Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20170317

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where this is all headed right into the lehigh valley mainly as far as the wintry mix and the snow is concerned. locally around philadelphia we're seeing mainly rain. we'll time this out for you hour by hour starting at 4:00 p.m. we can start to see just after midnight, we're seeing a wintry mix for parts of chester county, berks county as well. new castle county, delaware county will see a little bit of a mix. we get this going a little bit further in time, 5:00 a.m., mainly rain south and east of philadelphia. north and west it looks like lehigh valley, bucks county, light mix, snow. if you're headed in that direction, give yourself extra time. i do think roads have been pretreated, good news there. for the rest of us, south and southeast of philadelphia get ready for more rain. and the saying is this, we'll be dipping into temperatures below the freezing mark. we'll see icy spots overnight saturday into sunday. coming up, i have the 10 day on 10. >> thanks for that. we've got complete coverage at the weather channel on the nbc 10 app. now to the shore, where a pair of multimillion dollar homes went up in flames along the waterfront. this is the scene in avalon after 8:00 this morning. ted greenberg joins us live from the scene. >> i know you spoke to someone who was helping out as the homes were burning today. >> reporter: firefighters believe the flames started outside this home, then spread to the one next door. now they're both in ruins just days before the start of spring. a pair of multimillion dollar waterfront homes in avalon ravaged by fire. >> i saw smoke and flames billowing up. >> reporter: a frantic call to 911 came from people inside this home on seagull drive at 7:45 a.m. the owner tells me his daughter, son, and grandchild were here at the time. >> they reported that the fire woke them this morning. and they saw it on the outside of the building. >> reporter: firefighters say everyone, including a seven week old got out unhurt. damon stepped in to help. >> i took the mother and the baby and put her in my work truck to keep them warm. >> reporter: investigators believe the fire was an accident. it appears electrical. they say it looks like it started near power equipment outside the gleanhouse then spread next door. that's a seasonal home so no one was inside. >> i feel for the people who own those places. it's devastating. especially when spring, summer coming, it's going to be tough on them. >> reporter: and the owner of that green house tells me he was in florida when the fire started, but is now on his way here to the jersey shore. authorities say it is highly likely that both homes will have to be demolished. live in avalon, ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. a former pennsylvania state trooper is facing charges in the death of his pregnant wife and baby. today, authorities arrested and charged joseph miller with two counts of manslaughter. three years ago he called 911 to report he accidentally shot his pregnant wife while he was cleaning his gun. investigators say he originally told him he was eight feet away from her at the time of the shooting. forensics showed it was three inches away. his wife died at the hospital and after an emergency c section the baby also died. one man is in custody after a bank robbery in northeast philadelphia. it started at the prudential bank. it ended in fish town. the fbi says the robber walked into the bank, gave a demand note and took off with cash. officers went after him and they were able to chase him down. today at the white house, president trump met with german chancellor angela merkel. >> after talking about trade and the economy, wire tapping came up during a q&a with reporters. the president took a question from a german reporter. the president tried making a joke and it drew a few laughs from reporters. >> as far as wire tapping, i guess, by, you know, this past administration, at least we have something in common, perhaps. >> angela merkel turning to look at him at that point. the president was referring to her phones being tapped by the u.s. national security agency. that information was leaked by edward snowden. merkel didn't comment on that today. also today, health and human services secretary tom price met with house republicans to talk healthcare. before the meeting price and a few republican leaders discussed the progress they're making on the plan to overhaul healthcare. price says they are moving in the direction of patient centered healthcare. we're watching the fallout following the release of president trump's budget plan. the proposal calls for a substantial increase in defense spending and increase that's offset by deep cuts. randy gyllenhaal joins us live. >> you spoke to people at meals on wheels, one group that will be affected by the cuts? >> reporter: the president's budget slashes community development block grants. that's about $3 billion nationwide for social services around the country. meals on wheels, that's just one example. today we met up with volunteers here in this church parking lot who headed out to feed hungry seniors across the lehigh valley. inside this baptist church, volunteers hand pack sandwiches fruit a fruit. >> these contain the hot meals. >> reporter: