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No active accidents now but there is a disabled vehicle on the West belt like 295 north out of Buckman Bridge also a disabled vehicle on the West Beltway northbound at the ramp to Duvall road also congested I 95 southbound from before union straight to the ramp and I 10 near downtown becoming mostly cloudy tonight low 61 Tuesday partly sunny and Grazie high 8178 degrees now in Jacksonville I'm a.j. And the traffic and weather center right here on talk radio b.o.b. . Morning both Savage Nation contains adult language but don't go on the psychological nudity listener discussion is about. Now America's most exciting radio talk show buzz Savage Nation borders one. And here's. My sister Michael's 70. A major watershed moment I am still incredibly excited that we are going to transition this country into the future and we are not going to be dragged behind by our past up right now I'm selling our thunder to a world leader in 30 short days thanks to Anderson Cooper and the other no nothings in the media now as you know I'm not a fan of this person who I know is insane by definition I can I can prove to you she is insane now the bigger question is how did this bartender become world leader in only 30 days if it was not for the psychos in the media she'd still be tending bar in the Bronx or wherever she was working so she puts out a 10 year plan to change the world on the scale of a World War 2 against the Nazis to get rid of all carbon and this and that and that 0 greenhouse gas emissions and I actually read the key points you probably heard a little bit about it on some of the other shows do you realize that this psychopath as part of her plan suggests that quote we build trains across oceans and all air travel bill trains across oceans and and all air travel now is there anyone listening to the show even the most die hard leftists in San Francisco the most diehard who can tell me that you really believe that all air travel should be ended and that Worse yet she's not crazy for saying we should build trains across oceans does anyone have any idea how you can deliver train across an ocean how to train Cross for example from San Francisco to Hawaii how would you build a train from here to Hawaii how would you build a train from Hawaii to Japan it's technically impossible. And I'm trying to explain something to you if she was just a laughable leftist that University of California at Berkeley or at the Harvard Kennedy School of Environmental stupidity I wouldn't even be talking about her but because of Anderson Cooper and the other Know Nothings in the media none of whom have any degrees in any field whatsoever of any value they actually take this clown seriously and they made her into a superstar and I predicted to you before that Palosi in the old guard Democrats are more threatened by the psychotic then the conservatives are she's trying to usurp Pelosi power she's already more popular than Palosi and I know how this ends this does not end well for her They've already stripped her of a very important committee assignment which I told you the next going to stop her of any money into her district that's number 2 this is how it works she will not be constrained and now her insanity is actually good for the Republican Party let me be very clear the more occasional cortex puts out these insane ideas like building trains across the oceans stop all air travel I mean the other stuff you understand we can argue over mandate that all new jobs be unionized you understand she's a hardcore communist Do you even understand what that means you idiots or has your brain been that warped that you don't even understand what she is talking about. I will go on when she was asked how will it be paid for she said don't worry about that she the Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments in new public banks may created to extend credit she said the question isn't how we will pay for it but what will we do with our new shared prosperity listen to me listen to me very carefully I wouldn't even be covering her. I wouldn't be covering her at all if I didn't think that America was not that stupid that some of you actually believe some of this but I believe your brains have been so ruined through public education and through marijuana in particular marijuana which was for Nakheel and call him an accolade dope for a reason because it made you don't be or than you already are you could actually believe that ending all air travel is a good idea building trains across oceans is feasible and that this creature is in Congress I long ago I have said there should be drug testing for every member of Congress not including not not soley including occasional cortex all the way from the president down I want everyone in Congress including the president to pee in a cup on a regular basis if you go to if you want to take a federal job in the f.b.i. Or the Secret Service you can bet they're going to do a urine test on you you want to get a pilot's license urines test but if you going to be given the reins of power you shouldn't take a urine test so the people have some idea what drugs Iran to know whether or not what you're saying makes sense or not I'd like to see how your analysis by the way I mean personally like to see the results don't get me wrong so what questions can I ask you you have a cycle like this this is a Stalinist in a skirt this is a Hitler in high heels this is a woman who should not be taken on seriously for one moment