Many republicans are focusing on the fact that comey admitted to leaking information and the fact that President Trump never told mr. Comey to drop the investigation into michael flynn, only that he hoped it would go away. Nbc 10s lauren mayk was the only local reporter inside todays hearing. Shes joining us live from inside that hearing room. Tell us more about what you saw today, lauren. Reporter jim, you know, this hearing room has cleared out now but i can tell you there is now still work going on behind the scenes. For example, multiple senators here in this room today, they said that they wanted to see those memos that jim comey wrote detailing his nine oneonone interactions, conversations with the president. So that is just one of the things still happening. Now, the chair of this committee telling us after the hearing that this investigation is not over. Jim comey leaving the hearing room after giving senators wifnt to take in. The former fbi director saying nothing to us and the cameras after a two and a half hour testimony to the Senate Intelligence committee. Do you believe the russia investigation played a role . In why i was fired . Yes. Yes, because ive seen the president say so. Reporter the republican chair of the committee announcing. This is nowhere near the end of our investigation. The one message that i hoped all americans will take home is recognizing how significant the russian interference in our electric trorl process was, how it goes to the core of our democracy. Reporter but much of the hearing today focusing on comeys interactions with President Trump. When a president of the United States in the oval office says something like, i hope, or i suggest, or would you, do you take that as a directive . Yes. Senator first coops said he found the former fbi director today believable. Did you hear anything that strikes you as obstruction of justice . Thats a legal conclusion that im not going to jump to but what i did hear is that President Trump engaged in shocking uncalled for inappropriate unethical behavior incc repeatedly meeting with t fbi director and pushing him to abandon an investigation against general flynn. Reporter and former director comey said multiple times here today that he couldnt talk about something in open session, often it was about that russia investigation. And i can tell you that senators here today the ones on this committee did get a chance to have a closed door session with him in a secure room just down the hall from here right afterwards. One senator said afterwards that much of what they talked about they actually did already know but he also said that on the issue of whether there is obstruction of justice, again, jim comey would not make a judgment on that, pushing that over to bob muller, the special counsel. Jim. Lauren, fascinating to see you this afternoon inside that room with no one there. It was packed earlier today. You were inside. So describe for us what you noticed while you were in there perhaps that the public didnt get a chance to see. Reporter you know, jim, one of the things i noticed wasnt necessarily something you could see but something you could hear actually. Jim comey was sitting right there at that table and in front f1 o photographers, print photographers, their cameras make noises, its something that you watching at home you probably couldnt hear that because he was using a microphone so you probably couldnt hear that, but when youre sitting here in the room you can and they started to go off every time he mentioned something that was surprising, something we didnt know. Most of these people in the room probably read his Opening Statement that was put out yesterday so he knew some of the things he might talk about, but, for example, as you mentioned he firing which we were not expected. So when things like that happen you heard the clatter of those cameras going off. Probably couldnt hear that at home. Jim. Lauren mayk, thanks for that perspective. And our Team Coverage does not stop here. Still ahead at 5 15 we go oneonone with Nbcs Lester Holt. The why his interview with the president was front and center today on capitol hill. Plus atw; 5 30 comey watch parties and why its more than just politics. Count on nbc 10 for updates on comeys testimony and look for updates on air and on the nbc 10 app. For now, keith and jacqueline, we will send it back to you in philadelphia. Jim rosenfield live in washington, d. C. We will see you soon. Warmer weather returns. Hope you had a chance to get outside and enjoy this sun because its a beautiful day. Taking a live look at the philadelphia skyline, so good to see the sun, jackie. Skies, its blue,dn its nice o there finally. I know. And how about some tee time. Goal officers hit the driving range at conshohocken. This is the weather weve been waiting for. Lets talk to glenn hurricane schwartz. All right. The 90s are coming, glenn. Today is nothing. Wait until you see