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Secretary General Antonio tariff says the immediate needs of Yemen's long suffering population cannot wait for the warring sides to reach a peace agreement the unity of purpose of the international community and the strong backing that member states are provided to the political process have been and will continue to be essential but even as we inch towards peace and as I said that he's a long way to go he may get an action must follow that includes the Cea u.n. Secretary General Antonio go Charis British Prime Minister 3 survey says she intends for Britain to leave the European Union as planned on March 29th but May's often divided opponents in Parliament appear increasingly desperate to take control of breaks that end may be coalescing around a plan to prevent a withdrawal if a divorce deal with the European Union isn't in place breaking news and analysis at townhall dot com I'm John Scott. The White House as announced that an American held captive in Yemen has been freed President Trump has announced via tweet that American Danny Birch has been read after 18 months of captivity in Yemen the president is thanking the United Arab Emirates for its role in reuniting Burch with his family he says that freeing Americans held overseas is an administration priority adding that 20 American captives have been released during his term thus far Yemen has been embroiled in a civil war since 2015 George ponds on a reporting scientists are racing to find novel ways to treat infections when traditional antibiotics fail and they're developing unusual approaches one new option starves bacteria pricking bugs into taking in a member of the iron they need to grow other researchers are trying to rev up the immune system to better fight back more on these stories it townhall dot com I'm John Scott. W b m 601 point one if. A week ago the city of Jacksonville reached an agreement with the Czechs to a landing to close down and demolish the waterfront retail outlet recently a citizen's group said not so fast the group changed out or it has acquired hundreds of signatures asking the city council to halt the agreement the landing is in a unique arrangement as it sits on city owned land a former truck campaign worker has filed a lawsuit against President Donald Trump She claims that in 2016 then candidate Donald Trump kissed her without her consent at a campaign rally in Tampa White House press secretary Sarah Sanders calls Johnson's allegations absurd gas prices have moved up across Florida rising $0.11 per gallon AAA says the average gallon of gas in Florida is $2.34 that's the latest from am $601.00 a $1.00 f.m. Talk radio w b o b. Hi everybody. I'm Dennis Prager wonderful to be with you. I finished my exit by Genesis the 2nd volume I did start with the 1st of my commentary on the Bible. I work till 7 in the morning yesterday. Yes it was a very intense it's very. Not possible to describe the about of work this is taking I love it and it's difficult. It's not summarize it summarises life I love it and it's difficult. So that is the reason I was off yesterday Well I think Mark Davis. It's a good thing to know that your show is in good hands and approach hands even at a last minute call I literally worked around the clock. There is so much. I'm telling I have so much on my mind it is that the brain is full United States Senate cannot pass a law that a born child is protected if there is a. A botched abortion or whatever the circumstance might be Senator Jeanne Shaheen what is New Hampshire. She said that this is just another in a series of attacks on women's health. One of the most interesting issues is the war or a war on women's health I was going to say that it is very interesting to see how much coverage this has in the mainstream media versus conservative media the ratio I assume is probably 100 to one. I don't think that they're all that proud of their vote but they have no moral compass. There will be a day when most Americans know maybe there will be a day and a big predictor. More Americans will come around to the realization I had as a youth that the left is destructive force in civilization. It has no moral compass it is a force of chaos and destruction. And. Conservatives who have been spending their time attacking the president when the left is the threat to society. Did not cover themselves in glory these past 2 years. It's very painful for me because I know every one of them I like them. And I don't care that. There's only and I said this in writing and I say this to you there's only one possibility for the conservatives who have been preoccupied with Donald Trump. They do not believe that the l.f. 2 is the threat to society to civilization and it's to America specifically that it is that there is no other possibility. Every There are other reasons but that's the reason. You know that there was something as scary to me as the Democrats' bill not voting on the bill. You could say what could that possibly be tennis so I'll ask them what could that possibly be that is. Telling is that about a minute and a half this video with Dianne Feinstein and 10 year old kids what the Left has done to children in their indoctrination