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Players Association willing gaijin talks throughout July in hopes of hammering out a new collective bargaining agreement before the start of the upcoming a regular season baseball news the Texas Rangers will hold a moment of silence before tonight's game in honor of late Angels pitcher Tyler Skaggs while in college hoops news the n.c. Double a is place the u. Conn men's basketball program on probation for 2 years also former coach Kevin Ollie was slapped with a 3 year show cause order for failing to monitor is staff not promoting an atmosphere of compliance and providing false or misleading statements to investigators coming up 3 Eastern on Fox the World Cup semi finals match between the USA and England. The. Big. 102 point one h.d. 2. Was. This is John of the deal I'm back in for my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity radio show you know I'm fighting a little bit of a cold but that always seems to happen when I come into this show you know why I'll tell you why this is a perfect segue into what I want to talk about today you know God doesn't necessarily want everything to be easy for you in life right. That's Ok it's good to be it's not meant to be oh happy and everybody gets what they want in I want to be famous so you just be fame what is famous what is that anyway you know this world and especially in this country you're given a and equal opportunity to be your best and that's what you're given you're not given and it wasn't set up to be this way you're not supposed to have everything given to you what happens in every boy with Oh in a Mills anywhere in the world you look at a tiger for instance a tiger I posted a video that day of a tiger these guys were driving on a motorcycle through Bangladesh also in this tiger comes running out of the woods or the jungle or whatever it is over there and almost got these guys because he's hungry and he's instinct says kill if a piece of food drives by on a motorcycle he's going to go after it. But when I've also seen in the past couple days there's been a picture going around on social media that has a tiger that is fat as can be because when you put a tiger in a cage in feed them everything that they want they're going to give up on trying to do anything else are just going to eat whatever whatever they're given they're going to take it and that's going to be the extent of how far they they go in life and it's the same exact thing when I was for human beings when I was listening to the d.n.c. And I saw how they were putting all of their propaganda there some verses type type messages out there what I saw across the board both days and trust me folks it was a grind watching these things for 2 days the 1st night was like a basically like a Saturday Night Live skit the 2nd night was more polished but full of blatant lies I mean there were lies in the 1st night as well but the lies were so blatant that we saw in the next night that it was hard to they were hard to miss but overall the message was let's give you everything you need to live let's give you everything that you think you need to have a successful wife let's give you everything we can that everybody else has that may have worked for it or fallen on the good fortune you deserve it too and I'm not really clear on where they're getting this message I've searched and searched and searched to try to find out where this comes from does it come from love does it come from their desire to to just bring everybody up and be all one happy family no it does not come from that. If you look at Marx if you look at Lenin and you really look at Stalin if you look at Saul Alinsky and I remember on this show I don't know 4 or 5 years ago talking about the same exact thing but people at that point in time were very nerve. Or they just didn't think that the word communism associated with globalism or socialism they didn't really think that those things even though Barack Obama was in office they didn't think that those things were going to come to fruition I remember giving a speech several years ago at a Vietnam Memorial then New Jersey and a lot of people because I kept talking about communism I would say that the very people that you all were fine I was talking to Vietnam vets I said the very people that you were fighting the ideology that you were fighting not the people but the ideology in Vietnam is the exact same ideology that is secreted its way into our government and unfortunately into the minds of many Americans in today's show if you stay on in you listen to show the entire Tom we're going to talk about socialized medicine that was something that was huge. During the debates the Democrat debates that were really debates they really were more than anything just big billboards for what their platform is the Democrat Party capitalism what is the reality of capitalism we're going to talk about that and indoctrination where does this start how did how is it that young people believe in socialism How is it that old people now believe in socialism and they're ignoring the Communist threat how is it that it is seeped into our military into the Jag Corps to the point where they are disrupting the ability of war fighters to even fight and I think everybody this is on your minds you're seeing this day in and day out but here's the problem I don't think you all realize why this is important for you I don't think liberals realize it I don't think conservatives realize and I know if you listen to me you know that I don't like the terms liberal and conservative Why do I not like those because they tend to pull people away from effective decision making. The reality is liberal and conservative are ideologies and you may say yes while listen this I am a conservative person you may have conservative values you may actually have conservative live a very conservative life you may be very liberal in your values what I find when I go around the country I talk to different people liberal and conservative that the way that