Geisha into alleged wiretapping of Trump Tower now Congress wants to see the evidence the House Intelligence Committee has asked the White House to provide any evidence of this alleged wiretapping by Monday but today on A.B.C.'s This Week the top Democrat on that committee Congressman Adam Schiff says he doesn't think that the White House is going to comply with that request I don't expect we're going to see any evidence of this and it's not just Democrats Republicans have also been very critical of President Trump on this issue in fact just today on C.N.N.'s State of the Union Republican Senator John McCain said there's 0 need for Congress to investigate these wiretapping allegations Senator McCain says President Trump should either retract his claim or provide evidence to both Congress and the public to back up that claim because Kristen Fischer trope administration officials and some Republican lawmakers downplaying the impact of the upcoming Congressional Budget Office report on the G.O.P.'s replacement health care plan California Congressman Darrell ISIS says the report will likely say that some people will lose coverage yes there will be perhaps 15000000 people who will be have some change it won't be anyone on Medicare it won't be the truly poor the classic Medicaid but it will be people in between who may receive a credit but have to come out of their pocket a little more other lawmakers in advance of a c b o scoring of the bill pointing out that group has miscalculated before on complex legislation and unusual tragedy in Ethiopia at least $46.00 people are dead several dozen missing after a mountain of trash gave way in a massive garbage dump on the outskirts of the capital city of August Obama most of the dead women and children not clear what caused the collapse which buried several makeshift homes and some concrete buildings as well at least 34 people are dead after an horrific accident in Haiti a passenger bus plowed into people taking part in an early morning street festival you're listening to Fox News Radio very unbalanced. Unexpected reactions to smart financial decisions brought to you by Feed the big dot org Well I finally did it my student loan is totally paid off I can't believe it I can't believe it either I paid more than the minimum each month and soon enough it was gone so you're just giving up giving up on what the life of luxury Egyptian cotton caviar Thursday's designer everything whether you're talking about our plan or what happened to winning the lottery in mastering the art of the perfect Mosa posting galahs wearing enough jewelry to require a bodyguard make a showing in the French Riviera and then buying it I just thought maybe it was time to prepare for my future you know set some financial goals make some smart investments open up for a one k. Financial goals invest for I want to. Are if I am right now listen if winning the lottery were easy everyone would do it when it comes to financial stability don't get left behind good tools and tips for saving at feed the big dot org This message brought to you by the American Institute of C.P.A.'s on the I've got the bigger picture I'm Bob Parsons with the discovery files from the National Science Foundation ever use the panorama setting on a smartphone camera the one that takes those really wide pics it's actually taking several regular pictures as you sweep across a scene and connecting them together our brain is like the best ever panoramic view generated neuroscientists at mit have found that there are 2 specific regions of the brain that help stitch multiple memories into one large visual landscape volunteers in their study done virtual reality headset to view images of Boston street corners half the time in one wide linked together panorama the rest of the time is to unlink demijohn is then they were shown pairs of images and ask if the 2 were from the same street corner turns out they did much better when they had originally viewed the 2 scenes length in a panorama of than when they had been shown them unlinked brain scans showed that when volunteers viewed images they knew the. The responses in 2 parts of the brain were similar not the case with the image pairs there were originally shown on one picture the street you grew up on you seeing multiple memories of your surroundings merged together reduced seamless experience with the help with 2 regions of your brain the old neighborhood ways I don't remember that tires me how did that get there for the discovery files. On the store shelves when they shop but soon those shelves may be scheming you to serve highly personalized ads to Katherine Albrecht and I'll have details on the latest creepy marketing scheme in a moment your search engine is watching you recording all your searches and creating a massive database of your personal information that's creepy but it doesn't have to be that way Start Page dot com is the world's most private search engine start page doesn't store your IP address make a record of your searches or use tracking cookies and their 3rd party certified if you don't like big brother spying on you start over with Start Page great search results and total privacy Start Page dot com the world's most private search engine Hey Mike your birthday is coming in we know you love Rocky Road so indulge yourself . With the billboards new who you weren't what you liked it may soon be a reality through facial recognition technology scanners in store displays will snap your photo and transmit your facial map to a computer the database will instantly identify you and your buying habits it's more than just science fiction craft foods and Adidas are testing it and the Venetian Resort in Vegas is already using it to profile people maybe it's time for some clown noses and floppy hats Dr Katherine Albrecht more news and information at Katherine Albrecht dot com. You're listening to 81230 w b h p the Phillies. By Really counting on the great American coming on the air of course the big news across the country now is that global warming is about to strike the east coast big time on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday look at the Drudge Report when a revenge blizzard watch New York City and Boston