delivered to 450 elderly residents in lehigh county. >> we had a 90-year-old woman who said before meals on wheels she used to go to bed hungry. >> reporter: in the snow and ice a dozen cars load up with lunch and dinner. >> apple, juice. >> reporter: the first stop is at mary's house in allentown. mary just turned 100 last month. unable to leave her house or cook on her own. president trump's proposal budget would cut federal funding to anti-poverty programs like meals on wheels. >> i don't know he would do that. a lot of people would starve to death. >> reporter: these across the board cuts to social programs make room for increases in military spending and construction of that border wall. the white house saying there's just no evidence programs like meals on wheels actually work. >> we can't do that anymore. we can't spend money on programs just because they sound good. great, meals on wheels sounds great. >> our older population is growing. so we don't need cuts we need more funding. >> population is getting older. and get to a certain point you can't do things for yourself. you have to have a little help. >> reporter: now, meals on wheels tells me a lot of their funding does come from private donations, also coming up at 6:00, cuts to education programs in rural counties in pennsylvania. counties that voted heavily for president trump. liven allentown, randy gyllenhaal. let's tell you about some other news. investigators searching for the cause of this deadly house fire. the woman who lived in the house died in a back bedroom on the second floor. the flames were so fierce they need dental records to identify her. it has been a slow week, choosing a jury for accused cop killer eric frein's trial. so far, seven jurors have been chosen. 1,200 potential jurors made up the original jury pool. 2/3 of the pool said they knew about the case. he is charged with the murder of a trooper and hurting another trooper in a 2014 sniper attack. at the jersey shore today, officers spoke out against proposed pay cuts at the atlantic city police department. >> officer josh vadell spoke. he was shot in the head late last year. he's worried the cuts would cost him his benefits which he needs to continue his rehab. he apologized at times for taking pauses. he started his speech about taking off his helmet during his interview with nbc 10's ted greenberg yesterday. >> yesterday my friends sent me text messages praising me for my bravery for removing my helmet on television. there is a josh vadell in the atlantic city police department and fire department. >> he received a standing ovation after his speech. the state says the problem comes down to money. the man handling the state takeover of atlantic city spoke on wpg radio earlier today. >> heroes that work in both of those places and their extraordinary public servants. it has nothing to do with those issues. it has to do with the reality that we cannot continue to pay the salaries we're paying. >> police officers and firefighters spent the day on the board walk in atlantic city handing out flyers informing people of the proposed cuts and layoffs. well, today is not just st. patrick's day, it's match day for medical students at two local schools. match day is when graduating med students find out where they'll be spending their medical training. these future doctors were really excited. and there was also excitement from students at lewis katz school. students opened the envelopes with their future assignments at the same time. we wish them well. villanova one step closer to a championship on their road to repeat. they topped mount st. mary's last night after a slow start. wisconsin was victorious in their matchup against virginia tech. villanova versus wisconsin tomorrow in round two of the ncaa tournament. nbc 10's keith jones a proud villanova alum, if you didn't already know. he's joining us live from buffalo. >> big weekend for the team and the band it sounds like? >> reporter: a huge weekend for them. no question about it. we're live at villanova's st. patrick's day party. they started playing as i started talking. we featured them this week. i always love talking to the band members, they have an indelible bond that goes beyond the music. ♪ beyond the notes bars and crescendos, there's a thread, tying these students together. >> these guys like they're my brothers and sisters, i love hanging out with them and we're one big family. >> reporter: amanda plays the tenor sax and takes pride in the jerseys. >> it's an inside joke, we keep those inside the ban. >> reporter: i pressed the rest of the villanova band. can't reveal what they are? >> it's an inside joke. some of them are self-explanatory. >> reporter: it's senior devon's birthday. she spent her morning spreading the pep band's love for music. >> it's a joy, because we make music and entertain every day. did you see the look on the faces down there when we were playing? people enjoy it. >> reporter: brothers and sisters united providing the sound track to nova nation. >> they sometimes mary each other. i think there's 50 documented band weddings over 30, 40 years. they love it, they're a family. >> reporter: unless there was any question as to whether or not villanova was ready for the game tomorrow. yeah. i present to you the hat guy. he's always inside the pavilion. he's always rocking. he's got season