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Overnight news. The rain totals are staggering. The rescue efforts as well. A noreaster joined forces with a storm system connected to hurricane joaquin, the result the worst rain parts of the carolinas have ever seen. At least five people have been killed. More than 200 rescues have taken place in South Carolina since saturday night. More than a foot and a half of rain fell in gills creek. 17 inches in the wateree river. 14 plus in charleston. 10 in columbia where highways and bridges are closed. Our reporter is there. Reporter it is an emergency situation in South Carolina. More than 100 water rescues have taken place sunday across the rainravaged state. Governor Nikki Haley Says the soaking is unprecedented. We havent seen this level of rain in the low country in 1,000 years. Columbia, the states capital, a dam break flooded thoroughfares stranding motorists trapped in vehicles. Some areas received up to 10 feet of water. Residents have been warned to stay off the roads. We caught up with the First Responder team from tennessee, trying to locate someone who was reportedly swept away by the floodwaters. You are getting multiple calls for help. But you cant get there. Right now we are frying to get to. Cant get to because of downed trees. Reporter the fire chief told wltx, our affiliate, the situation is dire. We are on a roadway that runs over gills creek, the creek has risen ten feet. Behind me there is a restaurant. Fabric shop, and bank. All of which are now filled with floodwater. In other parts of the state, roads have been washed away. And the department of transportation says, at least 251 roads and 105 bridges are closed. Including two arteries. Two dams have failed. 75 mile stretch of i95 is shut down. 600 National Guardmen have been activated. 8,000 on stand by. In charleston where a record 13 inches of rain has fallen since saturday. Evacuations and rescues continue. In north carolina, coastal flooding devastated parts of the area. Right now that states governor is offering up whatever resources his state can provide to their friend in the south. Here in columbia, South Carolina one of the dams that failed caused a river to run through this part of town. Behind me the roof started to collapse on the tidal max. This side vehicles abandoned water is near the window. Every business in this part of town has water running through it or around it. The governor of South Carolina told constituents a couple hours ago the flooding could continue through tuesday. Thank you. There is new information cargo ship carrying 33 people, 2 of them americans. The search is focussed about 75 miles from the ships last known position. Which is about 200 miles east of the bahamas. The el faro was caught in hurricane joaquins wind three days ago. The ship took off from jacksonville, florida. Mark strassman is there. Reporter this coast guard video shows a crew recovering a life ring in the bermuda triangle. It came from el faro. A weekend long search by air and sea found a 225 square mile debris field. In it, more life rings, container, life vests, wood, cargo styrofoam and oil sheen. But tote maritime said there is no sighting of the el faro or life boats. Coast guard chief petty officer ryan doss. We are out there looking for anything that may give indication where the ship may be or whit it happened or those sailors that were aboard. Reporter Tuesday Morning the 790foot cargo ship heavily loaded with containers set out for san juan from jacksonville. Joaquin was then a tropical storm. Tote marine says the 53yearold captain felt he could get ahead of the weather. By thursday 7 20 a. M. , the ship radioed distress call. It was now near the eye of a category 4 hurricanes 130 mile per hour wind and 30foot swells. El faro lost power and propulsion and was listing 15 degrees. The crew was pumping water. Since then, radio silence. Crew member frank hamm is rochelles husband. My husband tells me they have a route around the storm. I dont know why they didnt steer the ship in a different direction. This is totally unacceptable. Reporter all week end, relatives of the crew have looked for news and comfort at the Seafarers International union hall. Ariana davidson, the captains daughter tweeted this weekend please pray for my dad to return safely. We talked to another cargo ship captain who made the jacksonville to san juan trip for 20 years. He told us there are three possible routes. But jeff he also emphasized it is the ships captain who chooses which way to go. In afghanistan, Doctors Without Borders says 22 people were killed when one of its hospitals was hit by an air strike apparently by u. S. Forces. It happened yesterday in kunduz, taken last week by the taliban. Afghan forces have been trying to retake the city with help more now. Reporter Afghan Soldiers continued to flush out remaining taliban fighters today determined to keep kunduz under Doctors Without