Transcripts For WBTV CBS This Morning 20160226

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Went in, and then ducked down and went into the building. A deadly shooting spree in kansas. Law enforcement officials are calling this an act of workplace violence. It was a good debate if you like the roman coliseum. This guy is a joke artist and this guy is a liar. When with i was leading the fight against the gang of eight, where was donald . He was firing Dennis Rodman on celebrity apprentice. Do you know where we would be right now . No. I know youre embarrassed and you are too but keep fighting and keep swinging. Swing for the fences. The whole time a lot of fun up here tonight, i have to tell you. Im a huge fan of privacy. James comey testified with a dispute with apple is the hardest question he has ever seen in government. Our need for Public Safety and our need for privacy is crashing into each other. Peta. Dramatic images out of columbia as officers pull up on a gang of robbers and all captured on a officers body cam. Where are you going . Hey right now, we have got no stalls or collision tom brady introducing the familys new dog fluffy. And all that matters. A good republican would defend ted cruz after tonight. That aint happening. If you kill ted cruz on the floor of the senate and the trial is in the senate, nobody could convict you. On cbs this morning. Return to earth after spending an entire year in space. I could go another hundred days. I could go another year if i had to. Then he saw Donald Trumps poll numbers and said, you know, im good up here. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Welcome to cbs this morning. Gayle king is off. Vinita nair is here. Welcome. The final Republican Debate before super tuesday was more like a heavyweight fight with marco rubio as the hard hitting underdog. Your ties and the clothes you make are made in mexico and china so youre starting a trade war against your own ties. You wouldnt know anything about it because youre lousy. I dont know anything about bankrupt companies. What is your plan . That is the problem. What is your plan on health care . You dont have a plan. You lied about the policysh workers. You lied 38 years ago. I guess there is statute of limitations on lies. Cruz and rubio hit trump with one verbal attack after another. Major garrett watched the candidates duke it out last night and he is at the university of houston, the site of the debate. Reporter good morning. Answered this burning you combine political desperation with piles of research . Donald trump was pummeled as never before as his republican rivals hoped against hope to slow his momentum. We are having a lot of fun up you. Thank you. Donald, donald, relaxed. Go ahead. Im relaxed. Youre the basket case. Go ahead, go ahead. Dont get nervous. Reporter with the 34th president george h. W. Bush looking on, rubio and cruz had verbal attacks on donald trump. If he has had not inherited millions of dollars, do you know where he would be right now . Trump on immigration. If he built the way he built trump towers he will be using first of all, youre talking about the polls, im beating him but youre not beating hillary if i cant beat her, youre really going to get killed, arent you . Reporter on foreign policy, trump said the art of the deal might work in the middle east. The palestinians are not a real estate deal, donald. No, no, no. They are not a real estate deal. A deal is a deal. I learned a long time ago. Terrorists . Reporter the most Heated Exchange delved into trumps plan to replace obamacare. We should have gotten rid of the lines so there is no competition. We have to get rid of the lines around the state. Now he is repeating himself. No, im not repeating myself. No, no, no. I watched him repeat himself five times four weeks ago. You repeat yourself five times four seconds ago. Reporter trump faltered at times and found his footing and landed haymakers. Joke artist and this guy is a liar. I know youre embarrassed and you are too but keep fighting, men. Swing for the fences. Reporter in the aftermath of the shout matches trump said there was nothing new to learn. Is there anything about your experience tonight that tells you it would be worth your time to brush up more on the substance of either entitlements, health care no. Palestinians, any of those issues . I think i did great on every subject. Reporter one question that wasnt answered in the debate why hasnt trump released his personal tax returns . During the conversation, trump blamed an ongoing audit for ignoring their release. The first man who raised this issue, 2012 republican nominee mitt romney said that is no excuse. Florida senator march he ko rubio is with us now from houston. Senator, good morning. Good morning. Did someone hit the panic button last night . Well, i dont know what youre talking about. I can just tell thaw a con artist is about to take over the movement and we have to put a stop to it. Did. Donald trump had no answers last care. If you listen to that report that led into this the media is pumping him up as some sort of donald trump is consistently fighting for the working people he says and he has a stick to working people for 35 years. If any other candidate in this race had his record there will be nonstop reporting on it, but, because many the in the media with a buy oos know he is easy to beat in the general election. We will put a stop to it now and no way we will allow a con artist to take over the conservative movement and donald trump is a con art i government would look like, senator . It would be chaos. No one knows but it would look probably like the positions he has held for all of these years. On many of these issues, he is wholly unprepared to be president of the United States. He refuses to answer questions on any specific public policy. They asked him about the debt. He claimed he is going to cut the debt by cutting fraud and abuse and everyone acknowledges and he didnt get any followup and no press on that and no enobody pressed on him after that and i tried to get the moderators to ask him about that. This is the most important job on the planet and we are about to turn over the conservative movement to a person who has no ideas of any substance on the important issues. The nuclear code of the United States to an erratic individual and the conservative movement a career sticking it to working people. Please let us get a few more questions in. We want to ask you specifically about a meeting that cnn is reporting this morning. That your Campaign Manager met with top donors behind closed doors and the possibility of a contested convention in order to earn the nomination to get the nomination was discussed. Is that something youre thinking about . No. But the truth is that it is possible that no one gains the 1236, 1,236 delegates that are necessary to win. If you look at the way its number of delegates and that in and of itself could trigger a convention after the first round delegates are free to vote whomever they want and i prefer that not to be the case and much rather have someone win the nomination in this process but not a con artist like donald trump. Youve said that a number of trump. Youve been on the stage with him throughout this campaign season. You were very different last night and much more combative than i have ever seen you. Well, because its a narrower race, number one. Number two, i acknowledge we are an underdog. Are you acknowledging that you failed to do this so far . No. Well, first of all, i would prefer not to get into a fight with other republicans but i would much more prefer not to turn over the party to a con artist like donald trump and last night is the last debate before super tuesday and im asking everyone watching tonight if youre a republican and you dont want your party taken over by a con artist like donald trump unite behind us and go to put an end to this allowlunacy. A new poll shows that donald trump is still ahead by double digits. That is why i asked that question about the panic button. It appears that donald trump is rolling toward the nomination. Well, if you want to base that