Attorney general Loretta Lynch is here on that this morning and the latest on what the shooter told hostage negotiators during the siege. And joining me for insight and analysis, mark halperin, again ifill. And jose diaz ballart. Welcome to sunday, its meet the press. Narrator from nbc news in washington, this is meet the press with chuck todd. Good sunday morning and happy fathers day to all fathers out there. The dump Trump Movement has sprung back to life. Why . Just look at what ees happened the past week. In the wake of orlando, trumps congratulatory tweeting. Item two, survey monkey poll among other polls is showing a sharp trend towards Hillary Clinton. Item three, right now while trump is campaigning in states that havent voted democratic in at least a generation, Hillary Clinton is conducting an advertising blitz. But dont worry, trump says, he hasnt started the general election campaign. And paul ryan essentially is giving Senate Republicans a permission slip to run away from trump if they have to. All of this is inspiring talk among jittery republicans of yet another last ditch effort to prevent trump from becoming the official nominee. You have a couple of guys that were badly defeated and theyre trying to organize, maybe like a little bit of a delegate revolt, maybe. Reporter trump has a message for republicans panicking about the polls. He plans to stop his selfinflicted wounds his way. In the wake of the orlando massacre, trump stepped up his call for a temporary ban on muslims, and stoked a conspiracy theory. According to one poll, 70 of americans new view trump unfavorably, as do a full third of republicans. Republican leaders challenged to defend their nominee are now responding with a deafening silence. I just want to run out the clock here. Welcome to our world. Reporter so could a stop trump effort turn into a convention coup, and if so how . If the polling in the senate contested races starts dropping for the republican candidate, that could cause a panic among all the elected officials not named donald trump. Kendall unruh, a Democratic Rules Committee member has circulated a conscious clause that she plans to introduce. The delegates have always had the right to conscience and the ability to unbind themselves. So i say we have the kryptonite, we have the power to be able to unbind, but we were told it was just a hunk of glass. The alternative, unbind the delegates or win a supermajority on the first ballot. The alternative is unclear. No challenger has stepped up. Who are they going to pick . I beat everybody, not only beat, i beat the hell out of them. I sat down with the speaker of the house paul ryan about his dilemma. Well, first of all, i feel like i have certain responsibilities, as not just congressman paul ryan, but as speaker of the house. And imagine the speaker of the house not supporting the duly elected nominee of our party. Therefore creating a chasm in our party to split us in half, the last thing i want to see happen is another democrat in the white house, i dont want to see Hillary Clinton as president. I want to see a Strong Majority in the house and the senate. And i think the way to achieve those goals is having a unified party. If something is done that i dont agree with that puts a bad label on conservatism, im going to speak out on it. You just made a case of the party . I dont think Hillary Clinton doesnt agree with any of the conservative reforms we i have spoken about our conservative agenda and the policies we need to put in place in order to save the country. And we have more Common Ground than any other thing. That is why im voting for our nominee. Why do you trust him . Because youve asked him to tone things down, youve asked him to reconsider some things and then you hear soandso did reassure you in private that he would possibly back off the muslim began and then he goes right along with it. He even accused is president of treason. I have heard about it. Im a little busy, so i dont Read Everything he says every day. One thing i know for certain, is that Hillary Clinton is going to continue taking the country in the wrong generation, shes going to make a choice for the Supreme Court which is a bad one. We have more Common Ground than not. There are things hes said they dont agree with, there are policies hes pursuing that i dont agree with. We will litigate those things in the future. You do have a point there where if he run this is way and loses, he stains the Republican Party . Suddenly not only do you lose the white house, but youve got to explain your support for him and a lot of other people have to explain why the party went to him and it was a disaster. Who went to him . He won the election. The voters picked him. He beat ted cruz and marco rubio and jeb bush and everybody else in ohio and wisconsin and all the rest of the country and he won the election, the voters voted for him. Thats the point, he won the delegates. Thats a choice they made. This isnt a top down party where a handful of people pick our nominee in the president. The voters pick him, thats the choice they made. What can i control . Thats not something i can control. As speaker of the house, what i can control is, can i help add substance to this conversation . Can i bring ideas to the table . Can i lead the House Republicans to take our contest principles and apply them to the problems of the day to give People Solutions that improve their lives and try and inject some substance into this conversation. Heres what i worry about. I dont worry about what donald trump says and does, i worry about what i can do to make this a better country, to improve things, to make this campaign more about substance and ideas. Were trying to add some substance to this conversation so that people know where were trying to go to get this country fixed. When you said you had a duty as speaker of the house, are you implying that congressman paul ryan, ways and means paul ryan i am the speaker of the house, thats my response. Im not going to go into the hypotheticals. Im not going to try to disunify our party and override the Republican Voters of america, can we add ideas, can we bring substance to this conversation . What i want to do is give the country a clear choice. You think youre going to get that election . I think we here in the house can offer principles and solutions, and thats what we can control and thats what were going to continue to doing. You do have a role at the convention as convention chairman. You had doubts about whether to support trump, you took a month to make that decision, shouldnt delegates if theyre having second thoughts about it, have an opportunity to express second thoughts about it and let the will of the convention decide . Because of this role i have which i feel has very important responsibilities is to call balls and strikes and just to play it by the rule. So it is not my job to tell delegates what to do or what not to do. They have their roles, they make their decisions. I see my role now given that hes got the plurality, but the last thing im going to do is weigh in and tell delegates what to do. So if they decide to change the rules, which they can two, youre comfortable with however youre asking the wrong person, you should ask the party, you should ask the delegates. But if you have an opinion my opinion is not relevant here, im not going to tell the delegates how they should do their jobs because i am chair of the convention. Theres a ton of prominent republican who is say theyre not going to do it. The governors of maryland and massachusetts, do you think it is that members in the House Republican conference, follow your conscience, if you dont want to support him, dont do it . The last thing i would do is tell somebody to doconscience. This is a very unique nominee. But i feel institutionally as speaker of the house to create a chasm in the Republican Party. Im not going to tell somebody to go against their conscience, what i think i can control is to help unify us around ideas, around principles and to give the country a better agenda, a better way, solutions, thats whats in my control. And all these things that youre asking me about are things out of my control that i cant spend my time worrying about. What can he do to make you more comfortable supporting donald trump. I have said this a lot, run a campaign that we can all be proud of, run a i i believe that if we want to be successful and i dont like identity politics, let the left play identity politics, thats their currency. As conservatives, according to our principles, we believe in unifying people, we believe in aspiration, we believe in making a better path forward. Thats the kind of optimistic, inclusive, tone, tempo type of campaign. What about donald trump . Youre going to have to ask him. Do you think he can do that . He can, its whether he chooses to two so or not. Can the speaker of the house tell the Republican Party that they have a hall pass to donald trump was eager to respond. My colleague Hallie Jackson caught up with donald trump just before his rally in las vegas. What we can do as a party is unify. I want to see speaker ryan focusing on the budget, we need to get the budget down to where it should be. Otherwise i have no view on it. Reporter does it bother you that the head of the Republican Party is you see the crowds im getting, you saw last night in houston, you see today in nevada, i think were going to do very, very well. You told me recently that your campaign really hasnt started yet. We start pretty much after the convention. Reporter why wait . I have raised a lot of money for the party, were doing very well. Millions of dollars just this week. Shes selling herself to wall street and the wall street fat cats are putting up a lot of money former. I dont want that kind of money. I dont need that money, frankly, this is like a commercial, but its tougher than a normal commercial. Look, were going to raise a lot of money, i have raised a lot of money this weekend, im raising it for the Republican Party. If you look at ryan, hell say we have done an amazing job in a very short period of time. Were going to have a great convention, and were going to go on to a great cam pain. I think im a different kind of candidate, paul ryan said that, im a different kind of a candidate. I think i can win either way. Reporter with them or without them . I think i can, because i obviously won the primaries. Im an outsider and i won the primaries. I do believe we can win either way, but it would be nice if we stuck together. Reporter