Stay connected with stimulating talk and breaking news on talk radio 6 e w c b m. W c I'm. Full speed ahead for Tax Reform I'm Pam who sale Fox News I think that we are going to be in a position to pass something as early as the next week which will be a monumental President Obama tax bill he's helping to sign before Christmas now that Republicans appear to have secured the votes Republicans Marco Rubio and Bob Corker are both signaling yes votes on a sweeping tax bill likely securing passage when Republican leaders trigger a vote next week Rubio was a no vote until a child tax credit was expanded Corker was the only Republican to vote no on a Senate version citing concerns about the deficit g.o.p. Leaders can afford only to no boats in the Senate a few other Republicans are withholding support until they read the final version Fox says Jarrett help or no Democrat is expected to endorse the bill critics say it favors wealthy Americans and corporations over the middle class Roy Moore isn't going quietly the Alabama Republican who lost a u.s. Senate race earlier this week is telling supporters the battle isn't over in an e-mail Moore is asking for contributions to his election integrity fund he also wants supporters to let them know about anything problems at the polls ISIS could be making holiday plans an Islamic state supporter showing an ISIS fighter of looking at Washington's National Cathedral which is in flames tributes propaganda includes a cryptic message suggesting even threatening an attack time for the holidays for some context this was not published by the ISIS news agency but rather one of its followers Fox's Catherine Herridge law enforcement may also be keeping an eye on one of Osama bin Ladin sons who might be trying to regroup Al Qaida a crackdown on Boko Haram in Nigeria the military says more than 400 people associated with the terror group have been arrested many of the insurgents were killed Fox News fair and balanced. On the next episode of recipes for disaster so we've got our neighbor Paul coming over tonight for myself which is why I've prepared to listen to lemon Rosemary steak marinate on my special collection of old family recipe to make sure mistakes are extra extra tender and let the marinating out on the counter overnight just like you. May mean well but without food safety it never ends well I always thought our marinate food in the refrigerator at 40 degrees Fahrenheit were below or you could make your friends and family really sick. Neighbor Paul didn't think twice about the steak he ate until he was presenting his company's financial forecast to the board that's when a sudden out of food poisoning made it explicitly clear that profits were the only thing on the rise. Watch Reza piece for disaster and. You'll learn the right steps says Maria those everything wrong. Brought to you by the u.s.d.a. H.h.s. And the accounts. With more than $600.00 murders in Chicago this year one local lawmaker is reaching out to the u.n. President Donald Trump has been criticized at the suggestion the National Guard could keep law abiding citizens in Chicago's crime ridden neighborhoods safe now there's a call for u.n. Peacekeeping troops to combat crime already $600.00 people killed by gun violence to share 80 percent plus are African-Americans often killed at the hands of another African-American So what we're talking about a species building and this ship so County Commissioner Richard Boykin says Chicago officials have failed to keep people safe he met with u.n. Officials this week no word on how they'll get involved just Manassero Fox news it's still growing the 11 day old Thomas fire in Southern California flames have devoured some 400 square miles more than 750 homes have been destroyed following a coast to coast journey a cat gets really you know. With its owners the semi truck driver picked up his load of Pepsi at a bottling plant in Georgia and traveled across the country to California to deliver the sort of but when he opened up the semi he found the undernourished to an animal shelter the cat when where the vets used its rabies tag to locate its owners back in Georgia not far from the bottling plant but there's a mystery surrounding all of this because Kitty Biddy Yeah that's the cat's name went missing long before their truck took off actually since the 4th of July Gary Baumgarten Fox News the holiday shopping season has been Marion bright for retailers retail sales numbers up almost 6 percent over the last year for November and department stores under pressure from online competition 3 and a half percent reporter Jeff Flock with Fox Business Network retail stocks are also soaring. Fox News. W c v.m. Baltimore you're invited to join w c v.m. At midnight Christmassy for a special presentation of the Christmas Eve mass from the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen located at 5200 North Charles Street to celebrate his Archbishop William e. Lori archbishop of Baltimore. What exciting time you are now engaged after the kissing and celebration it's time to start your wedding plans the friendly Safa to Doubletree by Hilton Pikesville or experienced wedding planners they can help handle all your details and make the process a really fun experience they know all the important people you'll want to work with photographers entertainment and of course the food and venue for your reception the Doubletree Hotel and felt inside restaurant can handle receptions and rehearsal parties of any size from 4 to 400 guests with over 150 guest rooms there's plenty of space for your out of town friends and family so after you say I will pick up the phone and. Call 416531100 talk to the wedding planners at the Doubletree by Hilton conveniently located minutes from the airport and downtown Baltimore at 20 Weiser Sound Road 4 chan 653700. 