they define themselves what I find is that when we talk about effective solutions they actually are on a very common ground and that's the problem is that most people don't realize that they have this common aspect of what is effective in this understanding of if this is broken we can fix it they think that they have to subscribe to the liberal side or to the conservative side that's just not true conservatives it's important for you to listen to this today to understand when you talk to people who define themselves as liberal and they have these crazy off the wall ideas I know every Thursday I'm on with then you know McLaughlin we debate back and forth but the reality is at the end of the day I have it times been able to tell Danielle a few things and give her insight that of knowledge that I have in the government things that I've done throughout my career and show or why they would be effective regardless of liberal or conservative just might be effective it's not a solution that's why it's important for you to hear these things and if you're liberal it's important for you to see what is actually the wall that's being pulled over your eyes. This is not just a Us problem this is a global problem I have people ask me all the time is this something that's around the world or is this just the United States it's global I want our own Last October I believe it was and I was shocked and what had occurred over there everything that they want to do here is actually already been done over there and across Europe getting rid of the borders massive immigration one basically one region currency all these different things that they've done and what has happened it has destroyed when I went over to Ireland destroyed the culture of Ireland I wore it in I look at all these different countries that exist around there in their cultures are gone Germany is facing terrible problems with their culture because they bring in all these mass immigrants from Syria that have nothing to do with the way things have been done in Germany for years and years and the the culture that exists there they come in they don't want to assimilate they just want to place to live and so that's what they do they live without assimilating assimilating now it's been given a bad rap they you talk about people come the United States they should speak English or they should learn our car culture in our ways they will people will tell you on the left that you're a racist you're a bigot that's not true but here's the most important thing to know about the United States about what we're going through here is that if the u.s. Topples to this ideology the rest of the world is gone it will trickle into every nation in some cases it won't trickle it'll be like a a tsunami going across and just crushing their traditions the cultures of these other countries now the players are very important for you to realize because you see them every day and I've talked about it before on the show in a lot of shows but I want to remind you. And the more I see of this the more it is easier for me to go out and identify these people politicians activists that work with the politicians the media which is you can't even separate the media from the politicians these days and the judges that's one group the big money donors the people that you don't see sometimes you do see them because they are triggered so bad by Trump that they come out and they identify themselves but they're big money donors they are the ones that will fund a lot of this leftist movement in this country and I want to say left this I'm not talking about you the Democrat somebody who identifies with old school Democrat Party ways somebody that believes in you know having social values or however they said conservative fiscal guys we're not talking about you when I say the left early leftists what I'm talking about are people that want to usher in the era of Communism around the world globalism socialism what because all the same It all equals up to one thing the powerful become more powerful and the middle class goes away and the poor become poor that's the way it always ends up you have to understand that there are groups of people in certain places where they can indoctrinate young people and adults alike the media as I said is a huge part of this repeat something repeat a lie or repeat a twist of the truth and repeat it often and over and over and eventually in people's minds it becomes truth and the useful idiots the people that hear that and then go out and get in arguments or tell their friends this is the truth this is the way it is when they have never done any research themselves. But biggest of all biggest of all this is what's hit me in the past 5 years I've been talking about this on radio you the American people constantly saying I don't have time I work for a living I can't just go out and protest I can't just go out and do these things the reality is folks you can there is time and you have to start uniting against this I know that sounds like a campaign speech but the reality is you have to be willing to 1st and foremost recognize reality and what's going on and secondly you must be willing to get up off your couch when you're not working and go and do something about this Unions are far left the teachers' union which we'll talk about later today is unbelievable it's communist and they actually tell people who to vote for they have teachers that say tell us who to vote for not even thinking on your own but the American people that sit out there and choose to bitch and complain and they don't get up and go do anything you're the real problem you are giving away your freedom to the people who are actually doing something to take it away and that folks is why I've crafted this show today to give you some insight into what they're talking about in these debates what the left is actually spewing and the reality of all of it so that you can actually get together and start to see where the cracks are in there in there this thing that they're doing this