Kind of dating question for me is always what's coming up and if people sense that you're not pushing an agenda you're not pulling your punches they're going to rely on it's a commitment to the Crow one of the advantages I think of having been in this business so long you're able to detect what is real what is important and what's just political noise Chris Smalling some Fox News Channel real news real honest opinion. Reflection and prayer in Pittsburgh. A healing service was held yesterday outside the Tree of Life Synagogue where last weekend 11 worshippers were killed by a gunman robber dowries has pleaded not guilty to federal hate crimes he could face the death penalty somber Sunday services will be held in Texas today were churches marking one year since the gunman's deadly rampage Southerland Springs 1st Baptist Church will remember the 26 people who were killed there one year ago with a special commemoration during today services Texas governor Greg Abbott is expected to speak 6 months ago church members broke ground on a new Worship Center an education building that's being built on 2 acres of land next to the current church on November 5th 2017 police say Devon Patrick Kelly opened fire inside the church's morning services began with his victims ranging in age from 5 to 72 years old he was later found dead in his vehicle that's Fox's tonnage of powers rainstorms lashing Sicily have killed at least 10 people according to State Radio 9 of those victims were in a home that was flooded by a rapidly swelling river in the countryside near Palermo at least 2 other people are missing last week in northern Italy at least 15 people were killed in stormy weather that uprooted trees and left several villages without power or access to roadways with 2 days to go before a mare. Votes how will the weather impact Election Day big storm moving through it's going to be really really windy and really rainy especially across parts of the Ohio Valley so it won't be for anybody an all day washout that Spock's meteorologist Rick Reichmuth in the Northeast stormy weather has moved away leaving much cooler temperatures behind. This is Fox News. Keeping our eye on a possibility for some strong to severe storms as we head to work with the best opportunity on Tuesday as the dress is Sunday though high pressure remains in place today are highs loaded fifty's with whomever this year speaking tonight Kettering late lows mid forty's rain likely all through your Monday highs these showers storms on Tuesday to be really begin to crank up especially after these storms could be strong possibly severe weather channel for talk radio. Join me for 28 election night coverage Tuesday night forever 6 from 7 pm to 11 pm all anchor coverage will bring you up to the results along with political analysis from Pentagon 28 election night coverage by anyone else and barbecue Fortune 5270708 and by the government shark and Fortune 544027 I don't miss 28000 election night coverage on talk radio succeed. As a small business owner you make every dollar count what could you do with $10.00 go to vistaprint dot com today and you'll get $500.00 high quality custom business cards for only $99.00 that's less than 2 cents per card and your satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed so it's never been easier to turn 500 strangers into connections just visit vistaprint dot com and use promo code 1313 at checkout that's vistaprint dot com primal code 1313 percent I witness interviews with. Yes this is Linda Collins live on the scene of a recent lightning storm here to describe the events a t.v. Tray I was watching football and holding a plate of meat loaf when come by him a bolt of lightning slams into the apartment blowing out the t.v. And surround sound anything you could have done to help ma'am I'm a full table not an electrician your t.v. Tray can't help you in a lightning storm but the Geico insurance agency can help you get coverage for personal property damage go to Geico dot com to see how affordable renters insurance can be going to be in studios are sponsored by and see for a term of solutions cured in each Thursday evening at 6 pm for information on your financial health was robbery and safer term solutions you said opinions you hear on talk radio 680 w c b m n w c b m dot com are not necessarily those of the owners management employers and advertisers of w c v.m. But they should be radio flea market is sponsored by popular jewelry and pawn of Dundalk. So. This is Talk Radio 687 new c.b.s. 5 once again for Radio Free markets now your host Jay Harris good morning good morning and this is not rescue health line this is radio flea market Ok an hour later for them but anyway we're here with the Faces Show in radio shows as bargain boring just have your pencil and paper ready and of bargains will be there 419226680 is the phone number 180-922-6680 is the long distance number Ok simple rules to be called last week don't call this we try to hold it 2 items and please if you missed a phone number wait till after the show we'll be glad to give it to you so we are here on the 1st day of 9 daylight saving time and as soon as. He and takes a call we can get on the line All right 411226680 so it's sorta nice to wake up and have some light there and it all right has taken a call as we had a little problem producer today so no as running here to take over in. Ron in Silver Spring Ron Yes How you doing Ron pretty good 2 things 1st I mentioned next Saturday at 5 pm the record flea market swap at the 1st Christian Church hard 5 able to roll and I have a new Ok but you know once a month yeah every 2nd Saturday of the month Ok to us next next Saturday is the record show and at 5 pm 5 pm $58.00 o 2 Roland I have a new right and on the other thing I've got a. Vintage tape deck that works it's one of Scott all analog controls and actual actual real switches on it not not push button type Ok so it's kind of antigens you have a real volume knob on it Oh how about that anyway and I'll bring that to the club there and I bring a kind of bunch of blank tapes that you can record you know you have to race old stuff off your Ok You know it's a sixty's and 90 minute tape in all that now some people are biased type you know yeah some people still have some people still like that right. Some people still like the old tapes right oh they do and I understand they're coming back I heard Yeah all right so if you listen believe it but I have only it happens right if you want the old tape deck or you want more information on the show for next Saturday what number can I call Ron 3 o one right 346. 