thank God I'm not going to New York City every week they're going to have to 2 feet of snow and 50 to 60 mile per hour winds and more but great show plan I've been trying to get Sheriff David Clark on for a while from Milwaukee County's going to be here and and the last hour he's written a new book cop under fire moving forward beyond the hashtags of race crime politics for a better America and the information more information came out tonight c.n.n. The concocted news network about Michael Brown who was the hoodlum and Ferguson that sparked the the protests that resulted in a few people being shot and hundreds of millions of dollars worth of damage and the big news on c.n.n. Was that 12 hours before he committed a strong arm robbery in that convenience store he was in that convenience store 12 hours at a time conveying or selling or giving marijuana an exchange for Tip arose and somehow this was hidden information at the Ferguson Missouri police. Didn't make public as if it made a difference and as share of Clark will tell you Michael Brown was not killed because he was black he wasn't killed because he was a criminal he wasn't killed because he was smoking marijuana high on whatever he wasn't killed because he pushed the clerk he was killed because he tried to murder a police officer named Aaron Wilson clear. Unequivocal evidence showed that the story of Baron Wilson the police officer that Michael Brown went inside the police car struggled for the for the service weapon discharged inside the car with Michael Brown's blood and Officer Wilson's blood in the car present and the fact that he ran away from a distance of about 30 yards then ran back toward the cop for reasons inexplicable is the reason he was killed in fact the evidence indicated that because the blood drops were elliptical you could you could even demonstrate objectively through evidence that he was running at the time he was shot in the front not the back Hands Up Don't Shoot was a lie and who said that well Barack Obama's f.b.i. Said that and Eric Holder said that this wasn't Jeff Sessions saying this so the reason Michael Brown was killed is because he was trying to murder a police officer inside his police car this other stuff doesn't amount to a hill of beans doesn't matter if I if Bill Cunningham wrestled with a cop inside his car to get his gun to kill him in the process I am killed the shooting is justifiable because of my behavior not because of my age my sex my race my religion or whatever it was but the media the leftwing media will keep looking for reasons to crucify cops at the hands of those who want to crucify them so I'm going to have to have a Clarke on to talk about that and more plus Today begins the 2nd half of a Trump's 1st $100.00 days. And they have a he's been in office now 51 days how eventful has the 1st 51 just a little over 7 weeks it's unbelievable what's happening. When you think about it the main promises he made the big things taxes Obamacare and jobs and I think all of them are somewhat incomplete except the jobs report on Friday had 265000 jobs which are pretty good but on the tax fraud which is critically important which is causing the run up of the stock market all the tax changes are to be determined I don't like hearing McConnell say a few times that may have to wait August September October whatever bad news Obamacare is ongoing jobs I give Trump an a on jobs Obamacare step back from the whole thing 7 years ago the Democrats had 20 to 30000000 Americans who did not have medical insurance of any type who generally had lots of health problems and they had little or no money so what they did was put the 30000000 Americans without insurance into the pool with those of us who have employer based policies I don't know about you but I have an employer based policy which is something almost 200000000 Americans have and the premiums at that point for a family of 4 or something in the range of a $1000.00 to $1500.00 a month the doctor bills are acceptable co-pays are Ok but when you take $30000000.00 Americans who pay nothing into the insurance pools and dump them into the bay with everyone else what's going to happen to the premiums paid by employer based plans they're going to skyrocket up because you've got to pay for yourself and your husband your wife your kids you also have to pay for $30000000.00 more who don't pay anything now can we understand why premiums have skyrocketed in some states doubled and why deductibles might be $456000.00 and co-pays are through the roof it's because if you have an employer based insurance plan. You're paying for yourself in your family but you're also paying a small part of $30000000.00 Americans with lots of health care problems that pay nothing of course your premiums are going to go up and this is a swamp that the Republicans now find themselves in because as soon as they say look we cannot provide all medical care and all mental services and all drug addicted services all of the time to everybody err respective of your ability to pay there's going to be 20 to 30000000 Americans without insurance who in the past went to the e.r. Infrequently but now they have they think they have coverage but really they don't because so many are not taking Medicare Medicaid patients so many aren't taken Obama Care patients there's no more doctors now than there ever were there's no more hospitals no more easy R.'s 30000000 people in the system so you're going to anger those individuals and if you don't do something on Obamacare when you promise to do it you're going to anger a whole bunch of Republican primary voters who want something done with Obamacare so at the end of the day the Republicans now have complete control they've got the presidency they've got the House they've got the Senate and they're fighting like crazy and I pray to God The House plan does not become the repeal and replacing of Obamacare it would be a disaster you have to listen to people like Rand Paul and Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas those guys know what they're talking about if the House plan is implemented the Democrats will control the House and the Senate in 2 years all of the judicial appointees are going to be screwed