Borders announced today it was pulling out of the city. A day after its hospital came under attack in an apparent u. S. Air strike. The organization has demanded an independent investigation into what it calls a war crime. The pentagon confirmed that u. S. Forces conducted an air strike in the vicinity of the hospital against taliban insurgents who are firing on u. S. Service members. Doctors without borders insisted there were no taliban fighters inside the medical facility. In brussels, director of operations bart jansen, staff raised the alarm to coalition officials as the bombardment began. We within 15 minutes got to alert the high command in kabul so they have taken this but the attack continued up to 45 minutes later. Reporter officials said patients who are unable to escape burned to death in their and at least three of the there is a senior u. S. Military investigator on the ground in unable to reach the hospital in washington, d. C. , sources close to joe biden, the Vice President is close to announcing whether or not he is running for president. Reporter the Vice President laughed off a call for him to launch a run for the white house. Thank you very much. No. Didnt say that. Reporter people familiar with his deliberations tell cbs news joe biden is leaning toward entering the president ial race. And his decision could come as soon as within the next week to ten days. It is great to be back with the other hrc. Reporter Hillary Clinton and biden gave rousing speeches to the largest Gay Rights Group in the u. S. And cast themselves as champions of lgbt rights. We are going to face ridiculousness especially from our friend in the gop. There is homophobes still left. Most running for president i think. Reporter he reminded them he prompted the white house to support gay marriage. Some of you credited me with taking a Political Risk or thought i was doing something special, folks, i was just answering in a straight forward direct way what i have known my whole life. Reporter clinton declined the keynote address to appear on saturday night live where she played a bartender serving Hillary Clinton. In friendship. Who poked fun at the republican frontrunner. All anyone want to talk about is donald trump. Donald trump, isnt he the losers . Behind the scenes, Clintons Campaign is trying to lock in the support of donors who may be inclined to jump to the Vice President if he gets in. Jeff, some have told us they came away from recent meetings with biden under the impression he will run. Jason chaffetz made it clear he is running for speaker of the house. The frontrunner to replace john boehner is his deputy kevin mccarthy. Police investigate thursdays mass shooting at a college in oregon. Neighbors are seeking answers of their own as they battle immense pain. John blackstone spoke to the father of one student who barely escaped. Reporter at new beginnings church, the pastor speaks often about salvation. But the story of a live saved today was particularly personal. His 1yearold daughter lacy was sitting in the front row because college classroom. And then lacy remembers a huge bang. Close to her head. She said, daddy, my ears started to ring. I couldnt hear. I didnt even know what was going on except i knew this. Next to her, the 20yearold had been shot and his body fell across her. His blood flowed over her. She thought she was going to die. I said what were you thinking at that time . She said, daddy, number one i started to pray. And i knew i was dying today. I knew this was my last day. And he said, get up, get up. And she was froze to the floor. She played dead. He crossed over lacy. And shot the next one. That the blood of trevon saved my little girl. Reporter there was another survivor, apparently given a message by the shooter. I understood that by the words of my daughter, that he gave him something, even mentioned the flash drive that is in this thing that he gave to the young man, and he actually said this will explain why i am doing what i am doing. As a father, there is no explanation for what happened thursday. Reporter investigators have not spoken of the contents of the flash drive. For pastor scroggins, the day of the shooting ended with a reunion with his daughter outside the college. Reporter i bet you didnt just put her in the car . No, we hugged. It was an amazing thing, man. She had, she had blood all over her. And i wrapped my arms around her and we squeezed. She squeezed me. I squeezed her. It was it was the best hug i and then i put her in the car. And took her to mom. Daughter is still struggling but has told him she is determined to return to a normal life. Jeff she says the shooter mid her a victim once but wont make the death toll continues to rise from thursdays horrible mudslide in guatemala. At least 96 were killed when a hillside collapsed and buried a neighborhood. Rescuers are still searching for survivors. 