Communist thing that is moving across I don't even actually know what to call it it's moving so fast it's it's like a hurricane it's like a tornado where there's there are no they had a tornado on Long Island nobody's ever hardly seen a tornado on Long Island they don't know how to react to that we've never seen this in this country to this extent and most people don't know how to react to it so it's very important that you understand what is actually happening. And don't forget folks the deep state Israel the deep state Israel the deep state what you need to realize about that you have the d.n.c. In the r. And c. That is really where a lot of these problems ferment but the deep state is a group of people that can circumvent either what politicians and aren't in a position or ideologues that aren't in a position of authority they can take what they believe and circumvent it into the system or if they have a direct order from somebody authority these deep state people can avoid that and they protect each other that's why they don't go to jail. The majority of things that have happened in the past just 5 years since I've gotten out of the f.b.i. The majority of things that happened I would have gone to jail for when we talk about these executive directors they never go to jail. This joining the Gil I'm filling in for my good buddy Sean Hannity in the Sean Hannity radio show make sure right now you go to my book sheet no more the art of awareness and attack survival you can get this on Amazon or wherever books are sold and yet this day the 2nd workbook comes out that's right you have now you have the threat assessment workbook and the defense assessment workbook go get a read sheet no more 1st then apply what you learned here in these 2 workbooks and I can guarantee you not only will you be safer but you're wearing a still be so heightened that you'll start to see a lot of these things cheap no more start of awareness and attack survival and one last thing it's very important for you to get your news from multiple outlets scour the Internet including Jonathan t. Gilliam dot com where we have amazing writers if this isn't just something that you're just getting stories coming from other websites we're actually taking real experts what their knowledge is and giving you insight into what's happening Jonathan t. Gilliam dot com We'll be right back on the Sean Hannity radio show 809417326 Collin w dot Canines for Warriors dot org The unemployment rate is at a 48 year low most people that want to work are working if you are trying to fill open positions at your business you have to find your next candidate from the currently employed I hard media can help you spread the word to 93 percent of the u.s. Population that's right 93 percent use this radio station to find your next employer driving to or city. 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Series called The flare that's right the flare is fictional as are the books Savage says he grew up reading that it's all based on Fox was able to adapt it for his novels the night like this here's a 6 novels I grew up reading as a kid that I love savages both the host of the show and an executive producer he's also inviting his famous friends to come join him his 1st guest star is Rob Lowe savage describes the show as a combo of from millionaire format kind of a blend of 2 my favorite kinds of shows the after show experience what kind of breakdown in analyzing this guy. All things a flare and then we have a lot of elements of the my favorite late night talk shows we have you know gas of the band of co-host see if I can box news. Early only put stitches in his mug shot that. Look to the classic rock going to go 61 w t a k evil enough say. It would be h.p. Morning Show one of Alabama's best by the elemental is a. Double feature on your h.d. Radio one of 2 point one h.d. To. This is John of the Gil I'm back in for my good buddy Sean Hannity Sean Hannity radio show I hope you enjoyed that intro monologue there at the beginning even though that my voice sounds like alfalfa from The Little Rascals because they have a bit of a cold but that's Ok We're going to own that and fight because that's what we do we don't just sit back on our laurels and hope for the best we actually go out and we do what we want to do and make the best of ourselves no matter what I hope that's the case with the American citizenry still because that's what the Founding Fathers did when they created this great amazing country you know folks one thing that you have to understand when I had when I come up here and I get on I get this stage and because I don't have my own show I try to bring as much truth to you as possible I know there's millions of truckers driving down the road right now one of the things when I go around this country one of the things that I definitely see. And here is from truckers when I go to gun shows or different Speaking of events and things that I go to or just stop at truck stops I actually get recognized by some of these truckers and it's amazing because they were the 1st social media really they had c.b. Radios and they traveled all over the country they got the feel of the country. It's important and imperative that you all especially truckers in the people that are out and about see the reality of what's going on and help spread that word. Me 809417326 is the call a number 809417326 let's take a break come back with my good buddy Dr Lu careening from Arizona go get my book sheet no more the art of awareness and attack survival and we'll be right back. 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Fox News I'm Steve Rappaport the House Ways and Means Committee suing the trumpet ministration for access to the president's tax returns months after Treasury secretary Steven Minnich in an i.r.s. Head Charles Reddick defied subpoenas for the information Democrats argue that the federal tax code requires the i.r.s. Commissioner to hand over the taxes of any American if requested by the panel trying to ministration argues the committee's request has no legitimate legislative purpose Fox's Rachel Sutherland in Washington deliberations continue in the court martial trial of Navy Seal commander Eddie Gallagher a military jury has requested a review of testimony by another c.e.o. 