Nightly news begins now. From nbc news World Headquarters in new york this is nbc nightly news. Reporting tonight, savannah guthrie. Good evening. Tonight, the video of a dramatic and deadly encounter between police and a homeless man in los angeles. Officers shot and killed the man after a violent scuffle captured by surveillance cameras, cell phones and body cameras worn by two officers. Tonight, authorities are examining all angles to figure out if police made the right call in a split second or used excessive force. Our report now from nbcs gabe gutierrez. A warning, video and audio are graphic. Reporter Police Responding to a robbery call in the neighborhood known as skid row wh the violence suddenly erupted. [ gunfire ] the videos posted on social media show lapd officers confronting a homeless man. Theres a scuffle. Hes taken down and officers try to cuff him. Next the sound of a taser. Someone yells drop the gun. Then [ gunfire ] at least five shots from three officers leaving bystanders and witnesses in shock. Gun exchange. He didnt bother nobody. He didnt have no weapon. They just shot him. Reporter today, the lapd displaying enhanced still pictures said the man reached for an officers weapon. This is an awful tragedy. But, you know the officers took on the face of it reasonable steps to avoid it. Reporter this is a spot where dennis horn took one of the cell phone videos. Minutes before he says he captured these last images of the man known on the streets simply as africa. Surveillance video from a nearby homeless shelter shows the suspect talking to police then entering his tent. Thats when officers draw their weapons. Now, four officers reporter scott rees is a former s. W. A. T. Officer and expert on the use of deadly force. Most of these situations are over in 2. 53 seconds. And in that period of time you are going to be held to answer for years and years for those two 2. 5 to three seconds. Reporter tonight, on skid row a makeshift memorial is growing. And so is the number of unanswered questions. Police s suspect was not carrying a gun of his own. The officers involved in the shooting are now on paid leave, two of them have been wearing body cameras. And investigators here are now beginning to look at that video. Savannah. Gabe gutierrez in los angeles. Thank you. Could the footage help officers determine just what happened . Across the country a growing number of officers are wearing them in the wake of high profile accusations of police misconduct. As tom costello reports now, the cameras can capture dramatic evidence from a Vantage Point rarely seen. From an officer shot in albuquerque [ gunfire ] to a Police Shooting in oklahoma [ gunfire ] body cameras are becoming a critical eyewitness for police and those alleging police misconduct. Departments including not just the lapd the nypd d. C. And seattle. Place your hands behind your back reporter Las Vegas Police bought 200 after community demanded more accountability. We needed that support from the community. If this raises that then thats where we need to go. Reporter every uniformed officer is now required to video record every citizen contact. And police insist the cameras capture what a bystander with a camera might not see n. This training scenario only the officer can see the man has a gun. [ gunfire ] dont touch that gun or youll be shot again reporter nationwide cities d states are drafting new laws to ensure police cant delete or edit the video and most importantly to determine when the camera should be turned on. Ideally from accountability the cameras would be on all the time. But thats not practical and would raise very intense privacy issues for the public and for the police officers. Reporter one big challenge is simply storing and managing vast amounts of video data how long video is kept depends on the case. A Traffic Accident just a few weeks, but a Homicide Investigation perhaps decades. Already cameras have been used to discipline and exonerate officers. Take care of yourself and be careful. Thank you. We trust them and give them a gun and badge to do that. But this is a way to review whats happening if theres a complaint. Reporter and cameras advocates have a funny way of ensuring police and citizens are on their best behavior. Tom costello nbc news washington. Israels Prime Minister has arrived in the u. S. At a tense and critical moment. The u. S. Trying to get a nuclear deal with iran to stop it from getting a bomb. And israel warning the u. S. A bad deal endangers its very existence. Our chief Foreign Affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell is in washington where the Prime Minister will make his controversial address to congress tomorrow. Andrea good evening. Reporter good evening, savannah, Prime Minister netanyahu told reporters hes not trying to be disrespectful as he tries to lobby tomorrow against negotiations with iran. Embattled at home and facing reelection in only two weeks, Benjamin Netanyahu tried to playdown his war of words with the white house, but said he cannot remain silent about a u. S. Nuclear deal with iran. That he says would let iran get a Nuclear Weapon. I