616-630-1346 extension 6166 Thank you Ron Ok some high 541-090-2668 extension 0 Hey did they. Square off when 11 am on c.w. Baltimore. Richards panelists go over the effects of presence trumps fiery rhetoric plus the midterms can a Democrats take back the House can show a subset Hogan no way join Professor revive That's Gene few get marry cook and buy share for square off today at 11 am on c.w. Baltimore we have lost our Ok he tells me line 2 is bobbing Glen Burnie. Bonnets are how you don't are right how are small are all having a little problems here because we've got. 3 old sleds one with a wooden sleds with the metal rails right for $20.00 and a pair roller skates from the fifty's who want Ok and have it be Ok they also roller skate 3 needed a key to tighten of and all that right I don't think they're quite that old Oh Ok all right and so you have the sleds and you have the roller skates and what your phone number of. Poor 38676957. 443-867-6957 if you want the sledge or the roller skates the writer Ok thanks a lot thank you bye 410-002-2668 extension 0 trying to get the board up here but we're getting there don't forget the beacon newspaper and a great monthly focus on interest of people over the age of 50 I talk about it all the time and talk about it for years great articles great commentary interesting ads just a really good newspaper and where do you find it libraries coffee shops offices c.v.s. And write a drugstores really good newspaper pick it up and read it it's just it's really good and look for our ad to says radio flea market then and there for years we do nice trade with them and Shaun King the person to call if you have any computer problems you know that anything installation correction he can do it from his home do it from here his his home your home we're office whatever it is call mup Shaun King 419165600 all right we have open lines of 410-002-2668 extension 0 we go to Sue in Pasadena. Good morning good morning Sue how you at your lovely Pasadena Oh yes good I thought . Oh a person off. Far. Right on the 25 hour for for radio arm saw Ok I don't. Need a 5. I don't. Know how much you want for that 5 All right tonight so much for $25.00 each good deals of you right. I want your phone number out there in Pasadena or want my money that's. All right if you want and he saw you nice and Saul Sue hasn't a very good prices $25.00 each both in good working shape right. Ok 419161682 Thanks so I know I 419226680 Karin is looking for something caring right I'm looking for a refrigerator Ok anything but white. And my numbers 443543 I have a full size right yeah Ok does it matter if it's side by side or are white anything but like anything or white all right if you have a refrigerator in good working shake of course Right right yeah Ok anything but white call Karen what's the phone number for 43543987443 a 543987 call Karen she needs a refrigerator Thank you Carrie All right bye bye 410-002-2668 extension 0 Hey I talked to Phil gallant the other day and he's still he's still doing what he's been doing for years he's looking for anything old Ok Ryan bourbon open whiskey bottles coin operated machines circus stuff stained glass watches anything go you call them say hey phil. I've got to stop got this and Phil says Hey that sounds interesting Can I make an appointment to come out he makes an appointment to come out he looks of the item of the like c.n.n. He makes you an offer if you like the offer he takes the item and you get the cash so a very simple procedure so anything all of the house call Phil gallant 413361153 call him off and he will tell Fenty your house all right 411226680 we have an open line we're going to Ron and Monckton Hi How are you all right Ron you have a machine out of the little ethical. For $600.00. It's a new way to track electrical and it's a very good shape and I also have a quad to fire pellet stove I want to sell for $2500.00 with a ton of talent to go with it all right Ok How old is an elliptical it's about 6 years old I am a must have cost new about 1200 hours all right all right well you might have to give a little bit there but anyway nor in order to track the elliptical for $600.00 and the pellets so with the pellets that are $2500.00 you have what's a sound number for one No 3 for 31119 for 13 for 3111980 Nordic Track electrical or the pellets The Thanks Ron thanks for the buy 419226680 we are going to know are more ready in price so yeah that's me why you are in mourning how you I'm doing it cold but I'm Ok C'mon you know live with it. Ok so I have a professional grade drum set Ok. Great colors the red one color. I'm looking to get $650.00 symbols and all the hardware and everything all together the drum throne and everything I can and drums and include and it's a 4 piece $44.00 pm drum set and assembles right and assemble Ok so this is a really good set Yes all right if you're into and how much you want it's 65650 a few has some eyes in it a drawing and when you get it for little kids get a super advance right now it's it's if you're a professional drummer Ok All right a good strong set here for $650.00 for drums and cymbals and everything and more he's in Pikesville at what number 443226. 