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History are ridiculous history looks. Beautiful at times and often it's very very strange sometimes you got to offset the brutality with ridiculousness which is what we try to do with stories about like how a captain once made a rhinoceros the talk of Europe and what's the deal with British lawyers in those weird weeks which are called troops by the way you're an episode of ridiculous history tomorrow night at 7 here on. Donald Trump's America President Trump is expressing optimism on North Korea tweeting good things could happen for all the presidents journey across a demilitarized zone into North Korea grabbed international attention and the attention of Democrats here at home like 2020 presidential candidate Tim Ryan I have no idea why he's shaking hands with a dictator just in May was sending missiles in the Sea of Japan House minority leader Kevin McCarthy defended the president saying his critics need to give him credit this is what he said when he talked about the art appeal that this could make America and the world fundamentally different from the back of the tree Pope Francis weighed in calling the meeting between leader can John in the present a good example of a culture of encounter the leader of the Roman Catholic Church also said he prays a gesture marks a further step in a journey of peace President Trump prays leader Kim saying it was a good call to have our very well covered meeting in Washington Rachel Sutherland Fox it. Is available everywhere you want to listen. Hard radio. Download it now. Want to talk to the shop. On Twitter if you can to find the monitor. 30. This join of the deal and fill in for my good buddy Sean Hannity 809417326 is a call the number want to hear from you guys today and what we're talking about you know I want to bring in. A good friend of my niece actually my doctor and I wanted to reach out him because he's also 1st always had experience in radio so he's got a great speaking voice but he actually is in tune with the reality of what's being preached by the left in this country when it comes to medicine and that was one of the main topics in that debate he had a health care insurance and they keep pushing those things off as though it's the same thing but as Dr Michael we careen e from some of medicine and pediatrics out in Arizona he is one of the 4 at the forefront of direct access medicine care he's like a superhero doctor that's what I call him Dr explain everybody if you could 1st off it's great to have you on now that I'm not hosting a show early early in the morning out there in Arizona you actually are awake for this interview but to describe if you would for everybody what socialized medicine actually is the difference between health care and insurance you were tell me about this and I didn't even realize this big difference. It's very important Jonathan is a pleasure to be with you thanks for having me on the show. You know you hear a lot of people talking about how Medicare for all and government funded plans public plans and private plans are are there to provide health care well it's like comparing apples to oranges if we have a 3rd party payer public or private that is paying for services they can no more guarantee the health care than I can guarantee that I'm going to be able to get in my car and the tank is going to be filled with gasoline they're 2 completely different industries so it's impossible for someone to say that Obama Care if you get health care we saw that with the fact that we got promise that you could keep your doctor if you wanted to keep your doctor you can't promise that at all that's between a doctor and a patient to 2 separate industries and it's just too big a leap to say that if you get a health insurance plan whether you can afford and you get it by the government or you buy a private one that you're going to get great care from a doctor now I've you know I've been listening to enough of what the people in the West say about medicine someone to play a devil's advocate from the left here for a 2nd why shouldn't people have socialized medicine where everybody gets health care. Well the primary reason is that the the transition from a free market health care system to a socialized health care system and that is government regulated government controlled every aspect is the lost of liberty and freedom we lose the choice especially to be able to choose our doctors we lose the choice to be able to determine which services we can or cannot get and that's the primary problem so why shouldn't we go after it why shouldn't we try to pursue it on a national level with 300000000 people because it's the price is too high we lose liberty we lose freedom we lose choice when the government controls it all now that but the government has shown where they step in the health care it does not work that's not just your assumption. Oh absolutely we have a system that was in place since 965 in the Veterans Health Administration we all know that catastrophes that have occurred specifically over the last several years with care that the veterans have not received both in terms of the timing and the quality of the care started right here in Phoenix by Dr Foote who I had the privilege of training here in Phoenix many years ago too many years ago and Dr Foote was one of my attending physicians have tremendous respect for him the fact that he came forward and brought light to this look they provide health care for 20000000 Americans they've been doing it for more than 50 years and still can't get it right or we don't think that the Democrat Party's got some kind of a magical wand to use a phrase that was used in the last election that they can suddenly I make something make it happen for 300000000 people