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Injured, two homes destroyed. An investigation under way. And bad time to tweet . New information on that big flub at the Academy Awards. Theres a mistake. Moonlight, you guys won best picture. A and the twitter post that may have led to one of the most embarrassing mixups in history. Today, tuesday, february 28th, 2017. From nbc news, this is a special edition of today, on the hill, with matt lauer, live from capitol hill, and savannah goo guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to this special edition of today. Im matt lauer smackdab in the middle of washington. And savannah sackdab in the middle of studio 1a in new york city. There you are. Ive been looking at your beautiful shots of washington, d. C. This morning. And i think, arent they peaceful when they sleep . It looks so good. Such a beautiful spot. It will be a busy night in washington. Im standing just above where the inauguration took place, just about a month ago. And let me set the scene for you. Im standing on the speakers balcony. He doesnt know were here. Thats not true. Just down the hallway from where i am right now, President Trump, tonight, will deliver his address to a joint session of congress. Seated behind him will be speaker of the house, paul ryan. Well step into his office for an exclusive interview. Lets begin with peter alexander. Hes on the east front of the capitol. Peter, good morning to you. Reporter matt, good morning. Another gorgeous backdrop. White house officials tell me that President Trump will be putting the final touches on tonights speech over the course of today. Already, theyre giving us a preview. Senior white house Officials Saying the theme of tonights speech will be renewal of the american spirit. An optimistic vision for all americans, that some may view as a departure from his inaugural address. President trump will focus on what hes already accomplished in his first month in office and also focus on the economy and security going forward. As he prepares for his first formal pitch before congress. President trump, ready for his closeup on capitol hill. Offering a preview on fox news. All i can do is speak from the heart and say what i want to do. We have a really terrific, i believe, Health Care Plan coming out. And ill be talking about the military. Ill be talking about the border. Reporter mr. Trump teeing up his speech. Promising a massive military buildup. Pumping an additional 54 billion into the pentagon, intelligence agencies and ho homeland security. We have to win. We have to start winning wars again. Reporter the president is vowing to slash spending from other agencies, including the state department and epa, that could have a Significant Impact on domestic programs and foreign aid. But the pushback from 100 retired generals and admirals, including david petraeus. In a letter sent to congressional leaders and Trump Administration officials. They warn now is not the time to retreat from diplomacy and development. Untouched, medicare and Social Security. Mr. Trumps plan, unacceptable to democrats. Once again, middleclass people, working families, are going to be hurt. Reporter repeating repeal and replace obama care, President Trump surprised at the complexcy of health care reform. Still looming over the white house, lingering questions about the Trump Campaigns possible ties to russia. Mr. President , will you appoint a special prosecutor on russia. Reporter President Trump responding under his breath as reporters were escorted away. This is what he said three years ago. I was in moscow reecently. An i speak undirectly and directly, with vladimir putin. Who couldnt have been nicer. Reporter darrell issa is standing by as special prosecutor. Russias involvements in activity has been investigated up and town. And the question becomes, if theres nothing further to investigate, what are you asking to investigate . Reporter the republican chairman, siding with mr. Trump. Thats what im concerned about that we dont go on a witch hunt against american citizens because they appear in a press story somewhere. Reporter the top democrat, arguing their investigation is just getting under way. It is, i think, way premature to draw conclusions about whether there was coluciollusi. Reporter meanwhile, the white house is drawing fire from bill owens, the father of ryan owens. The senior owens has raised questions about the mission. I can tell him on behalf of the president , his son died a hero. And the information that he was able to help obtain, through that raid, as i said before, was goings to save american lives. Reporter but multiple Officials Say the raid has not revealed any value, as of yet. This morning, we are getting an update on this evenings speech and who the president has invited as his guests. It includes maureen scalia. And three individuals whose loved ones were killed by undocumented immigrants. The white house tells me that tomorrow we should expect the president will announce his revised travel ban, executive order, thats been on hold by a court for more than three weeks. All right, peter. Thank you very much. Im joined now by the House Speaker, paul ryan. Hes giving us an exclusive interview. Mr. Speaker, good to see you. A busy time. You spent some time with the president at the white house yesterday, going over the agenda. One of the things we learned yesterday, was a little more about the outline for his budget. He is planning massive spending increases in the areas of the military, intelligence, National Security. And to offset that, massive cuts in other domestic programs. And he says he will not touch Social Security and medicare. Does this work . Well, we havent seen the full budget yet. Youve seen a piece of a budget, which is what a new administration always does. But this is a promise he made. We have gutted our military in many, many ways. And we had huge increases in domestic spending. We have long believed that we put our spending out of balance on what we call Discretionary Spending. Weve hurt the military and given lift in other areas. Hes trying to get the balance right. Are there enough cuts to be made in Discretionary Spending . And if you dont touch entitlements like medicare and Social Security, and youve been talking about this for a long time. Its not popular. But we have to make tough choices on the entitlements. Can he ambulance tbalance the b without touching them . We never proposed to change benefits for current seniors and people about to retire. People in the tenyear budget window, we budget on a tenyear basis. Were not going to change benefits for anybody in or near retirement. No one has proposed that. People like me have been saying, those in the younger generation, xgen on down, these programs will be bankrupt by the time we get there. We have to reform them for the next generation. Does the president agree with that . I believe he does. On Social Security, that problem is not as acute as our health care problem. Replacing obamacare is entitlement reform. And that helps us with health care. The point hes trying to make with the first piece of his budget, much to follow, is our military has been hollowed out. I met with the admiral that runs the pacific command, theyre running out of munitions. They have a problem and hes trying to address that. You mentioned health care. The last time we sat down in your office was january 12th, 2016. We cleaned the place up a little bit. A good job around here. I said to you then, why is it that republicans have been trashing obama care at six years at that point, and seven years now, and not presented a viable replacement. And you said, we will have that plan for you. That deadline came and went. We ran on a plan last year. But you didnt give us a plan that can be voted an now. And you know that republicans within their own party, have deep disagreements on how to replace obamacare. So, do the American People have a right to say, weve heard the criticism for year after year, and yet, we still dont have something that can be put on the president s desk . Thats what were doing right now. Were not writing some bill in the back room andin Harry Reid Office like obamacare was written. Were doing this stepbystep. Were having public hearings. Having committees work on legislation. This is how the legislative process is supposed to be designed. Not hatching some bill in the back room and then popping on the americans front door. Your predecessor made your job a little tougher last week. I saw. All of the repeal and replace is not going to happen. Its happy talk. What theyre going to do is fix some bad parts obamacare and put it in a conservative box. Thats not what were doing. Obamacare is collapsing. I think the democrats got too far ahead on the ideology. And they gave us a system where the government runs health care. They gave us a system where costs went up, not down. They gave us a system that took i way the things that people liked. Those promises were sold to the American People and were violated. Now, we have a collapsing market place. We believe were in a rescue mission to step in and prevent this collapse. A lot of people disagree that oba obamacare is collapsing. Aetna said its in a death spiral. Let me read you something the president said yesterday. This is a guy that ran one of the things he ran on, im going to repeal and replace obamacare. And he said this about health care. I have to tell you, its an unbelievably complexiplex subje. Nobody knew health care could be so complicated. Nobody knew health care could be so complicated. Ive been working on health care for a couple decades. Doesnt that take your breath away when the president of the United States says nobody knew . Hes a business guy that came to office. Not a policy wonk working in congress on health care. How do you run on repealing and replacing obamacare when you didnt know its a complicated procedure. Obamacare is breaking the health care system. The bill that were work on is the bill that we ran on last year. The bill were working on, is the bill were working with the senate and the white house. Its much like the bill that tom price who was the Gold Standard reformer of health care, introduced last year. He is the health and Human Services secretary. Lets take a step back. People want peace of mind in a health care system. People want to be able to have choices in a health care system. We want to get costs down. We want to give people more choices. We believe in a patientcentered system, where all of the providers of health care services, doctors or hospitals, compete for our business as patients and consumers. We should make decisions on how health care works, not a distonight bureaucrat, which is restricting our choices. Onethird of counties have one plan to choose from. Doesnt it seem often that mr. Trump talks about big ideas without diving into the details of how to accomplish his promises. Like im going to defeat isis . Or im going to repeal and replace obamacare. And im going to build that ball and the mexicans are going to pay for it. As a guy that dives into details, doesnt that frustrate you . I see him as a chairman, as a president , much like successful president s have been. He gets people around him who are detail people. You hire jim mattis to be your secretary of defense, to defeat isis. You put tom price, an orthopedic surgery, chairman of the budget committee, who has been working on health care his adult life, on health care. You delegate the details. Delegate the details to people who know what theyre doing. And you make sure that the objectives are met. The goals you ran on for the American People to improve their lives are met. Thats the kind of commander in chief we need in this country. A couple of quick things. I spoke to former president bush on the subject of possible russian ties to trumps associates during the campaign. He says the American People need answers. Is there anything you could hear that would make you decide we need a special prosecutor to look into that . Well, thats the executive branch. I understand that. We think we need to do an investigation here with our Intelligence Committees. Theres one thing thats unique about this. This gets into the methods of collection of intelligence data. Sources and methods that is sensitive. Its the most sensitive tool in our National Security tool box. Thats why we have an Intelligence Committee of men and women in congress, who have gone through the process of understanding those tools. That to me is where the investigation were beginning an investigation. An Intelligence Committee with a majority of republicans. And people want an investigation. Its a bipartisan investigation. The house and senate Intelligence Committees are beginning investigations. Weve had one for a while. Were increasing the scope of that investigation. You have to be mindful of the sources and methods of our Intelligence Community, so you dont compromise how we gather intelligence. Dont forget, the Obama Administration had an exhaustive investigation before they left office on this point. The point is, we need to get answers. We need to make sure that nothing happened, that shouldnt have happened, as we go forward. Thats what we do as our jobs in congress. And we think the Intelligence Community is the right place to do it. Were going to spend time with you this morning and take a tour outside of your office. We fixed the place up. Enjoy your time this morning. Mr. Speaker, thank you so much. Back to savannah in new york. I