tomorrow, oh, my gosh, you will be raving about tomorrow if you like today. Even at the shore with clouds were in all day, looks like theyre starting to thin out a little bit and the sun will be returning there. You can see the cloud deck mostly in new jersey and in delaware as we were specifying yesterday with the neighborhood forecast. Areas like the Lehigh Valley and burkes county would see the most sunshine. Thats one of the reasons we do neighborhood forecasts. Here is the rain offshore, continuing to stay off sure and as it moves its going to take those clouds with it. Now we just have to get the wind direction to change. Its 67 in philadelphia now, 71 in allentown. So it is still unseasonably cool, the average high is 81 for this time of the year and, well, we will get there tomorrow but we did not get anywhere near there today. So far only 71, 82 degrees sat sunday and it continues to go up monday and tuesday. It looks like monday and tuesday are going to be c hottest parts of this hot spell. And as we go through the night tonight we have clearing conditions, some of these temperatures going down into the 40s by day break so you may need a jacket to start the day in parts of the area but you wont need it by afternoon. I will tell you about those big changes that are coming over the next week in just a few minutes. Day four of the bill cosby e the comedian did not speak, but his own words were on display today during his trial in norristown. Right now the jury is hearing the deposition he gave during a 2005 civil case filed by andrea constand. Earlier today a detective recounted what cosby told the officer during an interview after come stand reported the sexual assault. In the document cosby says he and constand had relationships that included petting and he was not interested in a sexual relationship. He says he gave her benadryl. Sex crime charges against a man who served as a youth hockey coach in south jersey and delaware. Wa farrinton of sex abuse dating back to the 90s. They say a new victim came forward. Farrinton already faces charges of havinifa sexual contact wit 12yearold boy in gloucester thenrb n Montgomery County man accused of abusing two boys in wilmington. A murder suicide inside a pennsylvania supermarket. A coworker shot and killed three employees before he filled himself. Inside a store near scranton. Suspect left a long trail of evidence online. He produced a film that praised the columbine shooters. New at 5 00, Philadelphia Police are searching for the woman you see in these pictures. 28yearold angela sky is wanted in connection with the attempted murder of a woman on frankfurt avenue in frankfurt last wednesday night. Were told the victim is in the hospital in Critical Condition with broken bones and severe who would v2 in two baby raccoons in a trash bag . Thats what the pennsylvania the raccoons were found over the weekend in south philadelphia. They are lucky to be alive. One needed immediate medical care, the animals were later transferred to an animal clinic, they will be released back into the wild soon. A group of burglars made off with 30,000 worth of jewelry from a Queen Village home. It happened late last month and now Philadelphia Police are trying to track them down. Investigators say two men and a woman got into the house on south salter street through an unlocked door. Celebrating a huge piece of sculpture sits along kelly drive. The artwork will stick around until november. There is a happening right now until 7 00 tonight in Madison Square con verv ensy brought the artwork to philadelphia. The city of wilmington is looking for a partner to improve baynard stadium. The mayor said a public and private partnership is the best option to revive the nearly century old facility on 18th street. They are requesting letters of interest from legitimate businesses who have the financial ability to help. Letters must be received by june 21st. A spike in crime at the jersey shore. New at 5 45 what you need to know before your summer vacation. And a toddler dead, his stepfather in custody. A neighborhood on edge, the community struggling. Trying to make sense of a oneyearolds death. Backfiring backhoe. A thiefs bumbling attempt to steal an atm is caught op camera. And im Jim Rosenfield live in washington, d. C. Covering james comeys testimony today. We will talk live to Nbcs Lester Holt about the dispute between what the president told him and what james comey says happened. A. This is nbc 10 news. Tonight all eyes on washington, thentkptah aatk hearing is the big buzz in our nations capitol and the outcome could potentially impact President Trump. This is one of the most highly anticipated congressional hearings in decades and Nbcs Lester Holt is joining us now. Thanks for being here essentially from different parts of the same building tonight. You recently conducted that exclusive interview with the president now a big dispute between what the