2832. I'm a mum make sure could his differences on the board 443-226-2832 extension 0 right through to a 2 to me you know if I can to a 23 to me. And I got to do it again because if we got it all wrong on the board give us 2 is again or 3 right 226-2832 All right 4432 to stick to a 3 to 4 the drum set all right thanks morning Ok bye bye bye. All right. Get rid of their art let me tell you something I don't know about you but. I get all these robo calls for people wanting to sell me some Medicare supplement I want to surance and then I turn on the t.v. And here's our and there's Humana care and all this was supplemental but here's the truth about it now you hear me talk about John Richardson all these plans offer the same thing Ok no plan is different make him tell you how great they are and all that the only difference is is when you have to decide how much you want to pay for the premium and how much you want to have is that the doctor bill all right if you don't want to have to talk to will you pay more for the premium if you want to check a chance and have it the doctor will then you pay less for agreement but they're all they're Ok and if you call John Richardson the guy I use in the guy my friends use he will eat you and tell you the right ones he'll give you all the options Ok he's not selling for anyone particular he just knows he has all the plans all of them Ok and you tell him I want this I wanted to talk to Bill I want Bob and he'll work with you and get you to write a play and he's been doing this for years he knows it he's a local I keep emphasizing that with my other advertising he's a local you know want to deal with the these people over the line and all this you call John wrist is that if need be he'll come and meet with you all right it's time to do it you have it now between now and December 7th so you call him up and talk to John Rich and Hill lead you through and catch it up right the plan that's right for you for 19563745419563745 John Richardson juggle you see v.m. Baltimore. Keep an eye on a possibility for some strong to severe storm. We had to work with the best opportunity on Tuesday as we had to dress a Sunday though high pressure remains in place hot sun today our highs low to 50 the cool never this year sticking tonight chittering late lows mid forty's rain like the all clear Monday highs for fifty's showers storms on Tuesday to be really good to crank up especially after the storms could be strong pastas clear weather check for Talk Radio City. Is a paid political announcement Here's what real people are saying about Congressman Andy Harris Keith Graffy us of crabby garage doors for our district because he looks for solutions to problems Congressman Harris understands that he can help me as a small business person by cutting taxes and cutting regulations and letting me go to work and do what I need to do to grow my business we've made a lot of progress and I ses in the last 2 years we can't afford to go backwards in this country anymore we have to continue to move forward and by reelecting any Harris we take a big step forward Taylor of Taylor's produce Congressman Harris works directly with the people of the district he doesn't spend all of his time in Washington he is here he works hard and tirelessly to help it's very important to get out and vote for Andy Harris and the 2nd coming election because he is very responsive to the needs of the people go to Andy Harris dot com for more of their stories I'm Andy Harris and I approve this message paid for by and here's for Congress are you paying too much for Term life insurance there's a tremendous price war among the major term life companies rates have dropped dramatically in the past few years for example a man age 45 non-tobacco user $1000000.00 of coverage 70 $5.00 per month level right for the next 10 years or a man age 50 non-tobacco can obtain $500000.00 of coverage for a monthly premium of only $110.00 a month guaranteed not to change for the next 20 years that's right level right guaranteed not to change for the next 20 years if you're a smoker we have great rates available for you as well at term Busters we specialize in policy. $500000.00 and above if you're looking for new or replacement term life insurance call today for a quote at 105695440 that's 180-569-5440 you're probably paying more than you should call term Busters 180565440 or visit our website at term Busters dot net remember 180-569-5440 rates and availability may vary by state sample rate quotes based on preferred non-tobacco underwriting exam required to qualify the following is a paid political announcement live on my city 45th district I am Joe Rucker from our own State Delegate I am for school choice for all students all schools public and private also to include the trade schools I am for private professional neighborhood security called 911 is not the answer to stop and then they cart that's and general vandalism and crime free community is a great heist in that I am Joe rocker I approve this message thank you paid for by authority of Estrada Dan Tony Treasurer the news you want to know so here's the thing the way we're. Going to go either way Republican that you like. To see. In the economic numbers today money in their paychecks every nation's car they want to throw rocks they were. Not what America turned back East radio 60 w.c.p.n. . Time we're back and we go to Christian Dundalk last night Chris what's up I say I'm not selling anything today I'm looking for something for help it's Ok that I called an unbroken you're fine I please send in $100.00 would you Oh sure no problem Ok I'll call that the address Ok thought I'm looking for it fail prop electric clothes dryer it's not an apartment I say they way or they didn't say Wait maybe 30 to 50 pounds and you know if it's something that you that portable you can write you can move around I. I realized a little unusual item but I thought I'd give it a try if anybody has anything like this they can reach me at Forte and 735411 I 410735411 if you have a table top clothes dryer right yes Ok thanks Chris thank you very much but I 411226680 richer in Westminster Good morning. You know I have a friend in very