A 60 percent chance of showers today with mostly cloudy skies in the high near 70. Percent chance of rain mostly cloudy. 73. Welcome to the town hall review with Hugh Hewitt brought to you in partnership with the Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy I mark it was from 6. In this week for Hugh the Democrats tragically demonstrated their disdain for life by voting down the Born Alive bill in the u.s. Senate we know the partisan extremists playbook it comes out of the goal here is obvious to believe doctors giving reproductive care Democrats grandstanding to embarrass the president may backfire former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is trotted out in front of the House Oversight Committee said this Mr Cohen my weakness can be characterized as a blind loyalty to Donald Trump that led me to choose a path of darkness Is that accurate Mr Collins I wrote that are the Democrats heading for us civil war as 2020 approaches Peter Schweitzer comments there's going to be a civil war and I think you have. To look at the party establishment is banking on people. Here years ethical. Corruption problems I Mark Davis great to be with you catch my program each weekday morning live from 7 to 10 am central 1660 am the answer in Dallas Fort Worth or wherever you're online at 660 am the answer dot com my home station also easy to get on your handheld device through the chimney and the radio app abortion has dominated the news for several weeks while Democrat controlled state legislatures of New York and Virginia passed or nearly passed laws that border on infanticide a related bill in the u.s. Senate the Born Alive abortion survivors Protection Act was defeated in the Senate last Monday introduced by Republican senator Ben Sasse the bill needed 60 votes to overcome the legislative filibuster it went down $53.00 to $44.00 Interestingly 3 Democrat senators crossed over to vote for the bill. But it still came short of the 60 needed to break the Senate filibuster rules that on a bill you'd think would garner unanimous support in normal times significantly all the Senate Democrats who are running for president voted against the bill here's my Salem colleague Mike Gallagher now under the category of things that matter have you noticed or to pay any attention to the fact that Senate Senate Democrats yesterday blocked a bill that would have protected the life of a child a baby born alive. Something literally called the Born Alive bill. And the Democrats stopped it and there were some also weird stuff Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina didn't get there in time his plane was delayed. You know I get the things can happen is a pretty important pretty important vote this isn't like you know funding to get in show some highway funding this is the life of a child in the balance and Senator Tim Scott didn't make it in time so he was not there to cast a vote there are a couple I think who actually missed the vote yet the Democrats they've doubled down on this Tammy Duckworth us she. Senator railing against the Republicans this is cut number 6 Here's Senator Duckworth saying this is just all about bullying bullying this Born Alive nonsense we know with a partisan extremist playbook it comes out off one base not in fact but in fiction steeped in ignorance and myside to me the goal here is obvious to bully doctors out of giving reproductive care to scare them out of business one potential lawsuit or jail sentence at a time when the media says it's an it was an anti abortion bill that's a lie this is a baby but how do you call a baby born Shaab an aborted baby is a 6 month old baby that gets killed aborted this is a living breathing child. And this is where the Democrats are in 2019 it's it's beyond shocking by a vote of $53.00 to $44.00 the Senate would not pass failed to pass the Born Alive abortion survivors Protection Act It would have required doctors to provide medical care to infants born alive it was a bill sponsored by Ben Sasse Senator Ben stache out of Nebraska was co-sponsored by 49 of his fellow Republican senators it needed 60 votes to overcome the legislative filibuster and incidentally while we're on the subject of who voted for and against I'm I'm sorry I give credit and a tip of the hat to the 3 Democrats who crossed the aisle Bob Casey Jr of Pennsylvania Joe Manchin from West Virginia and Doug Jones from Alabama. I saw some cynicism last night well Doug Jones and he knows it a bit now don't don't be that way every single one of the Democrat senators running for president voted against this you need to remember Cory Booker and Sherrod Brown and Kiersten Sheila Brennan Kamelot Harris and Amy clover char and Elizabeth Warren along with Bernie Sanders They all voted for infanticide but again 3 Republican senators did not vote at all Kevin Kramer of North Dakota Lisa Murkowski from Alaska and Tim Scott from South Carolina both Kramer and Scott missed the vote due to their flight delays and it matters Life Matters the Democrats can pretend it doesn't matter the Democrats can make up stories about this being extremism the right wing and the far right you don't you don't this isn't right or left this isn't this isn't partisan this is life and death. It's beyond shocking and I hate to make try to score