you talk about republicans, your critics say within your own party, your campaign is not organized well enough, it doesnt have the money and it doesnt have the infrastructure in the Battle Ground states, what are you doing to reassure people in your own party that you can windy . If my campaign were short of money, i would just put up my own money. Reporter how much . I would put up what i need to win. I wouldnt be that generous with it you. People have to put up money, people have to endorse and people have to come through. The one thing were not doing, i have had so many endorsements, darrell issa called me yesterday. Reporter do you think the convention is going to try to overthrow . Number one they cant do it legally. I worked for one year and we won all of those delegates, almost 1,600, 1,500 to 1,600. Remember they said the most we would get is 1,200, we would be short of the magic number and i got to 1,600. I competed along with a lot of establishment people, i beat them all and now a couple of them would like to come in through the backdoor. Its awfully hard when i win, what did i win . 37 or 38 states, i win 38 states and somebody else won none and theyre going to be the nominee . I dont think so. Coming up, could this dump Trump Movement actually succeed . And orlando and the renewed debate over guns in america. Were going to hear more from paul ryan on this issue. And well hear from loretta and well hear from Loretta Lynch about what the or you can fly across welcome town in minutes16, or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. And if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. They are. Do i look smarter . Yeah, a little. Youre making money now, are you investing . 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Mark halperin, ill start with you, how real is the dump Trump Movement inside the Republican Party . Its less likely to happen than to happen. But its real, because youve got now an attitude within the Republican Party, at the highest levels that this would be better for the party, one top strategist said that theres a meteorite headed towards planet earth, theyll do what they have to do. The key for them is to not let this be something seen as led by Mitch Mcconnell and maul ryan. Their hope is that that catches on and theyre willing to it looks organic and that its grass roots and that the delegates can trump is voters. If the delegates decide to do this they can. Theres a real chance if trump continues to be down in the polls, continues to hurt Senate Candidates and house candidates, continues to not build infrastructure, theres a real chance theyll try to do it. Whats interesting to me is the chairman of the party appointed to run the rules committee. One is enid nicholson. She is a ted cruz delegate, a longtime member of the utah Republican Party. And utah not a big fan of donald trump. Then the cochair is ron kaufman, hes a trump delegate. Hes a bush guy. So i look at those two and i think, oh, maybe they are preparing for something. I dont know after watching that interview with paul ryan how you can believe that they can make this seem organic. If you want to lead a movement, you got to have leaders of that movement, i dont think we have leaders in this congress. I dont think they want to not answer. From the grass roots, people are going to reach up and do what the leadership wants has never proven to be true. The Republican Party is acting like the dremocratic party acts. Donald trump has a point, how do you go to cleveland and say, the primaries didnt matter and find somebody else. Thats the big flaw in this whole idea. This reminds me of the and my dad had this, the big comb over. Where are you going with this . The person with the comb overthinks you think it looks natural, and it really is that way. But when youre looking at the person, you say thats a big comb over. This is organic and it comes from the bottom up, its a big comb over. We can see it, everybodys goings to see it, and you can say what you wish, if its coming from all these organized groups, its a comb over. Wow. Katy, you know trump as well as anybody at this table, in a weird way he would relish a fight like this, would. He . Hes for him to embrace the party is not necessarily on message for how hes going about this campaign. He clearly feels uncomfortable with it. Thats why you eere seeing soh stress and hes having a hard time saying please give me money, because its ante to his outsider message. It looks like hes sputtering. Hes a candidate that once had control of his ideas and his message. And now hes backtracking, and i have talked to a number of republicans who have decided hes not doing support him. The judge curios comments seem to be hurting him greatly among a certain contingent of his supporters. You mentioned his lack of control of this campaign. I want to put up some quick money numbers here, in the tv advertising disparity. People want to say this is only june, this isnt only june, this is a big moment. You throw in clinton with her 23 million. Nobody is up with trump stanley cup except for one superpac. Look at the disparity that everybody had over romney. And the gap was about 8 million and everybody was like oh, my god we cant have that again. One of the problems here is