because the young in this country are brainwashed and stupid not to come up with ideas like this unto themselves is an example of what we're dealing with in the nation right now where do you think she would come up with a plan of a green new deal like this and write down things like rebuild every single building in the United States every single building should be rebuilt with state of the art energy efficiency are you listening to that. Build trains across oceans and all air travel all new jobs should be unionized jobs where do you think they came up with these things from these communists this Communist Youth Corps they meet in an apartment somewhere in Brooklyn they get high on marijuana or other drugs and one fool after another comes up with another idea and they write it down oh that's good Bobby write that down build build. Rail lines across oceans and the other one doesn't even know it can't be done so they write it down they come out they talk about it and America sits there with their jaw their jaw falls open how could anyone say a thing like this and be a sitting member of Congress now mind you I understand ideas like this are common that you see yours California Berkeley where people make $3400000.00 a year for doing nothing oh if you have a gamey the power of the Czar of universities I clean them out like a clock with mice in them you know how many of these professors make for $500000.00 a year and don't even teach Do you know that you take a look across the bay where I live University of California Berkeley were in my ph d. You know how many deadbeat bums are sitting there on tenure preaching communism and other such stupidity to these poor children you have any idea I clean them out like mice in a cuckoo clock if I was made made the czar of university I'd end tenure by the way immediately the 1st thing I would do was end all tenure at all universities immediately it's all over no 10 year that's the end of that but I don't want to talk about universities I want to talk about this and other really big problems in the society I'm a former teacher there were kids who you could never teach just as there are hundreds of millions of morons in the world you know that used to be a saying Don't confuse me with the facts my mind is made up. So no matter what I gave you I gave you fact after fact after fact about c o 2 levels in history I gave you a fact of the fact about ice sheets in history and yet people still calling in saying it was the wrong thing to do because they don't understand the scientific process they didn't hear a word I said they don't understand what looking at data means they don't understand what peer reviewed research means they don't even understand what carbon dioxide is they don't know what methane is they don't even know what a greenhouse gases all they know is that they've signed on to the biggest lie of our times there are 31000 legitimate scientists who have signed the following petition to formally registered their dissent to the parasite Corps and I read what they signed we urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto Japan this was way back at the Kyoto thing in the summer of 1970 and any other similar proposals the proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment hindered the advance of science and technology and damage the health and welfare of mankind remember now these are not actors this is not share this is not Leon this is not done this is not to John this is not Mark this is not Michael 31000 scientists who say there was no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide methane or other greenhouse gases is causing or will in the forseeable future cause catastrophic heating of the earth's atmosphere and disruption of the earth's climate Moreover there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the earth so these are 30. 1000 who have signed. But you can't get this message across to Hollywood that's why they're actors they don't even know what research means they have no idea it's the it's the cause celeb of all of the jet set Where's the warming there is none it's the biggest science scandal ever and I've I've given you some evidence historical evidence prehistorical evidence apparently no one heard it I've looked back at data going back tens of thousands of years through the scientific evidence but you didn't want to hear it you're so locked into your doxies of hatred for Trump and hatred for things irrational that you keep hammering the same big lie and you know I go back to another saying a man wrote me and said Hell is a place where there is no reason I'm not going to be dragged into hell by fools who call up and say well I don't care what you said we should have stayed in the agreement I don't take such calls students like you are usually asked to leave my classroom and sent to a reform school I can't help you you don't have to go back millions of years to find much warmer temperatures than anything we've seen during the Industrial Age temperatures or warmer and an ice sheets smaller during the Medieval Warm Period a 1000 years ago even today the ice in Greenland covers old Viking farms try to tell that to the hucksters you can't do it. With all the hysteria and propaganda out there I need to set the record straight with some of the real scientists that you're not hearing let me give you some real scientists science please something that no one tells you up there in Sacramento are you ready are you ready neither temperatures nor carbon dioxide levels are anywhere near