10 months and hear from a yes builder home improvement wishing you a Happy Hanukkah Merry Christmas and a very prosperous New Year views and opinions you hear on talk radio 680 w.c. B.m.w. C.b.s. Dot com are not necessarily those of the owners management employers and advertisers of w.c. But they should be. The following w.c.p.n. Program has been recorded at this time the outdoorsman radio show was brought to you by Ellis outdoors l.l.c. . This is Talk Radio. Time now for the outdoorsman radio show with your host Alan Ellis. Hey we're back with the 2nd hour of the outdoors and radio show or prerecorded today folks no calls Robin are getting married in a few hours up in Deep Creek Lake we don't know if it's snowing there today or not but because we were recording the. More than a week in advance but we do some great guests would hope you stay and listen to one of them is Bill Miles the advocate for the Maryland hunting coalition talk a little bit about the general assembly but more so talking about 2 signing and we're doing that with Tom Slaven from the Upper Big Gun Club and the Torrey Jones also with the other big gun club and the Sisterhood of the outdoors we'll talk a little bit more about sisterhood of the outdoors later so. Oh I know what they asked during the during the break when they ask how do I listen to the podcast and maybe some of you don't know how to listen to the podcast maybe you don't know how to how to hear the show live every Saturday from 5 to 7 let's talk about that 1st there's a couple of different ways you can go to some of the radio apps one of them's called tuning in and you can load that on your phone or on your computer or you can go to w.c. V.m. Dot com and download the w c v.m. Dot com app which is a lot of people listen we got people listening in New Zealand we've got people listening in Virginia North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania all over the country listen to the outdoors and radio should some of these people have found this online somehow some of them have been live here in Maryland and moved somewhere else but that's the way you listen to the show live c.b.s. Dot com You put that on your phone and you can listen you know from 5 to 7 live every Saturday now the podcast that usually goes online about middle of next week so this being the 16th that show go on right before Christmas maybe the 21st or something like that 56 days down the road and you can find out on w c b m dot com but only about a month's worth of podcast stay on t.v. C b m dot com But if you go to Ellis outdoors dot com That's my Web site. Ellis outdoors dot com. You can listen to podcasts back for years if you want to and that's the way most people listen is on Ellis outdoors and I'm going to send me an email it's Alice my last name at Ellis outdoors dot com. You know that's pretty much it so to answer all your question here in studio that's how you listen to the podcast El Salvador's dot com or d.c. V.m. Dot com and the podcast is the entire show all the breaks are you know all the commercials are and everything else you just hear the whole show all the calls it's not edited they just take it right off the in studio recorder here called the skimmer and put it right up on our website so it's all good. So you guys and guess what are we talking about this hour we'll talk about Mr Slater I'd like to talk about the apprentice program Ok that's a great subject now I'm not sure but I think that was just introduced this year it was in our general assembly I think the apprentice program has probably lived a couple lives in the general simply until its passage this year it was rejected for a couple of years in a row I believe Bill if that's right 2 or 3 maybe but this year. It was it introduced didn't seem to be any opposition to it and merely having coalition support it kind of helped with it a little bit and the bill passed in Bill you want to explain a 100 credits program well how how it existed prior to its enactment effect of October the 1st of this year right was that if you were born prior to $1802.00 you were grandfathered in to getting a hunting license without taking $100.00 safety course. After 1992 you had to have a hunter safety course to be ordered to be able to buy a honey license here in Maryland Well you know we're having a recruitment problem of the next generation youth of today to have access to the outdoors because it just seems to be with all the handheld the economy devices in the non-interest their parents and whatnot they're just really not a strong recruitment effort of the youth of tomorrow to go hunting. So I just want to say that I saw this just yesterday or today. There's a study out that says the average youngster spends less than one hour outdoors a day one rest my case something yeah it's not good because you've got to remember all wildlife management in America in Maryland in America is on a ridge my honey license fees exactly that all matching dollars from the Robertson right so if you're a license fees if you are dollar for wildlife management Ok same with fish or yeah enemy Most people don't even most people think that wildlife managers underwritten by taxpayers in general and it's just not true it's 100 percent funded by hunting license fees that's right so as we see those dollars reduced the demand for wildlife management are going up right and there's that disconnect so you threw in there this recruitment problem and you will can down the road if you were fewer and fewer dollars for wildlife management which is not good and what that means is if we need to bear study in a 5 western counties money and it yeah it is 15 point you know of a peninsula to go up there and find out how they're used that you have and the trips to the peninsula and you know the winter aerial studies of water falling all that requires money reinforcements another thing to you know we fought like hell the coalition did with the budget committee this past year to keep the d.n.r. Helicopter in the air no question I mean any place to be introduced in September along comes the Budget Committee in April and it's gone gone gone done so what did we do the honey coalition behind the scenes with the budget committees and the Department of Legislative Services the staff agency of the legislature recommended that the $500000.00 in general fund for them a copter be rejected and the House said Ok no 500000 the Senate we went to. And got them to say no to the house decision includes a $500.00 well with a budget conference committee and the way came out it said this that the General Assembly authorizes the executive branch define any money within special funds meaning anything or not General Funds like you know your tax dollars Yeah well yeah they plundered a lot of ways but nonetheless they left the door open for the executive branch to be creative with special fund dollars to keep the helicopter in the air and that's what they did and we actually we actually went found a couple sources and you know we received we tried I mean but at the end of their you at the end of the day had you know and I feel pretty good about the sound at the end of the day of the Mellon hunting call if you had not intervened how we did in when we did in