president told you and what comey said happened as sort of he said he said that we saw center stage tonight. What do you make of that . Well, on a couple levels one was the whole timing of that dinner that they discussed, the president had told me that comey had requested the interview, that he wanted to talk about his job. Comeys testimony is just the opposite, he says the president called him that day and said, look, i will have your family over at some point but id like you to come over, they dined alone, and he says the president brought up his job which he thought they had already discussed. There was that, then the issue of the firing itself. You will recall the president told me that he was thinking about that russia thing when he chose to fire comey and comey says he now takes the president at his word and that he originally believed he was fired because of his handling of the clintondd affair, but he says after hearing that interview he took the president at his word and he believes he was fired because of that russia thing as the president put it. Yeah, and james comey essentially saying today the administration was lying when they described why comey was fired because of his impact at the agency. Actually calling out the white house the administration saying theyre liars today. Yeah, and on several levels he said that they had lied about him and the fbi he was you may recall early in his testimony he was very defensive about the fbi and the president had talked about it being im being out of control and on bad times. He stated just the opposite. He noted while he wanted to keep his job the fbi will be fine in anyones hands, but he took great offense at all of that. Lester, we know there is the perspective here inside the belt way, right, and across america i assume some of our cress depends from nbc news will be taking the pulse of people interest outside the belt way. Talk to me about the difference how this plays in washington today versus across america. Were still gathering on that right now. Of course washington was riveted today, but i think a lot of the country, this is what people were talkinghc;d about, this hg was on par with the Clarence Thomas hearings, the watergate hearings, many have compared it to the benghazi hearings with secretary clinton a couple years ago, but theres high interest here and as you know there were watch parties and bars and restaurants opening early so that people could watch this and kind of share a community experience, but there was a lot doq away from this no matter where you stand on this. As we know the president s outside daughters quickly came out today and said, look, this vindicates the president , its exactly what he said, that he wasnt the subject of an investigation. So theres a lot more people who find themselves on either side of this issue of the president and russia to walk away with and say, yeah, see, i told you. When i was at the train station in philly this morning getting ready to come down to washington the guy at the coffee shop was looking at my phone, he said i wish i could watch today but i cant so let me know how he did. Lester holt, thanks for joining us here. You got it, jim. Lets send it now back to philadelphia and keith and jacqueline with more news of the day. Jim rosenfield live from washington, d. C. , we will see you shortly. Al jazeera says it is under cyber attack on all systems. Despite that the qatar based Satellite News Network says platforms have not been compromised. This comes three days after saudi arabia and allies severed it ties with qatar. The wreckage and some bodies from a military plane that crashed were recovered today off the coast of myanmar. The flight with 120 people on board lost contact shortly after takeoff yesterday. The chinese made plane had left the city in myanmar before it went down. Turning to london where police made three new arrests in the connection to the London Bridge attack. Officers raided two homes today searching for more clues. Three men mode down pedestrians on the London Bridge and launched a knife attack at a nearby market on saturday. Eight people died, dozens of others were injured, police shot and killed the attackers. Tight security as voters in london headed to the polls. Security is a main issue of the election after the recent terrorist attacks. Prime minister theresa may called the snap election weeks ago. She wants to trengen her position in negotiating brittons exit from the european union. To our weather now. The sun will come out more tomorrow. A live look at cape may, a decent day at the beach but we may not be able to see any sand out there this weekend with all the people expected. Check out boathouse row closer to philadelphia. You will find people relaxing by the river along kelly drive this evening. Better news to tell you about, this warm up will actually stick around for quite some time. Glenn hurricane schwartz has your most accurate first alert forecast. A heat wave potentially, glenn. It does look like were having a heat wave and weve been advertising this for quite a while. It is going to be happening and we may actually be close to some record levels before this is all over with. And it will be a while before we see temperatures like this in the afternoon. 