will be joining chuck todd and lester holt for coverage of President Trumps address. You can watch it 9 00 eastern, 6 00 pacific time. And well have the highlights and reaction tomorrow morning on today. Now, to breaking news overnight. A tragic plane crash. It happened in southern california. And it was caught on surveillance video. You can see the small plane returning from a cheerleading event from disneyland. And it slams into a residential neighborhood. Steve patterson at the scene for us this morning. Hi, steve. Good morning. Reporter crews on the ground tell us all of the victims involved were people onboard that flight. Five of them. Three were killed and two are clinging to life. We spoke to neighbors who not only saw the moment of impact, but recall the harrowing moments that followed. Horror on the ground in riverside, california, when a small plane slammed into a residential neighborhood. The impact killing passengers, leveling homes and sending a fireball into the sky. The wreckage burning for hours. Pillowing black smoke seen for miles. Two women who were ejected from the plane survived. Witnesses were shocked to see the victims pulled from the rubble. I heard the lady that was pulled out when i was rushed to the hospital. I heard her scream, help me, help me. Like, i need help. We didnt know where she was. Reporter fire Officials Say five people were in the cessna 310, the victims flying back to san jose, after attending a cheerleading competition at disneyland. Its horrible. Especially when you couple together that they were going to a cheer competition. And this is supposedly a happy time. And then, just to have a tragic stint li incident like this. Reporter the plane went down a halfmile away from the riverside municipal airport. The two women who survived this onboard that flight, remain in critical condition. The National Transportation safety board will launch a full investigation into the cause. Savannah . Steve patterson, thank you so much. We turn and get a first check of the weather from mr. Roker. Severe stuff to talk about over the next two days, including stuff that stretches from the gulf coast all the way up into new england. Right now, a line of showers and thunderstorms pushing through. But today, we have an area of risk weather. Riskaverse weather. 36 Million People. Nocturnal tornadoes, could be a big problem. And some could be strong. And it is a wide risk. As we look at tomorrow, 87 Million People. From new york and new england, all the way down to the gulf. Tornado threat, a little weaker. But widespread wind damage. Chicago could be in that enhanced risk by tomorrow. The cold front continues to push to the east. As we move into tomorrow, the line of strong storms stretch from new york all the way down into atlanta. Airport te ldelays over the nex hours will be big problems here in the east burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a truckcicle. [second man] how you doing . [ice cracking] [second man] ah,ah, ah. Oh no [first man] saves us some drilling. [burke] and we covered it, february fourteenth, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum good morning. Clouds are starting to break. Get enough sunshine to warm into 60s this afternoon. 66 in philadelphia two degrees away from the record high this mpb. 66 with sunshine breaking through the clouds in new jersey. Little cooler at the shore with sea breeze into the 50s today. Warm again to the 60s for the Lehigh Valley. Then partly sunny skies this afternoon before clouds return this evening for delaware. High of 66. Have a great day. And that is your latest weather. Savannah . Al, thank you. Who was behind the oscars best picture flub . Were going to break it all down from the confusion on the stage to the accountant. Was his backstage tweet to blame . And matts tour of washington. Who is responsible for the best picture flub . Who messed that up . The Accounting Firm, im cold. Speaker ryan will give us a tour of the capitol hill here. Well go through the rotunda. Whats cool is when youre at the speakers desk, theres the phone and the list of speed pilpile dials here. Who is number one on the speed dial . His wife. Al says his wife. I was going to say potus. You got both. Wife on one side, potus on the other. Who is more important . Wife. Much more from washington. But first this, is today on nbc. Whats more magical than playing pot of gold. With top prizes of 50,000 . The answers winning. On the spot. Oh, yes play pot of gold, the new game from the pennsylvania lottery. And you could win. On the spot. Keep on scratchin just ahead, tv trainer bob harper from the biggest loser, on the mend after suffering a heart attack. What hes saying about his health care, matt. Also, you think you know everything about the capitol. Im going to show you some new infallible total cover from loreal. Full coverage foundation. Superlightweight. Pro formula. Really lasts. But if forever doesnt last forever, just cover and conceal. New infallible total cover. From loreal makeup designer paris. You said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. General mills big g cereals hear you. Thats why we say yes to whole grain as our first ingredient. And no way to high fructose corn syrup. So no matter what your favorite is, you can feel good about General Mills big g cereals. With not food, become food . Thankfully at panera, 100 of our food is 100 clean. No artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. Panera. Food as it should be. Lergies with nasal congestion . Find fast relief behind the counter with claritind. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. Live claritin clear, with claritind. One hero was on a mission to pasave snack time. , watch babybel in the great snack rescue. You want a piece of me . Good, im delicious. Creamy, delicious, 100 natural cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. This i gotta try ldcats til we die. Bendy. Spendy weekenders. Whatever kind of weekender you are, theres a hilton for you. Book your weekend break direct at hilton. Com and join the weekenders. Everyone wants to be cthe Cadbury Bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. While others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. Good morning. Vai sikahema. Just about 7 30 on this tuesday. Lets get right to first alert meteorologist bill henley with most accurate forecast. Clouds overnight. Seeing thinning of the clouds. Well get more and more sunshine and a warmup. In fact, were starting off warmer this morning. 43 in philadelphia. Still 30s in the Lehigh Valley. Suburbs too. Not for long. These temperatures will climb quickly into the 60s. Right now exton 38. And 30s for north whales, el roy and bedminster. 60s this afternoon. Warming to the 70s tomorrow. Thank you. Get a check on the roads now. First alert traffic reporter Jessica Boyington. Watching the schuylkill around belmont avenue. Earlier accident here. Still over into the right hand shoulder of the westbound side. Traffic thats approaching or moving westbound towards king of prussia. 45 minutes for the drive time from vine street expressway to the blue route. Speeds in the teens. All lanes open. We are seeing some restrictions in part of that righthand lane. Traffic still getting by. Watching even that drive time. Getting a little higher especially with the beginning of morning rush and more volume out there. Thank you. Volunteering return to the Jewish Cemetery where more than 100 gravestones knocked over and damaged. 13,000 reward being offered for any information. Today is Chris Christies last budget address. Expected to talk about state funding. Money for fighting opioid addiction u one of his key health initiatives. Another update in 25 minutes. See you then. Fast, rhythmic drumming its coming soon to the poconos americas largest indoor waterpark. Kalahari resorts conventions book your african adventure now hi hey ill take one of those new fast play games. Oh, you ready for a rush . Uh, sure im pretty excited for you right now. Fast play is the new way to play fast and win instantly from the pennsylvania lottery. Pick a game, get your ticket and see if youve won. I won fast play, please fast play. Play fast. Win instantly. 7 30, now. Its tuesday morning, the 28th of february, 2017. And all eyes will be on that building tonight. As President Trump delivers his first address to a joint session of congress. Matt has wade his way to the u. S. Capitol. The site of the historic speech. As i understand it, all of the hours you spent on the stairmaster are really going to pay off, as you take us up the steps to the top of the dome of the capitol. 350 steps, savannah. Im in the rotunda in the beautiful capitol dome. Im going to go through a staircase that goes between the two domes. Theres a dome within a dome. Im going to end up at the very top, if you show that exterior again. I will end up at the top, just below the statue there. For the best view of washington you will ever see. It will be worth you taking the steps. And well enjoy the view. Lets look at whats making headlines this porn i s morning. Three people were killed, two others were injured, when the plane they were on crashed into a riverside, california. It crashed into several homes, destroying two of them. The victims were on their way home from a cheerleading competition at dizzy laoeisneyd. The fbi is investigating a wave of attacks against jewish institutions across the country. On monday, at least 21 Jewish Centers and schools and a dozen states, received bomb threats. And two women arrested in the killing of the halfbrother of north koreas leader are being charged with murder today. Officials say they used a deadly nerve agent to attack kim jongnam at an airport in malaysia. Smearing it on his face. If convicted, the murder charge carries a mandatory death sentence. Thats a quick look at todays headlines. We send it back live to matt at the u. S. Capitol. Thank you very much. I stepped inside the rotunda. Quite simply, one of the most stunning spaces you will ever enter. Its huge. You look up. Its 180 feet from the floor to the top of the dome. You can take the statue of liberty, stand it in here, from basetotorch and it wasnt hit t wouldnt hit the top. And up on the perimeter, statues of notables in history. Abraham lincoln. General grant here. This is a guy getting a lot of attention in the last couple of years, alexander hamilton. The broadway show named nor him. Got a statue of George Washington. And next to the statue is a guy thats alive, speaker ryan. Lets take a walk. I talked to you a little while ago. I said the last time we were here was a year and a couple months ago. You were here a in the job a couple months. Whats the most important lesson youve learned about doing that job in that time . Patience, composure, temperament. You have to make sure that you get things done and listen to people. That to me, is how being successful in that job needs to occ occur. This is as amazing opportunity. I look at this job. Look at this place. Its breathtaking. Were stepping into statuary hall right now. I walk through this building every time. From the gym to my office, through here. I think, how did a kid from janesville, wisconsin, grew up waiting tables, washing dishes, mowing lawns, working at mcdonalds, end up doing this . Only in america. To me, i just get a sense of awe. And im appreciative of the opportunity and the responsibility that comes with it. You have to be able, and you said this to me, get rid of the white noise. Yes. You have focus. Put the noise of washington and the headlines aside to do your job. You went home to wisconsin a week or so ago. I was home this weekend. Right. And you didnt hold a town hall meeting when you were home, did you . No. But i do quite a few of those. I didnt this particular time. Did you not this particular time because of whats happening to some republican members of congress . I went south of the border, to the rio grande, to visit with the Border Patrol to find out what assets they needed. In an interview this morning, the president was asked by another network if he thought that president obama was responsible for the organizing of some of the protests weve seen at town halls across the country for republican members of congress. He said yes. He believes that president obama is responsible. I believe that obamacare is responsible for it. I dont believe thats what he was saying. I think he was saying that hes now behind the scenes organizing protests. I have no knowledge of such a thing. Theres the white noise im talking about. What im focused on here is doing my job and making sure that congress works. Making sure we solve peoples problems. We have been entrusted by the people of this country to fix problems. Thats what im focused on. Im not focused on the white noise and the distractions of the day. Ting things done to improve peoples lives. We campaigned on an agenda to fix problems. We have to deliver. I look down the end of the hallway. Those are the doors to the house chamber. You invited the president , in your official capacity, to speak to the joint session tonight. What kind of reception do you expect him to get in that room . We fry to make sure that everyone gets a respectful reception. We did this with obama, if democrats dont agree or like what donald trump is saying or doing as president , we expect respect. It is a place of decorum. What im hoping and i believe what were going to hear from the president is inspiration. Is lets go fix problems. We ran out of solutions. We need to deliver for the American People. And i think it will be a speech that speaks to all americans, inclui inclusi inclusive. Have you seen it . Ive seen parts. And what i saw, i liked a lot. If we dont tackle our problems in america soon, they will tackle us. We have to do this together as all americans. Thats the tone and temperament i expect from tonights speech. The speaker gave up the gym this morning to do this with us. Are you sure you dont want to take the 365 steps to the top of the dome with me . I dont have time now. Youre welcome to come. Appreciate it. Thank you so much. Paul ryan, the speaker of the house. Well have much more of our tour of the capitol coming up. Right now, back to new york and al. Matt, be thankful you dont have the weather they had in seattle yesterday, as you get to the top of the dome. This is the space needle in seattle. Its snowing. They got thunder snow, lightning, hitting the top of thats crazy. The top of the space needle there. Thats nuts. Wow. Bam. Well, to give you an idea of how crazy this winter has been, for example, dallas, for the whole month of february, youve never dropped below 32 degrees. Thats unheard of. As far as chicago. No snow on the ground for january and february. When does that happen . And in atlanta, its the warmest february on record. Plus, were looking at high fire danger, from kansas city, all the way into new mexico, for wind gusts. 