have a moral obligation to speak up in the face of these dangers whil to avert them. Reporter speaking to a powerful support group, americas proisrael lobby, the combative israeli leader previewed what he will Tell Congress tomorrow. American leaders worry about the security of their country. Israeli leaders worry about the survival of their country. Reporter the administrations pointed response at the same moment john kerry in geneva was trying to close the deal with irans foreign minister a deal the president believes would make the world safer, not more dangerous. There is a substantial disagreement in terms of how to achieve that. And what it boils down to is whats the best way to ensure that iran is not developing a Nuclear Weapon . Reporter the relationship between the two leaders at a new low. Poisoned u. S. Officials say by netanyahus acceptance of a republican invitation to Lobby Congress against obamas iran policy. Hes trying to kill the one thing that obama has that might redeem a weak foreign policy. Reporter some prominent noshows tomorrow joe biden is in guatemala. And almost 40 Democratic House members and five senators will boycott. Despite Prime Minister netanyahus assertions obviously whats taking place is extremely partisan. Reporter speaks tomorrow to congress is destructive to the relationship president obama said tonight it has been a distraction, but in the meantime the negotiations with iran are going full speed ahead. Savannah. Andrea mitchell in washington thank you. The war against isis continues to play out on multiple fronts tonight. A new online threat against twitter has surfaced. A warning that the companys cofounder himself would be targeted. And were seeing a major offensive against isis militants tonight by the same forces that ran from them just last year the iraqi army. We get the latest now from our chief Foreign Correspondent ri engel. Reporter the iraqi army with allied Shiite Militia finally on the offensive trying to take back a city isis has held since june. And not just any city theyre going for tikrit, saddam Husseins Sunni hometown. Its a crucial test. Success here would renew hope that it can defeat isis. But if tikrit becomes an ethnic blood bath shiite against sunni, iraq will be one step closer to allout sectarian war. Meanwhile, in london new details about the man once known as jihadi john. It turns out even as a student Mohammed Emwazi had friends grow up to become violent islamists including some who would die fighting for isis. He was deeply involved and deeply embedded with extremist circles in london long before he went to syria. Reporter and yet another turn in the propaganda war, an online threat against twitter cofounder jack dorsey and other employees of twitter which has been blocking isis propaganda messages. The threat from an unknown source has been repeated on accounts linked to isis. Twitter says in a statement, our Security Team is investigating the veracity of these threats with relevant Law Enforcement officials. Twitter has been taking down isis propaganda almost as quickly as the group has been posting it. Apparently enraging isis. The groups followers posting online that your virtual war against us will cause a real war on you. Savannah. All right. Richard engel, thank you so much. Tonight, tensions remain high in and around moscow one day after tens of thousands turned out to protest the killing of one of Vladimir Putins most prominent critics, Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov killed while walking on a bridge near the kremlin. The Security Camera footage has surfaced amid questions as to whether other cameras in the ar were working at the time of the murder. Putin himself has announced he will personally oversee the investigation, which is now under way. Tonight, as we roll into march 18 days until spring the season of misery providing no letup as another storm barrels across the country. 30 states are under Winter Weather advisories yet again. A whiteout coasttocoast. Nbc news meteorologist dylan dreyer has our report tonight. Reporter enough is enough thats the feeling in boston today as residents woke up to more snow. Bostonians like nanny nancy burns are fed up. Its frustrating. Its tiresome. Its become hard work just taking care of babies. Reporter the area punished by four major snowstorms in four weeks totaling nearly seven feet crippling mass transit. Its unreliable. I cant use it to get to school or to work. Reporter its miserae from retail to restaurant. Weve seen a 30 to 40 decrease in business. People just cant get here. They cant walk here. They cant park. Its been a tough winter. Reporter heavy snow is triggering roof collapses across new england. In norwell, massachusetts, more than a dozen horses had to be rescued this morning after this barn caved in. Icy conditions were to blame for pileups from pennsylvania to virginia to missouri. Just today nearly 4,500 delays and 1,300 cancellations. Some stranded this weekend for nine hours in dallas. February goes down as one of the coldest ever on record in chicago, cleveland, bangor maine and syracuse new york. In southport, new york