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See what happens it destroys the timing and how many of the you know not pause and then over here with a little break and everything just one. Blank. In that it. Won't improve since the left in the most morning. I. Have ever said to your children and i Pods the musical works you know I haven't seen any while. I've had it with you clear here. That's the punchline there's nothing I hear nothing I look over there and that little man was doubled up not going to shoot not is no. Because he had said it to his own son 2 minutes before he got. He finally recovered. Poison the good employee Good morning good morning. Lighten up and live this has been like you know brought to you by Compassion International releasing children from poverty in Jesus name please visit us on the web at compassion dot com. Listening to wu. On 102 point one h.d. To. program. Let me tell you about the Kobus. 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The anniversary the 50th anniversary tomorrow of the moon landing of Apollo 11 most people say now that it really didn't affect their lives that's because they just don't know what the space program all of them I mean microwave ovens I mean how you going to go into a 711 and get one of those crappy burritos in the in the microwave oven without the space program Bill O'Reilly is here to talk about it with us and as well as all the other things that happen this weekend there's a lot revolving around the president but let's start with the let's start with the moon landing Bill how are you can you do it before we get to that can you spell that booty again and I can't no I can't thank you I mean all the big cards yes please somebody Thank you I still Bill you were what 68 when we landed on the moon I was there you were there yeah there. Was there nobody knew I stowed away on the Apollo spacecraft was what what is your memory of the day that we landed on the moon. I don't really have too much of a memory of that series not I you know you gotta understand my persona I have trouble putting gas in my car at the self-service and you know what I have to put the card and in and write I was old and I know this I thought so technology just frightens me I do remember watching it and feeling proud of my country. That was number one. And number 2 just have no idea how they pull stuff off but wait wait and you're like 15 right yeah somewhere in there it was in the teenage years which for me were pretty Graham I must say I led the league in dopey teenage frolicking. But obviously this was a big event Walter Cronkite I remember I watched his coverage everybody has said I like the mustache on Walter that's never any undue with his rep or Tajoura in like that. But anyway you're right when you know people don't really understand number one I'll comply complicated this isn't or you have to do is look at the after not who were killed when the spacecraft exploded and all that I'm right very very dangerous and number 2 that the technology that is developed along the way. Has changed everybody's life so we wouldn't have the drones and the satellites and live shots from here there and everywhere and none of that would be happening on last we had the space situational they say people say oh you know of course we're going to tell you one Musk what they don't understand is where we were. We're at the time we might have you know we might be on the moon today maybe maybe but it the time it take it took the entire country to rally around it and quite honestly many of the things that we have now were from the inspiration of the moon program and the dedication of the. Educators at the time to emphasize the science in young kids to try to get them to say I want to be an astronaut will tell you know everybody wanted to be a national right you know everybody's around but the real motivator to go to the moon was to defeat the Soviet Union correct That's why Kennedy and Johnson and all these guys they basically put. Dollars into this NASA development because we feared that the Soviet Union would get space weapons and then they'd be up there and the moon would be communist and you know. So the political component really led to the scientific achievement which of course most people don't understand well why are we doing those why don't we just take that money and rebuild Detroit you know that kind of thing. But I think the overarching for 50 years later is basically your country did this and and your country is the dominant force in the world then and now you know where to Bill is you're out of that you say that you know your country did this and I think many Americans felt that way they were very a proud of the moon landing and still are I am very proud of what our country did however the rest of the world it was one of those weird events where the rest of the world yes they knew that it was America that did it but they interpreted it at the time as this wasn't just an American. Complement this was an accomplishment of mankind because they still viewed America as a place of dreams where anyone could come and accomplish incredible things so they saw it yes as American but it was. At a higher level and I think that what still is felt by most people is that was not American that was human kind yeah I mean Aldrin really was clever in the way he marketed that one small step for man and giant step for mankind Ok so. I have no problem with that at all on not you know edging go astray nationalists or or kill them as about America and I want the world to be proud that human beings that we have to accomplish that's a that's a good thing right but I also