up. And then Trump will be a one term president because you can't reform the medical system in this country the way the Republicans in the House want to do it because it will not work. Somehow somebody has got to say we can afford it for example let's compare it to a car insurance. Someone that buys a car insurance is rated based upon their experiences and based upon their age and their driving record I would think an 18 year old boy young man pays a lot more in insurance than a 55 year old female who has no record I would think someone with several DUIs ought to pay more for insurance than someone that doesn't drink at all and has no previous driving record and so we have a car insurance system based upon experience that is Who are you what your driving record and what's the likelihood of there being a big claim made we have to have an insurance system medically that says to individuals who have profound health problems pay by what you can we will keep you comfortable but we cannot afford all care for all Americans all the time no matter what because we're going bankrupt it is a matter of choice we don't have the money Medicare Medicaid right now is about $750000000000.00 and the costs are skyrocketing we can't afford it. Politicians have a hard time saying that saying we can't afford it but fact the matter is we can't afford it and the end course Obamacare added on 26 and they had it on and pray 16 conditions imagine if they passed a law with car insurance companies that you can't consider someone's preexisting record when setting a premium everyone's got to pay the same thing irrespective of their risk. Well in that case the premiums of people like me what skyrocket upward because I'll be paying for everyone else who's not paying enough to handle their risk we need the same insurance system that we have for car insurance that is what is the probability of the insurance company paying off on your claim if my producer Tater has 60 you ice should he pay the same car insurance premium as I pay when I don't drink I would say no but when it comes to medical insurance and the tater profound problems he's drug addicted he's got alcohol problems he's in this is all made up on the way he's got mental problems he's got DUI difficulties he's going to pay the same for medical insurance as I pay when I'm healthy as a horse does that make sense so the whole Obamacare premise is based upon a lie that is we all pay the same irrespective of our usage of the system and we can't have that So now the Republicans find themselves in one of 2 situations one is to do nothing and little Bamma care fail in which case they'll be tagged because they control everything or to change the system tell the 20 to 30000000 Americans who now have insurance you have to pay or else you don't have it . And which case they go nuts the media goes crazy and tag the Republican with the collapse of Obamacare either way the Republicans lose I don't know how the Republicans can win and gain from Obamacare repeal and replace I don't know how it works either way you're screwed blued tattooed barbequed so on taxes incomplete on Obamacare incomplete on jobs I give I give a trump in a other thing emigration according to media accounts there's been a 75 percent reduction in illegal immigration into America since Trump took office why because you know you don't belong here and he's going to empower the Border Patrol agents to kick him the hell out which I think is fabulous as far as the deficit we don't know about that wiretapping don't know Hannity has had on twice this week individuals who claim that there's no question that there was a fire as a warning issued against Trump Tower they've said it repeatedly which is not picked up by the rest of the media and the rest the media is waiting until March 20th which is a week from tomorrow to have Komi testify in an open session and which case we're going to find out this thing needs report to rest one way or another do I think it's possible or probable Trump was tapped Yes Is it also possible he wasn't tapped Yes but what difference does it make on taxes immigration Obamacare jobs economic growth makes no difference at all do I think Trump woke up about 8 days ago and had read Breitbart or given to him a brand new game the Breitbart story or heard about Mark Levin laying out the case for the wiretapping and then Trump probably tweet it I just found out he did not find out from the f.b.i. The CIA could have found out from Breitbart and from Mark Levin is that Ok. That's Ok with me but can we move on I want Trump to put a wooden stake in the heart of the alleged connections between Russia and the Trump campaign I want to say there was no coordination of any type because that's what Clapper is saying and on wiretapping just tell us what happened and let's move on. The line becomes available 186-664-7733 extension 7 really counting on the great American life with you every Sunday night. Live conservative talk on Sunday night it's been Ferguson I'm telling you b.h.p. . 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The Alister ligament hearing the rest probably means it's messed up even weekend warriors could rupture strains for a new terror alert the researchers at the University of Pennsylvania are trying to get a leg up on ligament injuries by studying them from a different perspective they're using what's called Network science to look at how individual college and fibers perform as a group they put human ligaments samples to the test stretching them until they tore then used the polarized light system to look for microscopic changes turns out when a group of neighboring fibers aligns itself at a different angle when the ligament is stretched it's very likely a precursor to a failure event spot many people report severe pain even when conventional scans show no visible signs of damage spotting the sub Bill your injuries at the microscopic level helps explain the pain the research could help identify areas of ligaments prone to tearing in different people and could provide new ways to treat ligament injuries kind of like an early warning system mentary my ideal Watson ligament or it but Discovery files covers projects funded in part by the government's