of them and their the death of the most basic moral code of the West the 10 Commandments. You will hear the way these 10 year old monsters I believe they are if their parents are listening you are raising monsters I stand by what I say these little girls was their only boy their. Teacher was a girl the teacher of the teenager was a girl. When I see the hysteria at this proportion a number of females are involved in like the women's March for nothing. And it's taken being taken over by Jew hating America hating. Women this for those of you who had the more radical idea that a world governed by women would do better than a world governed by men leftist women are a perfect antidote to that idiocy they are there are many many men involved in leftwing hysteria obviously but there's a disproportionate number of females and they're teaching your kids that there are wonderful female teachers goes without saying. But there are many who aren't the teachers of these little girls I don't see a boy maybe there were boys there too the teachers of these 29 year olds. To have a 10 year old forget that she's a senator Dianne Feinstein. A grown woman to be talked to like this by these 10 year old narcissists and I'll bet you that the teacher and parents were proud of their 10 year old girls that's right you tell Dianne Feinstein I want to she know. And folks I don't even like Dianne Feinstein I like the fact that she is an older woman and a senator of the United States and their 10 year old 'd 'd as we would have said when I was a kid pictures. But this is part of the left because the teacher has no more wisdom than the 10 year olds. So it's fine for them to speak up they really believe it's unbelievable thanks to the damn left. These 10 year old kids are convinced the world is coming to an end in their lifetime and that there's no such thing as a boy or a girl Congratulations left you sick sick sick crowd making a sick generation the left should be proud of itself watching 10 year olds have contempt for a us Senator you've done good you've done good Nothing Sacred on the left. I don't really know what they have to deal more races by the way were won by male bodies running against women and the feminist movement. Crickets baby crickets I told you in the beginning the feminists don't love women they love been. They low their lows like because they're leftists they loathe everything that's that's precious but they don't love women if they loved women they would protect women against the utter and total injustice of male bodies winning races against them and now in Connecticut where this happened they got 1st and 2nd place and then new records new records were set and these narcissist transgender females speak about how this is the right thing these these people are total Larsa sists but you are in America the left excuses you if you were the victim group you don't have to be moral get it that's your shield you are ipso facto correct just as if you were a white heterosexual Christian male you are ipso facto wrong other than that things are going great. And it's unbuttoned the can and the media go bizerk go for private remarks the president once made. About women that's the issue. Who who who who. Do we have don't we don't have time for the 10 year olds with Dianne Feinstein do we want what's what Sarah so it's I'm here. I'm going to play it for you when we come back one day Prager 776. This There's so much of this and. For what day and the accumulated depredations are overwhelming our cup runneth over with injury. It is an amazing thing given the left to tell a Terry in. Essence that there were still talk radio. We have a sympathetic my administration it's true remember I mean they tried they tried to shut us down they will do it again. The left knows that any competing voice will win. Because nothing they stand for is rooted in reason nothing it is all feelings that's why they don't want us on campuses or on radio. Back in a moment the Dennis Prager Show life from the relief factor pain free studio. You're probably already aware of noble gold silver 2020 president from Freedom going one side magnificently depicts an image of Donald j. 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You get great benefits of a man many times over savings when surance and travel and the like and you are helping an organization that promotes the values that are not left wing . And if you're not convinced that that's a worthy cause I have to do more work like knowledge that that's one of the reasons it's so important to join a Mac. . The way to do it is at least get information at Prager for a mac dot com Their major sponsor of the show if you think the show is valuable is a great way to express that support such a sponsor Praeger for a mac dot com 855-624-0163. 