30 to 40 miles per hour. Some gusts up to 55 miles per hour. Relative humidity at only 10 . So, fire danger a big problem. And look at the records were expecting today. Chicago, you could break a record. Its going to come close at 60 degrees. Columbia, 76. Paducah, close to a record. Memphis, the same thing. And tomorrow, we move east. Boston, coming very dulles. Same in raleigh. We will see temperatures getting more back to normal as we head to good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Cloudy skies overnight. Clouds are already starting to break. Get enough sunshine to warm into the 60s this afternoon. 66 for philadelphia. Two degrees away from the railroad high this afternoon. 66 with sunshine breaking through the clouds in new jersey. Little cooler at the shore with the sea breeze into the 50s today. It will warm again into the 60s for Lehigh Valley and then partly sunny skies this afternoon before clouds return this evening for delaware. High of 66. Have a great day. Dont forget get the weather any time you need it. Check out or friends at the Weather Channel. Friends on the Weather Channel on cable. I dont want to go back to normal. Temperatures. Coming up, celebrity fitness trainer, bob harper, speaking out after suffering a serious heart attack. And is this bad tweet to blame . New information on what really happened in that epic your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says, you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Good is in every blue diamond almond. And once good gets going, theres no stopping it. Blue diamond almonds. Get your good going. I have lost 73 poundse you lost . 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The more that we can strengthen and reharden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients teeth are going to be. Dentists are going to really want to recommend the new pronamel strong and bright. It helps to strengthen and reharden the enamel. It also has stain lifting action. Its going to give their patients the protection that they need and the whiter teeth that they want. [ cheers and applause ] were back at 7 43, with the flub that still has hollywood reeling. That shocking best picture mishap during the oscars. This morning, were learning more about exactly how it all went wrong. Joe fryer in los angeles with the latest. Good morning. Reporter savannah, good morning. Pricewaterhousecoopers oversees oscars voter and says the presenters for best picture were given the wrong envelope. Its taking full responsibility for what it calls a mistakes and breeches in established protocols. Were looki ingtaking a stepbyk at this hollywood whodunit. After Warren Beatty opened the envelope, he was puzzled by what he saw. And the Academy Award for best picture reporter he handed the envelope to faye dunaway. Come on. La la land. Reporter you can faintly hear the duo whisper. Look closely at the envelope the presenters were holding. It says actress in a leading role. Two minutes later, the plot thickened, as the team from la la land delivered accept stance speechers, stage crew rushed the stage. It was clear there was a problem. Reporter you see stones reaction when the correct envelope surfaced. Also on stage, the only two people who knew the results in advance. The Accounting Firm tells nbc news it was cull inen who handed out the wrong envelope. And theres questions if an illtimed tweet was responsible for the debacle. He tweeted this backstage. This is a great role. Most of the year, were normal accounta accountants. Reporter before the show, they were on the red carpet. Theyve done this in previous years. And in an interview two days before the oscars, say they stand on opposite ends of the stage before the show and memorize the results in case the wrong winner is announced. If something were to occur, we would go directly to the stage manager and let them know theres a problem. And they would make a correction, probably right then on stage and do it live. Reporter but price w pricewaterhousecoop pricewaterhousecoopers, said once the error occurred, protocols were not followed through quickly enough. Theres a mistake. Moonlight you won best picture. Reporter la la lands horowitz is the one who set it straight. Its a black eye for pricewaterhousecoopers who has been tabulating results for 83 years. The firm said, we sincerely apologize to moonlight, la la land, and others for the error that was made. Jimmy kimmel addressed what happened. Im feeling bad for these guys but trying really hard not to laugh, to be honest. Reporter nbc news has reached out to brian cullinal and has not received a response. They have apologized to beatty and dunaway, the filmmakers and fans for the mishap the academy will determine what actions are appropriate going forward. And President Trump is weighing in, telling breitbart why he thinks the flub took place. Saying, quote, they were focused so hard on politics they didnt get the act together at the end. Savannah . All in all, pretty exciting night for an caccountant, joe. Coming up, former teen star, David Cassidy. What he is saying in an what he is saying in an interview americas Beverage Companies have come together to what he is saying in an interview bring you more ways to help reduce calories from sugar. With more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all, smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels, and signs reminding everyone to think balance before choosing their beverages. 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Seresto® kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months for effective protection in an easytouse, nongreasy collar. 8month seresto®. From bayer. Oohh look a hungry dinosaur muum dinosaurs only eat meat actually the biggest dinosaurs only ate plants and did you know country crock is made with plants. Country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. It has real, simple ingredients. And that same delicious taste you love. Real Country Fresh taste, made with the goodness of plants. Welcome to crock country. Pretty shot. 7 51. Back to matt at the u. S. Capitol. Hes in the middle of his groundbreaking live trip to the top of the capitol dome. How is it going . Maybe not the middle yet. Almost halfway through. Probably 150 of the 350 steps, savannah. Im on a beautiful perch, where i look down at the rotunda where speaker ryan and i were standing. If we look up, we get to see the beautiful fresco, showing washington ascending to the heavens. Heavens. 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Oop theres the rescue text from my roommate saying she needs me. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . The citi double cash card does. It lets you earn double cash back the citi double cash card. Good morning. Warming friend continues. Lets get right to bill henley. Last day of february. Didnt really get cold overnight. 30s and 40s. Nice warmup. 36 degrees in some of suburbs. Clouds are breaking over king of prussia. 28 degre 38 degrees now. Look at the warm up 6789 into the 60s this afternoon. Just about everybody will warm into the 60s. One exception right along the coast. Shore see a sea breeze. 56 degrees there. Check on the roads with nbc 10 traffic reporter Jessica Boyington in the middle of rush hour. Watching the middle of rush hour. The clearing of this accident scene on the schuylkill expressway. Right around belmont avenue. With that seeing still massive delays 50 minutes westbound from the vine street expressway to the blue route. Average speeds are still into the teens there past this accident scene. Again, its westbound. Traffic moving away from center city and towards king of prussia. Vai, back to you. This morning, a nurse in bucks county is facing new criminal charges taking advantage of unsuspecting patients. First arrested james earlier this month. Accused of secret livid ta videa teenage patient. Seven more victims have come forward with similar accusations. Volunteers return to the Jewish Cemetery. More than 100 gravestones knocked over and damaged. 13,000 reward for any information. Authentic louisiana king cakes are being made to celebrate the holiday. Im vai sikahema. Well have another update in 25 minutes. Get the latest news and weather with nbc 10 app. See you at the at the hour. For years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. But for many businesses, its out of reach. Why promise something you cant deliver . Comcast business is different. We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 150 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. We do business where you do business. Its 8 00 on today. And coming up, today on the hill. Were live at the u. S. Capitol, as President Trump gets ready to deliver his first joint address to a session of congress. Today, a preview of that speech. And a look inside this iconic building. I want to show you something else, one floor beneath this. Just down this staircase, its almost always offlimits. To the underground tunnels, to the top of the capital dome, hysteric sites like youve never seen them before. Plus, secret battle. Former teen icon, David Cassidy, opens up about that onstage fall, his battle with substance abuse, and his recent dementia diagnosis. What was the first similar top you noticed . When friends of yours or family members begin to say to you, remember i just told you this two days ago . And theres no memory of it. Up, boom, drop. Come on, jackie. And bob Harpers Health scare. The the celebrity fitness trainer recovering this morning after revealing he suffered a heart attack. What hes saying about that surprising ordeal, today, tuesday, february 28th, 2017. And good morning, again. Welcome back, 8 00 on this tuesday morning. How about this for a view . Weve been spending the entire morning at the u. S. Capitol in washington, d. C. , site of tonights speech from the president. We have made it up 365 steps from where we were in the rotunda, to the top of the capitol dome. It is the best view you will ever get of washington. You may remember not long ago, the whole dome was encased in scaffolding. They did a major renovation here. It ended in 2016. Im standing with the man who was in charge of that renovat n renovation, stephen ayers. Hes the 11th architect of the capitol. This is unbelievable, stephen. How are you . Going great. The best view in washington right here. It really is. Lets do a 360degree tour. Start walking and pick out points of interest for me. Right here on capitol hill, first, in 1791, pierre lenfant, wrote to George Washington that this capitol hill was a pedestal awaiting a monument. We have union station. Right over there. Senate Office Buildings here. Thats the Supreme Court building, that will be the site of so much drama in the coming months. It is. The Supreme Court met here in the capitol from 1801 to 1935 when they move in that new building, designed by cass gilbert. Roman templeinspired design. Across the street, what some people call the most beautiful building in america. Its interesting the contrast of the two. One, the quiet, stately aura of the Supreme Court, to the exuberance of the Thomas Jefferson building. The library of congress. It is. The torch of knowledge at the top of the library dome there is magnificent. Moving over to this side of the capitol, looking down, we have the house Office Buildings. Yes, the house Office Buildings here. The capitol was expanded from its original structure because of the need for more space, as the nation expanded westward. We had more members of congress. Thats exactly right. You can see that here on the house extension of the capitol. The fourth architect, thomas ustek walter designed this dome were standing on today. The Botanic Gardens there. You get the Potomac River and a plane taking off from National Airport in the distance. Thats right. Another one on final approach over the national mall. You point to this and the national mall. This is really the money shot. If youre standing in this Vantage Point, take a look out over that. Its extraordinary. This is our front yard, isnt it . And you can see down through