Is that the actor passed away. The family tweeted the news that he died April 30th with his family by a side in his North Texas Home Star Wars creator George Lucas who discovered the 7 foot 2 inch actor said he was the closest any human being could be to a walky big heart gentle nature and the same with The Hollywood Reporter Harrison Ford who played Han Solo echoing his gentle nature added he was possessed of great dignity and noble character Mark Hamill said a loyal friend who I love dearly Michele police know Fox News authorities on the island of Curacao announcing they will quarantine a ship with 300 people aboard as heading to the island after they were not allowed this embark in St Lucia due to confirm case of measles health officials say they will board the ship when it arrives and assess who has been vaccinated or had the disease previously the ship is reportedly owned by the Church of Scientology and is normally docking chorus now when not in use on Wall Street we had an up day the Dow added $197.00 the Nasdaq plus $127.00. This is Fox News. And active weather in the forecast into the weekend already some active storms off to our west and southwest for tonight pictures out of the mid sixty's or severe thunderstorm watch out through tonight the western part of the State showers out inches of rain for Saturday 79 degrees more showers on Sunday 66 is not a Monday Tuesday but the weather improves here with the sunshine returning into our forecast mid and upper seventy's. And more from the Weather Channel for Talk Radio 6 a w.c. . From time to time you will hear various contests on talk radio 680. Here on the generic rules. Contest you must be 21 years of age or over to enter there is no purchase necessary you will find a complete and more specific set of contest rules. Or website. Thanks for playing and listening to Talk Radio 6 w c b. W c b m studios are brought to you by say 4 time and solutions. 410-266-1120 save for a tyrant Solutions dot com The views and opinions you hear on talk radio 680 w c b m n w c b m dot com are not necessarily those of the owners management's employers and advertisers of w.c. But they should be this is Mark Levin on talk radio 680 w. C.b.s. . Hello everybody Mark Levin here our number 87738138118773813811 . Have out we have a lot of positive news right now I have a positive news. Well I'm a little over 60 I'm 61 years old that's not the positive news the positive news is I cannot remember when the unemployment rate was 3.6 percent. 3.6 percent unemployment and you're not hearing this on the news sauce that is considered full employment. That is there's always a couple percent in the population who leave their jobs looking for other jobs or maybe somebody gets pregnant and they leave their job or whatever so there's a little bit of a room for voluntary decisions when it comes to employment or unemployment 3.6 percent unemployment means 96.4 percent employment and again I'm telling you I don't ever remember that maybe it happened when I was 3456 years old but in modern times I don't remember that and there's a reason for that it's the lowest unemployment rate in 49 years in half a century. People should be celebrating in the streets people should be celebrating at happy hour the media should be celebrating their host should have smiles on their face ear to ear this is incredible it truly is it truly is a massive economic upswing certainly compared to recent administrations and unquestionably compared to the last administration capitalism works tax cuts work deregulation works in other words the opposite of what Democratic presidential candidates are saying works the opposite of what Nancy Pelosi and the other thugs in the House want to do works it works unemployment among Iraqi in Iran vets 1.7 percent unemployment among you know we have to divide things in the ethnic races and so for Asians 2.2 percent 2.2 percent unemployment among Hispanics 4.2 percent that is a record low since it's been tracked in 1973 unemployment among women record low unemployment among workers that who do not have bachelor degrees or above fell to the lowest in 1000 years in 1000 years 3.5 percent with high school degrees what out with college degrees whether out black Hispanic white Asian women men capitalism works this president his economic policies are fantastically successful I'm not talking about tariffs and everything I'm told that his economic policies are fantastically successful and it's had an effect. It's having an effect on his popularity rate it's going up the stock market. Surge bounce in economic activity the stock market is way up all outstretched for the rich I guess you don't have a pension plan that's not just for the rich anyone can participate and most of you do whether employer related pensions or Ira for a one K.'s whatever what that means is that these businesses are healthy and they hire hardworking middle class people that's where they pay and by the way wage growth is up 3.2 percent 1st quarter growth just a little while ago the so-called economists were talking about a recession recession this economy is exploding with growth and good news and you have absolute absolute choice the Obama policies big government and they sat in the other as we just kind of plod along and try and break out our capitalism capitalism and as a Guy Benson over at town hall points out the Trump bounce on the economy his ratings is the best economic approval ratings yet and this is based on a c.n.n. Poll and I'm sure there grinding their teeth right down to the bone president Trump's approval rating on the economy has had a new high according to a c.n.n. Poll released today or yesterday a majority of respondents 56 percent said they approve of Trump's handling of the economy compared with 41 percent who disapprove the president's previous high mark on the economy in the c.n.n. Poll came in March 27055 percent. 