300 are missing. At least 17 people were killed by flash floods in the french riviera. The victims include three people at a retirement home. And seven who drowned in a parking garage as they tried to reach their cars. Several others are still missing. Later an Army Veterans story of courage and survival from the oregon shootings. First a frightening outbreak of fatal drug overdoses as the well, things in the bedroom have always been pretty good. Yeah, no complaints. Weve always had a lot of fun, but i wanted to try something new. And im into that. So were using ky love. Its a pleasure gel that magnifies both of our sensations. Right, i mean, for both of us, just. Yeah, it just takes all those awesome feelings you usually feel and it just makes them. Rawr. Dare to feel more with new ky in chicago at least 74 people overdosed on heroin over a period of three days last week. Officials think the drug had been mixed with a painkiller. You really wish you made a different decision. I do. I do. He could have had so much more. Reporter Brandon Holden was 23 years old found in a Staten Island Convenience Store bathroom with a needle still in donna was his aunt. He had his fiance he just got engaged. And he was pretty happy. Brandons face book page showed he turned his life around. He was sober for 15 months before he relapsed. Heroin overdoses like the ones in chicago are on the rise. Deaths like brandons are up more than 170 across the country according to federal agents. It is actually an epidemic. Reporter this doctor treated addicts more than 30 years. Whats happening people are coming in used to use prescription drugs and shifted to street drugs. Reporter heroin has become more dangerous when mixed with painkillers. Federal agents say the seizure of Illegal Drugs containing fentanyl tripled between 2013 and 2014. Reporter fentanyl is 30 times more potent than heroin. You start getting serious side effect when you mix the two drugs . Thats how serious it is. Reporter fentanyl suspected in the overdoses in chicago worst outbreak in nearly a decade. Police dont know whether it was a heroin fentanyl cocktail that killed brandon. The effect on his family is the same. Everybody thinks it will never happen to them. Oh, not my family. It does happen to people who say that. It was very devastating. Reporter the dea is seeing heroin laced fentanyl. Pop up in communities in the midwest and northeast as well. Jeff, theyre calling heroin the number one drug threat to public health. Thank you very much. Hundred of millions of credit card getting an update. Why . If you received a new credit card, you likely noticed a square metal chip embedded in the front. A new technology expected to sharply reduce credit card fraud in some areas. Install terminals that can read the chips was a few days ago. Here is editor of money answers. Com. Jordan, a lot to talk about. How does the new system work . You take the card that has the chip in it. Put it in. Take it out. Take a little bit longer. But a lot more secure than swiping. A lot of people who were supposed to get the card by the deadline potentially have not yet . Correct. Roughly half the number have gotten card. Half have not. By end of 2017. Everybody will have the card with the chip in it. But the retailers have to have a terminal that can read this thing. A lot of retailers do not have the terminal. What happened this week was the fraud is now being shifted from the consumer to the terminal. One of the downsides, expected to reduce the fraud person to person interaction level, but the thieves will move online. Correct. Europe has made this transition. And online fraud went up 40 in europe after this. Thats not affected by the chip card at all. You all do it online. The downside. A lot slower checkout lines. Going to take longer to do this. Make sure to take your card. A lot of people are going to forget their card. End of the day. Supermarkets will have new card left over. Right now put in your signature. Eventually a pin code. Correct. Right now. Putting in the chip. And then your sign the signature. You have to put it in. They can forge your signature. Lot more to talk about. Thank you. Thank you. Still ahead here, an update we are going to close with an update on chris mintz, survivor of the deadly shooting in oregon. Nine people were killed. Chris was shot seven times while confronting the gunman. Reporter from a hospital bed in roseberg, oregon, chris mintz posted a heartfelt message on facebook. I am doing well and overwhelmed by the support i have gotten. Reporter mintz selflessly stood in the shooters pass to try to protect classmates. Travis dixon trained with mintz in the army when he heard of his heroic acts on social media he wasnt surprised. In the military we are trained to cover your buddys back. In your head you are more concerned about the other person than yourself. I guess chris proved that. Reporter since thursday, 730,000 in donations have come in from over 22,000 people on mintzs fund me page. Posting comments like