their peak over Earth's history and all the other hysterics during the Cretaceous period approximately 145266 1000000 years ago long before there was a democrat socialist machine mean atmospheric c o 2 content was about $700.00 parts per 1000000 Ok what does that mean that's 6 times what it was just before the Industrial Revolution did you hear me. So in that period 66000000 years ago c o 2 content $700.00 parts per 1000000 in October 2014 it was about $400.00 parts per 1000000 magnitudes of order lower than during the Cretaceous period lower lower So this is hysteria but what about mean surface temperature we hear about warming in the ice is melting and island nations are going to disappear means surface temperatures during the Cretaceous period was 18 degrees Centigrade which is 4 degrees higher temperatures higher than it is now. But what happened during this period of significantly higher atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature levels life flourished dinosaurs continued to dominate the land but new groups of mammals birds and flowering plants appeared That's not a big surprise folks contrary to what fake hysterical drug scientists tell you higher c o 2 levels are good for plants and warmer temperatures are good for life in general as I've said before you don't have to go back millions of years to find much warmer temperatures than anything we've seen during the Industrial Age temperatures were warmer and the ice sheets smaller during the Medieval Warm Period just 1000 years ago where's the warming I ask let me tell you something this is junk journalism and junk science that you're reading and hearing on this and the politicians are making a fortune off it dish shilling for the companies that have made billions and billions of dollars I'll be right back join those savage nation call No 805400 savage 854-0728. The Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com. A new poll says more Americans approve of President Trump than they do the big media That's why millions are turning them off and turning on Newsmax t.v. America's new conservative channel on Newsmax t.v. See Bill O'Reilly Pat Buchanan Alan Dershowitz Mike Reagan and more Bill O'Reilly's no spin new show is on Newsmax t.v. Get it on Directv channel 349 x. Finity 1115 dish to 16 u. Verse 122615 spectrum Newsmax t.v. Real news for real people this is still some potential e.m.p. Expert Dr William forced us will cease to exist 90 percent of population will die I don't think that's news to you right both Korea and Iran have put out videos what you can find on youtube of a game hit by an e.m.p. I don't we are North Korea's only but e.m.p. Effect most savage nation listen for free online on your favorite Bob guest at Westwood One pub guest network. 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Starting to see delays because of a serious accident on the east Beltway 295 of the southbound ramp to Monument road the off ramp is closed also there's a disabled vehicle on the West Beltway to 95 at the northbound ramp from us 17 Roosevelt Boulevard and another one on to 95 northbound at the ramp to Duvall road becoming mostly cloudy tonight low 61 Tuesday partly sunny and Grazie high 81 and this message is for you how would you like to have a large portion of your credit card debt medical bills and department store debt forgiven national credit card relief would like to give you free information on a proven debt forgiveness program this program has been used by thousands to legally forgive millions an unsecured debt it's not bankruptcy it's not consolidation this special program actually wipes clean the portion of your debt that is forgiven from what you owe your creditors call for free information and get all your questions answered in the 1st recall the more you know the more you can save if you have at least 10000 dollars or more in credit card bills this debt forgiveness program can be very effective call for free information and find out more now 802916670 there is no cost or obligation for the information don't wait to call 802916670 That's 802916670 get your debt problem solved call 802916670 today not available in North. The Savage Nation on Talk Radio $601.00 of $1.00 of them. Today is a big day for children that have been breathing dirty air in the South Bronx today is a really good day for families who have been enduring the injustice says I'm drinking dirty water or who have seen their living rooms being flooded with the waves of flooded in with with the waves of rising sea sea levels and today I think is a really big day for our economy the labor movement the social justice movement indigenous peoples and people all over the United States of America. Do I have to say anything after you listen to this Is there anyone listening to this show. Who can tell me about one person who has seen their living rooms being flooded in with the waves of rising sea levels other than after a natural disaster like Katrina where the levees were broken I live next to the water I'm a boater I study tide charts. I can read literature the sea level of the San Francisco Bay is not really risen one centimeter in all the years I've lived here not one centimeter I haven't gone up one millimeter at all this is a complete and total fantasy but built upon this big lie they now want to destroy the United States the entire infrastructure of the United States now you know what you're saying to yourself which is why you harbor it you know it's never going to happen. It's never going to pass