50 percent of those polled in the new survey said he has done a good job at keeping the promises he made on the campaign trail 46 percent said he had done a poor job 4 percent of no opinion this is great news very good news and he's done this despite the fact that he's had absolutely no support from the Democrats in Congress and he's been under relentless vicious attack by the media that seeks to burden him that seems to drag him down and yet this man presses on. And so and so the Democrats pushing Pietschmann So the Democrats push investigations so the Democrats are going after the attorney general the United States for the reasons I said yesterday and have been repeated by virtually everyone today because he's leading his own investigation into what took place to launch the phony Russia collusion argument investigation. But I want you to listen to this too from hot air. Pundit none of the data sites are tracking impeachment polls so there's no handy list of numbers he says for me to compare to this but 29 percent 29 percent is the weakest support for impeachment he says I can recall seeing from any major pollster less than a week ago a.b.c. Washington Post found 37 percent in favor of impeachment another bad number for Democrats in the resistance but only That's that's nearly 10 points higher than what Wikipedia is seeing today 29 percent 29 percent. Support for impeachment had been holding steady in Quinnipiac surveys at 35 percent in December and March figure far too low to convince Democrats to go through with it by the solid base potential in which they might build a smaller came back with evidence that trumpet conspired with Russia now the report is in he didn't and impeachment is dropping like a lead balloon 29 percent and you know they're the dead enders Now what does that mean 70 percent oppose the only subgroups in favor of Democrats and African-Americans and each is below 60 percent even those numbers are morally easily explained by residual default anti Trump ism then some sharp new concerns about how this raised in the Mahler report worse yet for the left what Americans are asked whether Congress should at least continue to investigate Trump with an eye to potentially impeaching him a majority is against that idea 250-4751 percent with independents split it $4553.00 most people seem to be done with Russia gate so majority says that's enough with the investigations a super majority says no to impeachment the president's ratings are on an upswing based on economic growth and I am telling you these unemployment rates they can divide them into ethnicity genitalia whatever they want are unbelievably low believable if you want to get a mortgage they're still around 4 percent this is a terrific economy Democrats have spent the past 48 hours insisting that Bill Barr game public opinion for Trump and his summary by declaring that posted obstruct justice. If that was his intent he obviously did a poor job the 5442 split he said in line with the results to the same question in many previous post suggesting Barres verdict didn't do much to dissuade people who already suspected Trump of obstruction The point is this. Despite the mass media propaganda despite the antics of the rogue Democrats in the House of Representatives it's having no effect no effect now they've turned their guns on the attorney general the United States now members of the House have filed complaints with the Maryland Virginia bars to try and get Attorney General Barr punished or disbarred you believe this and they're talking about impeaching him and of course the goal is as I explained yesterday in the backbenchers are repeating today to so dirty him up that when he comes up with these unbelievable findings about the individuals who are involved in interfering in our election the individuals who are involved in trying to take out candidate trump the individuals who are involved in trying to smear President elect Trump and the individuals today who are still involved in trying to remove President Trump they want to be able to say well what he expected comes from bar tell me why are the Democrats so defensive Mr Producer may have something to hide why the Democrats so worried about the inspector general report that comes out in 4 to 6 weeks why they're so worried about Bill Barr and his investigation because it leads straight to the Oval Office and the president named Barack Obama that's why the greatest scandal in political history and the media covered it up on behalf of Obama and the Democrats oh not the phony Russia collusion no the Obama administration's interference with our election. The use of the f.b.i. Potentially the CIA Justice Department and apparently the willing dupes who are called judges on the face of courts who haven't lifted a finger to correct what took place in those secret hearings I'll be right back. 