67 in philadelphia but were seeing more and more sunshine as we end the day and some peeks of sunshine elsewhere, but its been pretty cloudy over most of the area during the day today. The temperature philly international 67 and its 71 in port richmond, 69 graduate hospital, torresdale also 69 degrees. Every one of these places will probably be over 80 degrees tomorrow. So thats quite a difference. So the big warm up has started. Remember we were only in the 60s yesterday, 71 today. The heat wave starts sunday and gets even hotter monday and tuesday. We could be dry for about a week when you think of the last time we had some rain and sunshine, yeah, starting tomorrow, were going to have a lot of sunny days and were going to have a lot of hotter days, too. Its going up every single day, every single day is going to get hotter than the last until at least tuesday and were talking about mid 90s close to records. Now, you could see the cloud line, its almost over philadelphia now. So if you look to the west there is a lot of sunshine, if you look to the east it looks cloudy. V. Yz just depends on which way youre looking. Of course at the shore was a very cloudy day as we told you was going to happen with the east wind, that it was going to stay in the low 60s and thats do that tomorrow. This storm moving out, taking the rain with it and leaving us with sunshine tomorrow everywhere. Tacony at 83 degrees, allentown 78 degrees. Most of the area actually getting above 80 except perhaps right at the beaches of new por, a bit of a sea breeze coming in at least in the afternoon. Over the weekù. O were going to be seeing temperatures jump into the 90s so sunday is going to be hotter than saturday, both days look like were going to see a lot of sunshine, especially at the jersey shore and in delaware. We may get nothing but sunshine in knows areas and the temperature at the shore goes down a little bit of course in the afternoon. Now, the tendayq4 forecast sh those three hot days and then kind of a borderline day on wednesday. Wednesday may be a transition day as the front is coming down from new england, it could bring somewhat cooler air and also help create some showers. And then once we get into that wetter weather system it could last for several days, not that its going to lane all the time, but the threat of rain arrives just about every day just like the gift of sunshine arrives every day until then. Rain on the phillies every single day there, glenn. Lets talk about g ub2012 superstorm sandy, we all covered it here in the newsroom. It left billions of dollars of damage in its wake. Today an independent report shows one company is more ready than ever if another sandylike storm hits new jersey. After the storm pse g began a massive project to strengthen its electric and gas systems. The company says those networks are now out of reach of floodwaters, protecting hundreds of thousands of customers from severe weather. The project could be finished by early 2019. Cashing in at the grocery store, how one shopper is taking home 40,000. Also a players plea. The former Football Player pleading for a chance from the eagles. Happy homecoming, a pet owner finally reunites with her long lost cat. Award winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. The most awarded luxury suv of the century. Visit your volvo dealer to take advantage of our midsommar sales event offer. This is nbc 10 news. A nearly fouryear mysterious journey finally ended for a cat in new mexico. The cat named peter was reunited with his sevenyearold owner. Did you miss him . Yes, i miss him very much. What did you think when you heard peter was down in texas . I think like how did he get there and why. Peter the cat disappeared back in 2012 when he was let outside his albuquerque home. A few days peter was found 600 mileseeo away in texas and tha to a chip the cat was cracked back to elijah and his family. A toddler dead, his stepfather in custody. The latest on a Death Investigation in southwest philadelphia. Convenience store crime spree, two 7elevens in the a same neighborhood held up within 24 hours. Police want to know if the crimes are connected. Fireworks on capitol hill. Im Jim Rosenfield live in washington, d. C. Breaking down james comeys testimony as the Trump Administration fired back. Right now, our grill masters are introducing fire to steak. A beautiful char coats the outside, locking all the flavors and juices inside. A miracle happening right before your eyes. Now, come eat the miracle. You cant fake steak. Longhorn steakhouse. Tonights special, grill master favorites. Try our new