in the country well I'm not buying into that as a as a health care provider and as a patient there's no way that they can convince us that they can do it better than we can do individually in my exam room with my patients individually and you would tell me that doctors are actually the last advocate for our patients did that go away. As the government comes in and take over because it appears to me. The bit that I do know about health care industry is that for instance in a hospital you have the hospital administrators that make decisions based on numbers and money not based on health care and that's where the government would be very similar to that and they would you would lose your advocacy. But it's a very important point you're absolutely right there is a there is a clear advocacy that occurs when a physician and a patient are sitting directly across from one another talking about that individual's health care issues and the advice that I give them once we have an overlying entity as big as the federal government Jonathan they become the dictators of what services are going to be made available they are going to be paid for and what the physicians can't even tell the patients is available and I'll just mention this most people don't understand that the advent of Accountable Care Organizations a ceo's that we're conceptualize back in 2002 and then actually implemented in the Affordable Care Act These agencies actually pressure physicians to make sure that they stay within the boundaries of acceptable practice is not to order tests that may or may not be necessary for the patient because of those tests are ordered and paid for by v.a. Ceo's physicians get less of a bonus on the back end so we actually have that system in place now as another colleague in the wheel another step in the pavers that essentially leads us toward socialized medicine now conductor's be conscripted you know I when I was a c.e.o. In the Navy I was working down to Central South America and Colombia for instance everybody's conscripted down there and so they were kind of worthless a lot of the general troops down there great special forces but the people were just conscripted they weren't really interested to be there because they were going to get a whole lot out of it I mean if the government got involved with health care to the extent that these leftists want in the Democrat Party does that mean that doctors are conscripted. Well we are moving in that direction for sure there's a very clear article that was written actually was penned back in 1989 by the late Senator Kennedy Ted Kennedy from Massachusetts when he was vying for the nomination for the Democrat Party against an incumbent president Jimmy Carter and he penned it and his solution to that healthcare crisis at that time and it seems like we're in a perpetual crisis for health care it's really a power grab his solution was essentially to conscript all physicians in the country to tighten their licensure to practice in every state with an obligation to do it the way to the federal government was going to do it that they would essentially become federal employees once that happens there is no boundary no place to go there is no limit to which the government can say to an individual in a country you have to do it our way and they become essentially the physicians the overlords of our health care so yeah they can absolutely Jonathan they can move in that direction there is going to or is a legislature should currently in the house in some of these bills now for Medicare for all in various forms that would actually remove the church amendment that would allow conscientious objection to certain procedures on religious grounds or moral grounds for any physician it would make it illegal for a physician to deny services is the federal government says that they have to do that and I find that to be objectionable at least and immoral frankly when you're talking about an individual doctor patient relationship do you believe I mean we do have a problem this country with people that they don't have health insurance the health insurance is you spent the 1st and foremost in a lot of ways but. Is it a manufactured problem it's been made to be worse than it actually is so they can run on these platforms. I'm going to shed a little light on this and most people don't think about it this way because it's so complex but I mean to do my best to answer that question yes it is it is manufactured but. By our own fault and and as a physician in the health care community I take responsibility to help my colleagues do we have we have essentially lost control of our industry and in some cases just given it up to other agencies federal and private So so here's what I would say it is a crisis in the sense that everybody including the federal government private insurance companies physicians and patients are trying to grasp ahold of how to get affordable health care we start with 3 things I think Jonathan one we need more physicians in this country every year there are more physicians that graduate from medical school and that get imported essentially from other countries but it's not nearly kept up at the pace of population growth so we are falling way behind in being able to provide care so even if you come up with a Medicare for all strategy Jonathan if you pay for it and you still can't find it what's the difference you're still not going to get the health care that you need so we need to address that at a global level I will take a decade to fix my mother to solutions are simple total transparency every physician every hospital has to publish cash pay and competition fully what they would charge for every procedure every office visit 2nd component is every 3rd party payer private and public Medicare and the private health insurance companies per county tell everybody in the world what you're going to reimburse to go for a doctor's office now we can tell you if you're a good health insurance company that good healthy competition across state lines let