want a world to recognize the nobility of America and they don't it doesn't it did at the time it does now but you still had you still had a tremendous Cold War situation who had threats all over the place an expansion of communism and so you did have that back then but you know today the world watches the news coverage from America and the dominant theme is America is terrible Yeah well even though even the moon landing the the social justice warriors are saying this was just a white male event and we're not supposed to celebrate it because it's a white male event and I haven't heard that and I don't doubt that it's have Yeah I'll give you the stories. But you know it just it folds in to be and this is so fascinating to me because this could never happen without the media's consent and approval it could never happen the 4 women the radical women in Congress. Nobody would even know who they are if not for the media embracing of them and so on you know we're going to have individual cranks and loons forever yeah we've always had them but the difference today is the cranks and the loons if they disparage the United States are given a unique platform they are the New York Times and Washington Post in the everybody and between news and notes are not yet that never happened before other than Vietnam now Vietnam was very very similar. Because the crazier you got the more famous you got i.e. Abbie Hoffman Jerry Rubin the 7 The Black Panthers the nuttier you were the more anti american you were in the late sixty's early seventy's or more famous you got this is a replay of that that we're seeing now all right I want to talk to you a little bit more about that what happened this week the controversy with Donald Trump and a lot of Maher and a o.c. In the squad squad when we come back in one minute standby Also we're doing and home our special. Next Wednesday and our on her roots something that we have been following very very closely for the last year and we've been watching that the excellent I think reporting that's been coming from David Steinberg and we are going home fully going to have him on but I want to we want to do an hour long special next Wednesday only on Blaze t.v. You won't want to miss it it's a very complex case but I think with the chalkboard and possibly some finger puppets I can make it understandable and show you why. What is being said about Ilan Omar must be looked into all right Bill O'Reilly is going to be joining us on the cruise through history in fact can you bring Bill back up. Bill I am I am I right or are you I know I know. You heard the news that Jim Caviezel may be coming with us and then we'll reenact the. Passion will reenact right I mean can we gotta get him drunk or something because he'd never do this on his own but imagine the pranks we could play in Israel with. The right. Going you know about right you know I don't know that. Way So we've got just a great thing you can hang out with us. These amazing sights in Athens and Venice and the Holy Land Bill and I are going to be doing a show together in Israel when we when we get to Israel and also we have shows throughout the trip on board as well come with us come with us this is the last day that you can get the the special early bird price which is $400.00 cheaper Today's the last day buy this for your parents and you know aren't right for the parents and your grandkids and let them take the grandkids along with them this is truly a once in a lifetime cruise I've never heard anybody offer anything like this before it's all inclusive including the airfare unit I have to bring a wallet come say well you have to bring your passport Come Sail Away dot com That's Come Sail Away dot com find out about it today is the last day for the early bird special. That's Come Sail Away dot com 10 seconds station id. The radio logo. All right Bill let's let's talk a little bit about what happened this week with the with the the squad see and Ilan Omar and you know the the package for here the president came out and he said and I think this is what he meant and I think he echoed the sentiments of a lot of Americans look if you don't like it here if you hate America so much go someplace else there are 169 of their choices go someplace else and I think that that's a frustration that a lot of people are feeling because we're constantly being run in the mud then he later he later said you know you know send them back or send send them home or something like that sent him back where they came from that turned into a race thing 1st of all do you think that was a racist comment Ok let's let's break this down advance the story for Glenn Beck listeners 1st of all this is a strategy on the part of Donald Trump and his campaign to get reelected. So he's not really running against a Democrat you know he will diminish and demean whoever is nominated but that's not what he's going to want to get is he running as a system and he's dividing the system is radical left the Democratic Party is radical left that's what he's running against all right that's the strategy and what better way to illustrate that right out of the box than to take the 4 radical congresswoman and I never refer to them by the way as the squad why because this is a promotional opportunity for the women that the media has given them a nickname so I don't use I don't think they're a squad I don't think they're in the military I don't think any of that in their individual. Those who have decided to run for office been successful in doing so who are radical left and feel America is not a noble nation that's who they are Ok send them back I don't care about sending