very literate friend very soon but he keeps calling it West Minister and I hate to correct them you know. This. Sir Well I know there's no why there's no i course there's no war in Washington either you now rightfully all say. Tell us oh yeah Richard Hey I do read very electric a Turow electric leaf blower with a vacuum bag attachment and the whole whole 9 yards it's a real nice unit it's not new in the box but I do have a box for it so it's generally used and it works perfectly and that's $45.00 and then I have a gas operated because can get a lawn vacuum that has a large fraction that I think it's about a $6000.00 horsepower. It's not suffer fell that's got a larger wheels it's easy to push to stop the troops extension tube in the front you can get em tight spots and also has a little to pursue for the size you can shove small sticks and whatnot in and that's $150.00 Ok so that's $150.00 and how much is a vacuum and well that's the the cut kid that this lawn vacuum is $150.00 and the electric Toro leaf blower is 45 Ok And Richard is in Westminster yes i Phone Number 4 for 360572384436057238 The electric. Torode what the electric is the one liter of the turbo is electrically flour right and the sub to death is a lawn vacuum Ok 443-605-7238 thank you Richard I'm going to give a shout out to God up there in Manchester Ok you got head Hugh Shelton I'm shocked thank you Richard but I see her 419226680 we're going to stand and Woodlawn. A.j. Have a go on it all right Stan How's everything on Woodlawn everything's fine now look I'm hoping that rain can pull this thing out we've got the backs against the wall today. You know this is the season right here if they don't beat I mean they have to be Pittsburgh Cleveland and Cincinnati to get anywhere and they have said they have to start today here I'm tell if they don't win today I don't know about you know. I tell us about your cut Ok You know I'm looking I'm kind of populate a bedroom I need a chest of drawers and either a cot or a single big or maybe a clean big night so anybody is out there. A single bed a night stand a chance a dog a trying to get rid of please give me a calm time to operate a bit really I mean it will slip 35640640 All right so you have a dresser or you have a cot or a single bed stand they just to fix up his bedroom and he's had 443-564-0640 right you have to thank them go Ravens live Ok sandbanks. You know when I did talk about John riches I talked about going local and I This is Sharon Christie all right and I said the same thing you see the commercials on t.v. So Security disability benefits call me up I'll get them for you well why would you do with an 800 number from somebody out of state when you have Sharron Christie right here right here in lovely Lutherville and she's been doing this for over 25 years Ok she gets people so security. Disability Benefits you call up or office you tell them your problem and all that may go through the whole thing and answer all the questions and Ok if they think you have a good case they will take you on they will not take on a case if they don't believe they have a good chance of winning all right they're passionate about the work they do and they're realistic Sharon herself is a lawyer and a nurse and she understands both sides of the problem all right so should get you on air should put you through the whole process take all the information they do all the work and all of a sudden what do you have a lump sum a retroactive payment you have a monthly income you have medical insurance you are and you can relax that's what the law office is Sharon Christie does and I'm saying she's local right here in Maryland she knows all the how to get through the court system the best in Maryland d.c. And Pennsylvania she knows the way to judges like to see things written up she's the best for you so call mom tomorrow and get started when you're so Security disability benefits Sharon Christie law for 15 to 717404152717540 She's helped a lot of our listeners let her help you 410-002-2668 extension 0 from Millington Maryland it's May morning morning May how you day on there was final Tell us about your dials I have a. Holiday for me they've never been on the office. I have the money you know all the way up to 5. Plus I have to like. Holiday farming and I'm like well I'm all for $250.00 That sounds very reasonable. Ok so if you're into collecting Barbie dolls or you have I guess that's not fully clothed correct but if you have a granddaughter or daughter that once Barbie dolls this is it right $200.00 That's exactly right all right how many is an Emmy is it. 13 now together Ok good all right and Maison Millington Marilyn give us your phone number or 10803074411283874 if you want these 13 Barbie dolls for only $200.00 in the boxes never and added a box right all right May thanks the masses are now on the call right back I appreciate it thanks may you know the buy 419226680. And now it's our friend Tom from Hamden morning Jay we're going to continue the football talk here for a moment I have a binder of Baltimore coal cards the old cards what was it 83 further back to 954 the 1st one is 54 Burke wretch are you lost or member and kicker Yes he was you had the record for a while yes you did yours for some years actually and anyway it's a total of 30 and they got virtues in there John Unitas heart Phinney Lidl Mitchell bridge players they had white wow through the cetera et cetera and I won $35.00 for the whole vanity cards it's 30 Ok 35 bucks and then I have a binder also Baltimore Ravens a couple of Ogden rookies Flacco Suggs Ray Lewis Todd he Jimmy Smith in there Jamal Lewis rookie and that also goes with a 3 by 5 Raven flag as I'm throwing in with that and I won 35 bucks for that slot All right he got choice got a choice and I were taking both Yeah a lot of work Olson Baltimore Ravens and my phone number here in scenic Hamden is for want to know 2355057412355057 if you want to Colt football cords or the Raven football cards plus the rain