this. Thank you for being brave and taking action to help the people around you. Yet in another act of kindness, he encourages supporters to give to the other victims of the shooting through their gofundme pages. A white house circulating asking the president to award the medal of freedom to chris mintz. I want to wish the other recovery. I will be talking to you soon. Thats the cbs overnight news for this monday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news, everyone. There has been so much talk about the driverless car in as Bill Whitaker found out for 60 minutes, they have come a long way. What do you have to do to make the car take over . I just pull this lever. And now system is active. Reporter Computer Scientist runs Autonomous Research for mercedesbenz. He punched in a route and took us for a 20 mile drive in the s500, the companys most advanced selfdriving prototype. This is like no hands. No feet, car is in charge. The car is in charge. Right from the start the car astonished us. As we approached our first intersection it slowed down and steered itself into the left turn lane. It is a german car. So naturally it has a german accent. That was the voice of his secretary. Reporter it just took off by itself when the light turned green. Now it is making this left turn by itself with other traffic around. This is absolutely amazing. Just two minutes into the ride we entered a freeway on ramp. If you think a there mall merge is nerveracking trying it with a driver talking with his hands. I must admit i find it disconcerting we are driving toward the freeway and you didnt have your hand on the wheel. Shall i put them back on would it make you feel more comfortable. Reporter he gave us a rare opportunity to go on an actual test run near mercedes silicon almost every major automaker is working on the technology here. Nissan teamed up with nasa, auto parts maker delphi put its system in the audi. The first to drive itself across the country. Back at the merge. Dont hold your breath for the car to step on it. This s500 wont break the speed limit. Are you going to have little old lady driving up behind you beeping the horn, get going, get moving. Some people have remarked that the car itself in some cases drives a bit like an old lady. Thats fine with us for the time being. Reporter especially since the car has driven about 20,000 miles without an accident. Mercedes made its name selling the passion for driving on the open road. Now it see is a future in the growing desire to be driven through traffic jammed streets. Whats fueling this . People are increasingly asking for this. People probably have become used to live more with computers and interact with computers and they feel more comfortable doing this. So all of a sudden we see this interest. And, hey there are certain situations where i dont want to drive, can your car do it for me . Reporter first you are amazed. Then you begin to relax. Surprisingly, it took less than 10 minutes to feel comfortable with the car in control. This is amazing. Reporter dont get too comfortable. Those beeps, thats not a sound you want to hear. It means the car senses trouble and need a helping human hand. The vehicle asked me to take over. At this intersection that silver car got too close. This for example. I took over. It would have managed. It was too close for us. That guy was getting into our lane there. Reporter it only happened a few times while well were driving around. Handle encounters like the silver car on chaotic city streets with impulsive human drivers will keep his engineers busy for the next decade. Im not an engineer. How do you figure things like that out . The important thing about an Autonomous Vehicle it has to have a very good sense of its environment. A vehicle cannot reaction to something it does not see. So we have to be very careful that we see everything that reporter the car seize with an array of cameras and radar sensors designed into the body constantly scanning up to 600 feet in all directions. We can actually detect more quickly that something is happening that makes cars and be safer, youre saying, than a thats what we aim for. Reporter thats what google is driving for too. Its Autonomous Cars rely on roof mounted laser sensors to see the road. In the last six years, the fleet has driven more than a million miles. We are getting to a place. Reporter robotic scientists, the director of googles self driving car project. He invited us inside the garage where the autonomous future is taking shape. Google is a tech company not a car maker . Yes, the heart is algorithms and software. And thats one of the things we really are quite good at. Reporter there are so many scenarios how is it possible to put all the knowledge into the car . Thats really the trick. That tea what makes this hard. You just cant go through and enumerate the thousand different scenarios it may encounter. Its not 1,000. Right . Algorithm that can generalize. Means