political points on this but the fact remains there's only a political solution to this that's the only way you can complain about it you can be anguished about it and many of us are I mean this is this is not just discussed it is it is it's anguishing to understand what the Democrats did except for Bob Casey Joe Manchin and Doug Jones. Every other Democrat voted against . Saving this child's these children's lives on the House side of Congress the House Oversight Committee staged a hearing with convicted former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen some folks wondered if the Democrat controlled committee chaired by illogic Cummings was orchestrating a major embarrassment for President Trump my colleague Mike Gallagher thinks the temple failed Let's take you back to Capitol Hill where Michael Cohen has delivered a couple of statements a shady rebuke of his former boss this is a guy scorned if you've ever heard a man if you know if you know if somebody who's who's angry sounds like and somebody who's been manipulated by Lanny Davis the former Clinton architect right hand right hand man to the Clintons he's orchestrating this and in fact is even sitting right over Michael Collins right shoulder walked in with him this is a Lanny Davis production Make no mistake as it was laid out by Jim Jordan earlier but let's listen a little bit to Michael Cohen's testimony in Washington d.c. The questions have been raised about whether I know of to erect evidence that Mr Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia. I do not and I want to be clear and I have my suspicions. This inspirations about collusion but there wasn't and that's the most I guess important thing if you care about the mall or investigation that the president's lawyer never saw any evidence of any kind of collusion but here's what Jason chafes writes about all this and Fox News makes a great point former congressman. Aside from the obvious question of why Democrats are wasting time on someone with a history of lying to them guy who's about to go off to prison there's a bigger question how can they justify a hearing that is clearly outside the scope of the committee's broad jurisdiction Well of course we know the answer to that it's only to embarrass the president as he's over in Vietnam trying to achieve peace in the Korean Peninsula I mean this is this is all this is is a sideshow in intended and designed this fiasco is is absolutely designed to to embarrass the president chafe its rights this is serving only one purpose a public flogging of the president as he meets with Kim Jong Il and about one of the most promising foreign policy initiatives of his presidency Here's Jim Jordan let's take you back to this House Oversight Committee. And as expected Colin getting a real grilling from the Republicans on the committee 1st Ohio's Jim Jordan. I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we are in the courthouse and I will take you for every penny you still don't have and I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know so I'm warning you tread very lightly because what I'm going to do to you is going to be f. And disgusting you understand me Mr Cohen who said that I did. And it just say that Mr Cohen in your testimony on page 2. You said you did things for Mr Trump in an effort to protect him was that statement that I just read that you admitted to saying that g.-d. That to protect Donald Trump. I did it to protect to Trump Donald Trump Jr. Trump And Trump. And in your sentencing statement back in December in front of the judge you said this Mr Cohen my weakness can be characterized as a blind loyalty to Donald Trump a blind loyalty that led me to choose a path of darkness Is that accurate Mr Collon I wrote that you wrote that and said that and from the judge that right that's correct let me read a few other things here and let me ask you why you did some of these things when you filed a false tax return in 2012201320142015 and 2016 was all that out of blind loyalty to the president no it was not when you fail to report $4000000.00 in income to the Internal Revenue Service did you do that to protect Donald Trump No I did not and when you failed to pay 1400000 in taxes I got constituents who don't make that in a lifetime when you failed to pay 1400000 in taxes to the u.s. Treasury. Was that out of some blind loyalty to the president United States it was not the number 1.38 in change and I have need that money back to the i.r.s. I think this I think the American people appreciate that 1.3 and I would also just like to say you could it was over the course of 5 years approximately 260000 a year and that's what I said 2012201320142015005 years yes got it when you made false statements to financial institutions concerning a home equity line of credit taxi medallions and your Park Avenue apartment in 201-320-1420 extension 15 you pled guilty to making those false statements to those banks was that all done to protect the president you know it was not coming up you have to have a powerful flamin if message going forward and I think present Trump will have that and I think the Democratic nominee to the left wing are going to have a hard time coming up with a message that appeals to one of the people Democrats civil war approaching when the