ways we don't talk about right Ok there would you know I would not have that helicopter today for the natural resources and it's mentioned in every other press release when they when they find somebody poaching or they you know they're doing some type of aerial survey I mean they use that they use a helicopter extensively for d.n.r. Do it well I mean yeah you have to enforce the laws there's a lot of bad guys out there are right about that so all right so back to the apprentice program so. The idea about recruitment Some lot of states are doing this in Maryland haven't done it we tried a couple of years but it's never really been a real strong strong issue but this past session we were approached as well as others to say look we need to do something more about try and. Add to gate this 1970 s. Just like the 72. Point about hunting license fees and the hunting of her safety course and the idea was Ok well an apprenticeship program would basically allow for one year only one honey season for an individual to take an online class and pass certain requirements on law and be accompanied by an adult. With a hunting license and they could go out for one year in their lives and see whether or not hunting is good for them try before you buy that's exactly what it is and give hunting a test and it was bottled up in the Senate and for whatever reason the committee that oversees an issues is really dominated by the urban mindset but we were successful with others in getting that bill out of the Senate and the governor signed it and a lot of coups go to delegate her McMillan right who led the charge until it Herbert Mellon from our own county if anybody's out there listening you really need to call and thank him for his leadership on punching the punish bill through because he was the key sponsor exactly now this Build it was not. Without opposition from the hunting education folks the n r p run program the regular 100 safety instructors they were a little concerned that there would be some safety issues and you know I guess somebody assured him that there wouldn't be you know that the online part of the Course where they don't have to do the live fire or the carrier the safety type of thing but isn't that partly a parent's or mentors responsibility to teach those things I mean I know I know my grandson when 360 course but when it comes to unload your gun before you get out of the tree or you know put it on a whole line before you hold up an interior where your safety harnessed Let's pause responsibility make sure that's done when that was and so no question I mean the only time my father ever slapped me in the face never has a child you know when I was about probably 5 or 6 and he took me out to shoot 22 some cans when I was out in Kansas right and we were put the gun away I wave the gun across his face that's not good and he swat me so hard I went over and he got up and he explained to me what I had just did what I had just done and I can tell you this day he. Never ever ever pointed I mean gun anybody even had a foot or so. I mean that is a responsibility but the idea but those groups did have a valid concern about the 100 safety course about the fire they did yeah but you know we argued that recruitment it's so vital to the future of honeymoon in Maryland is that you know we really need to look more at the notice and trust to the good judgment of the overseer of the 18 year old person or older with a hunting license and you know if it proves not to be a good program generous and we can always repeal it but it for recruitment purposes and the intent behind it we felt we should still push on despite those your sort of my concerns and we were successful Robin and I rob and I started another organization called or another another business called Buck's dash bears dash tags which is a measuring program for Merrill whitetail deer black bears which has never been done before and sick of deer stags Ok we have actually have not an apprentice but a novice division. To get youngsters oldsters anybody who's never hunted before if they take a deer we're not going to give them a minimum requirement but we're recognize that promise. The The Apprentice license fee I'm sorry Apprentice license you know being available here in Maryland and be able to put people in a record book that never ever would have had an opportunity to hunt without it was a beautiful thing and yeah I know so Tom did that answer your question. Did. You know to Bill's original point to that. Kids are spending less than an hour out the worst right if we can somehow parlay that into take a kid hunting or you know take a parent and their kid hunting so that we can get more people involved in the outdoors we've got a lot of things you know we've got a lot of challenges out there the coalition does what it does but you know hey look if we were better funded we could do far much much more no question about it and. You know we talk about that and everybody nobody wants to spend money on on hunting issues and things like that I mean you know I got to have a $10.00 sticker with a duck on it for the back of my winch of a can send a coalition 10 bucks to defend our privileges in Annapolis Ok. And then I use a certain type of brand both so I'm going to put a sticker on my windshield and that's $8.00 so there's $18.00 out of my hunting budget and then I got to get a name brand mug to carry around my coffee and that's another $30.00 So there's $48.00 I could possibly spare this in the coalition and then I need another box of shells to go with my 14 boxes the shells I have now so there's another $35.00 but by golly I mean I need that 14th box of shells well along with honor education we need to let the hundreds know that the coalition is their voice and we are important exactly. Here also is important Well that would be Chesapeake outdoors located on Can Island that's Route 50 east exit 39 b. That's Dominion road that's for sure it's waterfall season and they do waterfall picking you need your ducks picked and you've picked your breast out they can do it right there you need call you want to try one out large selection of all major brand calls in the area at Chesapeake outdoors decoys steel shot gear and camera by bandit Under Armor a large selection of boots hips and waiters Yeti coolers cammo shotguns crossbows you name it they've got it at Chesapeake outdoors full service they cut custom arrows to do a little minor gunsmithing no matter scope up for the stretcher bow up all of that at Chesapeake outdoors 39 b. Exit