them anywhere I haven't either now so Donald Trump he doesn't care about sending them anywhere either it's not like he says well let's send them back to Somalia that's not what he does and so it's really too bad that the United States are trying my upcoming book isn't out now because then everybody would know how the president thinks about these things they don't know that now but I'll throw out one question if there were 4 radical congresswoman who were white saying and doing the same thing as the women of color do you not think Donald Trump would diminish them and demean them and attack them verbally Of course he would of course he would and you know what Nancy Pelosi was doing that just a few days before but it's a different thing with Pelosi but Trump It doesn't matter does everybody forget lock her up crooked Hillary what color was Hillary So if Donald Trump would do that to anybody of any color how can you say it's racist it's so Bill have you ever seen a your member when I was on Fox and I said the infamous statement I think the president is racist and then I immediately said no that's not quite right he just seems to have a deep seated hatred for the white culture and I'm a commentator I'm trying to figure it out that was a boneheaded thing to say but I was just thinking aloud there's something not right he doesn't understand the American culture. And I got all kinds of heat for it how dare you say that blah blah blah the. Press has not just said I don't know I'm trying to figure it out he seems to have a problem instead this time all reporters have been saying he is a racist and or this is a racist statement and the reason they're doing that is because they're nervous. They being the press they hate Trump or us 90 percent of the national media falls into that category all right they are very concerned that he will be reelected because there is absolute chaos within Democratic Party and the next segment if you'll allow me I'll tell you what's going to happen the next debate so anyway the press is very very nervous so what they do is they fall back on the easiest smear that you can yes write your racist Ok And again if you had my book in your hand. Ready for and you'll get it in a couple of weeks back and then events company. You will see that there is a pattern of behavior and Donald Trump I mean it comes to race it's fascinating how he views race and it's not at all what's been reported it's not that he's been 19 toward African-Americans or people of color he's not he doesn't care he doesn't care he's not a guy who isolates groups and says well this group should get this and this group should get that he doesn't do that Barack Obama did that. But Donald Trump doesn't do that so this whole thing basically is working to Trump's advantage he won this green whole numbers are up his rally in North Carolina he went out and he has war again and if you watch the Post coverage on c.n.n. And m.s.m. You see the body language of those commentators was you know I don't think we're going to win this we've said he's a racist 830000 times and it's not sink in then all right so Trump's going to run against the radical system and he's right which has dominated the Democratic yesterday in a response to let me let me ask you quickly here before the break about the the killing of impeachment the impeachment effort what does that say to you it says Nancy Pelosi told her members that we are not going to go down the impeachment road and if you continue to go down that road you're not getting any money from our funding for reelection and that's why it got whacked and all right Bill O'Reilly we will give him the time to say what's going to happen in the next debate I'm anxious to hear that. And so many of the other things that happened this week his commentary continues in just a moment. 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Dot com promo code Glenn get 10 bucks off your subscription and go to Bill O'Reilly dot com and subscribe there as well. Keeping you informed no Tennessee Valley News Update On w b a. Good morning I'm with psoriatic and the w 19 news around the county deputies said I'll be back at the scene of the deadly shooting later this morning that's after a full night of searching for a shooter who killed a 74 year old man and far more investigators say around $730.00 last night the man and his wife heard a noise in the backyard of their home on Ardmore Avenue the man went outside to check it out and that's when his wife heard gunshots play the shooter got away on foot they want to residents to keep their doors locked and report anything suspicious to authorities they Environmental Protection Agency will not ban a pesticide linked to brain damage in children the e.p.a. Has denied a petition from environmental groups over the use of clear peer if it sits used by some farmers that it may set the stage for a federal court ruling House Democrats approved legislation to raise the federal. Them a wage for the 1st time in a decade to $15.00 an hour but it is not expected to pass the Republican controlled Senate states can raise the minimum wage and many have already done so those are some of the stories making headlines this Friday July 19th and listen nobody h.b.o. Or Amazon to just say Alexa. I Heart Radio. Good morning Sean Hannity. This is Congresswoman Omar Americans of conscience have a proud history of participating in boycotts to advocate for human rights abroad including boycotting Nazi Germany did you just hear and I said she's comparing Israel to Nazi Germany she's already compared Israel to Iran you know she is also the push to claim that Jesus was Palestinian and not Jewish but that's nothing compared to the the other comments that she's made she has blamed America for us causing for us our involvement in other people's affairs after al Shabaab was involved in a terrorist attack in 2013 on a shopping mall in Kenya she blamed America for that showing Sean later today right here on the Sean Hannity Show. 