town hall interview with Hugh Hewitt returns in a moment. Our best public leaders are Wave makers able to combine smart policy ideas with a call to what makes America exceptional creating waves of popular support I'm Pete Peterson dean of Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy and for 2 decades we've prepared wave makers through the nation's most unique master's curriculum combining rigorous study of our founding principles with the latest tools of policy analysis from America's most beautiful campus in Malibu California our graduates go on to a variety of careers from chiefs of staff on Capitol Hill to the Foreign Service and our intelligence agencies to top think tank positions a nonprofit leadership on issues like education reform and homelessness America needs citizen leaders and we prepare the. I'm like no one else find out why we say at Pepperdine School of Public Policy you'll see your future differently from here visit us online at Public Policy dot Pepperdine dot edu that's public policy Doc Pepperdine dot edu. It was shocking to me that the government would try to take away my freedoms and force me to create something that went against my faith. That's Jack Phillips of masterpiece cake shop in Colorado who was sued for living out his religious beliefs. Alliance Defending Freedom took his case all the way to the United States Supreme Court which recently gave Jack up big victory but apparently that win wasn't enough for the Colorado government Welcome back to. Us in this week for the program partnership. School of Public Policy always public policy. For the new voice. To see a widening gap in the Democrat Party. Accountability . Some potential for civil war breaking out politically among the Democrats between the. Fine and then you got a o.c. And have click do you think this reading too much into recent statements or what you'll take there is going to be a civil war and I think that some of their people are that the party establishment is banking on people like Joe Biden have serious serious ethical and corruption problems that they're not going to class away are you talking about his final left for the are you talking about his son in China Yes exactly and you know look it is very very hard to make the case that something is not a mess when in December of 2013 you fly over on Air Force 2 as vice president the United States to meet with Chinese officials and your son is on the plane and when you come back to the United States your son Lantz a $1000000000.00 private equity deal from the Chinese government because I know the details but others need to know this Biden's son lands a 1000000000 dollar deal with the Chinese government it's important back gets reiterated Yes exactly and and here's the thing this is a side who has no background in China no background in private equity and this deal is done in a way that nobody else Morgan Stanley Goldman Sachs nobody else has a steel mesh just the 1st of a series of deals that the Chinese government gives the Biden family so when Joe Biden says I've been in politics since the mid seventy's but I don't really have much money well your family certainly does and they got it because of these foreign governments and powers that enriched your family while you were vice president and making decisions favorable to them right now if you have to put money down it is the old guard establishment who knows how the game is played are they going to crush the whip or stop is or are they really in trouble I think they're really in trouble and the reason is where is the energy the energy in the party where is the critical mass I. Not believe that we are a left wing country but I believe that there is critical mass within the Democratic Party that so users the Bernie Sanders the only thing that may save the establishment is that a loser with Warren Bernie Sanders come over here so splits the left votes that the more centrist Joe Biden gets in that's the only the only thing that's going to save the establishment is if to the left splits a vote otherwise it's a foregone conclusion by mind that the left will dominate the party you're not going to persuade a lot of voters to vote for you by calling out the other side you have to have a powerful a formative message going forward and I think present trouble habit and I think that Democrats their spirit dominates the left wing are going to have a hard time coming up with a message that appeals to many people recently an opinion piece appeared in The Los Angeles Times written by Nancy Raman a journalist these pieces appeared in The New York Times of Wall Street Journal it was called Outrage culture is out of control problem and is a resident of Portland Oregon where her husband is in the offing roasting business Mansi and a colleague produced videos critical of some of the excesses of organizations like the hash tag 2 movement my colleague Dennis Prager caught up in n.c. Recently on the Dennis Prager Show you are husband owns a coffee shop and problem is that correct. Copier thing business and 3 point one are going to risk rather than Yeah well there are 3 of them. It's serious operation Ok out here are probably cocky 3 or so you know from the ground up business culture. And you're his peers business is being threatened or sector wrecked. Now