on one poll, thats fine. We have our own polls and other public polls show that is not we will win florida. I know our state very well and like donald trump. I will acknowledge there are some people watching this broadcast are intrigued and think he is a straighttalker and fights for the little guy but donald trump has spent 40 years sticking it to the little guy or longer. Every time senator. One of his businesses fail, you know who didnt get paid . The little guy who was working for him. We invite you to come to new york to the table, senator. Thank you. Thank you. Joining us is face the nation moderator and political news director of cbs John Dickerson who is in washington. Reporter help us understand are they in a moment of panic as norah suggested because it looks like trump is going and marching right to the nomination . Sure. Last night was the best venue for somebody like marco rubio to take him on. Youre not going to win a twitter war with donald trump. The debate venue is one in which rubio could have shown why a Trump Presidency could be dangerous and he had the expertise for the tricky challenges facing america. When you get into rah shouta shouting bhach donald trump youre playing on trumps turf. The talking points you heard from the senator are ones he didnt deliver last night and the ones he probably would have preferred to delivered but he got into that shouting match with him and see if that does anything for voters. John, do that math for us. As we look towards tuesday night, we will all be here together on cbs looking at those results. How close is trump to capturing this nomination . What will we see on tuesday night . What will we know . On tuesday night, 11 states. Texas is a big one we will be watching that to see how cruz does, can he do well in his own state. But donald trump, if he wins all of the rest of the states, even if the other contestants get some delegates coming out of that, the question is what will the conversation be afterwards . If donald trump wins a whole bunch of states, lets say he wins ten of them, while the others may be amassing delegates, it will continue this kind of snowballing of the trump victories and the question then becomes will people join behind his campaign . There is some sign that is happening. Certainly some questions we will be asking at this table should that happen. John dickerson, thank you. On sunday he will talk with senator ted cruz on face the nation. Democrats vote in South Carolina tomorrow and recent polls give clinton and overwhelming lead. She attacked sanders gun control record yesterday near a church where nine people were murdered last summer. We need to close the gun show loophole and the online loophole charleston loophole. Which my opponents supported, which means at the end of three days, whether the background check is done or not, you get the gun. Thats what the killer here in charleston did. The New York Times this morning calls for clinton to release transcripts of her paid wall street speeches. An editorial says voters have every right to know what clinton told these groups. On tuesday our entire Political Team will bring you super tuesday results in prime time. Our special coverage begins at 10 00 p. M. 9 00 central. A deadingdeading inging a deadly shooting spree from hesston, kansas. The chaos ended at a factor where the shooter worked. Cbs news has identified the shooter as cedric ford. Court records says he has past runins with the law and our reporter is outside of the excel industry plant in hesston. Reporter police say all of the deaths occurred in the building behind me here at the excel plant where ford worked as a painter. His coworkers said he appeared normal when he arrived to work on thursday. Investigators are now trying to figure out what triggered the shooting. Within seconds after he fired, he was right to the building within five seconds. Reporter loved ones rushed to the excel Industries Plant in hesston, kansas, when they heard of the shooting. Cedric ford, a 38yearold employee of the factory, had opened fire on his coworkers. Heard him yell something and that got our attention and turned around and popped out with an ak47 it appeared like and fired a few shots outside before he went in and ducked down and went into the building. Reporter armed with an assaultstyle weapon, police say the rampage started on this road around 5 00 p. M. The shooter opened fire from his car, hitting someone in another vehicle. Ford continued north shooting another person in the leg and he then made his way to the excel factory where he shot one then another 14 inside the building before an officer gunned him down. The Law Enforcement here in hesston have responded right awayer and even though he took fire, he went inside of that place and saved multiple, multiple lives. A hero, as far as im concerned. Reporter one man who was shot spoke with our Wichita Hospital bed. We heard gunshots and people were just running, saying somebody was shooting. And next thing you know, i felt i got hit in the leg. I wont be happy until i see him in person, you know . I feel like im in a nightmare right now. Reporter jennifer trujillos husband was inside the plant and the two were reunited on live tv. Oh, my god Reporter Video posted to fords facebook account appears to show him firing a gun into a his criminal past includes multiple burglary convictions and fleeing from police and disorderly conduct. The fbi and atf are joining the investigation, but, so far, there are no connections to any foreign terror groups. Manuel, thank you. Apple is asking a federal judge to reverse her order telling the company to help unlock the San Bernardino gunmans iphone. Google, facebook, twitter and microsoft are expected to file legal briefs supporting apple. Jeff pegues is in washington. Reporter Tech Industry giants are coalescing over this issue. Apples 60page motion accuses the government to use terrorism to survival this and says the fbi is seeking dangerous power. Apples motion to drop the demand comes more than a week after a california judge ruled against the tech giant. In thursdays filing, apple claims the government says just but apple insists the government true. The company is rejecting the fbis claim that the courts ruling is limited to San Bernardino shooter syed farooks phone. Fbi director james Comey Told Congress farooks model is unique to other phones. The combination of a 5c and this particular operating system is unusual that its unlikely to be a trailblazer. Reporter the government is asking apple to develop software that would, in part, disable the auto erase function that wipes the phone clean after a pass code fails ten times. Apple insists that the request violates its First Amendment rights. That is an act of speech. Software is a language, like spanish. The technology, when you undo privacy once, it gets replicated and in the long run, we all pay. Reporter apple says the requests are unprecedented and it has cooperated with investigators before but that the government has never asked taps into the companys own security framework. Apple will hold its annual Shareholders Meeting this morning in coupealifornia. The first hearing in court is scheduled for march 22nd. In just hours, a partial ceasefire set to begin in syria. Speaking at the state department, president obama warned russia and the Syrian Government the world will be watching. The temporary truce will not include isis or the Al Qaeda Affiliated group al nusra front. Our Elizabeth Palmer is in a syriancontrolled town south of the capital damascus. Reporter good morning. We have been driving down into the south of syria and we have heard all along the way the sounds of rocketing and bombing. The syrian observatory for human rights does confirm that the army is on aggressive attack in these hours leading into what we hope will become a ceasefire. We already know that some groups isis, al qaeda affiliate al nusra, and now the turks are saying they reserve the right to continue to fight the kurds. The United Nations hopes that leaves enough smaller opposition groups willing to buy into this truce that, at last, aid and supplies