National Science Foundation learn more at n.s.f. Dot gov How can we make our banner a more beautiful state by keeping our friends driveway schools and communities litter free it doesn't take magic to think before you act so what is the next generation saying to get up man take time to just lay there throughout the day and how can you make a difference adopt a mile join the Alabama clean campus program by joining in the spring clean up our Alabama coast to clean up and remember. Doing business by people against a letter stating a.b.a. Out in the station got a home improvement question I've got the answers join me in this Sunday at 3 here. W b h. One other thing these me taken out March the 20th is the information released from Wiki Leaks that the n.s.a. Directly and indirectly has recorded every cell phone every stroke on every i Pad every computer for the last 10 years this is something and Samsung seemingly allowed its devices to be used as a 2 way communication device that allowed Metta storage of data from almost all Americans the n.s.a. Installed in 20 away to authorize the n.s.a. To collect the electronic communications of 9 u.s. Persons who are reasonably believed to be outside the country of course inevitably This collects data on Americans as well if they happen to be communicating with the agent and so at the end of 2017 the end of this year that Congress has to say yea or nay to continue to metadata every telephone call every e-mail made by every American all over the country how is that possible how's that not a violation of our rights under the 4th Amendment of course the n.s.a. Does not make public the fact that they've done this even though Clapper lied about it 4 or 5 years ago it's apparent that some metadata collection center in Colorado has stored every phone call every e-mail every stroke on every computer for the last 10 years and there's keywords used to ferret up those informations that may prove to be important down the road but I don't like it don't you feel when you make a cell phone call you have an expectation of privacy in one sense or another or send an e-mail to your husband your wife to your kids that somehow there's an expectation of privacy but in reality there is not. And so when the media has a conniption fit hysterical hair on fire how I dare Trump to say that somehow there was wiretapping going on in Trump Tower reminds me of the reminiscence of a piano player on the 1st floor of a horror house in New Orleans not knowing what's happening on the 2nd floor of course almost everything is tapped in one sense or another all over this country and it's got to stop now did Trump learn that from Mark Levin and Breitbart or did he learn it from someone in the intelligence industry I don't know but do I believe it happened absolutely absolutely and maybe if it's a foreign power it should be happening there's no reason the surge a kids play act who's the Russian ambassador to America should not intice a paid everything he does is going to be wiretapped and I would have to think that Michael Flynn the national security advisor because he headed up the Defense Intelligence Agency d.i.i. For so many years didn't Flynn know that whenever he communicated with kids Lee AK that it was tapped in Flint is that stupid not to know that he shouldn't be the national security advisor. I mean if you're Michael Flynn and you're a 4 star general and for 2 years you were in charge of all intelligence for the Defense Department Don't you know that everything this surge a kid's layout does the Russian ambassador is tapped one way or another so you should know whenever I communicate with him it's known by security officials at the highest level as to what I said what I didn't say how I said it the inflection of my voice any information I gave him Flynn should know is now a matter of public record right and wasn't flan spending a lot of time inside Trump Tower so if there was a literal transcript made of conversations between Flynn and Kislyak that came from the Trump Tower doesn't that mean that somebody was wiretapping the Trump Tower Of course it does and if the president makes a private telephone call to the leaders of Mexico and Australia and within about 2 days of doing so the transcript of the telephone call is on the front page of The Washington Post How is that possible. It's the it's the all left's secret government inside the government of the United States recording these things and selectively breaching committing felonies to make Trump look bad and each time he had a telephone call with the Mexican and then the Australian bastard or it came back boomerang to make Trump look bad the media would never say felonies were committed by doing these things there's an element of the shadow government of the United States of America 1000 strong who've been there for year after year under Obama that wants to make Trump look bad and the other thing going on. Is that 95 percent of the contributions from the secretary of state's office and from the attorney general's office went to Hillary Clinton they do not wish Trump Well so of course he needs to fire all everyone of the Obama holdovers if they haven't done it already this week they got to go he's got to establish his own government of loyalists who want to have the policies imposed upon America that trump promised what happened Trump made certain promises keep the darn promises Let's continue going to write your cause you have patent David many others we have 2 lines open if you call now 186664773378666477337 coming up later will be a share of David Clarke of Wisconsin counting also Brian Alexander the wrote a book called Glass House as to how the small town America why did small town America vote for Donald Trump also later on as Greg of the Ohio State University talking about Trump's claims that he was wiretapped and more once again of the line becomes available 866-647-7337 Bill Cunningham a great American life with you Evarist. Fox News Radio line Jan Metzler Arizona Republican Senator John McCain calling for a thorough investigation into the president's claims he was wiretapped by his predecessor I think the president as one of 2 choices either retract or to provide the information