Step forward on a trade deal with China I'm in Carrick Fox News President Trump with the partial deal Fox is Garrett Tenney in the Oval Office Friday President Trump said this is phase one of a larger trade deal and it will include Chinese concessions on currency intellectual property as well as Beijing agreeing to buy as much as $50000000000.00 in u.s. Agricultural products in exchange the u.s. Will not raise tariffs again next week as scheduled though it is not clear what else the u.s. Will give up in this potential deal last night in the wheezy and the president touted it as a big win for the country I just made a great China deal to. The. U.s. Stocks initially rose by nearly 500 points on news of the potential deal but it pulled back a bit before the end of the day the pullback stemming from doubts the president admitting a deal could be retracted while Phase one is happening strong winds and dry conditions fueling wildfires and forcing mass evacuations in Southern California Los Angeles Fire Department Chief around harasses updating the increase in structure damage. 31 structure. 13 structures have a 100 percent loss 3 have a 50 percent loss for have a 25 percent loss and 11 have a 10 percent loss one man died because he could not plug in his oxygen tanks to do preventive power outages in contrast to freeze warnings are in place for north Texas up to Wisconsin pretty much ending the growing season a big storm off the northeast coast causing coastal erosion and rain moving into the southeast where it is very much needed New York police are reporting 4 dead as many as 5 others injured in an early morning shooting in Brooklyn New York no arrests at this time. America is listening to Fox News. The Fox News rundown is a weekday morning fog as it dives deep into the Major and controversial stories of he wished Macklin well on Twitter he says that he will announce a replacement sometime next week Fox News is hearing that there are 2 potential replacement Senate candidate Chris Kobach and the acting director of u.s. Citizenship and Immigration Services Ken Cuccinelli both are considered hardliners when it comes to immigration proxies Allison Barber from Lake Charles Louisiana where President Trump held a rally Friday a former senior d.h.s.s. Official telling Fox Ken Cuccinelli is the leading choice to fill the position of space pioneer has died the 1st human to walk in space has died Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leone all passing away in Moscow in 85 after battling health issues for years. Leon off's taking his place in space history on March 18th 1065 when he climbed out of his space capsule secured only by a tether for about 12 minutes he almost didn't make it back inside though because his spacesuit have inflated too much in the vacuum of space he had to open a valve to vent oxygen from that suit to get back through the capsules Hatch American astronaut and white match Leon all feet less than 3 months later Paul Stevens Fox News a happy reunion a long time in the making the 14 year old pooch named duchess is safe and sound the local You main animal rescue saying the dog was found hungry and shivering in Pittsburgh staffers were able to locate a microchip and trace the dog back to its original owner in Boca Raton Florida the dog's owner Katherine Strang saying she couldn't believe it when she got the call she drove all the way to Pittsburgh for the emotional reunion Krista male Fox News I'm in Carrick And this is Fox News. Do you know how to protect yourself when an earthquake strikes as in California earthquakes can strike at any time so practicing earthquake safety is a good idea for everyone join us along with millions of Californians to learn how to drop cover and old on during the great shakeout are all in this together so make sure your home workplace school and community planet. Find out more go to earthquake authority dot com slash shake out shake out day is October 17th. At technology credit union our mobile app is available everywhere your family needs a job did you tell Kathy you will be coming I just notified a magazine. Did you make your car payment I'm on it right now mom Casey. If you find a tower there is one out block away from the hotel in Rolodex e.u. Savings reward promotion and earn up to $1000.00 go to Texas dot com slash save more. Brewed coffee all ready to go with the push of a button Pinera food as it should be say good morning to Keith Pinkerton he is Mr Electric every month we have severe weather in the to the Sea Valley power outages a big problem p.v. Ops thought that that is correct when you actually come in in the style a whole house generator that automatically senses when the power goes off the takes you off the utility grid and turns own the generator and powers up your house during a power outage him when it power comes back on it senses it and shuts down the generator and puts you back on you to the grid and Another important feature with Mr Electric is making sure you're safe at home we actually have a home safety inspection electrical home safety inspection that we do when we come out to your house and you know we inspect your whole electrical system and we educate you about your electrical system and if we see any code violations or anything that needs to be address will give you a free of call Mr Electric today 256-536-8119 know the show w b h p Weather Center forecast. News 19 chief meteorologist Jason Simpson sunshine reappearing as the clouds gradually thinned out through the day more sun than clouds by mid afternoon but it still stays cool the high only in the mid sixty's with the northwest wind up to 20 mph Sunday morning chilly down in the forty's and then by Sunday afternoon more clouds in a low chance of a shower with a high still in the sixty's take my forecast and w.b. H.p. With you