can go in to help the hundreds of thousands of people who are desperate and have been cut off for months or even years. Norah . Incredible reporting there, Elizabeth Palmer, in syria. Drump announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. The evolution of america on the small screen. Ahead how television captures the pulse of society and other parts of hollywood are trying to catch up. The news is back this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by brookdale. Bringing new life to senior living. s sad. I think its important for everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. That these residents still have lives and their lives still matter and that they are still living their lives. That theyre not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so their lives still matter. toilet flush if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go. Except you. Tried many things . Still struggling to find relief . You may have opioidinduced constipation, oic. Its different and may need a different approach. Opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. Which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. Longing for a change . Have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. Made on behalf of those living with chronic pain politely wait, wait, wait you cant put it in like that. You have to rinse it first. Thats baked on alfredo. Bakedon . Its never gonna work. Dish issues . Trust your dishwasher with cascade platinum. It powers. Through. Your toughest stuckon food. Better an finish. Cascade. When your cold makes you wish. You could stay. In bed all day. You need the power of. New theraflu expressmax. The power to feel better. Theres only one egg that gives you better taste and better nutrition in so many varieties. Classic. Cage free. And organic. Only egglands best. Better taste. Better nutrition. A leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. The winner persil 2 in 1, didnt only beat tide. It beat every single detergent tested. Boom. Switch to Persil Proclean 2 in 1. 1 rated. In a world thats trying to turn you into someone new. One hair color wants to help you keep on being you. Nicen easy. Naturallooking color. That even in sunlight, doesnt look like hair color. When heartburn hits fight back fast tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum smoothies only from tums republican senator Lindsey Graham says his party has gone ahead his color words about the gop president ial field. At riding waves reaching 60 feet christine good morning, this is a wbtv on your side news update. 7 27. A man who broke in the personal vehicles of 40 firefighters in the area will appear in court. Police arrested johnny bing in charlotte, they say hes behind break ins at more than a dozen Fire Departments across charlotte, cornelius, huntersville, kannapolis, china grove, greensboro and fort mill. Lets get an update on the commute things picking up out there, here is chris larson. Chris first alert traffic is sponsored by toyota of north charlotte. Steele creek up toward 485, big delays there as you make your way up past dixie river road with an accident at 485. Expect delays if youre trying to make your way up to the interstate. I77, arrowood, southbound see back ups building on 77 northbound as you work your way morning. A number of accidents, lets zoom in on park road above selwyn avenue. We have an accident, looks like most of the delays with this accident are heading outbound over toward southpark, injury accident nations ford above arrowood. Al clear skies, pretty chilly, a cool day today, still be breezy but not as windy as the last couple days. You can see totally clear skies, the camera at University City area, a lot of early sunshine, not doing much on temperatures yet, above freezing charlotte, at freezing lancaster, rock hill 30, gastonia and shelby, 35 morganton, 26 in boone and 35 in the salisbury area. For today, lots of sun, wind up at 51 this afternoon, that is below average. We should be in the upper 50s this time of the year. We still dont get there tomorrow but get there and then some on sunday. Both days of the weekend lots of day because it will be warmer. Oh my word can i have your autograph . Of course. Now dont forget, new scratchoff tickets from the North Carolina education lottery come out on first tuesdays. Thank you youre welcome. How about a date . Oooh, a date. Let me check my calendar. All right, say first tuesday first tuesday first tuesday, tuesday, ttttuesday, tuesday you checkin out my easel . The oscars is this sunday and marks the official end of black history month. Its been announced that Vice President joe biden will be a presenter at sunday nights oscars. Yeah. So diversity Problem Solved welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up this half hour, norman lear who created tv shuts like the jeffersons. Never shies away by talking race. Why people may want to look at the evolution of television to see how television can be reflected in entertainment. Frontrunner prides himself on giving. Tim to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. Snapshots from astronaut scott kellys year in space. He is scheduled to return to earth tuesday after 340 days on the International Space station. That is the longest stay in space for a nasa astronaut. Kelly will have orbited earth more than 5,000 times. That is nearly 11,000 sunrises and sunsets. He has also posted hundreds of photos. The detroit news says flints toxic water reached the governors inner circle a year before an emergency was declared. Emails show in october of 2014 aides said the water should be switched back to detroits system. The call was prompted by General Motors worries that river water was rusting their engine parts. Yesterday, snyders chief of staff said the Governors Office time but it was too spevensexpensive. The Las Vegas Review journal reports that Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval told the white house he would rather not be considered for the Supreme Court. Usa today reports on facebook chief Mark Zuckerbergs stern memo to workers. Black lives matters was erased from Company Walls and replaced with all lives matter. Zuckerberg says this is a deeply hurtful and tiresome experience for the black community and i now consider this malicious and crossing out something means silencing speech. Facebook is investigating but not commenting. Interesting, they said this is several instances of the same thing happening. At facebook, yeah. The Washington Post reports on senator Lindsey Grahams comedic take on the president ial race and his own party. The most dishonest person in america is a woman. Ha, ha. Who is about to be president. How could that be . My party is going [ bleep ] that crazy floor of the senate and the trial is in the senate, nobody could convict you. Ha, ha. There you go. The South Carolina senator slammed donald trump, but said nominated. Graham added, quote, i am like on the team that bought a ticket movie. We showed you how Donald Trumps rivals pressed him but last nights debate on releasing his tax returns trump says the federal government is keeping him from doing so. His opponents claim he has something to hide. Julianna goldman dug into trumps money and she looks at just how charitable he has been. Good morning. Reporter good morning. If donald trump released his tax returns they would show his income and what percentage of that he is paying in taxes and how much of it he is giving away and to what charities. I was the first one to file a financial disclosure, almost a hundred pages. You dont learn anybody about somebodys wealth with a tax return. Reporter donald trump says the Internal Revenue service is keeping him from releasing his tax returns. For many years, ive been audited every year. Twelve years or Something Like that. Every year, they audit me, audit me. The only reason youre not releasing them is he afraid he will get hit. Reporter no rule that prevents trump from releasing them whether audited or not and something the irs cant confirm. Federal prohibits them from disclosing if a private citizen is this audited. I give a lot of money to everything. I love people. I think im a nice person. I want to be a nice person. Reporter his Campaign Says he has given away over 100 million. Trumps tax returns would provide a complete picture. And that is the part that is really tricky and, you know, their private donations, but we just dont have a sense of whether that is true or not. Reporter stacy palmer is the editor of the chronicle of philanthropy. Certainly when harvard gets a big gift and says we are naming a school after somebody, they say its 350 Million Dollars that we received and we all know about that and have it verified. You dont have that with trump. Reporter to get a better sense of trumps philanthropy we turned to his foundation. Over that period it gave over 5. 