the deep freeze froze the waves along the long island sound. Even sunny Southern California couldnt escape a winter storm. Huntington beach and boardwalk covered in hail an inch deep today. While in boston many are hoping march brings warmer days and a lot less digging out. And tonight, again, 38 states are under some sort of Winter Weather advisory. In the upper midwest, in the Northern Plains tomorrow we could see blizzard conditions more because of blowing snow. And then we are going to see this storm bring snow then ice, then rain to major cities like chicago. Youll see that during the day. Then it spreads into the northeast as we go into tuesday night with accumulating snow before that changeover to ice and rain. Then as we go into wednesday the storm clears out. Well see a couple of showers up and down the east coast, rain showers. But baxter kentucky thats where were going to see accumulating snow on the backside of this cold front. We could see as much as four to eight inches in kentucky southern ohio and west virginia. Two to four inches in the northeast. That is going to put us very close, savannah to breaking that alltime record in boston. All right, dylan dreyer thank you so much. Tonight, a surprising admission from pediatricians. A new survey found nearly all of them have been asked by parents to delay and space out the vaccines given to their children. And most of them agree even though that goes against expert advice and could leave children vulnerable to disease. Doctors said they didnt want to lose their patients. Today we also learned the Measles Outbreak continues to spread. Now 170 cases so far this year. A dallas nurse who survived ebola is suing the Parent Company of Texas Health Presbyterian hospital accusing that hospital of failing to provide adequate equipment and training to staff dealing with the deadly disease and violating her privacy by releasing details on her condition. Nina phan contracted ebola while caring for Thomas Eric Duncan who died while being treated. She continues to suffer from body aches and insomnia and yet to return to work. New records the dow and s p finished at an alltime high and the nasdaq closed above 5,000 for the First Time Since the dot com bubble burst. A lot still ahead, new concerns about the Wood Flooring found in so many homes across the country. A bombshell report has a major u. S. Company under fire and questions about safety. And a shocking freefall caught on camera. Tonight, we hear from the sky diver unable to open his parachute rescued. Its a full day for me, and i love it. But when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. 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Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher brighter denture every day. They say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr. Clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. He called it the magic eraser. It cleans like magic. Even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. Mr. Cleans magic eraser. There is major fallout tonight for the Company Lumber Liquidators accused of selling potentially unsafe products from china. Tonight, the company is fighting back saying the flooring itself is safe. Meantime though its stock is taking a beating down 25 today. And as nbcs Hallie Jackson reports, a lot of worried homeowners are wondering what to do now. Reporter y and matt just spent 2,500 on new laminate flooring from Lumber Liquidators. They loved it until about 24 hours ago. Its never a good feeling to find out your kids are on a floor potentially making them sick. Reporter now theyre upset because their flooring looks similar to a product featured on 60 minutes. 60 minutes says it commissioned lab tests that found levels of form ald hide that exceeded levels. If its toxic i wouldnt want it in my house. Reporter on wall street stock lost some 300 million in value today alone. It certainly has to be one of the worst days in Lumber Liquidators history. Reporter the Company Recently warned about betting against the stock. False attacks to make money. We will vigorously challenge any false allegations. Reporter and today the companys challenging the testg condu for cbs calling the method improper saying its own testing is carefully documented and thorough. Our products are 100 safe says the company. Adding we stand by every single plank of wood and laminate we sell all around the country. We spoke with independent flooring consultant jim gould. How concerned should customers be right now . If they have a floor recently installed, i would go back to the supplier and ask the questions of how can i be reassure that had this floor is fine. Reporter they did. Were told their floor is fine but theyre not convinced. I want to make sure that you know the place were putting our children is safe. And thats what we thought we were doing. Reporter for now, its more fallout for this Flooring Company looking at its bottom line bottoming out. Hallie jackson, nbc news los angeles. And were back in a moment with the surprise announcement today about one of the greatest sports superstars of alltime. Hey, how you doin . It hurts. This is what it can be like to have shingles, a painful, blistering rash. If you had chicken pox the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. I wish that there was something i could do to help. The shingles rash can last up to 30 days. 