Others theres a rush for information, travel and resolution. The amount of calls that i receive on a normal day has probably increased three fold. Reporter we sat down with Immigration Attorneys Ricky Paladino and jonathan groed to talk about whats happening here while the fate of the president s executive order is unclear. Some of them have legal status. Some have green cards and theyre worried what all the immigration changes mean for them. Some have case that are ongoing that they likely will win that are worried that somethings going to change that will be an impediment to them. Reporter its not just families with questions. In some cases groed says its affecting businesses who are hesitating to take international assignments. We have a specific corporate client that we represent that has an individual that was scheduled to travel and we had to advise them not to allow that person to leave because of the uncertainty. Reporter where are they from . Iran. Reporter theyre concerned about getting back in . This is somebody who is are an engineer, researcher, educated here has been here for the past 12 or 15 years. Reporter while that person is from one of the seven affected countries, he says inquiries go beyond that. This perception of everybody being affected even though the intent was to limit for security purposes is having an expanded effect that i didnt even anticipate. Reporter they are watching how things are changing minute by minute just as that hearing is going on as we speak, that attorney Jonathan Grode telling me hes sending companies he works with updates every day and hes been doing that since the president ial election. Live at Philadelphia International airport im lauren mayk, nbc 10 news. As we mentioned the Court Hearing on the president s executive order is happening right now. Count on nbc 10 on air and on our app to follow developments. We will let you know as soon as a decision is made. Turning to our weather right now and a dramatic shift from 60s to snow. The ice is melting at the blue cross river ring with warm conditions out there today. We could see record warmth again tomorrow but then those temperatures will start to plunge and weve issued a first alert for thursday as we track what could be the biggest snowstorm of the season. First alert radar showing that system over the rockies now and heading our way. Lets get right to glenn hurricane schwartz. Time this out for us. Unfortunately, the worst of this storm looks like it will occur during the morning rush on thursday. Thats one of the reasons weve issued the first alert for the entire area except for the jersey shore and the delaware beaches where it may snow but it was likely melt. 4 00 a. M. To noon on thursday, not tomorrow. Accumulating snow heavy at times. During the morning rush with slick roads and poor visibility. As we go through the day tomorrow, tomorrow evening, no problems, but overnight tomorrow night and into thursday morning, thats when the cold airs coming down from the north, the moisture comes in from the west and it adds up to a snowy morning rush. 6 00 a. M. , the darker blue indicating the heavier snow. So its accumulating during that period all the way down to central delaware and into much of new jersey. But this is not a longlasting storm. And by noontime or early afternoon, it is tapering off and moving out, limiting the snow totals to some degree. The precipitation begins as rain for much of the area. Snow begins north and west 1 00 to 2 00 a. M. Changes are right during the morning rush and farther south a little bit later. Ill have the snow totals coming up in a few minutes. Make sure you track thursdays storm as any Winter Weather that heads our way this season. You can do it with the free nbc 10 app. You can use our free interactive radar and get weather alerts sent right to our phone. Now to an nbc 10 exclusive. A 5yearold girl pushed by a complete stranger in front of a transit train. Tonight the officers who sprang into action to save her with just seconds on the line are sharing their story only with nbc 10. South jersey reporter cydney long joining us live in burlington with their story. First of all, how is that girl doing tonight . Reporter jim, physically shes doing just fine, but im told the little girl is still very scared. In fact, she and her mother both continue having nightmares about what happened to them right here on the river line tracks two weeks ago. Theyre also grateful to police who jumped into action. We pull up, with see a train coming. Reporter officers cameron long and David Edwardson got the radio call to look for a woman acting erratically on the river line platform, then right before their eyes. I see a female throw a little girl on to the tracks. Reporter in disbelief by what they saw. Just stopped right there in the road, threw my lights on and ran right out of my car. Reporter the inbound river line train would have run the child over if police hadnt gotten the engineers attention. There was not even a doubt this my mind that i was going directly on to those tracks in front of that train. When that adrenaline kicks in, youre just moving. Reporter were you scared at any moment . Not enough time to even think about that. Both hands are up in the air telling the train to stop. Reporter the mothers fiance grabbed the girl and got her back on to the platform safely. Police recall the chaos of passengers yelling as the 20yearold suspect autumn matachairia. Officer pierce was on the platform and he immediately tackled her and put her into custody. Reporter the little girl whos with bruised and bleeding that night. She had a gash on her chin. Reporter has since delivered a thank you for saving my life note to police with a hello kit coloring book page. It could have been a lot worse. Thank god everyone was where they were and it turned out perfect for us and for that little girl. Reporter and the little girls family has hired an attorney who is now gathering facts and considering civil litigation. The attorney told me by phone today this mother is, quote, so grateful to police because she feared she was about to witness her daughter lose her life. Live in burlington city, im cydney long, nbc 10 news. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf is pushing to increase the minimum wage. He outlined his 32 billion spending plan in harrisburg today. His budget does not increase tax rates on sales or income. The plan does include a 25 per person tax in small towns that use state police as their police force. The governor also wants to increase minimum wage to 12 an hour while boosting funding to public schools. But the governors budget would eliminate state funding to the university of pennsylvanias veterinary school. Penn says it will fight to keep its 30 million in funding. President trump won a major cabinet victory today with a major vote. Betsy devos has been sworn in as the countrys education secretary. Vice president pence broke a deadlock and she was sworn in about a half hour ago. Devos is controversial because of her support for private and Charter Schools but Charter School advocates in our area say no one should oppose more choice for families. The point is the traditional schools have to step up to the plate and they also have to understand that just because a kid lives in your district does not mean that they have to go there. They have to entice the kid. Mike pence today became the first Vice President in history to cast a tie breaking vote to confirm a cabinet nominee. A local Law Enforcement official took part in the meeting. Caroline walsh seen to the left of the president was among a group of sheriffs who sat down with donald trump today. President trump later tweeted out it was an honor to have the National Sheriffs association in for a discussion. Now to the governor carnie a an investigation of the correctional institution. New details tonight about a bucks county man accused of serial child rape. William thomas spoke by video during a brief Court Appearance today. He told the judge hes not evil and he never inflicted any pain on a child nor would want to. The bucks County District attorney calls thomas a real life boogeyman. Hes facing 51 charges including five counts of child rape. Thomas is still in jail tonight. New video of a Charity Basketball game in olney that took a violent turn. Watch as a man on the court walks over and punches a guy sitting on the bench. The two were separated but the victim got hit again by a second person. It all happened two weeks ago at International Christian high school. A local civil rights leader is suing the state of new jersey. Steven young is the leader of reverend al sharptons National Action chapter in atlantic city. Hes filing suit against the state over his arrest last march. Young was charged with Disorderly Conduct while testifying in a state Senate Hearing about the charges were later dropped. Up next im tracking what could be the biggest snowstorm of the season for at least part of the area. When it could arrive just 24 hours after record breaking warmth. Thats next in my first alert neighborhood forecast, the most accurate in philadelphia. Plus one of philadelphias poorest neighborhoods is Getting National attention tonight. Why people are donating thousands to a former bar in Strawberry Mansion. A philadelphia tavern turned Community Center is enjoying a deluge of donations tonight. Lester holt featured the Strawberry Mansion Learning Center last night as the nightly news inspiring america report. Since then people have donated thousands to the centers mission. As Deanna Durante tells you, theres big plans for that money. Reporter one by one they roll in. They help us with our homework. Reporter its not school. It was once pretty far from it. A former bar is now replaced with a long table of computers and eager kids who want to learn. I do have an after School Program. It was really getting expensive. Reporter this is an area of the city with a lot of highs, high crime rate, high dropout rates from school, but inside the Strawberry Mansion Learning Center, the cost is low, free for the kids who come here. Kids who are here, his mothers former bar, a place hes given back to the community. Lester holt profiled kevin and the work he does here monday night on nbc nightly news. I havent had much rest because the phones have been ringing. When he turned off the lights, nbc news was just beginning. When they woke up this morning, they were 10,000 richer. But the donations were just a start. Not just the kids who come here are dreamers. Well have healthy meals. The kitchen in the former bar is small. It feeds the kids who come here. About 100,000 to make that happen. The after School Program that runs here this go fund me page is preparing the kids for the outside world. In Strawberry Mansion, Deanna Durante, nbc 10 news. That generosity could be a game changer for the center. The Graduation Rate at Strawberry Mansion high school is just 41 . So this is definitely needed. The kids love it. If you give them the opportunity and the tools, they will thrive. They will. Money is being raised for another good cause. People are helping a girl scout who was robbed selling cookies near Rittenhouse Square last weekend. The scouts say the generosity of residents has helped recoup the money that was stolen. And the girl has decided to continue selling cookies. A man took 50 from her saturday then took off running. A warning tonight for bucks county families. A rabid raccoon was caught in war minster township. They found it at the giant grocery store. And theyre warning people to be on the lookout for other animals acting aggressively. They could be rabid now as well. The hydrus will open this summer. After Hurricane Sandy became one of the unforgettable images from that storm. Not the lack of snow because resorts can make that. Its actually getting people to make that trek north when itss feeling like spring in philadelphia. At blue mountain, snow machines work overtime. That mountain is covered. But they would love a big natural snowfall. Good marketing to remind people that winter is still on. You love winter and youre down in philly where its a little less winterlike, come up here, weve got winter here. Were hoarding it in the poconos. Thursdays approaching snowstorm might help bring out the crowds at blue mountain. There are 14 lift tickets on valentines day and deals for couples. Cloudy down the shore but a warm one. We found people playing in the sand here at margate. But the snows coming. Lets take a live look at radar that shows that system over the rockies. Its heading our way for thursday morning and chief meteorologist glenn hurricane schwartz. That timing does bring it into the area right during the morning rush. The peak of that snow. You can see 48 degrees in philadelphia but 63 in dover. It got into 70s in baltimore and washington, 37 in allentown. That warmer air is trying to come up and it will succeed eventually. It is starting to come into parts of new jersey. Weve got a big contrast from east to west. Shrineland and piney hollow at 59 while only 49 in audubon. 