think. And this is how it works. The algorithms are trained to recognize other cars, pedestrians, cyclists and animals from their movements, size and shape. Each cars daily driving experience is analyzed uploaded and shared. The cars can make predictions collective knowledge of the look in the lower left corner as one of his cars encounters a pickup truck that stops to parallel park. How does the computer know it is some one intending to back into a parking space and not someone stopped in the street. Our cars have received thousand of and thousands of vehicle. They get a feeling really for what the behavior of the vehicles are going to be. It has seen lots of cars backing up. It understand if there is a space here and a car stops in front of it that means it will probably back into the spot. My smartphone has computer glitches. My computer has glitches. How do you get people to trust this computer on wheel is not going to have a glitch . We are all used to our bits of home computing doing funny things. Right. What you have to remember theyre engineered and designed very differently. The way we develop the software. The way we develop the hardware. The way we think of the situations it has the to, deal with on the road. It is completely different. Right now the technology cant handle snow. Googles cars cant operate in heavy rain. The mercedes s500 cant decipher hand gestures from traffic cops or pedestrians. U. S. Must be mapped in ultrahigh definition detail. The automakers call these solvable problems. In the meantime, the car industry plans to automate the driving experience feature by feature. What some are calling revolution by evolution. You can see bills full report at cbsnews. Com. When we return, a different type of vehicle. A time in florida where souped up golf carts are all the rage. What are you doing . I just gotta scrape the rest of the food off them. Ew. Dish issues . Cascade platinum powers through this brownie mess better than the competition, the first time. Its the final countdown the final countdown if youre the band europe, you love a final countdown. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Tesla remains the leader in new technology that drives electric cars, there is an Older Technology for electric vehicles, namely golf carts. Theyre filling up Parking Spaces all over one florida town. We went along for a ride. Reporter you own two. Two. Reporter one for you and one for your wife . No, one for me to go golfing in. One for me to take her dinner and take her shopping. Reporter since moving to the villages, florida. Gary traded in his car for a golf cart so he could get around most days. Not a run of the mill model. His tricked out candy apple red, california roadster looks like a hot rod. Safety features, seatbelts. Turning signals. Disk brakes. All which makes it street legal. Get to all the rec centers. We can get to all the doctors, get to the hospitals. So, we prefer Just Cruising around in our golf carts. Reporter this is a community that caters to folks, 55 and older. Here more carts than cars. People who have never been here, this is the sight. With over 60,000 golf carts. A major form of transportation for people. Reporter are you saving money with this . Saving a lot of money on gas. This is electric powered. So, i take it home. Plug it in. Ready to go the next morning. And off we go. Reporter is there enough room in here for your wife. She doesnt mind it . She is half the size of you. Well, thats good. You can buy a car, a brand new car for less than you can spend on some of these golf carts. Reporter thats right from ordinary to extraordinary, can run you anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000. Used to have two cars and two carts. Now we have one car and two carts. Two street legals. Reporter retired new yorker, tim carol bought his first street legal six years ago. This falls under your home in sure ans. Register it like a car. And get insurance. Look car insurance. Absolutely. This is what your show room . Fun and game room. To get one. Potential buyers need to go and see the golf cart man. He used to sell cars. Now he owns one of two dealerships in the villages that sell only golf carts. Some of his over the top custom away as alaska and canada. For the right price, deangelo will build whatever you want. From the classic chevy. To a vintage mustang. He says business is booming. What is the average age of your clientele . 