me tell you that competition will drive prices down and drive the quality of services up for every individual Now we don't have middlemen we have a doctor patient relationship that will work much better that you don't think that the price of drugs or the price of health care should be regular regulated you think that the market should be. More watered with good doctors that you know what they're going to charge so the like everything else when you look at you know you're going to go buy food you know there's cheaper Here's the going to go over there. Well let me be clear that I think there's a role for regulation in the health care industry certainly safety issues fairness overall the patients we need that type of regulation but we don't need regulation in that use emanation room we don't need regulations for somebody to tell me Look if I'm ordering 6 M.R.I.'s per month I'm getting penalize $285.00 that would be absolutely immoral to do because it pits my own financial interests with the interest of it of a patient and you just can't regulate health care in that regard right as far as the pharmaceutical industry is concerned there's no question that drugs are far too expensive when we when we include benefits that go through 3rd party payers there's a huge black box in there sure there's a there's a there's a. A confusion about where the the monies are going that I'm paying at the pharmacy and where monies are coming from the pharmacy going up to the manufacturers of pharmaceutical companies so if we just make it simple and easy and cut down for example to the patent length or open up the possibility that patents can't be extended for subtle reasons like a subtle change in an addition of a 2nd medication we can open up far better competition and drive prices down throughout the country and I think that's possible to do if you told me that while the pharmacy is when they make a drug for every drug that comes out there's several failures and what we end up paying for those failures for they it takes about $15000000.00 Jonathan for a pharmaceutical company to bring a drug from can from inception to market and there are many studies takes almost 11 years on average for that to happen so clearly it takes an extraordinary amount of time effort and money to do that and sometimes they'll come out with maybe $3050.00 maybe 80 drugs that are worthless and one drug that will make them $300000000000.00 in their profits Wow So somewhere in between there's a happy medium to keep the fairness. Of the pharmaceutical companies doing cutting edge research where all the countries of the world are looking toward our researchers in this country to do their job and make medicine move forward and and providing those medications at an affordable level and I'll say one more thing about that in my experience is that when I call a pharmaceutical company and I've done it dozens of times and said look I have a patient that just can't afford it they either have insurance that won't cover it or they don't have any insurance at all what can we do in every case dozens of times they have provided weeks and months and sometimes years of these medications at no cost to the patient so it's not necessarily that they can't get their drugs what patients need Are they need advocates those who will actually go out for them fight for them to get the services and the products that they need for health care so I got to take a break here just want to ask you one quick question for the for the liberals that are out there listening how do they how do they educate themselves on the realities because when they're the people that they're listening to the politicians that are telling that this stuff is great how do they figure out what you know I mean how do they figure out the reality of socialized medicine. And Jonathan's going to ask you do you do have liberals that are listening to your show and they are are Yarrow drugs. Ok well good well I'm glad they are what I would say what I would say is it's very simple if you we look toward the federal government to answer our problems it's an it's an absolute endless race and you won't get what's promised Ronald Reagan said it clearly one of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine he said it's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project and most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can't afford it so we can't act based on emotion we have to act based on facts gotcha that's the key to making sure health care is stable you know that's the brown the weapon always goes off of emotion. Hey listen I can't thank you no for coming on Dr Michael Wu greenie you can find him what your website doctor website is w w w dot summit peas but I thought you got it direct access medicine that's what he's talking about folks will be right back thank you very much Dr this is John of the Gil I'm filling in for my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity radio show make sure as you scare are the news that you're going over Jonathan t. Gilliam dot com you will be amazed at what we've put together the team here is amazing and it's it is really a place where you can go and get the inside scoop from people who've actually like myself who've actually worked in these federal agencies will be right back. A dead guy like a good fake news says. Erica. Hill forget you can listen to your radio. All right don't be fooled by the imitators just like the fake news media you know there are people out there that are trying to copy would my good friends Brian and Karen at Lone Star transfer have been doing successfully to help people get out of their timeshare Now Karen and their son Tyler Well they take the time to handle all of these cases if in fact you bought a timeshare you get all the extra personal help you would want and need and by the way you're not going to be outsourced to an impersonal phone bank their only goal is to help relieve you of the financial burden of a timeshare that you don't use now people tell me all the time hey thanks