Congress even the Democrats wouldn't even dare discuss this in public you are probably right but when you see the entire leadership of people who would be president Camillia Harris. Cory Booker Elizabeth Warren Gillibrand Castro Aurora already endorsing the same policies you have to ask yourself how could they do this they're not all stupid they are reasonably intelligent people how could they endorse eliminating 99 percent of cars how could they endorse rebuilding and gutting every building in the United States of America Markey himself says he wants to retrofit every building in America with so-called state of the art energy efficiency that means every home factory apartment building will have to be torn out all the heating and cooling systems ripped out and replaced will with no one knows what Yet whatever Nancy Pelosi invents and her in-laws can produce for every building in America they want to eliminate air travel how we're going to get around without air travel a government guaranteed job like in Venezuela. Free education for life like in Venezuela a house like that was promised in the Soviet Union and free money again I repeat that the so-called Green New Deal by this the range bartender promises the government will give safe affordable adequate housing for every American citizen and this is true economic security for anybody who is unable or unwilling to work I want to repeat that if you're a bum. If you're a lazy bum. And you're unwilling to work the rest of us who do work will have to pay for you well Ok at the same time we see the Republican Party acting as though none of this is real and only going to sponsor. Others. 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With her and it was on ball Agnew in Washington bipartisan negotiators meeting again today to try and revive border security talks with a Friday deadline looming to avoid another partial government shutdown a Virginia lawmaker says he's been called a racist on social media for threatening to begin impeachment proceedings against lieutenant governor just in Fairfax over sexual assault allegations made by 2 women State Delegate Patrick Hope who is White told the Associated Press that he called for an impeachment proceeding to begin because he believes it would trigger an investigation into the allegations against Fairfax the aunt. A teen who killed himself after his girlfriend and courage had to do that says his family believes justice has been served Conrad Roy The 3rd family spoke to reporters today after 22 year old Michelle Carter was taken into custody to begin serving her 15 month jail sentence for an involuntary manslaughter conviction this is s. R. a News. W u m 601 point one if a. State senator did especially has introduced the fetal heartbeat bill in the Florida Senate if passed it would prohibit the terminations of a pregnancy in Florida once a fetal heartbeat has been detected it also requires doctors to inform women seeking abortions of the presence of a fetal heartbeat many conservatives consider appointing conservative judges to the federal courts as one of the president's top roles the u.s. Senate Judiciary Committee has advance President Trump's nominations of 7 picks to federal judgeships here in Florida the nominations are now headed to the Senate floor where the g.o.p. Majority is likely to confirm if you're hoping for a big tax refund this year chances are you'll be somewhat disappointed although most Americans took home more money per paycheck since the Trump tax cuts the average refund is down by 8 percent that's the latest from am $601.00 a $1.00 f.m. Talk radio w b o b m Clayton Bromberg of Underwood's you know we've sold fan quality diamonds for a long time and think that's important if you do a land with the poorest damage with the lowest prices to the left and the Hass quality to the right are diamonds are at the far right in once we know the way to grading factors of cut color and clarity have to be considered and the one that talked about the least but the most important to us is the damage cut grade because it has huge implications on both price and beauty and thus value. Damages for Underwood's for over 30 years so I know what's out there in the cut grades not important to most down and sellers that's really been the underwood difference because beautifully cut damage result in the most important thing they can do they bring a joy of owning and wearing a damn and not just today but tomorrow and into the future that's important to us and should be to you too because nothing brings more joy than wearing a beautiful diamond from Underwood's in San Marco Avondale in the shops upon of Adra. Single family houses and apartments are the key to passive income aka retirement no one knows this better than America's most successful investor educator national radio host self-made multimillionaire c.e.o. And founder of lifestyles unlimited Dell Walmsley you heard him in his team on the radio now join the lifestyles unlimited seed all motivation in a city near you for the financial freedom seminar check the schedule and clean your seats and give me total freedom dot com limited seating unlimited potential register today give me total freedom dot com where the tie ups to avoid the traffic . Starting to see delays because of a serious accident on the east Beltway to 95 on the southbound ramp to Monument road the off ramp is closed also there's a disabled vehicle on the West Beltway to 95 at the northbound ramp from us 17 Roosevelt Boulevard and another one on to $95.00 northbound at the ramp to do Ball Road becoming mostly cloudy tonight low $61.00 Tuesday partly sunny and breezy high $81.00 Mark Levin next to 6 gene radio show tomorrow morning at 6 Savage now on am 6011 point one f.m. w b o b. Today is a big day for children that have been breathing dirty air in the South Bronx today is a really good day for families who have been enduring the injustice says of drinking dirty water or who have seen their living rooms being flooded with the waves of flooded in with the with the waves of rising sea sea let's stop for anyone to stand insanity when you hear it can anyone listening to this show Tell me about anyone who's living room has been flooded in with the waves of rising sea levels other than through the Hurricane Katrina type of thing do you understand insanity when you hear now why am I playing it because she's not alone on this. A number of the left wing democrats Socialist Party presidential hopefuls including Cory Booker Camillia Harris Elizabeth Warren Kirsten Gillibrand you already on a cost throw and b. To other auk have already endorsed or expressed support for the g.n.d. The so-called green new deal what are in those suggestions they want to eliminate 99 percent of all cars they want to go out and rebuild every building in the United States of America they want to eliminate air travel air travel and build rail lines high speed rail across oceans Now let me explain something at this child is ridiculously stupid ugly child doesn't seem to know California already has a high speed rail boondoggle that is running $100000000000.00 debt right now because Jerry Brown screwed the people of the state of California with the greatest boondoggle in the history of the state and he got away with murder because there's no newspapers there there's no Chronicle in San Francisco there's no times in Los Angeles there's no newspapers during that damn job in the state of California. That high speed rail in California $100000000000.00 in debt one of the state's biggest fiscal disasters ever but what about Amtrak you know that old American rail line Amtrak has a state run rail system a little girl you know runs billions of dollars in debt did you hear that now you want to transfer this failing business model to every state in America where is the money going to come from Answer We don't care I'm not making up what I'm about to tell you these are people who want to be president they want to give everyone in America a house free money and banning meat free money the Green New Deal says economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work let me say that again if you're a bum. A flop a creep a deadbeat a leech creep if you're unwilling to work the rest of us will have to send you a check every month you thought welfare was bad well according to the Green New Deal is just beginning now you could laugh at all of this if it was just another leftwing professor making $300.00 grand a year at university California at Berkeley or at Harvard or any of the other denizens of lower living but it isn't this child has now been plucked whole out of a bar and is now running the Democrat Party after only 30 days with plans that are not laughable they're a mark of total insanity disconnected from reality in every possible way so why am I talking about it why because this plan is being trumpeted by this psychotic chick but it's also being supported by Camillia Harris Cory Booker Elizabeth Warren Gillibrand Castro Rourke and the others. Edward Markey is also part of it the entire Democrat Party has gone insane in front of your eyes the other day during Trump's SOTU speech he said something along that none of you caught and certainly not the trumpeting years in the media the trumpeters the trumpets the trumpets he has did not really listen to all of what Trump said the other day but he actually said we need we need more immigrants to the United States that's right the biggest bootlickers amongst the so-called conservatives who are simply looking for an entree into the White House did not tell you the Trump says he wants to see more legal immigration to the United States would you believe this he was asked about this and he said yup we need new people in America because we need people to run the factories and plants and companies that are moving back we need people now on that line alone Trump has become the u.s. Chamber of Commerce he has taken the exact line of Mitch McConnell and the entire r. And c. And yet it went unnoticed not only not only by the left but by the right because they don't do their homework like I do I do my homework I was appalled when Trump said he wants more immigrants in the United States he said we want more people coming into our country they have to come in legally no Mr Trump we don't need more people and we don't need that legally or illegally Mr Trump what we need there is a jobs program in America for the poor in this country may be able to do those jobs but do not have the skills or the education that's what we need Mr Trump not more immigrants Mr Trump that would be my advice and that's another big topic but there are others there are so many big topics out there in the Savage Nation and I have to get into them one by one some of them have a sound sound it's attached some don't this one you're not going to believe. There was a man who used to run the c.d.c. Or the n.i.m.h. What it was name was Anthony he did nothing during the Aids epidemic to curtail it so far as I can tell he swept it under the rug to know what he would know what actually was behind much of the spread of this epidemic in the early years but felt she has such deep deep ties to the drug industry that I think he is still there so felt she was on C.