tickets. standing in front of the cheerleaders by the way. coming up at 5:15 we'll talk to the cheerleaders. we followed them half hour north to one of the wonders of the world, niagara falls. not too far from buffalo. we continue the party here, villanova st. patrick's day celebration on the day off in advance of a bout with wisconsin coming up tomorrow. back to you. >> keith, you're smiling now, how about during the first six minutes of last night's game? a little nervous? >> reporter: forget about six minutes. the first 18 minutes, nova was down for most of it. yes, i was sweating. i fritried to keep a good face. this is part of the process, got to trust the process. happens to be a philly thing. i hope it was a wakeup call. i hope they come out to play a little bit than they did yesterday. >> nope. didn't happen. >> reporter: i might have thought about that four or five times. thank goodness you didn't do that. >> i'd never hear the end of it from you. more from you later, thanks. ♪ back here at home. the irish flag raised as the sounds of bagpipes filled the air at the irish memorial at penn's landing. after the signing of the irish national -- singing of the irish national anthem. the philly mayor spoke about his irish heritage. in south jersey, irish eyes are smiling at the senior living community in sewell. it's the off season for the eagles, but one of the birds was working in honor of st. patrick's day. offensive lineman brandon brooks was handing out shamrock shakes at the mcdonald's in northeast philly. i got to try one of those. >> they're the best. >> have you had one? >> yeah. and then i ran about two miles. >> yeah, i wouldn't do the running, so i need to take it slow. remember when it was in the 70pist last week? >> some of the cherry blossoms were on the verge of blooming before the cold snap. they damaged them. earlier stage blooms survived. the national park service made the announcement today. >> there will be a peak bloom of the cherry trees this year at the tidal basin. we're delighted to be able to say that we know it's going to be beautiful. >> the national cherry blossom festival starts this weekend. always a beautiful sight there in washington. but we here at home, we got to deal with another cold night, some snow coming into our area for part of the weekend. >> a little bit of a snow melt today, but not enough. >> that's right. not enough for today. and with temperatures declining into the freezing mark, by the freezing mark later tonight it looks like things are definitely going to freeze over, whatever we have melted so far. no today's high temperature in philadelphia was 44 degrees. so we are trending below the average of 53. the record high, 86 set back in 1945. allentown currently at 43. coatesville 39 and wilmington, 46. now, our weather headlines include tonight, we do have a winter weather advisory that has been issued through early sunday morning. saturday we're tracking rain, snow and a wint remix. it depends on where you live, your neighborhood forecast. sunday, a.m. mix to rain and then some sun and clouds. so i'd say my pick of the weekend would be sunday. winter weather advisory in effect for berks, lehigh morris and northampton county through 6:00 a.m. because we're expecting a wintry mix and some snow. i will time that out for you. otherwise, satellite and radar image picking up on some mid and upper level clouds. a sign we have colder air is sliding into place. if we look to the northwest here we can see that is headed in our direction here. i do think this is a really all about where you live, on neighborhood forecast simply because we have colder temperatures, especially higher up in elevation and northwest of philadelphia. hour by hour forecast, getting this going, i'm going to go through early 6:00 a.m. on sunday. we're going to pause this at midnight. we're seeing wintry mix in chester and berks county. right behind that we pause at 5:00 a.m., we're seeing light snow here for the lehigh valley. mount pocono it looks like parts of philadelphia will see some light snow and a wint remix and that does retreat. 10:00 a.m., saturday we're seeing rain south and east of philadelphia. upper montgomery county, it looks like you'll see sleet and some light snow. and then further north we have some snow bands that could bring us some more snow, especially likely for mount pocono. 5:00 p.m. on saturday we're seeing breaks in the rain, especially for most of the delaware valley. the dehiglehigh valley, you're g low snow. colder temperatures is declining around the freezing mark. we start to see more snow slide down. here is your rain/snow line. moving south and east. early sunday morning, 6:00 a.m., we do see the system clear, we're still seeing some light snow. it's not very organized, chekeen mind we won't be done with the system until early sunday morning. this is why we have a winter weather advisory. we're seeing current wind profile for philadelphia, 18 miles per hour. millville, 16. wilmingtoni wilmington, 13. we have to talk about those feels like temperatures. right now, it feels like it's mainly in the 20s. if you're going out tonight, keep in mind you want to bundle up. 9:00 p.m. it's going to feel like 30 in philadelphia. 25 in doylestown, allentown, 23. trenton, 26. west chester, below the freezing mark. that's your feels like temperature. that's going to be the story all night long through early tomorrow morning. so get ready for a very cold night at 2:00 a.m., 22. 