that the American people deserve because if his predecessor violated the law President Obama violated the law of we've got a serious issue here to say the least Senator McCain on C.N.N.'s State of the Union prices higher at the pump gasoline prices continued edging up in the past 2 weeks this time $0.02 to an average to $35.00 for regular great industry analyst Robey Lundberg parts of the East Coast bracing for a blizzard up to 2 feet of snow and 50 mile per hour winds forecast from New York to New England starting tomorrow evening Fox news we report you decide. Well oiled machine I'm Bob Corson with the discovery files new advances in science and engineering from the Mashable Science Foundation. And stepped up to the rest of the oil bacteria that showed up in droves right after the b.p. Deepwater Horizon oil spill and extremely efficient cleanup crew it doubly good could the Gulf they're not just mindlessly much researchers found there's a genetic potential for each type of microbes to do certain jobs the team not only isolated the key players they've cracked the genetic code giving us a better understanding of how these various bacteria are able to work so well with concert with each other to lap up a spill there around $1000.00 chemical compounds in a single drop of oil to these naturally occurring muck mud. Microbes that mean something on the menu for everyone and some even have a taste for other chemical cocktails including the agents humans used to try to clean up and curtail little oil spill those are called dispersants and it could potentially interfere with the natural oily bacteria understanding the genetic programming of these microbial cleanup crews put all those create better dispersants and improve our handling of future oil soaked Veyron middle catastrophes and I don't mean my garage floor the discovery files covers projects funded in part by the government stash of the Science Foundation more n.s.f. Dog. Owners expansion am in Raleigh North Carolina has the bug fast but you won't find a way to care food festival down the road kill him Arlington West Virginia Cameron Albrecht back with these stunning churning details in a moment privacy is under attack when you give up data about yourself you'll never get it back again and once your privacy is gone you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too so protect your rights say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself privacy it's worth hanging on to this message is brought to you by Start Page dot com The private search engine alternatives to Google Yahoo and being start over with start page. Accidentally hitting an animal on the road can make you feel dreadful but in Marlton West Virginia road kill actually gets cooked and celebrated at the ne Will road kill cookoff an autumn harvest festival competitors serve up Fender fare ranging from rabbit raccoon in possum to armadillo alligator in groundhog Fortunately for the queasy dishes served in the competition don't have to be actual road kill just animals commonly found by the side of the road points are awarded for taste originality and showmanship but as the judges note points will be deducted for every chipped tooth resulting from gravel not removed Dr Catherine Albright 1st started. The world's most prolific search engine . W b h p is available everywhere you want to listen free i Heart Radio and download it now. And if you sell the Communist News Network tonight did a segment on new startling revelations about Michael Brown who was the 18 year old man killed while trying to kill Police Officer Darren Wilson and was the startling revelations was that about 11 to 12 hours in the same convenience store Michael Brown was taped selling or conveying marijuana to a clerk and that somehow 12 hours later he was not really stealing anything but getting back his own property so somehow Michael Brown who was supposed to be in high school at the age of 18 was a small level drug dealer that somehow the Ferguson Place wanted to keep that secret from from the public consciousness as if that was a salient fact are you kidding me Michael Brown was killed because he tried to kill Officer Darren Wilson and his story let's continue got David and then calls from New York Tennessee Georgia Montana not too many from Montana Tater that's somewhat unusual let's continue with David from the great state of Ohio David go ahead. You know is that a good good. But Ok I'm going to talk about my proud I want to call but I just want to briefly say that because a lot of times you talk bad about John chase it and our governor and you're kind of not in court with that I think these are great so I'm going to beat that she was question trying to get everybody 'd health care and I just want the John I can't say it's. You know we have a disagreement. How do you pay how do you pay for $30000000.00. Americans that have no ability to pay and they're part of Obamacare they now have an insurance card and suddenly the cost of $180000000.00 Americans who get insurance from their employer has skyrocketing beyond our ability to pay because 30000000 are in it there's always somebody who paid I mean if this was an easy problem it would have been solved a long time ago I'm not against John k. Sick in the sense that I don't like his attacks on Trump I don't think they're helpful but nonetheless I think what the Republicans are doing now in the House will not politically succeed nor will it succeed in the insurance markets because insurance companies are saying look we can't charge everybody the same amount of money irrespective of the risk if we did that in the insurance industry in cars you'd be paying a lot more for car insurance because you'll be paying for everyone who's committing accidents and having to you wise but David it be nice to say yeah we got to do these things these are extremely difficult extremely difficult and I don't know we had a pretty good medical insurance system of horrible Macare and those who didn't have any insurance went to the e.r. And it was paid through Medicaid very often now because of the exchanges that we have great government involvement screwing up the insurance system and at the end of the day we're going to all of us