In the package as he sees it teacher raises increases for mental health and keeping the school security $100000000.00 more on the president's hand keeping the visit Florida tourism agency going for another year we'll see how it settles out once it hits the legislature in January hepatitis alert still going on in Florida Florida Department of Health with the latest numbers at the end of last week over $3000.00 cases now in Florida 51 and new cases of last week alone run down say the largest number of new cases that week in Duvall County counties leading the state overall Pascoe Pinellas and believes the county's vaccinations are available talk to your doctor for your latest Local News I'm Dave Barry. Stuck in traffic. Coming to special Tuesday is special because it is a trump and Tuesday presented by Nissan that because we have 2 presidents in the studio with us tonight former President George w. Bush Mr Bush please see an current president Mr President if you please get. Somebody help George up off the floor there if you will Ok so it is trouble Tuesday get ready you're also in the studio Kathy Sandeman Senos sit down with us today. In the studio I am Christopher Hart Jeff is on the bridge 407-774-8255 is the number of and yes indeed we do have the president and he's going to regale us with a little bit he on his usual ukulele here in a moment but as we went into the brain. I was telling you that he is also also the author of war on fear he used the pen name John Morgan to write the book War on fear and. But it is an excellent book and you know a lot of people are dealing with a lot of stress and just anxiety in their lives and where do you find where to find relief from yours telephotos if you would well I found out that fear is a phantom basically what happens is we have a thought and then fear projects a worst case scenario in front of our imaginary eyes about the future but that future isn't written yet and if you can just realize that that fear is phony it's a fake it's a phantom and you can walk straight through it right chances of the fear imagination that you think coming true are very very low you know people say if you took your worries and put them in a box and went back a month later and looked at them you wouldn't even remember what you were worried if you laugh about it. Now I love the way he spells this out in the book it's like Fear is a wall it's a barrier Yes and it's he says it's a phantom barrier you see you look at it and you think oh my God how can I get through that and then but it's once you realize that it's this in your mind you walk through it so mazing keeps people from accomplishing the dreams of their heart right that's why it's so insidious reminds me of the Democrats. And they'd. Be Satan making you have fear Oh absolutely because he has said some words on your spirit and he works on your mission senior analysts that absolute and that could be causing you to deviate from a normal perspective to their full course John and that's that's part of it is the spiritual end of it absolutely it's both biological and spiritual So in the book I delve into understanding both angles of it because even grasp. Deal with fear you know every thing that God created has a fear mechanism that's right fight or flight crocodile brain structure that's just biological sure you know it keeps us alive right now and I have a quote in the book my own quote fear can keep you from falling off a cliff but it can also keep you from climbing a mountain and it's very good book War on fear where can people get it where they can get it at war on fear Book dot com or they can pick it up on Amazon and that's a 5 star book right and you know it's well worth it you know this is a gift giving season and this is an appropriate gift to give to anybody and get your teenage kids or college kids or read this because it's going to be so applicable the rest of their life and this is the time so they won't become cupcakes were victims when they go to college absolutely all these people filling them with the liberal garbage that they are filled with so I'll tell you something else to people a lot of guys like me don't like to read one of my so I wrote a book that I want to read it's it's pithy it's as I'm a comedian so I do a lot of humor and it's got stories it's this my storytelling the things that cause me to be afraid and what I did to overcome it so it it moves very quickly you learned what you need to learn and you move on and people really love it I've got great great reviews if you go on Amazon and look at the reviews you'll see everything you need to see right there all right so it's war on fear Book dot com right or just pick it up on Amazon Amazon Ok then once again he's going to be with us throughout the show here and little bit we're going to you'll you'll see you'll see a little tune on your with your ukulele there Mr President because I am just singing Bush. Is about in fact I think Mr Bush has written a ditty for Mr Trump has he not there's something like this that's actually true yes it's called Ode to Donald Trump maybe we can talk him into doing that one for us so the. President is going to be sunrise next week a week from tonight Randi you guys are going to be there in the I'm excited we're taking the hash tag Titan 45 down there and the night before actually yeah so you'll probably find us at the Breakers at a seafood dinner. But now what you can be not easy to get in we'll go down there the night before we'll go to the thing will be back the next you know the next night we have to be back home and I mean my dog trumpy can only take care of himself so long my friend and neighbor Laura takes care of them but we're excited to go down there and this is the 1st time actually we'll be reporting