the mall, to the washington monument. Of course, to the right of the monument, is the white house. Beyond is the Lincoln Memorial and beyond that is Arlington National cemetery. Weve been up here for a few minutes today. And weve heard a number of cannons going off. Must be a number of services at the cemetery today. Theres few times in my life when i say, its worth taking 365 steps. This is one of those times. Stephen ayers, what a pleasure. Thanks for the tour. We appreciate it. Happy to do it. Lets go down to ground level and check in with kristen welker. Kristen . Reporter matt, good morning. A Senior Administration official tells me President Trump worked on his speech late into the night. And he continues to put on the final touches this morning. Expect the tone to be optimistic and unifying. But looming over all of it, mounting questions about russia, as the president prepares to deliver the most important pitch yet of his administration. In just hours, President Trump will deliver his first joint address to congress. The theme, according to Senior Administration officials, renewal of the american spirit. The president expected to highlight what he sees as key accomplishments, on jobs, trade and the economy. And well map out the road ahead. All i can do is speak from the heart and say what i want to do. We have a really terrific, i believe, Health Care Plan coming out. A reporter on the heels of announcing a budget blueprint, that will call for an increase in spending of 54 million, the focus will be National Security. A heated backdrop to his speech, as democrats praise for a major battle, over the president s call to pay for increases by slashing on agencies like the epa, the state department and foreign aid. I dont know if the president really understands the ramifications of the cuts that are being proposed. Reporter this morning, House Speaker paul ryan telling matt this is a promise that we made that our military has been hollowed out. We have gutted our military in many ways. Weve had a huge increase in domestic spending. Reporter and today, mounting questions about russia and whether anyone on the Trump Campaign had contact with russian intelligence officials. The firestorm growing after republican congressman darrell issa called for a special prosecutor. Do you support a special prosecutor on russia . The president , ignoring the question. Then, making this comment, as reporters left the room. I havent called russia in ten years. Reporter as the white house tried to tamp down the controversy. My question would be a special prosecutor for what . We have now, for six months, heard story after story, come out about unnamed sources, say the same thing over and over again. And nothing has come of it. Reporter and this morning the president and first lady have released their list of special guests for tonight. They include maureen scalia, the widow of the late justice antonin scalia. As well as a number of people who have lost loved ones at the hands of undocumented ingrants. The president says he gives himself a c or cplus when it comes to messaging. And he is aiming to do a better job tonight. Savannah . Kristen welker at the capitol. And you can watch the president s address on nbc. Well have a full wrapup tomorrow northemorning on toda to the plane crash in southern california. Three people died, two injured when a small plane crashed into some homes in riverside. Youll see surveillance video. The plane drops out of the sky. And you see a ball of flames and smoke. Incredibly, no one won the groud was hurt. The plane was just taking off. It was carrying five people to san jose after attending a cheer competition in disneyland. Two people were ejected as they crashed. Two homes were destroyed in the accident. This morning, spacex says training could begin for two private citizens that want to fly around the moon next year. Ceo elon musk revealed that two people approached the company about making the trip. He refused to identify them but says they paid a significant deposit. The weeklong mission would use the falcon heavy rocket system. The moon flight passengers are going into this with eyes open and know there is some risk. Coming up next, some eyeopening research on what having kids does to the sleep habits of women and men. And the photo revealing hollywoods biggest stars were just as confused as the rest of us during the oscar mixup. Matt . Well continue our breathtaking tour of the u. S. Capit capitol, from a Vantage Point like this p the and well reveal only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® this portion of today is brought to you by keytruda. To learn more, go to keytruda. Com. All right. Were back. 8 13. Time for trending. Ive missed trending. Shall we trend . Theres all this useless knowledge i havent had. Thats why its trending. Exactly. Fake studies. We all know kids affect how much sleep we get. But apparently, not if youre a man. Researchers surveyed nearly 6,000 people and found that women who live with kids in the house, slept less than women that didnt have kids. For men, apparently it doesnt matter. Whether theres kids in the house or not, mens sleep patterns are not affected according to this study. I recognize theres superdads. Forgive me. But i believe it. My husband is fine with it. And everything works out the he knows im going to get up. Its funny because, of course, dads are great. We know. This is an active dad. On my maternity leave, when i was getting up and feeding every couple hours, matt would be matt. Hello . Breaking news. Oh, my god. Anything you want to talk about . Where is my freud textbook . Mike would say thats not the first time that happened. It happened at my baby shower. And mike would be, im so tired. Oh, wait. My god. Matt, i know. I know. I know. Thats our secret. Shh. I know. I mean i know. I know. You just let it slip, savannah. This is what happens when you leave. It all fall ace pas apart. We missed you so much. I know. I know. Matts like, really . Okay, a pro tennis match, featuring taylor fritz came to an abrupt stop as he tried to get moth off the court. He is struggling. Until a ball girl came to the rescue. Got some bug problems here. Moths like to come out at night. We could be here all night, trying to chase that off court. Oh, no. That didnt end up as well as it fight. Didnt end so well. Shes like, byebye. And scene. Apparently not a good luck charm. He did end up losing the match. But he was still alive. Exactly. Have you met someone and thought, that american looks like a sam . People look like their names. Over time, they grow into the facial features that society associates with particular names. Part of the study had people look at photos of men and women and try to guess their names. Were going to do our own version of this. None of us know the names of the people were about to show. Theyre our new paiges and interns. We dont know their names. Does this american look like an allison, rebecca, caitlin or susan . Rebecca. Im going to say allison. Caitlin. Oh. Rebecca. Very good. Next one. Does this look like a sean, a benjamin, harry or a will . Harry. Im going to say harry. Sean. Okay. I know sean. Were really doing terribly. Is this lucy, amy, sara or morguen . This is amy. Sara. 100 . Morgan. Okay. All right. I got at least one. What did i say . Fake studies. Thats your trends. I saw a cute guy the other day. He was like 12. Whats your name . It was chandler. Of course, your name is chandler. From friends. Exactly. Should we do pop start . Yeah. The oscars flub around the world. You have seen what happened on stage. A flurry of producers trading red envelopes. What about the crowd . Take a look at this. This photo capturing the exact moment when the mistake was revealed. Matt damon completely shocked. Michelle williams, and salma hayek. And divine johnson and meryl streep. Look at this. Thats great. Looks like theyre about to jump on stage and wrestle the oscar from la la land producers. Across the aisle, Team Moonlight realized what happened. And how about ryan gosling. Watch this. All he can do is laugh. Whats going on . And willie geisted ed had his o reaction to the oscars. Check out willies family when his sister, libby, won an oscar sunday night. And the oscar goes to [ screaming ] willies wearing a tux. Willie was dressed up. Libby won for o. J. made in america. And bill paxton is given a memorial from an unlikely group. Storm chasers. He became a hero of the 1996 film, twister. More than 20 Storm Chasers used gps coordinators to create his initials in oklahomas tornado alley. Paxtons roll in twister, was the first time in mass media that made the weather guy look really cool. And thousands of Storm Chasers put twister on their dvr and watched it at 8 00. Thats nice. Sheinelle, thank you. Al . He was the good meteorologist. And the first time we had an evil meteorologist. It was a great movie. He was terrific in it. Were watching the heavy showers and thunderstorms push through. You can see today, we have enhanced risk from indianapolis all the way down the little rock. Over 36 Million People under the risk for fastmoving storms with wind gusts over 50 miles per hour. Overnight tornadoes possible. And some could be very strong. And tomorrow, it moves east, from new york all the way down to mississippi. We got 87 Million People at the risk of strong squall lines. The tornado threat weaker. But let me tell you. Straight line winds can do as much damage as an ef0 or ef1 tornado. The bulls eye, from pittsburgh, to evansville to nashville. One to three to four inches of weaver good morning. Cloudy skies overnight but the clouds are already starting to break. We will get enough sunshine. 66 for philadelphia, 2 degrees away from the record high this afternoon. 66 in new jersey, a little cooler at the shore with a sea breeze into the 50s today. It will warm into the 60s for Lehigh Valley and partly sunny skies before clouds return this evening for delaware with a high of 66. Have a great day. Dont forget. Check us out on today show radio, siriusxm 108. Its a huge show. Theyre always stopping for autographs and that kind of thing. Lets head back down to washington and more with mike. You know . Seriously, matt at work. Mike at home because im im not paying for college for vale and charlie, all right . Take one look at those kids. We all know who the daddy is. I know. Anyway, guys. I landed here in washington yesterday, i hopped right over here to the capitol and started taking a tour of some of the places that people dont ordinarily get to see. And suffice it to say, this building is steep, not only in history, but sometimes in mystery, as well. From inaugurations the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Reporter to funerals. The capitol has been at the center of american history. Shortly before he delivers his speech to a joint session of congress tonight, President Trump will be brought into this office. This is the speakers or speaker of the houses ceremonial office. All president s come here before they deliver a state of the union address. Everything is ptraditional washington. Except for one thing. Over in this corner is a modern television monitor. This is so the president can watch whats happening in the chamber before he enters the room. This building is at the heart of our democracy and the nation itself. Dividing washingtons capital into the four quadrants. This is the center of washington. This is a room called the crypt. One floor below the rotunda. I want to show you something else. Its one floor beneath this. Just down this staircase, its almost always offlimits. This is called washingtons tomb. Its one level below the crypt here at the capitol. This is where George Washington was supposed to be buried along with his wife, martha. He made it clear, he didnt want to be buried here. He wanted to be at the family home at mt. Vernon. That is where he was buried. Even know there is no body here, this place is still under lock and key. And the tomb isnt the only secret the capitol keeps underground. Most people are familiar with the more ornate spaces of the capitol on the upper floors by the rotunda. But down below, there is an Intricate System of hallways and tunnels, where you can easily get lost. For example, the speaker of the house travels around here in a hallway like this all the time. Now, originally, this was built or these were built, so the people that worked at the congress could avoid the sometimes nasty weather in washington. No frills down here. Sometimes just on a wall. To House Committee on pro appropriations, this way. While a lot of people take a subway or train to work, this one might be the most exclusive of them all. Right now, im getting to do something very few people ever get to do. Im taking a ride on the subway car that travels beneath the p capit capital. It goes from independence avenue, one Office Building over there, into the capitol itself. This is how members of cloongre travel during the day. Certain cars are reserved for members only. This is really important when a member of congress has to rush back to this building to take part in an important vote. And by the way, in days gone by, it wasnt a subway car like this. Instead, they actually had studebaker automobiles that traveled on little roadways under the capitol. And thats how people got back and forth. And what would a visit to one of americas most Historic Buildings be without a ghost story . Heres a story most people wont tell you about the capitol. Those are the blood stairs. A long, involved story. Suffice it to say there was a long, simmering feud between a member of congress and a reporter. That feud came to a head 127 years ago today, when the reporter confronted that congressman on these stairs, took out a gun and shot him. The marks on the stairs are said to be the blood of congressman william tallby. And from time to time, people who work here say they see his ghost. 