everywhere download the i Heart Radio app and w b h p 1025 dot com hold your calls you are listening to the Tony and Gary weekend on w b h b from Fox News 3 days in Moscow. Your host Bret Baier just. 6 pm on May 29th 1988 President Ronald Reagan and 1st lady Nancy emerged from their limousine in the historic are bought section of Moscow word that the American president had come out to meet them unannounced instantly spread and thousands of Russians surged onto the streets despite a growing worry things could spiral out of control the 77 year old Reagan actually Hard to believe but as a young man the greatest of Cold War years was so leftwing the f.b.i. Suspected he was a communist in 1946 communists in the Screen Actors Guild threatened to end Reagan's acting career by pouring acid on his face post by such to talent tearing tactics Reagan began to take notice of communist expansion overseas we had America have met some years ago a similar program called Prussianism under the kite we met more recently called not theism under it we're meeting it again now under the name of communism and it is national expansion on the part of Russia through the next 40 years he was relentless I we need the communist challenge depends on you. No critic of communism was more forceful more uncompromising than Reagan we cannot buy our security our freedom from the threat of the bomb. By committing an m.r. Romney so great as saying to a 1000000000 human beings now and slave behind the Iron Curtain give up your dreams of freedom because to save our own skins we're willing to make a deal with your slave master in the seventy's he opposed the Nixon Ford Kissinger policy of detente my view of the policy a Big Bertha but the administrator it's one of making them for that. We give them something they want very badly we don't have anything in return neither the summit's nor arms control treaties stop the spread of communism as America looked to be slowly losing the Cold War. After his loss to Gerald Ford in 1976 Reagan spoke movingly about the stakes not simply the future of civilization the survival of civilization someone asked me to write a letter for the time capsule that is going to be opened in Los Angeles 100 years from now I thought to myself we live in a world in which the great powers have aimed at each other horrible missiles of destruction that can in a matter of minutes arrive in each other's country and destroy those who would read this letter a 100 years from now we'll know whether those missiles were fired they will know whether we met our challenge for himself lost to Jimmy Carter and the Soviets added satellite states in Asia Africa and South America. When Reagan ran again in 1900 his anti-communism seem to many out of step with the time but he won in a landslide using his 1st press conference as president to again denounce communism . As President. What do you see as the long range intentions of the Soviet Union I know of no leader of the Soviet Union that has not more than once repeated their determination that their goal must be the promotion of world revolution and a one world socialist or communist state or. An assassination attempt intensified his zeal not merely to fight the Cold War but to win it he and Pope John Paul the 2nd who also miraculously survived an assassin's bullet just 6 weeks after Reg agreed that God spared them so they could and communism and collapse the Soviet Union the West will contain communism it will transcend communism when I came in in 1902 regen was still in full throated denunciation of the Soviet Union he was still very much playing the cold warrior what I'm describing now is a plan and a hope for the long term the March of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism Leninism on the ash heap of history if you even among his allies shared his belief that the cold war was winnable there was a huge argument within the administration people in the defense department of the. Soviet Union was there that was the time where there there that's life. The American public seemed to agree nearly 3 quarters favored a nuclear freeze by the United States and Soviet Union I urge you to be where the temptation of pride the temptation of blithely. Declaring yourselves above it all that sparked Reagan's most forceful criticism ever of the Soviet Union to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of an evil empire to simply call the arms race a giant misunderstanding and thereby remove yourself from the straw. Between right and wrong and good and evil I was at the speech where he talked about the evil empire and the focus of evil in the modern world it was stunning even by Reagan's standards that was pretty blunt and pretty raw I remember just asking myself or my staff saying you know now what did regen have in mind when he called them the evil empire which is really a pretty brazen statement for a president to make about another country and we just decided that he really felt he could make things better Ronald Reagan wanted to win the Cold War from the beginning of his time in office until the end he once called him a principled pragmatist crew strongest suit he said was knowing what he believed and why he believed he had a system for going about 6 number one be realistic number 2 be strong but just military strikes because our troops but then more than that of strength of purpose number 3 figure out what it is if you were someone who got all that straight should undergo should. Get to play. But before Reagan was ready to play that hand he dramatically upped the ante. Is w.b. H.p. On the No 2 point one h.d. To say good morning to Janet Martin Calhoun community college 2 different nursing programs Janet tell us 1st about the Certified Nursing program I serve on our school systems are individuals who do just that bias the star says in its 1st