855-624-0163 or Prager for a mac dot com Ok so I want to see this myself the I want to see the. Calling. The visual. While you are watching I'd like to describe what in fact you will be seeing what you'll be hearing. And that would be in. Say here. Was that sent to me in your batch last night. Yes Yes Ok So on this call with sub Senator Feinstein perfect All right so let me look at this it's a real clear politics let me describe it for you. So there she is with. Terms that when this happens. She is with let's see 1238 girls 4 girls 5 girls I don't see any boys cause I'm assigning gender Ok so the telling her they want her to ask to vote on the Green New Deal. I don't know why she showed up there but she showed up even there maybe she I don't think she realizes what her side is a least on the country. Diane Feinstein began as a liberal and she's in a left wing party the children in this video. I promise you scare me I don't get scared easily. So let's let's hear it this is Dianne Feinstein senator in her seventy's speaking to 10 year olds. On. Hold on hold on that that's a perfect example in front of Feinstein it begins that way to talking to each other the 10 year old referring to a 70 year old woman by her last name. Steven Pinker only a minor because he knows how bad the left is and that it's ruined universities he has said so the left has made the universities a laughingstock. And he's an atheist and a liberal he's all cheery eyed I read his book on the Enlightenment and he's very very optimistic about the future. I don't know why oh yes because we are killing less today well it's it's a funny thing to say 75 years after World War 2 in the Holocaust. Maybe he's right I hope he's right but the American project is in deep deep jeopardy if America fails the world will be engulfed in death. Ok that's my rejoinder to his optimism. 10 year olds referring to a senator by last name like that. We have gone from kids calling people never by their 1st name only by a Mr or Mrs or Dr or miss and Al to last name like their equals. Ok continue please. On a. Number of times. I've needed to vote yes on the green new deal it's all Ok I'll tell you what we have are all new green new deal those finances sound that we have 12 years to turn this around well it's not going to turn around it's 10 years of what we can do and he says the environment around in tennis is the teacher faces of the people who are going to be living with us some kind of the government and this is the teacher the people of my people and all you know what's interesting about this group is I've been doing this for 30 years I know what I'm doing you come in here and you say it has to be my way or the highway I don't respond to that. I've gotten elected I just ran I was elected by almost a 1000000 votes who are ality. And I know what I'm doing so you know maybe people should listen a little bit I hear what you're saying but where are the people who voted you you're supposed to listen to us that's here that that's fascinating because this is they say there you hear that that's the job of an elected official is to listen to us then why have elected officials I've often said this to the left why not have 8 public vote on everything. They they are they're just the sort of likely vote in automatons one of whatever your majority thinks that's it that's what you should do anyway go on please. Saying but we're the people who voted you're supposed to listen to us that's here will direct us how wind up 16 I mean difficult for most to him so you find that the end of the needles trying to delete something we're the ones being impacted this is not here to say that's right. I have 7 grandchildren I understand very well Senator the cost of not taking this action is far higher than the cost of I think green new deal will be she knows right she is the mayor going on not knowing whether this bill around the whole country here and where nothing you do you are a home going to do this for us and for your grandchildren after you have enough for it I'm trying this is 30 better I can which was to write a responsible resolution any plan that God has his faults and for a minute action is not going to be what we need to be well you know better than I do but I certainly believe that that's right side of that you know I let him do it I know you mean tell I'm not the time to spy just prop ideas how long I'm going to let. What she said about the left. I salute her for speaking back to them so I salute you Senator Feinstein. Most lefties would have done that because you're not a lefty you're a liberal as good as a good example. Those kids are scary my friends back at them all of the Dennis Prager Show Live from the really factor pain free studio. On John Scott President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and are both in Hanoi ahead of their 2nd summit be it Chrysler says it plans to roughly double its hourly workforce in Detroit as part of a $4500000000.00 investment that will add about $6500.00 jobs in the city and surrounding suburbs to build all new or next gen. An s.u.v. Hughes Pakistan's foreign ministry has someone India's top diplomat in Islam a bod to protest the pre-dawn air strike by India in Pakistani territory Pakistan says there were no casualties in that strike while India says that it hit a terrorist training camp and killed a very large number of militants most Street stocks are mixed the Dow is up one The Nasdaq is down 4 the s. And p. 500 is up one this is s. Are a new. Am $601.00 of $1.00 f.m. W.b. You'll be. A week ago the city of Jacksonville reached an agreement with the Jacksonville landing to close down and demolished the waterfront