Thursday night at 6 pm. Now safe retirement. On talk radio 6. Talk radio 680 w c b And the following program recorded at this time. With. Psychological nudity discretion is advised. Now most exciting radio talk show hosts. A. Beautiful things in America. It's the worst of times according to Michael Savage is actually the best of times but then again you have to have a sense of history. You have to know what people have lived through to know what we are living through you have to understand that the rat vermin in the media are in business for one thing only and that is to sell hatred they peddle lies and hatred you call it fake knows what they're doing now this is not fake news those of us who oppose the flood of the poor and the downtrodden the disease than the criminal who would like to flood into our nation. And take for free what is not there has called every name under the sun Borders Language Culture those 3 words are an enemy to the Jake Tapper's And Wolf Blitzers and the other denizens of hate in the media. But I was talking about my visit to the White House to the Hanukkah party on Thursday night the human side of President Mr Trump with the Michael Savage family I thought it was a beautiful story and I especially talked about how the most prominent voices against Donald Trump happen to be liberal Jews Schiff Nadler Cohen come to mind I know I'm not supposed to say it but then again you know what here I am sheriff Nadler Cohen Schiff Nadler Cohen Schiff Nadler Cohen and if you think that I'm the only one who knows this and sees this you're mistaken Why is it that people who come from persecuted backgrounds are persecuting Donald Trump what is it about them that has made them so on hinged that they are leading the parade of hate explain that to me explain that to me all we could talk about the news of the day any of the other topics and I got all the other stuff lined up Obama also committed campaign financial infractions at a dollar value 8 times greater than what Trump has done 8 times greater but Wolf Blitzer. Shift Nadler Cohen had nothing to say when Obama did it's unbelievable to me. So let's take some callers on the Savage Nation w. T.m.a. In South Carolina John John what's your topic what is the issue today I mean I know you are a conservationist and I also know that you are very concerned about life in general and I would like to understand right that the climate change that's supposedly is going on right now. Caused by. Us and the right things and that's a natural cycle it would be I believe where you say when you read that I believe that well I know you are conservationists because you said it and you know you're a star I don't understand what the hell are you talking about where have I written that man is causing climate change No I'm saying that you but he's not yet what I mean I believe the science indicates that man is not doing it yes that is what so many scientists are you know part of the method. Sometimes what I mean scientists what he by scientists people who get government grants to prove a point as they did in the Soviet Union. Well probably but do you have any idea how the research establishment operates it operates on federal grants state grants local grants and lets you comply unless you comply with what they want to be delivered in your study you're not getting $0.10 how many science skeptics of global warming skeptics are funded today is 0 none right none so where is the research showing the opposition exists but you have to search for it but I can reduce it to the simplest terms that getting trapped in this again vast dark ice core samples will lead to all of the other skeptics who have the solid science to show that there are other factors causing climate change. Talk ice core samples it's in my book government 0 I touch upon it again and stop as a stereo I believe do you understand the global warming is a is a form of hysteria. U.s.r. I do and also does a fact found out recently that in Charleston South Carolina where I live. For I was in the mines further out just 15000 years ago I don't have the ice snow that quickly to come in 50 miles in just 15000 years what you mean since the Industrial Revolution didn't start until 850. Let me reduce it to the simplest terms for the people in the media who have no science background whatsoever some of the dumbest people in the world have the highest positions of power you've ever seen you take you take Jake Tapper Jake Tapper could not pass a 5th grade science examination if I said Jake sit down and shut up for 2 minutes like a dumb student like put a dunce cap on your head Jake how many ice ages of the world experienced before man arrived Jake how many how many ice ages what they have done Jake the answer 6 or 7 Now how did I say ages appear and disappear before man industrialize How did they come and go well if Princeton is actually a little bit of the earth around the sun rivals and it gets closer and I guess for on the way the sun yes then there's undersea volcanoes there are sunspots does this mean that I'm in favor of pollution I have worked longer and harder to purify the earth and Jake Tapper and all of his relatives going back to Moses by the way the fact of the matter is of course I want to clean the earth but you