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See Bill O'Reilly Pat Buchanan Alan Dershowitz Mike Reagan and more Bill O'Reilly's no spin new show is on Newsmax t.v. Get it on Directv channel 349 x. Finity 1115 dish to 60 u. Verse 122615 spectrum Newsmax t.v. Real news for real people Americans don't care what you think. I never did and we were just there to stage an ethics original series term for my 6 officers here on our side of the street truth is a matter of perspective. On the Internet. No doubt for me state Sundays me on at the x. Get the channel org. You. Whether you like it or not. Well ladies and gentlemen over at the Washington Compost. Carol. Leonnig. L e e o n n i g The Washington Compost Watergate had the Nixon tapes Mahler had any Donaldson's notes Wow what. What is she talking about let's check the notes crippled rapidly on a legal pad captured the fear inside the White House when President Trump raged over the Russia investigation and decreed he was firing the f.b.i. Director to lead it is this the beginning of the end the Yanks filled entry as part of a short hand diary that chronicled the chaotic days in Trump's West Wing a trove that the special counsel report cited more than 65 times as part of the evidence that the president sort of blunt a criminal investigation bearing down on him wow they bore down on him. And he's an innocent man wasn't charged with anything but that doesn't matter let's go the public airing of the notes which document then White House counsel Donald McGann's contemporaneous account of events and his fear that the president was engaged in legally risky conduct as infuriated Trump 1st of all why were they taking notes in the meeting or why were they taking notes after the meeting this is appalling you're the lawyer for the president this is your assistant I guess and he Donaldson are there no ethics left. And number 2 why doesn't Carolyn onic at the Washington Compost point out that the only reason they have those notes is because the present United States didn't assert executive and attorney client privileges. Won watch out for the people that take so-called notes when the notes never existed until needed Trump tweeted today after the release of Special Counsel Robert s. Small of the thirds report Well he's right this cried keeping track of the president's actions was any Donaldson made against chief of staff a loyal and low profile conservative lawyer who figures in the Mahler report as one of the most important narratives of internal White House turmoil now let's just stop a 2nd. The president's under daily attack you've got all these prosecutors who are out to destroy him I mean put yourself in that position whether you work for somebody else whether an independent contractor with you run a business whether you're retired and in your home you have 7000 prosecutors all focused on trying to send you to prison would you be a little upset doesn't mean you're you're exuding you know anything wrong you have emotions you have passions maybe there is some turmoil surrounding you but so what. Her daily habit of documenting conversations and meetings provided the special counsel's office was it's very sort of the Nixon White House tapes a running account of the president's actions albeit in sentence fragments and concise descriptions on the episodes memorialized in Donaldson's notes and memos the president's outrage when f.b.i. Director James b. Komi confirmed the existence of the investigation into possible ties between Russia and the Trump campaign there were no ties you idiot Trump's efforts to pressure attorney general to have such and not to recuse himself from overseeing the probe and what is wrong with that by the I've always wondered at. And his push to get Miller disqualified and removed the special counsel which was fine too maybe not politically wise but he had no legal issue there. The investigation would have gone on but Muller has proven to be everything the Trump said he is a partisan hack but he's a Republican I'll repeat myself a partisan hack. That's why you have 200 pages on an obstruction matter that was never brought. Back. 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We also and you'll receive a free set of the new x. Wheels with your chair x. Chair Levin dot com. Ok and active weather in the forecast into the weekend already some active storms off more west and southwest for tonight temperatures down to the mid sixty's or severe thunderstorm watch out through tonight the western parts of the State showers inches of rain for Saturday 79 degrees more showers on Sunday 66 is not a Monday Tuesday but the weather improves here with the sunshine returning into our forecast minute upper 7. Scott Larimore from the Weather Channel for Talk Radio 6 a w c m eyes Jeff Michaels from w c b m I'm here with my buddy Mark Miller from Westminster speed and sound marquee doing what's going on Jeff I'm doing great and we're going to talk about window tinting which is something that a everybody needs and you know what's interesting is most people think of when they're tending it's something to darken your windows but did you know that we have a clear film that can block up to 97 percent of the sun's infrared heat and protect your skin from skin cancer pretty amazing stuff also let's talk about paint protection film which is something new that you guys do you know what's neat about this product is that it's virtually invisible but it can protect the front end of your car from scratches and stone chips and preserve your investment Westminster's speed and sound ahead up to Westminster at 2 o 2 Pennsylvania Avenue talk to my buddy Mark Miller for window tinting to sound upgrades he can take care of you 418575300 or at Westminster speed dot com That's Westminster speed dot com. 