retail outlet recently a citizens group said not so fast the group changed out org has acquired hundreds of signatures asking the city council to halt the agreement the landing is in a unique arrangement as it sits on city owned land a former truck campaign worker has filed a lawsuit against President Donald Trump She claims that in 2016 then candidate Donald Trump kissed her without her consent at a campaign rally in Tampa White House press secretary Sarah Sanders calls Johnson's allegations absurd gas prices have moved up across Florida rising $0.11 per gallon AAA says the average gallon of gas in Florida is $2.34 that's the latest from a m $601.00 a $1.00 f.m. Talk radio w b o beyond of Black History Month but then I felt bad about the role models liberal whites have chosen to honor blacks impact history mots it is tea time with one who made the news recently with his pluck. And wasn't getting enough attention swear he hired 2 friends to station attack against him a moment later to scribe them as white males wearing make a half's showed racial epithets throwing people and telling them they were making America what a role model of this Colin Kaepernick and overpaid spoiled brat raised by whites who just happens to hate this country enough that he won't stand for the national anthem play he's been held up as a role model that reminded me of the Obama election there are millions of plaques more qualified than Obama white liberal. Wanted Obama to sit back race relations 60 years for a 2nd. I'm Clayton Bromberg the president of Underwood's you heard me talk about the Rolex my grandfather gave me for graduating from college but there's something else you need to know about Rolex watches from an official Rolex jeweler for over 60 years if you own a Rolex probably today more than ever before if you need that Rolex serviced you should only visit an official Rolex jeweler in north Florida therefore with Underwood's 3 stores in Mayer's has worn anybody else claiming to work on Rolex has no direct access to parts and the use of non authentic Rolex parts jeopardizes your Rolex from both an authenticity and a value standpoint it Underwood's we have state of the art Rolex repair shops both designed an outdated by Rolex and stay off the Rolex watch technicians trained by a Rolex and best of all our shop is on premise so your Rolex will never leave Jacksonville and our Rolex repairs carry a 2 year warranty it Underwood's in San Marco Avondale in the shops upon of Adra. Everybody Dennis Prager here. And I have on the line a woman who story I have been following Portland Oregon. Claim is Mansi Roman and I would like you to hear her story and I want to figure out how we can help her so Nancy welcome to the Dennis Prager Show. Good morning thanks for talking to a little thank you for coming on your husband own sake coffee shop in Portland is I correct. A coffee roasting business and 3 cafes here in Portland Oregon it's called risk Yes Well there are 3 of them so it's serious operation Ok he will solve a copy too so you know if he really from the ground up business gotcha and you're his behaves business is being threatened is that correct Yeah that's correct so I'm a journalist and I have a new video series out that a former employee took some offense to and decided to take her offense to the media and it's been unbelievably destructive in a incredibly fast period of time good Ok so tell us about your video by the way you're also an author you wrote a quite a serious book. I am I am not going to go for 25 years for. The Wrigley New York Times I do have a big thing that last year called The Bridge a cute story of motherhood and murder a mother who killed her child here in Portland. Yes the video series was called the has tag or it's called the has tag me neither so it's on You Tube another girl I'm sorry sorry 2nd I was I think it went over everybody's a head the hash tag me neither to. Show the hash tag neither show out of my view I'm from New York City so I talk fast right. We saw it we discussed lots of things we discussed some of the excesses of the need to movement and we tried to you know hash out the differences between someone my can of these I'm sorry who goes on a bad date and has his life destroyed and someone like r. Kelly who should properly be going to prison for serial sexual assault and we're talking you know the world is not black and white and we were talking about nuances but this apparently made the former employee insane and she claimed that my point of view. Put our or my husband's employees in jeopardy and our customers in jeopardy and the media about it and exploded. I think as you know this is the problem of our time and so I'm I'm doing some writing trying to talk about it. So the why use the journalist wife of a coffee roasting business in Portland. Takes issue with some of the excesses of the me too movement and f. Former employees says vicious in dangers women who enter the premises is that what she claimed well she's claiming this by I believe that this all have to do you know look people have small businesses people quit people get fired and everybody goes on with their lives but then you see a way to sort of. Have your stay to get back to someone and