flag from Tom in andon I thank you de Thanks Tom. 419226680 gives an open mind with Tom hanging up and we're going to will you well doing what is just William in the middle of the show that's right that's right I know it's right or right now but it's I place to get I almost I can i got i can start at the top because it never goes through day but I like to start in a middle or at the end if it's Ok with you all right will you what do you have I did a j I've got an LP 40 five's D.V.D.'s you can get. 20 albums $165.00 there in excellent condition beautiful music and I got to close of course from a $1.00 to $20.00 and I got baseball cards football cards very reasonably priced they're very clean cards very colorful and they're on their plastic and a very cheat and they're good for somebody just starting out some type of little thing they want to do with baseball car or ball cards and it's very reasonable form day they don't have to pay 3000 dollars 1000 dollars they can pay as low as $3.00 before cards Ok or does or the a card's I go $6.82 and the you know like the larger players and C.D.'s I got see these galore and you've got everything going read hours and the French are like beautiful cd records handy baseball cards football cards clothing everything got it from William and price he'll give us half out of a day out say I got some good deals I took out and day is 41065469176416546917 that's it call William the man with everything I've got it all j. Thank you William take care I don't hate Cooper contracting family owned business specialize in asphalt paving socialize and paving and maintenance of driveways and parking lots the owners are hands on overseeing producing quality work at competitive prices they've been in business for 45 years and being growing because of referrals from loyal customers he could for contracting his license bonded and insured your call 417-666-7704 extension 8 free estimate e.q. Per contract ing trusted reputation professional crew quality work and top ranked at Angie's List and Baltimore Business Bureau e.q. Per contracting 417666770 we're going to lose and to what do I have to say you have a buzz saw all. When the great Edmund heard of the new wave. Tell us about the rotary saw buzz. It's a Black and Decker $115.00 worth. And now this is a double deal here I heard one guy say that is double the 11 double deal I have. One or 8 track tape and very nice only new looking. For $25.00 for all the old rock and roll songs from the sixty's right and I have $32.00 paid for $25.00. Ok there is a practice Also I see have 2 different track deals Yes Ok already said here in 8 track tapes I'm sure some people still have a player around right yes there are fun to collect them Ok and a rotary saw for what $25.00 to $15.00 down to $50.00 and have someone sent arrested I have a whole boil of it so that is I think is your mom. Knew it must be a couple 100 feet going to school right. I mean for all her Ok All right the rope the rotary sole or the 8 track tapes from Budget Hamilton is that what phone number for 1046 privates 3 or one were 14265341 Thank you Buzz thank you for now with us this morning that's it now it's it's and I can't do it every time but if you're my. 419226680 up in line with buzzer hang up Andre. Ai you dog all right you have a whole Total Gym haha you have a Total Gym is the top of the line I have it as Sesame store I have manuals toys and also have videos to all wow and I want to sub out a 6 month so actually and I want to sell it for $400.00 and how much a discussion no 15 all right and so only 6 months old yeah all right and only like 3 times already 25 percent of the costs you've got it in and I want to also sell the brown liberal group is a $2.00 piece sectional. And I want to Brown and I want to set it for our 400 as well how big and the hell does it. Best in a year Ok so you. Just sit in the room is not you right 2 piece brand sectional for $400.00 and in total and a Total Gym with all the accessories and off for $400.00 right all the sesame sacks to par action parts and I Andres in what part of Baltimore. Apartment Ok give us a phone number 0108314820418314820 for the Total Gym with all the excess trees and a brown sectional sofa Thanks Andre thank you good day. Who is our sponsor for you know who it is popular jewelry and pawn of Dundalk Ok what do they do are 1st of all they buy gold silver and platinum and they pay the most of anybody of ground hands down guarantee 10 percent more than you get any place else all right now as the name implies are also a pawn shop so if you're short of money you take your item in there and oh give you cash Kotick and only if it's in nice working shape or a good order all right but because they take in so many items for pawn and a lot of people can't buy it back they have a lot of stuff to sell at way under retail prices and all in good shape what do they have jewelry and watches some new T.V.'s musical instruments like electronics bikes cameras. Gardening equipment knobs anything and everything at way under retail Ok so you go visit your brightly lit store and 1709 popular place right off Marigold board and wise Avenue pop Ripon unsure of Dundalk is open Monday through Saturday their phone number is 410 to 85 to 687410 to a 5 to 6 a 7 and when you go in please tell Warren I wanted to say ask people you heard about radio free market they are your sponsor hate the holiday season is coming up if you need money that's the place to go if you need bargains that's the place to go popular jewelry and pawn of done dog 411226680. David in cadence ill there's certain things though Gainesville sorry I'm moved your real fast there that's Ok brother I tell here in Kingsville you have an extension ladder Yes sir I have an extension ladder so 32 foot rule and I'd like to get $45.00 that's aluminum right yes or Ok $40.40 how at $45.00 foot yes or yes $45.45 our foot of and how long is it again it's a 32 foot 32 foot I don't have anything else well one can question the