224 years of history. And countless other secrets, kept within these halls. This will be the scene of interest tonight, when President Trump delivers his firstever speech to a joint session of congress. You can watch that speech right here on nbc, 9 00 eastern, 6 00 pacific time. And i am going to make my way down, now. Savannah and, al, they tell me that 365 stairs are easily navigated or more easily navigated on the way down than the way up. Absolutely. And a tribute to your crew, carrying the equipment up and down the stairs. Absolutely. What a beautiful morning and beautiful crew of our capitol. And matt, have a safe trip home. See you in new york tomorrow. Coming up, we take a turn. The biggest losers bob harper, speaking out after suffering a surprising heart attack. And sheinelle in the orange room. Look who is here. Lisa kudrow. We cant wait to talk to her and net a speneak peek good tuesday morning. Just a few minutes before 8 tlergt. Lets get right to our meteorologist, bill. Its warming up there. It is. 46 degrees in philadelphia, 1 degree below the High Temperature for the last month of february. A warm start and now were seeing more sunshine. Clouds are breaking in Lehigh Valley. Clouds breaking at 11 00, then into the 60s this afternoon. The record for philadelphia is 68 degrees. Well be 2 degrees away from that this afternoon. A little cooler at the shore inland new jersey and 66 as well. Thanks very much. To our traffic reporter, jessica boyi boyington, what are you seeing on the schuylkill . Some small delays left over. Nothing major right now. It will look normal heading webcas westbound. 26 minutes to the vine. And an accident at west po potsgrove. A crash involving a young child, over the school about 25 minutes ago, a child was hit by a car and taken to the hospital. Police are investigating. Today is imagine governor Chris Christies last budget address, expected to talk about education funding, budget pay t payouts and money for fighting opium addiction one of his key initiati initiatives. Well be back in 25 with another local news update. Its coming soon to the poconos americas largest indoor waterpark is making waves. Kalahari resorts conventions in the poconos. Book your african adventure now good morning, everybody. Its 8 30. Its tuesday, 28th of february, 2017. First time i said that. I was gone for the full year. Thats true. This isnt a leap year, is it . You need to talk to your husband, matt, about that. It is not a leap year. They are even years. Who knew . Mom brain is real. Matt just wrapped up his remarkable morning at the u. S. Capitol, ahead of President Trumps address to congress tonight. Well have a wrapup of that tomorrow, as our big week on today rolls on. Thats right, we have tonight shows jimmy fol l mm making a rare trip to studio 1a. And thursday, the one and only jennifer lopez. Just the most beautiful woman on the planet. She really is. She will be here, as well. Coming up this morning, one of our favorites, lisa kudrow. Shes going to tell us about her new movie. And bob harper tells us about his heart attack suffered recently. And David Cassidy speaks out about battling dimension. What else at 8 30 . The weather . Thats it. Boom. Starting today, severe storms in the Mississippi River valleys. High fire danger in the central and southern plains. Drying out in california. Snow in the rockies. Were looking at severe storms, from new england to the grshg. Great lakes snow, as well. Plenty of sunshine, texas a into calndif good morning. Im meteorologist, bill henley. Cloudy skies overnight. They are already starting to break and we get enough sunshine. 66 for philadelphia, 2 degrees away from the record high this afternoon. 66 for the clouds in new jersey. A little cooler at the shore with a sea breeze in the 50s today and warms into the 60s for Lehigh Valley and partly cloudy skies before clouds return to delaware with a high of 66. Have a great day. And thats your latest weather. Got some friends here from the Terence Manning academy. Where is that . Where are you from . South carolina. Where . South carolina. South carolina, very nice. My senior trip was downtown. Thats about it. Anyway, dont forget. Were going to head inside, now, to savannah. All right, al. Thank you so much. Now, to something that i think took a lot of people by surprise. Bob harper, the fitness trainer, host of the biggest loser, revealing he suffered a heart attack. It left him unconscious for two days. Heres morgan radford. Reporter bob harper is the picture of health. From his sculpted arms and chiselled ans. To his attitude about getting in shape. Harper has made fitness his business. A trainerturned host on nbcs the biggest loser. Push. Reporter now, its harper facing a Serious Health issue. The 51yearold confirming to nbc news, he suffered a heart attack two weeks ago. Calling the ordeal, scary. Harper detailed the incident to tmz. Saying, he clamsed while working out at a new york city gym. A nearby doctor sprang into action. Administering cpr and using a defibrillator to cope hkeep him. Harper says he remained unconscious for two days. Waking up in the hospital. Lets go, craig. One more. Reporter this comes as a shock for the Celebrity Health nut, who appeared on today just last month to help whip our own craig melvin into shape. You did a really, really good job. Reporter but harper believes his Family History is to blame. In his 2007 book, are you ready, harper opened up about his mother suddenly died from a heart attack. Saying, i never imagined before that my mother, of all people, could develop Heart Disease. Genetic risks of Heart Disease like bob harper experienced, are onethird of the equation. Twothirds are lifestyle related. Reporter one of two people who die of Heart Disease, never show any signs. Bobs case is typical. As a heart surgeon, people shocked how could this have occurred . Heart disease doesnt present with a lot of symptoms. Reporter but he says there are some ways to cope your finger on the pulse of any potential risks. If you notice that your heart is racing or that youre lightheaded or that you have shortness of breath, those are indicators that your heart is not happy and not pumping blood the way its supposed to. That mandates a checkup. Reporter after an eightday stay in the hospital, harper posted this on instagram overnight. Saying hes, quote, feeling better, just taking it easy. Morgan radford, nbc news, new york. You lock at bob harper and think, my goodness. You said i have to do it the. This motivates me to get it checked out. I lost my dad. He was 49. Im 45. And people show no symptoms. I think all of us. Women especially. And the power of genetics. Hes the picture of health. Exactly. Good reminder for everyone. We wish him well. Coming up next, we take a turn to former teen star, David Cassidy. Hes opening up in an interview. What hes saying about coping with thdementia. And the time he appeared to fall off of stage at a recten were back, now, 8 38. Former teen adoll and Partridge Family star, David Cassidy, speaking out after revealing he is suffering from dementia. Joe fryer has that. Joe, good morning, again. Reporter i spoke to dr. Phil, why cassidy decided to reveal his diagnosis now. And how his Family History of the disease, has changed his outlook, as he faces new reality. David cassidy, once a teen heartthr heartthrob, now, is battling dementia. Cassidy says he was diagnosed 2 1 2 years ago. You have been diagnosed with dementia. I have. Reporter he has a history of dementia in his family. Was he worried that he might be diagnosed . Hes been worried about it. Reporter were there signs or clues that made him realize this might be an issue and should be checked snout. There were. And he told me that it was friends, that were pointing out to him, lapses in memory. What was the first symptom that you noticed . When friends of yours or family members begin to say to you, remember, i just told you this two days ago . And theres no memory of it. Thats when i began to be very concerned. Was that what caused you to say, i need to get myself checked . Oh, my god, yes. He wants his fans to know that he in his words, is okay. He said, i am in the very early stages of dementia. Why is David Cassidy choosing to speak out about this now . First off, i think he is really becoming an activist with regard to dementia. His grandfather died of dementia. His mother died of dementia. Reporter video of a scary scene at a recent concert raised concerns for cassidys fans. Some are questioning if his behavior was due to drinking, which he denies. The beloved Partridge Family star has had three duis since 2010 and spent time in rehab in 2014. A lot of his fans felt like he was slurring his words. I remember losing his place in the show. Slipped and falling on stage. And they thought, you know, hes relapsed. And he says, thats not the case. I actually have dementia. And so, i think in part, he was responding to correct what he says were rumors and false allegations. You did slip off the stage at one point. Not really slipped, no. You slipped on the stage. When you have spotlights in your ice and youve had five eye surgeries, as ive had, ive talked a lot about it. You see me there, i tripped on that. But i wasnt intoxicated. And has nothing to do with why im leaving. Certainly, my dementia has contributed to the reason why i dont want to go out. And i dont want to hear well, he looked like he was drunk. Or looked like he was i wasnt. Reporter over the weekend, cassidy, who is 66, announced that he will be performing two final shows on the road, ending his touring career this saturday night. In his hometown of new york city. Back to you guys in new york. Joe, thank you. Coming up next, lisa kudrow on her new movie. And the eternal hopes for a friends reboot. Sorry, lisa. First, this is today on nbc. Had to say it. Dont leave. Dont leave. Were back, 8 44, with lisa c kudrow. She start stars in table 19 about a group of people that get sat together at a wedding. Why . I will give you 20 if you stand up right now. All right. Okay. What . Oh. There you two. Thank you so much. Lisa, good morning. I love the premise of this movie, because who hasnt been seated at a table when you didnt know anyone. And this is table 19, the bad table at a wedding. Right. It turns out i mostly sat at. Every wedding i go to. I feel ive been table 19d before. Have you . Absolutely. But because im so oblivious, lucky me. Im close to the bathroom. And im not near the loud music. What an honor. Thank you. This has a great ensemble cast. Craig robinson, plays your husband. And kendrick is in it. Shes amazing. Is it the ensemble nature that drew you to this . Stephen merchant, june squibb. Im excited. Your characters are married for 20 years. But its not all beautiful harmony. You have some issues. We have issues. We bicker and we dont seem to like each other very much. But somehow you make that funny. And marital strife is not usually that hilarious. I think its funny in real life. You do . Peoples pain, yeah. Okay. Marriage on the brink. That was an unexpected response. I was actually going to say, youve been married 20 years. Over 20 years. All of the secrets. Did you draw on any of that for the role . This is an unhappy couple. Im going to presume that you guys are a happy couple. We are. Were fine. Were doing great. But, no. Its relatable. You can see how it would be easy that, you know, you are a little angry. And you snip at each other. And you dont address it. Then, its very slippery slope, when you decide, he doesnt love me anymore. Right. It happens that death by 1,000 cuts. Yeah. This interview has taken a turn, hasnt it . Really intense. Really intense. Your son is 18 now. Yeah. You think hes going to go into the Family Business at all . I hope so. Really . Is he interested . He is interested. And i think hes really talented. Like, way better than me. Really . Actor type or behind the camera type . Both. Wow. Has all of the weapons, huh . Yeah. He really, really does. You didnt think you were getting out of here without a friends question, right . Lets see. See if i can answer it. Will grace is coming back. You know how youre excited . Thats how people would feel if friends has a reunion. You think it would happen . You think you can get the group together . Me personally, no. Youre like, no, i wont be there. You would be there in we have convened. Privately for dinner. But what about us . It was great. Well, im sorry. Thats not working for me. I know. But it was really fun. What would happen . We had such a good time. It was hilarious. We were laughing nonstop. Now, youre just being mean. I know. That was really mean. I know. If we dont tell you that ones coming and it doesnt happen, you have no reason to be disappointed. Thats true. Im managing expectations. It would be fun. But what would it be about . Im thinking, where would phoebe be now . What . Where would phoebe be right now . I dont know. The thing we liked about that show was, 20 somethings, they were their own family. And now, they have families. So, what are we going to watch . I know. Its funny. We were both that age. And now, were