I mean I think that that's what he's doing he claims that he's not and he certainly got enough people to believe her that not only has the business been brought to the brink of disaster I you can imagine. You have gotten smarter and the coverage think pretty bad but the support of been pretty good from people that realize that this is a fallacious argument that says it's about argument you know my opinion has nothing to do with the sepia of a business that has never had a problem. Well you know people like to get angry these days and that's a real problem I mean I believe you probably have a lot yourself to cover it every day but I don't see people like say people on the left but it's Ok you can say people. Well that's just that's just the way it is so. You are in Portland which. Will which is a a city that actually. I have increasing contempt for Given that the police watch as leftists do destructive and violent things so why have I not at all surprised by your story this would not happen if you were in Birmingham Alabama the slate so there are not enough people in Portland who will deliberately go to your husband's coffee business well this is interesting for just about the only that's actually a story I've been covering for even magazine and I tell them what's going on all right hold on you'll tell me when we get back I don't interrupt you because this is too important. So wife of a of an owner of a business that has a sterling reputation takes issue with some parts of the we me to movement and therefore the business will be shut down but behave. Left is not a threat to society but the ex chair is extraordinary apparently Oh yes they nail head you can expect and hence your ex cherish performance and protect your flaws with x. 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Question Do you have a health insurance plan you are not happy with Well Bethany and Jason thought they were stuck their plan just kept getting more expensive and Bethany's favorite doctor didn't even take that plan anymore and then some friends at church told them about medicine where with our previous insurance we were paying $1200.00 a month with medicine where we now pay around $600.00 a month yes they're paying $600.00 less per month and that's a pretty typical savings with Medicare and they actually like Medicare more I was able to go back to my original doctor that I absolutely loved and it's just been an absolutely beautiful thing being a part of medicine here yes they pay it a lot less and they like it more no wonder medicine is growing so fast find out more they're super easy to talk to all you have to do is call 87764 bible that state 7764. 87764 bible My name is James and I'm in the but those program that City Rescue Mission I grew up in foster care system and I realized I had a depression even as a kid I thought once I was adopted my depression would go away but even after I was adopted at 16 I was still struggling with depression I stopped going to church and my life started falling apart I found myself homeless and needing help I tried other shelters but they didn't feel right for me when I got to City Rescue Mission I felt like it was where God wanted me to be since I've been in the program I've read the Bible more than I have in my entire life I've grown closer to God and he has shown me a lot I have a better perspective on life now and I hope for a future I've learned you can make your own family and I feel like I have found a family here at c o m p Nikki that executive director for the City Rescue Mission would you consider helping us make a difference as we provide hope healing and change to those who need it most business it see our m.j. Ecstatic work that c.r.m. Jack's got or to learn more or to make a donation to help transform the lives of the hungry homeless and addicted in northeast Florida. Keep everybody Dennis Prager I'm speaking. With Nancy Roman. And their family's business really her husband's business she's a journalist and she really is and she's written extensively. For mainstream publications and she has a book out which is highly regarded but she is a woman of courage courage is the the rarest of all the decent qualities in the human condition. And you began. A video cast as it were where in the you take issue with some of the excesses of the me too movement is that a fair description that we talk about a lot of thanks but you know that that part of what we talk about cracked right and as a result one former employee has said that it's now a toxic environment and the leftist heard doesn't show up at a perfectly legitimate business of the husband I might add. Soul you were all we talking about at the break point Portland. Yeah you were mentioning something about the police yes right not arresting the left I've been I contribute to Reason magazine and I am reporting on this and it's really the city council where the problems are starting but that's a topic for another day but I am staying on that story as well. I want to mention that one of the really ironic things is you know we every episode that Leah makes me and I do has Check Me neither show you know we say look sexual assault and we all it's something that cast to be you know persecuted and