-Span the other day the official propaganda outlet of the Democrat Party and he was asked about diseases coming into the country he said has nothing to do with immigrants where he was lying about that he's a total and absolute liar and I can prove I'm wrong I'd like to debate him any time you want but wait it gets even worse he then reverted to blaming Jews for the measles epidemic listen to what he says don't be port the Mexicans don't deport the Guatemalans don't deport the El Salvadorans don't deport the Nicaraguans But he suggests Well we do something about those darn hot seated Jews who are going into Brooklyn if you think I'm making up the santai Semitism or this subtle anti-Semitism of by Dr Anthony Fauci listen to clip number 12 on the Savage Nation we often get people who have measles in countries in which the vaccination programs are not as they are here in the United States who might bring in measles I mean a typical example of a relatively recently is the acidic Jewish community in New York in the Brooklyn area were very low in the vaccination someone a visitor came in quite legally from Israel with measles brought it into the community and that's how you had the outbreak among the acidic community in Brooklyn Do you realize this is one of the most overtly anti-Semitic suggestions I've heard in my entire life. This bum this smoke this propaganda this doc the foul sheet instead of telling us that tuberculosis is being reintroduced into America from the hordes coming from south of the border this bum this smoke this propagandist found she has the nerve to say that the High City community is the problem I rest my case stupidity reigns supreme in this country I predicted that Nancy Pelosi would be more threatened by this crazy check than anybody in the United States of America because she's trying to usurp Pelosi power after only 30 days. Well guess what happened. Nancy Pelosi left her off a special committee on climate change Palosi band this crazy Stalin asked murderous psychotic socialist communist from hell from a Special Committee on Climate Change did you and I just said I told you that she would do that I told you she would be knocked off the committee or not let on I told you that the 78 year old Pelosi is more threatened by the choice of 9 year old psychotic socialist freshman than any conservative would be. And so the fact of the matter is this is just the beginning I will tell you right now that Palosi finally understands how dangerous this person is not to America not her not to me but to her own power and I'll tell you something about Palosi and company I will repeat what her daughter said Pelosi don't do it I said I don't know the exact words is a paraphrase she could cut your head off and you wouldn't even know it was cut off . This is just the beginning of what's going to happen to this girl who is so out of control so out of place so out of bounds and so insane Now if what she was saying made sense let's say I don't think we pay much attention to work but she's insane on top of it all the things she says are insane it's not that I don't agree with them politically they are by definition insane not only because they can't be done but by definition there and saying look at the speech she gave those of you who are seeing their living rooms being flooded in with the waves of rising sea levels I'm an expert in voice recognition she paused in that sentence twice she almost didn't repeat it she herself could not believe what she was reading you have to ask yourself when will this come to an end I don't have an answer for you I do know that the American people are much smarter than they are given credit for that's all I can say for you on that one. Can I talk with you for a few minutes about some of the science involved. In the hysteria called global warming in the Paris Accords I am not an actor I'm a talk show host but I happen to have a bachelor's degree in Biology 2 masters degrees one in ethno botany and one in anthropology respectively 2 by the way and a true ph d. In nutritional at the medicine from the rest of California at Berkeley and that was published in its entirety for those of you in the sciences laugh if you will but in order to earn these degrees I had to not only collect and analyze data but draw scientifically valid conclusions that the scientists concurred with Do you understand what I'm saying to you that's what the scientific process is about I had to follow these principles to earn my doctorate but it doesn't take an advanced degree to understand them their common sense when the government takes over science however common sense goes out the window it happened in the Soviet Union with Lysenko who was a hack posing as a scientist for Stalin who want to impose his views of genetics on the people but let's go down to brass tacks here you keep hearing the debate is over Obama said that $100.00 times in the Haven't you heard that mantra the debate is over all scientists agree that it was 98 percent of scientists agree well that onto itself should caution you should the veracity of that statement. Because real scientists never say the debate is over about any subject all scientific knowledge is open to challenge at all times that's how all great advances have been made can you imagine if the debate had been over