episode when thinking about going to the House failed it's there are non credit trying program and it's our 1st time to offer certified nursing assistant their noncredit training and south again it's a good opportunity for someone to get their foot into the door to the health programs but you don't have to stay 2 or 3 years because it is a noncredit program so it's a couple of months we are going to start classes the end of July the 1st part of August and so now is the time to register for those of course they can always go to our website our registered. Program we are expanding this fall into Huntsville those individuals who are interested in that program and students had to go to the caterer so now we're going to open up 48 slots at the Huntsville campus and those students have already been selected for that program and so of course if you want to go into nursing the register nursing program need to apply for that and get into the next cohort log on to Calhoun dot edu to register today. We believe everyone should have a bathroom that's why we do it all from tub and shower updates to aging and accessibility solutions and complete bathroom remodels turnkey process includes the . Products and professional installation book a complimentary in home design consultation now. Mention i Heart Radio and when you purchase a complete bathroom remodel $1000.00 off and a $50.00 Cosco gift card. Preparing to survive and recover from the next damaging earthquake all of us please join the millions of California. Great California Shakeout or have a drop cover and hold on during an earthquake and prepare to day back to normal after the quake strikes. Shake out. The technology credit union our mobile app is specifically made to keep up with the modern family. I lost my credit card. Good thing. That's all how just went for cell can we afford it. May be in Rolodex cities reward for most of the Internet to $1000.00 go to Texas. Save more. Than that there are a news update I mean. A 13 year old in Phoenix City is arrested charged with murder in the death of a 12 year old boy John Jones was shot in the head last week the 13 year old will be prosecuted as a juvenile which means his name will be released Meanwhile John his family conducting a funeral this week they say because John Jones was such a big Crimson Tide band they wanted him buried in a University of Alabama Jersey them a quarter back to a condo by Lois and the family a jersey reading Roll Tide. The family says John Jones was laid to rest wearing it a project in Huntsville dubbed Southern bypass moving forward a limited access highway to connect Interstate 65 near Redstone Arsenal to the Whitesburg bridge cuts across the Tennessee River in the southern part of the Rocket City Council City Council approving more than a half $1000000.00 per Plymouth Mary engineering agreement I mean gene or Belle and you're up to date around the world around your state this is b s. Alabama radio network. Did you know that is Men's Health Month. Later now a good time to encourage the men or boys in your life to make that doctor's appointment putting on or talk to the doctor about the symptoms. And. Raising awareness preventable health problems early detection and treatment impact minimally. It's time to talk to the younger generation and encourage healthy lifestyle exercise more drink more water and cut down on junk food but certain example for our kids that will not only affect their lives but there was. The perfect time to schedule your annual checkup and make those healthy lifestyle changes. For more information visit our website. Alabama public. Alabama professional services Roger what are the what are the clues that you can see in your house there might be something wrong with their foundation for walk in the house on the floors or cupping and what I mean by that they have curves in him that's a sign that they might have an issue cracks in the wall so if you have a like a crank running up your wall correct foundation do you think we have products pushed peers who disappears where we can jack the house back up we go in we put these in the ground we put brackets on the mine Foundation and we grab it to load bearing strata and pick up on the house if you leave it in let it go then you could have major problems can you it could get very expensive feel even when very expensive you could look at the site of a house fall. Falling off if you were go to so you have nobody abide because of the foundation issues call A.P.'s foundation sir. This is today 256-417-4293 or go to Alabama professional services dot com and ask Roger Baloch you can list the Glenn Beck program on your Amazon device just say played. I Heart Radio. One of Reagan's detractors thought he was reckless in the way he pokes the Russians while the superpowers and thousands of nuclear weapons at each other but as we've seen his most fervent hope was to find a way to eliminate the risk of Armageddon a year into his 1st term he floated a proposal that stunned friend and foe alike. The human spirit must be a 1st strike the other side would have enough nuclear weapons to launch a devastating 2nd strike Iran would Reagan never felt comfortable with this because it rested entirely on keeping the Soviets scared enough so that they wouldn't do anything catastrophic it was not a genuine defense Well if you can defend yourself against missiles it changes the whole dynamics of deterrence because if I can shoot down your missile then I don't have to worry about it overturns all of American nuclear policy in several paragraphs and Ronald Reagan did that on his own initiative and members of the Cabinet were not rich informed until very shortly before the speech was delivered he would not be the last time he surprised them. I think American I'm pleased to tell you today about signed legislation that