2 million. The list of grant recipients skews towards celebrity and includes charities associated with joe torre, Arnold Palmer and Jenny Mccarthy and larry king. In 2014 donations from the trump donations dropped 35 from the year before. Philanthropy he is one of the biggest donors or the one in american philanthropy . That. More than 60 of the money drump gives away doesnt come from him himself. One wealthy donor in new york Ticket Broker gave nearly 1. 9 million to the foundation. As for trumps recent Charity Drive for veterans, he says he has distributed millions but his campaign wont provide a comprehensive list of where the money has gone. We dont know if the money has been distributed yet . We dont have a comprehensive tally of which organizations its gone to and how much each organization has received. Julianna, thank you. Airline passengers had a disturbing reaction to a family forced off a plane over a medical emergency. A 7yearold boy had an allergic reaction to a dog on a plane. He was traveling with his father the family says the Flight Attendant was rude when they were asked to change seats. The takeoff was delayed and they flight. That is when a number of passengers applauding as the family walked off the plane. Experience. A memory of this, my dad remembering this of people clapping on the plane when he got off. The family says it isnt agriwith alagri agri angry with allegiant and the airline has apologized. The man who brought you archie bunker and George Jefferson talks about race in hollywood. Should the tv face the same questions as the movie business . That is next. If youre heading out the door, watch us live through your allaccess digital advice. You wont want to miss spike lee in studio 57 and the oscars controversy and what he says is im savin you five hundred coming soon from progressive, its savin u, the new hit single from the dizzcounts. Cash money the Biggest Discount and understand. The dizzcounts. Safe driver, paperless, paidinfull, multicar and joey fatone. Savin you five hundred im savin you five hundred we have autotune, right . Oh, yeah. Thats a hit all yeah what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis . This is tecfidera. Tecfidera is not an injection. Its a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. Imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. Tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. The most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. 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The controversy over this years oscar nominations, another part of hollywood, television, has a long history of roles featuring people of color. So does the small screen do a better job of showing true diversity in america . Ben tracy talked to a man known for pushing boundaries. Well, we are moving on up reporter more than 40 years, norman lear pioneered a new genre of sitcoms by casting lead man in roles. The jeffersons aired on tv. How many years on the show does this later depict . People of color came to me and talked to me and talked about what the show meant to them. Russell simmons saw George Jefferson write a check and he never forgot. He told me, that a black man could write a check. What it needs is some more green. Norman brought to the situation comedy, this idea that it was profitable and successful for tv shows to talk about what is happening in the culture at the time. Reporter in an episode that aired in 1976, the lead characters openly exchanged slurs. Dont call me punk why you so sensitive, all of a sudden . He is not the only one. How would you like it if i called you [ bleep ] . Go [ bleep ] reporter the success of lears programs paved the way for the cosby show. And the fresh prince of bellaire. But these depictions of upper middle class black families rarely included racial issues. It doesnt feel we talk about with you were doing on television. America doesnt look itself in the mirror and see itself honestly. As a consequence, we dont have really good reliable honest conversations about our problems. I need a real woman now we have reached a point where all tv networks are so desperate for audiences, they are turning to women and they are turning to people of color who proportionately watch television more than white audiences. This is important. We are all going to sit and watch it together. Reporter this week, the abc comedy blackish broadcast an episode on police brutality. Krounds aroundcrowds around the country are intensely waiting the situation. What are we going to tell them . They are children. They are not just children. They are black children and they need to know the world we live in. Come on reporter most of what we see on television has not quite made it to the big screen. Women in color are and like in film, but in film its much worse. Reporter a Study Released by the university of Southern California shows a predominantly while hollywood and speaking characters in 400 movies and tv shows and 71. 7 are white and 12. 2 are black and 5. 8 are latino or hispanic. So you have many of your scripts here on the wall. Norman lear is developing a show cast. Do you think television is pushing that envelope today as much as you did back then . I didnt think we were pushing an envelope. I thought we were dealing with the problems American Families were facing. Reporter and reflecting society as it is is still lears passion. For cbs this morning, ben tracy, los angeles. Really important study. I interviewed norman lear once and i asked him originally when all this came up, how did he he said so often he would be riding the subway and look into homes and realize how similar people were to the life he was living in these packed houses and apartments and made him realize he needed to show that similarity. He created one hit after another. Yeah. Genius. Spike lee just arrived right here in studio 57. Also paybalance cofounder is here. Good morning, guys. This is a conversation id like to hear. Ahead, why he changed his mind on whether apple should be bernardino gunmans s, announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. Uit of a toyota prius. Over. How hard is it to catch a prius . Over. This thing is actually pretty fast. Over. Very funny. Oh look, a farmers market. We should get some flowers for the car. Yeah holly toyota. Lets go places. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. 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One pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. Cascade. Actually, philly was the first capital. Oh, honey. No wait, did you just have that on your phone . Its time to mix it up. Do it, dad yeah, do it there are thousands of ways into the complex health care system. It was frozen. Daddys hand looks funny. And choosing unitedhealthcare can help make it simpler by letting you know when your claim has been processed. Yo, adrian. Still not funny. Unitedhealthcare whoa rarest event finally got the green light in hawaii. Roaring waves about 60 feet high crashed along oahus north shore known as competition eddie. 30 surfers took part and the contest can only take place when the waves reach 4030 feet. The ninth time its happened since its inception 31 years ago. Swells only happen in the winter. Ill try ten feet. Good idea. Ahead, the drive home that turned into a lethal puzzle. Im Peter Van Sant of 48 hours. These two vehicles were involved in a deadly incident. Five shots from this car into this one and killing the drive. Was the murderer a student and this morning. Carry each other carry each other if you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira giving me new perspective. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment get tested for tb. 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I cant even imagine how i could possibly give them what they give me. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients whove had no prior treatment. Its the one and only cure thats one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni, theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. Hiv, or other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist john good morning, this is a wbtv on your side news update im john carter. A norovirus outbreak at metro school forced officials to close the school. Students and teachers exhibited symptoms yesterday. It is not just that school, dozens of students at Wingate University reported symptoms and that includes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Lets check in now with chris larson an issue on the roads. Chris following breaking news out on brookshire boulevard, traffic sponsored by toyota of north charlotte. An accident with overturned 18 wheeler. This is coming off brookshire boulevard on the ramp to the 485 outer loop. You can see in the top left hand corner of your screen that truck is turned over and looks like it has lost the load on the side of the roadway there. Blocking that ramp to 485 outer loop, lets look at the mapping system and ill point out exactly where this has happened. Were seeing fairly significant delays, stopped traffic now on brookshire boulevard heading inbound toward the city but the accident is actually on the ramp to the i485 outer loop. Conklin. Al thanks a lot, chris, out there right now, looking at a nice start to the day, lot of sunshine, still a few snow flurries in the mountain, windy skies. Heath springs Elementary School down in lancaster county. Right now lancaster is at freezing, above freezing, 37 in charlotte, 35 rock hill, monroe, wadesboro, 34 in rockingham, still cold, 26 in boone. Statesville, westward over toward hickory, newton and conover. Lots of sunshine, winds are gradually dying down, high temperature, 51 degrees, heading out to the ball games tonight, ciaa, take a look at it, 40 for a 7 00 temperature. Party, people it is friday, february 26th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More news ahead including a tag team verbal assault on donald trump at the gop debate. About marco rubio and ted cruz do enough to improve their chances on super tuesday . Eye opener at 8 00. Police say all of the deaths occurred in the building behind me. His coworkers say he appeared normal when he arrived to work. What do you get when you combine political desperation a shouting match and boarded on bedlem bedlem. Youre not winning a twitter war with donald trump. No way we would let a con artist to overtake the conservative movement and donald trump is a con art ilvet. Ist. He is pouring sweat ive never seen anything like it and i dont know what the problem is but he is pouring down sweat. We have to have somebody that doesnt sweat. When donald trump released his tax returns it would show his income and what percentage he is paying in taxes but he says he cant. Barack obama used to be their number one politician and now its bernie sanders. Poor obama. Young people used to think he was so cool. This was him in 2008. And now he is considered less cool than this guy. He is playing basketball with hands inpens in his pocket. Hold on a second, that is two points for me announcer this portion of cbs nationwide. Odonnell and vinita nair. Gayle is off. Investigators this morning say they are close to identifying a motive in yesterdays deadly rampage in kansas. Three people were killed by the gunman and at least 15 hurt. At least four are in critical condition. Early indications do not show any connection between the shooting and foreign terror groups. Police say the gunman was served a protective order for an abusive relationship shortly before the shootings. Cbs news has identified the gunman as cedric ford. He was armed with an assaultstyle weapon. The shooting stretched across two towns outside of wichita. The shooting occurred at excel industries where ford worked and he was killed an hour after the rampage was started by police. Marco rubio and ted cruz hit frontrunner donald trump last nights debate on everything youre the only person on this stage has ever been fined for hireing people to work on your projects illegal. Im the only one on the stage that has hired people. You havent hired anybody. He said, im not going to pay for that, quote, fing wall. This guy used a filthy sdust disgusting word on television and he should be ashamed of himself and should apologize. The wall is 10 billion to 12 billion if i do it and if these guys do it will cost 200 billion. If he builds the wall like trump towers he will be using illegal labor to do it. I get along with everybody. You dont get along with anybody. You dont have one republican senator, and you work with them every day of your life and skip a lot of time, these are minor details. I think donald is right. He is promising if he is elected he will cut deals in washington. He right. He has supported giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to democrats. This is robin hood over here. He talks about corruption on his he didnt even put that he has borrowed money from citibank and from goldman sachs. The Insurance Companies take care of the politicians and Insurance Companies get what they want. We should have gotten rid of the lines around each state so we could have real competition. Is that the only part of the plan . Just lines . You have many different plans. Youll have competitionship youll have so many different plans. Now he is repeating himddle. Himself. No, im not repeating myself. You are repeating yourself. Here is the guy repeating himself. Five things, everyone is dumb and he going to make America Great again. Senator rubio, please stop every night, same thing well, last nights debate both marco rubio and ted cruz cited with the fbi in its fight with apple. In a court filing on thursday government over unlocking an iphone of the San Bernardino terrorist. Apple said the following. Fbi director james comey said thursday, quote, the hardest question ive seen in government and its going to require negotiation and conversation. The cofounder Paypal Max Levchin has joined that conversation and joined on yelps board until last year and he is of a tech company. Welcome. Great to be here. Let me ask you this one simple question. How do you see this controversy, other than the need for conversation and negotiation, what is at issue here for you . A tough answer. But i fundamentally changed my views the last several days listening to the debate going from helping is terrorist clearcut black and eye test to my view today which i think is the right one. Fundamentally supporting tim cook in what he is trying to do. This is ultimately a question of drawing the line in the sand and its a brandnew set of problems. Fbi or Law Enforcement asking a company to write code to survey its customers is unprecedented and what tim cook is trying to do is bring it into the public debate all the way to congress, all the way to the Supreme Court. And have a clear set of laws created because there isnt anything on the books today. So i think that is profound lie important. Youve heard the case that the fbi director said on capitol hill yesterday. The code the judge has directed apple to write works on only this phone. So the idea this getting into the wild and working on my phone not the real thing. Is that argument i think it runs on this particular iphone but by extension, its true that they can write code that works on any other iphone, yours for example or my laptop or your laptop. If there is ultimately a law is a thassays that is okay, tim cook is saying we need to hear it and stated to the American People we are all fine with