that's correct sir I'm a journalist and I have a new theory that a former employee took some offense here and decided to take her offense. To the media and it's been unbelievably destructive in a incredibly fast period of time the video series was called on the hash tag or it's called the has tag me neither show it's on You Tube the hash tag me neither show I like you I'm from New York City so I talk fast right. We saw it we discussed lots of things we discussed some of the excesses of the need to movement and we tried to you know hash out the differences between someone might get an obvious I'm sorry who goes on a bad date and has his life destroyed and someone like Mark Kelly who should properly be going to prison for serial sexual assaults on we're talking you know the world is not black and white and we were talking about the nuances but this apparently made this former employee insane and she claimed that my point of view. Puts our or my husband's employees in jeopardy and our customers in jeopardy and the media about it and not explode it and you begin. A video cast as it were where in that you take issue with some of the excesses of the me too movement is a fair description that we talk about a lot of things but yes that that is part of what we talk about correct right and as a result one former employees has said that it's though it's a toxic environment and the left just heard doesn't show up at a perfectly legitimate business of the husband I might add I didn't I contribute to Reason magazine and I think reporting on this that it's really the city council where the problems are starting but that's a topic for another day but I am staying on that story as well. But like any movement there will be excess and so there will people be people that use it for personal gain you know and the I don't need to me is that. Some people complaining about what they see as my show being dangerous are doing exactly that they're using the news to movement for their own personal cause what if they were given it in this case so that you know that's sort of no fun and sort of illustrates my point your are your business your husband's business is on the verge of ruin because of the left because of of what you have done on videos so I asked you earlier are there not enough none leftists just decent people in Portland who would sustain your business deliberately Well we definitely do have some of those but I will tell you who are the really really decent people and I think in so moving that people would have you know I've written about this for the l.a. Times and for quite People read the story and they will you can offer order coffee on line I'm going to tell people how to live I will consider it a personal moral failure if we do not do you help your business survive well I don't give you the leverage that could go ahead give my people the Web Allen my producer already ordered from you I'm going to order as well Ok What's more it's amazing what this is what know we've been so that way to give give give the website and tell us what how you're touched I want to thank you 1st. The website is r r p d x. Dot com are our Peter David x. Ray exactly r r p d x dot white dot com. Ok go on. He brought in ordering from all over the country. Well you know we became great. Coming out when you look at hate crime most of the white republican hate crimes and I've analyzed personally turned out to be fake hate crimes a growing problem with a town hall review Hugh Hewitt continues in a moment. With sorry news on Gordon Griffith and storm that drops several inches of snow to parts of the Midwest over the weekend was heading toward the northeast where it could disrupt Monday morning commutes up to 8 inches of snow had fallen in parts of the far western Kansas by Sunday morning but most areas of Kansas Nebraska Missouri and Illinois that were within the path of the storm had got no more than a few inches of snow on a sleek American built space capsule just a test dummy aboard has docked smoothly with the International Space Station the plot of the Dragon capsule represents a big step toward putting the u.s. Back in the business of launching astronauts President Donald Trump national security by advisor John Bolton says that the president's meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong un was a success Bolton making the case that President Trump advanced America's national security interests by rejecting a bad agreement while working to persuade him to take the big deal this is us or a news. Here's your community calendar from. 7 30 pm on Saturday March 9th at 7 pm it's the vs the Great. Veterans Memorial Arena. To see and hear jazz great concert live at the border theater and Saturday March. To 1 pm It's the beach marketplace farmer's market. For more information or to have your event included visit. 