From nbc news World Headquarters in new york this is nbc nightly news. Reporting tonight lester holt. Good evening. Few things have rattled the world quite like the prospect of iran developing a Nuclear Weapon which is why all eyes this week have been glued on a small city in switzerland where today nearly around the clock negotiations with iran and how to curb its Nuclear Program finally produced the framework of a deal. One that president obama quickly proclaimed would ensure iran will never be able to develop a bomb. But then theres the issue of what iran gets in return and whether any deal will hold. Our team has it covered. We begin with Andrea Mitchell in lausanne. Andrea. Reporter good evening, lester. Its been 18 months of tough negotiations ending with an allnighter that still left several key issues unresolved. But tonight the United States could be entering a new era in its relationship with iran. And president obama is telling critics this will make our world safer. After marathon talks a agr far more specific than many had expected. The weary negotiators set off to sell it back home as president obama launched what will be a tough campaign. If iran cheats the world will know it. If we see something suspicious we will inspect it. Irans past efforts to weaponize its program will be addressed. Reporter it requires iran not to enrich uranium to weapons grade for 15 years. To reduce its number of operating Nuclear Centrifuges from 19,000 to just over 5,000. To increase the time it would take to make a bomb from a few months to a year. And to convert its underground plutonium reactor ta peaceful research. U. N. Inspectors will have full access to all of Irans Nuclear facilities. And iran gets relief from sanctions only it e if it meets its commitments. Irans foreign minister javad zarif. There will be no sanctions against the Islamic Republic of iran. Reporter they couldnt agree on when they would be lifted. And a fact sheet tweeting there is no need to spin using fact sheets to early on. Zarif and kerry also couldnt agree on a joint statement. If you couldnt agree standing up and announcing together exactly what youve agreed on here what would you think that in the next three months youre going to actually come to an agreement . Because theres a great deal of difference for them between what happens now and where this goes and what can happen when you have a final signature. Reporter you think you can get a deal by june . Im not promising anything. No is the president. What weve done is open up the opportunity. Reporter but first theyll have to persuade congress and irans skeptical neighbors. Andrea mitchell nbc news lausanne. Reporter this is ann curry. The u. S. And iran are trumpeting todays deal but others are deeply skeptical. Israel called it a historic mistake. Prime minister netanyahu tweeting any deal must significantly roll back Irans Nuclear capabilities and stop its terrorism and aggression. And israel has surprising company. Much of the arab world agrees iran with its regional and Nuclear Ambitions cannot be trusted. That includes another u. S. Ally saudi arabia. Everybody wants a good deal that prevents iran from developing an atomic bomb. Reporter but the agreement was welcomed by many in iran. Desperate to get out from years of crippling economic sanctions. Nbcs in tehran. When the news of the deal reached tehran, some people took to their cars and went to the main squares in the city honking their horns and slashing signs celebrating the news. Reporter irans foreign minister speaking this evening after days of marathon negotiations fought again to reassure skeptics that Irans Nuclear ambitions are strictly peaceful. We have decided to take steps for a period of time to assure anybody who had concern our program is exclusively peaceful has always been and will always remain exclusively peaceful. Reporter and irans foreign minister and his team are expected to be greeted with a heros welcome when they return home tomorrow lester. Ann curry tonight. Thank you, ann. Another major story were covering tonight, a massacre on a College Campus in kenya. Terrorists launched a horrifying attack that went on for hours. When it was over at least 147 people were dead. Many injured. And a warning, some of these images are frankly quite hard to watch. Our chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel has our report. Reporter the attack began before dawn. Witnesses say masked gunmen entered the campus through the dormitory. Students awoke to gunfire. [ gunfire ] most of the injured were students. So were the dead. Survivors say the attackers separated christians from muslims. Christians were shot muslims freed. A student says he escaped by jumping out a window. But hundreds of others were still trapped inside. For hours we could hear gunshots and explosions. Reporter Garissa University college is in the northeast of kenya not far from the border with somalia. It took two hours for kenyan reinforcements to arrive. U. S. Counterterrorism officials tell nbc news that once the kenyans did arrive they were decisive moving in and fighting. Kenyas president took to the air waves to try to calm his nation. We continue to pray for a quick recovery of the injured. Reporter the somaliabased Terror Group Al Shabaab claimed responsibility almost immediately. The militant Group Carried out a very similar attack on a kenyan Shopping Mall in 2013. Then like today, with four gunmen. You have now competing terror groups in the world, so they have to show that theyre relevant and they have to attack on a larger scale. Reporter the kenyan government accused this man, mohamed kuno also known by other names. Leader of elite al shabaab unit. This may be the deadliest attack on a university ever. It appears to have been longplanned. Over a week ago another Kenyan University warned its students that al shabaab was plotting an attack. Officials just didnt know where. Lester. Richard engel, thanks. A lot of fast moving developments tonight in the investigation into the copilot who Officials Say may have deliberately crashed that plane into the side of a mountain. Disturbing internet searches found on his tablet computer as recovery crews discover the second black box at the crash scene. Nbcs katy