this. Max, what do you think has changed . Because as i look at this debate, apple has been cooperating with Law Enforcement, as well as Us Intelligence agencies for years. Last year they handed over 3,000 cases and why all of a sudden has apple decided to draw a line in the sand on this case . I cant speak for apple, obviously. I suspect and just like i said, its a really complex issue and all of us, certainly i as a parent or a husband, the initial reaction lets help the Law Enforcement. Its very clear that apple has been andments to continue to do so. Slope has gotten very slippery, where you start by handing over data that you had access to as court order would compel you do youre asked to do more and build more software. Why not expect to have software in your phone to record what you say and that is something they clearly could not deal with without having it completely heard out publicly. Why is it that the government needs apples help . I think people would think, naturally why not recruit people on your own from Silicon Valley and you have your own capability of hacking into the phone. It turns out this particular one issue technologically without apples help is impossible. The security within the iphone today is Strong Enough where the company, itself, has means to unlock it if they are compelled to do so, but the best hark in the world, without apples help, could not. How do you square this . I mean, as you know, its a need to ask this. You worry about having access by anybody and, clearly, people around the world will use the precedent. Uhhuh. But what is it that prevents this society from figuring out a way to allow them to get information about terrorism . I think we are ultimately worried about the precedent. I think that is the most important thing here. Precedent takes precedent over the lives of people who might be endangered by terrorism . I think thats the hardest part about this case, and i think what tim koom cookcook is saying, yes, it does. Its really hard for me to say, yes, it does, but i think from the prospective we want to live in and what law we want to do firefight it does or doesnt we need off a public debate about it and a law says here is what it means. The precedent from waterboarding and we have put aside the conversation what is important to us as a society, as a country in favor of solving a problem that is immediately in front of us, and, subsequently, we found ourselves soul searching over and over again. I think that is what they are trying to prevent. Do you think this process and this conversation is taking place now and that either at the Supreme Court level or before congress, something will change . Absolutely. I think it is out. Max, thank you. Spike lee is in the toyota green room. We will take a closer look at will learn about his announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by nationwide. Nationwide is on your side police say he studied how to pull off a perfect murder. 48 hours shows us the gunmans computer that suggests he had been training for years. That is ahead. Tomorrow night 48 hours examines a bizarre killing in seattle. A man was sitting in traffic and gunned down simply for the thrill. That is what prosecutors say was the motive for murder. The man arrested in the shooting was hailed as a genius. Peter van sant investigates the prodigy who allegedly trained for years to commit the perfect murder. Here is a preview. Reporter it was a murder that put the city of seattle on edge. It was like a bomb had dropped. None of us is ever safe. Any of us could have been him. Reporter prosecutors adrian mccoy and Kristen Richardson say the murder of yancy noel shot to death in his car while stopped at a red light seemed totally random. The police went all out. They took it very seriously. Quiet summers night in 2012. Local wine steward yancy noel was driving home from work when he was shot four times in the head by a man in a bmw sports car who fled the scene. Yancy had no criminal history history, no history of being a hothead. Reporter detective dana duffy and her partner frank clark suspected it might be a case of road rage on steroids. We didnt know if it was a targeted shooting or if it was a random shooting. Reporter weeks went by and then police got a tip. The name vin bowman who appeared to be the most unlikely of potential suspects. The people that we have spoken to have described him as brilliant. A genius. Reporter bowman and his wife jennifer were taken to Police Headquarters where bowman refused to talk. His wife jennifer dodged questions. Police suspected she was covering up for her husband. Have you heard of any murders your house in the last few weeks . Im not sure. Youre not sure . Its a yes or no question. Do you want to talk to a lawyer or talk to us first . I guess id like to talk to a lawyer. Reporter bowman got his lawyer and he was arrested. Wife jennifer was released but stood by her man. There were hundreds of jailhouse phone calls. They had pet names, jen was bunny. And mrs. Bowman, jennifer, was snuggles. When they talked to each other, they talk in baby talk. Honey, how are you . Im doing good. How is my little snuggle . I dream about you. Yea reporter when police examined bowmans computer, they discovered he had been building a library of information on death and murder. And videos reveal he was an expert marksman. Police didnt know they were looking for a student of murder. Kill. Peter van sant is here with more just to kill. Yes. This was a random killing and one of the most terrifying kind by a genius engineer. This man was working on making the First Electric motorcycle. He designed robotics and went to college when he was 1. 2. Very much a loner. Fancied himself like james bond and could fire handguns accurately and won a shooting competition with both hands and played it out to this tragic end. What question is your piece asking . Our piece is trying to get inside the mind of someone who had everything in life to achieve and, yet, chose a random act of violence that is similar to what a g gg member would do. He pulled up alongside a complete stranger and put four bullets in his head and why . The back story is fascinating. Especially based on what youve told us. What a prodigy he was. Peter, thank you. Student of murder tomorrow night on cbs, at 10 00 9 00 central on cbs. The sneak preview of an auction that rocks youre watching cbs this morning. Looking for 24 7 digestive support . Try align for a nonstop, sweettreatgoodness holdontoyourtiara, kindofday. Live 24 7 with 24 7 digestive support. We brought you here today to get your honest opinion about this new car. To keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. Feels like a bmw. Reminds me a little bit of like an audi. So, this car supports apple carplay. Siri, open maps. She gets me. Wow. It also has teen driver technology. It even mutes the radio until the seat belts are buckled. Im very curious what it is. This is the 2016 chevy malibu. And it sells for . It starts at twentytwo five. What . Oh wow. I mean with all this technology. Thats a game changer. A leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. The winner persil 2 in 1, didnt only beat tide. It beat every single detergent tested. Boom. Switch to Persil Proclean 2 in 1. Tt0w tx hi 4 that gibson guitar played by Ricky Sanborn is up for auction tomorrow in new york. Collection features manufacture music some of the rock legends unforgettable guitars. Talking about righteous brothers and sonny and cher and mamma and papa. It includes a golden beauty donate by george benson, r b legends and one by bb king that famous called lucille. I know i saw charlies eyes light up. May hell be bidding . Maybe not . Filmmaker spike lee is calling for change in the Music Industry after this years ahead, why he says the real suite. That is after your local news. John this is a wbtv on your carter. 