on behalf of Salem media in Florida outside of the villages you should you know we're excited. To know so we're pretty excited to be going down there and doing this in Florida and I think it's going to happen a lot more times than any of us expect to happen sort of crowded but the really good it is I think that's a strategy of the president and the campaign is to go into spaces that might be a little bit uncomfortable but at the same time we can still went door to door baby and door to door grassroots wins elections that's right and by the way you can get tickets you don't have to live in that area to get tickets you can go to Donald Trump dot com and get tickets if you'd like to go down there and it's scheduled to begin 7 o'clock a week from tonight what's that. So it's it's a situation where anybody can go to the rally and if you haven't been to a truck rally I highly recommend that you do go to a trump rally because if you would take care of that with Jeff Cathy and so so once again the president and sunrise and I presume will just sort of skip a hop away from our law go who will go over tomorrow Lago for Thanksgiving Debbie Wassermann will be attending I don't think so but I do know that the time to choose out listen there's 20000 people that can get inside the stadium and when we were in Texas that was a pretty big event so this could be huge I mean I think there's a ton of people that are planning on coming down to south. Florida for this and what a wonderful opportunity for our are to show our support for this president in our state you know the state and the state senate f.a. You down there to get those college students and say Mr President calling it welcome rally and there's nothing more than that at your Bradley it's the most but you can have standing up there it is so once again that will be one week from tonight and Sunrise Florida All right so let's go to Diane on the line and I presume she is in New Jersey Hey Diane how you doing tonight I'm great Actually I'm in Fayetteville right now right outside of Fort Bragg Oh I came from New Jersey and I'm telling you what those people up in New Jersey And Randi you have to hear this they are all about Trump that is awesome so I mean this is the whole Democratic area that I know and my relative peace relative up there they they've all been Democrat since the beginning of time and they are not going to vote for a Democrat so they're turning to President Trump How about How do you like that Mr President I knew it would happen you know people they got to do this they hear that message see the results and bam it's all going to happen again it's going to have a. Family yet and they've been like with after me and they know they see what's coming down the pike with the Dems and they're all about Trump they're even vandals it's bad to say but they're vandalizing signs and putting Trump. Well Ok well that's the cranberry statement of the president that you know that is also that really New Jersey to the woodstove is really because today that they would start as drop ride and use we had Thank you so much for being there. Are No one save graduation to call Jackson on still do a good that yes that's going to be it's going to be a great double. On Friday nights here. 915 f. And 94.9 Well that's great news for New Jersey and I wondered if maybe some had been going on up there because one of the 2 Democrats who are still siding with the Republicans after all of this and voted no against this inquisition. See what's coming in she was from the New Jersey she's from New Jersey that's right Ok All right thank you Diana appreciate the heads up on that. Thank you so much Ok so. Once again you know the people are as dumb as the Democrats take them for and that is a huge mistake. In this day and age and you might have been able to get away with that in the past like maybe one of your predecessors right Mr President you know this is a bear Ok And people don't want socialism I mean you a few like. That with his radicals out there that they want to turn our country into but the majority of people by far they of freedom they love freedom they don't want to give it away for some silly end you know that even no one is going to last right because we're going to run out of money and then we just stuck. By the way the Inquisition has resumed and it appears as though right now. And and what do you what do you call him. Shifty or having a little and some neck that's it for you go that's right there appear to have been having a little back and forth here. As the round robin questioning was scheduled Did you notice I think he is I think it did you notice him Joran was affective as any attorney without a jacket you're better believe it I think Iraq's what's interesting about did you notice. Former Police Chief Demings Yes And you know what's so interesting 1st of all get that wigs straight you're going to put a weight on don't get crooked and number 2 if you're going to come after the president least come up with a new theme Ok her theme is the. Same every day I go on her Twitter I go on her Facebook I go on everything every day she's constant going after this president the cut the job of the Congress is to keep the them in line but at the same time they have other priorities let's get the budget passed there's all kinds of different things they could do that are more important when she gets something done and I get something done let's let's go to a break Jeff so we can kind of see what's going on here when we come back we have a contest challenge for you we'll get the president here to sing us a little diddy and we have some other news of the day as well some good news from. Here about that I did he's not going to be. Looking. Well we just told you about that. Because