don't get there by lying and hijacking the economy of the world thank you very much. 855-407-2828 extension 5500 savage We've got callers on these topics Randy on k s a Randy what's your topic. My topic is i'm so I want to challenge you on your belief and karma if you're a Jew in the Abrahamic Covenant that's a play next with the merit of karma variegated you've got to earn your way and the way you get your next life is by what you do in this life they have Abrahamic Covenant is all about God's love for the Jews and and there and giving them grace based on their faith so they don't mix the soil and water I would well wait and that's one interpretation that is one interpretation but there are many others Ok Well tell me how that nexus is I don't see how marriage makes it with grace. I don't even understand your question to be honest with you Ok well the whole idea behind grace is that we can't earn it if God gives us a face on our face the whole idea behind karma is that we've got to I personally don't believe that I believe that our whole life is built upon what we do here. And I personally run my life the best I can and I fail at it quite often Ok to to run my life in order to make certain that my comment is clean. If you you know let me give an example if I let a fly out of a room because I don't want to crush a fly if I don't step on an ant If I pick up an injured bird and bring it to a pet hospital why am I doing it. Well I mean what's the point you're going over the simple examples I'm giving you why do I let a fly out of a screen in a screen room why would I see a butterfly or a fly or a more trying to get out why do I pull the screen out let it fly out you're a nice guy but that's not going to solve you love your sin only Jesus Christ or Thank You see but you're Ok you're a fundamentalist Christian imposing your belief system upon me but I don't happen to believe it. Michael that you're imposing your worldview on me I don't happen to believe that. Ok well you say that you're a Jew. Right they're all about faith in God not they do not mix you can feel but you're wrong you're interpret what Judaism is from your perspective not from the perspective of the long civilization of the Jewish people which by the way has a very deterred protection of what it means to be a good person Ok well if it if it's you I mean does it you believe in the 5 or does it believe in the awful funny a mixture of other stuff isn't that the whole idea of being Jewish is to believe and well it depends the Orthodox Jewish people out here to a very strict interpretation of the Bible they follow 300 some odd Commandments something I could never do the modern Jewish person does not believe in that and doesn't worry about whether they turn left or right at Sun sunset and whether they'll be struck dead so it depends on which person you're talking to right well Ok well within the Jewish faith you've got the subject of days that right. So David the festival you did some pretty nasty stuff but you didn't absolve himself of sin 5 doing good his sin was forgiven by his face and that's not fundamentalism don't be calling me names and whatnot but now you're jumping from you to David why you're putting yourself in the same category as King David because I'm human he's human he's fallible your fellow you can't get rid of your sin by saving the fly. But I can save the fly rod and I just said but I can save the fly right that's nice that I can save them or if I can save the ants I can save the elephant I can save the eagle do you know why because I am the ant the moth and the eagle Do you understand that Ok well that's that that's sounds pantheistic not not mo that sounds realistic in an age of slaughter and incivility towards the animal life on Earth in other words when you poison the earth to kill Let us say a bowl we've all. You're also killing the Eagle why because you're poisoning contaminating the ground water we've all learned that with d.d.t. Correct. Blah blah blah I'm talking about going to Don't get me blah blah blah just because you're big the Ramus somewhere in a tent somewhere in Alabama what I mean blah blah blah why you going oh what I'm saying you don't seem like a very nice Christian to me you shall like a damn bigot why are you calling me names Michael I love because you just said blah blah blah as though there is no relationship between the environment that what we do it and our own health I'm talking about race and I'm talking about how I would say put your Grace aside for one minute and when you use the d.t. When you use d.d.t. Which animals are killed. Shells of. Show don't you understand how the environment works how the ecology of the earth is interconnected . Why do you feel if your if your study of the Bible and your study of Jesus the left has left you blind in one eye I my friend that you need to read beyond that Bible and I will leave you with that you know the fanatical Muslim and believes in the self-sufficiency of a single book the Koran they will not read any other book did you understand that that is the 9th century view of the world that is still practiced by too many Muslims only one book is required for the limited mind of the 9th century person and that book is the Koran they don't want to read anything