59 to 99. Reporter willing to spend how much . Whatever you feel like it. Reporter you told to a 99yearold . Yes. They dont care. And their answer is that this is what they want. Listen, i wanted to make coffin out of golf carts. I would rather get buried mine car than a coffin. Wouldnt you . Thats what it is all about. Born and raised in atlanta the ive went to georgia tech the i always wanted a replica of the georgia tech rambling wreck. Bill tally paid deangelo 17,000 for this lookalike 1934 ford. Seven days a week this is how you get around . Yes. This is how i go to the dining room. How i go to entertainment, take people, to, from, go to the post office. This is my chariot. Better than a car . For my application, yeah. Reporter what bells and whistles did you want on here . The main thing, i wanted a horn that would play the rambling wreck fight song. I got that. Reporter they are on the path to becoming a big part of our lives. Reporter regardless of cost, Harvard Business school fellow says the use of electric vehicle are on the rise even in urban areas. We expect as performance improves and manufacturers add more features they improve safety, they improve comfort, that these will become more and more relevant to the mainstream consumer. And the lower prices will bring more people into the market. Reporter major cities look los angeles and new york lowered speed limits. Making the use of these virnlly friendly and versatile vehicles viable. Gary search thinks we could all take a lead from those over 50. Reporter do you see this becoming a trend in other places around the country . There is over 100,000 people here who live in the villages. And you will see, at least half if not more than half are, driving golf carts all around town. So, i think this could be a, a footprint for other cities to take a look at and say, could we decrease the amount of traffic and Parking Spaces. Two golf carts fit into one parking space. So, it eliminates parking problems. The whole space issue within cities. Reporter for cbs this morning saturday, at the villages of florida. Well, things in the bedroom have always been pretty good. Yeah, no complaints. Weve always had a lot of fun, but i wanted to try something new. And im into that. So were using ky love. Its a pleasure gel that magnifies both of our sensations. Right, i mean, for both of us, just. Yeah, it just takes all those awesome feelings you usually feel and it just makes them. Rawr. Dare to feel more with new ky honey bees pollinate a third of the crops grown in the united states. In recent years theyve been dying off at alarming rates. Farmers overseas are having the same problem. British investigators are using a high tech backpack to track the trouble. Reporter at londons Botanic Gardens beneath the flowers where wild bumble bees roam. Deep in a secure basement laboratory, she suits up her bees for flight. Called the bumble bee backpack. One of the smallest tracking devices ever placed on a living organism. We will build a map of the bees movement and see a network where they have been. How long they have been out feeding and how far they traveled. Reporter the idea every time she passes a receiver like this it will be sent to a computer and you will know her every move. Exactly. So her tag, emits a unique signal picked up by a reader if she flew within a meter of it. A bumble bee radar. Outfigt the bees with the backpack is no small feet. She stores bees in a refrigerator. Cold makes them more docile. Making the warning sound to tell me. She restrains the bee, pinning it in place. She applies super glue to the back and the microchip. Wobbly start. The tracker is half the bees weight. The Pilot Program is limited to a green house with plans to place receivers around the feeding path in the wild. She developed the backpack with an engineer friend, who tracked missiles for the british military. Why put so much energy and effort into this . Simply. Interesting. Im curious about the world. You need these tools to complexity of living systems. One tiny tool they hope will unlock the secret world of bees. And the mystery behind their disappearance. Michael jordan turned basketball into an art form and done the same in the sneaker business. Now there is an art show focusing on courtside footwear. Footwear as works of art. Thats the premise of an exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum called the rise of sneaker culture. Lisa small, curated the exhibit. Sneaker culture is the universe for collectors. Connection to sports. Music. And especially the drive and the mania to collect the next new release. Reporter sneaker enthusiasts, known as sneaker heads will spend thousand of dollars on their vast collections of must have shoes and special limited editions. So when you own a pair of really cool sneakers that maybe, just a few are around, it is kind of an art piece for sure. When you think about the, the artist design process. A lot of the shoe designers are excar designers or architects or industrial designer. Reporter designer and proud sneakerhead collaborated with nike to develop the pigeon dung sbc sneaker in 2005 and now a center piece of the exhibition. Did you imagine, sneakers would be part of an art exhibit at the world class museum. Never. Never. Sneakers. We were the outcast. We were the nerd. Reporter staple has been a years old. His taste in shoes is impeccable. Weres beth wearing converse. You have the old version. That came out. But our