8 25. The charlotte man arrested and charged in the murder of his 82yearold mother will appear in a Mecklenburg County courtroom today. Police say 58yearold Irwin Feldman killed his mother, ina, in february of 2014. Police believe feldman killed his mother as many as 36 hours before her body was found. He remains in the Mecklenburg County jail this morning on that murder charge. Lets check in now with chris larson, first alert traffic. Chris john, thank you, first alert traffic is sponsored by toyota of north charlotte. Were still seeing delays on brookshire boulevard up to 485, this is because of an earlier overturned truck on the ramp to i485 outer loop. Cmpd telling us they have reopened the ramp but still seeing inbound delays. Rozzelles ferry would be your alternate. To center city, slow go this morning, volume delays there and new injury accident on north graham at norris avenue. Lets take a quick look at overall commute down to the south, you see the delays, 77 northbound, arrowood to tyvola and to center city. Here is meteorologist al conklin. Al chris, we have a good deal of sunshine one exception in the mountains, wind and snow flying. We have blue skies and pretty start to the day but chilly start. 37 degrees in charlotte, 33 shelby, 34 in gastonia, 35 rock hill, 36 in lancaster, mid 30s monroe, mid to upper 30s from i40, morganton to hickory, statesville, salisbury and albermarle both at 38. This afternoon, good deal of sunshine, still a little on the breezy side but not as gusty, not as windy as the last couple afternoons, but the high only 51. If youre heading out, temperatures in the 30s, every where across the viewing area from the mountains down in the sand hills and midlands. Today, 51, clear skies, 27 tonight, tomorrow mostly sunny, high temperature, 55. Mostly sunny sunday, but sunday is probably the better day of the weekend whether you consider ten degrees warmer from saturday going in sunday. We stay on the warm side for monday and tuesday, next opportunity for any showers and storms looks to come wednesday, 60 degrees. That is new england Quarterback Tom Brady recreating a classic lion king moment to welcome his new puppy to the family. Brady got the pup named fluffy from an Animal Shelter in los angeles. So cute he is a stream of light coming down on the puppy. Very cute. Kind of a different picture than what we saw gronk doing yesterday. Sort of a contrast. A different kind of fun. A new documentary on Michael Jackson looks at a major turning the man behind that documentary, director spike lee is right here in studio 57. How he believes hollywood can take on the diversity issue with this weeks oscars under fire. That is ahead. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports on the nations first uterus transplant. Wednesdays operation took place at the cleveland clinic. A 26yearold woman was a recipient. The uterus was from a deceased donor. The patient has to wait a year before trying to become pregnant through in vitro fertilization. Isnt that amazing . Medicine, medicine, medicine. The st. Louis patch dispatch is covering a university of missouri prefer who is fired after protesters this last fall. Click was not encouraged to physical limitation against a student. The oscars are still missing many faces when it comes to diversity. The second straight year, all 20 Academy Award acting nominees are white. 91 of oscar voters are white. Down 3 since 2012. 76 are male. 1 drop. About 3 are black. A slight increase. The Academy Members are picked for life slowing the push to diversify. The 88th annual oscars are two days away. Big hollywood names will not be there. Twotime nominee and oscar recipient spike lee revealed on instagram he and his wife will not attend sundays ceremony. The Motion Picture academy announced in january it will take historic action to make its membership more conclusive but lee thinks the problem goes much different. He is out with a new documentary michael jackies journey from welcome to studio 57. How are you doing . You didnt ask me where im going to be . Where are you going to be . The worlds Norah Odonnell most famous be arena, Madison Square garden. My beloved New York Knicks will hopefully put up a good performance against the miami heat. That will be a good one. Have you looked at the standings laltedtely . We are at the bottom of the east we are talking about what your beloved knicks need. Yeah. Where are you going to be on the night of the oscars . The worlds most famous arena okay. Can you help him . What he meant to say i thought you were just joking with me because we love the knicks. No, no, im going to the game we were talking about earlier was your decision. Youre not calling it a boycott. Your decision to not attend. This has been longstanding for you. Youve commented about this for years now. What was the impetus this year that made you say im not going . Out like the day before on National Holiday for mlk day, and for the second year in a row, those keeping score at home, sports fans, 200. Two years in a row, 200. Two years, 400. That is ridiculous. I think so many performances that got overlooked. My wife and said, we cant go. We didnt call anybody. I was not on the phone with jada or will. We did this independently and they did it independently and other people have done it independently too. Its pervasive and people said we are fed up and not going. You say its not just those who vote, you say its a problem with the major studios. Yeah. Have you seen hamilton yet . Yes. One of my favorite songs not in the room. Yes, we got to be in the room i want to be the room. We are not in the gatekeeper positions. We dont have green lights. Im happy that abc appointed an africanamerican woman as a new entertainment person. Thats a start. The oscar thing, its the biggest thing. We are not in the room and not in the gatekeeper position. A couple of things to do here. Number one, what you want to do is more africanamerican executives at every level of the people of color. People of color . Yes. Like we need a version of the nfls rooney rule. Right. In the entertainment industry. Do you think process is the only way things will change . We discussed that before throughout the show. You have a good point. It always comes down to from montgomery boycott to university of missouri, when they knew that the Football Team was going to be on strike and they had to they forfeited that game to byu, that president of the university of missouri, the board of trade got together and he was out there. Comes down to dollar bills. There was a new ucla study that found when half of the cast of a movie is not white, the film has more success at the box office. There is the argument to make the studio heads, right . That is the thing. Forget about this being america and what is right to do. Lets appeal to the bottom line. United States Census Bureau said by the year 2036 white americans would be a minority. Right. If im a businessman, i want to make money, im going to appeal to what this country largest audience . Yes. You cannot ignore people of color in this country like these think. Youre advertising your new documentary on your shirt no surprise there. That is a nice looking tshirt. What is great about your documentary, though is and the game plan is lets just deal with the music. All of the other stuff, not here. Lets just deal with this genius and that is we have done with bad and off the wall. Iseen a lot of genius before in him before. He was able james brown, gene and is a sinatra and others to make it his own. What about this particular time in his life . This is key because this follows him from one of the member of the jackson five to him be starring in the whiz now is a key thing on to his first solo album off the wall. Thriller thriller thriller and bad all off quincy jones. Spike lee, thank you very much. Thanks for having me. Go knicks, friday night i will not be at the oscars in l. A. You can watch off the wall cbs. All across america families are coming back to Time Warner Cable for a whole new experience. Thats because weve been working hard to give you better service, we came back for internet speeds so fast even the kids are impressed. Oh shes impressed. Were catching up on movies and shows on demand just as fast as we can watch them. For 89. 99 a month youll get 100 meg ultrafast internet, hundreds of hd channels and unlimited calling. 