To shield themselves from air strikes. Pelley and a High School Team takes a page from the kaepernick playbook. Its like institutionalized racism. Thats what im taking a knee for. This is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley Hillary Clintons private email server has come back the bite her again. Today the f. B. I. Released more of its notes from its criminal investigation of the former secretary of state. Those notes reveal that a Senior State Department official tried to strike a deal with the bureau over one of her emails. The notes suggest that there would be something in that deal for the f. B. I. Nancy cordes is covering the Clinton Campaign. Reporter the controversy surrounds one email about if benghazi attacks, the the very secret last year in direct contradiction of her early claim. There is no classified material. Reporter according to f. B. I. Interview, clintons under secretary Patrick Kennedy began pushing Security Officials to see their way clear to marking the email unclassified. One f. B. I. Contact told kennedy he would look into the email matter if kennedy would provide authority concerning the f. B. I. s longstanding request to increase its personnel in iraq. A colleague who told agents he felt pressured to change the classified email to unclassified as part of a quid pro quo. It just stinks to no end. Reporter utah republican jason chaffetz. When you have an f. B. I. Agent himself say he was in a quid pro quo discussion with the under secretary of management at the state department, that should scare everybody. Reporter the f. B. I. Says in the end no favors changed hands and the classification state Department Spokesman mark toner. Any real assertion that this was somehow tit for at the or quid pro coor exchange in that manner really frankly is insulting. Reporter f. B. I. Documents also include an interview with a Diplomatic Security agent at the state department who said clinton frequently and blatantly disregarded security parole call. When traveling overseas for instance, clinton often refused to ride in the armored limous opting instead to ride with longtime aide huma abedin, a practice that frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors, who were insulted and embarrassed by this breech of protocol. Pelley nancy, tell us, what has the Clinton Campaign had to say about all this today . Reporter scott, they say its wellknown that state Department Officials thought that clintons emails were being overclassified and fought the Intelligence Community on have specific knowledge about this conversation involving under secretary kennedy, but they point out that even the f. B. I. Appears to have concluded that there was no quid pro quo. Pelley nancy cordes, thanks very much. Well, its 22 days before the election, and our new cbs news poll gives clinton a ninepoint lead. 82 of voters told us this campaign is more negative than those of the past. Thats the largest number to say that in a quarter century. The latest example t tweet today alleging largescale voter fraud. Major garrett is on his campaign. The election is rigged. Its rigged like youve never seen before. Reporter it is a searing indictment of american democracy, an allegation donald trump has toyed with throughout the campaign. This morning on twitter, trump wrote, of course there is largescale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Trump has warned that democratic ballots and that undocumented immigrants are being processed for voting purposes. Hes provided no evidence for either charge. But a study by the Brennan Center for justice found the average american was more likely to be struck by lightning than cast a fraudulent ballot. Another study found 31 incidents of voter fraud out of 1 billion votes cast from 2000 to 2014. We put the question to Ohio Republican secretary of state john ensuring a Fair Election in the battleground state. Theres a difference between an individual random act and a systematic problem, and we do not have any systematic problems, and im not aware of any systematic problems in any state in the country. The idea of building a National Campaign where youre suggesting that the elections process itself is rigged is an mate mike pence said this about fraud claims on face the nation. Well respect the outcome of this election, john. Reporter in previous close president ial election, the losing candidates have graciously conceded for the good of the country. Scott, one president ial historian told us trump gives every impression of doing the opposite, and this, the historian said, could be the most disturbing aspect of his entire campaign. Pelley Major Garrett in our washington newsroom tonight. Major, thank you. Well, perhaps a more serious threat against the electoral jeff pegues has been looking into this. Reporter two years ago top russian general valery gerasimov, who has president Vladimir Putins ear, called for a new kind of warfare. In a military journal, gerasimov wrote of using coverlt and propaganda tactics to turn a perfectly thriving state into a victim of foreign intervention, causing it to sink into a web of chaos. Security firm crowdstrike says gerasimovs doctrine is behind the recent hacks of election databases and the Democratic National committee. Imagine on Election Night if all of a sudden reports come out that cause people to think the results of the election are questionable. Reporter meyers and u. S. Government officials fear thats exactly what the russians will try to do. All they need to do is cause us to question the results that come back from one one state, and that could trigger enough of a reaction that we might call for, say, a complete recount. Reporter helen purcell, the