else so that's why when the Muslim armies invaded Egypt they burnt the Alexandria bookkeeping copying industry to the ground they didn't want any of the books printed you know that that's an example of stupidity and intolerance so now we get a caller says to me that his only competition of the world's only understanding of the world is the Christian Bible that's all well and good but it's not the whole world there's another world there's a world of science is a world of art poetry literature these are other worlds that need to be looked at to get a whole understanding of mankind in its place in the universe join those savage nation cold no 85400 savage 854072827 just Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com Guys are you still looking for a great Christmas gift for your wife or girlfriend Well I've got the solution cheater to the very best this year with the world softest pajamas I'm still had designer of pajama gram America's p.j. 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Looking for there are people on the knowledge of both and I regarding the Bible Hebrew the meaning theology etc. But it does not mean that they know anything more about God and you do or I do you can take the most ordinary person who is a believer and I've met them and they do more for inspiring the nonbelievers than does the most intelligent intellectual theologian in the planet God is about belief and faith it is not about proving there is a God for there is no proof what proof can it be I quoting now from the best book on the subject called God faith in reason by myself. Many people at the show at the event at the White House read that book let's take some callers please Jamie on w a b c line 5 Go ahead Jamie Yes Michael I don't want to be found then. Before the break about the person that got the world viable and that. Also consider our literature and finances part of our worldview one of my main and tension in France and I found that. Really well are all our current. Let let's take that on the face of what you just said you're Can you convince he's a Philistine In other words well. Let's look at that objectively Have you looked at any of the buildings that Donald Trump has built in and the world what I'm talking about I want to go give me a but take a look at the buildings aren't they quite beautiful he hired the best architects the best interior designers some would say they're a little gaudy but they are beautiful There's certainly a little better than the city apartment buildings in New York when you say his buildings are more beautiful than public housing so how can you say he doesn't know what beauty is. I were I live and work in the Orange in New York 35 y. Understand I'm appreciative the fact that you're a sensitive artistic or individual but you're not looking at what Trump is actually built let us look at what Obama has built what is Obama given the world other than than lice and the seat what buildings have been built in the name of Barack Hussein Obama what buildings have the word Obama on top of them that are particularly beautiful the answer is none but you have this the story if you will that Trump is a Philistine Why is he a Philistine for uncombined as an inspirational leader. You know yes if you're a worldwide communist who hates nationalism who hates a population for what they have given the world meaning the civilization of the entire world of course he's an inspiration to Communists like yourself mainly in the arts as you well know the artists the world of arts a filled with anti Americans that's their stock in trade most artists hate this country because they think they're supposed to that's so. What else do you want to talk about w a b c Linda line for Go ahead please Hi Michael I'd like to ask a question that the white house decorated is here for you thanks for the movie. Gorgeous stunning breathtaking what I loved was when I walked in there and saw the red trees that Mrs trumpet picked I was I was knocked over by the beauty why did the vermin in the media say that was ugly. Because they like what if the what if the rat bum lice in the media why did they have to lie even about the decorations of the White House are they that sick yet they are there what it what if the great Michelle Obama had picked red Christmas trees that would have fallen on themselves saying how pregnant she is how artistic she is how great she is. I 2nd me then I did the fake There was the best is the worst and gurgles and I'll give it back to them in spades let me tell you I'm only getting started I will crucify them for what they are doing I will pull them out by name and I will take it to have I asked. Julian go savage nature and call No 800 savage. 