collections are very different. I dont own 2,000 pairs of sneakers. Staple does. Can you trace back for first your love of sneakers. When was it that you saw a pair of sneakers and you were look i got to have those . The first one that did it, remember vividly. Air jordan iii. I remember walking into the sixth grade social studies class. Everyone looked at me. I was late. Afterwards kids were like, what are those . This feeling. I am going to replicate the rest i knew i was ahead from that point on. I thought it was going to be really cool. A wall in your house. Reporter the filmmaker behind sneaker head. Credits Michael Jordan with setting off the craze. This you can buy. You cannot do this. Can. Cant. When you look back he made more money last year selling sneakers in one year than he did in his entire nba career. You can trace it back to Michael Jordan in 1984. The debut of the jordan one. Thats when the whole thing exploded. From sports to music to hollywood. Sneakers became a status symbol. Run dmcs song my adidas combined hiphop and sportswear. Forged a style that is popular today. As the demand for sneakers grew. They become more exclusive and harder to get when things started to run afoul. I was surprised there was significant violence attached to some releases. This one started it all. The original one. The first of the releases was jeff staples creation, the nike pigeon dunk, sb, dedicated to new york city. Before the release date was made public. People started forming lines. This home video shows the the scene on the Lower Eastside yesterday. Were you expecting the reaction . No. We were thinking, cool, release this. And theyll sell, hopefully. It was sort of a frenzy. Big kind of ruckus. Waiting across the street ton the four corners. And they knew they werent going to get a shoe. They were waiting for the kids who got a shoe to get it from them. They had baseball bats. Reporter then years later the asking price for that shoe is 8,000. Evidence the sneaker culture continues to march on. It is a 42 billion a year business. Hard to imagine that growing bigger. Definitely something that has not hit the top yet. For cbs this morning saturday. The cbs overnight news will be right back. When the engines failed on the plane i was flying, i knew what to do to save my passengers. But when my father sank into depression, i didnt know how to help him. When he ultimately shot himself, he left our family devastated. Dont let this happen to you. If you or a loved one is suicidal, call the National Suicide prevention lifeline. No matter how hopeless or helpless you feel, with the right help, you can get well. franklin d. Roosevelt the inherent right to work is one of the elemental privileges of a free people. Endowed, as our nation is, with abundant physical resources. And inspired as it should be to make those resources and opportunities available for the enjoyment of all. We approach reemployment with real hope of finding a better narrator donate to goodwill where your Donations Help Fund job placement and training some people dedicate time and effort to take care of stray animals. Steve hartman found brothers in texas who made it their lifes work. Reporter i came to fort worth, texas. Thinking i had seen everything. When out rolled evidence to the contrary. A guy on a mower, pulling nine dogs on a train. Thats a new one. In fact the only thing more surprising than the sight may be the story behind it. This train ride is the brain child of brothers eugene and walter, and just a small part of a much larger mission. The bosticks who live in the same wood they grew up in spend thousand feeding the wildlife here. You name them. Yeah, the beaver does eat corn and bread. Quack, quack, quack. Over there. Reporter they dont miss so much as a mallard. If you are wondering why they have this need to feed. The answer is simple. Childhood guilt. When we first moved here. We killed them all. Rule of the day anything that moved we shot them. Reporter now the hunters are making amend any way can think of. Which brings us back to the train. Over the years a lot of stray dogs have the wandered on to the property. Of course theyre cared for. That wasnt enough for the bostic boys who thought the mutts might enjoy movement as well. You know, be surprised how good it makes you feel when you see them loading up and how happy they are. Reporter the train departs the misfits now the envy of the neighborhood. The dogs no one wanted now like celebrities on a catwalk. Their giant choochoo toy takes the dogs mostly through the local warehouse district. For the brothers each one takes them one step closer to redemption. They say all dogs go to heaven, if thats true there has got to be room for those who engineer their happiness. Steve hartman, on the road, in fort worth, texas. Thats the cbs overnight news for this monday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new

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