that's Dominion road right there of Ken Island phone number 41604250416042500 for Chesapeake outdoors let me tell you where you can buy a Browning. And we talked earlier about the Browning shotguns for waterfowl looking at 4 of them right here in front of me the gold light 10 gauge now that's nice that's a semi auto It's a gas operated semi auto loader 3 and a half inch chamber 10 gauge cammo ready to go the Maxus that is a powered drive gas system that reduces recoil that's an auto motor designed just for waterfowl hunting it comes in 3 or 3 and a half inch Chambers also in my camera the world famous B.P.'s pump available on all gauges all and even a 12 and 20 gauge rifle barrel deer models are available that again comes in you know Macias cammo the beautiful thing about the b.p.s. Is that injects the shells out the bottom so you're not slamming somebody in that side of the head with the you know with your shotgun shells at the end of blind or the in in the pit then there's the a 5 the most reliable fastest cycling best balanced and soft shooting recoil operated autoloader on the planet has what's called a kinematic drive system operated by the recoil 100000 round 5 year guarantee the a 5 in beautiful shot of grass blades camel all sports up 23 of 7 hams for a road in Lansdowne your full line Browning dealer just off that we exit 9 phone number 412-426-1082 extension 4260 want to wait for Clyde sports shop and we'll be right back after these messages big country bakery in Cambridge serves not only a great breakfast from 6 to 11 am Monday through Friday and all day Saturday that has some of the most delicious fresh baked Doenitz pastries cookies and breads on the Eastern Shore I don't go through the fast food drive through when I'm on Route 50 heading to the deer stand or the duck blind I'm patient but my mouth my belly can't wait to stop at bay country bakery for a done it or 2 in a fresh cup of rise up coffee I just look for the big done it on the side of the bakery and from 11 to 2 you can grab a tasty lunch to Dave and Gina leave your hoster train chefs and strive to bring the bad. Asked Big Country bakeries located at 2951 coastal highway just through Cambridge on Route 50 East think big recall 412289111 visit their website or like their Facebook page Bay Country bakery and be sure to stop by and say hello maybe you'll see me and Robin there. Nothing is more frustrating than a dead battery when your truffles are those of a foodie leave you stranded far from home and that's not good the solution is battery warehouse not only does battery warehouse provide batteries for your car truck you can find a reason batteries for cranking or trolling a.t.v. Batteries tractor batteries motorcycle batteries and batteries for all outdoors equipment did you know battery warehouse has batteries for wild game feeders dog callers cell phones predator calls and trail cameras how about your video camera or if you tell your boat or trailer your trailer brake control battery any battery you need with 10 locations in central Maryland there's a battery warehouse convenient to you Bel Air Frederick Cockeysville Glen Burnie Dundalk Hagerstown Westminster Eldersburg Parkville and Woodlawn visit battery warehouse Maryland dot com online for the phone numbers and more information when you need a hot flash get to the battery warehouse near you Alan Ellis here for kittens Bill Line x. And Bay line x. Of Glen Burnie spray on bed liners line Experian bed liners rated number one carry a nationwide lifetime warranty line expanded line or completely seals out water meaning no rust in your bed your tools your tackle your crabbing and hunting deer can't hurt your truck bed choose the line Experion bed line or where the line next extra both look great and Kate's feline x. And baby line extend offer truck near the toughest accessories for your truck step bar son of coverage for liners grow garbed you get it can still Onyx and be a line exit Glen Burnie provide the best protection for your truck protect your investment your pickup truck like I did with a line Experian bed liner truck here and accessories Kingsville line x. New location 2076 Lord Baltimore drive in Windsor Mill just a. Security Boulevard across 441-455-0800 that's 414550800 baseline acts of gun burning located at 2 a one wholesome way in Glen Burnie 41789019917890199 line if you're a working man in your truck breaks down you need to know one repair shop a tire not a service and they've built a reputation on getting it fixed and out the door quickly efficiently and a very competitive price Bridgestone Firestone tire. Of commercial vehicles large trucks motor. Problems. 30 to 33. For that big American flag. 833-8410 tire not. Do you still. Do not have. Heard her. Say. They are not afraid of me. So. They were back everybody who gave you a good commercial messages and thank you for your sponsors that. Ok we're with Tom Slade an upper of a gun club Victoria Jones author of a gun club and Bill miles from Maryland hunting coalition and we've had some interesting conversations off the air here that we can share with you but it's coming because we've got some something's coming up in the general simply and you know the way the coalition works is we do most of our work behind the scenes to do a lot of work and as you know as 3 months of the general simply within the general simly you know testifying in front of committees and so forth a lot of work is done and now a lot of the research is done Bill you've written you've written what you call white papers on different subjects that take you hundreds of hours of research time and you know we we know that. You and I talked just about every day and you know that what the listener needs to know is that that the coalition is 247365 not just the 90 days during the general simply and you know we have a contract with you and we just we just need the folks to support the coalition in the work that it does and we've done some great work and Bill here can testify to it and you know you can go on our website empty 100 coalition dot org That's empty hunting coalition dot o.