through the building room by room to make sure the victims are safe and evacuated out of the building. No sign of three gunmen who witnesses say storm that concentrated area this Conference Room area and started shooting. Apparently, the three gunmen then fled. This is information given by a News Conference from the San Bernardino Police Department at the top of the hour. But because it is so early in this investigation, all of this started to unfold around 11 a. M. Pacific time. Because it is so early in the investigation, of course, things will definitely change. We are sitting here talking to security expert michael mccann, who is giving us just some better insight into how security measures are taken in these types of situations how rescue crews,how they gain control, what to look out for in dangerous situations. The rockefeller Christmas Tree a big crowd is going to be expected there. Locals and tourists there is no credible threat to that event tonight. But you can bet the nypd is on alert if anybody is acting suspiciously. President obama commented on todays mass shooting. He has been an advocate of tougher gun control laws something he has been trying to pass through congress with no success. Our, um, cbs, um, anchor from cbs this morning Norah Odonnell was in washington today actually interviewing the president on a different topic. It was a previously scheduled interview. She did speak with the president , though, after this event took place. This is how the conversation went. President obama obviously, our hearts go out to the victims and the families. That we have a pattern now of Mass Shootings in this country that, um, has no parallel anywhere else in the world. And theres some steps we could take not to eliminate every one of these Mass Shootings but to improve the odds that they dont happen as frequently. Common sense gun safety laws, stronger background checks. Once again, that was cbs this morning coanchor Norah Odonnell speaking late this afternoon with president obama. We want to look at a graphic that was tweeted by the washington post. Red means 3 or more victims. Orange means 2 victims. Yellow means one victim. As you can see, so many weeks this year marred with these Mass Shootings. And again were talking to security expert here michael mccann. What do you make of whats going on right now inside the building . Clear inside that government building in San Bernardino. What do you think they are doing room to room. Can you explain it . What they are trying to confirm two things, one is to ensure that there are no gunmen theres no still there. They are confirming they left the complex to make sure the building is safe and nothing was left there and no other explosive devices. And then they are more importantly looking to see if there are any victims, hurt, injured or hiding in one of the closets or part of the facility and afraid to come out. A procedure for people inside the building, we know witnesses said they were told off their cell phones. Whats the proper procedure for someone in a normal do . Everything has evolved over the last number of years. Now the current thinking is people should do. One, they should either run if they should hide in a closet or someplace where they can secure themselves. And the last thing is to if they have to fight. Which is much different than yeah. We recently, um, had a safety seminar here and learned many of those tactics and it was, um, also very chilling to hear that when police are going through these buildings after a mass shooting like this, that theyre not quite sure in there. They come across a victim and they have to just keep going. Correct . Yes. And its quite chilling to know that. Its also chilling for the police when they think about someone coming in that they are going into a building. Again, the Police Tactics have changed. When you go back to munich, when the lessons that were learned from that incident, and also hostage situations and now with the current is that for the Police Officer thats responding he is not and he is being directed or she is being directed to go in there and face encounter the threat and to neutralize the threat and to disarm or kill the person. So thats much different than where we were a number of years ago. Depending upon them to use their best judgment and their skills to put themselves in quite a bit of danger. You know, not too long ago it was a couple of weeks ago we had that very sad situation in paris. It was terrorism. And in that case, there were multiple venues that were time. Anything here that might indicate that this is though . That sort of, you know this could be more seems to me domestic isolated terrorism since there were only three gunmen, they fled the scene quickly, there were no other sites, uhm that were under its premature really to make that kind of statement, what it is. We really dont know. Whats a little bit different is the fact that there were three gunmen. So thats troubling. You know, what in what way . Why is that troubling. Because formally a deranged person is usually going to be one person, maybe a friend or Something Else but to come in with three gunmen thats something we really have to learn more about. What was their motive and what was their purpose . We do know a witness was on the phone before describing what she saw from her Office Window to the building next door. She described up to three gunmen as we have been saying dressed in all black, one had an athletic build, they had the these assault rifles is what it appeared to her. You know, just people questioning why would they target this facility . A lot