will lead to the river on Aug 11th 1904 he cracked a joke into a mike he didn't know was on to begin running in 5 minutes it was a joke of course but it's comic promise was based on decades of dead serious cold war rhetoric as we got closer to 1934 people noted the fact that he was going to be the 1st modern American president to never sat down with a Russian leader not that Reagan was to blame in the 1st term people would say want to earn the negotiating when then so leadership and Reagan used to say how can I they keep dying only they were a bunch of old man and one. Followed another to the grave then Gorbachev comes into the picture who is different in Reagan's eyes and the eyes of the world absolutely you cannot overstate how different the Col Gorbachev was from the Russian leaders that that proceeded him there was a sense of a new Soviet leader and new possibilities for engaging launched efforts to reform the Soviet Union to make it more open perestroika and glasnost when he agreed to meet Reagan in Geneva Switzerland in November 1905 the world didn't know what to expect how is the press coverage of of that considering all the anti-communist and evil empire stuff up until then there was a sense that the Soviets were on the offensive and questions about whether the United States could respond clearly that Mikhail Gorbachev was a different kind of Russian leader blazing new cows and building new bridges to the west could Reagan keep up with Gorbachev he's younger he's smarter he's better read he's traveled more to the west he's more willing to engage in argument but he's also the last true believer a true believer in Marxist Leninist ideology that still held communism Woodberry the West and while Soviet central casting may have ordered up a new style leader the wardrobe department didn't get the memo Gorbachev pulls up and although he's the younger man by quite a bit Gorbachev looks older he's wearing an extremely heavy Russian overcoat and he looks grim and defensive and old suddenly Reagan comes out but he's just wearing a beautifully tailored suit no overcoat no hat no wall scarf and the Soviet system produces a leader who although much younger. He looks older and the American system produces a leader who although much older is far more full of life and that image goes out around the world the old man who as I said people were shouting could he keep up with Gorbachev suddenly he had in effect stolen the 1st scene point right. Away from the cameras Gorbachev was ready to play hardball he pushed especially hard against s.d.i. Claiming its true aim was not defensive but all sense of an effort to neutralize any Soviet weapons and render them helpless against a us attack regen said to Gorbachev you can't win this Cold War And Gorbachev said Why do you say that and Reagan says because we will outspend you every time people always ask me later about Reagan at that moment did he really think. That there is going to be an end to the story and I only said yes because I really thought this was going to change and he just hoped to with on his watch 2 leaders 2 different views of the Cold War. Reagan knew in his gut that the Soviet Union was flimsy and would have ventured a crumbling the Marxist Gorbachev fervently believed communism would ultimately prevail but at least they were at the table their 1st conversation lasting longer than any of the aides anticipated did you want to interrupt there's always some guy in the White House and shot at us to go and stand up Dr slick in order to get the message time as a story comes around of an assessor I thought I'd better go with the longer they spent together the better it is the 2nd thing that happens is having Ronald Reagan recognize in each other human beings suffer some peace acumen connection between those 2 men think it's made it Geneva and from which. Everything else follows Reagan and Gorbachev agreed to meet again in Reykjavik Iceland we had no idea what was going to happen there came as it turned out with a whole menu of items that had been non-negotiable indeed the Soviet leader stunned American negotiators with his willingness to give up several classes of missiles they'd long hoped to eliminate. Players on the table back to our negotiating positions It was astonishing at one point Craig and started I had to have talked this coming our way kept coming he boldly proposed getting rid of nukes altogether but there was a catch Reagan had to give up strong and suddenly the whole nuclear arsenal was on the table if Mr President you will get rid of the s.d.i. Here in America were being castigated by every corner for wanting Star Wars Meanwhile Gorbachev was going to give away the entire nuclear arsenal if we would give up Star Wars Reagan said at Reykjavik the big moment is that they realize they can't reach an agreement on those terms ultimately the talks fall apart because Reagan what Reagan's friends and foes alike saw it as a colossal blunder given the chance to perhaps start to rid the nations of all nuclear weapons Reagan opted instead to cling to his Star Wars dream s.d.i. Even Reagan wasn't sure he'd done the right thing took a few hours and then George Shultz realized this was actually a breakthrough even though that agreement broke down look at all the Soviet support on the table and once you put something on the table you can't really take it back and furthermore Gorbachev is now able to go back to Moscow and say to the hardliners I went nose to nose with him and he would not give us the agreement we need at that moment. Both sides realize it's they don't quite figure out what's going to come next but they know the old game has ended. In 1907 the 750th anniversary of Berlin Germany invited world leaders to the City to mark the occasion Reagan saw an opportunity to challenge Gorbachev from communism is most