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You know you'll still see the truth you know he's supposed to hate me I'm supposed to hate him but cetera et cetera and all that garbage that was going around he judge for yourself and and Don't miss this episode of Gavin McGinnis He is a plain spoken guy and a very funny I mean hold your sides laughter very funny and at the same time I don't think you should say that. Don't miss it the podcast this weekend get it wherever you find podcast We're back with Mr Bill O'Reilly. Who is about to tell us what he thinks is going to happen. In the next debate with the Democrats Ok. So what I've done on Bill O'Reilly dot com or your 2nd favorite Web site for your own. Is to basically try to stay ahead of the political story rather than do it cable news does which to me I find incredibly boring right is is too contrived a reaction too contrived events All right so here's what I think is going to happen in the Democratic debate 10 days from now. You've got Biden holding a fairly significant lead in the polls if you go to Real Clear Politics you get numbers there so the challengers a legitimate challengers are only 3 of them Ok there is Bernie Sanders who's on the fade and he's never in a 1000000 years going to get the nomination but he's still in play a loser with more news coming up a little bit and believes that she can get the nomination and then you've got Kamala Harris who is quietly assembling a pretty powerful team however you've got to knock Biden out of the box so they crippled him when that maybe not crippled they heard him last time around on the bussing thing with come out the house now Harris gets another shot at him because Harry is going to be on stage with him again at the c.n.n. Thing all right so it's going to be basically Bernie against the lives a bit of in one night and Harris against Biden and the other night here's how Harris is going to go against Biden you ready. Under President Obama for 8 years there were 3000000 illegal aliens deported in this country 3000000 by contrast 2 and a half years of Trump 758000. That's Biden has already been asked about it and says I have no problem with the 3000000 being deported. As everybody knows open borders is a signature of the current Democratic Party. Harris has got to go into that precinct to say how dare you how dare you applaud the deportation of 3000000 poor migrants most of whom were fleeing injustice how can you possibly do that that's where Harris is going to go. What's her record what's her record in California she was a properly doesn't have much of a record we as attorney general there she because California has never ever since Ronald Reagan left the governorship ever pursued a hard line against illegal immigration which is why the state now Ok just dominated by foreign nationals they've never done it so Harris can basically say I didn't persecute anybody I could of but as a da and San Francisco I didn't do that and I didn't do that as during general gallop Warner you're the mean guy Joe Biden your the anti immigrant guy Ok now that possibly will not happen if the deal is made do you know what the deal is back yes I do all right so let me raise restate it the deal is that the Biden people will say to the Harris people ease up if our guy gets the nomination. Kamau is going to be v.p. And he's only going to stay for 4 years. All right and then she takes over she gets the shot at the presidency Harris will take that deal because Harris probably can't beat Biden one on one in the primary system because people don't really know or he's radical and her performance at the cabin or hearing was a disgrace to our justice system so she probably can't beat him plus Harris has a lot of stuff in her background. That the press will report but it will come out and she doesn't want that she doesn't want to be in that So let me just ask you this because I saw the egos inside campaigns. In the last in the last campaign and I saw how people that could have made deals didn't make deals because they all just thought I'm going to win you know I'm going to win and I'm more important in that person and that person doesn't know I mean they they have to be. Arrogant enough to run for president I mean that in a minute not in a pejorative sort of way they have to believe in themselves and nuff that they are the one to be able to go and do that and they don't seem to listen to deal making at least this early in the game. Yeah there's validity what you say but the polls of the polls and you know Harris I don't believe. And I could be wrong obviously I mean there may be a way for her to get some traction but. I'm not totally sure and this is a safe bet for her this saves her an awful lot to X.T.'s does to make this deal and by don't make this deal in a heartbeat if he feels that this is going to you know would stop the attacks on him which he can't defend How's he going to defend the deportation of 3000000 migrants to a party that wants to open borders how is he going to do it it's impossible and so you don't someone couldn't do it you don't think Warren and Sanders alone with just a Harris backing away not defending but you don't think Warren and Sanders alone could put enough dents in to buy Americans aren't going to like door nominated socialist