47282. Savage and more good news on the economy unemployment drops again tax cuts slashing red tape is from her approach is pro growth in America 1st so why is his health secretary trying to lead foreign countries like Greece said Medicare drug prices here in the u.s. The world already gets a free ride on American innovation and medicines the right answer is more competition on imported socialist pricing schemes tell President Trump don't fight for America and a better deal is a protect my heart beat out or paid for by Americans for Tax Reform Are you taking biography and tired of paying $50.00 per tablet drug has generic by just $10.00 per tablet $10.00 for generic by Agra is a savings of $40.00 per call now and get free shipping on 10 tablets of generic by Agra Marly drugs in North Carolina pharmacy licensed in all 50 states for information go to Mali generic start com or call us at 804571681 that's 804571681 you see v.m. Baltimore. Others a good foot of snow on the ground or south southern Virginia North Carolina still digging out from the winter weather they had this past weekend that they used to be dry and cold here in Maryland 28 degrees are loads of night sunshine today 43 and the sunshine when 6 Thursday the chance for rain is a big one Friday here we are interfering to open our way Friday to close down the business move. Or the Weather Channel for Talk Radio 680 w c b s really to call it in your little green slate politics like I do. But I think politics is the most important. Because. The mistress there shown here is the email look up. It liars Sean Hannity this is the biggest abuse of power all standard corruption scandal in in history and that's what they did a week afternoons 3 just 6 on talk radio 60 w. C.t.m. 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So here's a little news just on a side of the discussion my personal visit to the White House for the Hanukkah party my view of the President or Mrs Trump the beautiful decorations the fabulous music. People who were there. Remember the fight over Kavanagh what the liberals that to him did I tell you what the time it will probably disappoint us go back to my tapes. And I said to you will be another Roberts another liberal I said that at the time today we wake up headline on Michael Savage dot com. Cavanaugh sides with liberals in Planned Parenthood decision and conservative justice and happy another another one another Judas So all of that fighting over Kavanagh apparently was for naught we put a liberal in there you hear this unbelievable to me. 855407282 now I want to go back to the Jesus thing in my comments about the Bible young man works on the show I can see him on my screen he's in Dallas Clint Granbury Clint comes from a Christian background and Clint said Clint what exactly did you say the golden rule rule of Christianity is karma So in other words the Christian of Call Me said that how could you as a Jewish person believe in karma and he said that's like New Age And you know b.s. And Clinton saying the opposite it's true he's saying that the golden rule of do unto others as you have them do unto you is basically a tent of the principal tenet of Christianity so how is that not karma. Why would Jesus have taught Do unto others as you would have to do unto you what was the purpose of that forget Grace forget grace that's a word we're talking about acting on the planet you know what I'm saying. K.b.e. T. In Las Vegas Jane welcome glad you're with the show what's on your mind. I'm like I'm a Christian I consider myself a Christian and believe in Jesus but the governor was arguing with you I wholeheartedly disagree I actually disagree I don't agree with you because if you were talking to Jesus himself he would agree with you he would see that Michael Savage is coming from a place of from goodness from from a lot of see that's what Jesus was really the thinking of and that's really where you're coming from you're not if you don't believe God Americans just believe in for certain what you believe is what Jesus was trying to teach Yes Another words of Jesus' words walk to the earth today he would also a lot of butterfly out of a out of a window screen I agree with you if Jesus was walking the earth today the all green with me that he wouldn't step on an ant if he could avoid it absolutely you're absolutely 100 percent right here because Jesus himself would agree with you he's a Michael Savage is absolutely right well that's all I'm trying to say is but here's the problem in a certain way when we come overly sensitive to the aunt to the bought a flaw even to the grand elephant we we risk something and we risk losing our killer instinct and we are surrounded by killers we are surrounded by killers both domestic and imported who will not stop at destroying us because if we come to become too weak and too soft we will lose not only our nation will lose our lives you see what I'm saying this is this is the ballet that we all have to do every day which is to hold on to that survival instinct and yet not become a brute that is the greatest challenge for a strong man which is to hold on to the survival instinct and not become a brute when you agree with that now so see I see you coming from you hate of the havior of the hatred you don't hate the people who hate their favor Oh no no I do I hate the people you're wrong I hate chef I hate shift but what he's doing I think he's one of the worst people on the planet. I hate dateless for what he's doing he's a lowlife parking ticket fixer in my mind who has an extraordinary power now when he's drunk on his power he's waited his whole life to use this cart of power and he's using it in the most embarrassing possible way so no I hate the men because I can see right through them they are very dangerous men No You see I'm not like the Christians or