are going to pay for those who don't pay we did it indirectly now we're doing it directly that's my only comment. Or what I mean it's Talk of the proper everything's going to be a little tweak and I describe i Meet the Press they say that they're looking at how he would get a pretty good job keeping it all down the Medicaid expansion and try to think about looking at him. As. A model maybe well you know David the reason Medicaid costs may not go up is they're going to begin not covering events that means if you're over 55 you'll get no hip replacement if you're over 60 you get no aortic valve replacement the way to you know we can't just print money and then the way to hold down Medicaid expenses is to not cover insurance or cost associated with drug treatment or our or insanity with mental difficulties that's the way to do it it's done one way or another there's no such thing as a free lunch and we're cutting way through to 25000000 people everybody can always in every circumstance get everything paid for Otherwise you're bankrupt. No I think I understand what you're saying but. And listen more but let me just talk about Mike Brown people are saying that and you're saying that he was trying to kill the police you know he did certain. What I think happened induce the let me speak if it's Ok. People think that he started beating on a police officer right there reached at the police officers gone yeah and that they were struggling to keep some shadow of it's been a robber I remember going to see in his interview with George Stephanopoulos a split we speak Ok and the way he described it sort of off of the thing about I want you to check in on you to Ok when you have a chance the way he described it in a police officer messed up and I think all the truth of what happened to Michael but I was beaten around him and the police officer reach for him and that he had every right to do that and we did that to him my crown based on the struggle and put the gun and the police officers shot him No you didn't shoot and then at that point the struggles took place a shot was fired inside the police car because of the nitrates on the door and the blood splatter evidence inside and then Darren Wilson said when the shot was fired and and he was hit Michael Brown was said he ran about 30 yards away he said I was still in my police car and at this point I'm struggling to get out of my police car I get out of my car I watch Michael Brown used about 30 yards away turn and run toward me at that point I had to I told him I do I had my gun out and I told him to stop stop he did not stop and that's when the officer fired and the reason we know that happened is not what Darren Wilson said. The blood splatter evidence and the elliptical character of the blood drops indicate the point at which Michael Brown stopped the blood came off his hand and it was circular which means he was stationary and then as he ran toward the police officer according to the f.b.i. They had blood splatter evidence with the elliptical nature of the drops of blood pointing toward where the guy was running if they think of Michael Brown running you don't run with your hands at your side you pump your hands and because of blood splatter evidence which could not be concocted by Deron Wilson it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything Derren Wilson said happened happened because of forensics and everything the crowd said happened did not occur and so they could just disregard Aaron Wilson's words completely just look I don't. Think he sets up an incident in this regard in my room in our career David what you do in a criminal case is see if what they officer says matches up to the objective evidence and in this case it matched up so when the officer said I was in my car he reached in and he grabbed for my gun I reached for my gun we struggled inside the police car a shot was fired it hit Michael Brown in the hand there was evidence from the nitrates and the blood splatter evidence inside the car that that did happen there . But that's not it but you said that Michael Brown tried to kill him not sure that Michael Brown didn't try to kill him that's right. Keep him Michael Brown but he had every day but why was Michael why was Michael Brown half way inside the police car what was his what was his motive what was his goal and why would a gentleman that size get inside of a police car What's his goal can I answer I don't know if I can shoot you what's makes sense. To me that the police officer. Not now when you're inside a police car and you're physically punching the cop which he didn't do and the officer has the right has the duty to get out his service revolver to defend himself and when he did that's when Michael Brown grabbed it they struggled over the gun and Brown was shot No At that point Brown had a choice he could have stayed there and submitted to an arrest or he could have just ran away but for some unknown reason he stopped and ran back toward the cop that's that's what the f.b.i. Found and everything that they're in Wilson said that the 1st interview which he didn't know what the blood splatter reverends evidence was going to show 2 months later I had no idea blood splatter evidence it what he said within an hour was true what he said the next day to Ferguson Place was true and what he said to the f.b.i. a Month later everything lined up to the blood splatter evidence and the nitrate distribution inside the car and so when you have the objective evidence provable that proves Darren Wilson was telling the truth the case is over and so are you let's continue we have Pat in New York Pat in New York welcome to the Bill Cunningham show Pat please go ahead and say How are you good Pat could the n o 5 in the herd the way this new situation in Ferguson itself so anyway i love you other comments are on target tonight I agree with the health insurance thing I have friends who are you know well insured under their employer's health care and they go to a doctor for every 2 Nephilim not a green Thank you should that we should get credit for not knowing the doctor and you know for every time that we get a sniffle or that's Health Savings Account h s A's will do that yeah Ok anyway so that's