The fire in brighton quickly led to three alarms. The firefighters were on the roof i could see the flashlights and i could see that there was a lot of smoke inside and i could see that there were a lot of them out there. Just after 730 on friday the focused her to the firefighters inside be we are having trouble getting in there. At least one personal alarm was sounded and crews were worried that some of their own were trapped in the lat at it. We heard a couple of alarms going off time is of the essence. We called mayday. Firefighters went into search and rescue mode and everyone was accounted for. As it turns out fire officials said a system feature may have triggered the scare. If you stand still and you dont move for 30 seconds the alarm signifies to the alarm type of trouble. Not everyone is accounted for, of course. We will look into this further. Tonight seven adults have missing. A cigarette is to blame live in Brighton Julie loncich developing now a state trooper to the rescue after a teenager fell through the nice. His friends formed a human chain to keep them about the water Joseph Abboud is working on this. This is a dramatic scene the 15yearold was trying to receive a retrieve a soccer ball. He weighed about 220 pounds and he fell through the ice. Several friends held on to him and formed a human chain but they couldnt get them out. That is when the trooper the boy out of the water and over a wall to safety. He was in shock, basically. He couldnt move. When i assisted his friends we pulled him up by his arms and we got them out of the water onto the ground. I was happy i was nearby. I was able to get to the scene. Quickly. It was a Job Well Done by everyone involved. This kid was lucky he was neck deep in the water but is expected to be okay. He is thankful to his friends and the trooper that showed up just in time to live in the satellite center, paula ebben it is snowing out there and but after this we will get a big warm up over the weekend three eric fisher is tracking a new system that could bring rain and snow next week. Downs in the forecast snow is coming down outside the radar saw the snowfall but not all of it is reaching the ground. Spotty areas of snow moving through in particular on the north shore reports of a moderate snowfall. All the way up to Hampton Manchester marblehead seeing snow falling down and it is tonight. The temperatures are borderline and its up to 37 on the vineyard 36 in new bedford and the temperatures will climb overnight. The snow showers will change to rain showers moving to tomorrow morning. A great start to the day and as we head into the afternoon we will work its more sunshine and warmer temperatures. 13 inches overnight good for ski country for saturday morning pay both days your 50 a look at the forecast coming up in a few minutes. Murdered the case was called then an arrest. Tonight the verdict. Im mad as hell and im not going to take it. Tonight her family wonders what the jury didnt see. The victims husband said without a conviction there is no end to the nightmare. Lisa is live with an exclusive interview. Luisa . Tony told me he has been dealing with this tragic death four years. The rumors that he was the prime suspect and after todays acquittal he firmly believes his wifes killer has been set free. I wouldnt be shocked. I was sitting there with eileens sister and she broke down. It has been 42 years since his young wife was killed and in a matter of hours tony said alonso got three was acquitted of the murder. Im mad as hell. Going to take it be what happened in this trial was a travesty of justice. Was. In 1974 eileen was found in her home with her neck slit from ear to ear. Four decades later they linked a. Of blood found at the crime scene to guthrie he had a previous rape conviction but it remained unmentioned at the trial. That was the ruling of the judge. She didnt feel it was a similar enough crime. The jury found possibility in the argument that guthrie could have cut himself moving furniture the day before the crime. There is enough doubt not despite the claims that a murderer was set free tony hopes that her memories will live on a beautiful woman. A wonderful girl. I cant say enough about her i love her then i left her now. The victim of the rape for which guthrie was convicted sent him a letter and said she was set to testify before the judges ruling three heartbreaking update a fivemonthold baby girl hit by a car died. Her mother is badly injured. She is still in the hospital the accident happened as they tried to cross the street last night. The driver stopped and is cooperating with the police and no charges have been filed. A 19yearold from framingham is charged with an assault. He surrendered today and has to with a student in a freshman dorm. They are looking for a second suspect. It was not random. Campaign 2016 the next test in the race for the president republican by mary in South Carolina hours away where donald trump leads. Ted cruz is gaining ground. In nevada the Democratic Caucus and this apparently is too close to call between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. The weekend could mark a turning point in the campaign per by this time tomorrow we should have the results and ken macleod is following the campaign tonight another night and another triumph for donald trump. Donald trump easley to clinging to a leah South Carolina while the democrats break even in vegas. Boycott apple. Donald trump is urging americans to boycott apple until they help the government a lot the cell phone of one of the San Bernardino attackers be about speaking is fine. One problem is im a straight i tell it straight and i tell it like it is. He once held a double digit lead in South Carolina and a poll shows him five points ahead of ted cruz three the next 24 hours we tried to to determine if the next generation will have the same constitutional liberties everyone of us has been blessed to enjoy. Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders are neck and neck in nevada at of the suck caucuses. Ahead of the caucuses. We have a lot of impact. Nevada is more than 25 latino and Immigration Reform is a major concern. I want people to come out of the shadows underperform and register and i want them to be on a path to citizenship. Sanders agrees. If congress does not do its job we will use the executive orders inherent in the presidency. While a democratic dead heat out west solves nothing some republican stragglers may find themselves out of gas. Rubio and push need a good showing. We wonder if they will all still be income sunday. David . Thank you stay with us tomorrow night for results from both South Carolina and nevada. Join us at 11 for john kellers analysis. After tomorrow super tuesday is march 1. 13 states including ours will hold by marys or caucuses with nearly 1 4 of the delegates needed for the nomination up for grabs. Today resident obama joined thousands paying respects to the late justice scalia. They paused in front of his casket at the Supreme Court and private Funeral Services will be held tomorrow. If you have information to help police that she bank write you a 20,000 check it doubles the report for the so called incognito bad. The slender africanamerican man is in dark clothes and wears socks over his shoes and titans tellers with a black semiautomatic handgun. He has held up five banks so far and most recently. A College Student charged with road rage is getting treatment investigators say ian beagan pointed a gun at another driver. His attorney argued that ian beagan was scarred by his experience as a medic in afghanistan and the judge ordered him to get treatment at the va hospital. Still ahead terrifying moments. The train nearly hit a school bus full of students and the driver said he never saw coming. Broken pipes flooding a local hospital the patients may not be able to return soon. After snow tonight 50s this weekend and another storm next week. Coming up three secret the chemicals being added to wine minutes theyre one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its riggedt by wall street. And thats the problem. As long as washington is bought and paid for, we cant build an economy that works for people. Sanders im Bernie Sanders, terrifying video a close call on a school bus students posted this clip showing the driver crossing the Railroad Tracks just before a train barreled by. There were 42 kids on board. Good news no one was injured. The bus driver said the students were so loud he didnt hear the train. The district says thats not the case in the driver was suspended. Fee a hospital a pipe burst in the cold on sunday. This video has been sped up but you can see the water and debris flowing into the room. The va said most of the hospital should reopen monday. Some parts wont open for up to eight weeks. Heading into the weekend a little bit of snow falling out there right now three a little bit of everything snow and then it sounds like it will get warmer tomorrow. Yes, we are building a spring sandwich tonight is the first layer and 1 inch of total snowfall the billing is the spring temperatures near 50 and then we will top it off with snow late study night sunday night. Not big wintery stuff, more like spring. Tonight temperatures rose to freezing and you can see where through buffalo and pittsburgh into the 40s 60 at 11 00 in pittsburgh in the middle of february the snow we are watching is the leading edge of the warmer air. It hits the cold and rises create snowflakes. Tonight we are tracking some of those. A couple of bursts of snow moving through quickly. Hit or miss. Snowing from newberry port down to ipswich and crane speech we are picking about summertime manchester looking at snow and the boston area has lighter snowfall down at the snow sure a burst of snow down to hyannis but not a lot of accumulation. Temperatures will keep moving up and 1 inch of snow is all that will fall as we had to the overnight hours. 13 in new england good news for this your ears. Looking at this hour by hour heading toward tomorrow morning and the temperatures warm stone showers snow showers change to rain. Then we will work in showers late tomorrow into New Hampshire and central massachusetts. All told a pretty nice day. 55 in bed for tomorrow 54 in boston 40s in worcester and as well as the immediate coast the wind will come off the water. An isolated shower and breezy and mild wind out of the south southwest. Tomorrow night the temperatures state above freezing and on sunday no showers in the forecast again near 500. Still breezy the wind shifting off to the west north west but a pretty good weekend watching another system sunday night. Indications are that it raises us sunday night into monday morning. A coating or a couple of inches are possible. Not a huge impact on the monday morning commute but something to track this weekend be a large set up for next week it looks like we could get some freezing rain and snow light on wednesday and another storm track to the west thursday which means we could warm up again changing over to rain. That has been the way the storms have gone this winter. Thats it for now we will keep you updated. Also of note hurricane winston we are calling in a slight a cyclone this is moving over fiji as we speak and this is notable because it is the strongest cyclone ever recorded gusting over 200 miles an hour tonight. 