tur with that report. Reporter today, in the french alps among the scattered debris recovery workers say theyve collected 40 smashed cell phones larger pieces of wreckage and, finally, in a ravine the normally orange flight data recorder looking so badly burned it was black. Still investigators say they are hopeful the data remains in tact. Inside the Germanwings Flight 9525 second black box french investigator to learn what copilot Andreas Lubitz was doing when he was alone in the cockpit. And whether just before the plane began its steep descent the autopilot had been manually changed from 38,000 feet to 100 feet as the tracking site flightradar24. Com suggested last week. Meanwhile in lubitzs dusseldorf apartment, german investigators hope to learn more about who he was and why he would allegedly crash the plane. And today they released some of what they found on lubitzs tablet computer. The user name the personal correspondence and the entered search words carry the conclusion that the device was used by the copilot said the prosecutor. From march 16 to march 23 the week leading up to the crash, he says lubitz studied medical treatments, various ways and possible methods of committing suicide and that he spent several minutes on cockpit doors and their security measures. German Officials Say theyre going to look into cockpit security measures to see if they went a little too far after 9 11. Theyre also going to look into medical and psychological testing requirements for pilots to see where they can improve. Katy tur, nbc news germany. Here in new york two women are under arrest aed of conspireing to commit a terrorist attack in the u. S. Investigators believe they were inspired in part by isis. The feds say one of them had propane tanks and instructions to turn them into bombs. But one official adds there was no specific plot. Under mounting pressure lawmakers in both indiana and arkansas move late today to change their states religious freedom laws which critics have labeled antigay. Nbcs Gabe Gutierrez explains. Reporter today, Indiana Republican lawmakers announced an unlikely compromise. Religious rights and individual rights can coexist in harmony together. Reporter the agreement follows Intense National backlash when indiana passed a religious freedom law. The new language spells out the law does not authorize a provider to refuse to offer or provide services on the basis of Sexual Orientation or gender identity. Why wasnt this language included in the first place . Well honestly the language wasnt needed to clarify the statute legally. It is needed to clarify it the perception of it. And we fixed it. Reporter did you misinterpret the bill . Absolutely not. Reporter lobbyist eric miller. You going to jeopardize the freedom for a christian businessman or another faith to be forced into doing something against their religious beliefs. Reporter late today arkansass governor signed a revised version of that states religious freedom bill. This bill is bipartisan. It has received overwhelming support in both houses. It protects religious freedom. Reporter so did indianas governor as the spotlight shifts to this weekends final four. Gabe gutierrez, nbc news indianapolis. In february as movie goers were flocking to see american sniper in theaters the parents of the real chris kyle were in a texas courtroom watching the man who killed their son stand trial. Now for the First Time Since the trial kyles father is speaking out. I sat down with wayne kyle to talk about all thats happened. How are you and debbie doing . I mean theres this movie and this book and all this but were talking about your son. How are you guys doing . Surviving. Its been the toughest twoplus years of our life. Reporter what was it like to sit in the courtroom with him . It was horrible. I mean gut wrenching. Its just one of those deals that you just want to jump over that railing and kill him with your bare hands. Reporter chris kyle left the navy in 2009. When we spoke three years ago, he told me he found purpose in helping other struggling vets. I want to try to figure out everything i can do possibly to help those guys. Reporter wayne kyle worried about his son. Lester i told him one time i said son, i worry more about you as a civilian than when you were with the teams. He said why is that. I said because you were fully trained, highly skilled in what you did. But i said theres no training to be a civilian. Reporter in 2013 kyle and his close friend chad littlefield were murdered on a texas gun range by eddie ray routh, a struggling vet they were trying to help. We the jury find the defendant, eddie ray routh, guilty. Reporter it was the american sniper trial. That was so so wrong. I dont know how every branch of the media portrayed it. Reporter i said the words. Ive bought into it. It was the american sniper trial. We resent that because it was just then about the loss of chris. The loss of chris was no more of a tragedy than loss of chad littlefield. On the heals of the films success and trial, a texas congressman introduced a bill to posthumousl honor kyle. He never saw himself as a hero. Reporter the kyles honor their son through a foundation that supports veterans causes. They are moved by the tributes of strangers for their son and happy to have the trial behind them. We never had any peace to try to grieve, i guess, ourselves. But once they came back with that guilty verdict, it was like okay that chapter is closed. And there was a sense of relief. In february the man who killed kyle and chad littlefield was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Still ahead for us here tonight, the loss of a legendary figure on television. Also tornado and severe thunderstorm warnings. The threat across a huge part of the country again. Al roker will join us in a moment. And later, saying goodbye to the 60s. Were onset among the last cameras there with the cast and is it the insightful strategies and Analytical Capabilities that make edward jones one of the biggest Financial Services firms in the country . 