a cool. Thing that you touched on earlier I don't I don't feel that you can be credited with the jobs numbers for this month I can't I do feel that that in the stock market is real that people sure are feeling some. That thing I voted for. I'm registered independent I voted for John because I just couldn't stand the thought of you know what would have happened if Hillary had made more money because it would be worse a nightmare then and now so I guess in order to keep it brief so I will get a chance I would like to know like he hear this thing like say the wiretapping now wiretapping compared to a place that Warren is a much to you know a different thing or whatever so these kind of tweets in the sense but what my big point is is that by but tween the new movie out it's because if you listen to Fox tuned Yeah right but work and write and whatnot it's seen via 1st sure that Obama is you know a felon criminal and if you listen to the mainstream enough it comes out and you know that you know Trump could be you know held you know for liable and when I feel I guess the big thing to me is that that divide and how do we bridge just divide and get if contrary to give There are. Left and laughing right is right in right is right and wrong is wrong it's just crazy because we're going nowhere we're just spending our hero apparently that's why at some point on March the 20th Komi according to media accounts so I can believe the media is going to testify in open session saying whether or not there was any legal wiretapping going on and he's also going to testify about any Trump Russian connections Oh by the way the London Times is reporting today this morning Sunday that there were many meetings which way to Hillary Clinton and her people and Russian officials also not covered by the mainstream media but Pat to get back to your point I watch Hannity or Reilly almost every night and I watch c.n.n. Every night I'm watching Hannity 2 nights in a row he's got 2 reporters on that are reporting that there were 5 so warrants requested in June and issued in October along. With other warrants and then I'm watching c.n.n. And I'm finding out there could not have been any warrants issued by anybody so I'm watching this I need somebody and maybe it's Komi on the 20th to say this is what happened and that that's the best we got that there was a new valid because they had the senior fellow and his 2 male underlings who were and Hannity was you know I respond to the whole entire show and have taken and I thought in my dogs and he was hammering them till it's absolutely 100 percent true or a fact there was definitely more I think yes yes yes now I don't know what to say if I watch Hannity then I watch or Stephanopoulos It's like Venus and Mars and I don't know a trump I don't know why Trump can't call in now the heads of the CIA The n.s.a. And the d I a and say gentleman did anybody wiretap me anybody in my entire building and I'm told by those I talked to u.s. Attorney who says he's not supposed to do that because there's protocols that you can't talk to u.s. Attorneys about pending investigations it must be through the Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Komi and so when Komi testifies in 8 days maybe this thing will be put to rest on the other hand if there was a warrant issued by a Pfizer court of 3 retired federal judges to get the warrant issued you must have probable cause to believe that Trump is an agent of a foreign government or there are serious criminal activity going on to get that warrant means that somebody under oath had to say that Trump was working for the Russians now isn't that bad but on the other hand these guests said on Hannity the other night the warrant was issued and they found nothing. That means it's good so right. I don't know I'm just telling you you saw the same thing I saw. I've been an assistant attorney general and when the warrant is issued you've got to convince on an affidavit basis hard facts to a judge to get the warrant to be issued now if they have 3 federal judges on a Pfizer warrant it was issued that means they had to believe there was probable cause to believe that Trump was working with the Russians. Now when you get the warrant and you get all the e-mails and your wiretap the telephone calls after 2 months of doing this Clapper said that when he left office on January the 20th and Obama appointee there was no collaboration between the Trump campaign and Russia so you put those 2 facts together and that's good for Trump you deal with the 1st fact that's very bad you deal with the investigation he said the investigation was completed and Trump was clean that gives him a lame bill of health right now yeah I mean but again just maybe think of give me a brief moment of your opinion but when these stories get out you know so you know the last stories go out to left because you know people will listen to n.p.r. And to c.n.n. They're not going to listen to Fox or turn on you know when you have Limbaugh and and Hannity and O'Reilly and others by far you say nice things people believe this stuff and there and then they'd say it one to one pet cat in front of that bag people hold on to think and believe that but we've got to get over that and beyond that in order to bring this country together because we're just becoming a laughing stock you're making sense one of my few callers that makes sense at the end of the day we need an object of news media objective the truth I do not believe we get the truth from c.b.s. N.b.c. A.b.c. New York Times and Washington Post is an American and much more likely to believe the Drudge Report or Newsmax or Breitbart or Hannity I believe Levin a lot more than I believe Stephanopoulos Let's continue the line becomes available 866-647-7337 bill coming on the great American lie with you every Sunday night. As that's fair and balanced we are your source it's news radio. 1230. 