46 in lumberton, 45 in florence and 49 in princeton. We rarely see contrast like that across that particular part of our area. Now, for the snow, weve got a first alert thursday for the entire area except for the jersey shore and the delaware beaches, which may get snow, but its likely to melt. 4 00 a. M. To noon, the peak of the storm with accumulating snow, heavy at times. Slick roads, poor visibility. When the snows coming down hard, you really cant see very well. Even when its melted on the roads, the viz inlt can cause problems. Here comes the snow from the west and the darker blue indicating the heavier snow right there, right at the morning rush. The core of the morning rush and covering much of the area. Most of the counties in our area getting snow for that morning rush. And theres really no way for this storm to totally miss us. Every computer model has it. Just a matter of the details. And by midafternoon and the afternoon rush, its pretty much gone. Now, most of the snow melts, southern delaware right to jersey shore, thats why its not in the first alert. 2 to 4 inches across much of delaware. Many of the new jersey counties and the city of philadelphia, but just to the north like north of the pennsylvania turnpike, 4 to 8 inches with locally higher amounts. And thats why the storm impact scale is high for the lehigh valley, berks and the p. A. Suburbs partly because of the snow amounts, partly because of the timing. It ends or really tapers off around noon. Now, moderate impact event into philadelphia, northern delaware and south jersey, the snow starting right during the morning rush, accumulating and heavy snow reducing the visibility. And the lower impact of delaware beaches and jersey shore because much of that snow is melting. Everything refreezing thursday night when it gets really cold. Im john clark. The flyers lose another player for over a month. We hear from john kruk on why hes back with the phillies. Where should you start when youre told you have cancer . Start with a specialist. Start where youll find advanced technology, precision Treatment Options and truly compassionate care. Start here with a team of experts who treat only cancer. Every stage. Every day. Its not one thing we do. Its they thing we do. Start at Cancer Treatment centers of ameca in philadelphia. The evolutioof cancer care is here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com experts Appointments Available now. Their lives are beautiful, lets keep it that way. If you suspect child abuse, report it. For more information on reporting child abuse or neglect go to keepkidssafe. Pa. Gov paid for with pennsylvania taxpayer dollars. This is sports desk brought to you by xfinity. X1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. Im john clark from csn. More problems in for the flyers. Theyll be without thomas knekny. The flyers have been shut out in backtoback home games for the first time in 17 seasons and over their last nine games, they scored just 12 goals. Thats worst in the nhl over that span. Theyve got to get their offense going. Yeah, keep it more simple. Get pucks on net. Were a team that when we score a lot of goals, its either traffic or rebounds. Tic tac toe. Go back to it being simple. Less than a week away phillies pitchers and catchers report to clearwater for spring training. Its next monday. Welcome back kruker, he says hell always be a philly. Hes back as a broadcaster. Hell do the games on csn. What else am i going to do . I got to do something. I cant just my god, if i sit around and eat all day. Woo. Not a pretty sight. Put it this way, i probably trained harder for that than when i was playing. Guess he trains by talking. Villanova hoisting georgetown. The hoyas bus was in an accident on the way here. Heres a picture of the team helping one of the cars on the scene. They no injuries, they got another bus to get here. The patriots with another super bowl parade in new england. Rob gronkowski stealing the show again. Fans throwing him beers along the parade route. What does he do . The drink and then the gronk spike. Just more for boston to clean up. And the case of tom bradys stolen jersey is still an open investigation. The Texas Rangers Baseball Team having a little fun right here. Who is that . Former philly cole hamels. They have him in on the investigation. The ace is on the case. Lets go to the davis cup. He rips the ball right into the face of the chair umpire. He may not have meant it. But hes disqualified from the match. But instead of being fined 12 grand, he was fined just 7 grand because he immediately apologized and jim and jacqueline, i learned that with my parents. Show remorse, apologize immediately, less punishment. Right away. Especially if you hit mom or dad in the eye with a tennis ball. I would never do that. Never. You were a good boy. Thank you. At least somebody thinks so. All right, john clark. Coming up tonight, flu cases are on the rise. The virus has killed seven children nationwide. In our area were seeing an uptick in case of the most vulnerable. Were tracking the flu and finding out what you need to know to protect yourself and your family. If youin a palace of ice,winter theres only one place to go. And thats not the only thing you can only find in new york state. You can find it all, only in new york. New york. Its all here. Its only here. Plan your winter getaway at iloveny. Com this image could be snow covered in a couple of days in the morning . After record warmth tomorrow. So 65 tomorrow. Then our biggest winter storm of the season for thursday morning, then everything refreezing thursday night. What a sequence of events. Thanks for watching. Well see you back here at 11 00. Tonight, blown away. A tornado out break strikes new orleans in areas devastated by katrina. Major emergency as a Violent Storm system demolishes homes. Travel ban cliff hanger. Were awaiting a ruling on president trumps immigration order right now. Tie breaker. An all night drama, a history making vote and what it could mean for the future of americas schools. Child flu deaths. Alarming new numbers show the virus taking a more lethal toll than last year. An alert for every parent tonight. Packing your home through your refrigerator, your thermostat even the tv youre watching right now. How thieves can gain access to your most private information. A chef on a

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