And featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 656, mexico. Yeah. Steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hello, everyone. Welcome. [ cheers and applause ] hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to the tonight show, baby. This is it. Were here. Looking great. Thank you for being here. Well, heres what people are talking about, you guys. Today was the deadline to file your taxes. Yeah. I guess trump got some good news this year. He got to write off the first 100 days of his presidency as a a total loss. Good for him. Steve good for him. Jimmy and thats not all. Jet blue is holding a a sweepstakes where if you owe money to the irs, you can enter to win a free flight. [ cheers ] and get this, uniteds offering just to drag the Tax Collector out of your home. [ cheers and applause ] they just theyll throw him right out. You dont have to worry about it. Steve its a nice of them. A nice feature. Jimmy i saw that new york city mayor, bill de blasio, tweeted a picture of his tax returns, and wrote, see, President Trump . Its not that hard. [ laughter ] and Anthony Weiner tweeted a a picture that said, this is [ cheers and applause ] whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa hey stop that stuff get away. Get off that. Cancel the account steve weiner [ laughter ] no losers. Jimmy did you see yesterday congressman, eric swalwell, tweeted a haiku, criticizing trump for refusing to release his tax returns. Critical haiku. [ laughter ] steve right in the eye. Jimmy well as you can imagine, trump was not happy about that and he even tweeted out some limericks that he wrote out in response. Steve really . Jimmy yeah. Trump wrote to him in response a limerick. For example, one says, my tax forms will not be released. Your constant complaints must be ceased. You think i dont care, then talk to my hair. Youve awoken that foul nasty beast. [ laughter and applause ] steve wow. Jimmy not bad. Steve quite literate. Jimmy its actually pretty good. Steve yeah. Jimmy its interesting. Heres another one here, it says, i wish you could please just be nicer. Why cant you just give it a a try, sir. Steve oh wow. Jimmy enough is enough, being president s rough especially when youve got sean spicer. [ cheers and applause ] steve wow. Jimmy hes good at limericks. A lot of people are talking about this. Trump just gave an interview where he appeared to confuse king jongun with his father, king jongil. [ light laughter ] it got worse when trump was like, which ones married to kanye . [ laughter ] and you go, no, thats a a different kim. Forget it. [ cheers and applause ] but did you see, this resurfaced online a couple of days ago. Someone posted a picture of a a smushed marshmallow rabbit that looks like kim jongun. Take a look at this. [ laughter ] the ears are perfectly rolled down. It got even worse when trump spent an hour negotiating with the marshmallow. It was like, have your peeps call my peeps. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] some sports news, i saw that giants quarterback eli manning is in some trouble here. Yep, hes accused of selling fake Sports Memorabilia to collectors. Yes, they said that hes signed helmets that had been worn during a game when they havent been. Yeah, i dont know. Turns out thats not the only questionable sports merchandise hes been pushing lately, take a look at this commercial i saw. Do you love sports collectibles and eli manning . Then youre gonna wanna come down to eli mannings totally real sports collectibles. Weve got everything like an iphone 7 signed by babe ruth, the game used football from super bowl li and, a signed airbud rookie card. And of course, a 2017 New York Knicks nba championship ring. Jimmy come on, hey eli mannings totally real sports collectibles. All good stuff. Dont worry about it. Jimmy oh, come on. Come on, knicks. [ cheers and applause ] you can do it, knicks. Hey, guys, its time for picture this. Here we go. Picture this picture this [ cheers and applause ] now, guys, theres a lot of politicians on instagram, theyre always posting photos. One thing ive noticed is that sometimes theyll write the exact same caption as someone else, but the picture they post will be completely different. Let me show you an example. This is from Bernie Sanders and betsy devos. They both wrote, this is bananas. Bernie sanders posted a picture of neil gorsuch being appointed to the supreme court. And betsy devos posted a a picture of oranges. Steve wait. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy close. Steve almost. Jimmy next one is from Kellyanne Conway and donald trump. They both wrote, look whos here for their annual visit. Kellyanne conway posted a a picture of the easter bunny, dontald trump posted a picture of melania. Steve wow. Thats not [ laughter and applause ] jimmy shes allowed to show up. Steve yeah. Jimmy shes allowed to show up when and just chill. Every other week. Next, we have one from Jared Kushner and Jeff Sessions. They both wrote, if you need me, ill be at my summer house. Jerry kushner posted a picture of a house in the hamptons, Jeff Sessions posted a picture of the keebler elf tree. Steve wow. Jimmy he lives there . [ cheers and applause ] steve his summer house . Jimmy his summer house . The next on is from Kendrick Lamar and mike pence. They both wrote, damn Kendrick Lamar posted a picture of his new album. Mike pence posted a picture of a small stain on his khakis. Steve wow. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] jimmy fiddle sticks. Fiddle sticks and gumdrops. Steve dag gum it. Jimmy finally, heres one from mark hamill and chris christie. They both wrote, its surrounded by the dark side, but its core is filled with goodness of the light. [ light laughter ] mark hamill posted a picture of rey from star wars. Chris christie posted a picture of a cadbury cream egg. Steve what . [ applause ] jimmy we have a great show tonight give it up for the roots, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] jimmy we have a great show tonight we have a great show tonight. We love it when he stops by. Academy awardwinning Actor Kevin Spacey is joining us tonight [ cheers and applause ] steve come on jimmy they Just Announced that kevins going to host the tony awards. Steve i know. Jimmy thats fantastic. Steve thats great. Hes great. Jimmy cant think of a a better host than kevin spacey. Wow, thats going to be great. Were going to catch up with kevin and then were going oh perform a little mad lib theater. Cannot wait for that. Plus, she is one of the leading democrats in the senate and has a great new book out today called this fight is our fight. Senator Elizabeth Warren is dropping in. Steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy that will be great. We have great new music from altj is here tonight [ cheers and applause ] i love altj. Theyre doing in cold blood is the song theyre doing tonight. They have another song called three ww or Something Like that. It was really good as well. But lets take a listen. In cold blood, heres the jam. Ready . Mister caspian killer told me so la la la la la la heard it now jimmy are they playing with you guys . Or no . You questlove yeah. Jimmy questlove is, yeah. Its going to be fun. Questlove im playing cow bells. Jimmy youre playing cow bells. Perfect. You never have too much cow bells. Steve you need more cow bells. Jimmy thats what they always say. Guys, baseball is back. Im so excited. [ cheers and applause ] the white sox are in town and theyre playing the yankees. And i actually read an interesting article about one of the white sox pitchers, jose quintana, hes from colombia. Hes a fantastic pitcher. Hes been in the league for a a few years. But get this, when he first came to the u. S. , he said he learned to speak english by watching our show, every night. [ cheers and applause ] its true. We apparently taught him english. And since he was in town, he offered to return the favor and teach me some spanish. So naturally i said, si, por favour. [ light laughter ] i really learned a lot. Take a look at this. Jimmy it is so great to meet you, jose. Nice to meet you, jimmy. Jimmy thank you very much. Is this true that you learned english by watching our show . Thats true. A couple of years ago, when i play with yankees, i arrived to this country, and watched your shows. Youre so funny, man. Youre accent so easy for me, so i learned a couple words from your shows. Jimmy can you give us a a taste of something that you learned from watching us . Yeah, you are awesome. You are so good. So awesome. So good. So great. So funny. Jimmy okay, okay, we get it. We get it. Okay, good. Now, to return the favor, do you want to teach me some spanish . Yeah, i will. Jimmy okay, good. Here we go. [ speaking spanish ] good. [ speaking spanish ] [ speaking spanish ] yeah. Jimmy thank you so much, jose. Youre welcome. Jimmy nice to meet you. Good luck this season. Thank you. Appreciate it. Jimmy wasnt that nice of him . Jose quintana. Q hope you have a great season, buddy. Stick around, well be right back with kevin spacey, everybody [ cheers and applause ] new, peach, from limearita. Make it a margarita moment. Is thno, its, uh, breyers gelato indulgences. You really wouldnt like it. Its got caramel and crunchy stuff. I like caramel and crunchy stuff. Breyers gelato indulgences. Its way beyond ice cream. Im dr. Kelsey mcneely and some day you might be calling me an energy farmer. Energy lives here. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our first guest is an academy award, golden globe and Tony Awardwinning actor. He is fantastic. Earlier today it was announced that he will be hosting the tony awards, which will broadcast live from radio city music hall on june 11th. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome kevin spacey [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh kevin spacey yeah, welcome i love having you here, its hilarious. Youre one of my favorite guests. I love no, no, you are you are great, you are awesome. You are incredible. You are you are if i could say that in spanish, i would. Jimmy no, thank you for being here and congrats on the youre going to host the tony awards. I am. Jimmy right across the street. You [ cheers and applause ] jimmy june 11th on cbs. Youve never hosted the tonys. Have you ever hosted have i ever seen you host an awards show . No, i havent, no. Jimmy no, this is it . So are you nervous . Dont judge me, you know. Jimmy no, no, no, ive seen you win awards. I think you would be a great host. Ive hosted other things, you know, but ive never hosted the tonys. I love the theater. Im a theater rat, so for me its incredibly exciting. Jimmy i love hope to put on a good show. Jimmy do you have bits youre working on already . I am, im already thinking about what we can do. Jimmy its soon, june 11th is when its on cbs. Yeah, june 11th. Jimmy but youve been in new york. I just saw last friday you were on stage at Madison Square garden . I was. Jimmy with billy joel. It was crazy. [ cheers ] jimmy hes an allstar. It was crazy. Jimmy come on, the one and only. How does this come about, how what well it came about, billy and i know each other. About a year ago, i did an event that he was honored in washington, d. C. At he got the gershwin prize. And he asked if i would come and perform and so i they asked me what song i wanted to do. And i said, what about piano man. And then they said, well, really, billys going to do that and jimmy he is the piano man. Okay, yeah. So i then waited a couple of days and i called back and i said, well can you ask billy if hed mind if we did piano man together . And billy actually thought that was a a cool idea. And then i waited about four or five days and i said, do you think billy would mind if i did the harmonica part . [ light laughter ] so then billy called me and said, do you play the harmonica . And i said jimmy no, but no, but ill learn it for this gig. So i did, i spent a month on the set of house of cards learning the harmonica part and we did it live. Jimmy i saw this. So then i was here in new york on friday, and mutual friends were having lunch with him. And i said, please tell him the president says hello. [ laughter and applause ] and he said he said, what president . And i said, well, its kevin spacey. And he said, oh, you should come to my concert, in fact, we should do piano man. And i went, no, no, no, first of all, i dont have my harmonica, i have to spend the afternoon learning it again jimmy yeah. Why dont we do something weve never done. So i suggested new york state of mind. Jimmy what . I mean thats like and he said, sure. Jimmy why would you suggest that . Thats a tricky song. Thats such an awesome song. Jimmy i know it is, but its like some people like to get away take a holiday in the neighborhood fly down to miami beach or to Hollywood Jimmy oh, my gosh. Im taking a greyhound on the hudson river line im in a new york state of mind jimmy im in a sorry, sorry, we just had to do that. Jimmy but heres what i love about that. You destroyed a super song, but then you kind of nerded out at the end. I had to because, you know, there i was, up on stage at Madison Square garden singing new york state of mind with billy joel in front of 20,000 people. Jimmy 20,000 people. And i was like, ive ive got to get a selfie. [ laughter ] jimmy i cant so i asked billy, can i get a selfie . Jimmy and you did and here it is. Here it is. Jimmy and theres your selfie, i love i love that you have the microphone still. Yeah. Jimmy youre like, im not letting go. This really happened. Yeah. Jimmy thats gotta it was great. It was amazing. Jimmy thats got to feel good, man. Youve done it, too. Youve been up jimmy whenever billy asks me, yeah, hes banned me from his shows. But but you have a no, billy is the greatest. I mean thats one of the best concerts if you havent seen billy joel in concert, he you have to go see him. It is a phenomenal show, top to bottom. Yeah, its great. Jimmy and you dont know whos going to stop by and get up and sing. That guys a talented guy. But speaking of talented, i wanted to understand, you have an announcement that youre going to make tonight yes. Jimmy which i think is a a cool thing, its kind of a a historical thing yeah. Jimmy in that its never been done before. Thats right. Jimmy please explain whats happening. Well, people may or may not know that i did a play in london two years ago, when i left the old vic theatre, the last play i did there was a a play about the Great American lawyer named Clarence Darrow. And its a oneman show. And Clarence Darrow for people who dont know how many know Clarence Darrow . You ever heard of him . Great. Those people went to history class. Jimmy yeah. [ light laughter ] Clarence Darrow was one of the Great American lawyers of alltime in the United States. The scopes monkey trial, which has been turned into a a great movie and play called inherit the wind, which is about the Science Teacher that wanted to teach evolution in school. The leopold and loeb case, he was an incredible labor attorney and a really inspirational figure. So i did this oneman show. And i wanted to bring it to america, but we did it when we did it at the old vic we reconfigured the theatre into a a theatre in the round. And i thought, you know, how can i find a theater in the round . There arent really many theaters in the round at all. And then a while back, i was at the opening of the u. S. Open. I was, you know, with arthur ashe, and i was watching. It was the night where they had a concert, you know, the opening, so theres a band playing and the lights were on, not normally as it as it looks. I suddenly thought, wait a a minute, drama happens on this court all the time jimmy yeah. And so i am announcing right now that on june 15th and 16th, were just announcing two performances, we are doing this play about Clarence Darrow at Arthur Ashe Stadium in queens. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i mean, come on. Now, that is a big deal. June 15th. Were just announcing were just announcing tonight, the 15th and 16th of june, tickets will go on sale on ticketmaster. Com on the 30th of april. But were only announcing two, if people want more, we will do more. But whats great about it is that, it means that i can have like 300 seats for students. Like young people can afford to come and see a play. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy see live theater. But just again first of all, i love that you go to the opening of the u. S. Open and youre thinking theater. Thats true. Jimmy how do i use this on but you also have to think of it this way. All right, so even in the worst seat in the house jimmy yeah. People pay good money to watch a little yellow ball fly at hundreds of miles an hour across the court. Jimmy oh, yeah. Im much taller than a a little yellow ball. Jimmy yes, yes, you are, yeah and were also going to use the tv screens. So it will feel quite intimate. Jimmy wow. And weve got quite incredible rock n roll people who know how to do these events who are doing the sound and the lighting and everything. Im so excited to share this play with the american audiences. Jimmy i think its going to be so cool. And i think [ cheers and applause ] i think youre on to something. I think this is going to start a thing. I i can say this, if this works out, i can see myself going to stadiums all across the United States. Jimmy oh, that would be so much fun tickets to see kevin spacey perform at Arthur Ashe Stadium will be on sal april 30th at ticketmaster. Com. Dont miss it. Kevin and i are doing some mad libs theater right after the break. Stick around, everybody well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. Unlimited data on tmobile, now thats a treat. Why did verizon take so long to offer it . Is it because their lte network was built six years ago . Six years ago . Thats like a hundred in phone years. Tmobile built newer, faster, more advanced lte to handle unlimited data. Switch to tmobile, now covering 314 million americans and growing. And right now, get 2 lines of unlimited data for a hundred bucks, all in taxes and fees included. 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Jimmy its time for mad libs theatre. Here we go. Mad libs theatre jimmy alright. First, here we go. Ready . Type of candy. Jolly rancher. Jimmy wow. Founding father. Ben franklin. Jimmy year. 1922. Jimmy ooh, nationality. Albanian. Jimmy exclamation. Oy vey. Jimmy oy veys a good one. Number. 14. Jimmy floral round object. Oranges. Jimmy body part. [ light laughter ] were on i know, im trying to clean it up. [ light laughter ] jimmy okay. Middle finger. [ light laughter ] jimmy a silly word. Bungalow. Jimmy that is pretty silly to think about, bungalow. Its a silly word, bungalow. Jimmy bungalow. A verb ending in ing. Break dancing. Jimmy all right. Break dancing. Adjective. Dying. Jimmy animal. Owl. Jimmy another adjective. Rambunctious. Jimmy wow rambunctious . I would hate to play scrabble against you. Rambunctious. Profession. Profession . Jimmy yeah. Sex therapist. [ rim shot ] i got a rim shot on that one, by the way. Jimmy yeah, you did. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Theyre kind of like, playing jazz with every word you do. Lets do a speed round. Ready . Oh gosh. Jimmy here we go. Ready . Yes. Jimmy type of food. Oatmeal raisin cookie. [ laughter ] jimmy oatmeal i mean theyre writing right now, theyve got arms falling off. I know, i know. Jimmy raisin cookies. Do you like oatmeal raisin cookies . I love them. Jimmy really . Yeah. Jimmy i always find them disappointing if you think its chocolate chip and then it ends up being oatmeal raisin. I wouldnt be disappointed in chocolate chip. Jimmy type of fish. Barracuda. [ laughter ] jimmy what . Our cue card guy hates you right now. Famous athlete. Michael phelps. Jimmy condiment. Mustard. Jimmy female singer. Aretha. Jimmy articles of clothing. Article of clothing. Sorry. Suspenders. Jimmy adjective again. Sticky. Jimmy plural noun. Frisbees. Jimmy verb ending in ing. Choking. Jimmy type of cereal. Grape nuts. Jimmy there you go. Perfect. I love grape nuts. Im a grape nuts fan. I love it. Do you put oatmeal cookies on your grape nuts . Jimmy lets not get too crazy. [ light laughter ] we filled out the words. Are you ready to perform the scene . Yes. Jimmy here we go, guys, lets do this [ cheers and applause ] well, well, well, look who it is. Old mr. Jolly rancher. [ light laughter ] jimmy ben franklin, we meet again. The last time we met, we competed at the 1922 albanian open. [ light laughter ] when you sabotaged me [ laughter ] jimmy oi vay you put 14 oranges on the court. I slipped on one straining my middle finger. [ laughter ] jimmy that is bungalow and you know it. I trained for that match by waking up every morning, eating breakfast, and then going to the court, and break dancing all day. Jimmy this time you better be ready. Im about to serve the ball faster than a dying owl. [ laughter ] oh, you are going down, because im going to be all over the court like a a rambunctious sex therapist. [ laughter ] jimmy hey oh no, the ball machine is malfunctioning. Ah ah jimmy oatmeal raisin cookies. Ah ah ah jimmy barracuda. Michael phelps. Michael phelps. Jimmy mustard, aretha. Suspenders. [ cheers and applause ] you cannot be sticky sorry, mr. Mcenroe. Thats okay, boys. Youre both winners in my book. In fact, why dont we all join hands and sing my favorite victory song come on two, three, four [ together ] we are the frisbees my friends and well keep on choking until the end we are the frisbees we are the frisbees no time for grape nuts cause we are the frisbees of the world [ cheers and applause ] jimmy and scene. My thanks to kevin spacey and john mcenroe well be right back with senator Elizabeth Warren [ cheers and applause ] brian, i just need to know if the customer app will be live monday. Can we at least analyze customer traffic . Can we push the offer online . Brian, i just had a quick question. Brian . Brian. Legacy technology can handcuff any company. But yes is here. Youre saying the new app will go live monday . yeah. 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With verizon unlimited, we could video chat the interview in hd right here. Okay. Hey, man, ill cue you. vo when it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. Just 45 per line for four lines. Im a people person. drumming resumes la vie est belle. La vie est belle. The eau de parfum, lancome. Customize your free 7piece gift. Available now at boscovs. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy we are joined right now by the leading voice of the democratic party, who has a new book out today. It is called this fight is our fight the battle to save americas middle class. Please welcome from the commonwealth of massachusetts, senator Elizabeth Warren [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome. Im so happy youre here. Its good to be here. Jimmy congratulations on your book. Thank you. Jimmy senator, thank you so much for being here. This is the book right here. This fight is our fight, congrats on this. Just came out today. I want to talk to you about this. Its very interesting knowing about your life, but i also want to know just other things that are happening in the world. You bet. Jimmy lets talk about the democratic party. Okay. Jimmy now, what is the plan . What is the plan for the next for the next four years . For the future . What are you seeing . What is the focus . For me . Jimmy yes. Its three things. The first one is, weve got to be in the fight. We cannot lay down and play dead. We got to be in this fight. [ cheers and applause ] part two, we cannot shoot at everything that moves. When donald trump remember in the movie up the dog. Jimmy yeah. When he yelled squirrel we cannot all go over there. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats a funny analogy. I never thought about that. Yeah, i know exactly what youre talking about. And the third one what i mean by that is, really, weve got to keep a focus not on what he says, not on what he tweets, weve got to keep a a focus on what he actually does, what he is doing to working families across this country. Hes been there for a hundred days. I swear it feels like dog years. You know, like hes been there forever. Jimmy yeah. But, whats critical is to keep a focus on what hes actually done, because thats what he has to be held accountable for, and then the third part for me, weve got to talk about our values. Weve got to talk about the reason that we get up in the morning and what we fight for all day long, and what were still fighting for when we go to bed at night, and that comes down to something pretty straightforward to me. Weve get out there and fight for opportunities, not just for some of our kids, but we fight for opportunities for all of us. Thats what its about. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy yeah. How is it working with the gop . Are people reaching across the aisle . [ light laughter ] i mean, cause every week we have different politicians on and they always go like, well i want to try to work with the other side, the democrats and republicans working together. Is it happening . So, what could it happen . You bet it could. Ill give you actually a very, very specific example of that. All during the campaign, donald trump said that he wanted to break up the big banks, that he was in favor of glasssteagall bill. Theyve got it put in the republican platform, its in the democratic platform. Ive had a bill with john mccain, and with maria cantwell, and with angus king that is the 21st century glasssteagall bill. You said you wanted to do this. Lets do it