26 in philadelphia and 24 in west chester. coming up in just a bit i do have your ten day on 10. back to you. all right. battleship new jersey will reopen for tours tomorrow. it had been closed since tuesday. as you take a look, you can see why there is still ice and snow on the deck. can you see that? sort of. if you're thinking about heading out for a tour tomorrow, wear green, and get 25% discount in honor of st. patrick's day. hundreds of middle school students from around the area tested their engineering and robotic skills. this is the greater philadelphia sea challenge at temple university. the students designed and built underwater robotic cars to go through obstacle courses. 50 teams are competing this weekend. it's the biggest thing broadway's seen in quite some time. ♪ i'm not thinking past tomorrow ♪ >> guess what? hamilton is headed to philadelphia. also coming up. because we're all looking forward to having cheesesteaks, something about the water and the bread and the whole bit. >> nbc 10's tim furlong travels to tennessee to locate a legend. vegetables and stress what research reveals about the connection coming up at 4:00. first here's a look at the closing bell on wall street. a mixed close for the week. can a filet, or a new york strip ever be topped? well, no. but for our new delmonico ribeye, perhaps we can make more room at the top. you can't fake steak longhorn steakhouse tonight's special, steakhouse cuts. featuring, for a limited time, the new delmonico ribeye, and the juicy new york strip. and for lunch, try our steakhouse burger or any steakhouse lunch combo. only at longhorn. hamilton is coming to philadelphia. the kimmel center announced today the broadway smash will be included in the 2018/2019 y. tickets aren't available yet. >> you just saw that, right? >> yeah, in new york. >> it's worth it? >> i think so. but it's an expensive ticket. this is the last weekend of winter and it's going to feel like it. >> erika martin is tracking snow and bitter cold temperatures. >> that's right. we do have a major cooldown for tonight. temperatures hovering around the freezing mark. of course, any rain that we get in our direction will change over, especially for towns higher in elevation. i have your hour by hour forecast coming up and your ten day on 10. see you then. ostriches don't really stick their heads in the sand. a peanut is not a nut. and a real john deere is actually real affordable. you learn something new everyday. the surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. now you can own america's tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. i want to bring you breaking news from sky force 10 over the aftermath of a fire in delaware. this was at a texas roadhouse restaurant. you still see firefighters on the scene. we hear no one was hurt here. again, a fire at the texas roadhouse restaurant on buckley boulevard, this was off route 40 in delaware. now, to our weather. hopefully this is winter's last gasp. the system you see on first alert radar will bring snow to some nbo weekend of the season. on top of that it's going to be bitter tonight as plenty of people will be celebrating st. patrick's day. we have team coverage of what will be a wintry weekend. erika martin is breaking down the snow headed our way. we begin with tammie souza. did you just say winter's last gasp? you just jinxed us. >> no. >> you sure did. we could see the transition out of winter and into spring over the next week. not so much tonight. the lows will be down into the 30s. anywhere below the freezing mark in potts town to philly be between 32 and 43. atlantic city, 36. it will be a little bit chilly. you need to bundle up out there tonight if you're going to be out. having a lovely evening out. check out your neighborhood for tomorrow. reading, 39. we'll see a little bit of a rain/snow mix. the system will go back and forth between both of those all day long. bethlehem i think is light snow. it could be an inch or two of accumulation, this will be snowshowers on and off all day long. easton, rain/snow mix and 36. the key here is the overnight lows. a lot of what comes in as snow is overnight and into the early morning hours. then we bounce up above the freezing mark during the day and rerack and do it all again tomorrow night. early in the morning, a rain snow mix, newton, you're going to be looking at 42. we head to fairmount where it's going to be 41. you'll see that rain/snow mix. i think we see all rain. once we get down towards philly we'll be looking at all rain, get out to the jersey shore, all rain. trenton, you're going to be looking at a rain/snow mix, haddonfield, same for you. we get out along the shore and it's going to be rain showers, maybe even a peek of sun in the clouds. delaware, same for you. i'm not expecting anything in the way of snow out toward the shore or in delaware. temperatures actually could get up approaching 50 out toward the shore and in delaware. while the rest of us will stay closer to the low 40s. >> here is the deal, we're tracking a low pressure system that's moving on down from the northwest. and in fact, as we start our hour by hour at 4:30 p.m. you can see the development of those clouds. mid and upper level clouds, a sign we