or not right. Ok that's so they know I'm not saying that they're going to I'm not there they're going to win you know you don't think that they can put in a man now look Sanders is an old white man and that's his problem right now Ok so he's white if say was a president color of a different story all right. Warren is an elderly white woman. Has her problem and the party the Democratic Party is basically marketing itself to younger Americans and minority Americans so it's Camilla areas she's not young but she's not old so Harris checks off all the boxes yes but can't be Piven in most of the states you think she could be Trump. Kamau Harris against Trump Yes only a Trump makes a myriad of mistakes and the economy goes south on him fast. I think Harris could probably get on the initial bomb about 45 percent of the electorate to even take a look at that's why that's not bet that's not bet. Harris has far more appeal then Sanders or Warren because their sole extreme Harris plays this kind of game he is in extremis if you really listen to what she is like that is yes he she doesn't come across that way all right but Solaris is the is the threat now you go booted judge booted judge very articulate he's going to hang around because why not what else is he up to do. Right now really run out of the have to do yeah no I mean c.n.n. Wants him and he'll go there you'll see him he'll get a show he's not going to be a complete. Commentator see 80 and he's going to wipe out everybody at c.n.n. Soon because it's such a disaster and but a judge is going to be on there. You wait and see so wait wait wait let me go back to that because I'm this as being the you say that c.n.n. They're going to fire everybody their. T.n.t. Is going to wipe out the whole squad now I'll use the word squad for them right Ok so when you say that is that mean a total rebranding of c.n.n. I mean how do they read Ray have to take this they have to I mean they don't do it by putting good judge in there well no you do because Botha judge is very charming and articulate is not a crazy guy. Maybe so you're going to fire everybody and then replace them with a whole bunch of other people that are still far left that are more reasonable so you don't fire Anderson Cooper You can use to protect it Ok but you've got to get rid of a lemon you can't get rid of either so you've got to move them around but you've got to inject some youth and some sensibility and go to judge whether you like him or not is a very articulate charming guy he is so he's going to be the centerpiece of what a t. And t. Tries to do with c.n.n. They're not going to say we're not liberal anymore they're going to say we're going to get back to our roots of reporting that's what the guys are saying oh yeah ha. Judge is going to be front and center so it's worth his while we stay in and runaround because a Right now we don't have anything to do and b knows he's got the c.n.n. Thing in his pocket sorry Bill O'Reilly. Send me your send me your galley as soon as you can I'm going on an 18 hour plane ride here in 2 weeks and I can read it on that are you going back I'm actually going to reunite a mother who thought her daughter was dead everyone in the family was killed the Nazareth charity mercury one rescued the mother moved her to Australia 3 years after we found her daughter alive she was a sex slave for 5 years we just called the mother and said Your daughter is alive and I get to go bring her. Their story where was their daughter and old captive they don't I don't want to give you the details only because I don't know Ok I think she was in Syria but I don't know for sure well very congratulations to you and I will send you the galley but you got to keep it to yourself but I will who are all right Ok All right it's great you got it you got it and I got it all right Bill thank you so much God bless you Bill O'Reilly from Bill or I. 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Very minute I noticed years ago we were at one of the major hotel chains and there was a little card in the in the card said we don't wash your towels every day if you for some reason decide after multiple days here that you would like your towel to be washed then put it on the floor so I'm taking every sit down throw them on the floor because if I'm paying you for says he's going big this time 2020 years back that's Fox rocks. The folks this is Robert Kerry inviting you to join Mary Rudy and me each Sunday as we talk to travel newsmakers share insider tips to experience the world of travel together around the world travel connection Sunday afternoons and morning on 81230 Radio at one o 2 point one h.d. 2. If you missed the opening monologue on the 50th anniversary of the moon landing I'm going to do it one more time here in a few minutes and then we're going to post it sometime today so you'll be able to share that with your friends it's a pretty remarkable story really truly remarkable story you can also see the show at any time on demand and live at Blaze t.v. Dot com slash Glenn promo code Glenda save 10 percent but we urge you to we urge you to join us and become a member of the place and Blaze t.v. Now if you do that and you used to save some money also you get this Illinois Omar special that looks like it's coming out on Wednesday Yeah and that is going to be interesting and hour long special kind of looking at her background and really like I mean her background is one thing the things that she has seemingly lied about and potentially broken big time with the law as Balinese when it comes to related to her immigration more specifically to her taxes and whether she perjured