-r. G. And we just opened a store which means you can buy tickets to our upcoming benefit on March 31st and you know you can look at the 3 for one raffle ticket package you can look at the sponsorships you can look at the couple's tickets you can look at the individual tickets you can look at the under writing if you'd like to underwrite something that we we raffle off and get some publicity for your business you can do that to us contact me through the through the website or through just you know call me here my name's on the on the door site or you can e-mail me Ellis at Alice outdoors dot com for the coalition so that's kind of the stuff we were talking about off the air some stuff that's coming up that we can't exactly share right now but we're working on at the highest levels of our government here in Maryland so right guys thank you Allan Yes Tom. How many licensed hundreds are there in the state of Maryland about 80000 and how many members do we have currently in the hunting coalition by a little over a 1000 about a 1030 that math doesn't work correct. Why would I want a $1.00 per every license tonner for the coalition would fund us for a year. When given what's it cost to become a member of the Maryland hunting coalition 0 that's crazy Well Tom I know. I know it's crazy but you know we've always depended for 3 years we've depended on the concept of voluntary contributions of the hunters in the state of Maryland you know and and the people I think when we do that I think they feel that their money is well spent now we were to charge a $20.00 membership fee those $1000.00 members would probably drop to $200.00 or $300.00 maybe paid members So what do we want to do you want to get the message out of what we're doing and what the concerns are here in Maryland 2000 people and that grows to yeah here's here's the thing that amazes me we have 3700 people follow us on Facebook but only at the House and members So what does social media social media I mean you you know guys can sit back and they can throw grenades at us or they can comment and they can agree with us and that type of thing sometimes they do spend a little money which you know is all there's only one paid person in this whole organization rest of us are all volunteers as you well know Ok so. The work that is done is in my personal opinion is very rewarding for me on a personal basis not on a financial basis but on a personal basis and that's one of the reasons I do what I do here you know the radio shows rewarding the magazines rewarding the coalition's rewarding and other things are rewarding but the coalition has you know no financial gain for Al and no financial gain for Bill Miles so to speak no financial gain for time Slaven no financial gain from the other directors or advisors and when some of the best advisors and state to all heads of organizations so but rather than get that far into it to answer your question we're supported by 100 volunteer money but. I mean you have to search for me yesterday and use that as a means of communication to your member your members you know Ok but you have more people follow than are members yes you have 60 some members or 65 members but you have a couple 100 people. The last time I checked on the website Facebook were like 700-7000 Ok you know. So water falling sexier than legislation always but without legislation you wouldn't have waterfowl Well well said You know I mean we've got regulations and legislation I mean just just the strict liability. That has changed. For some people should be for all you know that long is very incriminating without even being there was strict liability Exactly there's bait in a field and you're in the field you're guilty correct whether you knew the bait was there or not correct whether there was actual bait there or not that's true I talked to real or the other day from Salzburg. I said he's got some 100 coalitional throughout this so you want to tell your love waterfowl you ever hear the term strict liability because. Yeah I did I said oh I got busted did you go yeah I said Ok what happened he said I got a call from the state's attorney's office they couldn't prosecute me because of the new law that went into effect in 2050. So that makes that makes it all worthwhile right I mean when I said Of course I'm going to Jefferson you know for some money goes here please do call me let me know you know that type of thing so well and then he saved 20 or $30000.00 you know and then the poaching bill pushing restitution Yeah put the hammer down on. Which should be done nobody right nobody benefits or if you if you're convicted of stealing a deer from the landscape. Against the law if you kill a deer illegally that's the that's the definition of poaching and you know what that was never any fun before the poaching restitution that you're going to pay to replace that animal to the state and lose whatever part of that animal you know that you kill that's the game plan. That's what's supposed to happen. And then there's 750 acres of open hunting down and so the rural and that was closed and the coalition went to work as a 1st project got 750 acres of public land reopened to hunting there's a strict liability there's the I mean there's so many minor things that are parts of other things you know we stop the commercial sale venison we stop the 90 day slaughter season in 2 southern counties the deer season into March why you know just to execute a bunch of those and and shed had bucks so. You know there's been a lot of good the last 3 years ago it was brought together we brought together the honey community in our summit and so forth and I've seen a path forward some some legislation just like we talked about 1st hour with this. You know this business and an issue and. I got involved. Very limited Lee probably 3 years to get right. I saw a need for myself. To give back to the community and put some time and I think it's a great organization and we need to have and we should have more members Margaret I agree a 1000 percent but you know there's always there's always haters out there it doesn't matter what you do Ok there's always haters on social media and getting back to my point about 3700 people follow the organization and 1000 members. Hey folks the newsletters coming out next week why don't you join and get the newsletter. Or we need x. $1.37 people everybody send is 2020 bucks you know and you get $200.00 or $100.00 or you know something like that so social media in my estimation is good for getting the word out but as far as a fund raising tool I'm not sure that it's working that well but it's making people aware what we do you know so it's a tough it's a it's a tough thing to do so well a lot of people just don't understand the process Lester Ok and I mean you know there's this assumption that what is right in fair prevails Ok so they sit back and go Well you know I should be able to hang on Sundays and I should not have to be charged with