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Brisbane are taking the original. Oysters fish wings and more. A pound of his or delivers it just for 993999 Check out our new. Special discounts for military 1st responders and school employees the original Tunis restaurant open 7 days a week check us out on Facebook the original. This is those savage nation. I've never seen a lawyer get away with this as Cohen is being sentenced this dirty rat gives a press conference saying trouble is next the legal profession was never developed for people like my estimation you think Jerry Nadler is any different than Cohen they were all cut from the same pickle they didn't become judge of his case he went higher than a judge again a Congressman could you imagine that Michael Savage host like no other. How will the weather affect. The forecast calling for about a 60 percent chance of showers today with mostly cloudy skies in the high near 78 percent chance of rain both tonight and tomorrow night mostly cloudy with overnight lows 63 percent 20 percent chance of rain mostly cloudy 60 percent chance of showers most o'clockne for your Monday high I was 73. Welcome back to town hall review with Hugh Hewitt I'm Mark Davis in for you this week our country's history of racial injustice as well in the past it has been more than 50 years since the segregation the Civil Rights Act an affirmative action became law but an interesting trend is recently developed highlighted by the just the small at a time Wilfred Riley a professor of political science at Kentucky State University recently published a book by that very name hate crime hoax and Professor Reilly was my recent guest as I filled in for Dennis Prager did you know who just small that even was I watched Empire once or twice so yes I did I'm from Chicago and just the summer let's hope became apparent that became a national news story about 5 days before the book. Dropped before our major crest started 4th and I was late last week so we had to be solid has definitely helped advance my career a little bit no doubt you you said let's we'll talk a little bit about what ought to happen for a level of hoax like this but he has certainly done you a huge favor Kentucky state is an h b u a historically black university is there some added impact about a book about hate crime hoaxes coming out of a professor at a black university you would be surprised how often politically correct the major black colleges are so to a certain extent I think that the left in the United States is driven by the sort of angry white activists who present themselves as the friend 30 allies of people of color but who are in fact are much more concerned with advancing I'd be as like a sort of Nordic socialism and then actually with helping out for example black communities that are talking state most of our staff most of our teachers and coaches are middle class black guys so I haven't really gotten any backlash or hostility on camp and so whatsoever concerning the release of the book I also say that one thing that comes to my mind is that a white author probably couldn't have written this book because it would have been too easy to attack whoever did it as a racist or as insensitive it did so I bet you'll I guarantee you you will be portrayed as some self loathing black man who has for some reason something in his past that leaves you wanting to to dance for the man or some other cab because nobody wants to talk about the actual issues everybody wants it's all window dressing it's all the politics of the day whether you love Trump hate trump whatever but in the pages of hate crime hoax how the left is selling a fake race war take me to the history when did the 1st smattering allies of people noticing that there wasn't enough and partly distance there wasn't enough real 0 and racism in the headlines so we had to start inventing stuff. Well I like the way you summed that up quite a lot so one of the narratives on the left that really defines the left actually in the USA the activist left not every union doubted vote for the Democratic Party right but the thing that really defines the left is the idea that not much has changed in America since the late 1950 s. Activists are constantly talking about racism itself white privilege culture of appropriation subtle bigotry the reality is that there's not all that much active racism in the United States today this is one of the things that I study of course we're not perfect no earthly individuals are but 954 was the end of Southern segregation that came 65 to 1015 years employment 1965 of the Civil Rights Act affirmative action began with the Philadelphia plan under Mr Nixon I think 67 so pro minority affirmative action is 52 years old and in that context you're not going to see a lot of things like what Jesse Smollett said he endured in reality you know individuals carrying nooses in public attacking African-American So today when you see cases like that a great many of them are fake This is a brief deviation but you see a high profile hate crime just the smile at Covington Catholic claim just a week before that that this group of prep school athletes was taunting and abusing this old Native American wise man Yasmin so we'd come supporters ripped off my teacher Eastern Michigan Air Force Academy where a general had to come out and make a speech to racism before the whole thing was revealed as a fake young black girl who claimed that white men literally urinated on her key and college with the death threats or concept parts side with the nooses the burnt black church the uva rate the fraternities if you remember were supposed to hold an anti-feminist late rituals Duke lacrosse all of these were states so when you look at hate crimes