say hate the sin not the center that's right disagree with the Christians it's Ok to hate men too well actually I'm sorry I'm sorry to burst your bubble I got a lot of rage in me and a lot of anger towards these people because I see them destroying not only America but a decent man called Donald Trump Yes he's imperfect Yes he has done things that are wrong and yes he's made mistakes but he is not the Hitler that they've turned them into how many Jews that I mean at the Hanukkah party that I went up to and said how could they call him an anti-Semite when his own daughter married a Jewish man and his own grandchildren are Jewish and they look at me because they say Savage wrote a book called liberalism is a mental disorder in 2006 they're meant to. Look at their eyes look at the Our eyes of Adam Schiff and you tell me you don't see a crazy man who belongs in a straitjacket you know I have a picture on my website of another crazy person in my opinion after that in my opinion you remember the Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza remember the crazy eyes the bug eyes so we found a picture from a new article Adam Lanza Newtown shooter described scorn for humanity and his eyes are wide open unblinking with a bug eyes and I want you to put next that the picture of Adam Schiff Bugeye Schiff they look like they're from the same thing anyway if you tell me there are not crazy people in Congress I would disagree with you there are people who belong in mental hospitals 85542728 there was the phone and Michael Savage dot com is the thing God Faith and Reason is the book for the holidays stop necessary is for people who actually read and want ideas. You know I'm going to take a little hiatus for a minute. I'm going back to the opening line of stop mass hysteria here it is hatred is in the air we are living in an age of hate in which mental pollution is worse than air pollution the most accessible and comprehensive of all unifying agents hatred is spreading like a virus into all too willing hosts a unified kneejerk liberals no matter what their other differences hatred of conservatives hatred of Trump to hatred of his voters is just one of many cases a massive Steria infecting American society today but is likely the most destructive I then conclude the book with a hope and a warning and it's from Benjamin Franklin is the last sentence of a 305 page book and it says when the Left has removed all the statues of Columbus all the Confederate flags all the monuments to our founding fathers when books like mine have been burned then removed from libraries when we have allowed hysterical cries to terminate our terrorize rational discourse we will all have become cotton may there and Hassani and those who are erected testaments to their own infamy with the bones of others in one of his many exquisite plays on words Benjamin Franklin said of Americans just before you affixed his signature on the Declaration of Independence we must indeed all hang together almost assuredly we shall all hang separately I only wish Adam Schiff Jerrold Nadler Wolf Blitzer and the others in the hate brigades would pause for a few seconds and think about what they are doing to this country. Ok u g n And Eugene Oregon Bob on line 3 Thanks for being with us what's your question or comment. Dr Savage I guess I just wanted to say when I heard you last from of going off the air about well laws against fake news and how they simply are going to be able to dig into the nest I just let me start again I am not going off the air I have a one hour radio show and I have a one hour podcast that is not off the air that's on the air for I'm very sorry I meant when you were going off the air for your last summer so very. Sorry my my. My my mistake you know from and I just made me think back to when the whole thing was going on when I was so excited about you possibly taking on Dianne Feinstein and then I started to realize how much more important you are well known to let me explain something nobody can beat Diane Feinstein she's part of the machine nobody can beat the Democrats socialist immigration machine in California is impossible I'm in a life to fight a fight that I can win not one that I can guarantee to lose. If I'm going to get into a ring I want to know that I have a chance to win that's going to automatically be slaughtered nobody can beat the machine she is a machine human being the Democrats socialist immigration machine runs Dianne Feinstein I agree with you and I guess what I was gonna say is just I'm more excited than ever now for your new podcast because I realize that you think stepping outside of corporate broadcasting and all the restraint the knowledge and wisdom in history that in truth if you're going to it's very nice but let me tell you something nobody steps out of corporate broadcasting but don't let them fool you if anyone is podcasting and being reached by anyone in this country they are part of the corporate broadcasting let me explain something Apple is the biggest provider of podcasts of the country is that correct. Probably you know well how do you get how do you get a podcast if they don't like you they cut you off so you're not that free we don't know we don't own the transmission cables we don't own the