aiding in somebody kills a big deal they should you know they should be responsible Well those are all good ideas but you know what's right usually requires Unfortunately in America that right be backed up by law right yeah you hear the old term there ought to be a lot of exactly Zack and the it would be talk about regulations a lot but all regulations are found that in the statute there are no regulations without a statutory basis right that's the Nexus and so you know RINGBACK this honey coalition white like Tom said and Tom and Victoria are great members of the coalition and they get it but RINGBACK a lot of people just don't understand what has to be involved to get these laws on the books to protect what we feel are our traditional privileges to hunt and fish and these are farmers going to that's the issue I'm going to create these people recommend that anybody listening to this show today when they get home from wherever they go to the honey coalition website not safe but paste web site Andy hunt coalition dot au argy and we have a little segment on there called politics why. No one right right politics how a bill gets passed in Maryland the system wasn't designed to pass a bunch of laws it's sausage making its best it really is the market now it's basically basically it's designed to amend laws that are already in the books or prevent frivolous loss from being paid to prevent any loss so it's easier to kill the bill than it is to pass a bill that's true so I mean the process is designed to kill bills which is a good thing if you're willing to come. Up with $3000.00 bills introduced every year it's insane amount. Is Yeah an insane amount so maybe we'll talk about that maybe here but let me tell you right now folks about Chesapeake outdoors the 1st choice for eastern shore hunters and anglers right there on Can Island as it exits 39 b. That's called Dominion road you know in 50 you cross a bay bridge you go down there a little bit about a couple miles and you look for those exit numbers to go to 39 and 39 b. Boom you get off right there around the corner and go around the Exxon station go right into the parking Chesapeake outdoors and what's so great about just peek out doors Well they've got everything they've got everything for fishing everything for hunting for water fowl they've got the shotguns Of course they've got all the ammunition the steel shot the waterfall calls the decoys the gear the camera from banded which is a great brand and Under Armor as well a large selection of cammo waders and. And you know field boots and things like that but they also pick water faster if you kill your limited geese anyone who picked or you want to plucked or you want to breast it out Chesapeake outdoors you drop them off pick them up later in the day do a little shop and wait around go to lunch whatever you're going to pick your geese pick your ducks whatever you need done we'll take care of it where is this great place again well that's exit 39 b. Dominion road right offered 50 Can Island phone number 41642500 great place to go Christmas shopping ladies just say. Hey let me tell you about Clyde sports 23 of 7 Hammons Ferry Road in Lansdown your full line Browning dealer Now we've talked a couple of times about who waterfowl guns but look. A lot of people participate in shooting sports they've got the branding Satori over and under beautiful beautiful firearm it's got 5 in Victor 2 supported barrel triple trigger system vector pro length and forcing cones It's available now in 20 gauge to 20 in 12 gauge models and if you like an over under for field hunting for up and birds or even waterfowl Well they've got a Field Mall model also available that's a 725 Tory then there's a bt 99 talked to a lady at the year ologist the other day and she said you know what I like to do trap shooting Well you know what there's a great track on the bt $99.00 the ideal competition shotgun for trap shooters of all ages again and vector plus system chrome chambers vector pro length and forcing comes all those 2 farms for the shotgun sports right here in Maryland tell you what quad Sports Shop your full line Browning Do you are located 23 of 7 have a very road in Lansdowne that's just number 9 ply and build Lambert of the owner's they've been at it 60 years this year they're celebrating the 60th anniversary phone number for 10 to 4 to 6108410 to 4 to 6108 by the way and a great Browning ammunition to go with your shift your farm has well we'll be right back after these messages w c v.m. Baltimore. Early on this Saturday with the potential for some slick conditions on even untreated surfaces in the afternoon today should hit 44 is winds pick up out of the Southwest tonight a clear sky with winds diminishing and overnight low down to 29 to Greece there will be an increase in cloud cover to the afternoon with a high close to 45 degrees then warmer weather to start off the work week with a cloudy sky on Monday and high the low fifty's that are for fifty's by Tuesday Jeff March from the Weather Channel for Talk Radio 680 c.b.s. This is Alan Alice for baseline x. Of Glen Burnie and cadence via line expiry on bed liners line expiration deadline are rated number one and carry a nationwide lifetime warranty. Line expert on deadline are completely seals out water meaning no rest in your bed your tools your tackle crabbing and hunting gear can't hurt it choose a line express where the line x. Extra both look great. Now offer truck here the toughest accessories for your truck step ton of covers floor liners grill guards you get it baseline it's a Glen Burnie feline it provide the best protection for your truck protect your investment your pickup truck like I did with a line expect liner and truck your accessories Bay line next of Glen Burnie located at 201 wholesome way in Glen Burnie 417890199178901999 x. New location 2076 Lord Baltimore drive in Windsor Mill just off security Boulevard across Ford for 1455080414550800 line x w.n.w. Tire and other service and thinks Berg is taking care of my trucks for over 25 years anything from a simple oil change to extensive engine work brakes tuneups everything their motto is we do it Bridgestone Firestone tires for pickups and S.U.V.s and commercial vehicles large trucks motor homes even diesel engines are no problem. Not a service on Route 140-3233 Baltimore Boulevard and thinks burg look for the big American flag to call for an appointment 418338410. 