of the witnesses saying. Were a place that provides services to people with developmental disabilities. Target us here . It doesnt make sense. To kill multiple people, its difficult for normal people for to us comprehend, why somebody gets to the point them to do that. So its challenging from that end. But the other thing is, you know, when you look at paris and you look at these other incidents, the pattern has always been that its high profile, multiple casualties, areas where theres a lot of media attention. And multiple targets. So that fits the scenario in paris where they had multiple targets, a lot of casualties and they were there to generate media attention. So this is a little bit different than that. So again, you know, time will tell exactly what the motivation was and what went on here. Local police are still in charge. Scene but we know that the fbi descending on the scene. How do they go about investigating in cooperation with the local Police Department . Well, again, you know, what we have learned from the federal, state and local level is the cooperation is better and sharing of information and working together is much better than 15, 20 years ago. And normally there will be a lead agency depending on the incident. And coordinate. This is 60 miles outside of los angeles. So they may not have all the resources that a place like los angeles or new york have so they will depend on the federal government, the fbi, and the atf to help them with the forensics and the capabilities they bring. Its a larger force. And and better equipped to handle Something Like this. I want to ask you and just the cyber internet, um, aspect of this all. As we all know, isis is, um, very strong in that regard and that is one of the Biggest Challenges we face here in the u. S. Is is cracking, um, that code that they are constantly changing, the encryption language that they use. Um, its a real challenge not just internationally but here domestically as well even if it was for example, just three individuals that show up this afternoon in San Bernardino. Its a challenge for Law Enforcement, yes . S it. Its something that theres a lot of discussion about it. You know, the balance between, you know, your publicly what the government should know and privacy, this balance going on. Like anything in life when incidents happens, if something is kidnapped and because of the device that the kidnapper has that the police cant get into it, there will unfortunately, after Something Like that happens. Then im sure that reasonable people will say we cant do this. We cant allow people to be kidnapped and police not on able to get into the device or the same thing with isis as incidents happen the pendulum will swing more to Law Enforcement saying that we have to continue this bald of privacy but we also have to give Law Enforcement the ability to get into these devices and to be able to track where the messages are coming from. Lets check back in with Valerie Castro. She has been following the latest developments. Valry. Reporter the latest information, there are at least 14 people dead and 14 injured. Police right now are still looking for up to three gunmen said to have come prepared armed with long guns and militarystyle gear. This all started around mid morning local time in San Bernardino. Thats about 60 miles east of los angeles. The Inland Regional Center social Services Facility that helps people with disabilities. It is unclear why this location was targeted. Witnesses describe hearing rapid gunfire, several hundred people work in this building. Most of the wounded centrally located in one area of the facility. Those with loved ones in the facility at the time say they received phone calls and Text Messages describing bodies on the ground. People barricaded themselves inside offices until they were evacuated by police. This is an ongoing situation. The gunmen have fled and police are looking for them. Well update you as more information becomes available. Thank you. Onset to talk more about the security is security expert michael mccann. Valley just mentioned text we all pick up our phones without even thinking about it messaging our friends and family. We know people inside were texting their families saying we are under attack, im scared, hiding in a closet. Is there any danger in doing that . No. I think its overall its beneficial because they are texting their family and they are able to give information either through their family directly to the police that they can again if the training that you have gone through is that if there is such an incident, its helped people in addition to conveying that also to convey where you are, how many people are with you, what kind of setting is it. Have you heard the gunman . Can you describe the gunman . How many shots have you heard . Any information you can give to Law Enforcement to help them as they are responding to the scene. So theres a great benefit there. Perhaps you want to turn place so as not to draw any attention to yourself. We are looking at chopper video from kcbs in San Bernardino. You can see whats going on on the ground there. Those presumably thats from earlier. People being evacuated. The building in question there not completely safe just now just yet, rather. What can you tell us about what Law Enforcement is doing right now at that building . Well, again, what the Law Enforcement people are doing is securing the building itself. They are still looking for an active shooter looking for anyone thats either participated directly in the shooting or anyone else who may be assisting them either getting