one of the things I say is that most of the widely publicized well recognized hate crimes that I've analyzed personally and I'm pretty skilled that is most of. The sack turned out to be fakes there are a fair number of hate crime in there at $7000.00 reported hate crimes a year later and gets a sort of and a racial fit for writing most of that stuff probably didn't happen but when you see the very major cases Duke lacrosse where someone claimed that a entire What Cross team had said that we penetrated her and I'd done it for a for reasons I'll take the bait there's no chance that's true it is far more likely in a situation like this when you hear something like come in contact right now whites and natives are facing off from the quad in d.c. And others were Custer in Crazy Horse yelling racial insults there's no chance that's true for the complete interview with Professor Wilford Riley go to town hall reviews are top coming up and I grew up in the sixty's and seventy's when our defenders or forgotten Gary Sinise when the channel review with Hugh Hewitt returns you know moment. Rich I came to me that the government would try to take away my freedoms and force me to create something that was against my faith . That's Jack Phillips up masterpiece cake shop in Colorado who was sued for living dot com. At best public leaders are Wave makers able to combine smart policy ideas with a call to what makes America exceptional creating waves of popular support I'm Pete Peterson dean of Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy and for 2 decades we prepared wave makers through the nation's most unique master's curriculum combining rigorous study of our founding principles with the latest tools of policy analysis based at one of the country's leading Christian universities our graduates go on to a variety of careers from chiefs of staff on Capitol Hill to the Foreign Service and intelligence agencies to nonprofit leadership on issues ranging from education reform to homelessness America needs citizen leaders and we prepare them like no one else find out why we say at Pepperdine School of Public Policy you'll see your future differently from here visit us online at Public Policy dot Pepperdine dot edu that's Public Policy dot Pepperdine dot edu. 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Welcome back to town hall review brought to you in partnership with a.t.f. The Alliance Defending Freedom I Mark Davis infrequently our Nation's defenders came home from World War 2 with much honor and celebration the same did not happen with those who fought to defend America and her allies in Korea and Vietnam but some key voices have helped reins of banner for those who serve actor Gary Sinise leading the way Dennis Prager spoke recently with Gary recently published a book Great American if you are still touched 2 of my biggest. Passions grateful and Americans if Americans were grateful we would have very few problems in this country why you grateful. Over so many things. You know I didn't know what the title of the book was going to be when I went into and I knew I was going to kind of trace. The history of the service work that I have been involved with for the past many years with regards to our veterans and our military community and our Gold Star families our wounded things that I really ramped up after September 11th and I had had all these various trips around the world and inspirational people and documentation and all these things I was looking at all of it plus thousands of photographs and I thought well maybe I'll put this into a book in some way and then then I started can consider well maybe the bit in the larger story is how I got to this service work and what has motivated me and and in retracing my steps over the years and some bombs and some you know mistakes and some mischief along the way go on way back into my youth and everything like that and these recurring themes just started to continue to pop out of the book. Gratitude appreciation. Remembrances for those who have fallen in service to our country. And the blessings that I have had you know that the lessons I've learned through the mistakes I've made over the years and and you know I wouldn't have any any of that had I not grown up in this country and had the blessings that have presented themselves through opportunities to me over the years . And so. I love you just came right out became grateful American you have an opening statement. That has its own page in the beginning of the book. The nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten and I love that of came from one of my favorite presidents Calvin Coolidge So what why did you choose this particular opening quote Well it's a quote that I have used for several years with regards to our defenders and it was actually a quote that came from I think you Coolidge was actually. Campaigning it was running for vice president or something before he ran for president and I read one of the one of his speeches on this is this is a quote that is has been pulled out that he said regarding the men and women who serve our country and it's you know years ago I started to to use that quote because it's so so applies to everything that I believe and everything that I'm trying to do which is remind folks and remember