2 6 Alright alright alright alright get the flock out of here. We thought we'd give you a little surprise coming back Bill had to step out for a minute he might be back before the end of the before the end of the show but we've got Victoria and Terry Jones and Tom Slade in here from Upper Big Gun Club and we talked a little bit about this the 1st hour we'll talk about it went up with it in this our Victoria women in hunting Yes. Fastest growing segment of the hunting population are women correct. We need to we need as many bodies in the field as possible and you know women love to. Believe they love to help they like the adventure of the outdoors and you talked last hour about water fall in particular being a social event Yes Ok 1st of all let me say this about Victoria tourism par excellence waterfall color she's involved in this organization called Sisterhood of the outdoors and she says top notch for Congress for a hunting scene you have to see some of her stuff anyway we'll talk about your website I do not right now I have all of my my work on my Facebook page or some of it anyway and what. It's my name Victoria John Kerry Jim Ok and some of that's on the sisterhood page and a little bit song you know what the hunting coalition of the Maryland hunting court Right right. So. When you're with the Sisterhood of the outdoors and their goal is to recruit as many women into the hunting field as possible correct Ok national organization national organization you're one of the corners here in Maryland this I r I'm the actually the pro staff and field staff coordinator for the country. Really yes. I didn't know that in. The elite here today but tell us you've got an event coming up in January tell talk a little bit about that place we do for the past several years Tom and I have taken women hunting waterfowl hunting and now work spending a little bit this year we're going to call this women's waterfowl weekend it's going to be a 3 day event January 4th 5th and 6th. Where are we're going to do we're going to have a 3 day Hunt Yeah really waterfowl hunt we're going to provide free seminars to the ladies we're going to do some article Bella's in Christan and we're going to have a duck calling seminar by Christy Crawford from shit like a girl I'm going to provide a goose calling someone are dying and Sorrentino captain from Florida and Brenda she's going to watch talking tips and some in our life Bret is going to ride shotgun to the ladies to use during their hunt feel he's going to rob the shelves and we're going to film a good time to feel. Itself great it's going to be and it's going to be a hunt plus an educational opportunity for all those women that have not been in the field it's a 3 day deal correct and there is a c. I mean series is $650.00 for for anybody that does not need lodging most meals are included we're going to have dinner and lunch for writes every lady here if they know we have a meal we want to go out for ice cream at later their owner and that's right I guess right now we're going to have we have lodging included if they like I Christianity. They provide a straight Ok so we'll be we'll be carrying from the Hilton to our to our hunting locations in the morning every day on her own correct Well we're hoping that some morning hunt we have good success and then the afternoons if we have them free we may go to a local gun range and do some additional shotgun shooting and some seminars in the field with the ladies we've done rabbit hunting in the past we have done several rabbit hunt in the past we had we had Carol Sherrington remembers on our cover in the fall. He was with us and you took that photo I did exactly Darrell Carol of the great job on that rabbit Yes she did Ok 302-367-8207 is for a women's waterfowl weekend that's the phone number that's Victoria Jones phone number and that number 302-367-8207 you know Victoria we give you all the details if you're interested in more hunting opportunities with us it's good a sisterhood outdoors dot com Right we provide 40 to 50 different hunting opportunities for women every year from small game to all the way up to Elk What's what's what's website a sisterhood outdoors dot com sisterhood outdoors dot com It's called Sisterhood of the outdoors but the Russians are good outdoors doctor that's right very good well hopefully we'll get some ladies interesting not so how many can you accommodate. I think up to 20 probably several books now correct right right so we have room will make we've got a month more make room for Big Gun calls very accommodating that's for sure and certain with that. And you've got birds that's the cool thing you know people are going to see birds are going to see wildlife activity you might see foxes and hawks and ducks and snow geese and seagulls and I'm sure next Navy says what we call them . But it's going to be a good time the outdoors with people who are like minded will you know any any place in this organization friction between any members you know you know really I would tell you that it's very congenial the women are really just looking forward to getting in a blinder getting out in the field period whether a small game big game it want to learn they want to have those experiences Rice like you all do right and that's really what it's about is the experiences the memories that you take from those experiences anybody anybody that has ever mentored anyone in any kind of game hunting for example deer hunting most common as well. You know you're with when when that person pulls the trigger and drops and then whether it's my grandson or whether it's Lara my daughter you know and then the work starts that's what cuts the mustard right there it's true you feel dress a deer and what that's all about you know the sights the sounds the smells and all that Technicolor it's it's quite an experience for people and if they get in if they're good with that they're good for any sure you know they're good with the experience of the outdoors so we tell you it's it's been a fun show guys I mean it really has we've talked about a lot of things now Tom Yes anything you want to bring. In that we've got like 4 minutes and we have 4 minutes about that yeah. We've been barked on some expanding some opportunities with upper body gun club Ok good we're doing see documents nice Ok. Our phone numbers in the running quarterly right wanted to get out of our big gun club 443-309-3783 extension 78 or a website or Big Gun Club dot com There are. 443-309-3788 I know we've you know we were sponsored show for a while back and I know some of our listeners were interested I think someone actually