them away or people that may be outside that were helping them. And then importantly they are looking to safely evacuate the people and move them out of the facility, identify all the people that were in the building to make sure that everybody is accounted for. To see if people left any devices or anything that may responders. Speaking of devices, we do know that the bomb squad was on the scene because there was a suspicious device. They located. Device. No other details on that. They located a device. There are no explosive type of scenes or anything like that on the scene so it appears that danger may be over. Live pictures from our affiliate kcbs. We should be hearing at the top of the hour from the local Police Department. During the last briefing they said they will update reporters on the scene with the latest information at the top of every hour even if there is no new details to share. They will just check back in with the media just to give them, um, reassurance and the very latest details that they just a short time that this scene started to unfold at 11 00 in the morning local time. Its a very, very sad scene. Once again a mass shooting, that were seeing here just days after the mass shooting in california where a planned parenthood clinic was attacked. This, however, officials saying, no relation, two separate incidents, no relation to any planned parenthood in this county, in this area. This is a Inland Regional Center that helps people with developmental disabilities. They provide services. They provide help to allow these people to live more independent lives. Unfortunately, terror was placed upon them today. 14 People Killed and at least 14 other people injured. We know the ceo of that facility Inland Regional Center was saying they had just rented out the Conference Center of that building to a information about, you know, what group was renting it out, what may have been going on there. We know yesterday they just had air Christmas Party and more christmas events scheduled for this week and sadly this is what were looking at right now. They are looking for up to three gunmen, a witness describing them as wearing all black, one looking very athletic. Michael mccann, our security expert here, what sort of head start do they have . Police may eventually catch them whoever is responsible but do they have a large head start right now . I would say no depending how well planned they were. Police have the technology, they have the cameras that are at the facility, they have the cameras that are outside the facility. They will get a good handle on what happened from the witnesses, their description, their description. Are out there. Clearing they can pick up vehicles passing by so they are likely reviewing the video, i believe. Sure all their resources are devoted at this. As far as, um, the time lapse goes, though, the longer they are not caught, is it more difficult to track them down . I would say no. Today with the capabilities of Law Enforcement there are so many assets that Law Enforcement have today they didnt have years ago. And, you know, the cameras, the cctv, monitoring their cell phones, identifying the vehicles, tracking where its gone, um, once they identify the people, identifying their associates, and you will see that over the next couple of hours. I know the Sheriffs Department out there was telling people to stay clear of that area. But if they are searching for these potentially three gunmen, what should people, the surrounding area be doing . Should they be locked in place . What should a normal person do when a search like this is on, a manhunt . I think right now if you are in the immediate facility, yes, you should be indoors and safeguard yourself and protect your immediate family members to make sure you know where they are and they are safe and take precautions if you are out tonight. Be aware of that. And, you know, do things that are just reasonable and responsible. So many times as we begin to cover these types of stories , you start to see the faces, learn the names, hear from their families. You hear about these incredible people doing communities and their lives end in a senseless act of violence. Well learn about these victims and well learn more about this center that does so much for this community. Particularly for people with, um, developmental disabilities. They are out there doing good work as you mentioned. And yesterday, we said that they had a little Christmas Party a Holiday Party where kids were there and santa was there and this friday i know that they had a dance scheduled. It was a wear your ugly christmas sweater dance. We appreciate your expertise here this afternoon. Coming up more on the breaking news out of california. Searching for the shooter or shooters who opened fire in a facility that helps the developmentally disabled. Well have more after this. I dont have time to be filling out my address, i need to be buying a dress. Ths why i use masterpass. Less typing, more dancing. Sfx tango music como te llamas . Yo soy camarones. Dip me. The easier way to shop online. Masterpass from mastercard and your bank. Its the shortcut to priceless. Im not a fan of putting my personal info in these Online Shopping forms. Hellloooo . . . I dont have time to be filling out my address, i need to be buying a dress. Thats why i use masterpass. Less typing, more dancing. 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She said that someone had come in and started shooting and they ran into a office and she is hiding with some other people

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