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Was on financial analyst number 304 not on supply equalising want to. Bring the entire family to the Preakness festival at the Howard County Fairgrounds may chance 11 things well enjoy helicopter rides hot air balloons and midway rides well if you buy Maryland 529 crafty crab the Preakness Stakes renewal by Anderson the horoscope show make ation village country pride world's best solutions and by Operation Safe Kids. See stimulating breaking news on talk radio 60 w c b s. C golf. Club. At least 4. 877. 3811 you know I have to admit I have a big smile on my face these economic figures are unbelievable I think the Democrats are setting themselves up they don't realize it's going to be painful for the country and I think in the end they will suffer. A number of comments back on my new book it's unbelievable they're just starting to come in you know you send what's called galley copies to certain people get their impression Cal Thomas the great Cal Thomas was absolutely floored by the book I'm going to have to find that e-mail. Said I loved it John Hyde Bush the director the regen library was. And in his compliments and I don't have them all in front of me but. That's really cool that's really good because it reinforces what I've been saying to you you know these are 3rd parties who are looking at what I've written and you know Course I like that I wrote the damn thing and I want to make sure it's understandable and compelling and useful and substantive but you know something that can be easily digested and it's turned out to be all those things and freedom of the press. My beautiful wife. In the bunker of course. So that's all good you brought me some truckling honey here's the good news I love chocolate here's the bad news I already had a whole cake oh I know. I tell you the truth Donna trying to lose 10 pounds but. It that is very nice that you brought it thank you so there we go you have to do little things like that during the course of the show because it's 6 to 9 and I get hungry but. Anyway so I'm very excited about that I'm also very excited that this president really is so successful so successful so there are times when we get downright mostly when we listen to Democrats we get to mostly when we listen to so-called journalists we get down we put them out of our ears put them out of our heads and think about what's going on it's pretty cool with this president later in the program I'm going to talk to extend some extent with about China that's not core China is the enemy China is the enemy and here again under Obama he undermined our military and he undermined our geo political strength and the president is trying to reverse course in that respect the Democrats today could care less about trying to Joe Biden thinks it's no big deal. He's not qualified to be president it's not just the pres of the United States who's pointing out what China is doing all the experts at the Defense Department and the intelligence agencies I mean the good people who are not spying on Republicans all concerned about China the people I've brought on my program on life liberty and Levin who are experts on China all concerned about China this is no joke it's a nation of want to have 1000000000 people they're stealing our technology blind and they're using it against us and it's more and more a centralized iron fisted. Fascistic communist regime is about a contradiction Marc No not in the least not in the least just another form of of autocracy with a better press release and so we'll be talking about that a bit later too you know we have to admit it you think that cybercrime is something that happens to other people right you may think that no one wants your data or that hackers can't grab your passwords or credit card details but you'd be wrong stealing data from unsuspecting people in public wife eyes one of the simplest and cheapest ways for hackers to make money when you leave your Internet connection on encrypted you might as well hand out your passwords and credit cards like a lollipop So that's why I decided to take action to protect myself from cyber criminals and how did I do it I use the best express v.p.n. Express v.p.n. 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By a reporter I guess the Harvard Law School graduates unflinching words this is and he Donaldson their new hero the chief of staff to Madame who was the White House counsel she wrote just in the middle of another Russia fiasco unquote she wrote on March to 2017 have cast the die hard Republican in an unfamiliar role as a truth teller heralded by Trump's foes for providing what they view as proof he's unfit for office this is sick House Judiciary Committee Jerrold Nadler has already signaled he intends to subpoena Donaldson is a critical witness Yes Jerry is quite the little fascist is me Mr Producer all he's subpoenaing family and friends and business associates he subpoenaing all kinds of stuff in the name of the Constitution of course and oversight of course Donaldson who lives among Gummi Alabama where husband recently got a job as a federal prosecutor