when I said Newton had published his theories meaning Albert Einstein never published his Can you imagine if the debate had been over when scientists concluded that man could not fly now a lot of this hysteria is based upon the publications of the i.p.c.c. You may have heard about that over the years I'm not going to bore you with it incidentally all of this is in my previous bestselling book government 0 I mean I know many of your board I know how many sold so it's widely respected out there there's a great chapter called 0 science so the issue is what do you actually believe in what the you know I don't care what you believe it's what you know not what you believe most of you believe that the world is coming to an end because Obama I mean because Trump told us out of the Paris accord you understand what I'm saying to you but it's not true one of the people you should look at in this subject is the man who is recognized as the father of modern climatology His name is Dr Reed a Bryson I'm going to read you what he wrote about just put this in your cap for a minute mean surface temperature on this planet during the Cretaceous period was 4 degrees higher than it is now do you understand what I just said to you you may unless you went to Evergreen State College or perhaps n.y.u. Dr Reed Bryson who is universally recognized as the father of modern climatology confirms that even today the ice in Greenland covers old Viking farms if you catch that fact you don't want to hear it your mind shut down I'm ready you bought your book the Kool-Aid the ice and grilling Greenland today covers old Viking farms today. Now no one disputes that Dr Bryson is a real scientists not even the climate change hucksters But the you know what he says about hysterical cries that glaciers in the Alps are receding he says it all happened before. What did they find when the ice sheets retreat in the Alps What do they find when the ice sheets retreat up there a silver mine the guys had stacked up their tools because they were going to be back the next spring to mind more silver only the snow never went they used to be less ice than snow they used to be less ice than now it's just getting back to normal this is the Savage Nation I'll be right back join those savage nation call No 85400 savage 85407282 salvage the Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com Hey for many years I warn you about the war and cash explain why you must protect your savings from the unsafe world of banking from cyber attacks and the criminalization of cash oh so maybe you're saying he's a Michael I hardly even use cash on him or use debit credit or digital cash so I'm Ok right wrong today's war on your privacy and freedom includes all forms of digital money face it the feds will continue this war until every dollar you earn save invest or spend can be tracked by bureaucrats it's all covered in Swiss America's updater report Secret War Part 2 weapons of cash destruction and it's available free by calling 802892646 write it down call it now 802-892-6462 learn and discover like I did the only private asset class left on earth you must get this free report call 802892646802892646 call it now. Lookout Thomas coming to is brought to you by values through media now here's syndicated columnist. Forgive me for laughing at the Democrats problem with race in Virginia both Democrat governor Rob Northam and his attorney general are in trouble over coloring their faces in the past to appear black for decades Democrats have painted Republicans as racists now they're getting a taste of their own deserts as Jennifer Kearns has written for The Washington Examiner Democrats voted against every piece of civil rights legislation in Congress from 866-2966 Democrats voted against the 13th Amendment which officially freed slaves only 4 Democrats voted in favor Republicans passed the 14th Amendment granting ex slaves u.s. Citizenship Democrats voted against it Democrats voted against the 15th Amendment which gave ex slaves the right to vote not one Democrat voted for it but Democrats didn't act Jim Crow laws which made it more difficult for African-Americans to exercise their rights a Senate office building is named for Richard Russell a Georgia Democrat who oppose civil rights legislation you know the old saying What goes around comes around I'm Cal Thomas or 3 copy of today's commentary visit Cal Thomas dot com or write us at values through media deal box 373340 the Largo Florida 33037 that's below box 373340 Key Largo Florida 330372 specify the date and subject your tax deductible gets to values the media help support and listen again next time for the Cal Thomas Commentary The following is not an actor but a real life story from Trinity debt management it's probably been about 10 years ago I had quite a few credit cards the interest on the cards was really high I was making the minimum payments but they are late and it was just getting to be too much so I called Serenity if you are in debt and you need help call Trinity 180-990-6976 extension 2 talk to a certified counselor they met with me and they were able to get all of my credit cards in one lower payments to. 