have colder air moving into place here. we go ahead and get it going. pause this later tonight, we'll see an increase in the snowshowers moving in from northwest to southeast. just after midnight. berks county, chester county, delaware county and northern newcastle county you're seeing a wintry mix. parts of berks county seeing light snow including northern chester county. tomorrow at 5:30 a.m. we start to see the increase of the light snow. because temperatures overnight will be at or below the freezing mark. however, notice that the rain does favor north and west of philadelphia. so if anything, perhaps, a coating just to the southeast of philadelphia and certainly nothing at the shore. looks like we'll see mainly rain there. temperatures are so warm. by early tomorrow morning at 10:30 a.m. we see the rain/snow line retreat to the northwest here. it looks like the lehigh valley, bucks county, upper montgomery county, you'll be seeing some snow. there is your sleet, your rain/snow line. everybody else to the southeast will be seeing rain. however, as temperatures start to dip overnight saturday into sunday. it looks like we do have another shot at some wintry weather, wintry mix. this is why we do have a winter weather advisory that has just been issued through early sunday morning, jim back to you. a reminder you can find coverage of the weather all weekend long, where? on the nbc 10 app. from snow to the temperatures, it's all a tap away. ♪ governor john carney was among the parishioners this morning for an early mass. the church was pack would people paying homage to the patron saint of ireland. one place they know how to celebrate st. patrick's day is wilmington. >> that's where we find tim furlong. everyone's irish today, tim? >> reporter: everyone's irish. wilmington is an irish town as it is. we have motown playing here. we had mcdonough a little bit ago. a lot of irish music and beer. there's been more traditional celebrating today in wilmington as well. in wilmington, st. patrick's day began with church music, not irish music. mass at st. patricks. >> we ask st. patrick to pray for us. >> reporter: after mass, the st. patrick's day breakfast. this isn't the same as the city's parades. this is a fundraiser. >> over the years, as the needs in the community have shifted we've try today respond as best we can to those needs. >> the people are wonderful, kind, appreciative. we love being with them. >> reporter: this year the st. patrick's center is getting a $150,000 boost. students hold an all night dance to raise money to renovate a house for veterans. this year, the proceeds will help the folks at st. patrick's. >> we're looking to expand our food program, make it more accessible and create more space so we can serve more folks on the east side of wilmington. >> reporter: i tell you what, wilmington is a friendly town. i've had a lot of people inviting me over to their area at the bar and saying they'd buy me a pint. but i'm being a good anchor, a good irish boy, there's no pint until after we're done on the job. maybe a little while i'll indulge. but for now, happy st. patrick's day from wilmington. >> happy st. patrick's day. to our news county county. northampton county, that county creating positions for two full time prosecutors after an urgent request from district attorney. it's not going to cost the county, the positions will be filled by two people working part time. they need the full time positions because people have been leaving for other jobs or been sick. in berks county, the reading school district is launching a new program for parents who have children in the district but don't have proper photo id. officials say the program is aimed at low income and immigrant parents. those parents sometimes run into problems when they pick up their kids from school. especially during emergencies. the im they would only be valid for school-matters. monroe county, step into america's largest indoor water park now. it is opening tonight, including new slides, a lazy river, and it's not just for the kids. there are swim up bars for mom and dad, too. lots of fun. >> summer's getting close. >> do you like board games? >> i do. >> kind of old fashioned. the iconic board game based on the streets of atlantic city. monopoly moves. what's about to banish from the game and what will reappear in its place? the drastic things mcdonald's is considering this afternoon. ♪ leave it to the pros? i am a pro. i made this lawn from seed pride, and less water than you'd think. to those who'd say the grass is greener on the other side.. i politely disagree. pennington smart seed. guaranteed to grow with 30% less water. reclaim your turf. can a filet, or a new york strip ever be topped? well, no. but for our new delmonico ribeye, perhaps we can make more room at the top. you can't fake steak longhorn steakhouse tonight's special, steakhouse cuts. featuring, for a limited time, the new delmonico ribeye, our tender flo's filet, and the juicy new york strip. and for lunch, try our steakhouse burger or any steakhouse lunch combo. only at longhorn. feeling stressed? no, never. >> no. >> well, if you are, eat your veggies. a new australian study finds if you eat three to four servings of vegetables day you lower your risk for stress and anxiety. keep room on your plate this evening with your corned beef and