boring middle aged people. Right. I want to watch me. I want to watch you. Lisa, thank you so much. Table 19 really fun. Thank you so much. Thank you. There will no more table 19s at weddings, by the way. Hits theaters on friday. Were all living longer. That means we have to save more money. Jean chatzky is here. Shes going to help us out. Isrst this, were back with something new calling ageproof today. How long do you expect to live . Over the past three decades, the average Life Expectancy for men in the u. S. Has jumped from 70 to 79. For women, 77, to 83. And the number of americans, now, 100 or older is up 2,200 , since 1950. How do you make sure youre financially prepared to live a longer life . Jean chatzky breaks it down in her new book called age proof. Running out of money or breaking a hip. Thats the reaction we were looking for. Talk to me about that what means. Ageproof is taking care of your health and your wealth. I wrote this book with a doctor from the cleveland clinic. He will be here tomorrow. And the deal is, you cant be just healthy or just wealthy because either one on their own doesnt work anymore. You have to have them both working in the same direction. And we lay out a plan in the book to get there. Your health is your wealth. Heres the most important question. How much do you need to be comfortable . How much should you save . You want to aim for tentimes your final salary in Retirement Savings by the time you get there. I know a lot of people are looking rolling their eyes. Im not even close. A couple of things can help you adjust. If you have a traditional pension, about 17 of americans do, you can reduce the amount that you have to put away. The tentimes your final salary is about to cover 45 of your spending in retirement. If your pension is going to cover 15 of that, you can take it down by a commensurate amount. And if you know youre not going to make it, reduce your spending now. That allows you to put away more for later and have to spend less later on. If you look to free up money between now and then, downshift. Downshift now. And that can mean moving some place less expensive. Whatever changes you want to make. Say you have the money saved. Now, you have to divide it to work longterm. Divided is right. Weve got this pot of money. Got to make it lost 30 years. Thats how long retirement is going to last. You can only withdraw about 4 of your Retirement Assets every, single year. And fidelity did a study on this. They found people think they can withdraw 7 . Some people think 12 . Thats way too much. Think about what you mean when you talk about retirement. We asked people, what do you do when youre retired . And a lot of them said, were working. Some people want to work. Some want to work. As we talked about on this show, it keeps you younger, keeps you happier, healthier. If youre going to do that, your money has more time to grow, which is a great thing. And if you know, again, youre not going to make it, correct the course. The folks at age wave did some research. They looked at what happens if you work part time at age 60 for three or four years. Come up with a couple hundred thousand extra. What about annuity . I like an annuity to cover your fixed expenses in retirement. I want people to look at a qualified life annuity contract. It sounds loic we write about it. Its something you can buy from within your i. R. A. Or 401 k that lowers your tax bill in retirement and helps you ensure for longlongevity. People think, im no longer working. I dont need an emergency cushion. We tell you, emergency cushion is for when you lose your job. You need an emergency cushion in retirement because emergencies still happen. And just having a few thousand dollar put away can mean you dont have to dig into credit card kdebt. You dont panic if something happens to the roof or your car or a medical expense. Good advice. We cant put it off. Ageproof. Skin, wealth, all that good stuff. Tomorrow, we make sure your mind and body are ready for living a longer life. Thank you. Best time of the morning. Birthdays. Talking about People Living a longer life. Honoring some friends with the help from our friends at smuckers. First up, 100th birthday to stanislawa sikora. A busy grandma. Loves to stay active. Eileen aikman of wadsworth, ohio. Youll catch her all the times at the slot machines when she goes to the casino. Happy 100th birthday to george decamilo. A retired police sergeant. Loved going to the driving range and getting in a few swings. Mary warner of iowa, celebrating 100 years. She says the secret to longevity is a teaspoon of honey in a cup of tea every morning. Very nice. Thank you, honey. Ruby lopp of waynesboro, tennessee. Loves playing bingo with her pals. And happy 100th byrd day to Myrtle Mueller of mountain grove, missouri. She loves her family. If you want us to celebrate your loved ones big day, tell us about them at today. Com celebrates. What do you have coming up next hour . A huge show. We do. Get ready. We have jennifer beale. A performance from little mix. Lisa kudrow. And nick lachey. And al roker. And shen na nbc10 news starts now. Good morning. Im katy zachry. A few minutes begin 9 00 a. M. On tuesday. Bill henley has your forecast. Looking pretty good outside. It sure is. We had clouds overnight. Those are breaking. Look at that sunshine. Warming up in a hurry. 51 degrees in philadelphia. The shore at 55 degrees. Still seeing some 40s in the valley and philadelphia is 50 and heading into the 60s today. Thanks. A look at the roads with jessica and slowups on 76. We really havent covered much on this accident scene on the westbound side. We can see the schuylkill is really slow in both directions right now, specifically westbound. Were almost at a standstill here combined with morning rush. And the average speed is in the 20s. Were doing a little bit better in terms of volume at least in the northbound side. Almost a half hour trip and average speeds in the 20s. Back to you. Vote today in Delaware School district could save jobs. The colonial School District in newcastle is asking homeowners to approve nearly 11 Million Dollars in spending and 4 4. 5 million for security upgrades. Polls open at 10 00. In vine land, lawmakers vote whether to give themselves raises. Salaries would go up to 10,00 1 a year while the mayors would increase to 60,0 60,000. The mayor said hell waive his Health Benefit so the taxpayers will not be footing that bill. Well send you back to the today show. The valiant taste times of death, but once uh, excuse me, waiter. I ordered the soup. Of course, maam. My apologies. Cmon, caesar. Lets go. Caesar on a caesar salad . Surprising. Excuse me, pardon me. Whats not surprising . How much money matt saved by switching to geico. Could i get my parking validated . Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. We have a huge todays take with lisa kudrow and craig robinson, inviting you to table 19. And singing sensation, nick lachey, fun at our table. And little mix, a Live Performance and major announcement, right now. From nbc news, this is todays take, live from studio 1a, in rockefeller plaza. And welcome to a tuesday morning. It is hard to believe. But already, the last day of february. Thats crazy. Were listening to black magic by little mix. They have a huge announcement, besides a Live Performance. And add to that, we have mr. Nick lachey for the second day. Good morning, guys. We havent had a guest cohost for a weeklong in a long time. You drive them out after one day . I know. I am stunned you decided to come back. The first night back in the city. No kids. I bet you just blew the doors off last night. Yeah. I went out and raged. I got back to the hotel, took a nap. Hit the gym. Ordered room service. Youre such a rebel. Caught up on homeland. The first time ive been away from the kid fars for a long ti. I love my kids. But having a day to catch up on sleep pretty nice, right . It was awesome. Are you ready to conquer the world . Im going out big. What time are you getting olive garden . What time is the allyoucaneat buffet starting . There is something nice about that. Unlimited bread sticks. Its fantastic. I cant really do that when im with the family because, you know, everybodys looking at you. Youre traveling and youre on your own. Nice. Bread sticks, baby. Just keep them coming. Just for me. I dont want to see the bottom of that basket. You understand me . There is no bottom. Yesterday, full disclosure. We were offcamera. And nick has three kids. I have three kids. You have 12 kids. I have three. What . I have three kids. Were in this party of five. And nick was saying, do you live in the city . Yes, i live in the city. Three kids in the city . Youre crazy. And thats what people say. Its hard to have three little ones in the city. I grew up in kansas. And im struggling with it. Id love to hear what you have to say. The other day, were on the train. And my kids are playing ring around the rosie. These are my twins. And im having a moment. When i played ring around the rosie, we were looking at cows, in the middle of nowhere. My kids are playing ring around the rosie on a train. And they all fall down. Its getting dirty. But this is my life. Okay. You give me strength, al, because youre a city kid. I grew up in new york city. I mean, my oldest daughter grew up in westchester. But my two kids have grown up in new york city. And, look, i dont think its its what youre used to. Its just not. A different way to grow up. Lets face it. Very different than kansas or ohio where i grew up. Just a different one. Not better or worse. Not better or worse. I had a moment on the train yesterday. And every day, wow. Is this their life . Theres so many positives to it. I think they will be savvier at 10 than i am now. I remember riding the train. And they used to have the billboards on the train. There are 4 million germs that youre touching right now, holding that rail. Do you think about that aspect of it . Yes. Just as many germs on that School Play Yard in kansas or oklahoma or any where else. Fair enough. It is what it is. I have to tell you. Some kids grew up taking a school bus to school. I grew up taking the bus and subway. You know . Im telling you, it i think kids are kids wherever you go. To that point last week, we get the notice from my sons preschool saying, just so youre aware, we had two cases of pink eye and a documented of hand, foot and mouth disease. Im looking at vanessa, do we send him to school today . He seems fine. With a newborn at home, you got to worry about that kind of stuff. Your older kids come home from something. Next thing you know, it runs through the whole family. I think you have to. That toughens them up. That builds immunity. Thats what they say. We used to eat dirt. Turned out just fine. That was the old nbc commissa commissary. Hey. It was a Johnny Carson joke. The only place in new york where you can eat dirt, cheap. On that note. We spent one day with nick and we havent forced him to play a game. Our producer, gavin, loves playing games. Were going to play, lachey what . Lachey what . Were going to share some everybody say it together. Lachey what . Were going to share some fun facts that we learned about you from the internet. And you will tell them if theyre true or not. Okay. Your nickname is slider. Oh, man. So is that true . Its true with an asterisk. I want to hear why. In the early days of boy bands you would do teen beat and tiger jam and all of the interviews. I didnt have a nickname. So, when top gun was one of my favorite movies at the time. And just panicked and said, slider. Next thing you know, fans are making me hats that say slider, hockey jerseys that say slider. It was never my nickname. Just like small ham bergers. Im a big fan. Especially with cheese. Its something i panicked and came up with at the time. And it stuck with me my entire career. Until now. Wow. I like the next one. If its true, we share something in common. Your guilty pleasure, barry m manil manilow. True. And i know we share something in common because i heard Barry Manilows velvet voice coming from your dressing room. No way. My mom, growing up, was a huge Barrow Manilow fan. The first time i bet barry, i said, you are a huge inspiration to me as a kid. Here we go. You kissed me and stopped me from shaking and i need you today oh, mandy wow. I mean, the man you can sing any time. Talent. Is a talent. Still doing it. Littleknown facts about barry manilow. He is afraid of being on a boat. And we did a cruise show. This sounds awful already. We had to get him from the harbor to the boat. And he had to take a small boat. And he was, like, freaking out. What did you do . We did a mr. T. On the a team. We knocked him out. Sounds like he has bad management if his manager knows he he doesnt like being on a boat. I dont think he told him. I love this one. You and your brother own a sports bar in cincinnati . True. Lachey what . Stwl its called lacheys bar. Its been open two years. Wow. Were both big sports fans. It was our dream to open. Whats it called . Its called lacheys. Were on a limb. Lacheys. Its our passion project in our hometown. I feel like thats a dream, right . To go back to your hometown and open up a bar . Its the ultimate man cave. You go to your bar. Like cheers. Expect you pay the bills. Its an eyeopening business to be a part of. I had no idea. One other thing we share in common, in if this is true. One of your favorite foods, tatar tots. Very true. Lachey what . This is many meals in the school