information superhighway as they do and it's going to get a lot worse my friends they're going to cut off anyone who disagrees with them that's the sad truth but you know enjoy it while you can I'd like to talk about the barbarians breaking the Empire into East and West again this cannot today and how Rome fell because of the invasion of illegal aliens I've done this before I will do it again and if you look at a map of Europe and you look at the empire of Rome and you see what happened to them in the 3rd century and how the barbarians were constantly trying to invade the Roman Empire as the Roman Empire was the king socially and as it was the center grating Marley the barbarians were pressing on their front ears there's a sound like today it is today the king socially is this country not thinking socially. Disintegrating Marly take a look at the lead the parade in the backyard you tell me that's a model seeing it through a model of a moral decline as the Roman Empire was the king socially and disintegrating Marly the barbarians were pressing her frontiers what happened next the barbarians broke the Empire into 2 we are being pressed at the borders if you want to call them barbarians do so see if I care. If I care. A new study came out that said one half of the entire 3rd world wants to break into America you do you blame them if you have a nation filled with general need was a Nancy Pelosi who was saying come on in we'll give you what we don't give our own veterans come on in we'll give your children i health care that our own children don't get come on here then we don't have any Homosassa streets come on then we'll give you everything we can provide our own citizens come on and as long as you vote for me when you also want to come into such a dumb nation would you also want to be given a faced a feast of the milk that the nation produces would you love to sit home and speak in your own language when you love to be able to vote your own language not even have to bother to learn the language to vote when you live to get food stamps and housing allowance What do you love unemployment insurance when you know when you love to be able to feed your wife and your many many children like they've never been fed before and not have to work a day in your life like 50 percent of the country today and like 80 percent of the illegal aliens today would you like to get some form of federal or state or local assistance of course you would you do anything to get into such a moronic nation and you'd be invited by Nancy Pelosi and the entire Democrat Socialist immigration machine and that is why we elected Donald Trump and that is why we're going to have to fight like we've never fought before let me finish this thought we cannot sit on the sidelines anymore and complain we just can't sit here moaning and complaining that the Democrats want to destroy America we have to act. And we did we voted some of us there in the midterms all we got was city like dummies we can do anything we have to vote what we voted but more of them voted in more that we didn't we didn't turn out in sufficient numbers we can't let that happen again because let me lay it out and let me lay it lay it out really clear for you because it's so easy Obama started the destruction of America by flooding America with illegal aliens and with Muslims as nanny as he could get into this country he knew what he was doing he is the most clever destructive devil the world has ever seen he did so specifically to destroy this nation as it is today in others he changed the demographics as rapidly as he could. And it paid off for them in the midterms in many districts but it's not over yet it's not over at all if everyone listening to the show understands what's going on and understands that children and their children's children will not have the life that they have because of the illiberal liberals maybe just maybe we can pull it out of the hat join those savage nation call No 85400 savage 854072827 The Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com Hey for many years I warn you about the war and cash I've explained why you must protect your savings from the unsafe world of banking from cyber attacks and the criminalization of cash oh so maybe you say you saw Michael I hardly even use cash on him or use debit credit or digital cash so I'm Ok right wrong today's war on your privacy and freedom includes all forms of digital money face it the feds will continue this war until every dollar you earn save invest or spend can be tracked by bureaucrats it's all covered in Swiss America's updater report secret war party weapons of cash destruction and it's available free by calling 889-2646 write it down call it now 802-892-6462 learn and discover like I did the only private asset class left on earth you must get this free report call 802892646802892646 call it now. 