hickory saltcrusted filet, our grilled hawaiian salmon, or our outlaw ribeye. For lunch, try our steakhouse burger, or any steakhouse lunch combo. Only at longhorn. This is nbc 10 news. Beaten, sexual assaulted and left to die. Tonight police are investigating the death of a oneyearold boy in southwest philadelphia. Now police tell us that the man who says he is the victims stepfather has been arrested in connection with that boys death. He is the one who initially called 911 around 6 30 last night Police Responded to conestoga street, the boy was found without a pulse inside the home, he was pronounced dead at the hospital. Rosemary connors spoke to neighbors reeling over the toddlers death. Reporter no one answered the door and no one came to the house today on conestoga street where police say they got a call yesterday afternoon about an unresponsive baby. According to investigators when officers arrived on the block they were met by a 24yearold man who identified himself as the boys stepfather. He is now charged in the babys death. It makes me want to keep my son at home at all times. Reporter neighbors are in disbelief by what police say happened here. Investigators accused the stepfather of beating and sexual assaulting the infant. Doctors at the hospital who determined he was dead noticed the bruises and signs of sex abuse. It is very sad and to see a child young and full of life one day and hearing that hes gone the next is very its sad. Reporter reporting from southwest philadelphia im rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. There are new steps tonight to protect people with mental and physical disabilities. Within the last few hours several lawmakers in pennsylvania proposed the new bill, it would strengthen the states hate crime law to include attacks against people with disabilities. It comes in response to incidents like this one, a boy caught on camera sucker punching a 38yearold disabled man in germantown, three boys between the ages of 12 and 15 were arrested in connection with this attack. Convenience store crime spree, Philadelphia Police are investigating two robberies at 7eleven stores in roxborough within a 24hour period. In one instance a robber points a gun in the face of a cashier. Police say the armed man walked into the store in the 6100 block of ridge avenue and demanded money. The robber got away with about 300. About 24 hours earlier this hooded man held up the 7eleven on ridge avenue, in that case the suspect grabbed about 250 from the register and took off. Its unclear if those two robberies are related. Lets talk about your first alert forecast. Another string of cool days, a warm up begins, though. Lets take a live look. Boathouse row, skies are clearing as temperatures continue to rise. Kids are already enjoying the warmer weather, getting outside, on to the playground, if you are at miles park in lafayette hill. Nbc 10 uyn first alert meteorolt glenn hurricane schwartz joining us. Just how hot is it going to get . Its going to get into the 90s and not just for one day and not just the low 90s. I think we will at least see the middle 90s by the time we are seeing the peak of this. This is our view from penns landing, this time were looking east toward the offshore storm, thats why it looks cloudy. If err with he a looking the opposite direction it would look pretty sunny the way things are shaping up. Were starting to see some sun glistening off of the ocean at cape may, so thats a sign of things to come, too. Were starting to see a little bit of clearing. Look at that line of clouds to clear. You dont see it that obvious very often. And there the heavier clouds offshore with the rain, moving away, and as it moves away were going to see clearing skies tonight. 74 lancaster, 73 readinreading,9 at the Atlantic City marina. Everybody is going to warm up, we will see how much with the neighborhood forecast coming up. To fireworks on capitol hill as former fbi director James Comey Testifies before congress. With the world watching comey said the Trump Administration lied about his firing. He even challenged the president saying he hopes there are recordings of their conversations. Nbc 10 has live Team Coverage in camden where people were glued to their tv sshs during. Ynhe testimony. We begin with Jim Rosenfield in washington, d. C. Tonight. For nearly three hours fired nba director james comey told down why he felt uncomfortable during his meetings with president donald trump. Here is some of the key take a ways from todays testimony. Comey says the administration chose to defame him with lies. He says he hopes there are recordings of his conversations with the president and would consent to their release. Comey says he took notes of their meetings because he feared President Trump would lie. Comey also says that he wasnt fired because he had lost the confidence of the fbi as the president claims. By saying that the organization was in