that its harder to run against Hillary Clinton as barack obama than it does for Hillary Clinton to run against Hillary Clinton. As katy was talk about, hes not really good at asking for none. The guy who introduced him trashed him on nafta, and trashed him on immigration and this is a trump supporter. They still wrote the check, but theyre not going to stick around. Hes able to raise money more quickly. Theres a disparity on ground forces. Clinton last month had 700 people in brooklyn. Its grown since then. Trump is unconventional. Trump has proven he can do things in a different way. But thats part of whats undermined the confidence. Theres a brandnew Clinton Superpac ad against trump and this is what hes dealing with during the next four weeks. I love war in a certain way, including with nukes, yes, including with nukes. I want to be unpredictable. Im not going to tell you right now what im going to do. I know about isis than the generals do, believe me. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Again, unresponded to, at least through the fourth of july and maybe longer. On the other hand this is stuff that the American People have heard about him over and over again and hes won consistently over and over again saying that and a whole lot worse. Over and over again he says things that everybody else says this is unacceptable. And yet he continues to say them. Thats why i find this talk that hes going to implode in this general election, a little bit scary, because ultimately, in august, september, october, november, december, january, february, people were saying donald trump couldnt possibly win the nomination. So i think its not a good idea to make these bold predictions. Its pretty simple, he needs to do Something Different to convince republicans, grass roots and elites that hes campaign on a different message. He needs a different trajectory, then he can come back. But he needs Something Different. His argument is no. Its a new jury, we shall see. Quick note, tomorrow were debuting the first in a three part digital series, its a feature about the rise in donald trump. For the first part, the United States of trump is what carewe calling it. They crunch eed data behind tru supporters and why they like him and it isnt just about building a wall. How Hillary Clintons growing lead in the okay, so whats our latest data say . Our customer is a 21yearold female. Heavily into basketball. Wait. Data just changed. Now shes into disc sports. Ah, no shes not. Since when . Since now. Shes into tai chi. She found disc sports too stressful. Hold on. Let me ask you this. Whats she gonna like six months from now . Who do we have on aerial karate . Steve. Steve. Steve. And alexis. Uh, no. Just steve. Just steve. Just steve. Live business, powered by sap. When you run live, you run simple. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing and we are back. Its Data Download time. One thing donald trump hadnt counted on was the enthusiasm among primary voters would carry over into the general election. We now be seeing a reverse effect. An Enthusiasm Gap that favors democrats. Bad news for trump, but it could mean trouble for republicans up and down the ballot. An nbc News Washington post poll shows that 65 of republicans view donald trump unfavorable. Hillary clintons numbers arent great among democrats, 75 25 . 1 4 of democrats, but its better than trump. T a Bloomberg Politics poll shows that 28 of republicans have an unfavorable view of their own party right now. On the other side of the aisle, only 4 of democrats feel the same way about their party. Why is this significant . Because republicans may be less enthusiastic about voting in the fall and that Enthusiasm Gap doesnt just hurt trump, it could end up hurting republicans up and down the ballot. A Marquette University poll showed 78 of republicans will definitely vote in november, thats a 9 drop since march. Party leaders do have reason to worry that their voters might just stay home. And if that happens, a 23 point republican advantage could quickly become a 23 point loss on election day in that senate right. And while the House Majority seems insurmountable right now. Those happen when one party simply doesnt show up to the polls. Thats what republicans have to fear. When we come back, the renewed debate about guns. Loretta lynch talkat are you do . Getting faster. Huh . Detecting threats faster, responding faster, recovering faster. When your securitys built in not just bolted on, and you protect the data and not just the perimeter, you get faster. Wow, speed kills. Systems open to all, but closed to intruders. Trusted by 8 of 10 of the Worlds Largest banks. Perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. 