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That protection if you go to simply safe savage dot com You know what I just said ad savage that simply safe savage dot com Make sure to use that u.r.l. Because that's how they know this show sent you but hurry this holiday offers ending soon go to simply safe savage dot com. Verge dot com. Well I told you a little bit about my trip to the White House to the Hanukkah party and how wonderful it was to be there and how I believe and I believe the evidence will support what I am saying I don't know how anyone could disagree with this. Washington Times Sheryl Charlie says Michael Savage has juice at the high water mark of their existence in America I don't see how anyone can contest that what does it get any higher. I would say the same for other minorities in terms of economics the 5.9 percent unemployment rate. For African-Americans all time low $5.00 I don't play it right for Hispanics record levels of 4.8 percent whatever spandex of blacks have had better under Obama why because you say so you want to believe so because it is so and so if you look at the reality and you compare it with the lies and the propaganda of the vermin in the media you'll understand why I was so thrilled to see the truth and I dare tell you the truth on a savage nation joined by Savage Nation call No 855-478-5407 extension 2827 . Is hearing loss a concern of yours and don't know where to turn visit w c b.m. Dot com click on ask the expert and you'll get an answer from Dr Johnson at audiology associates. 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Democrats speaking the I word Jack Callahan Fox Neo's using the some of that recommendation for the former professor the president's former lawyer Michael Cohen all the lawmakers are claiming the payments made by the silence of women who say they had affairs years ago with Donald Trump could be impeachable campaign finance law violations some President Trump denies having any affairs and has not been accused of any crimes related to the payments the funding identifies him as individual one quote as Cohen himself has now admitted with respect to both payments he acted in coordination with and at the direction of individual want in a tweet the president's lawyer Rudy Giuliani declared candidate Trump did not break any laws payments to settle lawsuits are not clearly a proper campaign contribution or expenditure oxes Catherine Herridge the president will be Tuesday with the Democrat leaders of both the House and the Senate to discuss immigration and border wall funding ahead of a threatened government shutdown in less than 2 weeks the president continues his search for a new chief of staff after revealing over the weekend the John Kelly will be leaving of years Ed along with names being mentioned as possible successors North Carolina congressman Mark Meadows but he tells Fox as the story with Martha MacCallum the president hasn't contacted him yet at this particular point I'm looking forward to having conversations. With the president if he so chooses Elise chief in Woodland Park Colorado says he still considers the search for Kelsey beareth as a missing persons case 29 year old mother hasn't been seen since Thanksgiving but Cheryl Barrett says this is not like her daughter doesn't run off and someone knows where she's that. Kelsey we just want you home. Because if you can we won't quit looking missing woman is a flight instructor her cell phone pinged a tower 700 miles away in Utah just a few days after her disappearance this is Fox News. Welcome to Fox Nation an exclusive streaming service designed for the Fox News super fan Sean Hannity The great thing about Fox station that always got a 247365 Brit Hume like you hear more as opposed to going to do that Jeanine Pirro and that's why people come to us they trust us they believe us and they know that we're giving it to them straight it's members only content you won't see anywhere else Fox Nation is live so start your free trial at Fox Nation dot com today Fox Nation opinion right there was someone wants the news they want someone they can trust our job is to cut through the talking points Martha MacCallum we're going to ask the tough questions because there's a lot of conventional wisdom out there that needs to be challenged should embrace what I'm doing is making sure that whatever is developed through the day people are fully informed from coast to coast we're 247 news but really down to the minute we're going to be fearless we're going to be fair whether it's for Yemenite or their products news channel real news real honest opinion. There's a Fox News Alert for us Marines of just to clarify I've missing crew members who've been missing since the collision of a fighter jet in a refueling tanker over the ocean off the coast of Japan last week have been declared dead the search for those 5 missing Marines as now officially been ended nearly 6 years after a gunman killed 21st graders at a Connecticut elementary school newly released documents are providing some insight into the mind of a killer Researchers say the release of the writings of Sandy Hook Connecticut elementary school shooter Adam Lanza may offer insights into the mind of a mass killer the Writings released by Connecticut state police after the Hartford Current newspaper and the state Freedom of Information Commission filed a lawsuit some relatives of the 20 children and 6 educators gunned down at the school on December 14th 2012 said they welcomed the release though they say they wish it hadn't come the week of the anniversary of the shooting Adam Lanza shot.

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