police but I want to talk about advertising so. I've only just put quite hard stuff all together I would like to go. Here advertising the advertising agency is me so I know I'll call you after to show how sad art is to focus on a quarrel with all the what you call Ok and then I'd buy if any of my wants extension ladder 32 feet for $45.00 Davidson tains will give us a phone number for for 38548072443 a 548072 for the extension outer Thanks David I'll be in touch all right all about 541-922-6680. Greg. Hey Jay I'm How you doing Jay All right you still selling out accordion ha yes sir listen I didn't mention last time is the God only gives a girl a real center to be sent back to Italy to have the keys lined with mother of pearl Wow Yes sir I love I've also brought the price down to $1000.00 I suppose I can drop it t.j. But I understand I understand yes I can you know it's amazing instruments come and go I mean for a while you say you turn on the t.v. Everybody's fine accordion but I know I guess they're not doing anymore but I guess you still need it for a poco right oh man you and I make it and Cajun music that people love so well yeah we're going at this in just a click in my on World War 2 German army relics Robert obviously when years we're going to call him right people may have stashed in radicals a basement agreement go across the myself and know where it was and we're still collecting art to get one caught up with some stuff from the guy so it worked out fine but I'm just trying to put it that is always like trying to collect things in our right so if you want the world if you have any World War 2 items for Greg or you want to buy the accordion with the mother Pearl on keys Right right it's a common artifact a German city mayors Germans have nightmares All right give us your phone number of paid 410-603-9122 your nations Your right the serious Hortense 603-9102 if you want the accordion or you have German War War 2 item thanks right Ok thank you j w 419226680 been lying with Greg hanging up. Don in Lutherville Good morning j. Morning you have a tandem bike yes I do a Trek tandem bike it's a medium medium so we don't need a real big person or real small person size person would I be able to ride a tandem I'm looking for $350.00 Ok for a tandem bike I also have a roll top desk which I would offer $400.00 or the best offer all right Ok all right tandem bike for a medium medium or a roll top desk right correct diagram Lutherville Yes I am and what's a phone number a phone numbers 41252284 Ok 412-522-0844 the tandem bike 0 to roll top desk Yes Thank you Jay by Don reminding me of an old joke about the small person. Who is a. Fortune teller and they escape from jail and the headline read small medium at large anyway 411226680 gives us an open line don't groan out there please. Can and would bury a witch kimono Jr You don't and I've got a couple machines for us and I got 9 vending machines I don't they're not from the battle half like 4 or 5 of them are set and the rust some are snack I Want To $1000.00 or best offer for what 9 machines yes some of me well enough in a bag and they're all as is so I Want To $1000.00 or best offer I said Somerset for soda and some are for snacks and up Ok 9 machines for a $1000.00 I can say our best offer or best offer I have no food or soda and I'm right Ok All right so if you need you need. Anything some are good working shape as far as I'm saying there as it is I'm seldom as it all right 9 machines for a 1000 hours of you need I'm called cannot once a phone number 444883 192 set for 4 ft 383127234438312723 if you want to soda in a sack vending machine 9 on for a 1000 dollars call can thank Bast offer thanks that's out thank the my sounds like a good deal if you need them 411226680 because it's an open line gym and Rosedale has some some pumps Yes still got them some prompts. At $30.00 apiece I got 3 of them I know I thought people would. It goes right on and if they take the whole 3 and they don't go for $75.00 or you go 3 sump pumps and if you have rental properties some you always need some pumps right oh yeah you can see some anywhere yeah and I have had table salt craft when this band saw right at $50.00 to $50.00 for that and that a lot of the woodwork and told Piko amps and rather rather tables I want to get rid of I'm clean and house Ok James clean it hasta if you want to get rid of help and get rid of some of his tools in a sump pumps and give him a call at that phone number what is it for 10 right a 663803410 a 663803 if you have if you want to get his sump pumps or his tools or all the other stuff he's got Ok thanks Jim thank you 411226680. From nearby pipes still it's still a are you doing are you have a lot of old stuff I'm looking for old. Radios right 2 sets. Old newspapers in decent condition good condition the newspapers. Newspapers from anywhere I'm looking for old newspapers. Locally if they have them like news Americans. On paper something like prior to the 1960 s. That Ok All right. Also on looking for old maps. And one other item I'm looking for all the maps maps are below. And the other thing I'm looking for is any type of like old advertisement from Baltimore like any of the old stores that don't exist any Sure hustlers hacks knowledge they write exactly like people have any kind of advertising all humans like signs or paper weights or calendars but anything like that there's a gold advertised Anyway that's the stuff I'm looking for today all right all right now to be still available for old radios tubes yeah where you got in the people that have not gotten I think they're not readily available right Mary that way old radios old newspapers old advertising stuff from locally and all that right yes Ok fills in price will give us a phone number for one. 979349419793499 old newspapers old radios old advertising stuff from Baltimore area call month Phil tell you if he's interested in it right Phil thanks a half per day but I have a good that you till i Phone numbers each for