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And i didnt get here alone. There were people who listened along the way. People who gave me options. Kept me on track. And through it all my retirement never got left behind. So today, im prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. Every someday needs a plan. Lets talk about your old 401 k today. The longest Barbara Mikulski announced she will not seek reelection. She will retire when her fifth term ends in 2015. Shes now 78 years old was first elected to the house in 1976 and has served in the senate since 1987. Forbes is out with its annual rankings of the rich and a familiar name holds the top spot. The magazine says bill gates net worth rose to 79. 2 up from 76 billion last year. He has topped the list by the way, for 16 of the last 21 years. Forbes says there are now more than 1,800 billionaires including some famous newcomers to the list. Among them nba legend michael jordan. We put the full list on our website. And a milestone to note tonight. When it premiered 50 years ago on march 2,1965 the sound of music wasnt exactly an instant sensation with the critics. The reviews were decidely mixed. But in a decade since the movie based on the musical has become one of the most beloved family favorites. When we come back we will hear from the sky diver who suffered a medical emergency, lucky to be alive thanks to quick thinking in midair. And it was all caught on camera. Oh yea, thats coming down lets get some rocks, man. Health can change in a minute. So cvs health is changing healthcare. Making it more accessible and affordable with walkin medical care, no appointments needed and most insurance accepted. Minuteclinic. Another innovation from cvs health. Because health is everything. Your eyes depend on a unique set of nutrients. Thats why theres ocuvite. Ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite has a unique formula thats just not found in any leading multivitamin. Help protect your eye health with ocuvite. 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Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain especially with bloody or black stools the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas stomacharea pain and swelling. Bottom line, ask your doctor about linzess today. Finally tonight, the tail of the tape that has so many people talking today. A sky diver plunging to the ground unable to pull the cord and open his parachute after suffering a seizure midair. He was saved and now hes telling his story. Nbcs katy tur has our report. Reporter 12,000 feet from the earth, the only thing between Christopher Jones and the western australian ground the courage to jump. As he had so many times before. 22 seconds into this dive he says he was suddenly paralyzed by a seizure. Unconscious and falling at 120 miles an hour. Instructor Sheldon Mcfarland shot toward him not wanting to rely on the emergency chute. It took two attempts to pull the rip cord. With 12,000 feet to go jones regained consciousness and managed to land. I said thank you for saving my life. Yes. He couldnt have done a better job. It was just amazing. Reporter now mcfarland is being hailed as a hero. Just doing my job. Doing what we train other people. Reporter 22yearold jones took up sky diving when his epilepsy ruled out his dream of becoming a pilot. Seizurefree for four years, his doctors gave him the go ahead. I always wanted to fly planes or wanted the feeling of fly. Obviously with my condition i cant pilot. So i thought next best thing i can fly myself. Reporter about 5 Million People have clicked on the death defying fall giving jones 5 million reminders to keep his feet on solid ground. Katy tur, nbc news london. And that will do it for us on this monday night. Im savannah guthrie. Ill see you bright and early tomorrow morning on today. William shatners noshow at Leonard Nimoys funeral. His first words about all the backlash. Now on extra. Captain kirk skips spokes funeral. The nasty headlines, the truth today from William Shatner himself. Mr. Shatner, just wanted to see if you had any comments. Bruce jenner behind the wheel and on the phone. How many tny times hes been caught since his deadly car crash. Plus is Khloe Kardashian replacing kelly osborn on Fashion Police requests requests . Howard stern grills heidi klum about her boyfriend. Did he ask you to marry him . Shush it. The first photo of leo and rihanna partying together and lady gaga and Taylor Kinney take the plunge. Is britney getting hitched again in vegas . See you at the chapel one time with him you before in know. You never know. Brit is opening up to paulie d. To her new romance to surprise regret. I dont know what the hell i was thinking. Pluss mario and his Little Princess gia. Im at the premiere of cinderella with my daddy. Why so mean to cind

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