did not respond to requests for comment she left the White House in December both proud of her service and also somewhat stung by her experience in Washington friends said those close the Donald's fears she will be thrust into the middle of the building war between congressional Democrats in the White House look look like president's going to just issue executive privilege . Trigger executive privilege she's not going anywhere but that's Ok the Washington Compost likes to play with the American people did for 2 and a half years. Some privately worry she could become a target of the president despite having worked hard to help implement his agenda Well then why are you taking notes like this that have absolutely no legal significance whatsoever but are now used by the president's political opponents Why did you do that if you're a Harvard lawyer. My only concern for her now is not getting too caught up in this Washington meat grinder when she really did the right thing and co-operated she was directed said former Republican senator Luther Strange who hired Donaldson to work at his law firm in Alabama Well then why don't you call NAVL or bro as McCain's chief of staff down also was charged with managing 30 to 40 lawyers in the counsel's office getting White House policies legally vetted keeping judicial nominations on track and working with McGann on Trump's top priorities and apparently taking notes all the time took notes during the meetings after the meetings kept files on the President why are we just wanted to provide the very best legal advice we don't know why along the way she did what virtually all lawyers considered a necessity kept a record of the citizens disputes and tasks left to do all right so now the Washington Compost is building up they don't care about her they don't know her when they're done with her they'll throw off the cliff like they do everybody there it's no big deal just get trunk get it get it get nearly every day when they gay marriage from the Oval Office or other West Wing meetings she would take notes as he recalled significant discussions with the president of his team could have people familiar with her role when you just hired like a paralegal or a secretary to do that Mr Producer Harvard lawyer in the case of Nixon all Nixon Watergate or a gate Nixon I'm surprised you're not quoting John Dean Here are some former no name Watergate special prosecutor. The case of Nixon the discovery of his White House taping system provided unquestionable proof of his role in a cover up of his campaign's illegal spying on opponents precipitating his resignation in 1974 and I listen to this Mahler had these notes every damn page how the hell is this Watergate the president didn't commit any crimes I mean it would be the greatest travesty in American electoral history if they're going to trying to present the United States who gave the prosecutor everything including the notes from the chief of staff of his White House counsel but he doesn't have to go any further the present United States can now assert executive privilege I'm not participating with Mr Nadler in his lynch mob and Trump's case Donaldson's notes to pick me again another says wary that the president could be accused of criminal obstruction and as seeking to protect him from his impulses it's an interesting Komi takes notes against people take notes everybody's taking the notes to see why except the president President just don't want to job I get the notes and this time this memo I get this one here I give this over this guy in an entry on March 21 2017 now this is why Volume 2 was written for clowns like this phony reporter at The Washington Post to go through all this information scour it cherry pick it write sarcastic columns talk about Nixon and Watergate and how the president's neck is on the line and on and on and on one volume 2 should not even have been written an entry in March 21 2017 Donaldson recounts how Trump told me again he was furious with the testimony that Comey gave to Congress about the Russian probe the day before something is if he might fire him on the spot president felt betrayed that Komi had failed to do. His trumpet asked to tell the public that he was not personally under investigation but Trump was right Komi told him in their meeting at the Trump Tower that he was not under investigation and the president keeps saying Well tell that to the public tell it to the public and then he testifies in front of Congress and you won't tell them No the president is not under investigation and the president furious wouldn't that be the right reaction McCain was so concerned that companies firing was imminent that the counsel's office drafter the memo analyzing the president's legal authority to do so according to report begins lawyer William Burk declined to comment that day Trump repeatedly pressured began to get the Justice Department to intervene Donaldson's later told investigators making and then called Assistant Attorney General Dana of boy ever asking whether officials could correct the missing perception that the president was under investigation the president is surrounded by incompetence by people taking notes by not p.r. Director who's out the sabotage and he's not under investigation president tell the world you're told me tell the world yeah I can't do it why I one point began when the president that some of the actions he took such as