our defense defenders so that. Our country does remain strong and there was a time. And I grew up in the you know sixty's and seventy's when our defenders or forgotten these are Vietnam veterans when they came home from war and they fell through the cracks and the country turned its back on them and many many fell into the shadows not wanting to be associated with serving their country during the Vietnam War that was a shameful period in our history and with regards to how we treated our veterans and so you know having Vietnam veterans in my family so much of what I'm doing today is just to try to prevent that from ever happening again we know you know regardless of what political party you're in or whether you support a current conflict or not. Let's not let's not turn our back on the men and women who serve our country I think our nation will be forgotten if we forget are the men and women who are really going to sacrifice. For it and fight for for the freedom that we all enjoy what was your turning point you know seeds were planted for me with regards to support of our veterans and everything back in the eighty's and and with the Vietnam veterans on my wife's side of the family and getting involved in various Vietnam veterans support groups back in the eighty's in the Chicago area but and then playing the Vietnam veteran in Forrest Gump and he was a wounded veteran and got got involved with our wounded so the seeds were kind of planted along the way and then. On that terror and terrible September day in 2001 when our country was attacked and. Just the images of the horror of that day and what followed the fear and paranoia and the unknowing of what was going to happen then the raising of the hands of so many Americans to go. Served our country in reaction to that terrible day I wanted to raise my hand to in some way to support them and to try to try to do what I could do to make sure that if they were going to go off to war that they were going to know that they are appreciated for it so I just started raising my hand wherever I could and you know one of those things that an actor can do or perform or can do is go to go on u.s.o. Tours so I began to do that and then I started to reach out to various military charities that were engaged in all kinds of service work trying to help the men and women serving our country out so I raised money for them and raise awareness and and it up getting involves several several nonprofits in hopes that by supporting them we could help a lot more people in the military community and that all sort of manifested itself in to the eventual quick creation of my own foundation the Gary Sinise Foundation which is a full on veterans active duty wounded Gold Star families 1st responders support organization we've done we've been around since 2011 and. And that came out of just having met so many extraordinary people serving in the nonprofit world trying to help our defenders out the full interview with Gary Sinise is available at Townhall Review dot com and our podcast sign up at town hall of view dot com and get a daily dose of the best in conservative talk radio and let me have a special invitation here we're going to be doing more exclusive interviews in the days to come stuff you'll only get as you subscribe to our podcast so I'm excited to extend an invitation to join us or so we say let us join you on your handheld device go to town hall Review dot com Coming up you come in here and you say it has to be my way or the highway so I don't respond to that out of the mouths of babes when we return with a final segment of town hall review with you. It was shocking to me that the government would try to take away my freedoms and force me to create something that went against my faith. That's Jack Phillips of masterpiece cake shop dot com. Am co transmissions and total card care is a great place to do business and a great place to work I'm doing black local am transmission zone or. 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It's amazing how quickly the Green New Deal craze spread around the country actually it's kind of frightening recently Senator Dianne Feinstein was confronted by a group of school children presumably on a tour of d.c. With their teachers and they did much want to listen but said neither did the study here's my colleague Larry Elder Dianne Feinstein was confronted in her office by some kids and their teacher over the new Green Deal part of a group of kids called the sunrise movement and apparently was an impromptu meeting that's how it was described by c.b.s. Associated Press and these kids were demanding that Diane Feinstein sign up on the new Green Deal and said in from their teacher that we only have what 12 years left to do this otherwise we're all going to die and die in fines I wasn't having it. Because their prime time family. On it. Right now they're about to say 20 kids plus their teacher in Dianne Feinstein's office she's standing talking to them listening very patiently to their complaints until she finally speaks we have our all new green new deal finances sound that we have 12 years to turn this around well it's not going to turn around to 10 years or whatever you can do founder he says the better time around in 10 years right now he's a teacher and the