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Because of the tragic shooting in charleston, South Carolina last year. Now were having the conversation again in the wake of the orlando massacre, where 49 people were killed. At issue was the access to guns, the killer who had previously been interviewed by the fbi and had been on the terrorist watch list in the past used a semiautomatic Assault Rifle that he bought just days before the massacre. And its also rebooted the conversation in washington about those who are on that watch list should be able to legally purchase a gun. When i talked to paul ryan on thursday, he seemed open to new legislation. The question right now is if someone is on a terror watch list, are the authorities notified as to whether a person on that list is trying to purchase a gun or not . That is a procedure right now, so the question is, can we make sure that that procedure works the way its supposed to work. Point number two, you dont want to deny a person their right to due process. So we have to concern ourselves with constitution and rights. And we dont want to deny a persons due process rights. Thats appointme point number two is, we cant just be very clumsy and rush to judgment and do something that actually harms or ability to do terrorist investses, were going to take a deep breath and making sure this is done correctly in terms of making sure that authorities know and have time to respond if someone is on a terrorist watch list that theyre trying to buy a gun, we have to get that right. Attorney general Loretta Lynch supports w s one of those measures. Madam secretary general, welcome to meet the press. Lets go to the actually investigation in orlando right now and get any update this is morning. First let me talk about the shooters wife. Are charges going to be brought against her . Is she simply helping in this investigation or is she going to have charges brought against her . Where we are in this investigation is talking to everybody who had contact with this killer. And that of course includes his family members, were not making any announcements about additional charges, we are focused on learning as much as we can about the killers motivations, about his actions and thoughts in the days and months leading up to this attack. Is she cooperating . Were talking to a number of people that includes family members, that includes people who knew him, people who knew of this individual, were asking them to come forward. Shes in that gamut but were not making any announcements. Are you going to be announcing any new parts of the investigation . Ill be going to orlando on tuesday to continue my briefings in the case. Actually what were announcing tomorrow is that the fbi is releasing a partial transcript of the conversation between the negotiators. That will be coming out tomorrow and ill be headed to orlando on tuesday. Including the hostage negotiation part of this . Yes, it will be primarily a partial transcript of its calls with the hostage negotiators. You say parable, whats being left out . What were not going to do is further this mans propaganda. Were not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance and that. It will begin to capture the back and forth between him and the negotiators, were trying to get as much information got this investigation out as possible. As you know, because the killer is dead, we have a built more leeway there and we will be producing that information tomorrow. Lets talk about the fbi angle to this, obviously they investigated him, interviewed him three times before this took place and then found he was not they didnt think he was a serious potential terrorist threat. I know director comey said theyre going to go back and see what may have been missed. But is it bigger than what the fbi may have missed . Is the fbi just not able to do a behavioral study . Like the fbis job is to collect facts and make connections, but is a behavioral study harder to do . Thats why we do the investigations in the way that we do. Thats why when we get information about individuals like mateen, several years ago from coworkers that we open investigations and we in fact take the time and interview individuals like that. And i can assure you, had the information developed of his plans, that investigation would have stayed open. Lets go to the gun issue there, you support the Justice Department came out and endorsed senator feinsteins version of this that would make it so that anybody on these terror watch lists couldnt buy a gun and there wouldnt be any loophole, wouldnt be a small waiting period, it would be a pretty long waiting period. But director comey is a little concerned about this legislation, heres what he said about it a year ago. It hasnt been adjudicated in every case that someone is a terrorist that were investigating. So we dont want to obviously blow our investigation. This is the concern of speaker ryan on this, he seems to be open to at least looking at the legislation. Is this a concern of yours . Were extremely grateful that in crafting this legislation, Congress Took into account those concerns that the director expressed more than a year ago. Obviously we want to be able to have the tools we need to stop individuals from obtaining guns who should not have them. But we also need to have a process, consistent with the law, to protect ongoing investigations and protect sensitive matters. And this amendment does give the department of justice both of those tools. Let me ask you quickly on the email investigation with Hillary Clinton. Ultimately when the fbi concludes their investigation, it will be up to you perhaps to decide whether this goes forward with the prosecution or not. Theres going to be a lot of skepticism that this decision falls on you a political appointee. Have you thought got