symbolic platform the Berlin Wall. The Berlin Wall the barricade that more vividly than a purge illustrates the failure of Communism never a day passes along the bumbling barricade without at least one break for freedom expressions of man's determination to defy tyranny in any form. One of the things that I think made Reagan a historical figure was he had this uncanny ability to catch the crest of change in history the Berlin speech is a good example Peter Robinson was assigned to draft Reagan's remarks I went over to West Berlin as we called it in those days to do some research 1st stop is at the Berlin Wall and over here is the Reichstag the German parliament building standing there if you close your eyes you could almost hear the incoming shell fire from the battle of Berlin you can still feel the horrors of the 2nd World War. And then you open your eyes and you can see the free world and turn and look at the communist world. Keeping you in for now a Tennessee Valley News Update On w b h p. A community mourns the loss of high school students they drowned while swimming with a friend in the Tombigbee River Bailey with. Says unfortunately they've seen this kind of tragedy before and this is the 1st time so if this happens a good bit us a good bit points are. 200 years and it is a very unfortunate event specialist to use the student who was able to get out is listed in stable condition at the hospital police continue to look for suspects in their investigation of a beauty supply store robbery attempt earlier this week in Birmingham the clerk at the store firing on the suspects it was all caught on video with the supply with the crooks firing back at the clerk Birmingham Police Sergeant Johnny Williams It's obvious that these guys are dangerous they have weapons they were willing to use them they actually show that they were willing to use the weapons as they were exiting they were firing the weapon so we want people to understand these are dangerous criminals they're going Racinet Talladega Aliya another law enforcement agencies keeping folks safe over the weekend working to get thousands in and out of the area and watching for law breakers c.e.o. Grant lynched. Over the period of my career here in our heyday and there was no those numbers were pretty high but over the past few races in the past few years the numbers of people that have been arrested have mostly been for DUI and then and some minor incidents of scuffle and stuff like that part of their 50th anniversary debut of a $50000000.00 infield renovation it includes the garage experience fans get up close and personal with the driver's seat super placing the old Victory Lane today the Sugarland Shine 250 tomorrow the 1000 bulbs dot com 500 starts at one for your ride around Alabama checking AAA Fuel Gauge Report average price per gallon at the pump is $230.00 I mean gene or fell. Weather Center for care. Meteorologist. Sunshine reappearing as the clouds gradually thinned out through the day more sun than clouds by mid afternoon but it still stays cool the high only in the mid sixty's with the northwest wind up to 20 mph Sunday morning chilly down in the forty's and then by Sunday afternoon more clouds in a low chance of a shower with a high still in the sixty's. Everywhere download the i Heart Radio. Dot com scene from the Fox Sports studios at Los Angeles. Fire Astros lead the Rays for nothing in the bottom of the 7th inning in game one of their America big divisional series Jose l.t.v. a 2 run shot just getting underway on the Cardinals and Braves in the 1st inning in Atlanta cardinals are up 10 in the best of 5 series on the ice the flyers trying to close out the Blackhawks as they play in the Czech Republic for 3 and now it is a final Philadelphia gets the victory Packers wide receiver Divonne day Adams will play Sunday against Dallas because of a toe issue the Redskins have named called McCoy's the team starting quarterback against the Patriots on Sunday there will be no Sam Donald for the Jets he won't return for a mano a salute follicle starting quarterback against the Philadelphia Eagles Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer wouldn't comment on whether wide receiver Stefan Biggs would play this week after missing a practice earlier this week for a non injury reason to the n.f.l. Network reports the digs was fine for missing meetings and practices the Chiefs will be without wide receiver Tyree kill against the Colts on Sunday talking with an n.d. Of last resort guns on County Line Road in Madison Membership has its perks if you take a membership in the range of regular admission you can come in the range. And then if you want to take any of the. Training classes. A membership discount on all of those and then of course if you're a member the. Once a month and that's free. Snacks and drinks for the members so they get a chance to come chat with one another try whatever we've got lined up on the day visit last resort guns in Madison on County Line Road just south of Palmer road or give them a call today 256-774-5741 that's last resort guns w. Is available everywhere you want to listen free i Heart Radio and download it now. In West Berlin where democracy rules these pictures speak for themselves the citizens well clad look freely East Berlin to reveals itself to the camera citizen raised stealthy streets empty drab is the word that describes it seems it's color and gray its motion and nothing less nervous West German officials appealed to the White House to pick another location they worried Reagan might provoke Gorbachev Reagan's own State Department worried too I paid a visit on the ranking American diplomat in West Berlin and he was full of ideas about what Ronald Reagan should not say don't have Ronald Reagan come here and sound like some anti communist cowboy and don't make a