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Mark Levin is coming up at 6 now back to Michael Savage on talk radio am 601 on 1 point one f.m. w b o b. I want to use this time here to give you a sample of The Savage Nation podcast was she hacked by the r. And c. The green new deal not so real She gives a new meaning to the word bird brain. They call her the Princess of the Potomac that's call out Alexandria occasional cortex she got in front of the microphone at the Capitol last week filled with herself filled with joy sounding like a smart 5 year old who will have who had always been praised surrounded by the idiots of Congress smiling with their hands held in front of their their crotches it was the rolling out of the Green New Deal it was going to save America from annihilation it was bigger than fighting the Nazis according to this bird brain and I love birds by the way based on Franklin Delano Roosevelt 2nd Bill of Rights which he talked about and try to implement in his new deal this new so-called green Gene Green dream was supposed to guarantee the following. A job with a family sustaining wage family medical leave a cations retirement security high quality education free higher education free trade schools clean air and water for everyone healthy food for everyone health care for all adequate housing for bombs for everyone on earth economic environment for you monopolies and a handout economic security for all who are unwilling to work in the section of the rollout it talked about how we would build out high speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary so they were going to end their travel this any it was going to work with farmers and ranchers to create sustainable pollution greenhouse gas free food systems which means cows would be killed because they passed too much gas and get us off fossil fuels in the next 12 years but that wasn't enough idiot Democrats like Cory Booker and Chris Murphy claim that this would be like the moon landing. That was just a small sample of today's podcast Remember it would you please remember it's a simple Michael Savage dot com i Tunes or any other part to get the full podcast absolutely free Thanks for listening. To Talk Radio 6011 point one. My name is merienda and I am in the light program. With depression self harm and suicide I was very young I got married and pregnant at a young age and for a while I was finding my work than men my mom and brother had been through the program. So I came looking for help I truly appreciate the counsellors and also my ministry I never had structure routine in my life my main issue Simon is my responsibility and it is something I take pride in just one test away from completing my. I don't think I could have done without the City Rescue Mission I'm thankful for. In the relationship I now have with Jesus that executive director for the City Rescue Mission would you consider helping us make a difference as we provide hope healing and change to those who need it most. That c.r.m. Jack started work to learn more to make a donation to help transform the lives of the hungry homeless and addicted in northeast Florida. The result is a new. Features the time tested recipes of seafood and chicken. Chicken and locations in Jacksonville. Just west of. Chicken the best you've ever tasted 47. In the. Past the New York Times in The Washington Post a.b.c. And n.b.c. And c.b.s. . Service out there. Haven't even acknowledged what just that it's Ok to understand it's not about personal. Liberty. On talk radio am 601 point one f.m. . Am 600. Jacksonville 1 point one f.m. . Moves to our Virginia's top officials are slowing down the governor says he's not going anywhere and plans to pursue a racial equity agenda a state legislator backed off his plans to submit a bill of impeachment against the lieutenant governor who's facing accusations of sexual assault in an interview broadcast on c.b.s. News this morning Governor Northam says after. Firestorm about his use of black face in the 1980 s. He's now conscious of his white privilege and can be an agent of change in office a Democratic delegate who suggested impeachment proceedings against lieutenant governor just in Fairfax now says additional conversations need to happen lawmakers are considering investigating Fairfax his accusers say they detest a fight I'm more in love I'm some correspondent solder my God he reports another government shutdown looms as aides on both sides say the mood is not hopeful as bipartisan negotiators seek to revive border security talks today the deadline for reaching a deal is midnight Friday after that parts of the government would start closing weeks after the longest shutdown in American history ended talks broke down over the weekend long after it appeared negotiators were close to a deal the latest dispute is over my current detention policies and there is still no agreement on funding the president's border wall President Tom spoke this past hour at the White House as he left for a political rally tonight in El Paso White House correspondent Greg clunks that report in recent speeches including the state of the Union the president has singled out the border town of El Paso he says a border wall dramatically reduced crime in the city and he'll highlight that when he holds a rally there tonight it's the latest push by the president to get billions of dollars in Wall funding but bipartisan talks it is snag over the weekend raising doubts that a deal can be reached by Friday's deadline Gregg kludged in Washington on Wall Street the Dow down by 53 points but the Nasdaq rose 10 and the s. And p. Advance to oil down to 5241 a barrel more on these stories at townhall dot com. Thinking about life insurance what if you could make one free phone call and learn your best price from nearly a dozen highly rated.

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