faces of the people who are going to feel also known as that leave propagandist thing like if the kind of the government beat me back up I want you to hear the teacher jumping in and you can tell who's got the influence here over these kids found that we have 12 years to turn this around well it's not going to be turned around 10 years or whatever we can do founder and he says the better time around in 10 acres the faces of the people who are going to be living with it it's not the kind of the government and me for the people of my people and all you know what's interesting about this through. Because I've been doing this for 30 years I know what I'm doing you come in here and you say it has to be my way or the highway I don't respond to that. I've gotten elected I just ran I was elected by almost a 1000000 votes poor ality. And I know what I'm doing so you know maybe people should listen a little bit I hear what you're saying but we're the people who voted for you you're supposed to listen to us that's here will tell you because of the wind up 16 I landed from Will she I'm so you've articulated are you trying to keep it up because it would. Seem. That it doesn't matter if you didn't know if you were the ones are going to be impaired. And there are even more normal popularity for this bill around a whole country here and more nothing you do you are a whole you do this for us and for your grandchildren or yes even the farmers you know rescue to be brave and do this for yourself your grandchildren be brave they thank you for joining us for this edition of the town hall review with Hugh Hewitt I'm Mark Davis and breaking Phillip catch up on earlier episodes on our website townhall Review dot com and sign up for a daily dose of the best in talk radio special thanks to executive producer Russell Schumann producers Charlie Richards David Posey and Michael Cook Adam Lanza in doing Patterson want to say thanks once again to our sponsors the Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy 80 of the Alliance Defending Freedom thank you for joining. 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News this hour from Town Hall dot com I'm going to grip an ice storm that drops several inches of snow to parts of the Midwest over the weekend was heading toward the northeast where it could disrupt Monday morning commutes National Weather Service meteorologist rich Otto you know is expected to break out across portions of the Northern Midland to New York and New England as we go through the remainder of the day here Sunday snow should pick up in intensity tonight auto says California will get white rain and snow that will taper off by Monday night Space X.'s new crew capsule has arrived at the International Space Station and using its 2nd milestone in just over a day here's correspondent been Thomas Hardy. Complete and with that space x. Is Dragon capsule became the 1st American made designed for crew spacecraft to pull up to the International Space Station an 8 year. Dragon docked autonomous sleepy instead of relying on the station's robot arm for how right you are going to proceed 2 hours later the hatch swung open and the astronauts wearing oxygen masks and hoods floated inside to take air samples only recommend that you set up the detectors if the 6 day demo. Well space x. Could launch 2 astronauts this summer dragon will remain at the space station until Friday when it undocks and aims for a splash down in the Atlantic I'm Ben Thomas president Donald Trump's national security adviser John Bolton says that the president's meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong un was a success Bolton is making the case that the president advanced America's national security interest by rejecting a bad agreement while working to persuade him to take the big deal that really could make a difference for North Korea Malaysia's transport minister says the government's open a new proposal to resume that you search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 families of passengers mark the 5th anniversary of the jet's disappearance u.s. Firm ocean infinity mounted a no cure no if you search for the plane in the southern Indian Ocean in January 28th seen more on these stories at townhall dot com. 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A most unlikely man is that the home of the one of the nation's largest neo nazi groups or party records show black activist James Stern of Marino Valley California is now president of the National Socialist Movement replacing its longtime leader Jeff scoop Stern said he convinced scoop to transfer organizational control when Skousen he planned to disband the group Stern said he prefers to control the group and neuter it rather than see it disband and reconstitute That's correspondent Rhonda rocks to reporting a driver's suspected of killing 2 people and injuring 7 others most of them on bikes as large crowds gathered in New Orleans for Mardi Gras a police report says that the driver told police he has a drinking problem New Orleans police said that the 32 year old to Shante Tony has been charged with vehicular homicide after crashing his car started evening on a busy thoroughfare near the route of one of New Orleans is largest Mardi Gras parades news and analysis at townhall dot com.