it's a terrible purple thing. But like any RINGBACK movement there will be excess and said there will people be people that use it for personal gain you know I wrote a story once about a mother who had the kelson by proxy syndrome and why that murdering her daughter now should I not write about her because both mothers are good no you have to write this and be I don't need to me is that some people complaining about what they see as my show being dangerous are doing exactly this they're using the need to movement for their own personal cause which is illegitimate in this case so that you know that's sort of no fun and sort of illustrates my point which it was that you I reach so much was you speaking about your gentle or doesn't mean this Yes So I've reported for many years on you know different people and one of our Here our son so who is. Became sort of a figurehead for the need to movement and people love their figurehead you know we need them we want them we create them. When she came out that she had really engaged in some truly bad behavior you know like being with a 17 year old and paying him off and of course the really tragic suicide of her boyfriend at the keyboard saying. I think she was properly called out hand in my opinion you know this is not the person you want as a figurehead for your movement but apparently om people watching the show took issue with that and said. To be didn't want her to be dislodged and I was somehow a traitor from the enemy for saying that she should not she should not be looked up to and I think this is baffling to me. Your your business your husband's business is on the verge of ruin because of the left because of what you have done a lot of videos so I asked you earlier are there not enough none leftists just decent people important who would sustain your business deliberately Well we definitely do have some of those but you have to understand when when this bomb went off in the room so to speak. You know the business was perfectly peaceable and now it's in all the press and we have like crazy people coming in and screaming like you know to the breeze to get out you know you're in danger at some point what you need to don't people that you just be able to make coffee have you seem real sure reaming at the after husband's establish Well you know what you are a lot of people coming in and saying to the briefing now you have to remember these are young people saying you know do you feel safe Are you Ok we feel safe. Right thanks to you feel small look they all got the shit college people send their kids to American schools today or are into injuring their children I mean you don't have to comment on that I'm just telling my listeners I don't know what what number of sick people are produced by our high schools and elementary schools will people realize that. They have been taken over by bad people so I'm just curious this has it's something you may not even evidence I have you actually seen the young people who scream at your husband's establishments I was not I have not seen that I have been fooled but I know that one of the capping particular just got to the point where the recess was so exhausted they want to give people good customer service and from Crawford right so well why are they allowed to do this is your is anyone allowed to enter any private establishment and scream so that customers don't show up is that legal I don't want to make I don't want to make it sound like that happened a lot that happened one far they're all Ok so then why so then I go back to my original question why aren't the decent people of Portland going to your establishment Well they are but I will tell you who are the really really decent people and I've been so moving the people that have you know I've written about this for the l a times and for quite what people read this story and they will You can also order coffee on line I'm going to tell people how to live. I will consider it a personal moral failure if we do not help your business survive. Well I don't know whether a good go ahead give my people the web I'm going to Allan my producer already ordered from you I'm going to order as well Ok what what's amazing is that this is what we've been cut way to give give give the website then tell us what how you're touched I want to thank you 1st of all the website r r p d x. Dot com our arm Peter David x. Ray exactly r r p d x dot white dot com. Ok go on. People have been ordering from all over the country and sending notes you know became great optical together we even had some people write in and take a listen i wanted me back a copy I don't want to copy I just want to support you guys and I have to tell you all right you'll have to tell me right after back in a moment Dennis Prager. 