next we'll take a break you are listening the American officers radio show on a troubling Tuesday presented by Sutherland Nissan and don't forget subtle Nissan is also the sponsor of the Titan 45 hash tag Titan 45020 truck ladies and gentlemen if you would like to have a break on that truck just go to our Facebook page and message Kathy or send us an e-mail our Web site it will make it happen we'll be right back with more of the a this week where they are on Trump and Tuesday presented by Sutherland Nissan and once again the the Inquisition has resumed and we missed the fireworks so we missed the good part anyway there has been no good part is just boring stuff that's driving people nuts if anything about be good for the retail industry is people get out of the house or go out it was a 100 or so to get away from dust Dodd said let's go to the line right now we have Linda Tripp's scene on the line and she of course is the chair of the Republican Executive Committee Seminole County lento What's up tonight she how are you going you are going to hear from you think you're giving me I'm not going to that you College Republican meeting your. Even tonight all right that's cool. Now I do that on the cat on campus the actual you see of campus they're all felafel Yeah Ok yeah they meet every day they had me as a guest speaker a week ago they had someone from the Republican Jewish Coalition my 3 I think this is a bigger Mike there in a room so. I just want to give a shout out to Linda because you know I follow her on Facebook I follow the Summit County Republican Executive Committee and she's done a fantastic job of engaging at every level and you know I know she's not paid for the job so she's out there working every weekend trying to do voter registration which we all know is so critical to this process so Linda great job keep it up well thank you so much thank you and I can walk when I got to make sure I want to work but we have to turn this ship around in the middle now and that's why we're working so hard Well how can people in several counties join your efforts. Well I would encourage them to phone book. But if they are going to comment on to you know be done or. Not or failing one of the best way to get a hold of me I don't give out my skull function call or text me or to thank them by force and I get them kind of. 407-267-5747 you know that the last time you had me on and I shared my phone number I had several people reach out so I really appreciate that and by the way I was we had been the other night we were at the castle Barry craft beer and blue and a gentleman came up to me and said Oh I hear you I mean we're going to have a very trying to convey all of those really pretty. High she was at a craft beer thing I might have 0 use when you have a bottle. I'm going to let go we have a special a fan of yours in the studio would you like to say hello to Linda Greetings Linda it's me. She's. All right so when when is your next meeting. Our meeting is. A little bit more than a banner to Ronald Reagan meeting Thank you so many and networking it it's 30 and we are having a national meeting making your name and I guess we need a replacement on the Republican National Committee that trump victory and if anybody doesn't follow him he has this amazing thing called the back what is that the backhoe Chronicles out front of the end is absolutely hysterical if you're not following Peter fim and you really do need to be falling on your last name is it female or Freeman It's a man being human even though it looked like. It's f.e.a. Or f a e. Yeah he's fantastic. People are so but this will be Thursday night at the east Mont civic center you said the doors open at 630. Ok. Time to the few people come to St. I'm going to hear from our new I feel I have to compete with George having Ok All right so that's Thursday at the east Civic Center I will have fun with the u.c. F. Republicans tonight give them our best shot and we don't thank you gentlemen really appreciate all you do and I appreciate what you do as well so you know it is great she's out to see Randy I know it every 2 years I've been here on. These boats Ok as the Inquisition goes on so does business and the world 2 professors were freed by the Taliban in a prisoner exchange for 3 of their own that were released by the Afghan government one of these professors they were both American university professors in Afghanistan one was from American United States the other was from Australia both had been held I think about 3 years. And this was seen as a goodwill gesture or between and the Afghan government and the Taliban even though Americans were involved to try to work out some sort of arrangement so that the in this war there can end. Sweden has now declined to pursue an investigation into Julian as songes rape charges and they had done this before if not mistaken had dropped the charges before and then reinstated the charges and now it dropped him again presumably for good now he is doing time in a British lockup but now evidently when he gets out of that he's a free man how many years ago. It was it was a one year going to know it was a one year sentence for I think contempt of court really I think is what we're. Now he still as you know jeopardy and the United States because there are still people after him with Wiki Leaks And on that but his legal jeopardy in Europe would be greatly diminished if this holds true speaking of legal jeopardy 2 guards that were on duty the night of Jeffrey Epstein's demise shall we say have been charged today with falsifying records and lying to authorities about what they did on that night mountain where they had other prior night amounts Rebecca mean to him though if they can trace these people back to who's who hire them