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Get the latest info on all the tiger scores from those most in the know every Thursday night on Tiger talk post run friendly We'll take you inside often athletics for the real inside story and give you a chance to call and ask about what's on your mind to go inside the locker room and behind the headlines with Tiger talk Thursday night at 8 brought to you in part by Tennessee Valley fans on the Valley's big talker 81230 w.b. H.p. Class act I'm Bob Carson with the discovery files from the National Science Foundation there are fewer women than men in the lucrative computer science and technology industries a new study out of the University of Washington proposes that one of the reasons may be that in high school females saw computer science classrooms as geeky and unlucky me 2 classrooms that reek of geek chic be alienating young girls the researchers polled 27014 through 18 year olds the students answered questions about their interest in taking a computer science class their sense of belonging in one and whether they felt they fit the computer science stereotype they were shown images of 2 different computer science classrooms one that featured the geek motif including Star Trek posters and computer parts and another decorated in a non-stereotypical way with art nature pictures and plants when asked girls were almost 3 times more likely to say they'd be interested in unrolling in a computer science class if the classroom were decorated in a non geeky way for boys interest was not affected by the way the classroom blocked the researchers say stereotypes make girls feel they don't fit with computer science and the changing classroom design could increase interest for girls and alternately bring more of them into the computer science field has Martha Stewart would say it's a good thing go to n.s.f. Dot gov with the discovery files I'm Bob Carson can't you it's me John Hart he sent me. He's gotta talk high blood pressure is serious and yours whoa what happened to us we used to be so much more active but lately you've been ignoring me I know you think I'm just going to keep taken away for ever at your home you can do so much more to control your high blood pressure doing the minimum isn't doing enough and under a lot of pressure and can quit whenever I want you to know that but I like my job just treat me better check on me give me something green to nibble on every once in a while and maybe we can do some exercise on occasion let's get to it after all we're in this together listen to your heart don't let it put on you blood pressure can lead to a stroke heart attack or death get your blood pressure to a healthy range before it's too late for help keeping yours at a healthy range text pressure 297-7798 message from the American Heart Association the American Stroke Association and the ad count if you have an h.d. Radio you can hear all your favorite w.b. H.p. Shows at $102.00 h.d. 2. What are the most scary stuff that came out this week from Wiki Leaks and the gates of the CIA In other words our government converts our devices into cyber weapons to be used against us without our permission without a warrant and the last 10 years what you leaks are enemies of the American people no question about it Chelsea Manning is a traitor and Edward Snowden is a traitor and a songe is not an American but he is subject to our espionage when he commits acts against America like he's done it scares the crap out of me to think that our own government is taking our cellphones our computers our i Pads It may be our i Pods and using that information against us collecting data which seemingly have done for about 9 or 10 years without our permission stored somewhere to be used against us somehow in a court of law. And that like a big story you know like every call that you make every personal call that you make to friends and family business associates every stroke on any e-mail device that you send is recorded by the United States government and stored to be used against you later in a court of law in there like a big deal that is it began with Bush was engineered by Obama and continued I guess under Trump should not be stopped shouldn't the government our own government that we pay not convert our own personal devices in a cyber attack weapons to be used against us that a Samsung phone or a t.v. Can have a 2 way aspect and record things that we're doing in our own bedroom then that and that like a big story in that bigger than what Trump tweeted out 8 days ago. I think it's a huge story how about somebody addressing that. Let's continue the line becomes available 186-664-7733 extension 7 as we continue with calls from Maine Massachusetts the great state of Oregon Georgia Montana and and Eleanor blood becomes available 866-647-7337 bill coming on the great American lie with you every Sunday night. I know a meter in my m.b.a. If I want to move up and looking for an m.b.a. That offers concentrations I want an on line m.b.a. That's top rate to establish I care about the school's reputation because I know my future employers will to thinking about earning your m.b.a. At Northeastern still more McKim School of Business we offer a 100 percent online m.b.a. 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Cut your taxes legally I'm Gerri Willis with your Fox News Radio tax tip too many people fail to take deductions they are due among them student loan interest paid by mom and dad out of pocket charitable giving even the casserole ingredients you buy for a nonprofit soup kitchen qualifies you can even deduct for job hunting costs like food and lodging expenses if you have to travel overnight during your search military reservists can deduct their travel expenses and the self-employed can deduct their Medicare premiums in short there are lots of small deductions that can add up to a big impact on your bottom line but I always advise clients is that you know if you can substantiate you have documentation for the deductions that you take or the credits that you're eligible for then you take them and you don't concern yourself with what is normal or what is the average duction rich cop is managing director of wealth health for more tax tips go to Fox News Radio dot com I'm Gerri Willis with the Fox Business Network. This is w b h b Huntsville w.h.o. West to cater. To Decatur and i Heart Radio station. Fox News Radio 5 Jack Callahan an important week ahead for the G.O.P.'s replacement head.

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