cafeteria. We serve a variety of toppings. Thats i never thought about that. You can pick whatever you want. Tots for breakfast. Tots for lunch. For dinner. Were adults. We can eat what we want. No bad time to tot. I think yu need a chocolate milk box. I need a nap. Day two, since the best picture blunder heard and seen around the world, starting to get more clarity. The firm, pricewaterhousecoopers, taking full responsibility, like they had a choice, saying the presenters for the best picture were given the wrong envelope. Leading to a series of mistakes and breeches of established protocols. New questions this morning about whether an illtimed tweet, first reported by the the wall street journal, could have been partially responsible. Brian cullinan, tweeted this picture of emma stone just before the mixup. Cullinan and his fellow accountant were interviewed before the show and what would happen if something went wrong. If something were to occur, we would go directly to the stage manager and let them know theres a problem. And they would make a correction probably right then on stage and do it live. That worked out pretty well. Thats essentially what happened. I mean, as quickly as they could. However, our executive producer, tammy, believes that this is was done on purpose. What . She said it is a conspiracy that they did this just to get more for the attention. I dont think this is good attention. The sole if your firms reputation is on the line and this is the one thing you do and take pride in, i dont see them sacrificing that for this conspiracy. Im with you, nick. And to elevate the awards and have people talking about it. What trips me out is people delete their tweet. Let me delete it. Makes it look worse. Were going to hear from our executive producer from roswell. Look at her. There she is, in isolation. Im sure theres somebody out in the universe that agrees with you, tammy. There is. Yeah. Just ahead tammy in her celebratory blackout fit. Just ahead, blame it on inflation. Can you guess how much the tooth fairy is shelling out these days for one tooth . Were going to tell you. Plus, lisa kudrow making new friends in her new movie table 19. The movie looks like friends. Wean were going to catch up with cra wrinkles . Your time is up new neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with the proven power of retinol. Reduces wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena® shouldnt mean choosing to spend more. Dannons whole milk yogurt is made with all natural, nongmo ingredients with vitamin d. Better food at a better cost. So we can all eat better. Yet some cards limit whereuldnt you earncomplicated. Bonus cash back to a few places. And then, change those places every few months. Enough with that echo with quicksilver from capital one youve always earned unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Welcome to unlimited. Whats in your wallet . Never waver. Because going around is rarely ever as enjoyable. As going right through. We are back, now. Todays take. Our guest cohost, we just found out, you play an instrument. Formerly. I have played an instrument. I used to play the tenor saxophone and baritone saxophone in high school. You whipped that out . On our tour. I brought out my sax. And we had a horn reunion. Its like band camp reunion. I played the clarinet. First chair. Sometimes Simone Chisholm got it. But for the most part, it was me. Really . Remember the reeds. You would get up and i shouldnt say that. But the big spit pools. You had to drain the spit out of your instrument. Ew. You had to wet the reed. Messy stuff. You didnt wet your reed, youre in trouble. No one likes a dry reed. Where is simone today . Simone chisholm, simone, where are you cheethese days. Will you tweet us . Simone probably would. Every once in a while, i would mess a note, just so you could be first chair. Were best friends. Its all good. Talking smack. Years later. Can we talk about the tooth fairy . I guess we can. Im kidding but not kidding. I know youre not. Okay. The tooth fairy, wonderful person. Leaves money for the kids. A busy person. And a person that must have a good bank account. According to the 13th annual tooth fairy survey, cash payouts have soared to an alltime average of 4 4. 66. Thats a 75 cent increase from 2015. I want to say, when i started working in a pizetr piecery piz that the minimum wage was 4. 50. I remember getting a quarter for my tooth. A quarter . That was my first tooth. Stopping by. Yeah. I remember getting a quarter. Or sometimes 50 cents. If it was, you know back to our control room camera. Yes. Tammy fillers child got a 20. A 20. Because the tooth finnenn fa didnt have change. 20 . Yes. And the tooth fairly left a red envelope with the best picture under her childrens pillow. My challenge is, you start with 20, you set the bar so high. How do you come down from that . Now, you leave tbills. Lets show you whats going on as far as your weather is concerned. Severe weather to talk about. This is the irst round, moving through the u. P. Of michigan and ohio. But we have Severe Weather to talk about today. So far, the way it looks right now, we got about 39 Million People under the risk of Severe Weather. Fastmoving storms could have wind gusts of 50 miles per hour. Could see overnight tornadoes, most dangerous kind. And this lasts into tomorrow, stretching from new york all the way down into mississippi. 87 Million People under the threat of some squall lines. Tornado threat, less. But let me tell you. Straight line winds can cause as much damage as ef0 or ef1 tornado. We have to watch out for that. Rainfall amounts from one to three, maybe four inches of rain in a bulls eye in the mid Mississippi River valley. Thats whats gog on around in good morning. Im meteorologist, bill henley. Cloudy skies overnight but theyre already starting to break and we will get enough sunshine to be at 66 this afternoon. 2 degrees away from the high this afternoon. 66 in new jersey, a little co cooler at the shore with a sea breeze, into the 50s today and warms into 60s for Lehigh Valley and partly sunny skies and high of 66. Have a great day thats your latest weather. Tammy tells us, update from the control room. On twitter, that most people agree with tammy, that its a conspiracy. What . No way. Really . Yeah. I guess. Wow. All three of those twitters. Up next, go ahead and invite the neighbors over this weekend. Well show you entertaining hacks that will make you say what . Why didnt i think of that . After thester thes if your sneezes are a force to be reckoned with. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec®. Muddle no more®. Two words it heals. E different . How . With heat. Unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. Lets review heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. The proof that it heals is you. With not food, become food . Thankfully at panera, 100 of our food is 100 clean. No artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. Panera. Food as it should be. This i gotta try ldcats til we die. Bendy. Spendy weekenders. Whatever kind of weekender you are, theres a hilton for you. Book your weekend break direct at hilton. Com and join the weekenders. State farm knows that for every one of those moments. What . Theres one of these. Sam, i gotta go. Is this my car . This is ridiculous this is ridiculous from car insurance. To car loans. State farm is here to help life go right. Since ive started ive lost over 40 pounds. Ive eaten everything i love. Tacos, pasta. Ive never felt deprived. In the first 2 months members have lost 15 more weight than on our prior program. Join for free. Plus, you can get paid to lose weight. Hurry, offer ends march 1st. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. My advice for looking get your beauty sleep. And use aveeno® absolutely ageless® night cream with active naturals® blackberry complex. Younger looking skin can start today. Absolutely ageless® from aveeno®. Were just three weeks away from spring. Its just about time to host the weekend get togethtogethers. Maureen tros canky is here t give us ideas. Why didnt i think of that . Maureen, good morning. Thats fine. Where do we start . I love, First Impressions. Entertaining should be easy and fun. And its really simple. Butcher covers unslightly table tops. And you can be whimsical and fun. Our glasswear is already set out. This keeps you from running around. And First Impressions really can be made with beautiful pictures that are prebatch. Alcoholic or nonalcoholic. You can make really pretty pictures. You walk into a party . You will be happy to be there. Presentation makes a difference. I invite people over. But i feel if you do Something Like this. Something simple. And a lot of times people dont entertain because im not ready. Putting Something Like butcher paper can cover any area. And youre a believer in serving with trays. I love trays. Theyre simple for a lot of reasons. Here, i have a champagne station already. The glasswear, the champagne. Its easy to make a portable bar. If the guest are congregating in a different area, i can bring it to them. Or i can easily remove the glasses out of sight. Can i show you my favorite things. The decorating of the water battles. You spend so much money on the customma customlabels. You can do it yourself. Uyou write everyones name o it. Theres not a lot of halfbottles around. Theyre pretty colors. You can make a statement. No peeling off labels. Can you slap those on beer bottles . You sure can. This is pretty. This is simple. Use what you have. When in doubt, go with white. I have a white table clothe here. But this is a shower curtain. I took this one. Probably the front side. You can see where it goes through the curtain. Put that in the wash and ironed it out. You can add bold colors or patterns to any table top with a little wrapping paper. A nice wrapping paper can change anything. And you can customize it to any table top. We have 30 seconds left. If you dont have a vase, you have wine glasses or water glasses. And i learned to predo desserts. You. You can pull this from the freezer. Serve it with a lil honey, caramel. Edible flowers. And your attention is with your fwguests. Youre not breaking the flow of the party. Wouldnt you love to sit at the table with lisa kudrow and craig robi are your allergies holding you back or is it your allergy pills . Break through your allergies. Introducing Flonase Sensimist. More complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most allergy pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist. Break thand dry ends. Ly roots with loreals new extraordinary clay. This hair rebalancing system with 3 refined clays. Purifies oily roots. Hydrates dry ends. For up to 48 hours of fresh hair. Loreals extraordinary clay. From loreal hair expert paris. Listerof bad breath germs for a 100 fresh mouth. Feeling 100 means you feel bold enough to. Assist a magician. Or dance. Listerine®. Bring out the bold™ temperatures are climbing nicely. 51 degrees in philadelphia. 51 in south jersey and 55 at the shore. The temperatures still in the 40s in Lehigh Valley in the subu suburbs, not for long. Were in the 60s today and looking for record High Temperatures tomorrow afternoon. Up to 76 for the first of march. Looking forward to that. Thanks, bill. You may need your sunglasses on the road. Jessica boyington is here with a look at the expressway. The sun is a problem in some directions for sure. At 24th street a good drive, no massive delays. The westbound side of the vine has calmed down following and earlier crash on the schuylkill and the bridge here is closed for structural repairs until about april. This morning, delaware governor, john carney will officially sign an executive order creating a Family Services council, housing, Early Childhood education, Drug Abuse Program and other public services. This morning is your chance to weigh in on an accept a bus route. The 49 bus would connect fair mount and the ferry. And across the Ben Franklin Park way. A Community Meeting set this morning at 11 00 on market street. Well see you back with another local news update. Back to the today show. If youre like me, you found yourself banished to the back of a wedding reception and youre forced to make small talk with complete strangers that have issues. Or secrets. That happens in the movie table 19. And look who will be sitting there. Lisa kudrow and craig robinson. Good morning, guys. They play bina and gerry, a bickering couple, that you can expect are not the life of the party. And he changed his mind and he wont say why. Since when was a man need a reason to go to a wedding with his own wife . He has a pathological aversion to answering a question directly. He always answers with another question. Why did you make facebook friends with henry on facebook. Why are you looking at any facebook . You just did did the same thing. Okay. Lisa kudrow, craig robinson, good to see you guys. Great table. This is the outcast table. Youre going in. She starts buttering her roll. I love you. Buttering the roll. Thats impressive. Mission accomplished. Were you guys when youve gone to weddings, have you been at this kind of table . Yeah. You mean lovely or table 19 near the bathroom . Yeah. Im always at this table. But you know, im so i mean, im an idiot that i say, hey, lucky me. Far away from the music and close to the bathroom. We see your characters in the movi movie, bina and jerry, something is not quite right. Whats going on with you as a coup. Were not getting along. 