and who was in that it was that they were sleeping on the job and lying about it well and they had been doing it on numerous occasions evidently. There was a crack there and so this in other words that mean asleep that night wasn't necessarily unusual. And this is a problem by the way at prisons and jails around the country where they are tremendously understaffed and it's not a great place to work and when you've got a lot of other job opportunities out there. You might rather work there than in a prison where would you really want me to believe that with this high profile of a can't play or somewhere in the I don't buy it for a 2nd that they fell asleep accidentally with the guy down the hall him some money better than the cameras weren't working. They are closing Rikers Island by the end of the year because it is a dilapidated facility where a lot of things don't work there's a smoking noose here somewhere. But there is there's every reason to believe that that place was falling apart there was no discipline amongst the guards there and nobody cared. I wonder if that's why they put him the judge the judge doesn't decide where the prisoner really gets him break it is really do Linda Tripp seen texted me to let me know that they have in fact now open up ticket sales for the states can Stener down and let you know if one of the $350.00 is the ticket price so that she and I'll give Kathy the information to put it up on it's actually cheaper than expected it this is for the Florida Republican president and everything else I will never give it up can't be. On the tickets go on sale $350.00 starting price Yeah Ok that's a decent for the $7.00 and the president will be the keynote speaker so you've got a busy schedule this is this what are aren't you Mr President fundraising baby. Can see this what it's all about we'll be right back with more of the show and the town by the president. 94 point night. With us are a new design Peters in Washington u.s. And South Korean officials on Tuesday publicly acknowledge the allies remain far apart in negotiations for increasing South Korea's contributions to the costs for maintaining the American military presence on its soil u.s. Negotiator James diehard says the u.s. Side decided to cut short a meeting that lasted less than 2 hours because souls proposals quote were not responsive to our request for a fair and equitable burden sharing souls foreign ministry said Washington has been calling for a drastic increase in South Korea's contributions which the country finds unacceptable the turbulent negotiations come at a delicate time for the Allies which face a growing North Korean threat and have squabbled over souls' declaration to terminate a 2016 military intelligence sharing pact with Japan amid a bilateral Rao on Wall Street the Dow down by 102 points this is a new. Nearly here from vacation travel planners a member of cruise planners with the latest vacation to come on cruises from 249 per cent or how about a 7 night Alaskan cruise from $649.00 per person on Celebrity Cruises book about 20 or higher on a 7 night select Caribbean. The sailings and receive specialty dinner for $23.00 pre-paid on select sailing oceanic cruises sandals and beaches elitism resorts are up to 65 percent off give free pre-paid gratuities on select Avalon waterways river cruises give us a call at 321514777 that's 321-251-4777 extension 00 sit us advocation travel planners dot com Keep listening to the American adversaries for new travel specials every week. a trip and Tuesday presented by Sutherland Nissan and don't forget they got the brand new 2020 model years and still got some 29000 model years and. Prima pre driven model years ago at all it's subtle and Nissan he's going to drive and Chickasaw trail please do check him out and don't forget Toys for Tots any age any gender new unwrapped toy please drop it off there and tell him you heard about him on the American have a series a radio show and thank him for sponsoring the show if you would to please Iran Iraq and his studio Kathy sentiment say No John Morgan aka Donald j. Trump aka George w. Bush in the studio with us Mike Matheny studio myself Christopher hard Jeff is on the bridge 407-774-8255 is the number and not only is the president an excellent author once again the book War on fear he is also a great song writer an improviser and so he's got a little o 2 it's the 2 Donald Trump now this is from one president to another and I get that right. Just because appreciate the difficulty of being in the free world later and I wanted to write don't because you know he wasn't a politician he was schooled in the art of compromise thank God and. So. Was it was it an unease Marion's here now this song is you know I didn't write the music I actually borrowed the music from Leonard Cohen who wrote this song and the 1st time I heard it was I think I noticed it a 3rd time I watched the movie Shrek. Right well here is from one president to another to Donald Trump. 