asking Comey to let go of his investigation of flint to make environmental the accusations of obstruction of justice biggest exposure quote other contacts cause ask regarding Flynn Donaldson wrote that day and of course what do we know about Flynn he was set up he was set up in the present a united states is looking at this hero this retired lieutenant general this retired lieutenant general a hero and he's thinking this is wrong what they're doing to this guy there's something wrong with this and he was right he was right they said amuck. We want to interview you Mr Flynt Ok we recommend you don't need a lawyer that a lawyer were to test with and it's an informal discussion Well Ok but we already covered this ground well that's Ok Mr Flynn we just want to clarify a few points don't worry you don't need a lawyer Ok that struck the flint then they interview him set him up and indict him White House aides who know Donaldson said they are confident her notes are an accurate account of events in Trump's White House see other building or for her part Donaldson is dismayed her confidential work product documenting sensitive confrontations with the president that would normally be shielded from public view by executive privilege is available for all the c. Colleagues said I doubt she had any notion that these notes would ever end up in anyone's hands let alone Mahler's said one former White House official requested anonymity to describe internal dynamics Well I don't understand this at all you want to know why Mr Producer once a president leaves office and after a period of time it's all public it's all public their government documents it's all public there's no longer an issue of separation of powers is no longer an issue of executive privilege attorney client privilege and so forth in song because the governing stops the president has left so at some point everyone sees these notes so how can anyone say she was she never expected these notes to be seen at some point they would be seen now and why write notes that you don't expect to be seen I'll be right back. 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Here's the problem with the House Judiciary Committee Politburo and its Soviet chairman Mr Nadler the president has the facts the law and the people on his side. Complements look at this economy I have never seen anything like this have you and he does it despite the fact that these Yorkies and keep biting at his heels he just keeps plowing ahead it's like the media live in their own reality left wing kook bubble and they're not having a great impact Now the problem is eternally yet it's early yet. Kaname strong line I think to myself imagine how popular this president would be. Even more so but for the constant lies and attacks on c.n.n. And him and said Well forget about that nobody watches that but you understand what I mean you know on this Mother's Day why not give the moms in your life the gift of better sleep a recent study shows Americans are sleeping less than ever which negatively impacts our day to day life. 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Lusty and insane asylum that's called the constipated constipated News Network and it's saying asylum much called the Democrat Party we're going to have some fun with these 4 I mean these people will be right back. Where. We sat to be great RINGBACK thanks for taking my call is now all sole choice to be sure hey Alexa play w c b m. 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This is a Fox News Alert a plane in the water I'm Lisa listener reports of a commercial jet down in Fane John's River in Jacksonville Florida there were 142 people on board all on board said to be Ok $737.00 reportedly headed for Miami once again reports of a commercial jet down in St John's River in Jacksonville Florida $142.00 people on board all on board said to be Ok the 737 reportedly headed for Miami White House spokesman Sara Sanders explaining why President Trump did not speak about Russian interference in the 2020 us elections in a phone call today with Russian President Vladimir Putin the president has made clear to everybody every person that's not an American voter has no business in our elections we've said it a lot we're actually doing things to her that everybody for meddling in our elections national council Robert Muller did find that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections that you also talked about the tensions in Venezuela president was relaying what President Putin said to him that said this after President Tom seemed to downplay Russia's and. Tensions there Secretary of State Mike Pompei Oh said earlier this week Russia's propping up disputed president Nicolas Maduro the White House says it's a way out of North Korea's action and will continue to monitor as necessary after the North fired several projectiles from its east coast Japan's defense ministry says the projectiles have not reached anywhere near their coast and Japan is not facing a security threat a launch coming week after North Korea the Korean leader Kim Jong un met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Republicans say they will appeal a federal ruling that orders a state of Ohio to draw a new congressional map for the 2020 elections a 3 judge panel ruled today the Congressional districts were unconstitutionally drawn this is Fox News. 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