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Duke won again last night over florida state. The victory came after star Grayson Allen appeared to trip may. Earlier this month allen was called for a flagrant foul when he tripped a louisville player. Last night, the officials did not call a foul. The latest victory is a boost from the alma mater for me. Duke is gunning for a 40th ncaa appearance. Students camp out for the chance to see the blue devils play. One longtime fan for whom tickets were out of reach finally got to cheer them on in person. Kenneth craig is outside of Cameron Indoor stadium on the duke campus in durham, North Carolina. Kenneth, good morning. Reporter good morning. Marty sluski has been protecting told me about his time in vietnam and three decades with new yorks Fire Department but what happened to him here this week, hell never forget. Youve met a lot of students, i can imagine. Thousands of them. Reporter marty shutski is helping people all his life but for the 62yearold last night, he was the one getting the help. Its been a dream, id say, to go to an actual duke years. And i was so excited that i couldnt even sleep. There you with, marty yeah. Everything good . Got your sweatshirt on. Got my duke shirt. Reporter working as a Security Guard at one of dukes campus libraries, he is a wellknown face to the students. He works the graveyard shift, often hearing the cheers from nearby indoor cameron stadium. Going to the game tonight . Absolutely. Reporter not once has he sat in the stands to cheer on his beloved blue devils. Well, because its super, super expensive. I thought he is such a friendly guy. You see him walking down the hall and i said i want to be friends with him. He has worked here 12 years. So its crazy that he hasnt been to a game before. Reporter duke sophomore Kayla Schultz and lauren perry, create a go fund me page looking to raise 430 dollars for a pair of tickets and 30 minds after sharing it on facebook they hit their goal and beyond. It just makes you realize how precious he is to the students respect him. People are going specifically reporter what went through your head when they presented you with those tickets . Im going to a duke game and im very, very excite reporter its like a dream for you . You going in to watch donkey sound elephant sound theres a big difference between making noise, tapping sound and making sense. elephant sound donkey sound when it comes to Social Security, we need more than lip service. Our next president needs a real plan to keep Social Security strong. elephant noise hey candidates. Enough talk. We want to take a moment to salute a long time member of our cbs news family. Anthony santos is retiring after an amazing 35year run. He started on the road and worked in our videotape department before becoming an associate director right here at cbs this morning. Congratulations, tony its a remarkable family here rat cbs and at cbs and he is an important part of it. Tune into the cbs evening news tonight with scott pelley and watch our 24 7 network cbs nnchts. Cbsn. Was. Have a great weekend. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. Donald trump got more votes than rubio and cruz combined by winning every category. No way we will allow a con artist take over. What do you think a trump government would look like, senator . It would be terrible. Youre looking at him. The fight goes on. The nevada victory was a huge relief for the clinton camp. We never doubted each other. The devastation is just epic. The buildings have been blown clean off. Our house started shaking. Rvs thrown like childrens toys. This someplace a scrap yard now. Apple executives say this is a slippery slope. Back door does put millions of customers at risk. They received complaints about daltons erratic behavior. Yes. Bill cosby was reserved and hey hey ho ho feel good going down. We do love gronk. He has some moves, gayle king. He is fun to watch on and off the field. No doubt. Back or front . Back or front is right the boy looks good. See that boy walk im james dean whatever you toss just because i struggle you said there should be a revolt against pants. A, we are at a table so none of us have to wear pants. I think its a good idea if we do. Somebody you are considering to have context with traveled to south america or a place there is at zika virus. What is the diplomatic way to ask that question . Ill have to say, youll have let me say it again. New yorker calls it a decline of civilization. Croissant are getting straightened out. Its scary. Ni athlete who tells me anything else, i dont think they are speaking the truth. Ted cruz the other night in South Carolina said we made history tonight and im thinking, what kind of history . Youre in the south. You cant walk a block without running into a white evangelical. Thank you, mike. Okay. Are you done . Well, no its the clock. Not you. Mike, mike, you need a hug. Christine good morning, this is a wbtv on your side news update im christine sperow. 8 55. This isous in, Watauga County schools letting us know they are Closing School for today. Initially school was delayed for Watauga County schools, but now officials saying they are closed for this friday morning. Were on your side with norovirus outbreak at Charlotte Metro school forced officials to close school today. The Mecklenburg County Health Department says students and teachers exhibited symptoms of norovirus yesterday. And it is not just that school, dozens at Wingate University reported symptoms of the virus diarrhea. Lets get an update on the commute where from chris larson. Chris christine, thank you, first alert traffic sponsored by toyota of north charlotte. Weve been following this scene out on brookshire boulevard on the ramp to the 485 outer loop, for a little more than an hour now with an overturned 18 wheeler, which lost its load. Now they have reopened the ramp and as we go to our mapping system, you will see the delays slacken off. You can make your way from loop once again. Taking a live look i77 toward the rest area, volume of traffic here letting up, also lighter but still showing an accident at the arboretum, highway 51 and accidents, Ballantyne Commons parkway, first one lancaster highway, the other one 521 johnston road. Here is meteorologist al conklin conklin. Al south boulevard and scott clarks nissan, a lot of sunshine and outside of the mountains where we have the School Closures because of the wind, cold, clouds and snow, the rest of us are seeing a good deal of sunshine and responding to that. Now starting to warm up. Charlotte at 41 as is wadesboro, 40 albermarle, monroe, close to that now in lancaster, 40 in rock hill, 43 in gastonia, a lot of 30s showing up from morganton to hickory, statesville and in salisbury. Now for this afternoon, wind up with plenty of sunshine through the day but a little on the cool side, 51 charlotte, gastonia and monroe, 47 hickory and 49 up around salisbury and rowan county. Continue to warm tomorrow, getting up to 55, of 5 on sunday, next opportunity for any rain comes wednesday, but between now and then, nothing temperatures. Realtime closedcaptioning provided byu. S. Capti [music playing] jeff today im in myrtle beach, South Carolina, where the seafood reigns. Some of the best seafood on the east coast. Lets get in the kitchen, and lets get cooking. Announcer today on flip my food, chef jeff travels into murrells outlet to the famous beaver bar and creates quite a stir with some amazing dishes. And now, lets get to cooking. Jeff were in the flip my food kitchen, set up in the beaver bar right here in myrtle beach, South Carolina. And im with double trouble today, allyson and ava. How you guys doing . Ava doing good. Jeff yeah, its great to meet you. When i walked in, you and i said, i thought i just havent met me. Thats my sister. So you guys are paternal twins . Ava yes. Jeff do you guys think alike . Ava we do. Jeff do you guys eat alike . Ava very close. Jeff is there anything that youd like to eat that you dont like to eat . Allyson no, i dont think so. Jeff all righty, so were going to flip a little food here

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