contracting for all your asphalt paving 417666770 John Richardson your local Medicare supplemental insurance person 419563745 Robbie's 1st base poster USA 415603200 sharing Christie than says he disability. Person lawyer 415271740 antique circus fill down 413361153 poplar jury and point of gone dog our sponsor 412852687 my phone number 415610065 I want to mention Romney's 1st baseman post to us a he's out there and you know what he does it with us buttons horse memorabilia if you haven't a great event and you want to race some extra money you call Mom he'll give you a sportsman Biljana consignment basis and then if it doesn't sell it goes back if it makes more money you make more money been doing this and he and his son do a great job on it hey if you happen to need Raven tickets call me up he's always got a raven p.s.l. Full service out there Robby 1st base and post to USA 415603200 read I and Katie still. Rita. Rita. Rita you gotta turn down your radio. Read Are You There. Yet can I get rid of or I've got you know she'll call back David and Hanover Good Morning All right David what's up did you hear the man I had to be equals for sale this morning a one $1009.00 certainly cooler that black 6 speed manual leather interior it's a clear title after $2900.00 or best offer while. It's got a few minor issues the typical things that are typical with the c 4 words but. Its price its price correctly next to relinquish all right a 9 Corvette for 2900 bucks and yet and a case by the back of this is somewhere in the late eighty's early ninety's vintage extended so bacco big digging machine starts and runs great big flying got a couple minor leaks but nothing that's not typical for The Age Ok 9500 or best offer All right the backhoe for 9500 and the 89 Corvette for 2900 correct All right Davidson Hanover what's the phone number for 105044941415044941 thanks David thank you. Art in northwest Baltimore has a Chevy. Yes it's 2000 in the Chevy Astro carve a cargo van. Ladder racks it has full shelving. Unit tires and wheels at them a staff looking to get rid of them for a 1000 hours and because I'm retiring Ok how many miles 160000 still as he gets a new right now I want to change it if you look at a lot more people like these now. 2000 Chevy Astro work van or Northwest Bonner for a 1000 dollars Right right right all right give us your phone number out there northwest Baltimore As 443-525-4954 I also have something else it's a trailer stabilizer bar and they run for about $500.00 they keep the trailer from downstairs around at the very receiving end of the string alert right here and it's it's really any way looking to get $100.00 for that Alright alright bar in the Chevy Astro van 443-525-4954 Thanks Are you very much rather thank you 419226680. Below in Manchester. I'm looking for any old gas station items or old vs from the sixty's and seventy's Ok and my phone number is 410960. $7380.00 are if you have any old gas as you know hymns like signs in all right signs mostly gas pumps some Look gas pumps or anything Bill's looking for me is out Manchester but he'll come pick them up for 1096 year old 7380419607380 Thanks Bill I guess I'll buy I guess people have no sitting around the house I don't have room for 841-122-6680 readers back Rita still looking Yes Can you hear me yeah I got your reader Yeah just looking for refrigerator you know like a 2 door the one with the freezer at the bottom Ok and doesn't matter what color white black. Black black Ok all right if you have a refrigerator for Rita give her a call what's your phone number Reda all 102628886412628886 if you have a refrigerator really needs one Thank you Rita thank you bye bye. Open life 411-2266 days hero William in Aberdeen Hi doing Jay All right Will you tell us about your bike mongoose bike 19 inch mongoose Petrik bike and my son had a for about a month and will never use it after that wow it's like a brand new bike and have a sofa that not a bike is. $95.00 it was like almost $300.00 will be purchased and is sofa. A light colored yellow. $195.00 and that was about like $700.00 when we purchased it right and a new desk it's still in the box. Well they have to put it they have to put it together but $69.00 and an office chair for $30.00 will have a lot more we downsize from where we were. Before All right so he's got the mongoose bike has it brand new His son never really used it right up to says that a desk in a desk share Williams an average gain What's a phone number 443-991-9196 Ok 443-991-9196 thank you William thank you I could buy more all right Elsie All right Mike you call in 2 weeks in a row what's up yeah this is like looking I'm looking to hire a helper that can construction or lay a staple Columbia Maryland all right if you have if you have my cell was lookin as solid back to when the latter was up there before I guess you don't need that ladder but a lot was bought for you ladders Ok Right now I don't need well I need help and I'd like to learn Colombia are you give us your phone number Mike or 4328536974432853697 if you want to work for Mike out in Columbia thanks Mike thanks love i l o c n storage town Pennsylvania Good morning Ari what do you have. Provided no. Carrier can call me right or if as far as I have are the road war. You're right 3 flights. And all of that I just read of all Ok so you don't want to just want them I take it that's what I said if you want to stereo component in a cabinet Elsie's in stores town Pennsylvania give us your phone number l.c. Or one for a. Final call. There are 914-181-2069 extension 1 if you want the stereo cabinet it can come but cabinets free that from l.c. And sword Sam Pennsylvania thanks l.c. Poor rather go right does it for another busy week of radio play Market No I thank you for filling in and have a great week Ruth the Ravens on the victory will see you next week on radio flea market. Stimulating talk Breaking news on talk radio is succeeding w c b m m w c b m dot com. Stay connected and stay informed on the number