finding a special counsel or somebody else to handle this to make it as clean as you possibly can . Career prosecutors and agents, clear from politics, they follow the facts, they follow the law and theyll come to a conclusion and well follow the facts and the law as we do in every case. So this is not up to you, this decision . We dont talk about how were going to deal with the internal workers of the Justice Department. But this will be handled like any other matter . So theres no any concern in your mind that you need to excuse yourself from this . And when we come back, were going to dive into the gun debate, the political side of it with our panel. But as we go to break, a look here at one of the many Memorial Services this week, too many of them, frankly, of the People Killed in orlando last week. Loving, caring, compassionate, these this man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this Vice President , this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Before it became a medicine, it was an idea. An inspiration. A wild whatif. So scientists went to work. They examined 87 different protein structures. Had 12 years of setbacks and breakthroughs, 4,423 sleepless nights, and countless trips back to the drawing board. At first they were told no, well. Maybe, and finally yes. Then it was 36 clinical trials, 8,500 patient volunteers, and the hope of millions. And so after it became a medicine, someone who couldnt be cured, could be. Me. Those are just some of the beautiful makeshift memorials in orlando, one week after the attack. Were back with the panel. Well, is the gun debate changed this week or not gwen . A year ago, charleston, we is since seen san bernardino. Not long ago we saw newtown, we have seen this over and over again, aurora, schools, bars, it doesnt matter, nothing has actually changed. The conversation this week is about terror watch lists and no fly and not being able to buy a gun if youre on the nofly list. That doesnt mean that will change Something Like this and the conversations about gun show loopholes, something which the nra has never budged even half an inch. Donald trump says hes going to meet with the nra, i hasnt happened yet. In this case it would have made a difference. If youre on a terrorist list, a nofly list, you couldnt have bought the weapons he bought. When was he flying, ever . Do you do nothing or do you do something and hope that that something makes a difference . If its going to be, were only going to do things that encome bass everything or we dont do anything, then i agree with you, if you have someone that is being investigationed and can be prohibited from going to a place and two days later buying a weapon. But he wasnt on any of these lists. If you go three years deep in that list or something. It does seem as if democrats, you know, republicans, when they have used terrorism they have gotten legislation passed, using the fear of terrorism as a way to get some controversial legislation passed and democrats decided for the first time to merge terrorism and guns together and run with it. And it did change the rhetoric of the republicans. And the Lgbt Community which is now looking at gun control. If this is going to happen, its because the democrats are the nra still dominates the house, you saw the interview with paul ryan. The house is going to budges. I cant imagine legislation passing this year. If Hillary Clinton wins with coat tails and brings in a clear main date. You just brought up the Gay Community and guns, an interesting story about the next Movement Among gay political activists may be guns. What i found fascinating is that there was another call in the Washington Post talking about the same thing, talking about onethird of americans talking about knowing someone who was a victim of gun violence. If there are more folks who know someone who has been a victim of this, suddenly is legislation could change, in more of a rapid way than the fight for equality among gays and lesbians. It would require a complete change of focus. Its always been a civil rights activism on the part of the Lgbt Community. Im not sure that guns qualify in this case. Obviously theres grief and theres anger. But im not certain. Lets talk about something that was brought up in the Loretta Lynch conversation. If the conversation is guns and terrorism, she says theres going to be a partial transcript. And its one of those things that are thinking she doesnt want to reveal how much he talked about other groups. Thats going to bother some who think, no, no, no, we need to hear everything. I think republicans are going to say we need to hear everything because we need to hear how much this guy was radicalized. Whats wrong with hear everything . We should know this seems to be a terrorism fear and a gun fear. We seem to not think we can have both conversations. And a hate crime issue. The republicans believe its a terror issue and the democrats think its a gun control issue. You can do both, you can talk about both things. The pressure because some think its a manipulation, that the administration doesnt want the public to know how much perhaps, or there will be this oh, my god, you should see what he really said about isis. Obviofbi director comey, is okay in this . I suspect