disarray, that it was poorly led, that the workforce had lost confidence in its leader, those were lies plain and simple. Its my judgment that i was fired because of the russia investigation. President trump said nothing about comey today, letting his attorney, his personal attorney, respond instead. The president never in form or substance directed or suggested that mr. Comey stopf investigating anyone including the president never suggested that mr. Comey, quote, letl  n go. And when asked at the white house by reporters about todays hearing mr. Trump said only thank you. Now, the comey hearing is the big buzz in washington of course from fbi sandwiches to covfefe coffee. Cydney long is live in camden tonight where there were comey themed watch parties. You spoke with people captivated by this testimony but not necessarily cheering it on. Reporter jim, thats right. Its a tough call. They were definitely anxious and excited, if you will, to hear what would be said during the testimony. So todays testimony definitely captivated voters on both sides of the bridge. We asked them if they took sides, if you will. Trump or comey or if they listened and watched openly. Im just happy that this is happening right now. Reporter James Campbell of philadelphia took time ahead of work to listen to the heart of the russia matter on the big screen. We need to know like we elected people, you know, were voters, you know, like we need to know what the hell is going on. Reporter while some establishments between here and d. C. Boasted white russia drink specials to capitalize on the coverage they had their own discussion and debate deciding the seriousness of the content goes to our nations security. They chose not to call it a watch party. We are not washington, you know, washington is all about politics, its all about drama, all about a party theme. Reporter but lunch crowds in philly in south jersey were listening for honesty and integrity indb[an comeys answe every time hes getting asked consistent answer back. Rb did they choose sides as in trump versus comey. 9side. Im learning as im listening. Looking at itn. Rz from an op mind extremely important. We are talking about a Foreign Government using technical intrusion, lots of other 9p methods tried to shapee way we think,ylf vote, we act. I want to know if there was any incriminating evidence against the president. I mean, its the first time this has ever happened in my lifetime. Reporter the bottom line i dont think we want any country kind of intruding or knowing anything about our intelligence. We are all americans and to think that russia is interfering in our elections or to think that russia has the amount of influence that it has in our elections should trouble any american. Reporter so unlike a super bowl of politics[;gn and one t against the other, for people listening and watching they say this is a chapter that continues to unfold. So they dont want to cheer for one side or the other, they want to think of the testimony that happened today as all of us as americans coming together so they are praying of course for unity and not more divide. Live in camden, imcuxs cydney, nbc 10 news. A lot to digest today. Thank you. Our live Team Coverage continues at 6 00. Friend comey gave his notes to who eventually leaked them to the news media. Lets send it back to philly in the studio and keith and jacqueline. Jim rosenfield anchoring our coverage from d. C. Thanks. Here is a look at some of the stories making headlines county by county. We begin inu bucks county. In south hampton. Surveillance pictures show three men inn falling thehqm victim First Trust Bank on thursday. The device is used to steal credit card information and potentially your identity. Also in bucks county the Pennsbury School district is scheduled to vote on a final budget tonight at 8 00. The more than 200 million funding proposal could mean ate hike in property taxes. The move is expected to bring in more than 3 million to help balance the budget. In Camden County hatten fields night market food truck event is back. 16 trucks are serving up food along kings highway from hatten field borrow fall to the patco speedway downtown. You can check ita ow out until tonight. Staying in Camden County, members of the class of 1956 joined current students at the Thomas Edison school in west month for a special unveiling. The schools inaugural class donated this bench to the school as a thank you to the teachers and staff. Fun fact about this school, director Steven Spielberg was a student there, he was a third grader during the 195556 school year. Dayrrn in lehigh co six decades of service, ellen Organ Company hosted a celebration for sandra fisher. Shes worked at the company for the past 60 years. When sandra started there president dwight d. Eisenhower was beginning his second term in office. And she looks so happy. She does. She doesnt look like she wants to quit. Not at all. The latest