one use talk station talk radio 60 w. C.b.s. Baltimore and w c b m dot com. More jobs and less crime. Fox News that's what President Trump is promising to Americans who vote Republican on Election Day Tuesday I need the people of Florida to send out a message to cry or just sure Nancy from us. Perhaps you are. During a rally in Pensacola Florida last night the president made the case for Senate candidate Rick Scott and gubernatorial candidate Rhonda Santas Ron is running against really a radical socialist named Andrew Geller. Has picked up support from singer Jimmy Buffett who told a crowd yesterday it's time to switch gears the president continues to canvas the south today will begin Georgia and Tennessee former President Barack Obama will be in his hometown of Chicago today who also rally Democrats in Indiana demonstrations in Tehran marking 39 years since the u.s. Embassy takeover crowds chanting. With the u.s. And death to Israel this as Washington restore sanctions on the regime sanctions that had been lifted as part of the 2015 nuclear deal would be stopped back tomorrow the Trump administration making the move months after withdrawing from the international agreement earlier this year the sanctions cover Iran shipping financial and energy sector same secretary of state my comp aoe says it fundamentally altering the behavior of Iran sanctions it not just Iran but countries that do business with Iran 8 u.s. Allies will continue importing Iranian petroleum for about 6 months but have made commitments to reduce or eliminate those imports in Washington Jarrett helper and Fox News the number of dead rising in Sicily where severe weather has killed at least a dozen people 2 other people are missing as the island is hammered 5 torrential floods this is Fox News. Looking for opinions down right to go to Fox Nation dot com If preorder right now Fox Nation is the streaming subscription service that will have exclusive Daily Show probable documentaries and must see on demand program that's the perfect complement for every box fan plus a good approximation dot com preorder now and get one of a kind exclusive merchandise available now to put more of that is I'm only going to miss your chance to become a founding member go to Fox Nation dot com and preorder right now seems to me there's only one place to be Fox News Channel in this trickle moment with the balance of power at stake this is the mid-term election everybody is waiting for only Fox News she brings real insight smart perspectives in the only results minute by minute if the race every pivotal moment is America decides whether they're interested Tuesday statement special coverage starting at 6 pm Eastern on Fox News Channel. Horrifying news in the Midwest or people killed in a hit and run crash in Lake Halle Wisconsin a village in the western part of the state about 95 miles east of Minneapolis 3 of the victims Girl Scouts all in the 4th grade at Homestead elementary school in Chippewa Falls a woman also killed the group was picking up litter in a ditch when a pickup truck veered off the road and hit them a 4th grow Scout was also hit and is listed in critical condition Police say the girls were all wearing bright safety vests and were with several adults the driver of the truck fled the scene but has since turned himself in to face charges for Fox News allegations of racism and massaging me against the Florida man police say shot by a yoga studio killing 2 women of thirty's until it has he's a 40 year old Scott merely enter the business on Friday posing as a customer and began shooting patrons fought back trying to prevent him from harming themselves and others. Before he turned the gun on himself and died at the scene that's Fox's job sneakers are being tied and retied as runners get ready to pound the pavement in New York the city's marathon gets underway about 30 minutes from now showing Flanagan shocked the world last year by becoming the 1st American woman to win the New York City Marathon since 1977 now Szell to become the 3rd American woman to win back to back 26.2 mile runs across the 5 boroughs of New York American women getting a surge this year with Boston Marathon champ Dez lended making her way to the streets of n.y.c. Along with Women's Half Marathon record holder Molly huddle on the men's side 3 recent wonders of major marathons will hit the course including last year's champ Jeffrey come war of Kenya the New York City Marathon will get underway shortly after 9 am Eastern time that the ball is on no Fox News in the n.f.l. a Perfect season is on the line the undefeated l.a. Rams will take on the 6 in one New Orleans Saints. This is Fox News to. Keep an eye on a possibility for some strong to severe storms as we head to work with the best opportunity on Tuesday as we had to dress this Sunday though high pressure remains in place hot sun today our highs loaded fifty's with whomever this time of year speaking tonight can't relate those mid forty's rain like we all through your Monday highs upper fifty's showers storms on Tuesday to be really begin to crank up especially after dollars these storms could be strong possibly here I'm told more Weather Channel for Talk Radio City Roger really of safer term solutions as pro to sponsor the w c b m studios for questions on your retirement or future financial goals tune in Thursday evenings at 6 pm. Q 3070 concert series brings you one of the most anticipated concerts of the year featuring Beatle mania now and Boathouse Row at the Gordon Center building ever chance doors open at 6 pm concert at 7 pm Thanks to our sponsors for making this event a huge success future care gutter helmet family. Bank liberty jewellers Life Fitness physical therapy rescue natural supplements and window Van Gogh. Do take your cholesterol reducing drug if you said yes you should know that these drugs deplete your body of a vital nutrient called Co Q 10. Can cause muscle weakness and pain poor circulation inflammation and even heart problems.