67 day next week it will be chillier and we will keep you updated on the storm potential for the middle of the week. David and lisa over to you. You tonight the secret ingredients hidden in your favorite bottle of wine. These are things you will not find on the label catherine hazard is our source. A complex science step in the long process. Here i have wine from rhode island. A small one man operation making wine in truth berry but most of the wind that we buy is massproduced three the perception is you are taking fermented grape juice and that is not exactly the truth. We investigated how wine is being made upwards of 200 different compounds can be added to wine. When you drink a glass of wine, especially an inexpensive compounds and chemicals. Sugar, water, yeast. Some massproduced wines include mega purple to enhance the caller, tannins and extract and gelatin and the additive designed to kill any bacteria in the wine. Dangerous and has to be handled with special training be is legal but it doesnt have to be listed on the label. He would like to see this change. I know i want to know what im getting a drink. Labels should be required the same way they are with any food. We are fairly fairly well regulated. Sulfites are added to make sure that the wine will last three some winemakers let the ingredients be known on the website but that kind of transparency is required. You can skip most of the additives by going organically Kathryn Hauser wbz news. That brings us to the number of the night 42 a survey Shows Millennials drink 42 of all wine consumed in the us. More than any other generation. I feel like i have to do my coming up next baseball is back. I am dan roche here in fort myers we are talking about price, position, and pressure. I promise. vo want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase . At enterprise, we guarantee it. P head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales p and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. P change your thinking about sandwich and we had the wine story. Its all about who tonight this is what i dont get you got to go to the super bowl and dan gets go to florida. Lisa and i havent gone anywhere be you dont need to go anywhere your special. Hang out together. Day one for the pitchers and catchers in fort myers any sure sign that spring is on the way . Dan is lucky in fort myers as camp gets underway. Under sunny skies and the watchful eyes of the president david price stood out as the 217 million ace made it look effortless. Newly acquired closer Greg Kimbrell talked about the pressure of closing in a big market like boston. I look forward to it. The crowd getting loud its the into the game i want to a big story ramirez moving from left field to first base. Not everybody can play short. More likely a lot of people can play first. We have to play every day. Getting better. He was also asked if he has a lot to prove to the red sox fans after a tough 2015. Definitely. Ive got to hit more than 19 homers and we got to win the world series. Expect sandoval to show up today maybe david ortiz on monday as well the first workout is wednesday. With the red sox im dan roche three david lee getting back to work in utah after a nine day break. How about thomas . And he is fun to watch. This one stays close a layup there we go right there he got it done. Right now they are down before the half. Boston college womens hockey team this group deserves all the honors against. Another win today hockey champs on an incredible 33 and zero with one of regular season game the first Hockey Team Ever the wildcats got on the scoreboard and that brought the traditional throwing of the fish there was a hat trick left. Later. That is how it ended. That is how sports is. We will be right back. Before the weekend contest for the president ial candidates we take a look at the past week from donald trump taking on the pope and Hillary Clinton barking like a dog. I primarily like classical music. Does it matter what the candidates for . I like lincoln park and 21 pilots. Make what you will of his taste for pop you like edm . I do. Electronic dance music . Rubios affinity for the likes of Swedish House mafia interesting inaugural balls. Ted cruz . I just called to say i love you just to say i care. Stevie wonder is on line 3. Would unhappy americans flee the country if trump is elected . A canadian disc jockey is rolling out the welcome back urging refugees to relocate to cape breton island. And is the rhetoric the starting to get to you . You are the only one. The scary thing is i think i understand what they are trying to say. Will see if South Carolina and nevada voters like their messages tomorrow night. John keller at large wbz news. Well be right back with more. The world a president has to grapple with. Sometimes you cant even imagine. Thats the job. And shes the one whos proven she can get it done. Securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons. Standing up against the abuse of women. Protecting social security. Expanding benefits for the national guard. And Winning Health care for 8 million children. The presidency is the toughest job in the world and shes the one wholl make a real difference for you. One day a rider made a decision. The decision to ride on and save money. He decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. Theres no shame in saving money. Ride on, ride proud. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Waking up to a little snow . That it will stay a long long. It melts and we are up to 52 tomorrow afternoon. The perfect kind of snow. Yes. Big flakes. Have a great weekend. Captioning sponsored by cbs band playing late show theme stephen hey cheers and applause stephen welcome to the late show

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