social media craze marries fitness and your favorite furry friend. The trend that iswb]m÷ takinr the web tonight. Also, denied, the must see video of a backfiring backhoe and the want to be chief trying to get some quick cash. Summertime crime, the Jersey Shore Community is making more arrests than usual as your family gets ready for vacation. Award winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. The most awarded luxury suv of the century. Visit your volvo dealer to take advantage of our midsommar sales event offer. One man went to great lepgs to get his hands on some cash. Look at this. The guy used a stolen backhoe to try to break open an atm in maryland. Surveillanceieo video shows the backhoe tearing up the machine outside a bank early thursday morning. The attempt to break into thehe atm was not successful despite the guys best attempts. He did cause about 10,000 in damage, though. New jersey says a new initiative is keeping distracted drivers off the roads. In april the state launched the new pound 77 program to report distracted drivers. In two months there are more than 1,000 calls. The state has issued nearly 16,000 tickets. New right now, someone from our area has 40,000 new reasons to smile. Brenda faulkner just won 40,000 in the acme super markets Monopoly Game which clearly i need to enxplay. They always ask me and i say no. They always ask en at the acme brenda with a huge check with her winnings today. I didnt believe them. The money is coming just in time, too. Weve learned brenda is about to get married in a month. Congratulations to you. ]9 the latest social media craze pairs together fitness and your favorite fourlegged friend. Its called squat your dog. You may have seen this on kt2j the trend is easy, all you have to do is put your pup on your shoulders or right there in your arms and squat. People with smaller dogs seem to have a slight advantage like that one. Like my puppy, 20 pounds. Right over the shoulder. You need to do that tonight. You need to squat your dog, squat charlie, post it on social media and check it out. A spike in arrests at the jersey shore. Is hoping to crack down on crime before you and your family hit the beach. And no ordinary summer e nj. Meet the player making a unique plea to the philadelphia eagles. Welcome warm up has finallyc arrived and its just going to get warmer as soon as those clouds get out of here. I will tell you why you will see temperatures into the 90s, my first alert neighborhood forecast. [hissing] uh i [sound of wrench] [intricate guitar riff] [engine starts] [guitar continues] this is nbc 10 news. New right now, a spike in crime at the jersey shore. Is your family prepared for your summer vacation. North Wildwood Police say they are arresting more people than usual. Many of those arrested are alcohol related. During memorial day weekend they had 219 calls for service and made 69 arrests. Now more officers are assigned to the beach to help control the problem but it wont be until later this month that the department will be fully staffed. Local Business Owners hope a nearby Holiday Beach brawl does not keep people away. The culture and the environment of the area, you know, no drinking outdoors with a fine an penalty and things of that nature. Its probably a little bit of educating your clients and once you do that i think everything is fine. Police in North Wildwood want visitors to remember that there is no alcohol allowed onh nue t beach and boardwalk. They have a zero tolerance policy. Now to your first alert forecast. A very welcome warm up. Here is a live look at broad street, plenty of people for sure going to get outside, they ton this pleasant weather and that warm up may be under way. Still a little cooler at the shore right now, taking a live look at cape may, some folks out there on the sand stayed in the 60s down there, but if youre hoping to hit the shore this weekend you will like the forecast. For the warm up and the sun. Glenn hurricane schwartz joining us more with this seat were going to get, serious heat. Especially compared to what weve seen over the last couple days. Its been in the 60s for two days, today we barely got into the 70s. Were finally starting to, see blue sky and that philadelphia picture especially looking to the west were seeing some blue in the delaware picture, too. Still fair amount of clouds across much of the rest of the area, at least for now. Now lets take a look at delaware and its already cleared in parts of the state, its 73 in Harmony Hills and greenville, 69 in middletown, farther to the south weve got 60s all over the place with that east wind, 66 in bridgeville and redden, 64 mills borrow and over toward the beaches its cold again, only 60 dewy, 61 bethany and rehoboth. It is going to be actually hot on these beaches over the weekend. You see a southwest wind, thats a land breeze for delaware. Bn so thats why delaware beaches are going to get much hotter