'd there is a man his name is Trump. Kicks my baby brother's room. It was true. Jumbo energy her chips feel and she had to go home and take a nap. Would you don't really care for. Politics do you. But you hung into. The cake your strategic is to make this great. As to moves a should never. Lose. They a great little ditty there was very little have to carve that out there is the question although yes absolutely it work and people see this they can go to my You Tube channel I have no idea how to get. 33030 just getting them. To find it and will post it on our Facebook page do you go is my name is John Morgan My Twitter handle is Bush and Bush guy and on my Facebook page also John Morgan and I got an Instagram and I got a Twitter and I got a Facebook and a and a do snap chat and all that stuff that Bush guy I'm going to find Jason on. Show war on fear by the way is the book that he has written a. War on fear Book dot com or war on fear on Amazon Ok how about the contest challenge that's Ok there about it Ok what the contest is very simple here and here give me a headstart you know we're all looking into our political future for candidates of what we want you to come up with is who will the candidates the nominees be for 2024 easy who will be the Republicans who will be the Democrat you could choose one or the other a boat and just give us a line or 2 I'm going to go for the Democrat side I'm going to choose let me see I have Chelsea Clinton is vice president and then I'm going to have Bernie as president because he's going to be pushed into that position by Hillary knowing who would be about 85 then he won't be here very long so again another Clinton wind up is present the United States that's who I'm going to run with a. As my Democrat nominees who are yours how about you Mr President do you think a. Great authority on this even though you've got to give Nancy a 2 I think it's police see if she's still alive. That's what we're looking for. A one way to get her out of the Be as speaker of the house so. Hopefully she won't be around and course just reelecting Donald Trump is not our only goal next year of course it's the main goal but our secondary goal is to retake the House and of course we have to hold on to the Senate but that should be a done deal but nothing is ever a done deal in politics or college football just ask the Nittany Lions we're going to miss Minnesota and we know what we're facing Frank's team Ohio State this week and we are in big trouble not somebody else that's in big trouble right now is the Iranian regime we were talking about this with Katzman yesterday you had a guest on expert on Iran this morning talking about it and it is not beyond reason to think that this regime may be teetering on the brink of collapse its 40 year old regime it's very it's always a Puritan istic dictatorial regime that is. Not what the young people of Iran want and the I believe the population of. Only young exacted 30 percent are under 30 years. And they know about the West they like Levi's jeans they like rock n roll they like special wrestling and I presume they like Donald Trump and they're doing things that are they're extraordinary in the face of the tyrannical government that they live under. A guest on his show this morning was talking about how a woman climbed a pole to rip down a death to America signs. Imagine the trouble she's in if they catch her we won't see her but you know we're concerned because the men that run the country are sold in everything are idle logs I just wonder if they would push them into a terrible war because of the fact here's the problem they have here's the problem they have it was spelled out we've been talking about it with a but the guys spelled it out this morning on You show their economy is shrinking at a rate of 12 percent a year which is devastating devastating and with the sanctions that the president has put on them they are no longer able to spend their money abroad creating trouble rad to provide for people at home and that's why they had to jack up the double the price of gasoline or leaders have accounts and all other many other countries which we can shut down and have and we would really irritate him to the ultimate point we have put a definitely put a restriction on their cash flow and it is showing and this wouldn't be beautiful Mr President if this foreign policy achievement were to suddenly blossom right here in the middle of all of this nonsense I think you'd be fantastic in fact you know I remember in 2003 just tell me your Thanksgiving I want to over there to encourage the troops to eat a little turkey with the boys and to prove to the world that George Bush doesn't have a retina phobia. And when we landed you know there was no lights on the plane no lights on the ground it was pitch black I won't say we hit anything but Lauren I got new camel hair coats out of the deal. And after after I was there a while I wanted to go out for a job so that I could come home and say I went to Iraq and Iran and I know. Thank you Mr President Randi Once again I'm Chink the news for the dinner well the news is that the tickets are finally on sell so I have given I texted the information to Kathy she's going to put it on. Our Facebook page and I'm sure Matt will put it on our website and that would be a wonderful opportunity you know that tickets are very reasonably priced can be down in Miami though it's not going to be her Lando and you get to see the president up front and personal this is for the Republican Party of Florida's annual fund raising dinner and this is the one that had been scheduled and then rescheduled and the venue changed and now it will be in South Florida the tickets are on sale 300 dollars 350 dollars per seat and once again to President himself will be the keynote speaker at this event on December 7th so go to our Facebook page that's American adversaries on Facebook to find out more details as we get more details we will give them to you don't know yet if there will be any v.i.p. Tickets for opportunities every picture taken with the president or not presumably there will be but we're just going to be so this is a $25000.00 I would imagine it's going to end up there but anyway when we get more news we will let you know but this is just coming out this evening once again the kangaroo court is continuing on Capitol Hill it appears as though one of the Republicans is in the process of asking questions right now or at least a point of order and once again if we see anything that is of note worthiness we will