for telling me about Lone Star transfer they are great and they are lone star transfer dot com Don't leave this unwanted problem of a timeshare for your kids call my friends Karen and Brian now just simply dial pound to 50 on your mobile phone keyword timeshare or their website Lone Star transfer dot com It's John belong to the Law Offices of sin your Timberlake elite attorney Bartz inured is here with me answering listener questions and Phyllis from Newmarket says her mom is in a nursing home and was recently diagnosed with dementia she can't walk well on her own and keeps falling so is there anything she can do to make the nursing home do more to keep her safe absolutely state and federal regulations require nursing homes to put in place precautions for those who are at risk of falling like her mother there are several things they can do like putting her bed in the lowest position putting a mat on the floor having a call light in reach a better alarms and better she needs to be an advocate for her mother and while nursing homes try to do a good job sometimes they're understaffed and don't take all the steps that are necessary to protect someone from falling go talk with the nurses there and make sure all of the precautions that can be put in place are put into place Ok thank you call Bart or 30 s. 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Ever wonder why Europeans speak so many languages is it because they use Babel The number one selling language learning app in Europe babbles 10 to 15 minute lessons in award winning technology can have you speaking Spanish French or German Within weeks I always thought I was bad at languages but after using Babel I can tell you I was just taught the wrong way for a limited time try to babble for as low as $350.00 a month and get a whole Europe on limited access that's be a b b e l dot com and select your language. Welcome to lighten up with Ken Davis brought to you by Compassion International releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name like no it was a moment to brighten your day and encourage your faith in Christ a Dr West Stafford of behalf of compassion inviting you to take the pressure off as author speaker and comedian Ken Davis gives new perspective to the term lighten up . My mom used to have a piece of cooking equipment called a pressure cooker whatever meal was to be cooked was put into this pot the long with water then they put a lid on the top and the pan would be heated on a stove as the pressure increased in the pan a valve on the top would start to whistle and then the valve would begin to dance as the steam made a start ringing hissing escape releasing pressure from the pan as long as the pan was under pressure the meal inside usually roast beef could not be enjoyed same thing in life I remember my parents saying things like that guy works in a pressure cooker Unfortunately we often miss out on the joy of life because we create our own pressure cooker noisy rushed deadline driven lives that hits and stutter through the day I want to encourage you to find a way to release that pressure and enjoy the feast God has for you occasional pressure's a good thing it's not stress that kills us it's unrelenting distress Jesus said Come to me when you're under pressure I will release the steam and let you rest that's my translation the Lord had so much to do but he didn't do it all in one day what makes you think you have to relax lighten up and live. This is been lighting up with Ken Davis this program is made possible by Compassion International please visit us on the web at compassion dot com I'm Dr West Stafford on behalf of compassion encouraging you to lighten up thanks for listening. And see one of the coastlines for another few days $11.00 to $2.00. 1102.5 f.m. . This is John that you are back in for Sean Hannity Sean Hannity radio show I will be getting your calls here in just a bit 809 for one. 173-268-0941 shot and you know there's a few things here in the news these headlines that are coming out right now for one thing they're saying that there's a disaster see 14 says dead after a nuclear powered sub catches fire that's a Russian nuclear sub is it not and also the. The Border Patrol guys are just hammering a o c And they need to keep doing that folks and we'll be right back. 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Ever wonder why Europeans speak so many languages is it because they use Babel The number one selling language learning app in Europe 10 to 15 minute lessons in award winning technology can have you speaking Spanish French or German Within weeks I always thought I was bad at languages but after using Babel I can tell you I was just taught the wrong way for a limited time try babble for as low as $350.00 a month and get a whole year of unlimited access that's be a b b e l dot com and select your language Sean Hannity continues after Fox News on w.b. H.b.o. And Bill w h o s Decatur and w d r m f m h d 2 Decatur and i Heart Radio station. A new American flag controversy over issue on Lisa Brady Fox News Nike just out with a statement explaining why it stopped distribution of a 4th of Julys sneaker with the Betsy Ross flag saying it was based on concern that it could unintentionally offend and detract from the nation's patriotic holiday so Quarterback best known for starting the national anthem kneeling at protests the jury still out in San Diego at the war crimes trial of a Navy Seal chief in its 2nd day of deliberation a jury of 5 Marines and 2 Navy men are going through weeks of testimony from a.b.c. Who say they saw a seal Chief Eddie Gallagher kill or capture terror suspect in Iraq in 2017 I'm testimony from an Iraqi general who said he didn't and another seal who said that he killed the ISIS fighter and a case where a military judge tossed the lead prosecutor illegally spying on defense e-mails President Trump has also indicated a possible pardon in this and other war crimes cases Fox's Jeff Manassero. 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