together. Theres something bipartisan. We could Work Together to break up the big banks. What about it . Lets do it. [ cheers and applause ] im for it. Jimmy yeah. John mccain, but is it true i heard that Mitch Mcconnell wont make eye contact with you. Is that real . He seems kind of like a quiet type of just but i mean maybe thats it. Maybe hes just being quiet. Jimmy when you see him in the hallway, he wont look at you or talk to you . Oh, come on. Its you know. I say hi. But but jimmy i mean, what does he say back . Nothing [ light laughter ]. Jimmy mitch Mitch Mcconnell, you have to say hi to Elizabeth Warren. Come on. How old are we now . This is silly. You have to be civil. Lets do this. We all have to Work Together. Yeah, we do have to Work Together. Jimmy this fight is our fight. What is the fight youre talking about . This is the fight about how we rebuild america. So look at it this way. Im a kid who grew up in a a family that had a lot of financial ups and downs, and at the end of the day what i really the only thing i ever wanted to do is i wanted to be a teacher. But youve got to go to college to do that. There was no money, and i ended up graduating from a commuter college that cost 50 a semester. I am the daughter of a janitor who ended up as a harvard professor and a United States senator, because i grew up in an america that invested in kids like me, and i believe in that america all the way down to my toes. [ cheers and applause ] but that america is gone. Those opportunities are not there for our kids today. Today 70 of kids who graduate from a Public University have to borrow money to do it, and heres the part that really sticks the knife in. The federal government is making billions of dollars in profits off the backs of those kids. Now, thats not a country thats living its values. I talk in the book about a a young woman named ky. She had the same kind of dreams i did. She had great plans. Shes going to go out. She is going to be in the computer industry. And she gets her feet tangled up with a forprofit college. When i pick her up in the book, shes 27 years old. She still hasnt gotten her diploma. Shes got 100,000 in student loan debt, which shes trying to manage on the salary of a a waitress. Thats wrong, and thats not an america thats building dreams. Thats an america thats crushing dreams. We can do better than that, and thats the fight we need to have. The fight for opportunities for all of our kids. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy how do you even where do you begin where do you begin with all that . I mean everyone has like ive just barely paid off my student loans. Im the host of the tonight show. But look, part of it are the things we need to do. Theres no doubt about it. We need to reduce the Interest Rates on student loans. We need to make investments in public universities, investments in prek, all the way through our educational system. We need to build infrastructure. [ cheers and applause ] we need to do these things. They create good jobs. We need to invest in research, in medical research, and scientific research, the things that build a growing and robust economy. We know the things we need to do. Jimmy yeah. The problem is, weve got to get out there and make them happen. We have to have the courage to get in the fight. So a big part of what this book is about is it tells the long arc story about what we did right, and what weve done wrong, whats taken the legs out from underneath americas middle class, but what it really goes to is what we do about it. You know, i bring this book to the conclusion, talking about the womens march. There it is. Its the day after donald trump has been sworn in and the question is, what are we going to do as a country . We are divided. Theres hatred. Hes heading this country in what i think is a terrible direction, and i go down to Boston Common which is where we had our share of the march, and im in the car and im thinking about how are we going to build an army, how are we going to make our voices heard, and i look up, and i see these people moving toward the common, and its women in pink hats. Its men pushing strollers, and its kids on bicycles, theyre all congregating in Boston Common, and i look over and i see this man, and i see this little girl up on his shoulders, and shes got this handlettered sign, and the sign says, i fight like a a girl, and i thought, me, too, baby [ cheers and applause ] thats our army thats how were going to do it. Jimmy thats a beautiful thing. But weve got to be in this fight. Jimmy yeah. Yeah. Jimmy yeah, weve got to be in this. So if weve got to be in it and i talk about a lot of ways to get in the fight. Because heres the deal, democracy is not a machine that will go of itself. We cant just say once every four years, okay, now its time to start thinking about a few policies and so on. No. The world has changed in washington. Its not only that the legs have been taken out from underneath hardworking families, middleclass families, working families, the working poor, the poor poor, its more than that. Its that donald trump and the republicans are now poised to deal a blow to the middle class, the working families from which they will never recover, and that means weve got to be in this fight. Weve got to be in this fight every single day, and we can do it. Because when you get involved, when you get engaged, when you get active, its not like you just had that much activism in you. Its that when you start to do it, you do it a little more, you do it a little more, and then your sister does it, and then you get your mom into it, too, and then you get your brother and your cousin and the guy behind you in the grocery store. Thats how we make changes. Thats how democracy works. This is our time in history. Were gonna do this. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy you guys, check out this book right here this fight is our fight. Senator Elizabeth Warren thank you so much for coming to the show. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Thank you. Jimmy please come back. You bet. Jimmy altj performs after the break. Stick around, everybody [ cheers and applause ] take on the mainstream. Introducing nissans new midnight edition. where the party at by jagged edge limearita. Make it a margarita moment. Limearita. Liz assumed all dressingsrust were made equal. Assume nothing. Just like the leading brands, these kraft dressings are made with high quality ingredients, at a price you can feel good about. No wonder kraft is so good. Sure shutup i can do that do i have to . I dont want there to be white marks. Good bye beautiful dress i never got to wear. Nothing no dust, theres no marks. Its really dry what is this . Oh my god, its dove i knew it its a 48 hour antiperspirant. No white marks. On a 100 colors. I would absolutely use this. I think you converted me goodnessknows invited people who have always wanted to create a jingle, to try. 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[ cheers and applause ] jimmy they are a Grammy Nominated british rock band whose highly anticipated new album, relaxer, is out june 2nd. Performing in cold blood with a little help from the roots, give it up for altj [ cheers and applause ] zero one one one zero zero one one crying zeros and im hearing one one ones cut my somersault sign my backflip pool summer summer pool pool summer kiss me hair the way the sun really wants it to be whiskey soda please your g ts empty jeffs inflatables have sunk to the bottom pool summer summer pool pool summer kiss me cali lets dive down to the pools bottom where we belong cali youre sinking like a bleeding stone all above crowd around so very loud mister caspians killer told me so la la la la la la heard it down on the radio la la la la la la la my pool summer summer pool summer vibes killed in cold blood zero one one one zero zero one one crying zeros and im hearing one one ones lifeless back slaps the surface of the pool pool killer killer pool pool killer kiss me mister caspians killer told me so la la la la la la heard it down on the radio la la la la la la la pool summer summer pool pool summer vibes killed in cold blood la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la caspians killer told me so la la la la la la la oh la la la la la la la caspians killer told me so la la la la la la la oh la la la la la la la cold blooded [ cheers and applause ] jimmy altj relaxer is available for preorder now. Well be right back, everybody [ cheers and applause ] lets go, shes a dog. [ whimpers ] find pingpong. Find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. Thats amazing with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. And theres no minimum balance. Youre alright with simply right checking from santander bank. Are you feeling alright, baby . You wanna come chillax in my man cave and get your fios on . Its a very niiice. You got fios . Its tv ahead of its time. Oookay hey neighbor. You up for a little sunday scrolling . Actually, we have xfinity x1 now, so we can download and watch our shows on the go. Thats a niceeee i mean that sounds nice. Fios has fallen behind, dont fall with it. Xfinity x1 will change the way you experience tv. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy my thanks to kevin spacey, senator Elizabeth Warren, john mcenroe, altj once again and the roots right there from philadelphia. Stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thank you for watching. Have a great night. I hope to see you tomorrow thank you [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] announcer from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night with seth meyers. Tonight dax shepard. Host of kicking and screaming, hannah simone. Music from hey violet. Featuring the 8g band with charlie benante. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, setheyers. Seth good evening, im seth meyers. This is late night. How is everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] fantastic to hear. In that case, lets get to the news. The kremlin today dismissed allegations of russia interference in the election, and so did the gremlin. [ laughter ] President Trump signed a funding bill today that supports nasas efforts to explore deesp

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