big deal out of the wall they've gotten used to it now they haven't gotten Hughes they had stopped talking about it one woman crystallized for Robinson the speech he wanted to write into a board else lovely woman that she became angry and said if this man Gorbachev is serious with this talk. To perestroika if he's serious he can come here and take down that Robinson found that positively Reagan esque so did Reagan back I went to the White House and built a speech around this call to tear down the wall I said Mr President I learned in Berlin that on the communist side of the bill be able to hear the speech as well is there anything in particular you want to say to people on the other side the communist side of the wall and Ronald Reagan fought for a moment and then he said Well. There's that passage about tearing down the wall that's what I want to say to them that wall has to come down other Reagan aides tried to kill the law. There were several objections one was that it just unsound right to the foreign policy apparatus and part of it was the concern that by naming Gorbachev personally Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall that would put Gorbachev in a difficult position with his own polling plus the world had come to admire Gorbachev as a man of peace Reagan was still widely seen as a warmonger and this wouldn't help and wouldn't Reagan be raising false expectations you don't call for tearing down the wall that's permanent who knew when that wall would come down it certainly wasn't going to be anytime soon and probably not in our lifetime you know how or when they just felt it was calm and and the time for him to speak up so Reagan kept the line telling an aide boys that state are going to kill me but it's the right thing to do General Secretary Gorbachev if you seek peace if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. If you seek liberalization come here to this gate. Mr Gorbachev open this gate. Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall. He was a man of commitment a vision best he knew what needed to be said in that way at that place at that time it was truly a moment of destiny and when you look at what could have not happened had he not said that the world forever may have been a different place this much is certain Reagan again read the situation much more sagely then the foreign policy experts who are jaw didn't walk away from the negotiation table 6 months after Berlin he came to Washington to sign the intermediate range nuclear forces. Or i.n.f. Treaty which would lead to the elimination of nuclear and conventional missiles within a few years famously on that trip over just surprised ensure the Americans jumped out of his limo and waded into a throng of admirers. I think along the way the president was clearly underestimated one had a sense that he had the upper hand in his relationship with the Soviets that he had gotten the intermediate range missiles not only out of Europe but out of the whole world they were basically arguing on his agenda that he was setting the terms not Mikhail Gorbachev not the Russians and the that was quite different from what it had been when he came into office but nobody including Reagan could know how close he was to pushing the Soviet empire to collapse didn't know at that point that he was going to win the Cold War Moscow was still very much a superpower and very much at least in armaments the equal of the United States and there were whispers plenty of them that Reagan now 77 years old had lost his edge so what to expect from his last summit with Gorbachev 3 days in Moscow. Great theater at the very least. The trip to Moscow wrote itself the great cold warrior Ronald Reagan in the heart of the evil empire literally in Red Square so you knew this was going to be very special I distinctly remember President Reagan getting on Marine One and somebody yells a question what are you hoping for and he says something like sometimes the final act is the best act. But you also have to know when to leave center stage. That's is the Middle East. Summit. Sort of trade the it was kind of the some Asian summit but it. Was all. True to his bully Reagan truly believed this much that for all the talk about glasnost and perestroika Gorbachev was kidding himself if he thought he could reform the Soviet Union into a free equal and economically productive society he also sense that even though the Soviet leaders were not ready for real change the Soviet people poor and he intended to make his case to them it seemed clear the president really wanted to send a message not just to America but to the Russian people as well that we really care about you and really really want to see your long stretch that began day one Nancy says. Ronnie wants to go for a walk among the people there it's a commercial area right near the embassy a half a block away all the are back the Secret Service and we don't think we should do it they pointed out that their leaders there don't just go walking in crowds even though Gorbachev did it in America and Mrs Reagan said we're going to do it and we want to do it in 15 minutes and off they went on day 2 Reagan went on another walk this time through Red Square with Gorbachev there was a metaphor for the extraordinary journey that Reagan had taken personally and the journey that the u.s. And the Soviet Union had taken in terms of their relations that turned out to be the high point of the sun because it was a script that there were people around there with heads of Regulus say hello and that it was very informal and nice and not nearly as chaotic as the are bought and perhaps because as Fitzwater whispered to Reagan many of those regular Russians were apparently changing b. Operatives a reporter asked the big question Reagan surely knew was coming you don't think you're in an