herself also. Just I won't get into it now because it's very complex it is but there are there are definitely several perjury charges and tax charges that are felonies we don't have we're going to go back and show you how she got here to America which is. It was not legal the way it happened the way it happened but I don't I don't even want to go there because when you understand the story you'll kind of under. Stand and say Ok I'm not going to hold you know a kid responsible for this and it was such a bad situation that let's just forget about that let's just call that. Concerned about the stuff when she's an adult and there's a lot there's a lot to there there's a lot there yeah it's going to be interesting and one of the things we talked about because we've we've discussed some of these things on radio but we over this week have talked about the idea that it really needs to be visually and explained because the names there's too many names that you don't know there's too many strange actions it's you really need to visualize it so that she has going for her is this a very complex story best defense is that what we usually excel at is breaking down very complex stories and so join us chalkboard maybe puppets will be involved maybe maybe the Brady Bunch will be involved as well I'm not sure exactly how we're going to tell it but we've been working on it for a while there will be our special only on Blaze t.v. Next Wednesday at 5 o'clock you don't want to miss that a special on Omar only for Blaze subscribers Please join us now blaze t.v. Dot com slash Glenn you're going to save 10 percent if you use the promo code Glenn as well. Do you have an h.d. Radio in your car radio that you can listen to. That 102.12 . $23.00 and Me's health and just resurface Kate you can explore $125.00 plus personalized genetic reports that may reveal the link between your d.n.a. And your health they report on your sleep habits caffeine consumption it can help you take control of your life and encouraging you to talk to your doctor or to consider a lifestyle change. Order your $23.00 and Me health an ancestry service kid at $23.00 and Me dot com slash back that's the number $23.00 and Me dot com slash back time's running out to win $5000.00 a week for life from Publishers Clearing House Internet at p.c.h. Dot com and you could win 5 grand a week week after week for life don't miss your chance to win because 5000 dollars a week for life is guaranteed to be awarded on Aug 30th and to read p.c.h. Dot com before it's too late p.c.h. 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Summer is here and that's got the a Heart Radio station. A lot of people are walking free today I'm Chris Foster Fox News their federal convicts who senses are affected by a criminal justice reform law passed a few months ago at the White House boxes John Decker more than $2200.00 inmates are said to be released by the Federal Bureau of Prisons under a bill signed into law last year by President Trump the inmates had their release states recalculated based on good behavior under one of the laws provisions the 1st step back to among other things reduces mandatory minimum sentences in certain instances and offers resources for former inmates seeking employment more than $1100.00 federal inmates have already been released under the 1st step backed a law that received strong bipartisan support when it passed Congress Chris and John President Trump calls the news media crazed for coverage of his supporters chanting send her back about Minnesota Congresswoman Ellen Omar which she now says he wasn't happy about Congresswoman Omar is back in Minnesota going to continue to . Rant and their supporters there to cheer for her at the Minneapolis St Paul airport a spokesman for Iran's military denies that one of its drones was taken down by the . U.s. Navy saying maybe it was an American drone shot down by mistake u.s. Defense officials though tell Fox the Iranian drone was brought down by new electronic jamming equipment there are roughly 2000 u.s. Marines on the u.s.s. Boxer in the Strait of Hormuz and President Trump made it clear their safety was compromised after an Iranian drone came too close to that ship President Trump says u.s. Forces down to the drone after repeatedly warning Iranians to back off its foxes David spawned an earthquake a strong ones that are near Athens Greece had people running into the streets today it happened at 213 in the afternoon local time a government spokesman says an abandoned building collapsed and others are damaged but no deaths or serious injuries are reported this is Fox News. 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Shelves and mark that every 2nd Wednesday at Abbey much starting at 9 pm let's look at the Shot of the 10 friends dot com under storms at times today with highs in the lower ninety's the index will be in the low 100 for the afternoon overnight tonight in the mid seventies and as you played really good continued on and humid scattered showers and thunderstorms Saturday and on Sunday guys both days in the lower ninety's by my forecast to be a b.h.p. With you everywhere. 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No. Barry mid air blast pay teachers more teachers and you know who else makes more teachers and screwed up his drug dealers how come drug dealers make it so much because the marketplace sets the price with their break in the long run of the marketplace is affected by supply and demand and risk risk affects that you see the drug dealer takes a certain risk that he might end up in prison or dead and so.

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