let you know in the meantime we'll take a break and don't forget when we wrap it up here in just a few minutes Larry Elder will be following us up and don't forget starting this Friday following up on Friday night for a great 2 hour show called Jackson is back in town that's right ladies and gentlemen and that starts this Friday right here we'll be right back. The. 94.9. Chris heart here you know I always bring you the best companies that improve your life and. Now I want to introduce you to Dr Ronald Travis on any of lifetime teeth today Orlando's trusted board certified oral surgeon for over 20 years if you need dental implants or surgery this is the guy and this is the place to go receive the highest level of dental implant care from a trusted oral surgeon and by the way his patients love him I can eat everything and I enjoy life much more I really do I don't have to worry about today caring for anything we had corn on the care of us tonight where the feeling is it made my toes curl up Dr Travis sunny one office one day life time teeth today multiple locations call 407-598-8141 Dr Travis sunny Orlando's trusted board certified oral surgeon show that smile again call 407-598-8141 today on line at Dr Travis sunny dot com. Everyone knows cafe pose a ton of makes the most authentic Italian food in central Florida and the owner squally Barber is proud to share his family's delicious Prezza piece with your family and that includes you were working family cafe Poza Tonto is the perfect place for your corporate lunch it's separate fine dining area is ideal for your business meeting great price with bushel dishes that will impress everyone call 487-774-8084 your next business lunch and or tell your boss let's go where they have the most authentic Italian food in central Florida café poser Tano . Ladies and gentleman we all know that one of the biggest investments we'll make in life is the house we choose to make our home so why make this investment without knowing exactly what you're getting into that's were all because of firm foundation home inspections comes in he'll make sure that excitement over the purchases. A house or rental property or commercial property doesn't turn into a nightmare after you take the keys to get the most thorough and complete inspection go to Orlando's home inspector dot com or just call at 321-624-0254 Don't roll the dice on your home purchase remember call recon at 321-624-0254. Our families or the neighborhood radio show coming to you live on a truck and Tuesday visited by settling Nissan and over again on Thursday it is contest Thursday presented by images all those and they now have their new super detailing store open at 1819 That's 8019 South Orange Avenue which is right there at Sand Lake Road and they get everything I have bought brush in there the other day that I use not for cleaning cars but it's great for cleaning anything so they've got stuff there you can use for Met multitudes of pervy I was in there today Chris getting my answer shine and they have clarity now which c.e.o. That's right what you're talking she's talking about the store right the there was a lot of time on spring right at 510 north state road for 34 dollars to get 10 sure every Tuesday when there's really had scabs help yourself yeah that's right and don't forget every Tuesday and Thursday if you mentioned you heard about the altar shine package on the American adversaries radio show you get a huge discount this huge that is huge and Kathy yet she was run into today by a duck and it left a stretch a sketch artist what was it that would only happen to me I didn't run into the the daiquiri and and. I mean literally flew in trying to panel of my car room Hassinger side and when I looked in my rearview mirror he was stunned he was on the side of the road and there wasn't any I don't think and he laughed like it was an athletic like wing on the side or it looked like a curved when it was a scratch scratch he does not mean the wing of the boat it looked like you could tell him you know there was you know something or a murderer so I took it to him in just the south after noon I asked for the altar sign Thank you Ted you did announce standing in. My car looks great you can't see the scratch it's beautiful there you go. I think he was Ok but I'm not 100 percent sure I'm sorry I said I actually did take him to right then I think sure she's a good American. That's right all Christmases should have taken about a year to catch. Minister here in early Thanksgiving dinner Ok so the. The dog and pony show continues but the Democrats once again are not making their case not only are the ratings going down but the support for this even the ink so-called inquiry is going down and we are during the break Fox one the hearing was during this break I was talking about there was a I believe they said it was a Monmouth it was Monmouth one of the other major polling organizations its numbers and showed that Democrats have not moved the needle not one bit and shams ratings have actually gone out and. You know whatever side of raising as well this is just going to continue to diminish the numbers are just no way they can rise in the Semisphere particular With Thanksgiving coming up and headed to Christmas sorry work right and then the i.g. Report right Chris Filippi Yeah that's right really well plastered with no matter how in fact the i.g. Report should come out prior to the 11th because it's on the 11th they're going to have you confront the Senate Judiciary Committee and that should be very interesting as well there using this as a front they know what's coming and well this is just being vindictive some of the Republicans know this is the law and right going to find out it's great when you've got the truth on