elections recorder for maricopa county, arizona, says an easy way to stop the hackers is to keep Voting Machines off line. So this is not in any way connected to the internet . No, no. We use paper ballots, so even on our touchscreen machine, we have tape of everything that happens on that machine so that reporter u. S. Officials accuse the russians of using similar tactics in other countries, including ukraine during its 2014 president ial election. Scott, while the russians deny the allegation, were told that president obama is considering retaliating with sanctions or a cyber attack. Pelley jeff pegues for us tonight. Jeff, thank you. We want to remind you that cbs news will be bringing you live coverage analysis of the third and final clintontrump debate. That is this at 9 00 eastern time. Tonight the biggest battle yet against isis is under way with the help of u. S. Warplanes and American Special forces. The target is iraqs second largest city, mosul. Kurdish forces and iraqi troops are surrounding mosul to force its liberation after two years of occupation. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are in the cross fire. Was outside mosul today when the first shots were fired. Reporter over the last few days weve seen video emerging from inside mosul of what appeared to be u. S. Coalition air strikes inside the city. Pelley holly and her crew are fine, but it was the start of an eventful day. Reporter just after dawn they broke through the front line. A column of tanks and Armored Vehicles rolling into isis territory. These men are kurdish fighters who have joined with the iraqi army and local militiamen to push isis out of mosul. A combined force thought to be more than 20,000 strong. These kurdish fighters are trying to move in that direction and retake the main road to mosul. But isis has lit fires in to shield themselves from air strikes. It didnt work. U. S. Coalition strikes pounded isis today, and the extremists lost more territory and more fighters. But the battle so far is only on the outskirts of mosul, a handful of farming vimages long emptied of civilians. Now an apocalyptic landscape. Isis fought back with s bombers. One car laden with explosive drove dangerously close to where we were standing. It was blown up by an antitank missile. Isis doesnt fight as well as it used to and their morale is down, the colonel told us. Thats why theyre using more suicide bombers. But a desperate enemy is a dangerous one, and the battle for mosul is just beginning. Left in mosul. But theyre preventing around one million civilians from leaving, using them as human shields. Meanwhile, scott, the roughly 6,000 american troops here are acting in what the u. S. Government insists is an advisory role. Pelley and the fall of mosul not expected for many weeks. Holly williams reporting from iraq. Holly, thank you. Today russia said it will suspend bombing of the syrian city of aleppo for eight thursday as a humanitarian gesture. The city of two million is a ruin five years after rebels rose against the syrian president. Today the European Union said russias bombardment may constitute a war crime. In aleppo today, Elizabeth Palmer found what each side is willing to do to keep on killing. [explosion] reporter as day begins in aleppo, so does the battle. Fighters shoot at each other across the front line that runs right through the city center. Soldiers offered to show us where rebels had manufactured one of their signature weapons. So this is an ordinary cooking gas canister sawed in half. Its designed so that explosive would fit in the top part, perhaps shrapnel in the bottom, and then it would be reassembled with these makeshift tin, would help to guide it like a very primitive kind of rocket. The rockets were launched sort of through an ordinary piece of steel pipe. The syrian army has homemade arm, too, like the by now infamous and inprecise barrel bomb. As for its precision weapon, there arent enough welltrained soldiers to use them accurately, so the battle for aleppo has edge, its taken the army three months to advance 800 yards to those white buildings, and everywhere on this improvised battlefield there is misery. Kill me, an old man tells us, i have no food, no bread, i have nothing. Not even a safe place to wait out this grinding war. The fight for control of aleppo, scott, is less a pid is slowly choking the life out of half of that great city. Pelley a siege of more than five years now. Elizabeth palmer reporting for us inside syria. Liz, thank you. Coming up next on the cbs evening news, a Republican Party office is firebombed, and later, a High School Football team takes a knee. D open up on time. He 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Whats going on here . Im val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. Were putting away acorns. You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . More of a spokes metaphor. Get organized at voya. Com. Approaching medicare eligibility . Dont put off checking out your options until sixtyfive. Er an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like any of these types of plans, it could help you with outofpocket medical costs. Call now and request your free decision guide and explore the range of aarp Medicare Supplement plans. Start gathering the information you need. To roll into sixtyfive with confidence. Ooh. Psst. Hey. Where you going . 