evil empire Mr President they know it he said that was another time in another era. Put his arm around my gosh as a newsman it doesn't get any better he wanted to do that walk to say I no longer believe in see. These are good people who want a better life. But had Reagan's mind really changed certainly not as much as the Soviet leadership had hoped Mikhail Gorbachev was going to learn that. 3rd day in Moscow I mean to get on with sports on the Alabama Radio Network plenty of and I'm a college grad today in the s.c.c. The number one Alabama Crimson Tide return to the field after the bye week traveling to the Lone Star State to play Texas a and m. Kick off at 230 well it was ranked Auburn Tigers are off the bye week they're back in action etc at the University of Arkansas over the Ohio Valley Conference of Jacksonville State University Gamecocks get the slate underway in the Prairie State going up against eastern Illinois University kick off at noon in the Southern Conference the Sam University Bulldogs are on the road with Virginia Military Institute at 1230 from the southwest Athletic Conference the Alabama State University Hornets play next door in Mississippi against Jackson State at 2 o'clock also a to the Alabama and ambled odds on the road in Louisiana facing Grambling State and the Gulf South Conference of homecoming day on the campus of the earthy of West Alabama as the Tigers welcome sure university and to Tiger Stadium in Livingston beginning at 4 o'clock and coverage USA the way Blazers are on the road at the University of Texas at senatorial tonight at 6 elsewhere in the Sun Belt Conference the Troy University Trojans host University of South Alabama Jaguars this Wednesday night for the 8th annual battle of the belt at Veterans Memorial Stadium in the big South Conference University of North Alabama lions off this weekend returning to action next Saturday at home entertaining Giles and southern turn to the n.f.l. The Atlanta Falcons will be in Arizona tomorrow afternoon to play the Cardinals Nascar spent the weekend right here in the heart of Dixie this afternoon to Talladega Superspeedway green flag drops at 1230 for the gander at those Truck Series Sugarland shine too vividly and tomorrow afternoon the running of the Monster Energy Nascar Cup Series 1000 balls dot com 500 at Talladega the expertise there is return to the track. Separate Kansas Speedway and soccer Birmingham Legion f.c. Back in action Wednesday night at b.b.b. a Field hosting the New York Red Bulls 2 in the n.b.a. That went to the 3rd preseason game Monday night in Miami against the heat on the ice the exhibition schedule most of the pro hockey league wraps up as the Hunts go have a face off against an actual ice bears at the Bon Bronson or the saffron at 3 and the Birmingham Bowl skate at the pumps of a complex night with American may have at 7 You're listening to a are in sports. Easy to take your world for granted. Most days go by without a whole lot of surprises. But what if it is lost or strikes without warning. What is life as you know it has completely turned on a. What if everything familiar anything. Paired. Before a disaster turns your family's world upside down it's up to you to be ready get it can't make a plan be informed today learn how it w w w dot ready dot ready dot. Message party by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the at council do you know how to protect yourself when an earthquake strikes am our love as in California earthquakes can strike at any time so practicing earthquake safety is a good idea for everyone to join us along with millions of Californians to learn how to drop coverage in the great shakeout are all in this together so make sure your home workplace school and community planet. And out more go to earthquake authority dot com shake shake out day is October 17th. 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What was the critical turning point to end the Cold War Some say the Geneva summit when Reagan and Gorbachev 1st met face to face and erected the scaffolding of their future negotiations others name Reykjavik because the 2 sides had reached agreements on important points they could not take back still others point to the Washington summit not only because that was where an actual treaty had been signed but because it had enhanced the relationship and friendship between the 2 men and their nations in my book I say it may have been a culmination of all of that in the Moscow summit its timing its tone its moral achievement those 3 days in Moscow did more than anything to square. Present the choice the world was facing and what made the summit truly transcendent was Reagan's speech at Moscow State University. It's not surprising that Ronald Reagan which used to go to a university in the province here in America everything on the next generation that was in Britain to hand not to ignore young people but to really engage that speech in Moscow University where President want to talk with freedom of speech set the stage for that one when I walked in the door I looked up and to the head of the church with this huge statue of Lenin and the lectern there with utter for Reagan was right in front of it you're thinking that's a bad I'm thinking it's a horrible thing yes and President Reagan was smiling I what I didn't get was President Reagan saw it as an opportunity to deliver this message to deliver the freedom under level Sunderland to die his joke later was. How great was that to have Lenin map to stare my backside for an hour. But it turned out to be a perfect form for him to deliver his message across. To students piled in and settle down Reagan warmed up his audience by wishing them success in their own language I know you must be very busy this week studying and taking your final examinations so but me just say. You. Speck