your side you can be very comfortable. But one thing that's happened today that is happened before and that is that these people they come and the Democrats and they themselves in their opening remarks tell us how smart they are and then they proceed to tell us how much they didn't know about what was going on how very smart if you don't know right now and you really weren't in the room I guess that's what they were except for the party right and I mean and then the night he thinks he's got to get over he's a woman arrogant and he was very yeah and he certainly thinks that his opinion should be valued higher than others. And other people got the message but once again the Democrats just aren't delivering on anything that would rise to the level of impeachment much less be really understandable Chris how are you going to respond to your contests constituency when you're home at Christmas and they ask you about what did your party do for the last 3 years. Well. Rumors sure terms of the Democrats control in the house and be the last one year but none the less point well taken and that is that they've been fighting this president all along and by the way Attorney General Barr has made a couple of speeches here recently one was Friday and the other was just a few days before that where he talks about the resistance to the resistance and how these people were out to sabotage president Trump's administration they called it a coup de they came right out and called it that now to be sure part of politics is all about you know trying to outdo the other fellow or trying to keep them from doing something you don't want them to do but this is been taken to a whole different level where everything they're accusing the President Trump of doing that is using misusing the power of his office had been done against him against you Mr President and it's a situation where the truth is coming out but you can see every day they go to extraordinary lengths to point out that everything that Rudy Giuliani was finding out about everything that the president was worried about was simply a a conspiracy theory which is does lay the groundwork for when the truth comes out there is going to say oh this is more that conspiracy theory but the tide will begin to turn in a most profound way when really i.g. Report comes out to come out and reflect on how dangerous this was to the American society the way that the Democrats have handled the last few years very dangerous to your democracy bar is putting it in terms that. The president has been saying himself and sort of more broad strokes he's giving more definition to in other words when he says this is harming the nation dividing the people you know Barr is really you know so. Emphasizing that in his own way and he's right and the media is you know criticizing him left and right anybody that is working hard to uncover the truth the media is working hard to. Remember how that lambasted Ken Starr and the base indeed indeed and one of their favorite targets now is at least since the stuff on it the young lady from New York who's on this committee who asked the tough questions and when and when got into it with shift himself a little bit over is he going to allow them to ask questions and get answers so. It's a situation where nothing's changed today we'll see what happens tomorrow the Democrats have been putting a lot of stock into what this fellas is going to be saying because he was one of the key players and whatever they think they're trying to prove so he will be asked about the phone calls that others have said they overheard the president saying he didn't give a crap about the Ukraine and other things of that nature and so perhaps it'll be a little bit more interesting tomorrow we'll see Chris we're going to begin to make them or I guess everybody's forgot about the Democratic debate tomorrow night and I know even though. It will be tomorrow night and they're dead then I. Don't want to share the level of no one even though it's the morning least Mayor Pete should probably play a larger role 'd because he has been as they say surging and the polls so presumably maybe more questions will be directed to him and the other candidates may choose to go after him all the way through the tulips just like you whether you have a. Tiny Pete Pete. We don't have the time to take your phone call tonight but appreciate you being out there and calling Don't forget Thursday night's contest challenge is who do you think the 2024 candidates for president will be should be a fun one and that will be come up with either party candidates or both parties for we're there as well as the Republicans and maybe you'll have an independent in there as well and of course we'll have a great prize package for you on Thursday and over get Trump in Tuesday's are presented by Sutherland Nissan they're located that he's calling the drive and Chickasaw trail and please help us fill up their big old Toys for Tots box out there and when you're thinking about gifts how about war on fear the excellent book a Bloomberg Business flash. You're listening to Bloomberg Businessweek with their own answer and Jayson Kelley on Bloomberg Radio. I listen to little Business Week economics now the team is here Kathleen Hays global and I was in policy editor for Bloomberg along with the l.a. Nischelle that she has seen us economists for Bloomberg economics just took a big deep breath. Here they are here they are they're going to set the world right they're going to tell us what we should be thinking about here on a Tuesday afternoon no pressure guys but you're here to solve every one of the world's problems you all started about marking the start with the part right all right.

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