people know that the fbi they made the case that they have been workinging very hard over the years in watching him. But thats the problem with terrorism, its not always predictal. You cant tell who the next lone wolf is going to be. The secret service is better at doing behavioral profiling because they have to do it all the time when theres so much threats to the president , jose. I just dont know if youre going to step in every time somebody says something questionable or stupid. We still have Civil Liberties in this country. The fbi does need to have more resources and better resources. What more could they have done in this specific case . I have to say one thing, on june 1, i talked to the president in elkhart, indiana. After we were done with our town hall, he talked to a gun owner, the guy was passionate about how hillarys going to take away our guns and the president responded toe to toe with him. He said if i was in the situation room and i still cant get congress to move on this issue of not allowing people on the nofly list from buying guns. End game segment, the washington parlor game, who might run with donald trump . And do the candidates he wants want to run with him . Well be right back. Coming up, meet the press coming up, meet the press end game brought t it only takes one genius to change a light bulbyou led bulbs use 85 less energy and last a long time, saving you up to 100 over each bulbs lifetime. So change yours today. Narrator meet the press end game is brought to you by boeing. One of the ways that trump could maybe calm the waters in the Republican Party is by naming a running mate, maybe hes going to feel the pressure to do it sooner. Republican from south dakota in the senate leadership, he says this, there are probably some good options for him, referring to trump. The question is are there people for whom he is a good option . Bloom is supposed one of those people that trump would like to ru run with. Senator corker want im told that trump is doing a lot of what past president ial candidates have done, hes asking peoples opinions, hes hear lots of different names, people like Condoleezza Rice that they wont do it. In the same way he had released a Supreme Court nominee list to satisfy conservatives, they know it has to be a conservative that people can rally around. It alleviates the concerns of the Republican Party. I have spoken to sources at the rnc who say they have no idea who hes going to pick. They have no idea whats going on at this point. They have circled the wagons, corker was high on that list, but corker is saying hes concerned. But the list is narrowing down to a very small group of people. Newt gingrich and scott brown. Its not the more established establishment figures that the Party Nominee would have wanted theres mary fallon that has been thrown into the mix. People have said that naming a woman would look like hes pandering. And he doesnt want to look like a panderer. In this unusual electoral season, isnt it odd that there arent a lot of people willing to take the number two slot of one of the main parties . He must pick a conservative. But also the people at the top of the party say he must pick someone unambiguously qualified and some of the names you mentioned would not take it. But they have to be loyal. Hes not going to pick somebody whos not loyal. He spent a lot of time talking about the vice presidency and we just love to do this. Apparently he met back stage in las vegas with the head of the Republican Party in utah who said we have to go to plan tea, how to deal with the downballot races, and this is a guy who spoke face to face with trump. Before a guy we thought that would be on the Vice President ial list is marco rubio. Mr. Miami, what do you hear . I think hes going to run and i think hes going to do shortly and hes been mulling it over and i think hes come to the realization that florida is the bla place that he could still win and hes not running, then florida may go democrat. High risk that he loses to bad things. Trump could beat him twice. And as hes trying to game it out. At close to the top of the list of reasons not to do it, every day hell be asked about donald trump. Is that the way he wants to have his career potentially end . More likely than not he can win. And nothing makes it tougher than donald trump. He needs a platform of some kind. And a Corner Office at a lobbying firm is not the platform. But republicans need if anybody can overperform trump by 4 or 5 points, its Mitch Mcconnell. Thats all we have for today, happy fathers day for those folks in orlando and those victims. Well be back next week because if its sunday, its meet the press. Nbc 10 news starts now. The gun control battle back to the forefront for lawmakers from capitol hill to new jersey statehouse. A pipe bomb forces the ev evacuation of a Philadelphia Police station. Well tell you hoy a man managed to get it in the building. This morning, 12 girls are inv n protective custody after being rescued from a bucks county home. Now were hearing from neighbors them to call police. Its 4 00 a. M. This monday morning. Good morning. This is nbc 10 news today. Im tracy davidson. Lets start the day right. Checking in with meteorologist

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