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Weve already seen a tornado warning. Al roker is in the studio with us. Are we looking at a long night here . We certainly are, lester. On into tomorrow. An area stretches from pittsburgh into nashville where the storms are really just starting to get warmed up. Were watching this activity push on through. And as it does were going to watch these systems push in and start to fire up. We expect to see strong storms. We already have a severe thunderstorm watch out for jackson all the way to nashville. Were watching that. Ahead of this system weve got warm moist air pushing in. And then behind it weve got colder air. And between those two thats where were looking at the strong storms for tonight. We also expect to see heavy thunderstorms firing up. The enhanced risk stretching from springfield all the way to paducah overnight on into tomorrow it makes its way from nashville, jackson on into parts of the appalachians. Heavy rain will be falling, lester. We have flash flood watches in effect. Some areas picking up three to five inches of rain before its all over. All right, al. Thanks. Well see you in the morning. The worst rainfall in decades has created epic flooding in chille sweeping in some cases entire towns off the map. 24 people are reported dead. Dozens others missing. Were back in a moment to remember a sunday dinners at my house. Its a full day for me, and i love it. But when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. I dont like asking for help. I took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. So my daughter brought over some aleve. Its just two pills, all day and now, im back aleve. Two pills. All day strong, all day long. And for a good nights rest, try aleve pm for a better am. Sometimes the present looked bright. Sometimes romantic. There were tears in my eyes. And tears in my eyes. And so many Little Things that we learned were really the biggest things. 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And i said oh really . And i added it to my prayer. Reporter in the 1950s he preached at a drivein from the roof of a snack bar. This is the day that god has made. Reporter in the 80s his congregation grew. The 20 million Crystal Cathedral was the beacon of his popularity. But by the new century his ministry unravelled. The church filed for bankruptcy. Lifes not fair. Reporter diagnosed with cancer two years ago, tonight reverend schuller is remembered for his message. If you can dream it you can do it. Reporter Miguel Almaguer nbc news los angeles. When we come back after the break, we were one of the last to visit the iconic set of mad men. What we got to see toenail fungus . Dont hide it. Tackle it with fdaapproved Jublia Jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. Use jublia as instructed by your doctor. Once applied jublia gets to the site of infection by going under, around and through the nail. 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The final seven episodes of mad men, the emmy winning series that revolves around an u a 1970s ad agency ends this sunday. We were among the last to visit the set before it wrapped up for production. Nbcs kate snow caught up with the cast and creator for one last trip back in time. Reporter it was the first of its kind for basic cable. A show that created a sensation and drew rave reviews from the very first episode. Who are you . Im peggy olson, the new girl. Welcome to the rainbow room. Thank you for having me here. Reporter creator Matthew Weiner wrote the pilot seven years ago. I wrote the show saying this is a sexy period in American History thats been ignored. What you call love was invented by guys like me. Is that right . Reporter writer introduced viewers to the glossy world of a new york city ad agency. I heard right away from people. A really strong identification with a lot of the characters no matter how flawed they were. Reporter john hamm was an unknown when the show began. Seven seasons took his character don draper from 1960 to 1969. Armstrong is on the moon. Reporter fans obsessed over the shows meticulous detail from the dresser to the period stove in Pete Campbells kitchen. And the lady bug wallpaper. We got to visit the set before shooting wrapped. If you opened up any of these folders, theres actual expense reports. Reporter for the actors nearing the end of a show that launched their careers is bittersweet. I know that i will see these people again. But i will never see peggy again. And i will never see don again. And i will never see joan. And i will never see pete. And that to me is the sad part. Thats what gets me. Reporter they bonded between scenes in this oasis they called base camp. We got a rare peek. People are texting you got to come down were playing catch phrase right now. I never had that on a show ever. People want to just hang out. Reporter why do you think mad men has done for television . Thats for other people to say. That is really for other people to say. I hope its had an affect on tv in the sense that it doesnt have any guns and its a pretty small story and we managed to squeeze 92 hours of drama out of something that is pretty much i mean dons life is more exciting than yours and mine but pretty much drivederived way. Series would d for about four years, but in true mad men fashion nobodys revealing secrets. Its an important part and i hope it effects the audience as much as it effects us. Reporter kate snow nbc news, new york. And that will do it for us on this thursday night. Im lester holt. For all of us at nbc news thank you for watching and good. A mega celebration of paul walker as the stars of furious 7 take over hollywood. The moment that brought vin diesel to tears, now on extra. Diesel. Oh johnson. Daddys got go to work. Statham. Here comes the bad guy this the movie. Mario in the furious 7 mania. Vins emotional tribute to paul. Last year it was hard to come back to work. The stories you never heard. It true that you were hooking up with the same girl. Harvey weinstein accused of groping this model. A sting with the officials. Joe giudice talks about life without theresa. I cry every time i leave. Mark barnett and rooma downey giving us a sneak peek with their mini series about jesus. It could be called house of cards ad. Plus katy perrys extreme hair makeover. Charissa is about to do it, too. Can i get an amen. Now, on extra, f

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