I. Make no secret of our belief in freedom go into any school room. And there you will see children being taught the Declaration of Independence that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights among them life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that. No government can justly deny. He spoke to them as if they were bound together in a common destiny I have often said nations do not distrust each other because they are armed they are armed because they distrust each other. Peace between nations must be an enduring goal not a tactical stage in a continuing conflict as they listened the students witnessed the rhetorical gift that Americans had long appreciate his authenticity the words more convincing because they were spoken from the heart America is a nation made up of hundreds of nationality our ties to you are more than ones of good feeling their ties of kinship they come from every part of this vast continent from every continent to live in harmony seeking a place where each cultural heritage is respected each is valued for its diverse strengths and beauties and the richness it brings to our lives I think the big difference the big turning point in that speech is that up to that point the president had talked. In a negative sense about the Soviet Union about what they didn't have and in that speech the president held out the hope for what you could have that that the people in Russia wanted freedom religious freedom political freedom human rights just like people all over the world did in this Moscow spring this May 1988 we may be allowed their hope. That freedom like the fresh green sample it planted over told stories grave will blossom forth at the last in the rich fertile soil of your people and culture thank you very much and. Blago the bad guys po'd got Bush. The entire speech has the feeling of well. It has a feeling that it's a kind of invitation and it's an explanation of how liberty Human Freedom Works It's a beautiful speech. Because it's at a historic in. The United States as one but it's gracious after the speech Reagan did something very unusual in the Soviet Union despite simplicity and books a teacher. When you took questions from the audience but if you didn't. Do. That I knew that would not but I wanted to see that when you see people being bit uncomfortable but really going to question this president is America. He loves . I could be looking out at an American student body as well as I'm looking out here and would not be able to tell the difference between you I think you're in a weird open a lot of people by Moscow think this expose people. And Reagan to them he didn't come in as an adversary he came in as somebody willing to have a conversation and willing to go directly to them and talk to them and talk about their future because their future as well as Reagan prepared to leave Moscow on June 1st his staff was in furious negotiations over the language of a joint statement he would deliver with Gorbachev the Soviets one of the leaders to issue a statement that declared among other things that quote peaceful coexistence was a universal principle of international relations George Shultz believed it was a sneaky way of returning to the 1970 s. Detente that Reagan despised when Reagan rejected the language the Soviet leader ratcheted up the pressure Gorbachev really got angry and they were. Don't listen to George don't listen to Colin Powell or Mike up your own mind Colin Powell sitting right in front of me and right beside the president and I saw him take out a little piece of paper and write something on it and passed it to Reagan under the table. And Reagan looked at it. And laid it back on the table and said no we're not making any change Gorbachev blinked you could see that he was defeated and he just dropped a shoulders and it was over and when he looked up he smiled to let's go to the president. Reagan knew who it hit a grand slam most. Of the British. But. After that the wall comes down under George h.w. Bush I don't think anybody would have thought that was going to happen when we left Moscow in May of 1988 but clearly dynamics had been set in motion that led inexorably to the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War Of course it wasn't cool Richo who tore down the wall it was the people living under communism like those Reagan spoke to during his momentous 3 days in Moscow and throughout his political career. It's more love as preparing to survive and recover from the next damaging earthquake will help keep all of us safe please join me and millions of Californians who will be participating this year in the Great California Shakeout learn how to drop cover and hold on during an earthquake and prepare to days and get back to normal sooner after the next big quake strikes and out more earthquakes already dot com slash shake out shake out day is October 17th . This is w b h b Huntsville w h o s Decatur and w d r m f m h t 2 Decatur and i Heart Radio station. News I'm Karen McHugh secretary of state Mike pale announcing that more u.s. Troops are headed to the Middle East I've ordered the deployment to the kingdom of America is listening to news. It's more a Lopez preparing to survive and recover from the next damaging earthquake will help keep all of us safe please join me and millions of Californians who will be participating this year in the Great California Shakeout. Cover and hold on during an earthquake and prepare to day get back to normal sooner after the next big quake strikes more earthquakes slash shake out shake out day is October 17th. The technology credit union our mobile app is specifically made to keep up with the modern family. I lost my credit card. Be a good thing. Or 2 or. That's all how just went for cell can we afford it.

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