joined which was great because you're looking for a great place to hunt I mean I can highly recommend of a big gun club that's for sure if I did a couple times with Jake or grandson and it's always been a joy to look for haven't always kill birds they ought to be a great Christmas present for that yeah yeah mom. I'm glad Bill brought up Christmas presents Ok. We have. The new. Unveiled. A gun club hoodie Oh Ok that. Will have them in stock by Friday by Friday. We have plenty of different sizes cure and now you'll be able to go on to the website and order those directly nice nice That's a Gun Club dot com Like it or a big gun club that's nice Ok. We're working on some merchandise too for buck Spears and stags Have you seen our logo I have it's cool looking logo you know in fact I think. Enter his. Your son feel how big that. Was a 9 point and I think they rough scored at 145145 you know we're going to fish a sport for the for the buck spare stags recognition and go from there buck spare stags dot com box dash bears dash tags dot com We are a scoring enterprise focusing on Deer Management and the excellent white tails that we have here in Maryland sick of deer it's all about conservation in the profits are going to be shared with farmers and understanding the hungry and the Maryland hunting coalition So that's that's always a good thing that you know you can you can enter your deer your security or your bear have it scored for the upcoming record book called Maryland's finest Yeah we don't use Word trophy we don't use We're contests it's not a competition you're out there in the field and you take a nice deer you take and I steer it's about the smile on your face as a matter of on your face I have a buddy who has heart without doors he said it's not about the size of the animal it's the heart the heart of the hunter and in ours it's a little bit different than that you know it's not a contest out there it's you know it may be a trophy in your heart but we're not looking at it as a trophy we just want to recognize you for that and the wildlife in in Maryland for you know for the excellent scientific management that we do here so. That's all good so we're man we're telling our organizations here sisterhood outdoors dot com Upper Big Gun Club dot com and 300 coalition dot org is that it bill and having coalition dot org. Go you think executive director around and you do have a job well we hope so let's see what happens in this next session I mean we've had some pretty good victories so far we've had a few We found a few you know not so successful. You know but we keep trying and keep coming back not like we're going Oh I think our biggest loss so far has been we're going to have regrets de Corps Museum about the camel's back I think you're right but Carol certainly doesn't want to hear about the other states symbol but in terms of you know legislative victories you know we're we're we're right though we're way ahead yeah we haven't lost a major victory a major in danger of all yet and but again you never know what's going to hit you and there is a lot of controversial issues out there this year yes there are and there are people there are people that want to wipe off the face of the earth and there's a war on terror there's are absolutely war there's a war on deer and we don't want to point the finger but no those are engaged in the war and you know they are exactly and what they fail to understand is that white tail deer and sick of deer are publicly all resource no one owns these deer right and no one has a right to annihilate his many years they want to because the state says they can right exactly right so that's a little hint a little insight what were some of the things we're talking about here management is big on the agenda. Were we at hunting coalition wise on the Swan. Issue there were not we've had quite a few conversations about yeah we talk about Swamp Yeah. There's a genuine interest in the hunting community and within the Maryland legislature sportsman's caucus to try to get Maryland to implement a very limited wall rebase to swallow and hunting season right and why frankly the state has the authority right now to do so but you have to have basically a play and signed off on by the u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service right and I believe there are discussions right now that he term and what criteria if any American would have to comply. With an order for them to secure approval right so it would be a statutory thing but as soon as if it ever did manifest into a proposal by the state through Dino ark to a while a watery base Thunder's want on which your neighbors do in Virginia Virginia north up in North Carolina. There would be a lawmaker who would put a bill in to stop it so that's what you have to kind of keep in mind so before it ever advances we have to make sure that all the dots are dotted with the T.'s are crossed but I believe it is something that will be considered very soon doesn't it all right and with that we got to say and do you are news it is starting to play and it's time for us to say thank you to Tom Slaven Victoria Jones Bill Miles thanks for being here guys and actually having a sound you're quite well you're welcome I want to go Yeah you know me and everybody get out stay out very merry valleys stay safe we will never fully understand what we've asked of our military service members of their families or their children asking them to deploy patrol stay on watch on point. Asking them to put themselves in harm's way. To endure it all. But we do understand that it's our turn our duty to bring them all the way home. To keep them secure to have their backs for the rest of their lives Wounded Warrior Project long term support programs do whatever it takes to help our most severely ill or injured veterans living independently at no cost for life so that they might stand at ease. Find out how you can help them find w w p or. Some day. Some day we won't lose the people we love. Some day is today thanks to the Leukemia and Lymphoma hundreds of. With blood cancer are today living a normal life we are making sure it's. Reached a day soon or. The Republican tax bill heads for final passage. Fox News Congress is poised to deliver on the tax plan President Trump wants to sign before Christmas Assuras came yesterday when Senator Marco Rubio gave a thumbs up after he won some concessions that would make up to 4 $100.00 of the child tax credit available as a.

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