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Pelley police in North Carolina are investigating the weekend firebombing of the Orange County Republican Party headquarters. Omar villafranca has the latest. Reporter the fireball charred interior walls, melted political signs, and burned a couch down to its springs before going out on its own. No one was in the building at the time. A business next door was spray painted with a swastika and a threat, nazi republicans leave town or else. The North Carolina Republican Party. Is this something you would expect to happen here . Not at all, not in any way, shape, or form. Totally unprecedented, uncalled for, and inexcusable. Reporter the incident comes during a tense period in the campaign, and republican offices across the tar heel state are taking extra security precautions. Orange county is reliably blue. Registered democrats outnumber republicans nearly 31. Hillary clinton condemned the attack, calling it horrific and unacceptable. Donald trump tweeted, animals representing Hillary Clinton and dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning. Incomes North Carolinas republican governor pat mccrory. Im going the take this extremely seriously because i dont want any retaliation from the other side. The worst thing we can do have this expand into more which is a direct assault on the democratic process. Reporter investigators are still looking for clues and have not made any arrests. And, scott, in a rare showing of bipartisanship, democrats helped raise more than 13,000 online to help rebuild the g. O. P. Headquarters. Pelley omar villafranca, pelley omar villafranca, thanks very much, and were back now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. 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Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, ess, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And these feet would like to keep the beat going. Pelley tonight a fourstar general who was once the second highestranking officer in the entire u. S. Military pleaded guilty in a case involving a leak of top secrets. David martin has that. Reporter general james cartwright, now retired, but once known as president obamas favorite general, plead guilty the a crime which could send him to prison. Responding to questions from a federal judge, cartwright, who served as vice chairman of the joint chief, admitted he lied to f. B. I. Agents investigating leaks of to two journalists, david sanger of the new york times, and daniel klaidman, at the time a correspondent for newsweek. Sanger is the reporter who revealed the socalled Stuxnet Cyber attacks conducted against nissans nuclear program. U. S. And Israeli Intelligence secretly hacked into the computers, which ran the centrifuges iran used to enrich uranium, causing them to spin out of control. Carted cart admitted to klaidman and then lying about it to f. B. I. Agents. In a statement he said, it was wrong for me to mislead the f. B. I. His attorney said cartwright was just trying the talk the reporters out of publishing sensitive secrets they already had. The crime carries a sentence of up to five years in prison, but cartwrights attorney said the government has already agreed to recommend a sentence of six months. Scott . Pelley david martin at the david, thank you. Folks in oregon and Washington State are cleaning up from a weekend storm. Thousands lost power. It was a remnant of a pacific typhoon that was forecast to be much worse but weakened on the coast. Up next, a High School Football team protests racial injustice. This portion of the cbs evening news is sponsoredically pacific life, helping generations of families achieve longterm Financial Security for like a human fingerprint, no two whale flukes are the same. Because your needs are unique, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and Life Insurance solutions for more than 145 years. Ask a Financial Advisor how you can Tailor Solutions from pacific life to help you reach your financial goals. Hma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. 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Winning every single game so far this season in part because then a football title. For us to do this, i feel like a big change will come. Reporter when 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick chose not to stand for the national anthem, running back jason nguyen was not impressed. My first initial thought was, oh, why is he doing this and disrespecting america, but over time, i started to learn about it. Reporter daily team talks soon turned into action, an now the entire Bulldogs Team is taking a stand by taking aee Jelani Howard is the teams tight end. I just want to see justice for all people and like for people to feel like the Police Brutality to stop. Institutionalized racism, thats what im taking a knee for. Reporter they have support from the Seattle School district and respect from their head coach, joey thomas. These kids are the running the show. After absolutely. Reporter the team has met they published a list of concerns online, including academic inequality in their own school district. Garfield is in seattles inner city. The football field doesnt have lights or bleachers. If you go up north, youll have an engineering program, but when you come down here, we dont have that. Why do you think that is . I think its where youre located. Reporter but not everyone agrees. The team has been the target of hate messages on social media. Most of the people who dont agree are mostly caucasian. Dont experience what other friends on my Football Team experience. Reporter its tough to talk openly about racial inequality. At the end of the day, teenagers just want to be heard. They want to feel like they have a voice. Reporter and sometimes all it takes is a silent gesture to start the conversation. Carter evans, cbs news, seattle. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. Around . Do you love me . . 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