than jersey beaches this weekend. Here is the wind now coming out of the northeast and watch what happens, just in one day it switches 180 degrees. And so were really going to be seeing some differences here. Here is the hot air thats going to be moving in over the weekend and then its going to stay for a while as we go into next week. All of that cloudiness moves out, that allows the temperatures to go down tonight into the 40s, but up tomorrow. See, 70s, 80, how about that. When is the last time we saw 80. And then we go into the 90s. More on that coming up at 6 00. Still have another shot at becoming a multimillionaire. Good news there. Last nights powerball drawing so the jajackpot jumps to 435 million. You may want a smaller amount, though, be sure to check those tickets just in case. Right now plenty of College Students are looking for a summer job. They are, but one has his sights set pretty high. Meet the man taking his plea to the philadelphia eagles. Out on the street. This is nbc 10 news. New right now, take a look at this sign, a plea from a local player looking for the ultimate job to be with the philadelphia eagles. A bold move made today outside the eagles nova care complex. Coaches say we want someone aggressive, so there you go. John clark joining us live. John, you actually spoke to this nfl hopeful. This is how i got my job at csn by the way, standing outside here. Please, givel a lot of College Students and graduates are looking for work or a summer job, this man wants to be a professional Football Player so he wants to try out. Hes taking his message to the street. Take a look at this, he wants that try out with his hometown eagles so he is standing across the street from the nova care complex with this sign, just wants an opportunity. He played football at northeast high school, he goes to Temple University and he had a tough childhood, he grew up in poverty, he says he was homeless at one point, he just wants a shot. I dont have an agent so i dont have anyone to kind of go to bat with me with the team and to be honest its either go big or go home. I wanted them to see up front what theyre getting, didnt want to get through the process, ive been sending them nonstop film. Go right to the front door and they will see who has been trying to reach out to them. Im trying to get creative. The dream never dies, you sometimes have to figure out a way. I know this is where i belong out here with this sign and giving it one more shot. Pretty creative. Its tough timing because today the eagles coach said they are not interested in signing former receiver jeremy mack land because they are happy with their receivers in workouts. Maybe not a ybn job opportunityh the eagles, but, you know, the phillies, the phillies could use some help, worst team in baseball, might be more of an opportunity there. They could use a little heart, someone to know initiative. He had a good arm. John clark for csn. Thank you. Nbc 10 news atdqjey 6 00 is. Here is nbc 10s Jim Rosenfield live in washington. It was called the super bowl here in washington, former fbi director james comey testifying before a senate committee. Were breaking down all aspect of todays testimony, what happened, the reaction, plus who is the friend that comey askedu to leak information for him. We have Team Coverage from our nations capitol. Youve been waiting for summer, i have good news, those clouds move out and we are going to finally get into the 90s, and how long we are going to be there, i will let you know next at 6 00 with my first alert neighborhood forecast. Nbc 10 news starts now. Lordy, i hope there are tapes. Blockbuster testimony. James comey under oath for the first time ins being fired. I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning. The ousted fbi chief tells the whole world the white house lied. Those were lies, plain and simple. Good evening, im Jim Rosenfield live in washington, d. C. Tonight two big topics of conversation during comeys testimony today on capitol hill. President trump asked him to drop an investigation into former National Security adviser michael flynn, and two, the white houses possible alleged ties to the russian government and any involvement russia may have had in the 2016 president ial election. During his testimony the former fbi director confirmed he took notes during his january meeting with President Trump because he felt the president might lie about their conversations. Comey also confirmed that he gave those notes to the special counsel, that is, in the russia investigation and in one of the most stunning admissions from asked a friend to share the existence of those notes to a reporter. Comey says he hoped Public Knowledge of the notes would spark the creation of a special counsel to investigate the Trump Administration. Here is some of james comeys testimony when questioned about do you believe donald tru

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