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A public service announcement brought to you by a r Pete and the Ad Council. Everybody. Up here or you're about to say because I went on your site in order to coffee already. Well thank you so much. What I wanted to say is that look I'm a journalist I'm sort of built for this stuff you get pushed back and we have been to the very end when you're bringing back not feeling sky and this is really been you know inexplicable they have not lost devastating I mean you're talking about trying American livelihood you know we're we're we're standing tough but it's been rough routes to say that I'm going to business I'm looking for people that is what I've been doing for 25 years and if this employee or if anyone that had a problem with my show had come to me and said Nancy listen I need to talk to you I think you view their garbage and I really want to have it out with you I seriously would have said but you know what I have invited people and that happened to sit and talk with me let's have a drink with I didn't have any great. Now you have course not but you see I know them better than you do they dealt to do that because they have no position it's pure miserable emotion of miserable people who live in misery and wish to spread it I have why you didn't answer my question and I'm not saying you can where are the decent people of Portland why are they not frequenting your husband's roast places were not the rocker I mean some of them do come back in the hundreds and hundreds of coffee shops and Portland and you know some are coming yes for me more and more people offering support privately offering support but we're not going to. Sell. Them for raw that's where you make your profit you've lost that wholesale business. Because you're roasters you make coffee and the and the retailers are not buying from you because of this but you have to insist on the former and where you got the other employees enlisted people she hired no longer works and they sort of call centers and you're supporting a company that supports race she was able to get 30 former employees to try to destroy your husband's business because you have issues with the me too movement is that correct or Ok that's Portland Oregon that's the left for you I'm going to help you and I'm and I know my listeners will again it's r r p d x Reverend Reverend Prager Dennis x. Ray That's pretty good. Our Rabbi Rabbi that's even better than that they go Well I'm going to stay in touch with you and you are a bright voice a courageous voice I watched your video. And I was very impressed Ok everybody Nancy. Roman. So this is a lot but I mean there's no civil war in the country right. Now I'm back to stay home. Here's your community calendar from vividly b.o.b. Day February 28th through Monday March 4th it's the St Mary's Spring Carnival in St Mary's Georgia on line for a daily event hours Friday March 1st at 7 30 pm it's the Jacksonville I spent versus the South Carolina sting rays at Veterans Memorial Arena and Friday March 1st at 7 30 pm it's Alabama in concert at the St Augustine amphitheater for more information or to have your event included visit www dot com. This is though Savage Nation. I've never seen a lawyer get away with this as Cohen is being sentenced this dirty rat gives a press conference saying Trump is next the legal profession was never developed for people like i'm an Audi and my estimation you think Jerry Nadler any different than Cohen they're all cut from the same pickle to thank God they didn't become judges in the latest case you would hire the judge again a Congressman could you imagine that Michael Savage host like no other. A m 600 w b o b Jacksonville one o 1 point one f.m. w 266. News this hour from the townhall dot com. The sound of the Air Force One on the tarmac after arriving in Vietnam President Trump in North Korea's Kim Jong Un are now both in Hanoi for a 2nd summit to discuss denuclearization the 2 leaders are in Hanoi after taking different paths to get their President Trump traveled by plane aboard Air Force One making 2 refueling stops in a trip lasting about 20 hours Kim arrived in Vietnam after an almost 70 hour ride in his armored train through southern China this week's summit is aimed at Kim giving up nuclear weapons in exchange for relief from economic sanctions and better relations correspondent Greg Clarkston But how. Expected today to vote to overturn what Democrats call the president's fake national emergency there is a national emergency at the southern border the Democrats will declare today doesn't exist and already leader Kevin McCarthy They just now want to oppose something because President Trump supports the measure is expected to easily pass the Democrat controlled House but faces an uncertain fate in the Senate the White House says the president will veto it Capitol Hill correspondent Wally Hines also one townhall dot com correspondent Mike Hampton reports the number of homes built in December dropped to the lowest level in more than 2 years housing starts fell by 11 percent from November to December according to the Commerce Department builders have pulled back as higher prices have caused home sales to slump suggesting that affordability challenges of cause to pool would be buyers to permits to build housing and indicator of future activity increase just 3 tenths of a percent in December and on Wall Street stocks are now mixed to the Dow is up 2 points the Nasdaq is down 10 more of these stories at townhall dot com. 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Blizzard White House senior adviser Jared cushion revealed that the trumpet ministrations much hyped.