cabbage. maybe not corned beef because it is lent. >> it's allowed. seriously it is allowed today. special dispensation. >> okay. big changes could be coming to the golden arches. mcdonald's is testing fresh never frozen beef at its restaurants in the midwest. that's the direction many restaurants will be going soon and mcdonald's is one of them. the change could be tough on mcdonald's which relied on frozen beef shipped to its 14,000 locations across the u.s. another shake up for an american icon. we're talking boabout monopoly. three tokens are being replaced. >> we first told you about this a few weeks ago. here is what it out. the boot, wheelbarrow and thimble. they're all gone. they've been replaced by a t rex, a penguin and a rubber ducky. this was all after a vote from more than 4 million people world wide. there were 64 contenders to pick from. those three got the highest number of votes. the scottish terrier, battle ship, top hat and cat stay on the board. the new version of the game based on the real life atlantic city streets will go on sale coming up in the fall. >> i'm a top hat person. >> i'm going to miss the thimble. scammers are targeting local utility customers. >> how may i help you? >> i guess it begins with a phone call right there. the person on the other end isn't who they claim to be. up next, the nbc 10 responds team shows you how to protect yourself. i'm tracking light snow and a wintry mix moving into the delaware valley. how much will you get? of course, this is a neighborhood forecast. i have your most accurate forecast coming up on the other side of the break. al see you then.. see you then. s. . in today's nbc 10 responds, a sophisticated scam is targ targeting local utility customers. >> harry hairston shows you how to avoid it. >> these doctors own top of the hill orthodontics and pediatric dentistry in chestnut hill. when the office manager got a call from someone posing to be with peco threatening to shut off power in early march they were concerned. >> they had been calling us four times that morning. >> they called the number back. >> they were saying the account was delinquent. >> they claimed the only way to keep the power on was to make a cash payment. >> it wasn't until i was able to step away from it a little bit and realize this might be a scam. >> they called the number on his bill. >> she said, yeah, that is a scam. >> dr. jacob reached out to nbc 10 responds to warn viewers. >> i didn't want somebody else to fall for this. >> we reached out to peco for more ways to protect yourself from utility scams. first, know employees will never ask for cash payments or personal bank information. if a caller claims to be from peco they should be able to provide you with your account number. remember, if you are in doubt, do what the doctor did, call the number on your bill to verify what you're being told. >> so great of them to call you so others don't fall. >> most certainly. he was on his way to the bank. ready to give up the cash. >> close one. thanks, harry. if you have a consumer complaint for nbc 10 responds, just fill out a complaint form on our website or you can give us a call and we'll respond to you. >> coming up monday on nbc 10 responds, an illness forces a couple to cancel their trip. but you know what happened? the airline refund they were promised never appeared. you'll see how harry tracked down their money coming up on monday. back to our weather. so i was outside today. the sun felt great. >> it did. >> snow started to melt. >> i kept saying it's not that cold out. >> but not -- >> everyone said wait till tonight, right? >> that's right. we are tracking a winter weather advisory that has been issued. temperatures for tonight will be hovering around the freezing mark. below for some. so this winter weather advisory in effect until sunday. 6:00 a.m. for berks, lehigh, morris and northhampton counties. satellite and radar image picking up on mid and upper level clouds. a wider imagine, there's an area of low pressure, a weak one, just to the northwest crossing over the great lakes. and the associated warm front will be bringing us wintry mix and some rain, especially for areas south and east of philadelphia. as far as the rain is concerned. a live look outside, we can see clouds starting to develop as we just saw on satellite image. temperatures in the 40s. we topped out at 44 degrees in philadelphia for today. the average is 53. we're pretty much below average. and we have been for the past couple days. overnight lows in the upper 20s for allentown. mid30s for philadelphia and coatesville. i want to time out hour by hour what we are expecting as we track that low moving in from the northwest towards the southeast across the delaware valley. we get this going and pause this a couple times. i want you to see the development of those clouds and that wintry mix. notice at midnight, we're seeing temperatures in the low 30s in philadelphia. potts town 27. lancaster 33. reading, 30. below the freezing mark. so no surprise there that we're seeing a wintry mix and some snow, especially for the lehigh valley. and the upper p.a. suburbs. notice south and east of philadelphia does favor some ra rain. snow potential through early sunday morning. notice we're seeing nominal amounts of coating especially north and west of philadelphia. by early sunday morning, it looks