20plus years married. And just having learned to resolve anything. Its a lot of passive aggressiveness. A lot of jokes that are a lot of anger masked as jokes. Its relatable. Its one of the things where youre not screaming at each other. But weve met couples that have been together and the issues are lingering and come up. Dont you think so . It gets awkward. It gets awkward because they forget youre there. And they start arguing or something. Like, im just we captured that. Whats great about this film, its relatable across the board. What are some of the issues that people are doing . Being in prison. Stephen merchants character. Tonys character, is trying to get laid at the wedding. Heres the thing, relatable part late at the wedding . Trying to score. Trying to score. Oh, oh. You know what, though . You laugh, at a wedding, lets face it. You put the single people together. You hope that maybe they get to know each other. You put the people the joke is table 19, the people that if they dont come, you dont care. We can relate. Its funny. Were the reject table at the wedding reception. We were supposed to know not to not to come. Not to come, just to send a gift and our regrets. I didnt realize this. You guys, we have a clip that you were together on friends. You have it . Are you surprised . I shouldnt be. There we go. Thats me. Yeah. And its at a wedding. Watch this afro, though . It can be anything you want. Not anything. Yeah. Anything. Oh. This could take a while. Get out of my line. You look so good. That was early in your career, man. Yes. Yes. And she helped me out in that. I was you know, we did a little rehearsarehearsal. I was like, i threw out that joke. Get out of my line. Say that. Say that. You got to pitch it. Its funny. Yeah. Lisa gave me some early complime compliments. And now look. Now, youre together. Finally. Thank you so much. Table 19 hitting theaters on friday. Come up next, a new drama everyone is talking about, take nl, starring Jennifer Beals. Its better value by having better values . At blue apron, we work directly with more than a hundred family farms. So instead of spending on costly middlemen and supermarkets, we can invest in the things that matter most making farmland healthier. Cutting down on food waste. And bringing you higher quality, fresher ingredients for less than you pay at the store. Because food is better when you start from scratch. Get 30 off at blueapron. Com cook got a minute . New aveeno®. R you. Positively radiant® 60 second in shower facial. Works with steam to reveal. Glowing skin in just one minute. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® with not food, become food . Thankfully at panera, 100 of our food is 100 clean. No artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. Panera. Food as it should be. Shouldnt mean choosing to spend more. 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Brian, do you honestly expect me to believe that you are not still deeply affected by your sisters murder and by the fact that her killer, carlos mejea, is still alive . Congratulations for last nights premiere. Thank you. Lets talk about your character. You play director of national intelligence, right . Thats clappers role. Thats where i am. And im organized different intelligence agencies and i have a black ops team of my own. And i recruit brian mills to be part of that team. And she is a nomess, intense, little ruthless, not going to lie. But for a good cause. For a good cause. I notice in these shows, in that clip, everybody on these shows, especially when theres a lot of action, really talks about a halfoctave lower. Even your voice. Maybe all of the shouting the previous shouting. Or the early smoking, maybe, that she did that she gave up later. Youve really gone into this character. It was so much fun. I have to say, youre carrying so much, kind of dark energy, even though youre balancing it with a righteous cause. Youre carrying so much dark energy, by the end of the pilot, i felt sick. I thought, i had an ulcer. How am i going to do this series . I have to figure this out. And i started meditating more. There is action to show. And your costar was here last week and showing everyone how to do a stunt. Al helped out with that. Did you see it . Yes. Can we get a role for al in the episode . I think we can use an assistant stunt coordinator. There you go. You see this here . I have. Ive seen it and its amazing. Natural ability there. Yeah. Now, we need to get you holding some kind of weapon. There you go. While he rolls . While he rolls. And going through fire. Exactly. That was really good, by the way. Youre in a new film called before i fall. Youre a mother of a teen girl who dice in a serious groundhog day. You have to keep reliving this day over and over. She keeps reliving the day over and over, until she can figure out how to do the right thing. Wow. She gets the opportunity to change each time. And she has to learn that she is not her flaws. And that she learns to become a better person. And one of the things i love so much about this script was that it talked about how at any given moment in your life, you can change the rest of your life. Even by just following one good thing. You follow one good thing. And its very powerful. Thank you so much. Deep roles. Congratulations. Thank you. You can watch taken monday nights on nbc. 10 00, 9 00 central. And catch jennifer if i fall in theaters this friday. Al, how about the weather. Im going to tuck and roll to go over. For today, were looking at strong storms that will be firing up in the mississippi and ohio river valleys. High fire danger from the central to southern plains. Drying out through california. Thats good news. We have snow in the Northern Plains tomorrow. Severe storms move into new england, the ohio river valley, down into the gulf coast. Inom the pla good morning. Im meteorologist, bill henley. Cloudy skies overnight. Theyre already starting to break and we will get enough sunshine to get to 66. 2 degrees away from the high. 66, breaking through the clouds in new jersey. A little cooler with a sea breeze in the 50s today but warms into the 60s for Lehigh Valley and partly sunny skies before the clouds return this evening for delaware with a high of 66. Have a great day. And hat is your latest weather. Up next, one of the biggest girl groups ever. Little mix, ready to play a new song. And a shoutout to their fands with a big announcement, coming up next. The toothpaste that helpstax, prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try new parodontax toothpaste. 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Hurry, this offer ends soon. At olive garden. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new level. Make any day a pancake day with nutella spread the happy hi hey ive made plans for later in case this date doesnt go well. Likewise but, funny story. On top of that . My mom is my best friend. Uh oh. Yeah. Oop theres the rescue text from my roommate saying she needs me. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . The citi double cash card does. It lets you earn double cash back the citi double cash card. Today is proudly presented to you by citi. They are one of the most successful girl groups of alltime. Their latest album spent five weeks at number one in the u. K. A feat that hasnt been seen since the spice girls. Little mix is opening up for Arianna Grandes massive dangerous tour. And they perform their newest hit, touch off of their album, gla glory days. Good morning. Right off the bat, you have a big announcement. Were going to be performing at the Nickelodeon Kids choice awards. Your fans are excited about that. Cant wait. Make sure you tune in. And were nominated, as well. Congratulations. So, youre going to do your number for us . Yes. Ladies and gentlemen take it away. Little mix. Thank you. You and i and nobody else feeling feelings i never felt the way got me under your spell dont you keep it all to yourself so, wont you take it i feel like for the first time im not faking fingers on my buttons and now youre playing master of anticipation dont you keep it all to yourself just a touch of your love is enough to knock me off of my feet all week just a touch of your love just a touch of your love just a touch of your love is enough to knock me off my feet all week just a touch of your love just a touch of your love just a touch of your love is enough to take control of my whole body just a touch of your love just a touch of your love photograph with no tshirt on why you making me wait so long wait so long i promise to keep this a secret ill never tell but dont you keep it all to yourself do, do, do, do wont you take it i feel like for the first time i am not faking fingers on my buttons and now youre playing master of anticipation dont you keep it all to yourself to yourself just a touch of your love is enough to knock me off of my feet all week just a touch of your love just a touch of your love just a touch of your love is enough to take control of my whole body just a touch of your love just a touch of your love just a touch just a touch of your love is enough to knock me off of my feet just a touch of your love just a touch of your love just a touch of your love is enough to take control of my whole body just a touch of your love just a touch of your love and now, my whole week my whole week is golden because i know this could be Something Real just a touch of your love is enough to knock me off of my feet all week just a touch of your love just a touch of your love just a touch of your love is enough to knock me off of my feet all week just a touch of your love just a touch of your love just a touch of your love is enough to take control of my whole body just a touch of your love just a touch of your love [ cheers and applause ] all right. Little mix, ladies and gentlemen. And theyll be back in the next hour with another Live Performance. A big surprise. Ladies, guys, thank you so much. I need to have these guys dance with me to do the weather. That would be great. First, this is today on nbc. So, sheinelle, you said you beal unseeded first chair arinet by simone. Simone is on the phone right now. Simone, how are you . Good morning. I am wonderful, how are you . We are terrific. Will you set the record straight. This obviously, this competition for first chair clarinet. What did sheinelle do to knock you off . Sheinelle forgot to tell you, we went way back to middle school playing clarinet. From middle school, mr. Ramseys class. Mr. Ramsey. It would go back and forth, back and forth. Uhhuh. But in high school, i think i had a leg up on her. I started playing clarinet in the third grade. I had a leg up. Oh, simone, i havent talked to you for forever. Hi, friend. Shoutout to arts and music education. What high school did you go to . Wichita heights high school. There we are. Anything you can tell us we dont know about sheinelle . Oh and were out of time. Over her wall, the time i what did i have over my wall . Kevin campbell. Oh, wow. I used to be obsessed. More good morning. Im katy zachry. It is just a few minutes on a tuesday. A nice day outside. Hard to believe for the last day of february, looking at these live views and temperatures, too. In the 50s, philadelphia, sub b suburbs, new jersey, Lehigh Valley had clouds and bright blue skies over eason. 59 degrees at noontime. Clouds return later this afternoon that could lead to showers this evening. Through today it is dry and 66 in philadelphia, just 2 degrees away from the record High Temperature. Thank you, bill. A look at the roads with jessica boyi boyington. A crash around trooper road and on the eastbound side towards the schuylkill expressway on the right hand shoulder. Looking a little blurry losing our camera. All lanes open on the eastbound side. And upper merion, balligomingo road. Thanks. An easy pass is being added to 5 bridges at the jersey shore. The middle thoroughfare bridge, grassy sound bridge and carsons inlet bridge will get it by june to cut down on traffic delays there. The pedestrian bridge will link villanova universitys main campus with a planned expansion on lancaster avenue. Opponents are unhappy it will have crosses on both sides of the bridge. Back with another update in 25. Dear fellow citizen, i know what its like to worry about student loan debt. I graduated into it. It was keeping me from doing the things i love, like traveling to see my nephews. But i knew there had to be a way to manage it. Citizens Bank Education refinance loan. Call. Or visit citizensbank. Com refi to find out how much you could save in less than two minutes. I refinanced more than 6 federal and private loans. Even if youve already consolidated, you can still refinance your undergrad and grad loans. Now that im saving, i can visit my nephews. And i can help you with your student debt, so you can do whatevers important to you. If you have a question about whether refinancing is right for you, ask me. Sincerely, robert kennedy, fellow grad and fellow citizen. Citizens Bank Education refinance loan. Call. To see how much you could save now. From nbc news this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Hey, everybody. Wow. Okay. We hear you. We believe you. This is unbelievable. Its very rare. Its booze day, spanky, and fat tuesday. I mean its booze its spanky fat tuesday. No, spanky boozy tuesday. Spanky boozy fat its a fat spanky boozy tuesday. Okay, good. It sounds like its goingo

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