like the most we're going to see will be a coating to maybe an inch for philadelphia. one inch for potts town. two for allentown and nothing along the jersey shore. your ten day on 10 does keep us pretty much in the 40s for the next several days. a breezy sunday, however that's my pick of the weekend. upper 40s for monday and tuesday. a windy wednesday. and tracking some thunderstorms for the follow weekend, including friday and saturday. be sure you follow us on social media @nbcphiladelphia. some breaking news right now. sky force 10 is over 95 in northeast philadelphia. th you can see that traffic is starting to back up. and that's because we're hearing that a woman is in labor and so emergency crews may be trying to get to that woman. we'll keep you posted. obviously, as you can imagine, traffic is heavy to begin on 95 and this emergency situation there. >> hopefully she was on her way to the hospital at the time and hopefully that baby will be delivered safely. there it is right there. there's the ambulance on the right side of your screen. a fire engine there as well. wait a minute here. is that a vehicle on its side? so yeah, there's an accident there as well. >> we'll continue to watch this, two lanes getting by on 95. we'll keep you posted. >> we see the tow truck moving into place to try to get that -- looks like a van that's on its side there along with that emergency equipment. we were told there was a woman in labor on 95. we're going to get to the bottom of the situation. we'll bring you more information as we get it. coming up, he's one half of a legendary rock and roll duo from philadelphia. >> he old days. >> that's john oats. tim furlong travelled to tennessee to talk with limabout hoagieinati hoagie nation. if you're unsure about what that is you're about to receive a crash course. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to want to relax with your family. but enjoying today doesn't mean losing sight of tomorrow. so while i invest in "the now" my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my children's college tuition and retirement. i can help you piece together your financial journey for today and tomorrow. if you have a question about investing, ask me. sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. ♪ it isn't just about vision, it's about care. nobody cares for eyes more than pearle. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. get the best. go to tickets went on sale today for philly's newest concert event. >> tim furlong travelled to nashville, tennessee, to talk to the organizers who is a familiar face if you love rock and roll. >> reporter: kind of weird i had to go to nashville to find the heart and brains of this hoagie nation festival. where every building is a recording studio, i found my guy in this one. ♪ philly's own john oats lives and records here in tennessee. but philly is still in his blood. he talks a lot about the city. >> the old hippy days when i carried my guitar case down spruce street and pop into people's houses and pick a little bit and play. >> reporter: when live nation approached hall and oats about leading a festival on memorial weekend. they instantly remembered the name. they remembered it from their touring days. >> as we approach philadelphia, we said we're entering hoagie nation. we're looking forward to having cheese steaks. something about the water and the whole bit. you know i don't have to tell you. >> reporter: nashville is a cool, funky town. but hall and oats is philly guys. on memorial day they will bring it back to penn's landing and hopefully keep coming back with a bigger festival over the next few years. to maneater to kiss on my lips. you'll hear all the hits. get your tickets before their gone. in nashville, tim furlong, nbc 10 news. >> how's that? >> pretty good. you can see them, and they'll perform with tears and fears. the show is saturday, may 27th. if you want tickets look for the link on our mobile app. the awkward moment between president trump and the german chancellor. >> ahead at 5:00, a woman couldn't escape the flames from inside her home. we're live in south jersey. investigators pinpoint what started the fire. and do you have weekends plans? stay tuned because we have some rain, some cold, some snow, all headed our way. >> i came out the next day and it was completely iced in, like i was in a block of concrete. >> lessons learned. we've all been there. folks get ready for some more wintry weather this weekend. million dollar homes up in flames at the jersey shore. a local college student is killed while out celebrating on her 21st birthday. and an awkward moment in the oval office. we'll show you the handshake. this is the breaking news right here. some traffic trouble just in time for the afternoon rush hour. we showed you this scene a short time ago. that van there disabled, it was on its side, and it seems to be righted. this is i-95. and that van was flipped over as we said. and look at the back up as a result. traffic backed up for miles right now. if you're waiting for someone coming home from the city, it's going to be a while. we had reports of a woman in labor on 95. that happened in the same area of the interstate but we're told she's on her way to the hospital. look at the major backup on i-95 right now. to our

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